Stargate SG-1 s02e05 Episode Script


What's in the fancy box? (Teal'c) It is naqahdah.
Raw naqahdah|is highly valued by the Goa'uld.
(Carter) SG-3 brought a little|of the element back last year.
We could really use some, sir.
(O'Neill) Well, maybe there's more.
Whoa! Look.
(whispers) I wish he'd stop doing that.
She's gonna jump.
Daniel! Agh! No, wait Please.
Stay away from the princess.
It's OK.
Colonel! Tell them to lower their weapons.
They will kill him! What were you thinking? I thought she'd be grateful.
She was trying to kill herself.
On your knees! No, actually I've got this cartilage|problem, little ACL thing Agh! Yeah, that helps.
My father, Pyrus the god-slayer and ruler|of this planet, wants to know who you are.
We're explorers.
Peaceful explorers.
You attacked my daughter.
No! Tell him.
Only one of you is Jaffa.
Who sent you? Where are you from? We're from a planet called Earth.
What Goa'uld rules there? - None.
|- Liar.
You will tell me the truth or you will die.
- Put them in the mine!|- Father! No, wait! We're not thieves.
Wait! Please! (banging) Colonel, he isn't a Goa'uld.
I don't think these are real Jaffa either.
- How do you know?|- The first clue was his voice.
Yeah, I noticed that, too.
Sir, I can't really explain it,|but when he grabbed me I just knew.
I felt it or to be more accurate,|I didn't feel it.
Sir, it may have something to do with|the Goa'uld that invaded me.
Lately I get this weird feeling|when I'm near Teal'c.
Hey, who doesn't? I I can sense the presence|of a Goa'uld now.
I didn't get that feeling|when he grabbed me.
I agree with Captain Carter.
|The ruler here is not a Goa'uld.
All right, let's assume you're both right.
|How does that help us? I'm not sure.
Look, I'm really sorry, you guys.
|This is totally my fault.
You will meet your quota for the day,|or you will not eat.
You know, .
I've seen an awful lot of|union violations around here.
I should probably|speak to your supervisor.
You will work! Hi-ho, hi-ho.
Back to work.
I can't move any more.
(horn blows) Put down your tools.
How does your leg feel now? Oh, much better, thanks.
Argh! - Let's go! Let's go!|- (Teal'c) This way.
- Let's go, Daniel!|- I'm comin'! Daniel! God! - He's alive!|- Carter, Teal'c, take off.
- Sir?|- Go! (weapons on) Foolish child.
They must have been sent|by some distant, evil god.
Then they are here to raid our mine, .
and we can spare none of our naqahdah.
It grows more scarce by the day.
I know.
I will not put our world in jeopardy.
When you are gone I will have to make|these kinds of choices all the time.
Please believe in me.
(rumbling) Do you feel better? What's going on? You tried to escape.
|You were badly wounded.
- My friends?|- They were recaptured.
By what name are you called? Daniel Jackson.
May I help you out, Daniel Jackson? Thank you.
Why am I wearing this? I took the liberty of providing royal robes.
You may call me Shyla.
In return for saving your life,|please do not try and escape again.
I have taken responsibility for you.
It would also be rude of you|to try and hurt me in any way.
You do realise it's also rude to kidnap|people and chain them up in a mine.
Forgive me for not telling my father|what really happened by the cliff.
I He would not understand.
So you're not Goa'ulds,|but you're running a naqahdah mine .
and you've got yourselves|a Goa'uld sarcophagus.
You know of the sarcophagus? Yeah, I've used one before.
A couple|of times too many, if you ask me.
- Really?|- My uh Oh, you want your glass circles.
I'm afraid they were broken.
I just know I've done the right thing.
I must show you something.
(banging) - He needed medical attention.
|- I know.
It wasn't your fault, sir.
We had to|take the opportunity when we did.
I know that, too.
I've had worse.
Isn't this splendid? Why are we here? I know you must have seen much|in your travels, but .
surely you've never seen anything|quite so beautiful.
We call them trees.
Oh! Um, so do we.
Then you've seen them on other worlds? Yeah.
Oh, I'm a fool, aren't I? Surely you've seen more incredible things|than I can even imagine.
Please, tell me about them.
Um, look I-I'd really like to tell you|everything you wanna know, but, um But my friends My father believes you all have|a nefarious purpose here.
But you don't.
We will convince him|that you are decent, honest people .
who will bring no harm to our kingdom.
Uh, well, I don't suppose|we could go talk to your father now? He is not well now.
I don't wanna spoil this little|rapport we seem to have going here That sounds almost romantic.
Oh, boy OK.
Here's the thing.
Um, I'm grateful you saved my life and|that you wanna help me free my friends, .
but I'm sensing you did it|because you're Because you're my destiny.
Wha What? Before she died,|my mother and I used to come out here .
and take long walks at night.
You can see every star in the sky|through the treetops.
But about the destiny thing? She said a great man|would come from beyond the sun .
just for me.
I had come to believe|my mother was wrong, .
that my true love would never come.
I stood on that cliff|and I wished one last time.
At just the right moment you were there|to save me, Daniel Jackson.
You cannot deny that is fate! Oh, God - Hi, guys.
|- Daniel! Well, look! Surprisingly difficult to kill you, isn't it? (Teal'c) We are pleased to see you,|Daniel Jackson.
(Carter) What happened? Uh, Sam was right.
Pyrus isn't a Goa'uld.
What's with the dress? Oh, um They're royal robes.
Uh, long story short,|they have a sarcophagus.
The princess put me in it and saved me|because she has a crush on me.
- A crush?|- Yeah.
Actually, she thinks I'm her destiny.
The whole saving her life thing.
|I guess she was grateful after all.
Well, good job.
How about gettin' the goons to unlock us|and get us the heck outta here? Uh, yeah.
Not yet.
I'm sorry? Well, it's kind of a sensitive situation.
Pyrus hasn't exactly agreed|to let you go yet, .
but I'm working on it.
|I'm trying to gain his trust.
Yeah, I know.
This is really Weird? I just wanted to let you know I was OK,|and I'll talk to Pyrus at dinner.
You get dinner? Yeah.
Um, some feast in my honour|or something.
Feast! There's a feast, is there? Just trust me, OK? I just I need more time.
Glad you're OK! Um, just me? Um, hello.
I'm Daniel Jackson.
Hmph! My father is pleased you are honoured|to dine in the company of his greatness.
He may tell you the story|of how he became the god-slayer.
I killed the Goa'uld who ruled here.
And how long ago was that? Well, of course, the sarcophagus, but .
I had no idea|it could sustain human life so long.
- Does that mean that you're?|- No.
I am young by comparison.
|I have not needed it to extend my life.
So the people worship your father|because he's lived so long? They worship him because|he liberated them from the evil god.
Um, then why does he still keep them|working in the mine? So the other distant,|evil gods won't come.
So this is a masquerade.
You send naqahdah through the Stargate|because the Goa'uld did that.
No wonder you fear strangers.
|You're afraid of being found out.
I must sleep.
Um, wait.
Uh Uh, about my friends - Kill them.
|- What? - No!|- Father, .
you said their punishment for trying to|escape would be to work in the mine .
without rest for as long as they live, .
as an example to the other workers.
- I did?|- Yes.
Do not worry about your friends.
I have|instructed the guards to treat them well.
I'm sorry.
This is unacceptable.
I can't be up here|while they're down there.
We will change my father's mind.
You're not understanding|what they mean to me.
It just may take some time.
Or maybe you do.
The longer it takes to free them,|the more time we have together, right? I admit that is what I would like.
Well, then release my friends.
I won't leave.
I'll stay|and get to know you better, I promise.
Then you do feel as I do.
- Should I not have done that?|- No, no.
It's, uh, it's OK.
It's just Maybe you're still not fully recovered.
Uh, you know,|I really don't think that's necessary.
I mean, uh I'm OK.
But you'll feel so much better.
It's, uh Please.
For me? You will feel better|than you have ever felt.
Trust me .
and I will trust you.
I promise.
SG-1's remote code, sir.
No travellers, but we are receiving|another radio transmission.
Patch it through.
(Daniel) Mission status is the same.
Need more time|to resolve situation diplomatically.
Next transmission in 24 hours.
|Daniel Jackson, out.
What the hell's goin' on? - (Carter) It's been days since we saw you.
|- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Oh, I'm sorry! Um Yeah, I'm still working on|on getting you guys out.
Oh, in the meantime,|I've discovered something incredible.
You do know we're dying down here,|don't you? I've taken the opportunity|to research the sarcophagus.
It's amazing what it does to you|if you use it when you're healthy! Well, is that such a good idea? Well, Shyla won't trust me|if I don't show that I trust her.
(O'Neill) Oh Shyla, is it now?|First-name basis.
Shyla! I've used it before|without side effects.
And look! No glasses.
That looks like a side effect to me.
Daniel, .
get us out of here.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah.
|I'm working on it.
I just need time.
Oh, I sent General Hammond a message,|so he won't order an all-out attack.
If we do this right|we'll have access to all the naqahdah .
and the sarcophagus.
How many times have you used it? I don't know.
Nine or ten.
|Oh, Sam I mean, everything is is so clear.
I mean, I feel like I could do .
One thing! You only have to do one thing! And if you can't handle that,|we're gonna break outta here without you.
She wants me to marry her.
What?! All right, look No, you look, Jack! I have got everything under control, OK? God! You never show me any respect! Your way didn't work.
Now I'm handling it.
All you guys have to do is hang in there.
How is he? The sarcophagus does not|make him better the way it used to.
Soon it will be time|for me to become queen.
Will that be so bad? You do not approve of my father's ways.
I can help you mine the naqahdah and|we can fight the Goa'uld, if you trust me.
Even after I used your friends|to keep you close? Oh, yeah.
I don't think you meant any harm.
And then you will stay,|even after they are free? I've never felt better anywhere in my life.
I've always felt out of place on my planet.
|I wanted to make a difference.
There's still so much|you don't know about me.
I know all I need to.
We can change things here .
Water? Hey.
We don't use the sarcophagus.
What? Whoa! Boy, that was weird.
I was having a vision or something.
|I kept seeing the memory of Jolinar.
The Resistance, the Tok'ra|they don't use the sarcophagus.
It it does bad things to you.
It changes|your mind, takes something from you.
I kept hearing Teal'c, what is Kalach? It is Goa'uld.
It means one's soul.
Sir, we have to stop Daniel.
(coughs) The man who would be king.
Agh! Hi, Jack! (giggles) Oh, it's Jack.
Hi, Jack.
Aagh (coughs) We're losin' the battle down there,|you know.
Carter's started having, um, .
Goa'uld flashbacks.
|Says if you keep using that .
sarcophagus,|you're gonna Dark Side on us.
If you haven't already.
(coughs) Don't worry a bit.
|We're getting out of here tomorrow.
- What?|- I agreed to marry her.
You did? But .
I said I had to go home|and straighten a few things out, .
and you guys are coming with me.
She trusts you? She .
loves me.
- (Pyrus) Love has blinded you.
|- They are good people.
We have done a grave injustice to them.
I pray that you are right.
I must let Daniel go.
|The choice to return must be his, .
but he will come back to me.
He can't live without me any more.
My father once was the greatest of men, .
but he can rule no longer.
He lives only to see me married.
I extend the sincerest of apologies|for the hardship done to you, .
and offer the friendship of our world.
Well, thanks.
Please know that from now on|you will always be welcome here .
and will be treated with|the utmost respect.
I'll be back.
We had a nice time, sir! Carter picked up some naqahdah,|Teal'c made some new friends, as usual.
Daniel got engaged, and, uh .
I'm gonna hit the showers.
This is stupid.
Dr Fraiser says|your systems are out of whack.
Well, I feel fine.
God, I need to get outta here.
|I'm gonna go nuts.
(beeping) You're gonna wear a hole in the floor.
I can't get her out of my head, Sam.
I think I made a big mistake.
- You're not serious?|- I am.
You have a wife.
Had a wife.
Come on, seriously.
|How long am I supposed to wait? Even if I find Sha're one day, .
what are the chances|she's ever gonna be the same again? Your endorphin level was sky-high when|we came back.
Now you're coming down.
The effects of the sarcophagus|are like a narcotic, Daniel.
That makes you|smarter, stronger, feel great.
What the hell is so wrong with it? I think it's partly what made|the Goa'uld as bad as they are.
How? Who knows? It's Goa'uld technology, Daniel.
Maybe its healing effects|alter your brain chemistry, .
increase adrenaline,|making you aggressive and irrational.
Pyrus probably used to be a decent man.
Look at yourself.
It's like you need a fix.
You only used it a few times|and already it's changed you.
We can't just leave it there.
|We have to study it.
We can't go back either.
I'm going.
She used us to get you addicted.
(smashes glass) You've never really known what love is.
See, the Daniel I know|would never have said that.
(kicks glass) - What are you saying, Captain?|- He needs to be confined.
He's addicted to the effects What's this? - It's my resignation.
|- Oh, please! I request permission|to go through the gate to P3R-636.
- Request denied!|- I wasn't asking you! - Daniel!|- Dr Jackson? He's unconscious.
This is General Hammond.
Code Red|medical emergency in my office.
I gave him a sedative.
|His test results were all over the place.
Liver function, kidneys,|endorphins, electrolytes - There's muscle deterioration.
|- Whatever.
What's goin' on with him? I have no idea.
The most I can do|is try and treat the symptoms, .
but he seems to be going through|some massive physical withdrawal.
I have to go back! You're killing me! Stop killing me! Calm down! Argh It's like all of his cells have lost the ability|to function properly and it's getting worse.
- There's nothing you can do?|- I need time.
The sarcophagus will keep him alive.
We can't let him go back.
That thing will|screw him up and we'll lose him anyway.
The memories that|Jolinar left in my mind .
told me the sarcophagus|will take away everything he is.
- What choice do we have?|- We wait it out.
Just a little longer.
- Hey.
|- How's he doin'? Well, I can't say for sure,|but I think maybe the worst is over.
His blood work's encouraging.
Body temperature's coming down,|pulse is normal, BP 120 over 80.
So we made the right call.
His cellular function|is starting to take back control.
The next few hours should tell.
It's time for another dose of sedative.
OK, Daniel Ohh! Stand down! I'm OK.
(alarm) Jesus! Dammit! Daniel! Are you trying to kill me? You're trying to kill me.
There'll be guards here in 30 seconds.
I'm going back.
You don't have to.
|Fraiser says you're getting better.
- You're lying!|- Why would I do that? Daniel! God What are you gonna do, Daniel? You wanna kill me? Oh, God, look at you.
I know what this is.
I know what it's like.
You can get through it.
(sobs) No (sobs) (weeps) The probe's data indicates P3H-826|is a viable next mission for SG-1 , sir.
I have another suggestion.
I think we should go back to P3R-636.
But before you say anything,|just hear me out.
There are thousands of innocent humans|there who we could free from slavery.
Shyla cannot free her people|without great risk.
Well, we have to offer her alternatives.
New ways to mine the naqahdah.
The Goa'uld may not notice|if shipments stop.
Preliminary tests indicate countless|military and scientific applications .
for the raw ore.
Might be a good reason to try, sir.
Try what? The last time,|you were enslaved in that mine.
Look, you want access to the mine,|but you don't wanna send troops in.
I'm offering you a shot|at a diplomatic solution.
Please, Jack.
I need to take the chance.
We can back him up, sir.
I'd like Daniel back on the team.
I did not believe you would ever return.
I'm sorry about your father.
About everything.
The sarcophagus|could not help him any more.
(sniffs) You never did love me, did you? I wouldn't be here if I didn't care.
I don't deserve to live|after what I've done to you.
Yes, you do.
Your people need you.
You may still be able to lead them without|turning into what your father became.
How? You can't use this any more.
It's gonna be bad, .
trust me.
But you don't have to do this alone.
(rumbling) (weapon on)
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