Taxi Driver (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

Feel Consulting

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
(This episode
features child actors.)
(We put their safety
and welfare first,)
(and filmed with guardians present.)
(We thank the child actors
for doing so well despite the cold.)
Go up that way.
- She's not here?
- No. I don't see her.
Darn it. She's nimble for her size.
Have her mom report the kid missing.
My gosh.
Let's go.
(Episode 5)
Excuse me.
Do Ki. You live here?
I moved in downstairs.
I'd heard you lived in the area.
I'd have gotten something nicer
if I'd known you were here.
Take this for now.
I'll treat you properly soon.
Do you need help moving stuff?
I'll borrow a few boxes from work
and that should be it.
Do Ki. Can I come by often?
Let's see
(Staff Only)
(Staff Only)
What's happening?
What's this?
There's something down here?
It looks like
it'll go down but it doesn't.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Do not be overcome by evil,
but overcome evil with good.)
We blocked off the elevator shaft.
Good job.
Can we only use
this entrance from now on?
Yes. It'll be a hassle, but for now,
let's not use the other entrance.
It's a real hassle.
Did Mr. On have to get curious
and give us extra work?
He's still young.
Let's be nice to him.
He doesn't look like the type,
but he causes trouble.
He does look like the type.
Are you jealous of his good looks?
I'm better-looking, excuse me.
I moved most of the bigger stuff.
Good. We should've
moved them sooner.
It freed up so much space.
What about this?
Yes, that too.
- I'll move it.
- I'll help.
- One, two, three.
- One, two, three.
- Let's call an expert.
- We'll call an expert.
Let's move these.
Are you sure about it?
You loved them.
Cleaning is usually done
without much thought.
If you consider this and that,
you can never throw out
or change anything.
I ordered a large dining table.
Let's gather around
to eat and party.
It would be nice if Go Eun
would move in upstairs
instead of living on her own.
She refused.
What about you?
Would you like to move in?
I'll think about it.
Go Eun.
I can't seem to punch out.
It must be broken.
It's broken?
Give me your card.
It really isn't working.
It was this morning.
So, about that storage area.
It was working just fine
this morning.
- Did you say something?
- No.
Leave your card behind.
I'll fill it in by hand.
Okay. I'll go home, then.
Oh, Mr. On.
You moved, didn't you?
I'll tag along, Mr. Kim.
Didn't you say
you'd go house-hunting?
Mr. On moved recently.
I asked for his help.
Are you dragging him along
against his will?
I'm not.
I'm not, am I?
I did feel forced
- until a while ago.
- What?
I changed my mind
now that Do Ki's driving.
I'll look thoroughly for you.
See? You're wrong.
Let's go.
(Dongmun Construction, THE EST)
This place is a bit
There's lots of storage space.
You could keep the place
clean and organized.
Which direction does it face?
That faces south.
Warm in the winter
and cool in the summer.
You look pretty young,
but you know
a lot about houses.
Will anything block the windows?
We designed the apartment
so that the lower floors can get
sunlight and a nice breeze.
That's nice.
Can I see the master bedroom?
It's this way.
I was tempted
to subscribe for a place.
But the interest rate went up,
and I'm not sure
I can pay it off with my salary.
Mr. Jang said
he suggested you move in.
Why not take the second-floor room?
That would be
a great arrangement for me.
But Mr. Jang will never get to rest.
He'll go grocery shopping
just to feed me every day.
It's so obvious.
I agree.
I took a brief look.
It was a bit thorough
to call it brief.
But we're
I'm aware your company focused on
public service advertisements
to find
missing children or help
the disadvantaged.
But your drivers
sit behind a wheel all day
and it's hard on their joints.
Think that you had one of these
inside the car.
Wouldn't that be great?
- Mr. Jang.
- Yes?
Car number eight needs
an engine check to see if
Isn't this good for these?
It's a well-known product.
- Is this a sample?
- Yes.
Can I have one?
Yes, take all you want.
Really? All I want?
No, that's not what I meant.
Wait, sir! Come back!
Wait. Mr. Park.
(Dongmun Construction)
House hunting is fun,
and you get freebies too.
You're good and thorough
at checking places out.
I moved out pretty young
and have looked at so many places.
When did you move out?
When you were 20?
When I was really young.
A teenager?
When I was really young.
I see.
The apartment below Mr. Kim's
was really nice.
I asked about it
and someone moved in just days ago.
The apartment below Do Ki's?
Do you mean Unit 303?
How do you know?
No way.
The person who moved in
beneath Mr. Kim
Yes. It's me.
What? Mr. On!
- Swap with me.
- I can't do that.
That's where I used to live.
Mr. Kim, you make a fair call.
How is that fair?
I signed the contract first.
- Right, Do Ki?
- But
This isn't for me
to get involved in.
Come on.
Sweet Mr. On, can you give in?
I'd rather be the not sweet Mr. On.
Can you not be like this?
I moved out for a bit
but I was going to go back.
Seriously, that was my
Sorry. Are you all okay?
I'm fine. What was that?
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Are you in pain?
Wait, kid!
Kid. Come on out.
Come back out.
Did I scare you?
Sorry. Were you hurt?
I have to go to So Mang.
Who's she?
She looked lost.
Why'd you bring her here
and not to the police?
She didn't want to go to the police.
I did pass them her details, though.
We brought her here
because Go Eun said we should,
- but did we do the right thing?
- I'm glad she's here.
Look at the sticker on the window.
(We help keep kids safe)
This is a safe place.
So you can relax.
We had that up there?
Do you know
your mom or dad's number
or your home address?
You can't ask her
point blank like that.
This works better with kids.
I'll show you
a magic trick.
This is a great trick.
It's clean on both sides, isn't it?
Watch carefully.
two, three!
What's this?
- Ta-da.
- How did you do it?
- What are you doing with the kid?
- Look.
It's magic.
Are you okay?
Are you hungry?
Shall we eat something?
Do you like milk?
Drink this.
You don't like this?
Shall I get you something else?
What do you like?
What happened?
I don't know why,
but she was afraid of the police.
- She was afraid?
- She lost her younger sister.
Her name is So Mang.
Yes, we reported it.
She's with us.
Her name is Hwang Seo Yeon?
It's okay.
What's wrong?
She was eating some bread
when she got spooked.
She won't come out.
Why are you holding that?
I was preparing
for the next magic trick.
I think we should put it away.
This does this.
Is your name Hwang Seo Yeon?
Your mom called to say
she's looking for you.
I have to go to So Mang.
I have to hug her.
Wouldn't she be with Mom?
Mom doesn't know So Mang.
Don't tell Uncle.
I don't want to go to Mom.
I have to find So Mang soon.
You don't have to go anywhere
if you don't want to.
I won't ask you anything else.
You remember
what this place is, right?
(We help keep kids safe)
I should check out Seo Yeon's home.
I agree.
It would be best
for you to see for yourself.
- Right. I'll take off, then.
- Okay.
(Youngwon Apartment 118-508,
Dongho-ro 8-gil 22, Jung-gu)
Did you report Seo Yeon missing?
I did because you told me to.
Will it get me in trouble?
No, of course not.
Don't worry at all.
Our Mr. Kang
told us to give you this.
Have it for dinner
with your husband.
We'll be on our way, then.
How'd they lose track of a kid?
What a nuisance.
Oh, it's open.
Go Eun, are you with the kid?
Yes, I'm with Seo Yeon.
Can you send me
a photo of her side profile?
Why? What's this about?
I want to check something.
Hello, I'd like
to ask you something.
I'm playing hide and seek
and I can't find the kid.
Who's at the door?
Have you seen this kid nearby?
No, I haven't.
I haven't either.
Why would you
look for your kid here?
What a headache. What should we do?
Her parents didn't recognize her?
If they didn't meet often,
they wouldn't recognize
her side profile.
I think they had someone else
report her missing.
"Someone else?"
Where's that person now?
Right in front of me.
We'll get yelled at, I'm sure.
Come on, hurry up.
Oh, gosh.
Mr. Im, hurry up!
Who set this out? It's a mess.
- That was me.
- Look at all the dust.
Wipe it off.
Yes, like that.
Take a look.
We have something perfect for you.
(Consultations for newlyweds
and the houseless)
(Buy your own house
with the help of Mr. Kang!)
(House purchase consultation)
(Trust us to find
the right property)
Hello, welcome. Are you married?
- No.
- Then you must pass.
Head to another booth.
Try elsewhere.
- Hello.
- Are you house shopping?
Take a look.
- Stop by.
- No, thanks.
I'm so sorry
to bother you for nothing.
It's fine. We get confused too.
Then the Hwang Seo Yeon
that was here
No, the girl that was here
was called Han Seo Hyun.
The missing girl's
called Hwang Seo Yeon.
You're confused too, aren't you?
Han Seo Hyun
was reunited
with her mom and went home.
I hope that you locate
Hwang Seo Yeon.
- Sure.
- Right.
(Mom? Dad? Seo Yeon,
So Mang, Uncle?)
She said the uncles took her.
Was she kidnapped?
Let me summarize.
Seo Yeon's looking for So Mang.
Where is So Mang, then?
Probably with her parents.
The parents didn't
recognize Seo Yeon,
so I doubt they know
who So Mang is either.
But they reported her missing.
People who don't know her
made the call.
How can strangers
report a girl missing?
They must know her, then.
- As in who?
- Seo Yeon's parents.
But the parents
didn't recognize Seo Yeon.
How can strangers
report a girl missing?
Stop being a broken record.
You're confusing me.
The summary has me dizzy.
I don't get what's happening.
I don't get it either.
Who's looking after Seo Yeon
at the moment?
Mr. Oh is babysitting.
Kim, what are your thoughts on this?
If you think about it,
Seo Yeon has only been
speaking the truth.
We're the ones
who didn't understand her.
Do you know
your parents' phone number
or your home address?
My mom doesn't know who So Mang is.
Don't you think
this is a case for the cops?
If we contact them,
they'll call the parents right away.
The parents who didn't
even recognize Seo Yeon?
No can do.
Why don't we ask Seo Yeon
for more details?
No. Until she opens up to us
on her own accord,
we should refrain
from questioning her.
The younger the children are,
they subconsciously
change their answers
to what would satisfy
whoever asked the questions
by sensing his or her behavior
and tone of voice.
Because they're scared.
We'll have to wait
until she no longer
sees us as a threat.
(Mr. Oh)
Yes, Mr. Oh.
What? The kid's gone?
I thought she was asleep
and went to get some coffee.
I got back and she was gone.
- She isn't anywhere outside.
- She's not in the building either.
Could she have left the lot?
No, she never left the building.
Where did you go?
(Staff Only)
How long have you been there?
You must've heard
everything we said.
you trust me, don't you?
Please find So Mang.
5283 beginning service.
It's our first time
beginning service
without doing our homework.
Mr. Kim, where are we headed?
To find So Mang.
Do you know where she is?
Her location is a mystery to us.
How can we find her, then?
I don't know where she is,
but I know who we must talk to.
(Old Bachelor's Fresh Fruits)
(Mr. Kang's Lecture
on How to Buy a Home)
(Mr. Kang's Lecture
on How to Buy a Home)
It's blocking the sign.
Get the door.
The sun's too bright.
(Special consultation
for housing subscription)
You're here, sir.
Let's move that to the left.
No, to my left.
No, it's this way.
Mr. Kang wanted you to have it.
The Mr. Kang who had the couple
report Seo Yeon missing
is him.
(Kang Pil Seung)
Mr. Kang's name is Kang Pil Seung.
Is that why his company
is called Feel Consulting?
How one-dimensional.
What on earth is all this?
(Ownership of Real Estate)
No way.
High-end apartment units
near subway stations?
He has three in Seoul.
I haven't come across anyone
with this many units before.
Gosh, he even has
a building in his name.
No way. He's super rich.
It was better the other way.
(Are you looking for a home?
Mr. Kang is here for you!)
(Consultation process)
(Kang Pil Seung)
(Near subway stations)
(Feel Consulting)
(Kang Pil Seung shares his secret
to buying your own house.)
Is this man that famous?
The one who Mr. Kang chooses
ends up with their own home.
But I hear that he only chooses
a small number of people he likes.
He must be gifted.
- Exactly.
- My gosh.
- Mr. Kang.
- Please stand back.
You're being too harsh again.
It's fine.
I came from Jeju Island
to hear you speak.
Can I get your autograph?
I'm not sure I'm even worthy
of you coming all this way.
Thank you so much.
It's an honor.
Could we possibly shake hands?
Thank you!
I hope you learn a lot today.
- Thank you so much.
- Don't mention it.
You may now enter the auditorium.
- Sure.
- This way, please.
Please maintain order
and enter in two lines.
You can't block people
when they're all up in my face.
- It's not like I'm blind.
- I'm sorry.
Deal with them in advance.
I'll do better, sir.
You're all talk.
(Lecture on How to Buy a Home)
(Golden Ticket)
(Auditorium Hall)
(Kang Pil Seung shares his secret
to buying your own house.)
You must have a ticket to enter.
We were invited,
but we forgot to bring our ticket.
I'm sorry, but I can't let you in
unless I see it.
We came a long way
to hear Mr. Kang speak.
Can't you just let us in?
Many claim that as well,
so I'm sorry.
- But
- We know Mr. Kang though.
Go on in.
(Consultation for newlyweds)
(and those without homes
under their names)
Go on in.
Can you stop drinking that?
One should drink it
while it's fresh.
I looked into the couple
who reported Seo Yeon missing.
They recently adopted Seo Yeon.
She was adopted?
Then why didn't the couple
recognize her?
What does adoption have to do with
a real estate consulting business?
There isn't a connection.
Normally, there wouldn't be.
But it's connected in this case.
(Buy your own house
with the help of Feel Consulting.)
Isn't that Seo Yeon?
It is. It's her.
And she might be So Mang.
- What the
- What's going on?
Should we torture them
into telling us the truth?
Yes, Mr. Jang.
Just a second.
Go ahead.
I only say this out of concern,
but we must tread lightly
on this case.
Whatever the truth is,
there are children at stake.
That's right.
There shouldn't be any torture.
We should talk it out
since children are at stake.
Would talking to them work though?
And it's not like anyone
can get a consultation with him.
What could be a good way?
(Buy your own house
with the help of Feel Consulting.)
Go Eun.
Can you do me a favor?
Of course. What is it?
Can you
marry me?
I guessed your size,
and I did a pretty good job.
Thank you.
I tell you this from experience.
Your clothes must stay clean
or others will pick on you.
Seo Yeon has new clothes on.
She came to mind, so I bought one.
A clothing store was going
to be my first stop.
Thanks for looking out for her.
I'll head out for my service, then.
- Sure. Stay safe.
- Got it.
Seo Yeon, you said you were going
to hug So Mang once you see her.
Wouldn't she love it even more
if you gave her a toy as well?
Now that you have pretty clothes on,
let's pick up a toy
your sister might like.
Can I do that?
Of course, you can.
Come on. Let's go.
All right. Shall we?
Let's go.
(Available only for a limited time)
I hope I didn't make you wait.
I got ready
as fast as I could though.
I like it.
What kind of wife would you like?
Why did they report Seo Yeon missing
and not her parents?
What's their connection to Seo Yeon?
And where is So Mang?
I'd like a wife
who could lead me to those answers.
You're a tough one to please.
Let's give it a shot though.
Shall we?
(Love, Birds)
All right. This way.
You won't be disappointed.
- Over here.
- Why don't you take a look?
- Come this way.
- I see.
- Hear us out.
- We hear you.
- Are you married?
- Of course.
(Mr. Kang is the only solution!)
How can I help you?
Isn't it obvious?
We're house hunting.
One for us to live in.
Mr. Im.
You should not be asking
a couple in love
why they are here.
That's pure nonsense.
- Get them a beverage.
- Got it.
(Feel Consulting)
- Please have a seat.
- Sure.
Just a second.
You're a sweetheart.
- Thanks.
- Have a seat.
We want to buy a house,
but we don't know anything
about the market.
You came to the right place.
We specialize in those
who are clueless.
What Mr. Im meant
is that we can help you
through the process
from start to finish.
I see.
Will he be the one to teach us?
(Mr. Kang is the only solution!)
Are you saying you don't know
who Mr. Kang is?
No way.
He's the number one tutor
in the real estate
consulting business.
Many follow him on social media.
My gosh. Sweetie, he must be famous.
We came to the right place.
We did!
So when did you two get married?
- Three years ago.
- Last month.
- Sorry?
- What?
We first got married
three years ago,
but then again last month.
I see.
It's a second marriage.
Who cares if
one was married before
- or not?
- Right.
We still qualify
as newlyweds, right?
Of course, you're newlyweds.
It won't be a problem.
How are you doing financially?
Above 300,000 dollars or below?
- Above.
- Below.
I received alimony in the divorce.
I see.
Money I may not have,
but I have you.
You have me by your side.
I like how you both
are transparent and honest.
Anyway, how would you like
to attend
one of Mr. Kang's lectures?
I'm giving you a special offer
since you're newlyweds.
A special offer?
That's right. A special offer.
It's in gold letters.
(Golden Ticket)
No way.
(Feel Consulting)
(Special lecture
on housing subscription)
Thank you.
Welcome. Here's a survey form.
Write down everything truthfully,
especially the procurement plan
for funding at the end.
If you don't,
a one-on-one consultation
won't be available.
Let me fill that in for us.
(Marital status, Children,
Number of family members,)
(Total assets,
Housing subscription savings)
"Current housing option."
Which box should we tick?
(Feel Consulting)
(Special lecture
on housing subscription)
(Mr. Kang's Lecture
on How to Buy a Home)
Thank you.
I'm Kang Pil Seung,
the CEO of Feel Consulting.
But in the field,
I just go by "Mr. Kang."
I will ask you point-blank.
What must you do
to buy your own house?
- Save up money.
- Clearly.
No, this is orange juice.
The best way for an average person
to buy their own house
is through housing subscription.
So what must you do
to be selected as a resident?
We should get an account
as soon as possible.
That's right. Open an account ASAP,
be without a home for a long time,
be married for as short as possible,
and have many children. Am I right?
- Yes.
- Yes.
All right.
Here are apartment units
we all wish to have.
Let's say that you
collected enough points,
and luck propelled you
into being chosen as a resident
in one of those apartment units.
Would you be happy or not?
You silly man.
Thank you.
But would it truly be
a dream come true?
(Market Transaction Price
for Apartments Along Han River)
Here is the price for
newly built apartments in this area.
(Art Rieverium: 4.782 million
to 4.833 million dollars)
(Kang Maeul: 3.22 million dollars
to 3.3 million dollars)
How many digits are there? One, two,
three, four, five,
- six. A million dollars?
- Six?
Who here
can come up with
that much money right now?
Raise your hand if you can.
Me. I can take out a loan.
A loan? Unfortunately,
because the price
is over 900,000 dollars,
you are not allowed
to take out a loan.
In other words,
to become a resident
in one of those apartments,
you must have over
a million dollars in cash.
That's the truth.
How is that possible
for average people like yourselves?
Who will see that
as a possibility, then?
Who exactly gets to live
in those apartments?
That'll be
the children of rich parents
who can be provided with
millions of dollars in cash.
Those born with
silver spoons in their mouths
can buy those apartment units.
Children of rich parents
who don't own a house?
They spent years
not having one under their names
which means they are eligible
to participate
in the housing subscription program.
The down payment,
intermediate payment, and the rest.
Their parents will take care
of the money.
But who will benefit
from the house price going up?
The children born to rich parents.
Can you sense it?
The possibility of people here
being able to buy
an apartment unit on the list
is less than the possibility
of a camel going through
the eye of a needle.
In other words,
since you weren't born into money,
you don't stand a chance.
This is my conclusion
and the reality you must face.
No wonder why
I couldn't buy my own house.
is there really no other way?
A long time ago,
I thought about this
whenever I drove by the river.
"There are so many houses here."
"How come I don't have one?
Why is it that I can't own a house?"
"I desperately want a house."
"Is there really no other way?"
I kept thinking and didn't stop.
I found a way.
- What?
- He found a way.
Are you curious about
what I found out?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Do you truly want to know?
- Yes.
- Yes.
(The possibility of a camel
going through the eye of a needle)
I'll tell you
on your private consultations.
- Come on.
- Gosh. That was crazy.
(Private Consultation)
- Let's give it up for him!
- Nicely done.
Hey, where are you going?
To get my consultation.
Are you crazy? You're not going anywhere.
Close the door now.
I want a house like that.
I want it.
- Did you fill that out?
- Yes.
Thank you.
Those of you who submitted
the survey forms,
please wait.
We will call your names.
It was a simple speech.
But I want to cancel
my housing bank account.
He seriously looks capable
of helping me buy a house.
The toy shop is
at the end of this path.
But there is an amusement ride
I want to try on our way there.
Can we go on that ride first?
Okay. Let's go.
Did you have fun?
Should we go over there
and go on one more ride?
Let's go.
(Meeting Room 1)
Come in.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Honey, sit here.
Goodness. Come on, sweetie.
(Survey Form for Housing Purchase
with Feel Consulting)
(Marital status: Married,
Number of children)
(Survey Form for Housing Purchase
with Feel Consulting)
(Feel Consulting)
You are so handsome in person.
You look great in the photo too.
Right. The kids look so cute.
- Right, honey?
- Yes. They are so cute.
Are they your nieces? Or daughters?
Please refrain
from asking personal questions.
- Don't be so harsh.
- Okay.
Why do you ask?
Do you want a daughter like that?
Gosh. It's not something
we can control.
You can.
Are they matching outfits?
- Yes.
- Yes. We bought them together.
They look good on you.
Your wife is a bookkeeper
at a taxi agency.
And you are a taxi driver.
Not just any taxi.
He drives a deluxe taxi.
I see.
(The total amount of assets:
Approximately 300,000 dollars)
You had the housing subscription
for a long time.
You haven't been married for long.
But you have 300,000 dollars?
I guess
being a bookkeeper pays well.
Or do you make a lot of money?
Anyway, if you were to get picked,
you won't have to worry
about the down payment.
I worked part-time jobs.
To buy a house.
What kind of part-time jobs?
For my most recent part-time job,
I performed on stage as a singer.
You're such a great singer.
Don't say that. Come on, sweetie.
You must feel reassured
to have such a diligent wife.
You don't need my help.
You'll be able to buy a house
on your own.
Thank you for coming in.
You can leave now.
(Feel Consulting)
(Together, with Mr. Kang!)
It didn't work out, right?
I must have filled out
the form wrong.
It's okay.
Forms can be there at one moment
and disappear at another.
(CEO Kang Pil Seung)
Come on.
(Mr. Kang is the only solution!)
(Feel Consulting)
(Mr. Kang's Lecture
on How to Buy a Home)
Come on.
It's time to go in.
Darn it. The lights are out
in this building too.
- Right. The lights are out.
- Why does this keep happening?
This is upsetting.
- I wish it didn't happen.
- Right?
Who are you?
Mr. Kim already went inside.
What are you guys doing?
Nothing. We'll fix it right away.
- Please wait.
- Please wait.
(Buy your own house
with the help of Mr. Kang!)
(Strategic Management,
Manager Park Jun Min)
(Manager Park Jun Min)
(Manager Park Jun Min)
Can you check if there's any file
on Seo Yeon and So Mang?
I'll look for the survey forms.
These files aren't
what we're looking for.
These are
all related to real estate.
(Survey Form for Housing Purchase
with Feel Consulting)
(The total amount of assets:
Under 100,000 dollars)
These were the answers
he was looking for.
What was he looking for?
(The duration of the subscription:
since May 2022)
He was looking for couples
with not a lot of money
or couples that didn't qualify
to apply for these apartments.
Are these survey forms
on their server?
No. They must not have uploaded
the forms yet.
(Survey Form for Housing Purchase
with Feel Consulting)
Do you know
why you shouldn't put off
until tomorrow
what can be done today?
Why not?
Because you have to start over.
(Name: Kim Chang Hwan)
(Buy your own house
with the help of Mr. Kang!)
(Kang Pil Seung)
- What?
- You're here.
What's going on?
What happened?
(Survey Form for Housing Purchase
with Feel Consulting)
They're all wet.
You're here, sir.
What happened to the forms
we collected?
Well, they are all wet.
Did you save them on the server?
Not yet.
- Get a grip.
- Yes, sir.
Why are you making me do
the same thing twice?
I was going to save the forms
He needs another lesson.
Start over.
Yes, sir. I'll do that, sir!
But I can't figure out
their real game.
- Their real game?
- If we successfully buy a house,
what will they get in return?
I doubt they're going through
all this trouble for the commission.
But there's another problem
with Seo Yeon.
Another problem?
They're playing on the playground
on a rainy day.
For some reason,
I feel like they're still together.
The rain looks odd.
That's not rain.
Those are security bars.
They're not playing
on the playground.
She's watching the kids play,
locked up somewhere.
(My mom)
It's so nice to see you again,
Mr. Kang.
Your assets suddenly
decreased significantly.
My husband lost a lot of money
from cryptocurrency.
Darn Dodgecoin.
Seeing your papers,
I get the feeling
that it will be hard
for you two to buy a home.
Does that mean
you're not going to help us?
I can't help everyone.
I only help those
who fit perfectly
with my principles.
I hate wasting time.
Your principles
People who are truly desperate.
We are desperate.
I don't think so.
How desperate are you
about buying a house?
Super desperate.
We are very desperate.
All right. Let me say this again.
I don't want to waste my time
on people who are not
desperate enough.
So you can't lie to me.
You're right. Lying is awful!
- We don't lie.
- No way. No lying.
- Ma'am.
- Yes.
Can you do everything I ask of you?
Are you ready to do anything
as long as you can own a house?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Anything without hesitation?
Please find So Mang.
I can do anything
as long as I can own a house.
I will give you my heart
if you ask me.
I desperately need your help.
He's too young to be that skeptical.
Didn't he look like he was paranoid?
It felt like he was testing us.
(Mr. Kang)
Yes, Mr. Kang. Hello.
No. It's an honor.
Okay. Then I'll see you soon.
I'm hanging up now. Peace.
It was probably a test.
- Why?
- What's the address
we wrote down for our house?
We used Mr. Jang's home address.
Why do you ask?
He's on his way
to our house.
What? Now?
What do we do?
We didn't prepare anything for this.
Do you know how to decorate
a house for newlyweds?
We don't have much time.
Let's start collecting.
- Again?
- Hurry up.
No. I have to hurry up.
Here we go. I'll step on it.
(Old Bachelor's Fresh Fruits)
Mr. Kang!
We should have gotten here first
and wait for you.
Thank you for coming
- to our humble house.
- Thank you.
By the way, your house
seems better than I expected.
Gosh, no way.
The whole house isn't for us.
We're only renting out one room
in this big house.
I see.
- Please come in.
- Yes, come in.
I think it is her.
How can I help you?
Oh, hello.
Didn't a kid come in here?
She's about this tall.
Hold on.
The youngest person here is
Hey, Youngest!
Yes, I'm the youngest.
Did you want to see me?
I'm the second youngest.
Are you looking for me?
No. I must have been mistaken.
Have a good day then.
Seo Yeon.
Weren't you scared?
I wasn't scared.
I'll be safe here.
That's right.
Gosh, what a good girl you are.
Let's go.
Right. What about the house?
Did you decorate the place?
Gosh. We did an amazing job.
I haven't heard from them,
but I bet they're loving it.
Just the thought of that room
makes me happy.
Come on in.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
Gosh. The interior design here
is unique.
We are
quite affectionate.
Come on in.
This place is making me dizzy.
I prepared a surprise event for you,
When did you prepare all this?
Gosh, you're unstoppable.
- This way.
- Okay.
So this is the room you're renting?
Yes. That's right.
Let me take a look around.
That's a single bed.
For newlyweds,
the smaller the bed is, the better.
I see. There's only one pillow.
His arm is my pillow.
I use his arm.
- Why don't you have some coffee?
- Okay.
Hold on.
You guys aren't married, are you?
(Taxi Driver 2)
Where on earth are these kids from?
Get up!
- Are you ready to be a dad?
- Pardon?
A baby will be born here.
This is how
they've been taking the kids.
You guys need a beating.
Where are the kids?
Where are they?
- The kids are gone.
- Where are the kids?
Be quiet. I told you to be quiet.
You won't be able to take a step
outside here.
Mr. Kim, are you all right?
Don't come here.
Follow Kang Pil Seung.
The kids come first.
As adults,
we're very sorry.
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