The 4400 s02e05 Episode Script
As Fate Would Have It
we are not a threat we are salvation the world will have to deal with us Previously on the 4400 you know those visions that maia used to have? It turns out she was only pretending that they stopped.
How long have you known? Not long.
|I only found out because I read her diary.
You're one of those 4400 guys.
huh? One day.
all of this will be yours.
But you're not going anywhere.
Whatever you do.
don't reveal your healing ability.
because if you heal one of them.
you'll have to heal them all.
I'm blacking out.
If you're losing chunks of time.
you should talk to your dad about it.
What's he going to do.
|turn me over to ntac medical? Can I help you? Heidi.
it's mommy.
Who? That's okay.
I got it.
She's my daughter.
She doesn't know that.
She thinks carol is her mother.
I need your help.
he's been arrested.
I'll make a few calls and do whatever I can.
I want you to come home.
If I'm lying.
isabelle will punish me accordingly.
If isabelle accepts me.
then I can offer you and lily and the child a new life.
Let her judge me.
hush-a-bye go to sleep little baby when you wake I'll give you cake and all the pretty little horses and go to sleep-y little baby who's a special girl? Is isabelle a special girl? Is she? Come here.
Look at him with isabelle.
This keeps up.
|we're going to have to start calling him "uncle jordan.
" There's something so wrong about that.
|Isn't there? A week ago.
|he was the one guy we were trying to keep away from her.
-and now it's like|- they've bonded.
She's really taken to him.
Is that the couple of the hour? Hi.
what's up.
man? It's good to see you.
Look at you.
|you look great.
You look great.
So how long do you guys think you're going to be staying? We're not sure.
Collier said we could stay at the center till we get back on our feet.
Did he get you squared away with ntac? Started to.
His lawyers took our statements.
I guess we're looking at back fines for not reporting in.
|I'm sure jordan will take care of it.
He offered to.
|but I think we're going to try and swing it ourselves.
you picked the right week to come.
This reunion thing's going to be big.
huh? We've got 4400s coming in from 27 different countries.
Three more maybes.
There haven't been this many of us in the same place since quarantine.
What's happened since we left town? I mean.
suddenly it seems like|everyone's dying to meet a real.
live 4400.
what happened? Jordan happened.
Welcome to the revolution.
little lady.
Huh? He's going to die! I saw it.
|He's going to die.
are you okay? Did you have a nightmare? No.
I was awake.
and I saw it.
Tell us what you saw.
That man we watched on tv once.
What man? Him.
Jordan collier? Someone's going to kill him.
-=YYETS=- Capture£ºjohnsonh Sync£ºp0000000 S02E05 As far as this department knew.
maia wasn't having visions anymore.
Right? Well.
she was keeping them secret from me and writing everything down in a diary.
but I'm not here to talk about my daughter.
We're here to talk about collier.
We could talk about him all you want.
but if I was collier.
I'd be bringing all my books back to the library.
If you know what i'm mean.
The kid's never wrong.
right? Look.
as far as I can tell.
maia has two kinds of visions.
If she can see an event clearly enough in her head.
she can sometimes influence the course of the future.
But mostly her visions are abstract.
They're more like certainties.
|I guess you could call them.
this is one of those.
and as far as I can tell.
they're never wrong.
not yet.
but nobody's made a concerted effort|to stop one of them from happening.
So we could always offer collier a suite in the basement.
we just tell the guy|he needs to stay isolated for what.
a week? A year? When it comes to the prevention of future crime.
there are no time limits-- and everyone's a suspect.
I mean.
literally everyone.
So how to stop the inevitable from happening? Stopping the inevitable-- isn't that what we deal with every day? I mean.
that's why the 4400 were sent back.
right? I like the "can-do" attitude.
but I have to ask-- do we even want to save collier? Well.
he is kind of the bad guy.
Maybe that's the way the future wants it.
Unless they gave us this message as a way to stop collier's death from happening.
What an extraordinary gift.
You are clear on what we're telling you? Your daughter has quite a track record when it comes to seeing the future.
Her latest vision involves my death.
|I leave anything out? No.
that about covers it.
Ntac is offering you all its resources.
That means round-the-clock protection.
threat assessment and I'm meant.
of course.
to isolate myself? Well.
that would be the safest move.
Let's say I'm willing to assume good faith on your part-- which.
given your exploitation of the 4400 to get to me.
|is rather generous what.
you think we made this up? I'm not sure you're that creative.
but your plan does call for my total withdrawal from the public eye and cancellation of a celebration of the public interest in the 4400 that's been months in the planning.
Our history with each other is what it is.
but this is real.
and denial is not a luxury you can afford.
Thank you for the information.
|I'll keep it in mind.
Maia is never wrong.
Whatever protection you can afford me.
|I can afford myself.
Pick up some of the reunion literature on your way out.
The foreign returnees' stories are particularly inspirational.
Still come here every thursday.
huh? Thought I might get lucky.
What are you doing here? I'm back in seattle.
I just wanted to thank you for helping richard.
Just a couple of phone calls.
|It was no big deal.
We were in a bad spot.
You did what you could.
It meant a lot.
you really didn't have to get me anything.
It's actually for heidi.
Her birthday's coming up.
lily it's just a cool little handbag.
You don't have to tell her it's from me.
I don't want to mess with your life.
I'm just trying to say "thank you.
" Okay.
You're looking well.
I'm glad things are working out.
I can't talk to first keys today.
There's too much going on with this party.
But class starts in 10 minutes.
I can't do it.
You're just going to have to tell them to think of it as a study hall.
Umthis is outgoing.
Thank you.
You guys come for the tour? Could we talk to you outside? Kind of a bad day.
|It's pretty crazy around here.
Told you he'd blow us off.
What's up? Oh.
They were too embarrassed to come inside.
I can'T.
I can'T.
But I saw what you can do.
We all did.
You can heal people.
it's not that simple.
|I can't heal everyone.
I'm not asking you to heal everyone.
Just them.
You don't understand.
It's like it drains me.
I can do it for maybe one.
One is better than none.
And who chooses that one.
way? You? Me? I can't heal the world.
I'm sorry.
What'd I tell you? Waste of time don't look at me like that.
Kyle? Hey.
you with us.
buddy? What? I thought you were you know.
I'm right here with you.
|was just thinking.
I haven't had one of those blackouts in a couple of days.
I'm hoping that's all done.
I do too.
But I still think you should tell your dad about it and get yourself checked out.
You want to go with me to see the kills? Okay.
|so we're ignoring the whole blackout thing.
or pretty much.
They go on at 8:00.
You should come.
The tsa is putting a flag on ian dravitt and his known associates.
They'll call us if anyone shows up in seattle.
This whole dravitt thing is just collier's latest deal gone south.
Collier had his name on the side of a skyscraper by the time he was 30.
You pursue power that ruthlessly.
|you pick up some enemies along the way.
So we find the one who seems most like john hinckley or sirhan sirhan.
And then do what? Follow him around for the rest of his natural life? We could spend the next year looking at collier's moves since he founded the center.
The guy had a whole career before he got abducted.
Or maybe it is coming from someone who collier's never met.
I mean.
if you hate the 4400.
killing their figurehead's a good way to make them suffer.
But what are we supposed to do? The potential victim has refused our help.
No one said stopping the future was going to be easy.
look at this.
His name is miles quinlan.
Claims collier bankrupted him.
|then kicked him out of the center.
Lives with his parents What.
nursing a persecution complex? Pretty much a poster boy for the lone gunman theory.
Come on.
|I've named every guy I've dated for like the last five years.
Are you telling me I don't have a future with any of them? I wouldn't worry about it.
Seems like you meet a lot of boys.
that's the trouble.
I'm tired of meeting boys.
I want to meet a man.
You will.
When? Aunt april.
just because I don't see it doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
that's probably mrs.
Bradshaw from upstairs.
She's going to watch you tonight while I go to work.
I'm sorry.
It's not my fault.
You recognize me.
You're jordan collier.
I didn't mean to frighten her.
I just wanted to talk to her for a minute.
|doesn't look like that's going to happen.
She believes I'm going to die.
Please give her my apologies.
I brought this for her.
I hope she doesn't already have one.
I'm lily tyler.
- I think someone was asking for me-|- excuse me.
Heidi are you my mother? I heard them fighting about you.
My mom and dad carol.
It's okay that I still call her "mom.
" right? I know it's confusing.
Just 'cause they're talking in the other room doesn't mean I can't hear them.
They said you were one of the 4400.
That's why I was gone.
That's why we don't know each other.
Didn't you come to our house once? It's the first thing I did when I got back.
I wanted to see you.
But your dad and I.
|we weren't sure it was a good idea.
does your father know you came down here? No.
I didn't tell them I heard.
I didn't go to school today.
I came here instead.
I'm glad you did.
Was it hard for you not to see me? It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
I think about you every single day.
Look at this.
Is that me? That was the day we brought you back from the hospital.
You look the same as you do now.
I was gone so long.
but to me this feels like yesterday.
You want to talk about collier? He uses people up and leaves them on the curb.
Is that why you left the center? I didn't leave.
They threw me out.
That's what happens when you run out of money.
They have all these different levels.
|They call them keys.
right? You make seventh key.
you're unlocked.
"Unlocked"-- meaning you've got your own 4400 ability? Well.
that's the big prize.
|only they set it up so no one ever gets there.
There's mid-levels and side seminars you have to pass.
If you're not one of the 4400.
each one costs.
First I ate up my savings.
then I cashed out the equity in my house.
And they didn't deliver.
Soon as the first check bounced.
they told me I'd reached maximum potential and sent me on my way.
Is that why you applied for a handgun permit? We ran a vicap check on you this morning.
So I bought a gun.
So what? I need to protect myself from collier.
|I hope self-defense is all you have in mind.
because if you're planning anything else.
we will be all over you the minute you approach the 4400 center.
You want something to be paranoid about? Think about that.
You're simplifying the issue.
Canceling the gala is no guarantee of my safety.
It's a start.
you just told me there's a little girl out there who can see the future and she saw you dead.
It's time to make yourself scarce.
And where does it stop? Do I stay away from the center? I cut myself off from our work? Yeah.
if it means staying alive.
I am not going to become a hermit.
That is not a win for us.
the center is significantly safer than it seems.
Half the people you see in workmen's uniforms are bodyguards.
Are you looking to die in public? You're developing a real flair for drama.
you know.
This is hanging over my head.
|not yours.
I'm sorry.
I'm just- I am not ready to become a martyr.
And you don't have to be.
I know you've been looking forward to this weekend for a long time.
Bringing all the 4400 together.
it's like a validation for everything you've done so far.
But if something happens to you.
it could undo everything that we've started.
The movement's not ready for you to be a martyr.
Just go.
Where'd you go? I was about to have them page you.
there's someone I want to introduce to you.
This is my daughter.
She came to the center to meet me.
We've been talking.
it's very nice to meet you.
I'm richard tyler.
I'm married to lily- - your mother.
She told me.
It's nice to meet you.
Is that isabelle.
This is your half-sister.
Don't be scared.
I'm sorry.
She must be hungry.
It's okay.
I should probably get home anyway.
I hope I can see you again.
I hope so.
Maybe next time I can hold isabelle.
I bet we could make that happen.
I'll walk you out.
No more cutting school.
okay? What's the matter? All I'm saying is he was taller than I pictured him.
tall or short.
|collier had no business showing up here.
I totally agree.
|I didn't let him in.
Aunt april likes tall boys.
So you're talking about men to my daughter? She's a child.
It might have come up in passing.
mom?|How come you never go out on dates? Well.
I wouldn't say never.
But aunt april Goes out all the time.
I think your aunt's an extreme example.
How do I know which one is right? Not many or lots? I think that you should probably shoot for somewhere in the middle.
I'll try.
But do dates always have to be with boys? They're so gross.
You get used to them.
Can we have this conversation.
like in two or three.
maybe 10 years? What's that? Oh.
A lady dropped it off today.
Oh It's a subpoena.
What's that? Well.
it's when someone wants you to give them something.
Who's it from? It's from my bosses.
What do they want? Your diary.
Kyle! You okay.
man? You didn't have a drink.
did you? Just diet coke.
It's really loud in there.
huh? Yeah.
but they're great.
huh? You want to go back in? Come on.
My buddy's saving us a spot by the stage.
Do you know what time it is? What are you doing here? Kyle! Do you know what time it is? What are you doing outside my apartment? I don't know.
I was at the pub.
You're scaring me.
|How long have you been out here? I don't know|I think I was digging or something.
I think you should go.
- We can talk about this-|- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
|It just happened again.
Let me in.
Get your hands off of me! You don't understand.
He's a fraud.
All of you.
|do you hear me? Your golden boy is a big fraud.
you need to calm down.
It's okay.
I got it.
My whole life.
I have been looking for just one thing.
just one thing to believe in.
I thought it was you.
How long ago did you get high? You gonna help me up.
or what? Are you going to stop yelling at me? I am done with you altogether.
Go back to your penthouse.
Pretend we don't exist.
Everyone else does.
Why not you? Listen easy.
I'm not going to sen d youoff into the night like this.
You can sleep on my couch.
I got you.
It's okay.
You started all this.
you know.
Everything around you took shape after you showed me where to go.
I don't know what to do.
I could count the number of times I've said that on one hand.
but right now it's true.
That's right.
If you know anything now would be a good time to tell uncle jordan.
huh? Oh thank you.
Thank you.
The reunion goes forward.
One of dravitt's hired guns flew into town last night.
His name is laurent ganning.
Tsa had his alias flagged.
do we have a present whereabouts? He just checked into a motel in first hill under the name "lawrence gawain" It's clear.
Tom he's on the move.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You were waiting in the hallway outside my apartment last night.
Do you know how weird that is? I don't know how I got there.
believe me.
I-I- I had another blackout last night.
this is getting bad.
and I can't give you tHe kind of help that you need.
So you want me to just go away? No.
I I want you to talk to someone.
someone qualified.
I'm scared for you.
Scared for me or scared of me? And we are humbled by the bravery of our foreign guests.
many of whom risked so much to be here today|you know.
I'm getting some nasty echos.
Can we adjust the levels on the speakers in the back? Testing.
You know.
that's a lot better.
Nobody moves! Everyone stay right where you are.
Don't move.
Don't move! Get your hands on your head.
Get them up.
Turn around.
Turn around! Get down.
Down! Ganning's pistol was made from synthetic polymers.
The bullets.
He walked it right through your metal|detectors without so much as a peep.
You were Round to get him.
He never would have killed me.
He was standing two feet away from you with a loaded firearm.
The whole thing was put in motion by maia.
Your daughter's vision was a gift to me.
a prescription.
if you will.
|for changing the future.
In one chain of events.
|ganning's bullet killed me.
I can only assume that somebody has a different plan for me.
I wouldn't be putting my feet up by the fire just yet.
I have no intention of canceling the extra security measures.
The same extra measures that just allowed an assassin to walk right up to you.
Would ntac like a presence at the gala tomorrow? Yes.
we don't stand off to the side and watch.
We take command.
I'll issue credentials.
That was a rather dramatic demonstration of competence just now.
What time is it? It's about 2:00.
How'd I end up here.
anyway? Liv.
you were pretty far gone last night.
but are you really telling me you don't remember? I remember.
You don't have to hover over me.
I'm not going to steal anything.
The maid can come in and clean the couch as soon as I'm gone.
How many of these nights do you think you have left in you? Hopefully not too many.
You've seen my life.
When I O.
It's not gonna be any big loss.
That is not true.
How's it going to change? I used to feel the same way.
I meant what I told you.
I can't save the whole world.
and I can't even save your friends.
and I'm sorry.
but if you're serious about wanting a change.
maybe I can save you.
How? By giving you the same thing that saved me.
He's here.
Good to see you.
Excuse me.
my love.
Here we go.
I think I have to nice to meet you Pleasure to see you.
Excuse me.
All the guestscheck out so far.
we secured the surrounding rooftops.
|did a bomb sweep.
So now it's cross-our-fingers time.
Good afternoon.
Thank you for coming to the center.
We have a great day planned for you.
but before we get started.
I'd like to thank the man that made this all possible.
I mean that literally-- he didn't just pay for the food.
He built this place.
and this movement.
so I'd like you to please welcome my mentor.
my friend-- mr.
Jordan collier.
Thank you.
and thank you.
|for that introduction.
We are humbled by the bravery of our foreign guests.
many of whom risked so much to be here today.
Let's go.
I just want to hear what the man has to say for himself.
Jordan? He's up there! Go! Everybody stay down! we've got a shooter.
Everyone calm down! Just stay down.
Stay down! We've got a shooter.
Let me go.
Jordan! Oh.
my god! Oh.
god please let me go.
please! get that stretcher ready.
Pulse is weak and thready come on let's go harry up! Breathing's stopped.
We're losing him again.
No! You're not going anywhere yet.
shawn! She told me to go through with it.
Who did? She lies.
don't go anywhereno.
I need to-|- brian.
I don't have much time.
I did not violate our agreement.
Heidi found me.
heidi's sick.
She's in the hospital.
It happened yesterday.
Something with her spleen.
They had to operate right away.
Is she okay? Can I see her? She's okay.
She's still recovering from the anesthesia.
She's been asking for you.
She's still in recovery now.
but carol thinks it's all right if you want to get in there tomorrow.
what happened? Her spleen? She's 12 years old.
It just ruptured.
Her doctors said they've never seen anything like it.
|Even they can't tell us why.
Where you been?|The funeral's about to start.
what's wrong?|What is it? Heidi's sick.
and I think isabelle's responsible.
I think they're ready for you.
You are going to read a lot about jordan collier in the next few weeks.
some of it good.
a lot of it bad I will be ignoring all of it.
just like jordan would have.
because jordan may have used the media.
but he never allowed himself to be seduced by it.
I could tell you how much I owe the man.
He took me in when I was feeling lost and alone.
I'm sure many of you have similar stories.
The fact is that everyone alive today.
whether they know it or not.
|owes jordan collier.
He had a vision to save the future.
and he gave us that vision.
and now he won't be here to see us achieve it but we will achieve it.
I promise you.
|we will achieve it.
We have all suffered a tremendous loss.
We are heartbroken and bleeding on the inside.
but we will not let that stop us.
and I will not let that stop me.
We will honor jordan collier.
and we will create the better future that he died building.
Thank you for coming.
Nice words.
I think collier would have approved.
I hope so.
He would have liked that you came.
I don't think I was that high on his radar.
Don't be too sure.
You guys bumped heads.
but you believed the same thing.
that the 4400 are the key to the future.
Your goals were identical.
But our methods were different.
Not as different as you think.
that's where your view of jordan collier splits from mine.
at least we have some common ground.
Maybe your side and my side can work together now that I'm assuming new duties around here.
You're becoming quite the little politician.
Now I know collier would have been proud of you.
He's gone.
is body.
|it's not there.
Someone stole the body.
There's only one way out.
and we were standing right in front of it.
|Stole it how? Then what happened? All lying across the ground try not to make no sound to make or break you down I said to make or break you down I break all lying across the ground try not to make no sound to make or break you down I said to make or break you down I break I take down what I need 'cause you know I need to breathe I'm tired of walking on another plane another plane 'cause I feel insane I step back to get to you cut back I'm falling through another day I feel the same I'm cutting and I'm bleeding here with you
How long have you known? Not long.
|I only found out because I read her diary.
You're one of those 4400 guys.
huh? One day.
all of this will be yours.
But you're not going anywhere.
Whatever you do.
don't reveal your healing ability.
because if you heal one of them.
you'll have to heal them all.
I'm blacking out.
If you're losing chunks of time.
you should talk to your dad about it.
What's he going to do.
|turn me over to ntac medical? Can I help you? Heidi.
it's mommy.
Who? That's okay.
I got it.
She's my daughter.
She doesn't know that.
She thinks carol is her mother.
I need your help.
he's been arrested.
I'll make a few calls and do whatever I can.
I want you to come home.
If I'm lying.
isabelle will punish me accordingly.
If isabelle accepts me.
then I can offer you and lily and the child a new life.
Let her judge me.
hush-a-bye go to sleep little baby when you wake I'll give you cake and all the pretty little horses and go to sleep-y little baby who's a special girl? Is isabelle a special girl? Is she? Come here.
Look at him with isabelle.
This keeps up.
|we're going to have to start calling him "uncle jordan.
" There's something so wrong about that.
|Isn't there? A week ago.
|he was the one guy we were trying to keep away from her.
-and now it's like|- they've bonded.
She's really taken to him.
Is that the couple of the hour? Hi.
what's up.
man? It's good to see you.
Look at you.
|you look great.
You look great.
So how long do you guys think you're going to be staying? We're not sure.
Collier said we could stay at the center till we get back on our feet.
Did he get you squared away with ntac? Started to.
His lawyers took our statements.
I guess we're looking at back fines for not reporting in.
|I'm sure jordan will take care of it.
He offered to.
|but I think we're going to try and swing it ourselves.
you picked the right week to come.
This reunion thing's going to be big.
huh? We've got 4400s coming in from 27 different countries.
Three more maybes.
There haven't been this many of us in the same place since quarantine.
What's happened since we left town? I mean.
suddenly it seems like|everyone's dying to meet a real.
live 4400.
what happened? Jordan happened.
Welcome to the revolution.
little lady.
Huh? He's going to die! I saw it.
|He's going to die.
are you okay? Did you have a nightmare? No.
I was awake.
and I saw it.
Tell us what you saw.
That man we watched on tv once.
What man? Him.
Jordan collier? Someone's going to kill him.
-=YYETS=- Capture£ºjohnsonh Sync£ºp0000000 S02E05 As far as this department knew.
maia wasn't having visions anymore.
Right? Well.
she was keeping them secret from me and writing everything down in a diary.
but I'm not here to talk about my daughter.
We're here to talk about collier.
We could talk about him all you want.
but if I was collier.
I'd be bringing all my books back to the library.
If you know what i'm mean.
The kid's never wrong.
right? Look.
as far as I can tell.
maia has two kinds of visions.
If she can see an event clearly enough in her head.
she can sometimes influence the course of the future.
But mostly her visions are abstract.
They're more like certainties.
|I guess you could call them.
this is one of those.
and as far as I can tell.
they're never wrong.
not yet.
but nobody's made a concerted effort|to stop one of them from happening.
So we could always offer collier a suite in the basement.
we just tell the guy|he needs to stay isolated for what.
a week? A year? When it comes to the prevention of future crime.
there are no time limits-- and everyone's a suspect.
I mean.
literally everyone.
So how to stop the inevitable from happening? Stopping the inevitable-- isn't that what we deal with every day? I mean.
that's why the 4400 were sent back.
right? I like the "can-do" attitude.
but I have to ask-- do we even want to save collier? Well.
he is kind of the bad guy.
Maybe that's the way the future wants it.
Unless they gave us this message as a way to stop collier's death from happening.
What an extraordinary gift.
You are clear on what we're telling you? Your daughter has quite a track record when it comes to seeing the future.
Her latest vision involves my death.
|I leave anything out? No.
that about covers it.
Ntac is offering you all its resources.
That means round-the-clock protection.
threat assessment and I'm meant.
of course.
to isolate myself? Well.
that would be the safest move.
Let's say I'm willing to assume good faith on your part-- which.
given your exploitation of the 4400 to get to me.
|is rather generous what.
you think we made this up? I'm not sure you're that creative.
but your plan does call for my total withdrawal from the public eye and cancellation of a celebration of the public interest in the 4400 that's been months in the planning.
Our history with each other is what it is.
but this is real.
and denial is not a luxury you can afford.
Thank you for the information.
|I'll keep it in mind.
Maia is never wrong.
Whatever protection you can afford me.
|I can afford myself.
Pick up some of the reunion literature on your way out.
The foreign returnees' stories are particularly inspirational.
Still come here every thursday.
huh? Thought I might get lucky.
What are you doing here? I'm back in seattle.
I just wanted to thank you for helping richard.
Just a couple of phone calls.
|It was no big deal.
We were in a bad spot.
You did what you could.
It meant a lot.
you really didn't have to get me anything.
It's actually for heidi.
Her birthday's coming up.
lily it's just a cool little handbag.
You don't have to tell her it's from me.
I don't want to mess with your life.
I'm just trying to say "thank you.
" Okay.
You're looking well.
I'm glad things are working out.
I can't talk to first keys today.
There's too much going on with this party.
But class starts in 10 minutes.
I can't do it.
You're just going to have to tell them to think of it as a study hall.
Umthis is outgoing.
Thank you.
You guys come for the tour? Could we talk to you outside? Kind of a bad day.
|It's pretty crazy around here.
Told you he'd blow us off.
What's up? Oh.
They were too embarrassed to come inside.
I can'T.
I can'T.
But I saw what you can do.
We all did.
You can heal people.
it's not that simple.
|I can't heal everyone.
I'm not asking you to heal everyone.
Just them.
You don't understand.
It's like it drains me.
I can do it for maybe one.
One is better than none.
And who chooses that one.
way? You? Me? I can't heal the world.
I'm sorry.
What'd I tell you? Waste of time don't look at me like that.
Kyle? Hey.
you with us.
buddy? What? I thought you were you know.
I'm right here with you.
|was just thinking.
I haven't had one of those blackouts in a couple of days.
I'm hoping that's all done.
I do too.
But I still think you should tell your dad about it and get yourself checked out.
You want to go with me to see the kills? Okay.
|so we're ignoring the whole blackout thing.
or pretty much.
They go on at 8:00.
You should come.
The tsa is putting a flag on ian dravitt and his known associates.
They'll call us if anyone shows up in seattle.
This whole dravitt thing is just collier's latest deal gone south.
Collier had his name on the side of a skyscraper by the time he was 30.
You pursue power that ruthlessly.
|you pick up some enemies along the way.
So we find the one who seems most like john hinckley or sirhan sirhan.
And then do what? Follow him around for the rest of his natural life? We could spend the next year looking at collier's moves since he founded the center.
The guy had a whole career before he got abducted.
Or maybe it is coming from someone who collier's never met.
I mean.
if you hate the 4400.
killing their figurehead's a good way to make them suffer.
But what are we supposed to do? The potential victim has refused our help.
No one said stopping the future was going to be easy.
look at this.
His name is miles quinlan.
Claims collier bankrupted him.
|then kicked him out of the center.
Lives with his parents What.
nursing a persecution complex? Pretty much a poster boy for the lone gunman theory.
Come on.
|I've named every guy I've dated for like the last five years.
Are you telling me I don't have a future with any of them? I wouldn't worry about it.
Seems like you meet a lot of boys.
that's the trouble.
I'm tired of meeting boys.
I want to meet a man.
You will.
When? Aunt april.
just because I don't see it doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
that's probably mrs.
Bradshaw from upstairs.
She's going to watch you tonight while I go to work.
I'm sorry.
It's not my fault.
You recognize me.
You're jordan collier.
I didn't mean to frighten her.
I just wanted to talk to her for a minute.
|doesn't look like that's going to happen.
She believes I'm going to die.
Please give her my apologies.
I brought this for her.
I hope she doesn't already have one.
I'm lily tyler.
- I think someone was asking for me-|- excuse me.
Heidi are you my mother? I heard them fighting about you.
My mom and dad carol.
It's okay that I still call her "mom.
" right? I know it's confusing.
Just 'cause they're talking in the other room doesn't mean I can't hear them.
They said you were one of the 4400.
That's why I was gone.
That's why we don't know each other.
Didn't you come to our house once? It's the first thing I did when I got back.
I wanted to see you.
But your dad and I.
|we weren't sure it was a good idea.
does your father know you came down here? No.
I didn't tell them I heard.
I didn't go to school today.
I came here instead.
I'm glad you did.
Was it hard for you not to see me? It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
I think about you every single day.
Look at this.
Is that me? That was the day we brought you back from the hospital.
You look the same as you do now.
I was gone so long.
but to me this feels like yesterday.
You want to talk about collier? He uses people up and leaves them on the curb.
Is that why you left the center? I didn't leave.
They threw me out.
That's what happens when you run out of money.
They have all these different levels.
|They call them keys.
right? You make seventh key.
you're unlocked.
"Unlocked"-- meaning you've got your own 4400 ability? Well.
that's the big prize.
|only they set it up so no one ever gets there.
There's mid-levels and side seminars you have to pass.
If you're not one of the 4400.
each one costs.
First I ate up my savings.
then I cashed out the equity in my house.
And they didn't deliver.
Soon as the first check bounced.
they told me I'd reached maximum potential and sent me on my way.
Is that why you applied for a handgun permit? We ran a vicap check on you this morning.
So I bought a gun.
So what? I need to protect myself from collier.
|I hope self-defense is all you have in mind.
because if you're planning anything else.
we will be all over you the minute you approach the 4400 center.
You want something to be paranoid about? Think about that.
You're simplifying the issue.
Canceling the gala is no guarantee of my safety.
It's a start.
you just told me there's a little girl out there who can see the future and she saw you dead.
It's time to make yourself scarce.
And where does it stop? Do I stay away from the center? I cut myself off from our work? Yeah.
if it means staying alive.
I am not going to become a hermit.
That is not a win for us.
the center is significantly safer than it seems.
Half the people you see in workmen's uniforms are bodyguards.
Are you looking to die in public? You're developing a real flair for drama.
you know.
This is hanging over my head.
|not yours.
I'm sorry.
I'm just- I am not ready to become a martyr.
And you don't have to be.
I know you've been looking forward to this weekend for a long time.
Bringing all the 4400 together.
it's like a validation for everything you've done so far.
But if something happens to you.
it could undo everything that we've started.
The movement's not ready for you to be a martyr.
Just go.
Where'd you go? I was about to have them page you.
there's someone I want to introduce to you.
This is my daughter.
She came to the center to meet me.
We've been talking.
it's very nice to meet you.
I'm richard tyler.
I'm married to lily- - your mother.
She told me.
It's nice to meet you.
Is that isabelle.
This is your half-sister.
Don't be scared.
I'm sorry.
She must be hungry.
It's okay.
I should probably get home anyway.
I hope I can see you again.
I hope so.
Maybe next time I can hold isabelle.
I bet we could make that happen.
I'll walk you out.
No more cutting school.
okay? What's the matter? All I'm saying is he was taller than I pictured him.
tall or short.
|collier had no business showing up here.
I totally agree.
|I didn't let him in.
Aunt april likes tall boys.
So you're talking about men to my daughter? She's a child.
It might have come up in passing.
mom?|How come you never go out on dates? Well.
I wouldn't say never.
But aunt april Goes out all the time.
I think your aunt's an extreme example.
How do I know which one is right? Not many or lots? I think that you should probably shoot for somewhere in the middle.
I'll try.
But do dates always have to be with boys? They're so gross.
You get used to them.
Can we have this conversation.
like in two or three.
maybe 10 years? What's that? Oh.
A lady dropped it off today.
Oh It's a subpoena.
What's that? Well.
it's when someone wants you to give them something.
Who's it from? It's from my bosses.
What do they want? Your diary.
Kyle! You okay.
man? You didn't have a drink.
did you? Just diet coke.
It's really loud in there.
huh? Yeah.
but they're great.
huh? You want to go back in? Come on.
My buddy's saving us a spot by the stage.
Do you know what time it is? What are you doing here? Kyle! Do you know what time it is? What are you doing outside my apartment? I don't know.
I was at the pub.
You're scaring me.
|How long have you been out here? I don't know|I think I was digging or something.
I think you should go.
- We can talk about this-|- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
|It just happened again.
Let me in.
Get your hands off of me! You don't understand.
He's a fraud.
All of you.
|do you hear me? Your golden boy is a big fraud.
you need to calm down.
It's okay.
I got it.
My whole life.
I have been looking for just one thing.
just one thing to believe in.
I thought it was you.
How long ago did you get high? You gonna help me up.
or what? Are you going to stop yelling at me? I am done with you altogether.
Go back to your penthouse.
Pretend we don't exist.
Everyone else does.
Why not you? Listen easy.
I'm not going to sen d youoff into the night like this.
You can sleep on my couch.
I got you.
It's okay.
You started all this.
you know.
Everything around you took shape after you showed me where to go.
I don't know what to do.
I could count the number of times I've said that on one hand.
but right now it's true.
That's right.
If you know anything now would be a good time to tell uncle jordan.
huh? Oh thank you.
Thank you.
The reunion goes forward.
One of dravitt's hired guns flew into town last night.
His name is laurent ganning.
Tsa had his alias flagged.
do we have a present whereabouts? He just checked into a motel in first hill under the name "lawrence gawain" It's clear.
Tom he's on the move.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You were waiting in the hallway outside my apartment last night.
Do you know how weird that is? I don't know how I got there.
believe me.
I-I- I had another blackout last night.
this is getting bad.
and I can't give you tHe kind of help that you need.
So you want me to just go away? No.
I I want you to talk to someone.
someone qualified.
I'm scared for you.
Scared for me or scared of me? And we are humbled by the bravery of our foreign guests.
many of whom risked so much to be here today|you know.
I'm getting some nasty echos.
Can we adjust the levels on the speakers in the back? Testing.
You know.
that's a lot better.
Nobody moves! Everyone stay right where you are.
Don't move.
Don't move! Get your hands on your head.
Get them up.
Turn around.
Turn around! Get down.
Down! Ganning's pistol was made from synthetic polymers.
The bullets.
He walked it right through your metal|detectors without so much as a peep.
You were Round to get him.
He never would have killed me.
He was standing two feet away from you with a loaded firearm.
The whole thing was put in motion by maia.
Your daughter's vision was a gift to me.
a prescription.
if you will.
|for changing the future.
In one chain of events.
|ganning's bullet killed me.
I can only assume that somebody has a different plan for me.
I wouldn't be putting my feet up by the fire just yet.
I have no intention of canceling the extra security measures.
The same extra measures that just allowed an assassin to walk right up to you.
Would ntac like a presence at the gala tomorrow? Yes.
we don't stand off to the side and watch.
We take command.
I'll issue credentials.
That was a rather dramatic demonstration of competence just now.
What time is it? It's about 2:00.
How'd I end up here.
anyway? Liv.
you were pretty far gone last night.
but are you really telling me you don't remember? I remember.
You don't have to hover over me.
I'm not going to steal anything.
The maid can come in and clean the couch as soon as I'm gone.
How many of these nights do you think you have left in you? Hopefully not too many.
You've seen my life.
When I O.
It's not gonna be any big loss.
That is not true.
How's it going to change? I used to feel the same way.
I meant what I told you.
I can't save the whole world.
and I can't even save your friends.
and I'm sorry.
but if you're serious about wanting a change.
maybe I can save you.
How? By giving you the same thing that saved me.
He's here.
Good to see you.
Excuse me.
my love.
Here we go.
I think I have to nice to meet you Pleasure to see you.
Excuse me.
All the guestscheck out so far.
we secured the surrounding rooftops.
|did a bomb sweep.
So now it's cross-our-fingers time.
Good afternoon.
Thank you for coming to the center.
We have a great day planned for you.
but before we get started.
I'd like to thank the man that made this all possible.
I mean that literally-- he didn't just pay for the food.
He built this place.
and this movement.
so I'd like you to please welcome my mentor.
my friend-- mr.
Jordan collier.
Thank you.
and thank you.
|for that introduction.
We are humbled by the bravery of our foreign guests.
many of whom risked so much to be here today.
Let's go.
I just want to hear what the man has to say for himself.
Jordan? He's up there! Go! Everybody stay down! we've got a shooter.
Everyone calm down! Just stay down.
Stay down! We've got a shooter.
Let me go.
Jordan! Oh.
my god! Oh.
god please let me go.
please! get that stretcher ready.
Pulse is weak and thready come on let's go harry up! Breathing's stopped.
We're losing him again.
No! You're not going anywhere yet.
shawn! She told me to go through with it.
Who did? She lies.
don't go anywhereno.
I need to-|- brian.
I don't have much time.
I did not violate our agreement.
Heidi found me.
heidi's sick.
She's in the hospital.
It happened yesterday.
Something with her spleen.
They had to operate right away.
Is she okay? Can I see her? She's okay.
She's still recovering from the anesthesia.
She's been asking for you.
She's still in recovery now.
but carol thinks it's all right if you want to get in there tomorrow.
what happened? Her spleen? She's 12 years old.
It just ruptured.
Her doctors said they've never seen anything like it.
|Even they can't tell us why.
Where you been?|The funeral's about to start.
what's wrong?|What is it? Heidi's sick.
and I think isabelle's responsible.
I think they're ready for you.
You are going to read a lot about jordan collier in the next few weeks.
some of it good.
a lot of it bad I will be ignoring all of it.
just like jordan would have.
because jordan may have used the media.
but he never allowed himself to be seduced by it.
I could tell you how much I owe the man.
He took me in when I was feeling lost and alone.
I'm sure many of you have similar stories.
The fact is that everyone alive today.
whether they know it or not.
|owes jordan collier.
He had a vision to save the future.
and he gave us that vision.
and now he won't be here to see us achieve it but we will achieve it.
I promise you.
|we will achieve it.
We have all suffered a tremendous loss.
We are heartbroken and bleeding on the inside.
but we will not let that stop us.
and I will not let that stop me.
We will honor jordan collier.
and we will create the better future that he died building.
Thank you for coming.
Nice words.
I think collier would have approved.
I hope so.
He would have liked that you came.
I don't think I was that high on his radar.
Don't be too sure.
You guys bumped heads.
but you believed the same thing.
that the 4400 are the key to the future.
Your goals were identical.
But our methods were different.
Not as different as you think.
that's where your view of jordan collier splits from mine.
at least we have some common ground.
Maybe your side and my side can work together now that I'm assuming new duties around here.
You're becoming quite the little politician.
Now I know collier would have been proud of you.
He's gone.
is body.
|it's not there.
Someone stole the body.
There's only one way out.
and we were standing right in front of it.
|Stole it how? Then what happened? All lying across the ground try not to make no sound to make or break you down I said to make or break you down I break all lying across the ground try not to make no sound to make or break you down I said to make or break you down I break I take down what I need 'cause you know I need to breathe I'm tired of walking on another plane another plane 'cause I feel insane I step back to get to you cut back I'm falling through another day I feel the same I'm cutting and I'm bleeding here with you