The A List (2018) s02e05 Episode Script

We Deserve Each Other

[thunder rumbling]
[both giggling]
- [girl] Do you like her?
- She's beautiful. What's her name?
Amber. She's my best friend.
- Apart from me.
- Apart from you.
- [chuckles]
- [ominous music plays]
- [thunder rumbling]
- [rain pouring]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
- Mia left? Are you sure?
- Did she say where she was going?
[Zac] Yeah, what about the boat?
[Jenna] Tell me this doesn't mean
the escape plan is off.
- The plan's still the same.
- But what about Dr. Shaw?
[Midge] She won't get in our way.
She knows she can't stop us.
And the boat's coming in the morning,
and Mia will meet us there, with Luka.
Why would they just leave without us?
Are you she didn't say anything
or leave a message?
She didn't really stick around to explain.
Did her and Luka maybe have
stuff they want to talk about?
Well, you can ask her yourself tomorrow.
One more night, and we're out of here.
- I'm gonna go get ready.
- [thunder rumbles]
[rain pouring]
None of this makes sense.
Mia's gone, Harry's disappeared
Don't forget the part
where Amber's a statue. [chuckles]
How did Amber even end up here?
She just arrived when you and Mia did?
It's a long story.
A messed up,
nightmares-for-life kind of story.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine.
You know what's gonna cheer you up?
This would look amazing on you.
I have clothes somewhere.
But they're not as cute as these.
- Es elegante.
- [door opens]
- [giggles]
- [exhales] I looked everywhere.
- [door closes]
- [Jenna] There's no sign of Harry or Fitz.
They're not here.
- ["Because You're Mine" by Sir Jude plays]
- [sighs]
On the 60th floor ♪
Trapped in a storm ♪
Watching the skies hail down on 'em
oh so greatly ♪
War ♪
I ignore it ♪
I look in your eyes ♪
Acknowledge the lies ♪
You've stolen my heart and my decency ♪
I forget it tonight ♪
I call you mine ♪
- [thunder rumbles]
- I know ♪
What we've done ♪
- [Luka] Hey!
- Listen to my heart ♪
Mia! Wait! We need to head for shelter.
- When are you gonna share the new plan?
- [gasps]
There is no plan.
Just get away from me.
Get away?
I just spent weeks locked up in there
because I came back for you!
- Well, maybe you shouldn't have bothered.
- What happened?
Maybe I can help.
I don't need help.
I just rescued you, remember?
We're even now.
We don't owe each other anything.
So just leave me alone.
Because you're mine ♪
I'll give you a clue.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Midge. [chuckles]
We We need to hide.
It's okay.
You don't have to worry about the staff.
We're free to go.
And everyone's okay?
And you're okay?
- I was worried when you stopped answering.
- They put me in Gen Pop with the others.
It's nice you were worried about me.
How did you get out?
[smacks lips] Figured out
I could climb through the vent.
[Dev] Wasn't expecting the gas though.
Mia didn't mention that part of the plan.
Have you seen her?
She was talking to Amber.
Yeah, you've missed a lot.
Come on. I'll catch you up on the way.
[distorted lullaby plays]
[distorted lullaby plays]
I find it very hard to make
good style choices when I'm stressed.
[sighs] Obviously,
Fitz would choose to go missing now.
When I've finally got the twigs
out of my hair.
[knocking at door]
[Zac] Hey!
This is the girls' dorm.
It's gender-neutral. Come in.
Yeah, thought I could just hang out
in here till it's time to go.
You know, safety in numbers.
You can help these [sighs]
fit in there.
What about us?
We can't just hang out
while Harry's missing.
What if he's locked
in some basement cell that we missed?
It is a maze here.
There's probably a whole secret wing
we know nothing about.
None of the staff are gonna tell us
if there is one.
Not after you locked them
in a supply closet.
Let's find out the truth for ourselves,
search Shaw's office.
Let's go.
Wait! Wherever you're going,
I'm coming too.
Anything's better than hanging out here.
[thunder rumbling]
[rain pouring]
Sorry about the mess. [chuckles]
Come sit down.
I thought we were gonna find the others,
for the getaway plan.
I thought we could, you know,
hang out in here until it's time to go.
Like the old days?
I just need to see
that they're okay first, with my own eyes.
You haven't changed.
You've always cared about everyone else.
You know, I felt like an outsider
at that camp, except with you.
Remember we teamed up on the first day
and did that stupid nature trail together?
So come with me now. Let's go find them.
It has to be right now?
Would it really be so bad
to just spend some time here with me?
Of course not.
We'll catch up, Midge.
I was trying to protect you,
but okay, fine. Mia's gone.
She left, with Luka.
I'm sorry, but she left you behind.
[inhales] I don't believe you.
She said that she'd wait for me too,
but she was lying.
- She doesn't deserve either of us.
- Get out of my way.
You know how selfish she can be,
and you're still gonna pick her?
You just got a second chance, Dev.
This time, make the right choice.
[lullaby playing]
[laughs eerily]
[scoffs] I told you to leave!
'Cause I always do what you say.
You know what this place is?
I think it's Midge's dollhouse.
She created this place.
She's probably caused the whole storm.
You really need to pick better friends.
She's punishing me for what I did.
You broke her doll?
Nicked her lunch money? What?
I betrayed her.
She was my oldest friend and
[inhales]we did everything together,
Sleepovers. Summer holidays.
And then I just acted like
I didn't even know her.
It just made me feel good
to be the one at the top looking down.
Everything that's happened is my fault.
[deafening tone]
[Luka groaning]
- What is it?
- [panting]
The pain's back. [sniffs]
Oh, it's this place. I've got to get out.
Okay, I've got you. Shut up and move.
[breathing shakily]
Midge, it's okay.
Just tell me what's happened.
What's happened is
I stopped letting people walk all over me.
- I faced down Amber. I showed Mia.
- What have you done to her?
She ran off with Luka
at the first sign of trouble.
She doesn't care about you.
You just need to see the truth.
And if I don't, what are you gonna do?
What, make me see, like Amber would?
No! You know, I'm nothing like Amber,
I just
I want you to open your eyes,
'cause if you weren't so blinded
- I'm blinded?
- Then you'd get it.
But you don't see the real Mia.
You don't know.
I don't know what?
That she can be selfish,
that she's ridiculously high maintenance?
Anyone that spends
ten minutes with her knows that.
She's still the most incredible person
I've ever met.
I love her.
Look, I'm sorry if I did or said
something that gave you the wrong idea
Oh, just don't.
but because I'm with Mia,
doesn't mean we can't be friends.
That's the stupidest thing
you've said so far.
You made your choice.
Good luck finding her.
I hope you rot together.
[thunder crashes]
So, are you two, like, dating now?
What? I think it's romantic!
She was so worried about you.
She was pining! [sighs]
And now you've finally been reunited
Please! Stop talking!
- But why?
- [laughs]
[Kayleigh scoffs]
Just because Zac's a liar
who broke my heart
[exhales]doesn't mean
you two should play things down.
Hey, I'm sure it will work out okay.
When it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
[Kayleigh sighs]
[Petal] Oh.
Did you find something?
[Petal] "Day one."
[drawer slams]
[mouse clicks]
[Dr. Shaw]
Do you know where you are?
Do you know who you are?
- Your name is Midge.
- No.
[Dr. Shaw] You don't remember your name?
[Amber] No. Not Midge.
My name is Amber.
[Dr. Shaw] Amber?
And who named you that?
I know my own name.
And I know who you are.
[Dr. Shaw] Who am I?
You're my mother.
[Zac] We've looked everywhere for it.
Harry has blueprints
for the whole building.
The least we can do
is use them to help find him.
Yeah, you're right.
Poor guy.
He's the last person
that should be locked up
on his own somewhere.
He's probably completely terrified.
Harry [inhales]
is the bravest person I know.
- Yeah. No, I I mean He's Harry.
- [scoffs]
I know what you mean.
And yes, Harry is scared.
All the time. [chuckles]
Of this place.
This island.
But he came back anyway.
He came back for us.
You're right. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
And he really did his research.
The whole history of the island.
Pagan cults.
Resurrection rituals.
People vanishing
and turning into screaming trees
It's okay. They're just legends.
- Well, Brendan's vanished.
- I'm sure he's fine.
I've known him since I was five.
Brendan wouldn't just leave me behind.
Unless he's not the friend
I thought he was.
Come on then.
There's no use us sitting around here.
We're gonna search every inch
of this place until we find them.
[thunder rumbling]
[Dr. Shaw] How are you feeling today?
Midge's memories aren't very interesting.
Music lessons.
She hates piano, by the way.
[Dr. Shaw] Is she in there with you?
Can I speak to her?
- Midge isn't here right now.
- [Dr. Shaw] Where is she?
She's sleeping.
She dreamed me and here I am.
Everything she ever wanted to be.
Everything you ever wanted her to be.
- [Dr. Shaw] That's not true.
- Isn't it?
[Dr. Shaw] Look, this isn't about me.
What do you want, Amber?
How about I show you?
[static buzzing]
- [Dr. Shaw] What is that?
- [buzzing intensifying]
[Dr. Shaw] Stop!
Are you all right?
I need some help in here!
- [video stops]
- [mouse clicks]
[Alex] Look there.
It's the same.
These interviews were recorded here.
And Day 12
That's Day 12 of her life.
You're such a freak, Midge.
That's why no one likes you.
- Even your imaginary friend hated you.
- [Sam] Hey, don't talk to her like that.
- Or you'll have me to deal with.
- How long have you been here?
Long enough to see
you're having a rough day. What's up?
I hate stuff.
- My mom's been lying to me.
- About what?
About how I'm just like everyone else.
How I'd fit in
if I just tried to make friends.
Parents always say that.
It's in the job description.
I feel like I'm always disappointing her.
She probably wishes I'd never come back.
Back from where?
Were you at boarding school or something?
Sure. Let's go with that.
I dunno what's so funny,
but I like seeing you laugh.
You're not real, are you?
I'm the only one who can see you.
You pop up when no one's around,
saying exactly what I want to hear.
- You're a figment of my imagination.
- [chuckles]
I mean, I feel real enough.
I've got a very vivid imagination.
Believe me.
So come with me.
Let your imagination run away with you.
[Dr. Shaw] Why did you hurt that nurse?
He was only trying to help you.
I didn't like him taking my blood.
He'll be okay.
He'll just have bad dreams for a while.
[sniffs, exhales]
That'll be okay when it dries out.
I feel much better now, thanks for asking.
You were more fun
when you hated me instead of yourself.
- At least then you talked to me.
- Nothing to talk about.
I don't know much about what happened
between you and Midge.
And to be honest, I care even less.
But her fall was an accident.
You didn't push her off that cliff.
I might as well have done.
But I doubt you've ever had any friends,
so you wouldn't understand.
Yeah, I would.
I had a best friend once, too.
We were bored.
So we took his dad's car, went for a ride.
I drove 'cause I'd had
a couple of lessons.
Turned the radio up.
I put my foot down and
I crashed.
Eighty miles an hour.
Not a scratch on me.
But he wasn't so lucky.
He died.
I killed him.
[Midge] What did you want to show me?
The stars.
Do you know the names
of the constellations?
No. [chuckles]
Should I?
That's Perseus, uh, Andromeda,
and Cassiopeia.
I learned them because
I heard sailors used them to navigate.
So you were nerdy but resourceful.
- So what?
- [chuckles]
I can't be a figment
of your imagination.
Not if I know things you don't.
Strong argument, but I wouldn't know
if those really are the names.
My brain could just be making it all up.
It's cold. We should go back inside.
["Quiet F" by Masses playing]
Did I do something wrong, Midge?
You didn't do anything, Sam.
- I did.
- Hey.
Hey, whatever it is, maybe I can help.
I'm seriously messed up.
Something's happening to me
and I thought I could own it.
Move closer ♪
I've got you ♪
But I think it's going to own me.
I destroy everything I touch, Sam.
- I'm not safe to be around.
- Hey, hey, hey.
What if I want to be around you?
And that's why I've been hiding out here.
If I go back, I go to prison.
- [Mia] You think we're not in prison now?
- I want this, I want this, I want this ♪
We're both here
because all we do is hurt people.
And we are never leaving this island.
We deserve each other.
We deserve everything that's coming to us.
Move closer ♪
I've got you ♪
Come over here ♪
Lady ♪
Wish I knew ♪
What you do, where you go ♪
When I lose you ♪
This is just to measure
your brain activity.
Pull the doll's arms and legs off
to see how she is made.
She walks, she talks,
she has these powers.
Oh no. I think I've figured out
what Shaw's doing.
What if she's recreating the experiment?
And trying to make more Ambers.
Help me.
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