The Baby-Sitters Club (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

Mary Anne and the Great Romance

Ah, yeah ♪
Hey, hey, hey ♪
Hey ♪
I guess you could call me
a hopeless romantic,
but I prefer hopeful romantic.
My dad and Sharon
had just spent the weekend
at a bed-and-breakfast
in the Berkshires, and I was hopeful,
no, certain that the question
had been popped.
On the weekend before Valentine's Day!
Is this too much?
Do you think they'll know we know
they're engaged if I wear my wedding look?
- Oh no. It's very subtle.
- Okay.
- Have you also considered wearing a veil?
- Well, your shirt is a dead giveaway too.
We're all for marriage equality,
but it's supposed to be a surprise.
If they wanted it to be a surprise,
they would've made dinner reservations
anywhere but Salvatore's.
Is there a more obvious place
for them to break the news?
- Also this shirt's vintage. It's my dad's.
- Did you hear what you just said?
Oh, right. Maybe best not to evoke
my mom's failed marriage
on the night we celebrate
her next chapter. Sweater?
This is happening. An autumn wedding.
Burgundy tablecloths.
Do you think Logan will be my date
to the wedding by then?
Gosh, I really hope
Logan will be my date to the wedding.
If you want Richard to drop dead
on his wedding night, then sure.
No, but seriously, that would be amazing.
You two make such a cute couple.
Is he going to be your Valentine?
I haven't even thought about it.
Let's just focus on one romance at a time.
Come take a photo.
Dawn and I were dressed,
subtly and ready.
But first, Dad had a 20-minute monologue
prepared about
The best croissant of my life.
That croissant was inspirational.
No, aspirational.
I aspire to be more like that croissant.
Honey, you are. You're buttery
and surprisingly expensive.
That cabin was the height of luxury.
He decked it out with flowers and candles.
Who does that?
A couple more things about the croissant.
- You think you know flaky
- Spit it out already!
I did not mean
to speak those words out loud.
Well, since you seem to have an inkling,
Mary Anne, I will indeed spit it out.
And we do have something important
we'd like to share.
Look surprised, Mary Anne.
I settled out of court. No one in Stamford
Heights Apartments is going to be evicted.
Wait, what?
You said they won't be evicted.
That's great, Dad.
Proud of you, Richard.
Fighting the good fight.
Thank you. Now, quickly I'd like to
take you through the entirety of the case.
Don't get me wrong.
It's a basic human right to have housing.
But what was going on with my father?
Here was this incredible woman
next to him. His perfect match.
Why couldn't he just hurry up
and propose already?
I know I'm being controlling,
but I just feel so stupid.
I almost wore a gown.
That sounds pretty lame.
Uh, the proposal, I mean. Not the gown.
Maybe your dad wanted to ask,
but got nervous.
Candy grams! Get candy grams delivered
to your sweetheart's homeroom on Friday!
Five dollars!
Expensive for a box of stale hearts.
Maybe he didn't get nervous.
Maybe Dawn and I got ahead of ourselves.
Who in their right mind
would ask someone to marry them
five days before Valentine's Day? Right?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- It's It's just
- Woo!
I was kind of gonna ask you
to be my girlfriend today.
I got you this bracelet.
But it can wait till Friday.
It can totally wait.
Uh, no! I mean, not no!
No, as in don't wait till Friday.
Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend.
- Good?
- Yeah.
- School! Class.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
- Bye!
Stunning! You know what this means?
You're the first official member
to have a boyfriend.
If you'd told me a year ago,
I would've been shocked.
- Gee, thanks.
- I'm happy for you.
- Why do I feel a "but" coming?
- But
- There we go.
- Remember, you are number one, always.
And then we are number two.
And then your dad's number three.
So I guess he's number four?
No, Sharon and Mimi,
so that's four, five, six
We get it, Kristy,
but as the boy expert here,
I will be leading
the official girlfriend task force.
That cannot become a thing.
Week one of the relationship
is all about setting up ground rules.
It's vital you maintain
the power of least interest.
- You can't let him know where he stands.
- Stacey.
With all due respect,
I watched you pretend
to twist your ankle in front of a guy
to impress him and then cry
over his dirty whistle for a week.
I think I got this.
That was like a million years ago.
- Dirty whistle?
- It was tragic. I'll tell you later.
So, if we could, uh, move the conversation
from boys to something
a little more mature, like childcare,
that would be greatly appreciated
because this is a club meeting.
Oh my God!
I just realized you landed a boyfriend
just days before Valentine's Day.
Iconic! I mean, is Valentine's Day
gonna be your first date?
I actually haven't even thought about
Valentine's Day or our first date.
To be honest, I'm kind of freaking out.
We've never really hung out before
one-on-one. What if it's awkward?
I've had to sit through hours of you two
discussing which actresses you'd cast
in the movie version of Wicked.
I'm sure you'll be fine.
Hello, Baby-Sitters Club.
This is Kristy Thomas speaking.
Oh, hey, Mom.
Weren't your parents going to announce
their engagement yesterday?
Did that happen too?
We thought so,
but I guess it just isn't their time.
I also guess it's not our time
to become stepsisters.
But you're already like a sister to me.
We don't need some piece of paper
to make it official. Right?
My mom needs a sitter for Karen
and Andrew tomorrow after school.
Uh, Claudia's free.
Good luck, Claud.
My mom has a doctor's appointment
for the hypothetical B-A-B-Y.
I don't know what they're doing to her
over there, because at my place,
it has been Hurricane Liz recently.
Claudia will be your sitter.
Yes, Mom.
I will bring you home some chocolate.
I got you.
I'd always thought
life with a boyfriend
would basically be the same
as life without one.
But apparently, much like
a pre-Megxit Meghan Markle,
I now had duties and responsibilities
in my new role,
starting with lunch at
The Couples' Lounge. Welcome.
Isn't it nice to get away
from the noise and chaos of the singles?
Yeah, for sure.
Well, Valentine's Day is upon us.
Finally! A day for us couples.
What do you boys have planned?
Last week was our five-week anniversary,
so of course we did this big thing,
so I think we're just gonna lay low.
You guys?
We made reservations
at Salvatore's.
Oh my God, jinx!
They always do that.
- Oh my God, so do we!
- What's your plans?
I also made a reservation at Salvatore's.
You did?
Their prix fixe menu looks divine.
Honestly, my heart goes out to anyone
who has to spend Friday alone.
I just cannot imagine.
At least I knew my first date
was gonna be on Valentine's Day.
Iconic, as Mallory would say,
but also a little scary.
And speaking of scary
Do you know how
your great-great-great-grandmother died?
Not off the top of my head.
Mine was struck by lightning.
But it was the dysentery that got her.
She's working on her family tree
for school.
Her mom's side took five minutes,
but as you can imagine, the Brewers have
a very long and well-recorded history.
I've got it covered. Love a project.
Oh, uh, Liz, did you,
uh, want some chocolate?
- What?
- I just had a bar of it, randomly.
No, I'm fine, thanks.
Andrew is watching Wall-E
for the 900th time.
He says he enjoys the silence of it.
Anyway, if you can bring him a snack
in a little bit, that'd be great.
And there's a bunch
of old photo albums in the attic
if you want to use them
for visuals for her tree.
That's it. I'll be home at 6:00.
Okay? Have fun.
Claudia, I will take that. Thank you.
Have fun, you guys. Bye!
There might be a new baby here soon.
If all goes well.
Here's Grandpa Ben Brewer.
You can glue him next to Cordelia Brewer.
Although, the two of them
didn't really get along.
There was a large dispute over renovations
to their summer cottage on the Cape.
- How do you know about all this stuff?
- My dad.
Also, I can hear them talking.
Sorry. This weird man
was making the Crying Lady upset.
The Crying Lady?
She lives here in what used to be
the servants' quarters.
She died from a broken heart
after her husband perished
in a whaling accident.
I often hear her weeping.
If you're quiet, you might hear her too.
Claudia! Can I have a snack?
Yup! Coming right up, Andrew.
After another endlessly
awkward lunch with the Couples-Only Club,
I was ready, no, desperate
for some alone time with my friends.
We always walk to our club meetings
together on Wednesdays, but
where were they?
The Crying Lady?
Yes, the Crying Lady,
which gave me nightmares last night.
Oh. That's a new one.
I'll talk to Karen about it.
Anyone else have anything to report?
- You're late.
- Yeah, 'cause you all ghosted me.
Oh my God. Wait, are you psychic?
- We were just talking about ghosts.
- What do you mean ghosted you?
I was waiting for you guys
to walk over here with me, like always.
Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
I assumed you'd want some alone time
with Logan and he'd walk you over.
What? No! God.
That's so old-timey and creepy.
Because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean
I don't wanna walk to meetings with you.
Hate to say I told you so.
Yes, Logan is my boyfriend now,
but that doesn't mean
anything else needs to be different.
Well, except for lunch.
Okay, trust me. The Couples' Lounge
is not all it's cracked up to be.
And you guys told me I had to sit there.
Um, yeah, because we want the tea.
Are Hailee and Oliver
really the perfect couple,
or do we think
there's a few cracks in that foundation?
I'm sorry to report that they are perfect.
Horribly, annoyingly perfect.
They finish each other sentences
and they celebrate anniversaries
on a bi-weekly basis.
- Oh!
- That's adorable!
Oh my God, my mom said yes.
Friday is a go, and she wants
to set up mani-pedi stations for us!
- Friday?
- Galentine's Day!
We're going to watch
and make fun of old rom-com movies.
- Any excuse to eat way too much pizza.
- Wait, that's so much fun. What time?
- Oh, right. Friday.
- Have you and Logan already made plans?
Yeah, he made
dinner reservations at Salvatore's.
Oh, that's so romantic!
And pricey.
People get engaged there.
I'm so jealous.
You're gonna have the best night ever.
Are you looking forward to it?
It's not that I wasn't excited
about spending time with Logan.
It just didn't seem as appealing
as watching rom-coms in sweatpants
with my best friends.
Mary Anne, have you told your dad
about all this?
That's it! I didn't have to
choose between Logan and my friends.
Not when I could simply have
my dad make that decision for me.
And of course, he'd say
Sounds good. Be home by 9:00.
Wait, I don't think you heard me
correctly. I said I'm going on a date.
On Valentine's Day with my new boyfriend.
One moment, please.
"I had a feeling that maybe you and Logan
were starting to become
more than friends after camp,
and I am happy for you, sweetheart."
"He seems
like a very nice kid."
Dad, are those notes?
I've been preparing
for this moment your entire life. I
I was scared to death of messing it up.
I may or may not have asked my therapist
to help me strategize
You know, I don't have to
tell you the whole thing.
And I don't need note cards to know that
I trust you.
I know what you're thinking.
"How sweet."
And you're totally right. It was.
But this also meant
I now had to go have a panic attack.
Did anyone send you
a carnation today, Kristy?
No, thank God.
Don't you think it's weird
that we celebrate Valentine's Day
with chocolates and flowers
when it marks the day that Saint Valentine
was martyred by Claudius the Cruel?
I also think it's a corporate holiday
designed to make women
feel badly about themselves.
But at least Mom's getting
a home-cooked meal from Watson out of it.
Did you hear that? It's
The Crying Lady?
Karen, I'm not falling for it.
You're giving your babysitters nightmares.
Stop messing with people.
You know ghosts aren't real.
Kristy! If you want a ride
to the girl thing, I'm leaving now.
Coming, Charlie.
It's okay.
Because my dad and Sharon
were going on a date,
Logan's Mom picked me up,
and if the car ride over was
any indication of how the date would go,
we were in for a long, awkward night
of deadly pauses,
and little to no eye contact.
Yeah, my name is Logan.
- Last name.
- Sorry, Bruno.
- B-R-U
- I know how to spell Bruno.
And a rose for the girl.
- Thanks.
- Wait here.
What happened
to me and Logan's easy banter?
We used to always know what to talk about.
Now, it was like we're complete strangers.
Mary Anne?
Oh no. How did this happen?
- Are you spying on me?
- What? No.
Wait, this is where your date is?
When you said date, I thought
you meant pizza or at the arcade.
I mean, what are the chances?
We do come here a lot.
Logan, you remember my dad
from Parents' Weekend at summer camp.
- Yeah.
- Dad, Logan. Logan, Dad.
And this is my
Logan! Oh!
- Hi there.
- I've heard so much about you.
Bruno, party of two.
Your table's ready.
Oh, um, could we actually
make it a party of four?
Really? You'd You would want that?
The truth was
I'd do anything to save myself
from having to carry
the conversation with Logan,
even if that meant going on a double date
with Sharon and my dad.
Let's go around
and say our love languages. I'll go first.
Mine is words of affirmation.
Oh. Um
I guess mine's English?
Oh, no, thanks. I'm only 13.
I'll take it.
Did Mary Anne tell you the big news?
- Richard settled a big case out of court.
- I love it when that happens.
- I can't do this!
- It's Hailee and Oliver.
I feel invisible in this relationship.
You just don't care about my needs!
Don't do this!
Stars, they're just like us.
But if the poster couple
of Stoneybrook Middle School
couldn't make it to the first course,
how could Logan and I stand a chance?
- Thank you.
- Thanks, Mr. Spier.
Sorry you had to cover me.
I thought 20 would be enough.
Please, call me Richard.
And you can pick up the tab next time.
I'm starting to realize
I don't know what a prix fixe meal is.
- Thought it was a kind of food.
- Totally get it.
I thought elbow grease
was a kind of cleaning product.
Oh, my mom is here to pick me up.
Happy Valentine's Day, Mary Anne.
Bye, Logan.
When Kristy got home
from Galentine's
with her first-and-last-ever manicure,
she was pretty done
with all things in the romance genre.
But she hadn't expected to walk into
a horror movie?
The Crying Lady.
Was Karen right?
Was the house really haunted?
- Mom?
- Oh, Kristy!
I thought you were a ghost.
I mean Karen thought you were a ghost.
Acoustics in this weird house.
Are you okay?
I'm just
overwhelmed and hormonal.
I understand.
I mean, I don't, but
I'd listen, if you wanted to talk.
I know you would, sweetie.
But this isn't something
that I need to put on you.
These are feelings that I actually
should talk to my husband about,
instead of acting like nothing's wrong
so that he doesn't feel bad
until I get so stressed
and so resentful that I explode.
Well, that sounds romantic.
What about Karen?
You want me to tell her
it was just you crying in the bathroom
and not a ghost?
Mm, nah. Why disappoint her like that?
Liz wasn't a hurricane.
More like she was stuck
on a roller coaster.
But the thing about roller coasters is,
no matter how exciting they are at first,
eventually you just want to get off.
That was fun. He's a very nice boy.
He is.
And that's the problem.
He's a very nice boy
and I really like him,
but now that we made things official,
I feel like we can't be ourselves
around each other anymore.
And my friends
are treating me differently,
and he doesn't even
feel like my friend anymore.
So, basically,
I'm just this friendless mess of a person
who doesn't even know what to say.
I never thought being in a relationship
meant feeling this lonely.
You are not a friendless mess.
You might be the least friendless person
in the history of the world.
Your friends love you
in an almost concerningly
aggressive fashion.
It's okay if you want to go back
to being just friends with Logan.
Or friends who like each other.
Is that what you and Sharon are?
Friends who like each other?
Because if so,
I can learn to get used to that, but
I just thought
you would've proposed to her by now.
I understand.
I can tell you with confidence
that Sharon and I are
more than friends who like each other.
But we're also adults
with history and our own families.
I'm not sure what to call it.
We're just
But what I can tell you is that I'm happy
and that Sharon isn't going anywhere.
And I know that because she and I
have actually talked about it.
Oh no. Does that mean
I was gonna have to talk to my Valentine?
Wait. So you're not mad?
Or sad?
Are you kidding?
Mary Anne, you read my mind.
I've been so stressed lately.
- If I had to spend one more lunch
- At the Couples' Table!
Not that that's gonna survive
after tonight.
"I feel so invisible
in this relationship!"
"You don't care about my needs!"
So we're friends?
- Yeah, we're just
- Us.
- Oh my God.
- We did the thing!
We did not do the thing.
Oh, should I give you your bracelet back?
No way. I mean,
unless you want to give it back, because
Logan, don't make it weird.
So, there you have it.
The difference between being a hopeless
romantic and a hopeful romantic.
Saying how you really feel
to the people you love, or
Whoa, the people you like.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
So you broke up?
We decided to go with no labels.
I love that.
Live in the in-between.
I guess I'm like that.
I hate labels.
For all I know, the person I end up with
could be anywhere on the gender spectrum.
As long as they care about the environment
and have good oral hygiene,
pretty much wide open.
- That's really cool, Dawn.
- Oh, I know. I'm very cool.
Hope you're hungry!
Special delivery.
All right, all right.
Dinner is served.
- Bon appétit.
- Oh, sweetie.
Let's tell them before we eat.
Tell us what?
Well, um
I have an announcement to make.
- We.
- Sorry, we have an announcement to make.
Oh my God. Was this happening?
Were Dawn and I
about to become stepsisters after all?
That's meant to gather your attention.
Now, we know this is a big step,
and something that you two
have wanted to make happen for a while,
and we weren't sure that we were ready.
But after talking it over,
it just makes sense now.
It was happening!
An autumn wedding.
Burgundy tablecloths,
a surprise rom-com ending,
like a Drew Barrymore movie.
- This house is crawling with termites.
- Wait, what?
We have to fumigate.
And Mary Anne and Richard
are gonna stay with us for a week
instead of renting an Airbnb.
A a week? You thought a week
warranted the clinking of a glass?
- Well, I mean
- I love you two.
But we have all got to
get on the same page
about what constitutes
a big announcement around here.
I second that.
Is it that I clanked too many times?
- I may have made too big a deal
- We.
We may have. Consider this bell un-rung.
Valentine's Day,
like labels, isn't for everyone,
and not just because it's corporate
or because it's celebrating the day
a saint died with chocolates or whatever,
but because really it's just another day.
And I don't need $3.00 carnations
or prix fixe meals to be reminded
of who I love or who loves me.
I love this family.
How it is, as it is,
call it whatever you want.
But if you give a little, get a little ♪
Maybe we could get to know each other ♪
Give a little
Get a little, give a little ♪
And if you give a little
Get a little, give a little ♪
Give a little
Get a little, give a little ♪
If only we could find a way
To leave all of our darker days ♪
Soak in all the sweetness on our skin ♪
Oh, and if you're waiting in the sun ♪
Then carry me on wings of love
To that brighter day where all begins ♪
And if you give a little, get a little ♪
Maybe we could get to know each other ♪
Give a little
Get a little, give a little ♪
It's coming through ♪
There's a whole new world
Just waiting, baby ♪
So much waiting just for me and you ♪
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