The Baxters (2024) s02e05 Episode Script

Memory Box

So, law then. Why?
I want to help people fight
for what's right.
That's an altruistic way
of looking at it.
Reminds me of myself
at your age.
Hi, Tim.
I came to say goodbye.
I have to let go now.
[Lori] So, that assignment,
I'm thinking it'll be
marginally less painful
if we work together.
Please? Don't make me
suffer alone.
[Ashley] Is talking to
the patients like that
and restraining them
when they get upset
really the best way?
You're not gonna win
this one.
Get onboard, or get a new job.
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[Irvel] My Hank put out
a fire or two in his day.
-Has he?
-Oh, yes.
He was one of our town's
finest volunteer firefighters.
Station 23.
Well, I'm sure he's
a very brave man.
I know
a brave firefighter myself.
All men should be brave
if you ask me.
Brave, tall and in uniform.
[gasps] That's my Hank.
[all chuckle]
-[Irvel chuckles]
-Do you have any photos?
-I'd love to see a picture.
No, I don't think I do.
He was so handsome
when he was younger.
I thought I'd held onto
a few photos,
but I guess they were just
lost in the shuffle.
I wish I could look at
a few of them
for one last time.
You know, there's an old,
famous photo
of me and Hank
having high tea in London.
London? How fancy!
Did you see the Queen?
Well, I didn't think
she was home,
so I didn't knock on the door.
[all laughing]
What's going on here?
We were just having
a little fun.
-Right, girls?
-[Irvel] Mm.
Coloring books and puzzles.
What's next?
You gonna push them
on the swing
and braid their hair?
I thought it would be nice
to give them something to do.
Oh, you want something to do?
There's a clogged toilet
in room three
with your name on it.
Yes, ma'am.
[Irvel] Belinda, dear,
we were just saying
how much we would enjoy
a warm cup of tea
now and again
And I've told you
a thousand times,
we don't have tea here.
This is a nursing home,
not an all-inclusive resort.
-[metal clinking]
-[John] What?
[exhales] What on earth?
-[door opens]
-[Erika] Hello!
[Ashley] Hi!
Do you see this face?
[Ashley] You're a lifesaver.
Two grocery stores
and five thrift stores, Ash.
-[Ashley] Hmm.
-What are you up to?
[Ashley gasps]
Two fun projects
for two special ladies.
[Luke] Thirty more seconds.
You owe me Hoosiers tickets.
-[John scoffs]
-Any minute now.
[Kari] Here!
[Luke] Oh, 8 minutes
and 23 seconds.
[John] Wow! That has to be
the fastest she's ever driven
over here.
Teenage Kari must have
put something
very, very important
in this box.
Oh, like you two haven't
already looked inside.
What? Did you think
we're monsters?
-Yeah, we did look a little.
-Just a little bit.
[Luke] Dunno, Dad.
I'm starting to think that
we've got some leverage.
-What should we ask for?
-I don't know. 20 bucks?
-I like it.
-Here, Dad, and take Jessie.
Wow. I knew it was important,
but I didn't think you'd
give up your firstborn child
for it.
Jessie, this is
a temporary trade.
I'm just using you
for collateral.
Eh, we should have taken
their friendship bracelets.
Oh! Or the note
from Chrissy Parker.
Yeah, that was scandalous.
Okay, pinky swear
you will never become
a teenager.
I'm just getting drool.
Listen, I have to go to work.
I'm gonna leave you
with Uncle Luke.
It's just a temporary trade.
[Jessie cooing]
[Kari chuckles softly]
[sighs softly]
[birds chirping]
[Erika] Wow!
Hank was a straight-up hottie.
You know, he was in the Navy.
-Irvel always said
she loved a man in uniform.
Like someone else I know?
I can see why you two are
such fast friends.
[Ashley] Mm.
You know, all these photos
were in the storage closet
down the hall?
It's like Belinda is running
a hospital, not a home.
I've never seen
this side of you, Ash.
Going above and beyond
the call of duty.
It's really nice.
So, speaking of
the call of duty
How are things with
your man in uniform?
Like a million
thrift stores, Ash.
Girl's gonna need
a little more than "good."
Landon's moving.
End of story.
What is it
with you Baxter women
and your men running away?
Everyone runs away
at least once in their life.
And you've been running away
from Landon since fifth grade.
The Ashley
he fell in love with
doesn't exist anymore.
Whatever happened in Paris,
it would never change the way
that I feel about you.
And I don't love you
half as much as that man does.
When are you gonna
open your eyes and realize
your happily ever after
is right in front of you?
[Ashley clears throat]
Right in front of me?
Joke all you want,
but one day, your butt's
gonna be in a place like this
and you're gonna wish you had
a Hank to fill
all these frames with.
Oh, you're watching Jessie?
Yeah, Dad had to run
to the hospital,
but she's in good hands.
Hypothetically speaking,
if I were to, I don't know,
leave town for a night,
do you think Mom and Dad
would watch Jessie?
I think Mom and Dad would
watch Jessie anytime.
Literally anytime
for however long you needed.
-Right. That's what I thought.
I might do something
really crazy.
-Hey! I can be spontaneous.
Yeah. Have fun.
-[Jessie cooing]
-[camera shutter clicking]
[Ashley] Keep going.
No peeking.
Almost there. Turn.
Okay, stop.
On three, open your eyes.
[sighs] Oh, my!
Now, when Hank drops
you off for tea,
you don't have to
miss him as much.
-Thank you, dear.
-[chuckles softly]
Could I stay a little while?
Mm-hmm. You can stay
as long as you want.
[Tom laughs cheerfully]
Yes! Nice one.
[Luke] You gotta be
kidding me.
[Reagan] I know.
[Reagan] Yes!
-[Tom] Thank you! Thank you.
The guys from the firm and I
have been getting together
every other week to play.
-I'm in a real groove.
-Yes, you are.
And I am thinking about
sitting this next game out.
I'll be your cheerleader.
The key is just to picture
all the pins falling.
Helps you throw
with more speed.
Yeah, and you aren't
nearly as bad as
the first time we bowled.
-[chuckles] Yeah.
Go on, son, give it a try.
[Reagan] You've got this, Luke.
[Reagan] Oh!
[Reagan chuckles]
All right. I know
I'm not supposed to pray
for silly things,
but, Dear Lord, please do not
let me throw another
gutter ball
in front of
my maybe father-in-law.
-[Luke] Yes! Did you see that?
-[Reagan chuckling excitedly]
I am so proud.
Most improved player
right here.
-All right, you two.
I'll go settle up.
-Yeah, thanks, Dad.
Thank you for making me
feel so great around your dad.
Thank you for being so great.
-Hey, Luke.
-Hey, Lori.
-How's it going?
-It's good. Yeah.
-And how are you?
-Well, I'll see you around.
-I'll see you in class.
Friend of yours? [chuckles]
Yeah, we have
a class together.
Let me guess. Chemistry.
Come on. I've only
talked to her once.
Must have been a heck of
a conversation.
Is this you being jealous?
Is this you
changing the subject?
She's just a girl.
A girl that's making you blush.
You're the only girl
that makes me blush.
Let's go.
-Well, that was fun.
-Yeah, yeah, it was.
Uh, I have an idea.
I would love it if you'd come
and meet my family
before you head back
to the city.
It would be
an honor, actually.
Name the time and place.
Okay, how about
where Reagan and I first met?
My family's church.
Sounds really nice.
-Sunday morning?
-Oh, no, his flight's
Saturday afternoon.
-I'll rebook it.
-Absolutely. And the honor
is all mine.
-[Luke] Thank you, sir.
-Love you, sweetheart.
-Love you, Daddy.
-[sighs] See you later.
-[Reagan whispers] See you.
-[Luke] Bye.
-[Reagan] That was very sweet.
-[Luke] Whatever.
[Ashley] Thank you.
Where did you get
this delicious tea?
-I called in a favor
from my best friend.
-[Irvel gasps]
[Helen] Oh!
And now I'm enjoying it
with my best friend.
Oh, Irvel.
And our new best friend.
-[Helen] Yes.
-[Ashley] Mm.
-[Irvel] Cheers.
-[Ashley] Cheers.
[Helen and Irvel chuckle]
[all chuckling]
Well, girls,
I think this is the finest
tea party I've ever had.
[Helen] Yes, indeed!
[Irvel] Thank you, dear.
I'll be right back.
Has anyone ever told you
what beautiful hair you have?
Thank you, Irvel.
-Doesn't she have
beautiful hair?
-She does.
And so do you.
-You think so?
-I do.
-What are you doing?
Unlike you,
I have the authority.
They're just photos!
They're ticking timebombs
waiting to remind her that
her dear sweet Hank
isn't ever coming back.
I think you have that part
pretty covered.
[Belinda sighs]
Do you want to know why
we don't have actual tea?
Because it's a safety hazard.
The last thing we need
is a burn victim.
If you actually cared about
these women, you'd see that.
You know, first you tell me
not to treat them
like children,
and now you tell me
not to treat them like adults.
I don't understand.
These are living, breathing
people, Belinda.
They're not just
empty mannequins
you can plop on a recliner
and ignore.
Just because you're miserable,
doesn't mean that
they have to be.
You have no idea
the kind of misery
I've been through,
the walls I've had to build.
You'd be surprised.
I don't want to see
another teacup
in this building.
It's not fair!
Welcome to
the real world, sweetheart.
My advice
Check your feelings
at the door.
[elevator dings]
[door clicks open]
[Kari] Perfect.
Thank you so much
for getting everything ready
for tonight.
See you soon.
Yeah, I just got to
the restaurant.
Are you sure
the meeting's here?
This place is empty.
I gotta call you back.
You said
you were missing home,
so I thought I'd bring you
a little piece of home here.
I hope you don't mind
the ruse.
I called in a favor
from your office.
Do I mind? You're in New York.
-Come here.
-I'm in New York. [sighs]
[Kari chuckles]
All right.
I can't believe
you still have this.
Hmm. It's the reason I'm here.
[crickets chirping]
[sighs softly]
[Ryan] Number seven.
"Buy out a restaurant
for a romantic dinner."
You can pay me back
when we cross number one
off our bucket list.
No way.
Clearly, I agreed to all this
before my fear of heights
kicked in.
Oh, we were so young.
I still can't believe
you're here.
You think you're
gonna stay here
for the summer, or
I don't know. I mean,
I'm kinda keeping
everything open.
That way, I can go
where I'm needed.
Look, Ryan,
you have always been there
for me
through everything,
and I'm so grateful.
But, I also just
I don't want it to
become our thing.
Our thing?
You know, you always
feeling like you have to
help me,
always trying to
make things better?
I'm always gonna want
great things for you.
And I'll have them,
because I want them too.
Miss Independent.
What can I say?
I'm a new Kari.
You know, it feels more like
the old Kari, if you ask me.
Maybe, but it's been so long,
I think I forgot
what she looks like.
I haven't.
Hey, can we pretend
we're different people
for a minute?
You know, start fresh?
Hmm. Like a first date.
Yeah, exactly.
-Well, that depends.
-On what?
Does Kari Baxter kiss
on the first date?
[inhales sharply] Hmm.
You know, the new Kari
just might.
Check, please.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
So, you and Reagan have been
spending a lot of time
together lately.
[Pastor Mariana] Tell me
what you have in mind.
Before everything happened,
I talked to Pastor Mark
about starting a ministry
for women, here in the church,
who are also struggling
in their marriages.
I still think
it's a good idea.
[Landon] Hey, Ash.
Maybe you could come over
for dinner?
I'm making pasta alla Landon.
So then, maybe it's okay if
-Do you wanna
-I think so.
[theme music playing]
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