The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 5

We have a problem with Room 3.
What are you saying?
That's impossible.
Let me check.
I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Find him!
He's injured. He can't have gotten far.
We're running out of time.
Also, I'm losing my memory.
And you're still lost.
I'm scared this will all end badly
and we'll disappear forever.
So I can't keep the promise I made you.
I think there's someone who can help us.
You told me it's dangerous
to share the secret of the Crow's Nest.
That this knowledge can turn
even the most rational person mad.
Do you know what folklore says
about desecrating the tomb of a witch?
It's like opening the gate to hell.
But I refuse.
I won't let the life we've lived
all these years just disappear.
Did León seriously appear
in all those old-timey photos of Inés?
Her name isn't Inés. It's Alicia Bernal.
Where is she?
Are we sure it's her? Like, 100%?
It is her. It's her face.
Impossible. She'd have to be a vampire.
Only those who know
they are in God's hands
are able to maintain silence.
Yes, sir.
If she were a vampire,
that would explain the blood bags
we found in the sanatorium.
But we lost the Corax reports.
I gave up my dad's inheritance
to my Uncle Marcel
so he could join Corax
with that son-of-a-bitch Darío.
- We need to get him back.
- How do we do that?
Anything, we give him
a taste of his own medicine.
We go to the infirmary, find a pill,
and see if it makes him sick, anything!
Giving him laxatives
would be really funny.
I've got half a pharmacy under my pillow.
Look, kid,
we're too old to be chewing bubblegum
and playing pranks on teachers.
We're over that dumb stuff. We're too old.
What if I told you
I've got a secret rifle?
You're crazy, kid.
Get lost.
You lot, silence!
Is it there?
Look, here it is.
Alicia Bernal.
"A unique concert recorded in Vienna
by composer Alicia Bernal,
Christmas Day 1940."
Please sit.
Dying young is very unfair.
Especially if you were
as talented as Franz Schubert.
He was 31 when he died of typhoid fever.
But with one simple act,
we make him immortal.
Has anyone seen Inés Mendoza?
No, sir.
Alicia Bernal.
"Alicia Bernal,
composer and virtuoso pianist.
Born in the Pyrenean Valleys in 1903."
So she must 120 years old.
"Celebrated throughout
the greatest theatres of Europe,
she disappeared during World War II.
It's believed that
she died in a Nazi concentration camp,
Buchenwald, near the city of Weimar."
Born in 1903!
Well, she didn't die there.
1903 It is her.
- I'll be right back.
- OK.
I wouldn't be able to cope either
if it wasn't for this.
All right, give me one then.
Eva, right?
Hey, listen.
Earlier, you said that
you had a rifle hidden away.
Look, we just stumbled across it.
Now it's hidden so nobody gets hurt.
Of course, good thinking.
Where is it, Adèle?
What'll you give me in return?
It's in the storeroom.
I don't want you anywhere near that rifle.
He's finally noticed me.
Well, don't get your hopes up.
To him you're a snot-nosed kid, like me.
A nobody.
All right, all right
In that case, it's time for Plan B.
And what's that?
"Anniversary of the death
of young girl Isabel Gascón.
Her body was found in the cemetery
at the hands of a local cult,
the Crow's Nest"
Are you OK?
You sure?
All this stuff about Inés and León,
it's got me a little
It's a lot to take in, right?
It's just that,
if I had to live for 120 years
I'd want it to be with you.
Acts of vandalism to our property
are disrespectful
to our memory and to our past.
Move along! Quickly and orderly!
What's all this about?
Someone stole the crow from the fountain.
Acts of vandalism to our property
are disrespectful to our memory
and to our past.
Do you find this amusing, Uribe?
No, sir.
If the culprit doesn't step forward,
you'll all be standing here
until you sprout roots.
Are you cold?
Don Arturo.
I understand your concern
about the students' vandalism
but they will learn their lesson.
I'm sure they will.
But what concerns me
is another matter we must deal with.
Don Arturo, I've already explained this.
We have more than enough teachers
to cover Latin classes.
I don't need any of your friars.
You don't.
But the kids out there do.
What they need is a role model.
Someone who can guide them,
just as Brother Elías did.
Forget it.
Who's that guy?
- Isn't that Manuel?
- Is that Manuel Villar?
Yes, yes
Isn't he the one that disappeared?
Where'd he come from?
What happened to him?
What happened to him?
What's he doing here?
What's going on here?
Hey! Stay in line!
What's going on?
Get back in line, right now!
You, fall in! And you too!
Torres! Move aside!
Get off me!
Well then?
Answer the question.
I escaped.
I broke the mirror.
They followed me.
This makes no sense, Mr. Villar.
I was alone.
In a hole.
The police have contacted your parents.
- We know you wrote to them.
- I was hungry.
I had no other choice.
I was down there.
But where is "there"?
Who trapped you?
I don't know. I never saw them.
They put me to sleep,
then showed me images.
Cat, plane,
hammer, cat
Plane, hammer.
Then the gas.
What day is it today?
How much time has passed?
Let's see.
You got lost in the woods.
I fell.
- And then I hit my head.
- Right.
And then?
- My head really hurts.
- That's called a hangover.
What I reckon is
this boy is stoned out of his head.
They drugged me.
Put me to sleep, I don't know.
All right, that's enough.
I'll tell you what happened.
You escaped.
You went back to your old ways.
Getting high with your friends, right?
Smashing up cars.
And now you've come back here to hide.
Or maybe you came back
to see your girlfriend.
I'm going to speak to your parents.
I'm sure they'll agree with me.
You'll finish the year here.
We'll put you back
on the straight and narrow.
You can spend your comedown in here.
Beatriz of Osuna.
That's the woman buried in the mountains.
She lived in the 15th century.
How do you know it's her?
From these inscriptions.
It's a coded language.
It was called Transitus Fluvii,
the common language of witches.
Look at her hands.
The Draco Musca.
She was the one who wrote it,
and she took its secrets to the grave.
This school is full of brutes and savages.
We should go back to the cold showers.
Yes, Pelayo. Maybe you're right.
He's not right.
Treating them like delinquents
makes them so.
I'm being lectured on morality
by a woman
who jumped into bed with a friar.
Could we talk in private for a moment?
Have you been in contact
with Manuel Villar's parents?
They agree that
he should finish the year with us.
Take him out of the fridge right now,
before he becomes a real problem.
A problem?
That's possible,
but it wouldn't be my fault.
Don't think for a moment I'm that naïve.
Get him out.
Pick up, Inés.
Shit, that almost took him out!
They wanted the statue back, didn't they?
Must be a miracle
of the Virgin of the Peaks.
Was that you?
I deserve the
I deserve the punishment
I deserve the
That's enough!
The students are still
being punished in the dining hall.
What should we do?
Tell them that lunchtime is over.
But How did you get back here?
I escaped.
Hey, we didn't tell you what else we did!
We staged a riot to escape
and we tipped over all the lockers
OK, leave him alone now, guys.
Fucking hell.
I want to tell you everything, but
I don't know where to start.
I was really worried about you.
I went looking for you like I promised,
but you were already gone.
I'm sorry.
Sorry, but who are you?
What are you talking about?
Manu, it's Adèle.
He's a little overwhelmed.
Don't worry about it, OK?
What did they do to you, Manu?
It was a fucking nightmare.
It's OK.
Don't worry.
This face
It was the only thing that kept me alive.
When things got really bad,
I imagined the two of us,
on the beach, naked
playing in the waves.
I'll see you later.
What are you doing here?
Fran give you something for the headaches?
Yeah, that's it.
Now we have to go to class.
What a fucking joke.
We've got a little while yet.
I want to show you something.
Inés, are you in your room?
What are you still doing in bed?
I've been calling you all morning.
Pick up, Fran.
Fran, come to my house. Something's wrong.
My girl. Inés, my love.
My little Inés.
- Where did you find that, man?
- It's a long story.
We're going to get out with this.
Whoa, mate.
- Mate, what's that?
- Nothing, man. No, no
Paul! It's nothing, mate.
It's been hard, you know?
I've been through shit.
- I didn't think I'd make it.
- Mate.
And now, well
I need to get some rest.
We'll wait as long as you need.
But we have to do this.
We can't stay here with that bastard.
Don't you know who kidnapped you?
I never saw them.
Do you know?
Do you know who did it?
Darío Mendoza.
But how
- How do you know that?
- Mate
- How the fuck do you know that?
- Manu, hey, hey
Listen, mate.
There's so much to tell you.
I'm sure you've got things to say too,
but let's take it one step at a time.
This'll be our secret, all right?
And our ticket out of here!
Everything appears normal.
Then why the hell won't she wake up?
How was she before she went to sleep?
We had dinner with the investors.
She was perfectly normal.
I'd even say she was happy.
- Might anything have shocked her?
- No.
Listen to me, Darío.
It's possible that
we've overloaded her mind.
What if she doesn't wake up?
What if she dies?
Darío, we're crossing a line here.
We have to wake her up no matter what.
This is too important.
Wake her up.
I see you're letting go of the scepticism
that was holding you back.
Now I know there's a solid scientific
basis to the folklore in this region.
I've found information about this woman,
a pioneer in the field of botany.
She gained some really advanced knowledge.
Beatriz of Osuna.
That woman was a daughter of Satan.
She wrote the Draco Musca.
And founded the Lodge of the Crow's Nest.
She began the sacrifices to the Devil.
The daughters of villagers
would be found hanging from tree branches
with their eyes ripped out.
Like Rita and Alba.
Our founder, Saint Malaquías,
put his heart and soul
into hunting down that woman's followers.
But their power still lingers.
Don't go down this route, Elvira.
It's more dangerous than you think.
What are we looking for, exactly?
Statements from
Beatriz of Osuna's followers.
The founder of the monastery,
Malaquías, tried them for witchcraft.
There must be a clue
to where they hid the Draco Musca.
- Yes?
- Elvira.
I'm calling about your
your maleic acid.
Tell me, do you think I can give
a high dose to my daughter?
To Inés?
What's wrong with her?
She won't wake up.
She has low neural activity.
Is she unconscious?
I've seen that in students
without attention deficit disorder,
it can bring about a catatonic state.
I don't think it will wake her.
In fact, Darío,
it could have the opposite effect.
My name is Salvador.
Brother Salvador.
What torments you so?
Confession would help lighten your burden.
I'm not a believer.
If you need to unburden yourself,
know I will keep your secret.
I'll take your words to the grave.
They say
They say that the killer
always returns
to the scene of the crime.
I pushed him.
I pushed him.
With these very hands.
There's not
There's not a day, an hour,
or a second, that I don't
That I don't see Elías
falling into the abyss.
Do you still want
to take my secrets to the grave?
If you walked out that door right now
and called the police
I'd understand.
I can't.
The seal of confession is God's law.
It's impossible for you
to understand how I feel right now.
Don't be so sure.
I also have lives
that weigh on my conscience.
But I found solace in God.
He saved me.
That is the only thing that matters.
If only it were that simple.
But it is.
You are repentant, Mara.
You only need to kneel before Him.
I'm glad you've come to your senses.
Brother Salvador will be
an excellent Latin teacher.
- What you doing here?
- Are you following me?
- You OK?
- Just a bit dizzy.
There's so many people around.
I don't know. I feel a bit out of step.
Is it true there are snitches on duty
during the night now?
You'll have to take your turn too.
Why? Escaping without me?
Yeah, right now.
No, I'd just heard about it.
Well, yeah.
I'm going to bed. I'm knackered.
All right.
Rest up.
Can I talk to you for a second?
What's up?
Manu is acting strange.
What do you expect?
This is all so fucking crazy.
Paul, it's to be expected.
Who knows what they did to him.
I've caught him in a couple of lies.
Heard of Stockholm Syndrome?
- Yeah, right.
- But it could be.
Maybe they released him on purpose.
Why though?
I don't know, but he's hiding something.
Look, the only ones
hiding anything are me and you.
I can hardly look him in the eye now.
Lights out in five minutes.
Rest is vital to academic performance.
Enjoying your book?
You're reading it backwards.
And you? Come to break some pipes?
No, but if you want to, I'll join in.
Don't act all innocent.
I've seen you burning bins,
breaking locks,
and boycotting the school
in plenty of other ways.
I've been keeping my eye on you.
And why's that?
Because we're kindred spirits.
You didn't even have time to pull away!
You don't hold back, do you?
"The Court finds that the Witch of Osuna
has made a pact with the Devil,
as evidenced by her maidenly appearance,
despite having been born
over 200 years ago."
"Malaquías orders
the torture of her followers,
who almost always refuse to confess,
aided by the Evil One."
You should leave, León.
This is my house.
I won't leave without seeing her.
She's just sleeping.
Her neural activity is completely normal.
Not again.
Not again, my darling, please.
"The members of the Lodge have been
condemned by the justice of God
to oblivion and madness
even though some of them
have escaped the justice of Man."
- Uribe, you shouldn't be here.
- Mind your own business!
- This is my business!
- Looking for best snitch medal?
- Get off, arsehole.
- Enough!
You, stay on duty.
You've earned a night in the fridge.
Walk, now!
"In the year of Our Lord 1530,
a woman confesses,
following hours of torture.
She denies a pact with the Evil One.
She claims that it is not black magic,
but science that keeps them young.
But they all live in fear
of the Executioner."
"The accused commits heresy
by declaring she does not fear God
only the one who kills girls
and rips out their eyes without mercy.
Some call him the Executioner.
Others, the Dark Angel.
A demon that tirelessly searches
for souls to deliver to hell."
Adaptation: Chris Smith
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