The Circle (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

Snake in the Grass

[Michelle] Previously, on The Circle
Honey, I'm home!
[Michelle] Eight players enter.
Come on, bitch! ♪
[Michelle] Some real
some catfish.
Everybody loves a father.
They're gonna love Trevor.
[Michelle] Bryant left The Circle.
Oh, no.
-[Michelle] And NSYNC legend, Lance Bass,
AKA his assistant Lisa, joined.
I can't wait to start playing!
[Michelle] Alliances were formed
I love the idea of starting a #GirlGang.
[Savannah exclaims]
-[Michelle] but were quickly broken.
"Which player do you trust the least"
Circle, message!
-This went from a zero to 100!
[Michelle] And a shock blocking
-Oh, that sucks!
[Michelle] gave Courtney access
to The Inner Circle.
[percussive music plays]
After intense discussion in the Hangout,
influencers Emily and Chloe
chose to save River, Trevor and Terilisha
at the expense of Savannah.
Before she left, The Circle told her
to visit the player
she thought she deserved to win,
which was good news for Courtney,
'cause after Savannah met him,
he was introduced to The Inner Circle.
And, honey, I think he likes it.
[Courtney] What is this?
[upbeat electronic music plays]
What in the intergalactic flawlessness
is this, honey?
"Welcome to The Inner Circle."
"Here you will have great power
to influence the game."
Oh, yeah!
-"Use this power wisely!"
Oh, you don't gotta worry about that,
'cause I'mma use this power
to get these snakes out of my garden!
"For a limited time, you have access
to a secret and powerful new identity."
Hold on. Hold on.
-"Meet the Joker."
What does that mean?
two new players will enter The Circle."
Okay, I'm ready!
"As the Joker, you will be able to chat
to the new players anonymously
before anybody else."
This is exciting!
That is what you call a superpower
here in The Circle.
I think as the Joker,
I'll be able to convince the new players
of who to trust,
and certainly, who not to trust.
I'm gonna get right in there and build
those connections, those friendships.
Emily, Terilisha,
watch your backs!
Thank you, Savannah.
[rock music plays]
After a night heavy on the drama,
The Circle is minus one player.
Savannah's left the game,
but there's a Joker in the pack,
and he can't wait to play his hand.
[all] Good morning, Circle.
Here we go!
I pray to God
we made the right decision about Savannah.
Another day,
and now it's really time to slay.
For real.
[Michelle] Before Joker Courtney
starts making mischief,
our players are waking up
to a typical morning hello
from The Circle.
[both] "The Newsfeed has been updated."
Oh, my gosh.
Here we go! Let's get to it.
It's a new day, Circle!
Oh, my gosh!
"Savannah has left a message
for The Circle!" [gasps]
Oo, I wonder what she's gonna say.
I played a key part
in sending Savannah home.
So hopefully she's not pissed
at me in particular.
I'm hoping there is
some type of apology in there, to me.
Keep the space open for people
to give me a fair another chance.
play the video message from Savannah.
Hey! It's me, Savannah.
As you can see, I'm real.
She's real! Oh, my God!
Oh, wow!
I came in with the intentions
of playing a fair and honest game,
and I think did that.
Maybe it was too honest? [laughs]
That's the girl I trust.
Obviously, I'm very heartbroken
to be leaving The Circle,
but unfortunately, the snake,
the real snake,
was not taken out of the game.
In fact, dare I say,
there are multiple snakes.
There's multiple snake
And if someone tells you
that they have your back,
I wouldn't believe them.
Oh, my God!
I have loved my time in The Circle,
and I'm so sad it was cut short.
That's not fair.
May the best man win Or woman.
I'm so disgusted.
She was a formidable player.
If you hadn't had that blowup,
you could've gone the whole way
and won this thing.
Oh, my God! Like, that's crazy!
This is now so stressful!
I wish she would've used names!
Savannah, Chloe and I did have a chat,
and Chloe and I said we'd have her back,
but that's the way chips fall, Savannah.
Emily and Terilisha know what they did.
They know what they did.
-[paper crinling]
-Oh, my gosh. Is she serious?
Fuck it. Moving on!
[all] Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Everyone is gonna look at me and Emily
as the "multiple snakes"
when we were actually
doing our job as influencers.
I've got some serious arse-sucking to do.
I'm going to let everyone speak
before I say anything.
I just wanna see
where everyone else's head is at.
Circle, message:
"Devastated to see my girl Savannah go,
but as always, thank you so much
for keeping me in the game."
-"Devastated to see my girl go."
I, by all means, am fucking thrilled.
I wonder if anyone will own up
to Savannah going to see them.
I think the other players
are gonna be trying to figure out
who Savannah came to come visit,
but they'll all realize
that I probably know everything
that Savannah knows,
and that will make me
an even bigger target.
"Did anyone get to meet her last night?
I, unfortunately, was ghosted again."
I'll keep that to myself.
Were you, Courtney? Were you?
Or did she go and see you,
and she's talking about you?
I would love to see what Emily has to say,
because I know for a fact
that she told Savannah, to her face,
that she wasn't going to block her,
and then did so.
-Circle, message:
"It's awesome Savannah was the dope
and beautiful girl she said she was.
Can't wait to meet her in real life."
[Courtney] "With that being said,
I'm happy with the decision we made
because it would hurt even more
if one of you was gone instead of her.
Red heart. #CircleFam."
Oh, Emily,
you've got me right in my feels. [gasps]
So Emily's saying that it wasn't her.
Circle, message: "Watching that video,
I don't know what to say.
At the time, me and Emily thought
this was the right decision.
I'm so glad we're all here this morning.
-Love heart emoji." Send.
Good message from Chloe.
She's saying we came
to the decision together. Thank God.
"Yeah, I wish she came to see me.
I considered her a little sis,
it would've been nice
to actually meet her.
-#WhoWasIt?" Send.
I did think she was
gonna see Trevor probably,
so if he's not owning up to it, who knows?
I hope she went to see Terilisha.
But she But she called her a snake,
so there's no love there.
-Uh, Circle, message:
"Ladies, I thought you had
a really tough job last night.
What you wrote to her in the blocking
was really classy and nice.
I'm also really curious
who she went to see."
And we'll do the detective emoji
with the magnifying glass.
-And send!
Thank you, Lance, for backing me up,
because it wasn't me, and I wanna know,
and nobody's answering!
Honestly, if it was really was me,
I wouldn't say it either. [giggles]
"Emily and Chloe, thank you
for saving me last night.
I am happy to still be here.
I am looking forward to everyone
to get to see the
all caps. real me."
That's almost like
she's saying she's a catfish.
Why would she feel the need to put "real"
in capital letters into a message?
No. I'm sorry, I don't believe her.
Girl, you're giving me catfish vibes.
"Is this how it's gonna be from now on?
We'll never know who went to see who?"
Give me the long lying-nose emoji.
"#InquiringMinds. LOL." Send.
River, you don't need to know my business.
Mind your business!
Circle, message:
"Firstly, let me apologize
for being a part of any negative energy
during our Truth or Dare? game.
It was hard for me to see someone
come for my integrity
and character when that's not who I am."
Yeah, but you did fire the first shot.
"I want to keep positive energy
and vibes going forward.
The shadiness of this message with drama,
bad energy, calling people 'snakes,'
is the side I got to see
during our Influencer Chat.
I will say
that she did not come to visit me,
and I hope that you guys
will give me a fair shot."
I know all your business now.
[Michelle] Catfish-vibes, snake-talk,
and a lot of shade.
It's not even lunchtime!
Damn, The Circle moves fast.
Speaking of which
[electronic music plays]
Yeah, that's right.
Not one, but two new players.
They're both coming
to stake their claim on the game.
But first, they are working
that Circle hallway, honey!
Shew! Come on, man!
Welcome to The Circle, huh?
This place is nice!
Does this shirt look like
I bought it at Baby Gap?
I feel like I'm ripping out of this.
Hey, what's going on, everybody?
I am Mitchell.
I'm 22 years old.
I was born and raised
in good old Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
The Circle, to me, is a family issue now.
My mom Tammy and my brother Eddie
were on season one,
they ferked up our name here.
They were embarrassing.
I love my Mom and brother to death,
but they were missing the people skills.
That's the premise of the game!
I think me being authentically myself
is 100% gonna work.
It works in all areas of my life already.
-[swiping sounds]
-[bells rings]
Am I a ladies' man?
Yes, I get on well with the ladies,
but I don't know how to say this. I
I gotta just drop the bomb, huh?
I am a virgin.
I don't physically ferk ladies.
I'll do this when I meet the right person,
and quite simply, I just haven't.
[bulb flashes]
I'm here to pick up the slack
where my mom and brother failed,
and take home the gold.
-[gun cocks]
-[cash register opens, dings]
Circle, open up the big one
in black and white.
That's a shot!
That's a picture I'd probably post
on my Instagram.
I think we wanna leave that out.
This is something
guys are gonna hate on,
and think I'm this cocky jerk-off. No.
We're not winning over hearts with this.
Circle, take me to the picture of me
in the gym with the gray shirt on.
See, this checks a lot of boxes
in my book.
Still says,
"Hey, obviously, I'm in the gym.
I take care of myself."
But it also says,
"Hi, I'm approachable.
I'm happy. I'm good vibes." Like
Yup, that's the winner.
Circle, make this my profile picture.
Boo, that photo was saying a lot.
Let's leave Mitchell,
'cause our next player is in,
and she ain't the quiet type.
Say it loud! [vocalizes]
I'm coming through
I'm in this hoe ♪
Give them vibes. Give them all this.
Yes, baby, it's glorious!
I'm in this hoe. It's going down!
Triple-D that!
["Yes Yes I Can" plays]
What's going down? My name is Khat.
I'm 27 years old,
a professional volleyball player.
I'm go' work it out
I'mma show you how I get it done ♪
I think when people first see me,
I'm very intimidating.
Probably about 6'7" in my shoes,
so I think when people first see me,
they're like, "Damn! She's huge!"
When I open my mouth
and get to talk The smile is a killer.
So they definitely kinda soften up.
Volleyball opened many opportunities.
After high school,
I was number-two recruit in the country.
I was National Championship winner,
three-time All-American.
Been playing professionally
for five years.
'Bout to show you
Yes I can ♪
I'm going into The Circle as myself,
because I constantly face the stereotype
of Black, African and women overseas.
I wanna show the world,
"We're young, beautiful, bright.
We're articulate, smart, funny, outgoing."
Showing the world who I am.
I'mma do it right now
I'm about to show you ♪
Yes I can ♪
Going to The Circle,
my strategy is kind of building fire.
If someone fights,
let them have those emotions, feuds.
I'll be sitting there,
pouring the gasoline.
I was born a winner.
I was born a competitor,
I'm gonna win this thing 100%.
Come on!
Sorry. I got into it.
-Yes I can ♪
-Hey! ♪
[bell rings]
Circle, please take me
to the top-middle picture.
-This is KB!
Circle, please make this photo
my profile picture.
-Hm. About me. What do I wanna say?
Let's say, "Gentle giant
with a Southern drawl. Period."
Oo, that's cute.
Little twang. That's cute! Okay.
"Being a pro-athlete
is not who I am, but what I do."
Let's do the sparkle emoji.
It's like three sparkles.
Let's go ahead and put,
"If you're not having a good time,
it's because I'm not there."
I'm gonna put relationship status
as "complicated."
I'm single in the real world,
but "complicated" is perfect
because I'm on both spectrums.
I love that! I'm happy with this.
Circle, confirm this as my profile.
This is cute, sis! This is cute.
I'm drinking. It's not even noon.
[Michelle] She is tall.
That's a full-size bottle of champagne!
[upbeat rock plays]
While newbies polish their profiles,
other players are pursuing
personal pastimes.
Damn, my alliteration is awesome!
Simply superb.
Behind the back bullseye, bitch!
Nude, nude, or nude?
Oh, I just broke my lipstick!
[Michelle] You hate to see it.
This puzzle is no joke.
[Michelle] Hollywood's Lance Bass,
ladies and gentlemen.
As much as I'd love to watch
a man fold his clothes,
The Circle has other plans for Courtney.
Oh! An alert!
All right, let's go!
-"It's time for your first mission
as the Joker."
Well, you know I'm ready.
-"Please go to The Inner Circle now."
Well, you don't have to tell me twice.
It's game on! Let's get it.
While Courtney heads to The Inner Circle,
our players Khat and Mitchell are having
a secret snoop on their neighbors.
No judgment!
-Circle, take me to the player profiles.
Oh, my God, look at my friends!
Look at my
Don't play with me, Lance.
Don't play with me.
There's no way!
[Michelle] Of course it's Lance! Look,
there's a lightbox that says "I am Lance."
Circle, open Lance's profile.
Lance. He's 41?
No way. He actually looks really young.
He's an entertainer from LA. Okay.
This is definitely not him, 100%
I'm a die-hard NSYNC fan.
Circle, take me into Emily's profile.
"Here for a good time,
hopefully a long time"
-That's a dude.
-[Michelle] She's good.
She's got my eye in here so far.
She's ferking hot.
She is hot, Mitchell. She's just not here.
Can I offer you
a 6'6" astrophysics bro instead?
-[game clacks]
-Circle, open Chloe's profile.
[Mitchell] Uh, oh.
Essex joint. I already know that type.
[Khat] "Also lover of empowering women."
This is throwing me completely.
She was on that show.
I watched it. I got questions.
Circle, open River's profile.
Dang, River's got a head of hair on him.
River's real.
Definitely not a catfish.
I'm a very intuitive person,
and there's nothing telling me
that he's a catfish.
[Michelle] Two out of four catfish-spots
on your first day ain't bad, boo.
Circle, let's open Terilisha's profile.
Dallas, Texas. Okay, girl, triple-D that!
"Double degree for love
of science, math." Awesome.
I like how she put a smiley picture.
That's a power move!
You can't help but not like Terilisha
with her just smiling at you.
Sis, you're the vibes.
We can be friends.
Stronger together than whatever.
Better put that on a magnet.
Circle, take me to Trevor's profile.
Has he got a kid?
He's definitely someone
I think I could be friends with.
I vibe with men who have kids.
They're great.
He looks like a genuine dude.
Who would bullshit this?
[Michelle] I don't know.
Maybe someone who wants to win 100 grand?
Circle, open Courtney's profile, please.
Courtney looks like a cool dude.
He hits all different spectrum
of different things.
You know, coffee,
being proud of who he is,
family, making new friends.
"#WhenInDoubtTwerkItOut." [laughs]
Courtney actually looks
like he's got a character to him.
-I really do like everyone.
I specifically like Emily.
She's a beautiful girl.
[Khat] Courtney's in a gray area.
I'm unsure.
Chloe, Lance, and Emily are
on my catfish-spectrum.
I love Lance.
He's playing all the right cards,
but there's something there
that tells me you might be make-believe.
Yeah, definitely.
[Mihelle] Whoo! These new players
are good. Look out, catfish.
Meanwhile, time for Courtney
to flex his secret Joker muscles.
"Welcome back to The Inner Circle."
See, that's nice!
That's a nice, warm welcome.
-"You may now view
the new players' profiles."
Mitchell! Interesting.
It doesn't really say
if he's in a relationship.
I'm hoping that he kind of is,
because my biggest thing is
to drive home the fact that the girls,
in general, are not to be trusted.
take me to the next new player profile.
We got Miss Khat!
Khat's got some good teeth.
I need to really drive home the point
that Khat cannot trust Terilisha.
They're both from Texas,
and immediately, Khat will probably want
to connect with her because of that,
and I do not want you
to get snaked out of your opportunity
before you've unpacked your volleyball!
So I need to play this smart,
and I need to play this clever.
Our hidden Joker waits for his moment.
Good luck, newbies. Good luck, Circle!
Now, let's introduce them to each other.
Oh, ferking A, we got an alert!
Come on, man. What now?
"Khat, you are
one of two new players." What?
Okay. So we got a couple of us.
An alliance right off the bat.
We're new. Let's just start being friends.
I love this.
-[Mitchell] "You may now chat
to the other new player."
Oh, let's go!
I have a friend! Okay.
Circle, please open chat
with the new player.
Oh, my God!
-[Mitchell exlaims]
Oo, Khat!
She's got an absolutely beautiful smile.
Shining pearly whites, man.
I'm just really eager to talk to somebody,
honestly, so this is great.
-Circle, message:
"Hey, Khat, what's happening?
Exclamation point."
Couple more exclamation points. Beautiful!
How you doing, boo?
Circle, I wanna say,
"OMG I have a new friend.
Hey, how's it going?
Exclamation point. Question mark."
-Send message.
Oh, my God! I sent my first message!
If me and Khat can click here,
we can really form a good relationship
as the newbies,
-and kinda keep
What the ferk is that?
[mysterious music plays]
The Joker?
Who the fuck is The Joker?
I have genuinely no clue
what that could even mean.
"The Joker is an existing player,
playing under a secret" What? No way!
"They're here to share information."
No, I
Uh, oh.
[Khat] "Details of this conversation
must remain private
from the rest until the Joker
has left The Circle."
I mean, I'm not even two seconds
into my first chat though,
and they're already throwing curveballs
with this Joker player.
My big goal is to, hopefully,
make the two new players think
that it's Emily spilling the tea
so that they can stay away from her.
I need to write a little more feminine,
a little bit more
in what I think her style would be.
-So, Circle, send message:
"Hi, sweeties, welcome to the #CircleFam.
XOXO. Sunny smiley face."
Send message.
-I don't know what to make of that.
That's something that Emily would say.
I feel like a girl would text me
the hug, kiss, hug.
I'm not gonna start guessing
who the Joker is. I don't know anybody.
Message: "Thanks so much.
We're both so excited.
-#SpillTheTea, sis." Send.
[Courtney] Circle, message:
"So glad to have you.
I'll get straight to the point."
"This is a dangerous game,
and family is non-existent here.
already we're calling shots like that.
Woo! Okay, see, I live for the drama!
I live for the drama.
I want these new players
to feel like I am Emily, scorned,
and I really want them
to pay attention to the fact
that there is no unity
between the women in this game.
-So, Circle, message:
"Everyone screams #WomenEmpowerment,
but I haven't seen any."
Talking about Chloe.
She's talking about Chloe. In her profile,
she talked about "women empowerment"
or she was trying to blah, blah, blah
"Lots of lying, lots of name-calling,
and I'm not too sure one of these girls
is even who she says she is."
[pounds table]
[Courtney] I feel good about that message.
I really wanted to drive home
one shot for Chloe,
women empowerment.
Lots of lying and name-calling.
That's Terilisha, that's Emily.
Everybody get a shot.
Holy crap.
That's a big message
to just come in and get:
[imitates gun shots]
like, hit with,
but I like it.
"Eye emoji, eye emoji, eye emoji.
"And her name would be Dot, dot, dot."
-Call it like it is. Tell her, Mitchell!
Go. You're already here.
You want some names?
I got a little, short, mini hit-list,
and checking it twice,
just like Santa Claus.
I love this.
This is This is me!
I really want them to think
that it's Emily turning on the two girls.
Circle, message:
"Terilisha is definitely a catfish, eyes,
and seeing her lie time and time again
has left me #Deceased.
Crying face. Chloe is not to be trusted.
She says she will have your back,
I have seen otherwise.
Broken heart.
-#Beware. #WatchTheseGirls!" Send message.
Oh! Oh! [mumbles excitedly]
Okay, now we're talking.
Now we're cooking with olive oil, baby.
This is mother-freaking Emily.
The tea has been hot.
I definitely have spilled it!
But listen, I'm not trying to burn my lip,
so I've gotta get out of here and fast.
[Mitchell] What?
And just dipped out?
"The Joker has now left the chat"?
She gone.
She out of here. Bye. Hallelujah. See you.
My objective was
to get the new players to think
that the girls are complete mess-boxes,
and for them to think it was Miss Emily.
And I would hope that it was enough.
I hope these players go into The Circle
being a bit cautious of the girls,
which will hopefully lead them to befriend
more of the guys, including me.
This would be quite interesting to see
who's gonna be walking the walk
and talk the talk.
I am definitely gonna be on higher alert.
One hundred percent.
[Michelle] Seems like the Joker's plan
is progressing well.
[intriguing pop music plays]
And as afternoon passes in The Circle,
it looks like Mitchell
still hasn't unpacked his shirts.
Come on!
Emily, you like sports, we get it.
Whoa! Let's go!
Wait. Stay there, really. God sake!
[Michelle grunts]
Enough of this. It's game time!
[all] "Two Faced."
-Circle, what is this?
-We about to start some drama?
This is unbelievably stressful.
Circle, take me to my private albums.
[Michelle] In Two Faced,
the players are uploading,
you guessed it,
two photos from their private gallery.
There's so many to choose from.
One showing them at their naughtiest
I look naughty!
one showing them at their nicest.
Trevor has to show a picture
with his daughter.
He's constantly talking
about how much he loves to be a father.
[Michelle] Wouldn't be The Circle
without a hashtag,
so every picture has to include one
to get the players talking.
Like they need any help.
I wanna do
like a women empowerment hashtag.
What they don't know
is our newbies are lurking,
watching the whole thing go down.
All right! Let's run it up.
[Michelle] Okay.
Let's get naughty and nice, I guess.
Here we go!
Oh, come on, Trevor!
I'm about to make this girl
fall in love with Trevor, man.
He's a good dad. He's got a massive heart.
I'm sorry, but when the fuck
are we getting married?
All right. Here we got my photos.
I think those are pretty bomb.
I like the authenticity. No, like, makeup.
Probably just hanging out.
I'm still kinda standing strongly
towards her not being a woman.
This is where I know Emily is a catfish.
There's a disconnect
with her pictures and her personality.
Oh, that's me!
This is sort of what I expected
from River.
Seeing these doesn't change
my perception of him.
I love him.
There's not much of a nice vibe to either.
I'm kind of on the fence with you, River.
All right. Who's up next?
Blue hair, sis. Yes, give it to them.
Oh, my God. Are you joking? Nah.
Catfish vibes.
I really generally hate, like,
Snapchat-filter photos.
I don't think either one of these
draw you in.
This picture absolutely does nothing
to change my mind about Terilisha at all.
Oh, there we go. There's Lance!
"#MiCasaSuCasa." Aw.
Then we've got his naughty photo!
Oh, no. Lance, why would you do that?
Can we just cover his face with something?
I feel like if this was really Lance,
he wouldn't have gone exactly this route.
This has to be a girl.
There's no way. This isn't the real Lance.
There's no way.
[Chloe] Who's that?
[inhales] It's me.
"#WillPutAnythingInMy" [imitates snoring]
Chloe, why do you keep doing this?
That describes that I'm a massive foodie.
I mean, it's a naughty picture.
Chloe's been naughty from day one.
I kind of expected it anyway.
I don't necessarily think
this picture is for Trevor.
Or maybe it is.
Maybe she's trying
to capture his attention.
Bam! There I go!
"#PridefulAndPoppin." That is gorgeous!
I love the rainbow top.
I like that he's so proud of who he is.
[Michelle] Y'all didn't think
we were gonna keep The Circle newbies
out of the fun for long, did you?
Come on, now, did you?
-Who is this?
We got a new person in The Circle!
Are you joking?
That's cool! Welcome, welcome!
Love it. I wonder what people will think.
Oof, oof, oof.
Love it.
"#DarkAndLovely"? Oo.
Maybe she's in the Army or something.
Or maybe she was going skydiving.
I don't know.
You're also showing an amazing, sexy side.
They're completely different pictures.
It's like sexy without doing too much.
-Oh, my God! Are you joking?
Is this another person?
It's another new player!
Yes, sir!
Oh, we got another one,
and his ass is out!
Competition is coming in
for real, for real.
Trevor who?
He seems like he's really
a fun-loving kind of guy.
I like him!
River would dig this guy's vibe already.
I could see Emily flirting a bit with him,
so maybe I gotta bring that out a bit.
I wanna get to know this man.
I wanna see what else this man is about.
You can see a lot of him already.
When are we getting married? I love him.
I think this player is going
to give Trevor a run for his money.
I really need him to be
on Team Trevor's side for real.
Well done, Mitch.
You're doing good so far.
[Courtney] I think that Khat
is competition for Chloe,
and Mitchell is competition for Trevor.
Two new people.
Talking about shuffling the deck.
Mitchell and Khat!
There's so many of us!
I wanna look at their profiles!
[all] Circle, open up Khat's profile.
-[Deleesa] She's so pretty!
"Hometown, Mes-kweet"?
How do you say it? "Mes-kweet"?
Oh, she's from Mesquite!
Texas is not playing in The Circle! Yes!
"Occupation, pro volleyball player"? What?
That must mean
Khat is used to some competition.
Think that Khat,
if she's smart, she'll be cautious.
The Joker didn't say much,
but what the Joker did say was
those women are twisted!
Circle, take me to Mitchell's profile.
Look at those eyes. Oh, my God.
[Lisa] Twenty-two? Wow!
He is young.
"About me. I am ambitious and determined,
but still know how to get wild!"
[Michelle] But is the unicorn okay?
"If I'm not working,
you can find me jumping out of planes."
You're not working right now!
If I go look out the window,
will I see you jumping out of a plane?
[Michelle] Okay, Emily AKA Jack.
Your logic is flawless at this point.
I really have a feeling that Mitchell
is going to be flirty with Chloe or Emily.
Every single girl in here
is gonna want to flirt with Mitchell.
Emily is a lot closer to Mitchell's age.
She's 21, he's 22,
and he looks like he might be her type.
If he wants to flirt with Emily,
I guess I'll flirt back.
don't try to steal my girl Chloe.
We've invested too much into it.
I know I've been talking to Trevor,
but it's not exclusive.
[Deleesa] So many men in The Circle now,
it might be the natural caveman
about to come out.
This is the perfect time
to start building some alliances.
[all] "Circle Chat is now open!"
Okay. This is the big moment!
And ready for business!
-Yes, Circle
Circle Chat!
I can't be the first to say something.
We gotta come out hot and heavy!
Number one. Message:
-"What's happening, Circle familia?" Send!
Mitch, why you so Like, dang!
Whoever the Joker is
is gonna hate that I said that actually.
[Michelle] Mitchell, this Joker card
is staying close to Courtney's chest.
I'm very, very, very excited to see
how everyone treats the new players.
"What's good, Khat and Mitchell?
Sending a big-ass welcome to you.
Y'all pictures were
Fire-sign emoji, fire-sign emoji." Send.
They certainly were, Trevor.
Glad that you noticed.
Circle, message:
"Welcome, Mitchell and Khat.
So nice to have you here.
Can't wait to get to know you,
let the fun times roll."
I like Courtney.
I think he's a real, genuine person.
-Circle, message:
"Khat and Mitchell!
Such a lovely surprise!
I nearly fell off my bed when I saw
both of you pop on my screen!
-Laughing face emoji." Send!
I like you, Chloe. So far, so good.
Man, all these people are so nice.
Khat's coming in hot.
"Hi, you guys! Finally!
Excited to meet everyone.
Red heart emoji."
"Welcome, Khat, #TexasBeauty,
and hey, Mitchell, loving the pic!
Come on, man.
I can already see Terilisha's trying
to make a connection with Khat.
Terilisha sounds like
she's got her hands on him already.
We're having none of that, are we?
Circle, message:
"Mitchell, the photo of you
with that peach made me fall off the"
"couch. You have to tell me
how many squats you do in the gym."
Yes, Courtney! See?
That cheeky one was a hit.
And I see Emily typing.
Can't wait for her lies.
Circle, message:
"Huge welcome to you two.
Great photos. Mitchell, your naughty one
was literally so cheeky.
And, Khat, I'm sending
a big #Cowabunga your way." Send.
-I love this! I love this.
Circle, message:
"Khat, couldn't help but notice
your relationship status is complicated.
I'm amazing at relationship advice,
just to let you know.
Wink face emoji.
-How about you, Mitchell?" Send message.
Chloe, why are you this way?
I hope Trevor doesn't
see that and think, "God.
Chloe's asking him if he's single."
[sucks teeth]
Okay, Chloe.
So now you wanna know more about Mitchell.
I knew he caught her attention!
[Michelle] Um, did you see the booty?
"Chloe, I'm open
to hear someone's opinion.
I'm still trying to get it right.
I love that!
Khat is like my type of person.
[Mitchell] This is crazy.
How am I so young, but just terrible
at keeping up with a group chat?
"Mitchell, your pics let me know
you're the type of person
I can have an adventure with. #Excited."
Terilisha's flirting with Mitchell!
[Mitchell] Message:
"You all sound like my kinda people.
And to answer your question,
Chloe, I am single."
Ah, single! [screams] Oh, my God!
[Lisa] Mitchell might try to, like,
private message Chloe.
I feel like right now,
she is kind of having
a flirty thing with Trevor.
[Mitchell] Message:
"Clearly I suck at group chats.
I genuinely don't know how you guys are"
"reading, interpreting,
and responding so quickly."
'Cause we've been here longer than you.
You'll get used to it, bro!
My literacy has gone up ten-fold
since I've been here.
"Appreciate all the love
and big warm welcome.
Super excited to connect with all of you."
-That's good!
Ah! "Now closed!"
Can we cheer you up with a song?
I got friends
I got friends ♪
I love this energy!
It feels good, it feels welcoming,
and it feels like a Circle family.
At the start of this game,
people were friendly like this, too,
and then things turned sour pretty quick.
Mitchell and Khat are both being nice
to everybody,
but I do think that they have
the Joker's tea in the back of their mind.
That curveball with the Joker
isn't sitting right with me,
'cause now I know
at least one of these people
is being just complete BS
in this chat right now.
[light electronica plays]
[Michelle] Trevor, DILF from the Bronx
played by Deleesa,
wants to have a Texan talk
with newbie Khat and OG Terilisha.
Yee-haw, y'all!
I need to strengthen my alliance.
So, Circle, please open group chat
with Khat and Terilisha
named My Beautiful Black Queens.
[Khat] "Trevor.
What's up, beautiful Black queens?"
Crown is being worn very well.
"I thought I'd get to know you more,
but first, help me out with something
Dot, dot, dot, dot."
I am so intrigued right now
what this man is gonna say.
"As you know, I have my own
beautiful Black queen I'm raising,
but half the time,
I don't know what I'm doing."
"I would love if you could share with me
your favorite barbecue mantra
so I can pass along to my little one."
Beautiful Black Queen mantra.
I was, like, boy? [laughs]
-Okay, message:
"One thing that I tell
the little athletes that I train
is if you try to meet
the world's expectations,
-you will always fail."
"Stay true to you
and how you were raised." True.
"Trevor, simply the fact
that you are asking us this question
lets me know
that you are doing just fine."
-Aw, I appreciate that. "#BlackDadsRock."
That's cute. I like that.
This isn't quite the conversation
I wanted to have with Trevor,
but, you know, let's see where it goes.
I feel like I'm creating a bond here.
[Terilisha] "Khat.
Since I'm new to the family
and we're here, how are you feeling?
Something that I've missed?
Question mark."
Message: "Glad you asked that, Khat,
because I've been feeling like
I've been living under a rock."
"but apparently the other night,
there was drama.
Maybe, oo, Terilisha can fill us in?"
He says there's drama
and then asks me to fill you in,
making it seem as if I'm fucking the one
that's bringing drama!
It'd be great
if you can clear the air here,
and maybe we can move on
as allies going forward.
-[Terilisha] Message:
"Yes, there was drama
with a now-blocked player."
[Khat] "In a group chat,
she said some very ugly,
untrue things about me,
but I'm focusing on
the positive things. #PositiveVibesOnly."
Terilisha, I don't like that answer,
because what I heard through the grapevine
don't really match up what she's saying.
You were open. You were vulnerable.
I appreciate that.
Is there a tingle here,
Terilisha, between me and you?
[mocks weeping]
Message: "Trevor,
I know she was important.
I hope that didn't make you feel
a way towards me. Question mark."
"I did look at her as a little sis,
but no, it did not make me feel
a way towards you."
I respect that.
This is how I know now Terilisha may be
on the bottom right now!
Baby needs a friend!
"Let's keep in touch.
#StrongerTogether? Question mark."
I couldn't have said it better.
100 emoji.
-#BlackIsBeautiful." Send.
"Trevor, there is
your B.B.Q. mantra for Toni."
-Girl power! Girl power! Girl power!
I can't lie, I was a little annoyed
at first that the past was brought up,
but it was definitely needed
so we can, you know, move forward.
Come on. Group hug!
[Michelle] It might be all smiles
between Trev-Trev and Terilisha,
but elsewhere in The Circle,
River is working on his suspects board,
and Chloe is putting out
the cutest APB ever
for a blue-haired catfish.
[Chloe] Right.
-[pen clacks]
-"Wanted for being a catfish. Terilisha!"
[Michelle] And where there's a catfish,
a certain Bass is never far away.
Circle, please open a group chat
with Chloe and River, please.
-Circle, message:
"Hey, y'all, what an exciting day.
What do you guys think of the newbies?
Mitchell really brought the eye candy."
Uh, and send!
Do I tell the boys I fancy Mitchell?
Because if they give me
a little indication
that they're close to Trevor,
[blows raspberries]
I'm gonna have to say, [inhales]
"I've got his back 100%.
I fancy the pants off him."
If they're like, "I don't know.
I don't speak to Trevor,"
then I'll be like, "Okay, that's fine."
And then just [mumbles]
Too Hot to Handle Chloe
and hot daddy Lance.
Mitchell's body was Fire emoji.
Can't get those buns out of my mind.
Hamburger emoji. LOL."
I'm just gonna play it cool.
"Oh, yeah. I noticed.
A ten-out-of-ten hottie with eight abs
and massive biceps just walked in."
-Circle, message:
"Tongue out emoji.
Mitchell, his pictures
definitely caught the eyes of the ladies
Dot, dot, dot. Do you guys think
Trevor is worried about me?" [inhales]
-Send message.
I really wish I could write,
"Should Trevor be worried about you?"
Circle, message:
"I've talked to Trevor a couple times,
he's a really cool guy.
You guys seem genuinely into each other."
And send!
-"Genuinely into each other"?
[pen clacks on table]
Yeah, we are. Yeah, we're really genuine.
The first fittie that gets put in,
and I'm fucking spun like a cartwheel.
"Chloe, Trevor knows he lights you up.
These clearly are really getting on
with Trevor,
so I am gonna wait to drop the bombshell
that I fancy Mitchell.
There will be a perfect time,
but the perfect time isn't just now.
"Babe, I'm so glad that you said that.
I don't want Trevor
to have any insecurities
with Mitchell coming in,
because he is a sort. [inhales]
I feel like I'm having a slumber party
with my besties"
-"talking about guys!" [laughs]
Yes, yes, yes!
Circle, message: "I totally hear you.
Don't worry. I don't think you're
giving Trevor anything to worry about.
I'm glad you feel comfortable
opening up to us."
I do think that she's genuinely
into Trevor and not Not into Mitchell.
I am holding my cards close to my chest.
Do I even need to confide in anyone?
I don't need anyone's opinion.
If I want to talk to Mitchell, then I can!
[Michelle] Get in line, Chloe,
'cause he's about to start in
with someone else.
[funky music plays]
Oh, look, his knees are coordinated
with his torso!
[Mitchell] I want to get
a private chat going with Emily,
because, I mean, number one, she's pretty,
and from the chat today,
sounded overall, like, authentic.
So in that case,
open private chat with Emily.
Okay, Mitch!
I guess I'm the first girl
he had his eyes on.
Open private chat with Mitchell.
Am I gonna have to flirt?
I don't necessarily wanna flirt, uh,
because I prefer females.
-[inhales] Message:
"Hey, Emily, how's it going?
I just wanted to reach out
and connect with you
because you caught my eye,
and I think you're pretty.
And I just wanted to get to know you.
Smiley-face-hands emoji."
I gotta fire back. I can't shut him down.
It would just hurt my position.
But I'mma play hard to get
'cause I don't wanna be too forward.
Circle, message:
"Mitchell. Welcome to The Circle."
"You're literally going to have
the best time.
I'm glad you are interested
in getting to know me more.
The feeling is definitely mutual."
-[laughs] Circle, message:
"I was surprised
your occupation wasn't a baker
after I saw you had that cake. [chuckles]
Cake emoji. Side-eye emoji."
-Send. [laughs]
I think if I'm gonna flirt,
I can at least be mad funny with it.
[laughs] So we're going for that.
I think he'll get a laugh out of that.
[laughs, inhales]
I mean, what can I say, Emily?
-All right, message:
"LOL. I'm dying.
I definitely don't skip leg day."
Yo, I'm so good! What the fuck?
I'm the best!
I'm not even being myself. That's absurd.
She seems pretty authentic.
Like, I like her so far.
I got no reason
to distrust her at the moment.
Oh, I'm crafting this message right now
in my head.
I got a flirty line.
Just to fucking put the reel in
and just latch that shit on.
You're not escaping, bro.
-Circle, message:
"To be honest, you give me a great energy.
I could see us being there for each other.
Smiley face emoji. Heart emoji.
Hope I'm not moving too fast."
-Send message.
I mean, all right, Emily!
You're just coming out
and giving it like it is.
I can't help but love her approach
and how she did it.
"You give me great energy"?
I say that to people.
So she is building
some rapport in my book.
Like that really
The compliment and then that.
She's a smart cookie.
"That means the world to me."
"What's the inside scoop?"
Circle, message
-"Last round,
Chloe and I were the influencers."
I picked the right person to DM, huh?
"Thanks for giving me the update.
Was great connecting with you.
Looking forward to getting
to know you more. Heart."
-Circle, message:
"By the way, I also don't skip leg day.
Winky face.
We may need
to track each other's progress.
Tongue-out emoji." Send.
Yeah, I like that.
That's getting it back a little flirty
just so he thinks Emily is interested.
I ferking got it.
That, to me, says a lot!
I was thinking of pushing
in that area more.
She just went there!
He's gonna think some naughty things,
which will get him hooked in.
[smacks lips]
Emily, I like where you're going.
This is good. We're making progress.
Circle, message:
"I'm seriously so happy you reached out.
Great to make a new connection.
Heart emoji."
That's good flirting.
I'm so good, yo! [grunts]
you can't help but love this girl though.
I'm on board, Emily.
We got each other's backs.
You're good people in my book.
This is like
I threw my lure into the water.
You're gonna grab it.
Little do you know,
up above the water, it's me, baby!
The catfish of all catfish,
just reeling that sucker in.
[Michelle] I think you need
a lot of upper-body strength
to reel in Mitchell.
Let's go from the king of catfishing
to the resident Joker,
and The Circle's about to put
another smile on his face.
[Courtney exclaims]
We've got an alert!
Something is going down.
"It is time for your final mission
as The Joker."
"Please go to The Inner Circle now."
Listen, what could it be this time?
Either way, I'm loving the power.
Let's hit it.
[mysterious electronica plays]
[music intensifies]
"Welcome back to the Inner Circle."
You know, Inner Circle,
you are always warm and inviting,
this is starting to feel
a little bit like a second home!
"You now have a huge decision to make."
Well, I'm all about making moves.
Just tell me what to do.
"You must now choose a player
to become one of the influencers
at the next blocking."
Wow, that is a huge decision.
"Please make your decision now."
Who am I gonna choose?
[upbeat electronica music playing]
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