The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

Shock and Awww

[grunts in effort]
[screams, grunts]

- Guy? Are you here?
I got your leaf note.
Why are we meeting in the woods?
Guy-boy, where are you?
[leaves rustling]
dramatic music playing ♪
Just a pigator.
Hyah! Gah!
[panting continues]
[yelling in slow motion]
[grunting in effort]
[man groans]
Who are you?
What do you want?
I just wanted to surprise you.

- Guy?
- Surprise! I did all this for you.
Happy mooniversary.
[squeals and grunts in excitement]
- Guy-baby!
[Guy groans]
You got me again!
How do you do it?
- I'll never tell.
[Guy screaming]
[grunts, sighs]
I'll tell you whatever you wanna know.
- Let's live wild, the world's our own ♪
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll ♪
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go ♪
Whoa-ho-ho ♪
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together ♪
It's an evolution
for worse or for better ♪
To find some unity ♪
For all humanity ♪
Because we're stuck together ♪
In one big family tree ♪

[Eep sighs]
- Thanks again, Guy-boy.
You really went all out this time.
- This?
[chuckles] Oh, it's nothing.
Just a thrilling ambush of deadly mayhem
and a weightless dining experience
with live animal music.
It practically threw itself together
in a night or twelve.
And fear makes everything taste better.
- Glad you took off that mask.
I almost cracked your head open
like a coconut.
So, does this feast come with dessert?
- Yes. And something better.
- Wha-- My bark journal?
I didn't draw this.
Or this.
Okay. And I definitely
didn't draw any of this.
Did you draw this?
- I know how much you love
kisses and punches.
But that's not even
the best part of the surprise.
- No. No more surprises.
It's too much.
And I don't have anything for you.
[all chatter]
- Come on, Eep. It--
It's a really good one.
- [sighs] Well--

No. It's enough. Sorry.
[all screech in frustration]
Ooh. You didn't.
You planned a punch monkey
surprise attack for me?
- For us.
Because I know how much you love attacks.
Combat in general, really.
- Mm-mm-mmm.
- Fine. You win.
No more surprises. I'll cancel it.
Sorry, fellas. The ambush is off.
[groans sharply] Okay.
Of course you can keep the bananas.
They're all yours.
[all chattering]
- Well, they seem mad. Monkey mad.
- Oh, yeah, so do you.
Minus the monkey part.
- No, I'm not mad.
But you plan some
crazy over-the-top surprise for me
every mooniversary,
and I never surprise you.
- They're not that over-the-top.
[Eep gasps]
Because flowers are most beautiful
when you're buried
under an avalanche of them.
Happy mooniversary! [chuckles]
- Hey, who left out all this fruit?

- Because no matter where I look,
all I see is you.
Eepy mooniversary!
Because you make my heart soar
like a majestic crowverine.
Happy mooniversary.
Interesting fact about crowverines,
they do not like leaf banners
tied to their ankles.
- Guy, you know I love your surprises.
But it's not fair.
You do all these amazing things for me.
I wanna do the same for you.
Just once, I wanna surprise you
on our mooniversary.
- I would love that.
But it's never gonna happen.
- What? Why?
- Look, Eep, when it comes
to running and leaping
and swimming and hunting
and fighting and striking fear
into the hearts
of wild animals everywhere,
you leave me in the dust.
- Aw! Thanks, babe.
I do like striking fear.
- But I can't be surprised.
I-I can't help it,
it's just how I'm built.
That's why I'm the surpriser
and you're the surprisee.
- Oh, yeah?
We'll see about that.
It's still our mooniversary
and I'm gonna bring a surprise
that'll blow you away.
- Great!
But don't be too hard on yourself
when it doesn't happen.
- Oh, it's happening.
Because I never give up.
- And I love that about you.
So maybe I can point you
in the right direction.
I like games, dancing, art--
- I know that! I don't need your help.
- Where are you going?
- It's a surprise.
- You're going back
to the tree house, aren't you?
Lucky guess!

What do you think, Belt?
Will Guy be surprised
by this game I invented for him?
[squeals, chatters in affirmation]
Yeah. I think so too.
Toss me the ball.
[Guy grunts]
What the--
- Okay, I'm not surprised.
But I am into this new ball and stick game
you invented.
- What? This wasn't a surprise for you.
This was a surprise for, uh Belt.
Right, Belt?
- Great! So can we play?
- Huh! Sure.
Welp, you win. Bye!
- Yes! I love this game.
[Eep humming]

- Heh, ha!
Thanks for the dance lesson.
Guy's gonna be so surprised.
I'll be all, "May I have
this dance, Guy-baby?"
And he'll be all--
- Why, yes, Eepyhead.
You may have this dance.
- How do you keep finding me?
- [sighs] I told you.
I can't be surprised.
That's why I know
what you're about to say.
BOTH: [in unison]
No, you don't.
- Ugh.
BOTH: [in unison]
Stop doing that.
I mean it!
I'm sorry.
It's just I know you
better than I know myself.
- Aw!
That's sweet.
But now I'm gonna
surprise you into the dirt!
- Right after you grab a snack?
- Get out of my mind!
- Hmm.
[Guy whistling]

- Guy said he likes art.
So he's going to love being art.

[Guy whistles]
[humming, whistling]
[Guy whistling]
Wh-- Why can't he stay in one place?

[chirping in agreement]
That's a surprise for Guy!
But Guy isn't here.
[sighs deeply]
- Or am I?
- Yah! Guy!
I'm trying to surprise you, remember?
- I can't help it. I'm just that good.
- Yeah, yeah.
But not as good as this!
Happy mooniversary.
Remember when you were out in the woods?
Well, I was following you,
painting your every move.
And you moved a lot.
That's why it's so blurry.
- I mean, wow! Ha!
Did not see that coming.
Eep, that's a great surprise.
- So, why do I feel like
you're not surprised?
And what's that under the leaf?
- No idea. Never seen it before.
In fact, I'm not even sure
there's anything even there.
[chuckles nervously]
[grunts, gasps]
You painted a painting of me
painting a painting of you?
- Yes. Wait, I think so. Hold on.
Hmm. Carry the two yes.
Yup. Checks out.
- Wow. How did you do that?
- I wish I knew, but it just happens.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
In fact, this is very helpful
because I just realized
what the problem is.
I need to start thinking outside the cave.
So watch out, because I am
gonna surprise you so hard,
it'll haunt you for the rest of your life!
[clears throat] Sorry, Guy-boy.
Got carried away.
- No harm done.
All's fair in love and surprises.
Dawn, you've known Guy
longer than anyone else.
[grunting in effort]
I'm trying to surprise him,
but it is not easy.
- Yeah. [grunts]
He's really more of a-- [grunts]
surpriser than a surprisee.
- That's why I need your help.
Just like you need my help
with that tugoweed.
- Oh. [chuckles]
Okay. Well, Guy likes--
- Games? Played and lost.
- Okay, but what about--
- Dancing? Dipped and dropped.
- Hmm. Did you try--
- Painting? Brushed and flushed.
- [sighs] Yeah, you can't slip
anything past Guy.
[gasps] Ooh!
Uh, what about a treasure hunt?
We used to love treasure hunts
when we were kids.
- Dawn, that's adorable.
And digging for treasure, that's genius.
It's the second best idea
you've ever had.
- Wait, second? What was the first?
- Being my best friend.
Give it up!
- Aw, yeah!
rock music plays ♪
[Eep grunting]
Hmm? Huh.
You think he'll like it?
- What's not to like?
The clues, the mystery,
and then the best part,
digging up the treasure.
It's just like when were kids.
I'd beg Guy to come on a treasure hunt
with me and then he'd always say--
[gasps] Oh, no.
- "Oh, no"? Why would he say that?
- I don't wanna say.
- Spill it.
- Uh because he hated treasure hunts
and I just remembered
I'm the one who likes them.
- Dawn.
- Sorry.
- No, it's okay.
I'll just figure out another surprise.
Are you coming?
- Uh--
Can I dig up the treasure first? Please?
Please, please, please?
- Come on. You're his best friend
that isn't me.
You have to help me.
- Sorry, Eep.
I can't break the best friend code.
It would be a betrayal of Guy's trust.
- But I'm trying to do
something nice for him.
- Then I will betray Guy's trust.
What do you need?
I'll tell you everything I know.
I'll even tell you
everything I don't know.
- So how do I surprise him?
- I got it.
- An idea?
- No. There was a bug.
It was-- It was biting my head.
I got it!
- Another bug?
- No. An idea.
Guy loves window,
so you should surprise him
by putting a brand new window in my room.
- Wait. Don't you mean Guy's room?
- No. That's what he'd expect.
But a window in my room?
He'd never see that coming.
- Thunk, are you just trying to get me
to put a new window in your room?
- Is that what you think of me?
That I would exploit this situation
for my own gain?
What kind of monster do you think I am?
I've never been more insulted
in all my years!
You're still putting a window
in my room, right?
- Mooniversary?
Sounds made up.
- Well, it is.
But it's how Guy and I
celebrate the day we met.
And I wanna surprise him.
- So what do you want from me?
- I want your help.
You're the most surprising person
I know and--
- Who told you that?
- What? No one told me that!
- Just checking.
Anyway, the key to surprising is,
you gotta surprise 'em.
- Okay, yeah. Right.
But how?
- With a surprise.
That's it, just a little bit
closer and then--
- Gran! [grunts]
- I said I wanted to surprise Guy,
not kill him.
- What's more surprising than death?
[choking, groaning]
- Gran?
You okay?
- Aah!
[Eep screams]
I love surprises.

- Mom, you and Dad
have been together forever-- Whoa!
- I wouldn't say forever.
Because that would make me old.
- After so many moons together,
how do you guys
keep surprising each other?
Because Guy keeps surprising me,
but I can't seem to surprise him.
- You wanna surprise Guy?
Tell him you don't like him anymore.
Surprise! Guy will never see that coming.
Ha! [groans]
- I've asked everyone
for advice, even Gran.
- [grunts] You asked Gran?
Are you trying
to surprise Guy or kill him?
- I was desperate!
- My advice to you is,
don't take anyone else's advice.
Trust yourself.
You know Guy better than anyone.
Only you know
what he least expects you to do.
- Uh, isn't that advice?
- Sure, but I'm allowed, because Mom.
[Grug pants]
- Just-just tell him you just wanna
be friends and nothing more. Ever.
Surprise! Happy mooniversary!
- Trust me. It works.
That's why I snuck out here this morning
and changed all the obstacles
on the training course.
And your father has no idea.
- [groans weakly] W-wait.
You did wha-- [groans]
- The one thing he least expects.
[gasps] I know what to do.
Thanks, Mom!
- Ohh.
So, you think you got me, Ugga,
but I knew you changed the course--
- Sure you did, honey.
Are we going cave diving?
- What?
- That's the surprise, right?
- Guy, I'm done with--
- [gasps] I got it.
Belt and Sash are gonna pop out
of a giant bounceberry cake.
- What? I mean,
that's a great idea, but no.
- Truth or dance?
- Guy, I'm not gonna surprise you.
- You're just saying that
so that you can surprise me. Ha!
Pretty advanced surprise move.
I like it. Yah!
Huh. There's nothing here.
- So no treasure here, huh?
Okay, I'll keep hunting.
Guy, I'm not trying to surprise you.
Because you were right,
you're unsurpriseable.
So I give up.
- Well, that's surprising.
[gasps] Aha!
That's the surprise!
- Ugh. Guy!
- Wait, so this is for real?
- Yeah. You're definitely
the surpriser and I'm the surprisee.
- Well, now I feel bad.
I didn't mean to spoil all your surprises.
- It's okay. All that matters is,
we're together on our mooniversary.
- That's true.
And if it's any consolation,
being the surprisee has its perks.
For example, look down.
Surprise. [chuckles]
- What?
How? Where did you get this?
- I built it while you were painting me.
- I thought you were painting me
while I was painting you.
- Double surprise.
- I love your surprises, Guy-baby.
They're all the surprise I need.

[Guy snoring]
[footsteps pattering]
- [gasps] Huh? Uh-oh.
[muffled screaming]
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[muffled screaming]
[punch monkeys screeching]

[muffled yelling]
Bleh! Ugh!
[inhales and exhales]
I hate mangotato!
And I hate being dragged out of bed
in the middle of the night.
Besides, I thought the failed ambush
was water under the bridge.
[groans] Bananas?
I already gave you bananas! Ow!
You think I'm handsome?
Well, obviously I'm flattered.
[groans] Ohh! You said ransom.
That makes so much more sense.
Aah. So what now?
I just wait here until someone shows up
with the banana ransom?
[muffled screaming]
[punch monkeys screeching]

[squeals, growls]
Psst. Guy?
- [grunts] Eep!
I'm so glad you're here.
- Sorry it took me so long.
I went to your room and you weren't there
and then I saw punch monkey tracks and--
- It's okay.
What's important is that you're here
and the mangotato is out of my mouth.
[spits, sighs]
Those flavors just don't work together.
- Okay, here's the plan.
After I untie you
and get you out of this cage,
we're gonna punch our way outta here.
- Yup. There's no way they can stop us
if we're punching together--
is what I'd say if this was real.
- What? Guy, this is as real as it gets.
- I'm on to you.
This is all just an elaborate scheme
to surprise me.
But you made a couple fatal mistakes.
- It'll be a fatal mistake
if we don't get out of here.
- One, you told me you were giving up.
But I know you never give up on anything.
Especially proving me wrong.
Two, the punch monkeys would never
do something this bold on their own.
- Yes, they would, and they did.
They tied you up
and dragged you out of the tree house
in the middle of the night!
Now stop talking before they hear us.

Fine! You got me.
Ugh! I really thought
I had you this time.
But I guess it's time I faced the truth.
You cannot be surprised.
- I know. Blessing and a curse.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, let's get outta here.
I'm starving.
[stomach growling]
Ooh, I could really go for an--
- Eggs, sunny-side up?
- How do you keep doing that?
All right. Sorry, fellas.
But he figured it out. Let him go.
[screeches in confusion]
[screeches in anger]
Bananas? No.
I don't have the bananas with me.
They're back at the farm.
- Wait, you didn't give them
any bananas yet?
- No.
Uh, is that a problem?
[fists thumping]
[Eep grunts, groans]
- It might be.
Half the bananas upfront.
You gotta give the punch monkeys
half the bananas upfront.
- [groans] Well, how would I know that?
- It's just good punch monkey business.
- I'm sorry.
I just wanted so badly to surprise you.
- It's okay. I get it.
Surprises are the best.
But right now we need to figure out
how to get outta here.
Those punch monkeys seem
especially punchy tonight.
- I do have one idea.
You still like games, right?
Wanna play a little stickfruit?
- Stickfruit? Is that another game
you invented for Belt?
- Just swing the stick when I tell you to.

Okay. It's now or never, Guy-boy.
- Fire away.
Stickfruit is awesome!
Even better than ball and stick.
Your turn, Eepyhead.
I really wish your plans
had less using me as a battering ram.
- I'll see what I can do, Guy-baby.
[all screeching]
Ow! Ow!
Guy! You're stepping on my feet!
- Sorry. I can't see anything.
[Guy screams]
[Guy groans]
[Guy and Eep screaming]
[Guy and Eep groan]
[Guy sighs deeply]
- You think the coast is clear?
- Definitely.
We were tumbling for a while.
- Are you sure?
- Pretty sure.
What do we do now?
Don't worry, Eep. I'll handle this.
Hey, guys.
We're just a couple
of punch monkeys like you
wearing human disguises.
Totally normal.
So we're just gonna-- Oh.
[screeches menacingly]
That didn't work.
- To be honest, it shouldn't have.
[all growl]
That's a lot of fists.
I don't think we can
punch our way out of this.
- You're right. But I've got another idea.
Follow my lead.
Ugh! [grunting]
- Dance fighting?
- Thanks.
Didn't want those dance lessons
to go to waste.
[Eep grunts]
- Mind if I lead?
- I thought you'd never ask.
[both yell]
tribal music playing ♪
[Guy grunting]
[punch monkeys screeching]
Time for the big finish.
- Hyah! Hyah!
[both grunt]
[fists thumping]
[all groaning in slow motion]
[both panting]

- I'm a much better dancer
when I dance with you.
- Yeah, you are.
[punch monkeys screeching]
Oop, but I was wrong.
Even we can't dance our way
out of this one.
- Well, we can't go down that way.
So we might as well go down swinging.
- Done.
You know there's nothing I like more
than a good fight.
[screeching, growling]
[yells in slow motion]
- Huh?
Except maybe a good surprise.

Wait. All of this--
The kidnapping, the escape,
the dance fight, that mural,
this was all you?
- Surprise!
Happy mooniversary, Guy-boy!
[Grug growls]
[all cheering]
- See? I told you
not to listen to other people's advice.
Except for mine.
- You set this whole thing up
to surprise me?
- Yup. All of it.
Guess that makes me the surpriser
and you the surprisee, huh?
- [laughs] Ooh, yeah.
rock music plays ♪
- And after this, we can all
go on a treasure hunt.
I found a map!
That I made.
- And after that we can celebrate
by watching the window
Eep's putting in my room.
- Not gonna happen.
- This was the best surprise ever.
- Except you forgot one thing.
- Yeah, my surprise.
Go ahead, Eep.
Tell Guy it's over. Break his heart.
- I'm not doing that, Dad.
Sorry, Guy, you were saying?
- Oh. Uh, let's see.
Best surprise ever--
Oh, yeah. Except you forgot one thing.

[all cheering]
[Grug growls]
- Oh, come on!
vocalizing ♪
closing theme playing ♪

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