The Following s02e05 Episode Script


Killer twins-- that's the breaking news today You guys have been made.
It was inevitable.
- What train is that? - Express train.
Why didn't she get on it? Lily's lying.
She's in on it.
Why was she targeting you? To lure him out.
Well, if that's what's happening, then you need to prove it.
How can I help? You don't even believe Joe is alive.
I'm skeptical, there's a difference.
Someone's reached out to me.
A follower? I need to know if it's safe for me to answer.
Where's Giselle? She's back in town taking care of David.
You find anything? David Roland at 92nd and York.
Be careful.
You're interfering with a federal investigation.
You think you're helping your uncle, but you're hurting him.
I want us to be friends.
Because when Joe calls, you want me to tell him that it's safe here.
I want you to tell him the truth.
Hello? Emma? Is it safe? It's safe.
She's leaving.
Waiting for a train, Ryan.
Do not follow her! You go left, I'll go right.
Max, where are you? I've been looking all over for you.
I'm on the train.
You're what? I'm on the train.
I have her in sight.
How could you? How could you? I'm back.
isn't it romantic? music in the night a dream that can be heard isn't it romantic? moving shadows write the oldest magic word I hear the breezes playing in the trees above while all the world is saying "You were meant for love" isn't it romantic merely to be young on such a night as this? isn't it romantic? every note that's sung is like a lover's kiss sweet symbols in the moonlight You clean up well.
So you approve? Very much so.
isn't it romantic? So who are you, Lily Gray? I'm a woman who's been waiting for this moment for a very long time.
I will fall in love by chance isn't it romantic? Max.
She's getting off.
I'm at Stratford.
Where are you? I'm close.
I can't be far.
She's calling someone.
Hello? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wait.
Is he there-- Joe Carroll? Yes, Giselle, he is here.
Just be careful.
You're my number one, okay? I don't want anything to happen to you.
She finished her phone call.
She's going out into the street.
She disabled her phone.
She can't be traced.
I'm 20 miles maybe.
Do not follow her, okay? Stay right at the station, and we'll find her together when I get there.
Shut up and hurry, okay? My battery's dying.
I'm hanging up.
But first I want to introduce you to everyone.
They're very excited to meet you.
Joe, this is Radmila.
_ Oh.
Radmila and I met in Barnaul in Siberia, and she's been with me ever since, and these two young men-- Sami and Jamel-- our paths crossed in Paris, and you can consider them your security team.
_ _ Oh.
Joe, this is my oldest son.
We've-- we've met.
It's Luke, Mark's older brother.
By 3 minutes.
It's nice to see the real Joe Carroll, sir.
Can I have a word, mother? Of course.
Excuse me.
You look amazing! Oh.
Isn't this place great? Your house is awesome.
Giselle called.
All's well, but she's in Stratford.
It's a bit of a drive.
I'd like to leave now if possible.
Of course.
Take Jamel with you.
I'd prefer to take Mark.
And I'd prefer that Jamel accompany you.
Drive safely.
Have fun with your new boy toy.
All right, everyone.
Let's not overwhelm Joe on his first night here.
You'll see him tomorrow, huh? So, uh, say good night.
Good night.
Bon nuit.
One last drink? Hmm.
Why not? Is it okay if I have a moment alone with Joe? Of course.
I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do.
Sweetie, you know what? I'm so happy you got rid of that ugly pink.
It's lovely.
Good night, Joe.
Good night.
I like the blond.
_ _ _ _ _ Well? Why did you abandon me? Why did you let me think you were dead? How come I didn't know about the body swap? I didn't even know you had a brother.
You know the rules.
Everyone plays their part.
No one person knows it all.
If everyone knew that I had a DNA match-- I am not everyone.
No, you're not.
Why didn't you try to find me? I failed you, myself.
Failed everyone.
Forgive me, hmm? I would have done anything for you and you left me all alone.
A virus was downloaded onto Roland's laptop, destroyed everything.
Forensics is still on it, but outlook is grim.
Hopkins, NYPD just sent over some surveillance footage of an incident that happened over at Grand Central.
Pull it up.
It's Ryan.
Who's the woman? Is that our suspect? Can you get facial recognition? No.
It's too dirty.
What train is it? New Haven line.
It goes through Connecticut.
switch in Stamford.
Is there CCTV? Not on Metro North.
I might get lucky at the stations, but I need some time.
There's somebody else.
Go back.
Right-- right-- Stop there.
Crop and zoom in.
It's Ryan's niece Max.
She got on the train.
Hardy was trying to follow that girl.
Check his credit cards, and when was the last time we saw him? He lost his detail two hours ago.
Now he's using disposable phones.
All right, people.
Listen up.
We need to expand our search to include upstate Connecticut and Rhode Island.
If they switched trains in Stamford, they could be anywhere, so we need to contact local law agencies at all 35 stops.
I'm here.
Where are you? One block south.
What's happening? She's still walking.
How do you want to handle this? We'll figure it out.
I'll be right with you.
Don't move, or I'll shoot you right in the leg.
Je ne parle pas Anglais.
I think you understand English just fine.
Now come with me.
Shoot me.
Shoot me.
What do I have to lose? Oh, that hurt! Ohh! Oh, but it felt so good! Let's move her before somebody sees us.
What's this? It was flagged by our Carroll alert.
A murder victim found in Arkansas, a local prostitute who was pen pals with Carroll while in prison.
I remember her.
She was on the list.
She was interviewed and cleared.
Do we have a suspect? Reverend Glen Davis.
He and his vehicle haven't been seen since.
Also the woman's daughter is missing.
All right.
Keep monitoring it.
If you get something, tell me.
Morning, sunshine.
Don't bother.
Everything's nailed down in this place.
Hope you're not too uncomfortable, but you kind of deserve it.
Let's cut to the chase.
Where's Lily Gray? Hmm? See, my uncle here thinks find Lily Gray, he'll find Joe Carroll.
Je ne comprends pas.
What? Huh? Please.
No one is buying the "Je comprends.
I don't speak English" routine.
You come prepared.
So what do you think is gonna happen here? Lily Gray killed two federal agents at her Soho art gall-- See that? Lily is the headline on every single news channel, and soon we are gonna know everything there is to know about you and her and the psycho twins, and this is all gonna end, but that doesn't have to happen if you talk to me.
Maybe you can help me with this little dilemma that I'm having here.
Max here, she's a do-gooder.
She wants to do the right thing.
Me-- I'm not interested in the right thing.
I'm interested in one thing-- not you, not Lily, not the twins.
Joe Carroll.
You understand? Joe Carroll killed someone very dear to me, and what I want is simple.
I want to kill Joe Carroll.
I'm ashamed for what I did to you.
My actions were selfish.
In fact, everything I did in Havenport was wrong and selfish.
I am so very sorry.
When I lost you I contacted anyone I could I find.
The FBI was hunting us, we had to hide.
We lived in a rat hole, frightened to go outside.
So there are others still out there? No.
They're all dead or locked up.
There's just me.
It's you and me.
We're here together.
Lily went to a great deal of trouble to find me.
She-- she can't mean us harm.
They're crazy.
Have you not noticed they're all crazy? I know I have no right to ask for another chance.
Now please, Emma, I have a plan.
I know a way we can start over.
Joe seems cool.
I haven't spent Certainly could do without that Emma lurking about.
Don't be mean.
I like her.
You have such a big heart, dear.
You like everyone.
Give her a chance.
For you, of course.
Tell you what.
Why don't you do me a favor and occupy her? I want to spend some time with Joe without interruption.
Will you do that for your mom? Sure.
I know what Lily is doing.
She's completing a family.
It was obvious in the twins' moves, but here's the thing.
Joe-- he's not a family guy.
Do you know what he did to the last woman that he truly loved? He had her killed.
He abandoned his followers to be picked off one by one.
Ryan, she's not gonna cooperate.
Joe's gonna kill you and Lily and everyone else that you care about.
Let's not worry about that now.
I'm gonna make a deal with you.
Lily and her little clan can ride off into the sunset Scott free.
I don't want them.
I want Joe.
I want to drive an ice pick through is brain, but if you don't cooperate with me, Max here is gonna make one phone call, and the FBI is going to explode into this town.
Is that what you want? Because something tells me that home, sweet, home is very close by.
Am I right? All right.
That's it.
I'm calling it in.
Ryan, that's enough! Get off of her! Get off of her, Ryan! Enough, Ryan! Get off of her! Stop it! Ryan! Ryan, you promised me! Stop it! Ryan, you promised me! Ohh! Yes.
This is Detective Max Hardy.
Okay, okay.
I'll make a deal with you.
I'll tell you where they are.
They're at the factory on Bone's Road.
Good performance.
You had me scared for a minute.
Had to make it convincing.
You weren't bad yourself.
You think she fell for it? She's twitchy.
She doesn't want the FBI here.
We're close.
Yeah, but a factory on Bone's Road? I'm just not buying it.
It's too easy.
Do you really think Lily's there? Somebody will be.
I'm gonna scope it out.
You could be ambushed.
Which is why I need you to stay here with her.
I'm gonna go with you.
She's the only leverage I have, okay? She didn't deny Joe Carroll was alive.
Where are we going? You'll see.
Where's your worse half? Oh.
Luke? He's picking up Giselle.
Are they an item? No.
Just close.
This is my mother's studio.
I thought you'd like to see it.
But your mother is an art dealer.
True, but I know you're an artist.
I read about you in that book, "The Havenport Tragedy.
" How come you never went to art school? My mother.
That's sad.
Come on.
Let's create! Come on! It will be fun! So, uh why were you playing the victim on the subway? To meet Ryan Hardy.
I wanted to get close to the man with whom I share an obsession.
And how is, uh Ryan? Still obsessed.
What is it you want from me, Lily? There's something I want to show you.
You need service? Uh, no-- no, thank you.
I can come back later.
Everything okay? We're good.
Nice try.
_ _ Giselle? Don't move! Drop the gun.
Drop it.
Jamel! Ryan Hardy! Ryan Hardy! Drop it! Mr.
Hardy, it's good to see you again.
Drop the gun.
Where's Joe Carroll? Where's Giselle? Where is Joe? What is the big deal with that guy? At what point does one finally just let go? Move on, man.
It's time.
I'm trying to be on my best behavior here.
Uh, Ryan, you still alive? Think you got him.
How's it looking? It's fine.
You sure? I could-- I could do a different pose.
I could take my clothes off, whatever you want.
Read your book.
Just a little-- a little peek.
I can't see this now? Oh, really? Okay.
Uh, I like it.
It will be good once you give me a face.
You got-- you got charcoal right-- Why are you being so nice to me? I like you, Emma.
What? Did-- did I say you could touch me? What?! I didn't say you could touch me.
What are you talking about? You touched me.
I can touch you, but you can't touch me.
You understand? No.
I don't understand.
Well, it's-- it's an important distinction.
I'm sorry.
I-- I have to initiate all bodily contact.
I-- I-- I have a mild case of haphephobia, and you need to read up on it if you want this to work.
No! No, no, no! Nut job! Did you lock us in here? Mother doesn't want to be disturbed.
I don't care what mother wants.
Unlock it now! I can't.
I'm-- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Me, too.
You okay? _ _ I'm fine.
Good because I want to kill Ryan Hardy right now.
Well, where is he? He went that way.
He's bleeding.
There's a trail of blood.
Come on.
Where are you taking me? It's a surprise.
What is this? It's for you.
I assumed you want to get back to work as quickly as possible.
Have you been writing? I was in Arkansas.
Well, I've provided a bit of inspiration for you.
Hi, sweetie.
This is Wendy Porter, and she was a sophomore at San Diego Tech.
She's sedated.
She can be noisy.
Joe, I'm an art dealer.
It's my job to foster and nurture talent, and I believe in you.
I want to give you everything you desire.
And what do you get in return? I get to be part of your greatness.
Just who do you think you are? Who do you think I am? Oh.
Lookie here.
_ We need to be sure.
Then we'll leave him to the animals.
They can eat him, and we'll be gone.
Billy, is that you? Billy? Who's there? Stop! Aah! Don't move! Don't turn around, okay? You understand? All right.
Back up.
Tie this scarf around your eyes.
What is your name? Bella.
I thought this place was empty, Bella.
I just need to patch myself up, okay? Mm-hmm.
Where's your husband? Billy's gonna be home soon any minute.
Then you do as I say as quickly as possible, and I won't hurt you.
Whatever you want, take it.
I have cash! Tie this scarf around your eyes.
Trust me.
Everything's gonna be okay, but you cannot look at me.
Do you understand me? I understand.
If I see you, I can identify you.
And then you'll have to kill me.
Was my proposition really so unappealing? I only want what you want.
I will not be controlled by anyone.
I don't want to control you.
I wouldn't want you if I could.
What are you doing? What do I smell? Is that bleach? I got to clean up.
I'm gonna make you as comfortable as possible.
When your husband gets here, he can release you.
Don't lie to me.
This is not about you, Bella.
You came into my home.
You made it about me.
_ It is the only house.
All right.
Come with me, come with me.
What are we doing? Shh, shh, shh.
You promised.
The people that shot me are here.
You've got to stay quiet.
Oh, God.
No, no.
Not a sound.
Where is she? Where is Max? Dead.
I killed her.
No, no, no, no! Oh, no! Come on! No! Come on! Come on! No! Please.
Don't leave me.
Hey, Wendy.
It's perfect.
Shh, shh, shh.
Keep looking.
Very still now.
Mike, about that Arkansas case.
The suspect-- Reverend Glen Davis-- his car turned up at a gas station near the Tennessee border.
Yeah? Local police pulled a photo from surveillance footage.
So who was in the car? A man and a girl.
Now the girl's been identified as the victim's daughter.
But here's the weird part.
The Reverend Davis' wife said the man wasn't her husband.
She says it's the victim's brother, a war vet.
According to records, the victim didn't have a brother.
Do we have images of the man and the girl? Do you think this is related to Lily Gray? I don't know.
always there in our hearts never moving, standing always there in our hearts something pure that we can't control can't control can't control can't control always there in our hearts dream of our world one of us always there in our hearts joy and progress overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed Where have you been? Where's your cell phone? I called and called.
Ryan? Ryan?
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