The Legacy (2014) s02e05 Episode Script

Afsnit 5

Signe, we've been informed that there's
illegal marijuana on your field.
I can't believe he did it!
Are the marijuana plants
on Signe Larsen's fields yours?
Would you please tell the police
that it's your marijuana and not mine?
They're so spread out
that we can't be sure we'll remove
all the illegal marijuana plants.
- We have to raze them.
- You can't! You can't take my fields!
- I've already removed them!
- You should have thought of that before.
Bla, bla, bla. Idiot!
Signe Larsen,
our cooperation is over.
What do you mean?
I'm sowing in spring.
I've given notice to the tenants.
I have 80 hectares
and a barn that's being renovated.
You should have thought of that before.
I told you countless times
that they would be inspected.
- Stop it.
- Don't you tell me to stop it!
Shut the fuck up!
It's nothing.
I had a fight with Frederik.
Did Frederik do this?
I needled him.
I went too far. Stop it.
He could have strangled you.
Don't stick your nose
in my family's business!
I need some time. I
To think. There are some things
I have to figure out.
Don't you do that.
Then we'll move.
Hannah! Villads!
No fucking way
I'm going anywhere with you.
- Pack your things now!
- No, I'm staying with Dad.
But Dad can't take any more.
- What the hell?
- Dad!
Stop it!
It has nothing to do with you!
Yes, it sure as hell does!
It has a lot to do with me!
You're embarrassing me
in front of the whole club.
The transformation is very good.
- There are a lot of nice details.
- True.
I'm only selling it
because the bank is forcing me to.
I understand if it's hard for you
to part with.
It's either that or selling the house.
That's what the bank recommended.
That's absurd.
I wouldn't call it absurd. My whole
business plan has gone down the toilet.
Lone told me about Thomas's pot.
Not a smart move.
Signe found a visionary company
in Holland
that will buy all her hemp next year.
- So that's good.
- That is, if I can afford to harvest it.
Yes, it costs money
to rent machines and so on.
Thank you.
- I've talked to the board.
- Yes?
We can offer you 700,000 for the piece.
I knew it would be less than the valuation,
but that's a lot less?
The market isn't good at the moment,
so that's what I can offer you.
- That's not enough.
- No.
- Kim, I expected more.
- Yes.
If the prototype exists Does it?
Yes, it was delivered along with the piece.
I think it's in the basement.
If we could have it as well,
we can offer you
Is the prototype
really worth that much?
No, not on its own.
But it increases the unique value
of the piece considerably.
That would be perfect.
Then I could harvest and rent machines.
- All the relevant papers go in the file
- And register it.
- And register it.
- I've got it. I can do that.
It's nice to see
that you're doing better.
Have you talked to Frederik recently?
I've been so busy at work.
We have to register you as an employee,
so you can get paid.
- I don't want any money.
- What?
- It's a proper job.
- Gro, do you have a minute?
- You can pay me a million a month.
- It's because Kim's upstairs waiting, so
- Yes?
He's willing to give me
700,000 for the piece.
It looks like you'll make
some money on it then.
I have to sell it, Gro.
I don't know what else to do.
It's your piece, so it's up to you.
The thing is that 700,000 isn't enough
to keep my business going.
Now he says that if you'll give them
the prototype instead of destroying it,
I can get 900,000.
Sorry. Unfortunately, I can't.
He says it won't tarnish
Veronika's reputation.
It would be interesting to exhibit
the two pieces together.
I'm sorry, but it's been destroyed.
- It's been destroyed?
- Yes.
- Can't we just put it back together?
- No, we can't. It's broken.
If it's about the money, Gro,
then of course I'll pay you back.
I don't want to discuss it with you,
Tell Kim that it's been destroyed.
Why won't you help me?
You live here too, as does Emil,
and your father's here all the time.
Tell Kim that it's been destroyed.
But it's a lie.
Why won't you help me?
Now it's been destroyed.
Now it isn't a lie.
It's been destroyed.
I should have come sooner.
- Signe, listen
- Excuse me, I have to
I doubt you'll get a better offer.
Excuse me.
I won't need the materials after all.
It's a bit late for that.
I need your signature.
I don't need them.
You have to take them back.
We have to get moving.
Talk to our customer service centre.
Please sign here.
Hi, Signe.
- Hi.
- Congratulations on the deal with Holland.
I've just talked to them. I heard
that you've agreed on the price per kilo.
It's perfect.
- I'll set some of this up if that's OK.
- Aksel
I have to decline Holland's offer.
Seriously? Why?
I used all my contacts
to land the agreement.
I know, but
But what?
I was ready to be in debt
for the rest of my life,
but I can't do it
if I don't get any support.
I live with a family who ruins everything
and doesn't give a shit about me.
It's true, Aksel.
They don't give a shit,
and I'm fed up.
I don't have the strength to go on.
What don't you have the strength for?
Your family or farming?
- Isn't it the same thing?
- Do they have to be?
They're all over the place.
It's their childhood home.
So what are you saying?
The bank says that if I sell it now,
I'll make a small profit.
Otherwise I'll be in the red.
But we had such a good plan here!
What about this one, Gro?
Just leave it.
- Are you sure?
- Yes. It won't be registered.
Not all of her pieces were good.
It's just a sketch.
It isn't finished.
But look at it!
Does it use toothpicks or what?
What do you mean?
It's not finished.
It's ugly. It's bloody ugly.
Is it from her schnapps period?
You don't know what it would have
become if she could have finished it.
Hey, hey, hey! Don't take it personally.
It has nothing to do with you.
What's wrong?
And what was that with Signe?
Who cares about the prototype?
Nobody does. It's not a piece.
It's just because Signe wanted it,
and Frederik got greedy.
If Mum were alive,
it would never have been sold.
But if Kim says it won't tarnish
her reputation, what's the problem?
Kim is a businessman.
- But isn't it OK if it can help Signe?
- No.
- Gro?
- Yes?
I need to borrow your car.
I'm going to Copenhagen.
I have to go to work.
Isa called. I'm going to meet her.
- When?
- Now.
- Now?
- Yes.
- Where?
- Not far from where Henrik lives.
Just the two of you?
I think Henrik will be there too,
but I'm only going to talk to Isa.
If Henrik's going to be there,
I'll come too.
I don't want you to make trouble.
I won't.
I'll go with you as moral support.
- OK. Let's go!
- Thomas, shouldn't you change clothes?
You have to change, Thomas.
- What?
- Put on your blue shirt. The nice one.
It's a shame about the prototype.
- Signe really needed it.
- Yes, it's too bad.
These things happen.
- Do I look good?
- You look good.
Are you going to pick wood sorrel
in your fancy shirt?
God, no.
I'm going to meet Isa.
See you.
- Signe, where are you going?
- I'm going to talk to Frederik.
Villads called and cried on the phone
and said he wanted to be picked up.
- Why?
- Because he's upset.
He said that they didn't get any lunch,
and all you do is cut down trees.
No, I don't!
Where is he?
- Where is he?
- There he is.
Why did you call Mum?
- There, there.
- What's up, champ?
- Don't you like being here?
- Just leave him alone, all right?
We'll go home, and you and I
can talk some other time.
I think you should move back in.
- We're not talking about it now.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I think you should move back in.
But I'm not ready, Frederik.
Ready for what?
We're leaving now.
You and I can talk some other time.
Come along, Hannah.
Let go.
Let me go.
Frederik, let go!
- Come along, Hannah. We're leaving.
- I'm not leaving with you.
Let's go, Hannah. We're leaving.
I'm staying with Dad.
Please come, Hannah.
You can visit Dad again soon.
No way!
I don't want to live with you.
She can stay.
- Frederik, I know this is a bad time.
- Yes, it is.
I want to talk to you
about the house.
The house?
- What house?
I think I'll have to sell it.
And I wanted to ask you first.
Have you come to offer me
- But, Frederik
- You should leave now.
- Are you hungry?
- No.
Are you sure this is the place?
Here they are.
- Don't say anything.
- All right.
- OK?
- Sure.
Hi, sweetheart.
My God, she's grown!
It was nice of you to return the call.
Thomas, come with me.
Hi, you little sweetie.
Her sleep pattern was disturbed at first,
and she wasn't eating properly.
It was obvious that she had experienced
too much commotion and chaos.
But she eventually developed
a regular sleep pattern.
Perhaps her sleep was disturbed
because she was removed
from familiar surroundings.
But she had her mother,
the most important person for a baby.
It depends on the mother.
Luckily, Isa has agreed to take the
medicine that the doctor recommended.
We're in contact with a health visitor
who supports her
and helps her with Melody.
What kind of medicine?
- She has a fragile mind.
- Yes.
- So your lifestyle
- No one has forced Isa to do anything.
She hasn't learned to stand her ground.
No, that's something
your parents teach you.
It's obvious that you don't have children.
- I want to ask you something.
- What?
I'd like to come back home.
But don't get mad at me, OK?
I don't want to be your girlfriend.
But couldn't we live together anyway?
And just be friends
and take care of Melody?
If that's what you want.
It is.
We can play music together
and things like that.
I'd prefer that you were there
instead of being gone.
And what if we meet someone?
We don't own each other.
We know that.
You're so cool, Thomas.
- Hey.
- Go see Daddy.
What's up with you, party girl?
Isa, shall we?
I'll take her.
So, back in the buggy again.
- It's time to go.
- What do we do now?
- See you later.
- Right.
See you, Gro.
Hey. Say hi to Signe.
I will.
- So what did you talk about?
- She's coming home.
She's doing really well.
Shall we go?
But Henrik thinks that
this is a bad place for Melody.
Well, maybe.
But Isa doesn't think so.
I can't believe that you keep believing
what she says.
Your distrust of everyone
is very tiresome.
If you believe in people,
they try to live up to it.
She didn't even tell you
that she was on medication.
No. And so what if she is?
Then why didn't she say so?
She's doing well.
You saw that for yourself.
Or perhaps Henrik is just being tactical.
They haven't refused
to let you see your child,
so if there's a court case,
you're the one who hasn't done a thing.
You're standing on my puzzle pieces.
Do you mind?
I'm sorry.
Just don't be disappointed
if she doesn't come.
Then we'll have to figure out
what to do.
We'll talk later.
Gro, can I have a word?
I'm on my way to Copenhagen.
I should have been there three hours ago.
It's impossible to leave this place.
You're the one who wanted to come!
I didn't need you to be there
and be so negative.
It'll only take a minute.
It's important.
What is it?
Come with me.
So what is it?
I'm offering you the house.
- What?
- Yes.
And I'll give you a good price.
Stop it.
Is it because of the 200,000?
Think about it. If you're not interested,
I'll sell it to someone else.
I don't want to buy this house.
Isn't that what you wanted?
Did you think I wanted to live here?
Why would I want this place?
- What's up?
- Signe wants to sell the house.
- What?
- She wants to do what?
You can't sell the house!
- I don't have a choice, Thomas.
- You can't do that.
- It's the only thing we have as a family.
- It's the only thing we have together.
I've worked hard
to make it work.
- No.
- What about Frederik?
How would he feel about selling it
after all the shit we've been through?
I've already talked to Frederik.
He doesn't want to buy it.
- You've already asked him?
- Yes. I talked to him.
I think they're getting divorced,
so it's not an option.
- What?
- Divorced?
Who says so?
All I know is that
Solveig doesn't live there anymore.
Hannah hasn't said a word about it.
What about Hannah and Villads?
What about them?
Villads went with Solveig,
and Hannah stayed.
I think Frederik is very unwell.
It's obvious that you can't sell
the place now!
You know what, Thomas?
You ruined everything.
Excuse me for asking,
but who the hell is ruining everything?
You ruined my only opportunity
to stay, Gro.
You live here for free,
and you help everyone else.
What did you do?
I made sure that you earned 200,000
on a piece that you never
should have had, that's what I did!
Do you know what you did?
You used a hammer to ruin my future
right in front of me!
Right. It's never little Signe's fault.
You just can't get enough!
Am I supposed to be grateful
for inheriting this house?
- Yes! You went to court to get it!
- Emil?
I know.
Sometimes it happens.
Here. Use this.
Sit down.
Lean your head back.
Lean back.
Ever since you came,
it's been nothing but controversy.
Just look at Emil.
And Frederik is crushed.
It's not my bloody fault.
You're so sanctimonious
and you suck up to us, so we'll like you.
And at the slightest problem,
you sell the house.
And it isn't your fault, is it?
Was that helpful?
It's all falling apart now.
What if Frederik is getting divorced?
I don't know.
Maybe it's for the best.
We're a family, aren't we?
It's no use if we fall out now.
Can't you and Sunshine
have joint ownership of the house?
How about chipping in yourself?
I'd be glad to.
We can all chip in.
We could turn it into a commune.
Everyone contributes
what they can.
And perhaps some of our friends
could chip in.
If you can swing it, it would be fine.
Yes. We should do it together.
When you say together, it means that
the rest of us wait on you hand and foot.
Why don't you care about acting
in solidarity?
You're the one
who planted pot on her fields.
And the rest of us have to pay for it.
Yes, so what do we do now?
She'll have to sell the house
if that's what she wants.
You're talking about
your childhood home.
And Melody is coming home.
But if you want the house,
then buy it.
We could repair this.
Just leave it.
Why? Why is it so important?
Can't you just trust me?
It is important.
Wouldn't Mum prefer that
this lump of clay were in a museum
instead of us losing this house?
You have no idea what it's all about.
Why the hell won't you help her?
What's the problem? Why can't you
show her a little bit of kindness for once?
Is it too hard for you?
That little bit of kindness
got you out of a little prison?
Stop it, Gro. You know I'm eternally
grateful, but it has nothing to do with this.
If getting the prototype helps Signe
Why is it always me?
Why do you all tell me?
Because you have the solution right here.
- You can help her.
- I can't do this anymore!
Emil, I'm sorry.
Are you OK?
- Hi.
- Hi, sweetie.
I'm selling the house.
- OK.
- It'll be put up for sale.
what about the fields?
- I'm so embarrassed, Mum.
- Don't be.
You told me not to do it all along.
Yes, but you wanted to give it a try.
They don't care about me at all.
Can I spend the night here?
Yes, no problem.
Lise, the timer went off.
I'm sorry.
The timer went off. Does that mean
that the mussels are done?
Yes, take them off the heat.
- Do you want to stay?
- No, not at all.
- Do stay.
- No.
- I'm sorry I bothered you, Mum.
- Where are you going?
I'll go home. I'll be fine.
No, thanks.
You have to eat
to keep your strength up.
It's nice of you, but I have
a lot of trees to cut down here.
What is it?
I wanted to make sure you were OK.
You were shouting.
- What was I shouting?
- There's an earwig on you.
- Why did you do that?
- There was an earwig on you.
Where did it come from?
This is where they get in.
Fuck, that's disgusting!
Take it easy.
We live in a forest.
No, Dad. Stop it.
- You know what?
- Stop it.
I think it's best if you go and stay
with Mum for a couple of days.
I don't want to!
That's really poisonous.
I'm not feeling well.
Please go home to Mum's.
I'm not feeling well.
Don't follow me! Don't follow me!
Don't follow me!
- Dad?
- Go away!
Don't you understand?
Go away!
Go away!
Get out of here!
You can't park here.
It's a work area.
OK, I'm sorry. I'll go.
Mind his doll.
Emil, you need to be here
with us.
Every time you're alone for a while,
you get upset.
That's no good.
Chill for a while, and then we'll talk.
- No
- No, you can't go down there.
- What is going on here?
- Gro, I'm moving out.
You're moving?
It's just until we get the commune
up and running.
The commune?
It's your kind of thing, Gro.
These are all very interesting
young artists.
Emil, where are you going?
- I don't know. I'll figure something out.
- You can't just leave.
Gro, the house is going to be sold.
And all those people are yelling
and screaming. I can't take it.
Can't you wait two minutes?
I can give you a ride to Copenhagen.
You can live with me.
It's Solveig calling.
Wait a minute.
Hi, Solveig.
No, I haven't.
Yes, I will.
What was that about?
Frederik threw Hannah
out of the house last night.
No one knows where she is.
That's not a good idea, Emil.
How nice to see you.
- And you brought Melody.
- Uh-huh.
- Is Thomas inside?
- Yes.
You can't start distributing rooms yet.
We don't even know
how many we need.
You can sleep down here.
I We're not sleeping in a dormitory.
I'm not sleeping in a dormitory either.
Look who's here!
My girls are here.
Look at little ducky. Hi.
Look at all these people.
This is Melody.
And Melody is coming to live here
with Isa.
My girls
are moving back home.
- Can I hold her?
- Sure.
She's just a bit tired.
She's a little tired, but give it a try.
We have to get
this commune established.
We have children now.
You know that we're
in the middle of complete chaos.
Signe wants to sell the house.
Why? Where is she?
I don't know. She dropped the bomb
and then took off.
We have to call a general meeting
very soon.
- Dad, you know it won't work.
- It'll be fine.
Lone, you can't be serious
about supporting him in this.
I just got my family back.
What are you suggesting?
That we live on the street?
Come on, we have to get
this commune up and running.
First we have to decide
who's going to be on the board.
- Excuse me, what's going on here?
- Signe!
- Hi, Isa!
- Hi.
- It's so good to see you.
- You too.
You know that I'm selling the house.
Yes. Thomas wants to turn it
into a commune.
He does?
Can I have a word?
I'd like to lend you the money
you need.
I'm sorry. What?
This house belongs to our family.
- Of course you can't sell it.
- Listen, Gro This house is mine.
You can't just swoop in
and decide what I should do with it.
I know, but you want to stay here
and grow hemp, don't you?
You can pay me back
when you can afford it, OK?
Come on, Signe. It'll be fine.
I've already made up my mind.
- I see.
- Yes.
I thought that hemp was
very important to you.
It was, but now that dream
has unfortunately been shattered.
- It's shattered?
- Yes.
I don't think it will work out
anymore. OK?
You know what, Signe Larsen?
I think you should pack your things
and find a new hobby somewhere else.
I have constantly fought for this.
It's your bloody fault
that it didn't work out.
So go to hell.
You know what? You don't know jack shit
about what it's like to have a dream.
Not jack shit.
Frederik, please talk to me.
Let go of that.
OK, I know that you don't think
very highly of me at the moment.
You know what?
You're wrong.
I don't think about you at all.
I couldn't care less about you.
Do whatever you want.
OK. Then I want to be here.
Let go. You're forgiven.
I forgive you.
Are we good?
OK. Are you OK?
I forgive you.
Yes, it's OK.
Now you're forgiven.
Now get out of here.
You're not wanted here.
You have no idea what's going on.
What's going on?
I can see that you're falling apart.
Do you remember back in school
when I started stealing?
And I broke a lamp?
Do you remember
that you covered for me?
Huh? Do you?
Do you remember
that you always covered for me?
Frederik? Hello?
- I don't think you did it to help me.
- Go away.
- I really don't.
- Go away!
I think you did it because you were
scared shitless
that someone would find out
how I felt.
How I really felt inside.
And all that stuff about Dad.
And if they found out
Frederik, if they found out,
they would also find out how you felt.
Isn't that true?
And you couldn't let them find out.
No, heaven forbid!
Because you're so strong!
You deal with everything on your own.
- Get out of here!
- Isn't it true?
Isn't it true, Frederik?
Just imagine if you were mistaken.
Imagine if you also needed
other people.
- I'll let you know if that's the case.
- I don't think you dare.
Don't tell me what I dare
or don't dare!
- You've always run from everything.
- But not anymore.
What do you think will happen as soon as
Gro puts some money in your backpack?
- It won't happen.
- "It won't happen. "
You can threaten me all you want.
Go ahead. Hit me!
- Go away!
- Then hit me!
Hit me, Frederik! Come on!
I'm not giving up, Frederik.
No, no. There will have to be two people
in the big bedroom.
I can see why you want to get rid of
the house.
There's no shame in giving up.
It's true.
Nobody is a match for them.
They're like a mafia family.
They order you around.
Hey, everyone.
You all have to go home now.
- Yes. Where is Thomas?
- You're what?
Thomas, everyone has to leave now.
You said that you wanted to sell it.
We should be able to buy it.
This is wrong.
- Thomas?
- This isn't my idea.
- Thomas, stay here. I want to talk to you.
- This is not OK.
- We have to settle some things.
- Don't eat my food, thank you.
- Come on. Out you go.
- But
Come on now!
I just got a cup of coffee.
You can't finish it.
You have to leave.
I know, I know.
Sorry, but you have to leave now.
- Signe?
- No, you're not going to live here.
- Signe? Signe?
- Yes?
I know that everything is
a mess right now,
but if there's something I can do,
I'm here and I want to help you.
- OK?
- OK. Cool, Emil.
Please stay here.
I have something I want to tell all of you.
Just stay here.
Have a cup of coffee and wait outside.
I'll be out later.
What the hell got into her?
You're back?
How did it go?
So, are you coming
to Copenhagen now?
No, Signe said
that we should stay here.
She wants to talk to us
about something.
Can we wait five minutes?
Don't look at me.
I don't know a thing about it.
- Did she throw them out?
- Take a look around. Where are they?
You can stay.
Hi, sweetie.
Have you seen her?
- Emil.
- Do you want to hold her?
- Hi. Isa.
- Do you want to hold her?
You're so sweet.
Here she comes.
Gro, I'd like to accept
your offer of a loan.
Are you keeping the house?
Holy shit, Sunshine!
You scared us half to death.
Enough, Thomas.
I just want to say how sorry I am
about the field.
It's fine. I'm not finished,
so please sit down.
you have used the basement
for a long time without paying rent.
So I thought we could deduct the rent
from the loan.
And I think that 7,000
for the whole basement is very fair.
So if you still want to lend me the money
on those terms,
you can stay here rent-free
for six months,
and the loan will be repaid.
You agree, don't you, pumpkin?
It sounds pretty damn fair.
OK. Way to go.
Might be nice not to have to deal with
the hassle of a commune.
And we've just built a new bed
in the caravan.
You can sleep there from now on.
You're not spending
the night here anymore.
And you have to start paying
for your electricity and gas.
You haven't so far,
but I'd like you to.
If you don't have the money,
you can help around the place.
There's plenty to do.
It's OK for you and Melody to come
if there's something you need.
Emil, I know you're not doing so well,
but I'll have to ask you
to clean up your mess
and take all your things
and get settled in the basement.
I'm pleased
that you want to help me.
That's it.
Do you want to go back to Mum?
I'm closing this entrance.
So you'll have to use the other one.
You're great.
I heard you had a family meeting.
Shall we go home?
I've been trying to
since yesterday.
It was a good thing that you sent me
home to my children.
Claudia has calmed down.
We spent the day with the kids.
It was really nice.
That's good.
Do you know what I think?
That you and I should buy
an apartment in Copenhagen.
With room for my kids.
- But they go to school in Hamburg.
- Yes.
But there are weekends and holidays.
Yes. We'll talk about it.
Shall we go?
- Come on in.
- It's Dad.
Something is really wrong with him.
We have to help him.
I don't know who else to ask.
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