The Machinery (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

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Do you know how hard it is
to get hold of anti-tank shells?
What the fuck, Wessberg?
Are you totally out of your mind?
Hoods? Ties?
Can't be too careful.
I know who the golden calf is,
but I don't know him, okay?
Stop whingeing, Erik. You're out now!
Did you get scared? No? A little.
- A little.
- It wasn't deliberate.
I don't bite.
Welcome to freedom, boys!
Go in and get changed.
There are clothes inside.
Come on.
Here. Welcome.
- Do you trust him?
- He got us out, didn't he?
You can relax.
As long as you've got the money.
Relax, Olle, for fuck's sake.
We're out. We're free.
We've got beer.
Enjoy it. Come on.
You look like shit.
- How much does he want for it?
- I mean
You and Lilly need new identities,
and you need travel documents
and passports.
At least 200,000.
Per person, that is.
And we have to get
to Copenhagen.
We can steal a boat to Jutland.
Well, can you drive it?
I was brought up
on my dad's boat, so
Hey, hang on.
Don't wave that about.
What about Olle?
He'll be inside for a few more years.
I have to focus on myself and Lilly.
Have you considered
cutting off all contact with him?
Who's Pernilla Carlsson?
- No one.
- You have her driving licence.
- Is she alive?
- I don't want to talk about it. Okay?
What about the money?
If we find the man
he gave the money to
Can't you have a nice chat with Palle
and try to get more out of him?
- Yes.
- Maybe he can lead us to Reine.
Hey, it's okay. Wait in the car.
- What is it? Has something happened?
- I'd like to talk to you.
I know things aren't
that good between us, but
A day hasn't gone by without me
regretting what I did to Lilly.
I was so deep in the shit
with that damned restaurant,
I didn't know what to do.
You know how much
Lilly means to me. Sorry.
I'm trying to be a better person.
Are you really?
Why are you working with Reine?
- How do you know Reine?
- Jesus, Palle.
You've just got out of prison,
and you're
He's an old friend. That's all it is.
We aren't doing business together.
Is someone saying we are?
- No.
- No?
I'm just worried about you.
Thanks. Thanks, but there's no need.
I appreciate it,
but I've learned my lesson now.
He got really nervous.
I haven't done
something like this for years.
I was actually meant to be on a plane
to Belgium on Tuesday.
Ten years in the Vorstan prison.
I wouldn't have survived
more than ten minutes.
Old friends?
A gang of Moroccan jokers
who claim I cheated them
out of 40 kilos of coke.
But it can't have been more than 35.
- Here's to death.
- To death.
I need a phone.
Yeah, it's some party.
Mind the hair. Hi!
I thought it was Palle
who was sitting on the money.
Shouldn't trust your gut.
If you just chill,
you'll get the money.
Yeah, I hope so.
Both for your and your family's sake.
If you threaten me
and my family again,
you're going to have a problem.
You don't want a problem now.
Fuck, you're funny!
But listen,
I've been thinking of another thing.
Palle is buying
a whole fucking load of cars.
How can he afford that?
It's not like you've got
a little business on the side?
I haven't seen Palle for a while.
Good chat. Right?
Right, it's like this.
We can forget the E6 and E45.
They're crawling with cops.
So we'll take smaller roads
We're setting off soon,
so drink up.
Don't show it to Becky.
- Hi again.
- Hi, Nina.
I've got a lead on Monica Hansen.
- Where are you?
- Sweden.
- I hope you're on holiday.
- Didn't you hear me?
I have a lead on Monica Hansen.
Nina, under no circumstances
are you permitted to do police work,
especially not abroad.
Isn't it more important to catch
a killer than to stick to the book?
I was thinking of inviting you
here this week.
If you don't accept that desk job,
we'll have to ask you
to hand in your notice.
So come here, and we'll listen
to what you have to say about Monica.
I think I'll continue my holiday now.
I can take it.
- What the fuck are you playing at?
- Sorry?
How can my sister know
what you and I are up to?
- Is that Reine, do you think?
- Yes, possibly.
But why doesn't he have
any people with him?
None of my people talk. I know that.
Sorry. Shit, it was just a thought.
Let's forget it. I'll be in touch.
Hi, it's me.
- Olle?
- I'm out.
Oh, so it was you!
I need help.
I need to get away from
the people who got me out.
That's a new one.
I know it's a lot to ask.
But I need you armed.
Behind the petrol station
- I know.
Are you in?
I'm in.
Excuse me. Could you help me?
It won't start.
Of course.
What's happened?
I don't know.
I don't know anything about cars.
- So it's not just a flat battery?
- It's dead. Totally dead.
Are any of the indicator lamps on?
Which ones do you mean?
It's okay. I'll check.
- Check his wallet!
- What?
Come on.
Come on.
- It's him.
- Good. Okay. Remove his hand.
Oh, fuck!
He's still out of it.
- Back off.
- No, no, no! It's too late.
It's Daniel.
I have to see what he wants.
Hi. I just wanted
to check that you're okay.
How could I be? You came
to take my daughter the other day.
Olle's out.
But maybe you knew that.
- No.
- He escaped from the prison today.
- Where is he now?
- We don't know.
And another thing:
The Norwegian police think
that Monica Hansen's in Sweden.
- Have you seen her?
- No.
To be on the safe side, we want
to put a watch on your house.
A car will be here shortly.
Get in touch straight away
if you need anything.
Not a word.
Olle's out.
It's just a matter of time
before he gets here.
And the building
will be under surveillance.
Oh! It's big.
350 square metres. A bargain.
What do you think?
Yes, well, it's cool.
You really are a knight
in shining armour.
Monica Hansen has escaped,
so I don't want to stay in the house.
I understand.
You can stay here as long
as you like. The bed's upstairs.
You can always come to me.
You know that.
But I just need
to be left in peace and rest, so
It'd be really nice if my staying
here was just between us.
It's no problem.
I'll be in touch
when I'm out of the country.
Hang on. Stop now.
- I mean, my money?
- Yeah?
And there's me thinking
you did it for love.
No, I'll make sure Axel gives you
your money, okay?
Thanks for the help.
- Take care now.
- Always.
You take this,
and we'll follow behind in this.
And if the cops nab you, I have
no idea who are you are. All right?
Towards Sherwood Forest, then.
Hi! Nice to see you up and about.
- Visiting time's actually over.
- It won't take long.
Josefin's been here?
How's the shoulder?
Have they bandaged you up properly?
Let's try again. Look at me.
Has Josefin been here?
She and Mum.
Has Monica been here?
Have you said I'm working with Reine?
Only that you gave him
loads of money.
- Where is she now?
- Who?
- Your psycho mother. Where is she?
- I don't like you calling Mum that.
Have you mentioned
the explosives, too?
I can't remember.
It's okay, Jimmy.
We're friends, you and me, right?
You're just nice to me
to make Josefin like you.
But she doesn't.
Hey. Now you listen to me,
you little piss ant.
As of now, you won't say
a word about me.
Or this hospital room will be
the last thing you see.
And we'll have a kick-about
when you're feeling better.
- We've never done that.
- No, okay.
Bye, then.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Who did you call earlier?
I have a family
that needs protecting.
I presume you've got a lot of people
waiting for you to touch the money.
If I pull this off, I'm in the clear.
I'll get of the country,
get hitched with Becky,
write a book about my shit.
It's almost all over for me.
Thanks to you.
So how are you going
to make him talk?
How will I make him talk?
If you want to be in on this,
you have to get your hands dirty too.
Okay. So what are we going to do?
I don't want you to beat him.
I don't know. You think of something.
Time to wake up.
Time to wake up.
Hi there!
You're a genius, you know that?
What the fuck's going on?
We want to talk about
the business you're doing with Palle.
- Take that off me.
- What's the plan?
- Fucking let me go!
- Hey, what kind of behaviour's that?
Show some manners!
What the fuck are you doing?
Are you out of your mind, woman!
It takes a little time to heat up.
But we're not in a hurry, are we?
You're so fucking dead.
You don't know who I
Fuck! Take it off!
Take it off!
Jesus, go ahead and scream.
No one can hear you, anyway.
I'll talk! Fuck!
Take it off, for fuck's sake!
I'll talk!
Tell us, then!
You've got one chance!
My God, are you starting to whimper?
You need to take it like a man.
I get
I get cars for Palle.
Top cars. Lexus, Lamborghini.
He sells them on in Norway,
but that's all I know!
- Now fucking take it off me!
- How do they get the money?
He pays cash. With money
from the Sandefjord robbery.
He doesn't dare to use the money.
The police have the serial numbers.
- And where's the money now?
- I don't know.
- Plug it in.
- No!
He has a safe. In the hangar.
The hangar?
The hangar across the border.
It's where he stores the cars.
- Now let me go!
- And when's your next delivery?
No! First thing tomorrow!
Fuck, please!
Tell me about
what it looks like in the hangar.
- Please, let me go!
- You're going to help me draw a map.
Hi, Jimmy.
You wanted to talk to me.
About what happened in the school?
About Palle.
He said he was going to kill me.
If I told anyone this.
Babe? Hi. What is it?
Hey, Palle.
Hi. What are you doing here?
I want you to accompany me
to the station.
We've got some things
to sort out, you and I.
What things?
Like explosives.
And stolen cars.
Is it Jimmy?
That kid is hopeless.
He's just trying to protect Jossan.
So you mean
it was Josefin who gave him Tovex?
I just mean that she's the one
in charge of security at Laholmen,
which makes it easier
to shift the blame tome.
He tried to foist
some stolen cars onto me,
but I told him
I wasn't into that anymore.
I just want to live in peace
and quiet from now on, with Julie.
Show him the ring, babe.
We're getting married.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
Lovely. Nice.
I still want you to come with me
to give a formal statement.
Sure thing. I'll just get my charger.
My phone's dead.
I'm sorry about this. Really I am.
What the fuck are you doing?
It's all right. He'll live.
We've got to get away.
I want you to pack your bag.
- Don't forget your passport.
- What the fuck?
- What?
- Come here!
- What is it?
- What the fuck have you done?
Come with me.
We can talk about it in the car.
If you and I are getting married
No secrets.
I was the one who came away
with the money from Sandefjord.
I couldn't say anything.
It was too dangerous.
Sorry. Babe, sorry.
I trust you, but please, can you
pack your bag so that we can leave?
- So you've got 30 million?
- Yes.
Sorry, babe. Please.
The passport, and then let's go.
We can talk about it in the car.
Please. That's it. Thank you.
Mashed turnips and knuckle of pork
straight from the luxury restaurant.
No appetite?
I've got something better.
Just don't tell the doctors,
because it's verboten!
- Are they going to lock me up?
- I think you're too young for prison.
A reformatory? No
Maybe a foster home.
When I was your age,
they didn't think it a good idea
for me to live with my parents.
What was wrong with your parents?
I hated it.
Thought they were nutcases.
I kept trying to run away, but
in the end I started
to like it there.
Things usually turn out all right
if you just let go.
You're not going to eat that?
Hi, honey!
Listen, you have
a window in you room.
Can you go over to it
and see if you can jump out?
Where are you?
down by the water, you know?
Shall we meet there?
- Okay, I'll be there.
- Good. Bye.
Goodbye, Reine.
Jimmy, I was just going to
Remember what I said.
Things usually turn out all right.
I'll be back with dessert
in a minute, Jimmy.
What the? Stop that.
Let her go.
Get out of here!
Let her go!
No. Shit.
Please, let me go. Let
Please, let me go!
This is Daniel Ayobi.
Okay, call Axel.
Tell him we have to stop
for petrol or something.
But it's half full.
What I said in prison
It's true.
I don't know where that money is.
I had no choice. The family.
Call him.
Do you know what you've done?
There's someone
at the petrol station who'll help us.
So I need you to call Axel now
and tell him
we have to stop for petrol,
or we have to piss or something.
Make something up.
- You're dead.
- As are you if you don't do this.
Such a fucking idiot.
Yes, okay. Just be quick about it.
- Hi. Excuse me. Toilets?
- On the right.
Fuck, how long can you piss for?
- Go and check what he's doing.
- Sure.
Where are you going? Back off.
Back off!
What did you do round the back?
Answer me.
- What time is it?
- What?
What's the time?
- Ten past ten.
- Fuck!
- What the fuck are we going to do?
- You ungrateful bastards.
How many rounds
did you have in the toy gun?
Come out!
Die, you bastards!
- Drive, drive, drive!
- You bastards! I'll kill you!
- Is it too late?
- Drive to the hospital.
Oh, shit.
At least I was spared Vorstan.
- Just rest a little.
- Yes.
- Just rest a little.
- Yes, just rest.
Just rest.
I wonder where Jimmy is.
I told you it'd be tough.
We've got to get this cleaned up.
Take the back.
An undercover cop.
The police are here.
Who else is in the house?
No one.
Suspicious activity at Bergsliden 33.
Send backup.
He's just unconscious.
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I saw Mum and Josefin today.
They'd killed two people.
What's going on?
What's going on, Dad?
I don't know, Jimmy.
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