The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

In Between Royalty and Mixed Blood

Spirits become what their
rumors and legends state.
It seems that the personality that demons
and humans spoke of is controlling you.
Misa Ilioroagu was a temporary form.
I am Avos Dilhevia,
the one who will turn Dilhade into
a kingdom ruled by royalty
and guide the world to its correct state.
And to do that, Demon King Anos Voldigoad,
you are a misfit and a fake.
I will end you.
It was quite a grand riddle,
but the answer is very simple
once you know it.
The battle of wits with Ziek
was intended to shift my suspicions
away from the god-child.
He was given one lie to make me think
about which statement was the lie.
That is why he did not lie.
In order to hide the truth.
You are the Violent Demon King,
so you have the Magic Eyes of Destruction.
You are both a pure demon
as well as a half-spirit, half-demon.
I do know your name.
I gave him some bait at the time.
I said that Ziek had planted
a false memory in himself.
He took that bait and pretended
my statement was true.
And before he met his end,
he actually
planted a false memory in himself.
That would cast doubt on all
the statements in the battle of wits.
I would not be able to determine
the identity of the god-child,
or so you thought.
His actual objective in assaulting
Meleheyth, was to delay the broadcast.
If news spread that
Avos Dilhevia did not exist,
you would cease to exist.
Gerad and the Spirit King
were to put Misa in danger
and awaken her spirit form.
Is that right?
What good is knowing now? It's too late.
All demons throughout Dilhade believe
that I am the Violent Demon King.
Too late? No, it is not.
What you want is the Law Destroyer.
You did not kill me immediately
because it will take time
to take possession of it.
Silence, fool.
Isn't it funny, Anos?
Everything has been taken from you.
You are just an everyday demon now.
Do not push your luck, you imitation.
You can take many things, but you
cannot take my identity from me.
Bask in your delusions
of grandeur for the moment
until the true Demon King returns.
A barrier?
It seems so.
Teleporting directly is not possible.
It is made with a great amount of mana.
Lord Anos!
Was that magic broadcast
Did Misa turn into the fake Demon King?
She has not changed.
Half of Misa
was always made of rumors
and legends of Avos Dilhevia.
I created that legend
Because I created a false Demon King,
The past is of no consideration now.
We must defeat Avos Dilhevia
as soon as possible.
That's true.
The extreme royalists
will likely obey her.
Demons of mixed blood will be in danger.
But half of Misa is Avos Dilhevia, right?
If that disappears,
Misa won't be able to live.
She'll have spirit disease.
No, we just need to think of a way
to save Misa and defeat only Avos.
I do not complain about being unable to
accomplish something this impossible.
2,000 years ago, all I did was give up.
This time, I won't give up on anything.
So you do not intend
to let us leave, Eniyunien?
Sorry, but I cannot allow you
to slay Mother Leno's child.
This is the Cocoon of Remediation.
You cannot leave this school
until the lesson is over.
I can understand your intentions,
but I cannot listen to your instruction.
It is futile.
Any and all violence
is forbidden in this space.
My violence is not your average violence.
It is futile. Nothing you do
We go.
Anos Voldigoad.
One of my subordinates
from 2,000 years ago.
He was once spirited away.
By my liege's orders,
I will take your source!
Eges. Where is Lena?
She's fine.
I saved those men
from being spirited away,
but it seems
we've got trouble on our hands.
It seems that the god-child has taken
your subordinates from 2,000 years ago.
Half of them have already
headed towards Delsgade.
I will take this battle.
I'll be soft in your place.
I won't kill them.
It seems you have grown softer
these past 2,000 years,
King of the Netherworld.
As I said before, it's all circumstances.
We simply have the same goal.
Now, go.
It seems you are safe.
Yeah, the person
with the eyepatch saved me.
You're going outside, right?
Yes. Do you know how to exit?
I don't think you can get out
by normal means right now.
But Tithi!
It's Lena!
Lena's in trouble!
We want to get out of here. Can we?
They said not to let
the Demon King and his friends out.
Because Avos Dilhevia has awakened.
Have to protect Leno's child.
Please. There's someone
that I really have to see.
Then it's a secret!
Okay if it's a secret!
-A secret from everyone!
Bye, Lena!
-See you!
-See you again!
What do we do now?
We can teleport outside the barrier.
We can head to Delsgade from there.
Can you take me with you?
A spirit that has lost her memory.
She seeks to see the Spirit King.
She cannot be unrelated
to the current situation.
You have unfinished business
from 2,000 years ago.
I think so.
I see. Then you may come with us.
Thank you!
How do we enter?
We break through, obviously.
Wait. Someone's coming.
The misfit and his subordinates will
appear somewhere near these gates.
Who is that person?
Elio Ludowell.
In the war between Azeshion and Dilhade,
he was the royalty
who led the Midhaze Army.
-Split into two and search for the enemy.
-Yes, sir!
Your defense is weak, Elio.
You are practically telling me
to walk right in.
Lord Elio.
I see.
It seems that some are not
under Avos Dilhevia's control.
However, apart from us few,
our forces believe the outsider.
Those who are less aware
that you are the true Demon King
are likely more susceptible.
Do you only need to know
for sure that Avos Dilhevia is a fake?
What about the Seven Ancients
and your subordinates?
Demons from 2,000 years ago are
subordinates of the Demon King per legend.
She has greater control as a result.
What is the state of the city?
The city is covered by Demera,
a spell to plant
the will of Avos Dilhevia.
The royalists who believe the outsider
to be the Violent Demon King
are particularly affected by it.
Nobles of pure blood,
kill the mixed-blood fools and misfits.
So it is just like Asc.
It seems that it also drains mana
from those of mixed blood.
Some of the royalists have already
grown violent in parts of the city.
It may devolve into a riot at this rate.
It's okay.
We know perfectly well
that Anos didn't do anything bad.
Isn't that right?
He'll come back safe and sound.
That's for sure.
Why do I have to be in this fix?
Turned into a Mudblood
by that despicable spell!
With no idea when I can return!
You can't escape anymore!
Stop this! I am a Highblood!
What? What kind of nonsense
False claims to royalty
are an insult to the Ancestor.
It's a heavy crime.
Did you think you'd fool us?
You Mudbloods make no sense.
How you think makes no sense either.
Your mana is so clearly Mudblooded!
My mana is being drained!
for your dirty mana will feed us royalty!
You Mudbloods are only alive
by the mercy of the Ancestor!
Never defy your royal overlords! Obey us!
That is the life of a Mudblood!
Why? Why do I have to suffer this?
Quit playing the victim!
It's your own fault for being
so vulgar and not born with pure blood!
You weren't born Highbloods.
What's wrong here is you!
You Mudbloods are below the Highbloods!
Have you learned your lesson?
This is the life of a Mudblood.
In the name of the true
Violent Demon King, Avos Dilhevia,
you will feed the noble royalty.
Stop that!
Let her go right now!
Who are you?
Wait a minute. That's Anos's mother.
Oh? That's good news.
We'll make you an example for him!
Izabella, now!
Are you all right?
Let's go. This place is dangerous.
Why would you save me?
I am not royalty any longer.
It's okay. I'm on your side.
Being of mixed blood isn't a reason
for them to kick you.
Hey, you think we'd let you escape?
Now, maybe you'll sit still.
If you so much as move,
you know what will happen.
And what will happen?
That's obvious!
I'll cut you into eight
pieces and send you to that misfit!
-I see.
You like the number eight.
Wh-What are you doing to us?
You think you can do this
and get off scot-free?
You wouldn't
No! You'll really cut us into eight
Relax. I will not cut you into eight.
I will cut you into 888.
The root of all of this is Avos Dilhevia.
Stay alive as best you can,
in pieces for the time being.
I'm so glad you're safe!
We believed that you'd
come back no matter what.
But the Demon King
wants to kill you, Anos.
There has to be some mistake, right?
Yes. It is all a misunderstanding.
It will be resolved soon enough.
That's right! I knew it!
This house is a barrier that I created.
Avos Dilhevia's eyes cannot reach us.
Oh, good.
Thank you for protecting me.
You can rest inside if you'd like.
No, but
Rest for the time being.
The unrest in the city
should quiet in a few days.
Don't be a stranger. What's your name?
-So you're Emilia!
Come now, I have some good tea cakes!
But wow, you've brought
quite a few girls home this time.
Dad doesn't have anything
left to teach you
Your father's completely healed already?
I cast an enchantment which
automatically heals the weak on him.
Because I did not tell him
not to do anything rash.
He went out not knowing about it?
No less from Anos's parents!
The question is how we get into Delsgade.
We can't enter through the gate.
We're forced to hold back, after all.
And they know that too.
They're trying to use up Anos's mana.
And they're buying time until
they can steal the Law Destroyer.
They're supposed to be
the Violent Demon King.
Why can't they steal
the Law Destroyer right now?
Because there are no rumors
or legends of the Law Destroyer.
I rarely drew it, and all who saw it died.
There is a legend that Delsgade
is the Violent Demon King's castle.
They likely intend to use
its power and their own mana
to acquire the Law Destroyer.
This also means that Avos Dilhevia
can't do things that aren't in legends.
-Wait, was there a place like that?
Oh, that's it!
The city that the Zeshias live in!
I added that part after I reincarnated.
Their eyes cannot reach it.
But doesn't Meleheyth know about it?
I have not told him
how it was constructed.
The Zeshias are there too, after all.
My sisters are strong.
That's right.
If any enemy comes,
they'll rout them in a flash!
Now then.
-Do we all go?
You girls remain here.
Take care of my parents.
-Leave them to us!
We'll protect them!
The rest of us will head towards Delsgade.
You descend first.
Eleonore, you lead the way.
You got it.
Unfortunately, we do not have much time.
If you have something to say, say it now.
You're satisfied, aren't you?
Kill me.
End me. Please.
You do not ask for your blood back.
Can you turn me back?
Even if you are turned back,
time will not turn back.
If left as it is,
Midhaze will become the city of royalty
which you once desired.
Do you think it is beautiful?
What do you mean?
If you were in the ruling class,
if you were royalty,
would you be able to live
and believe that this city is beautiful?
After living part of your life
with mixed blood,
if you regained your pure blood,
would you still consider yourself noble?
If you still would believe so,
then I will turn you back.
You can go to serve Avos Dilhevia.
You defended my mother.
Thank you.
Then what am I supposed to do?
It really is a whole city
Everyone's having
a great time here. I'm glad.
I feel like I've seen it somewhere before.
In a book, or paintings perhaps.
I recreated the city from 2,000 years ago.
A book
What is this?
It is connected to the dungeon
which was originally under the castle.
However, they will be prepared
for us entering from here.
Are you prepared?
"The Mother Great Spirit
and the Demon King's Right Arm".
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