The Mosquito Coast (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

Positive, Front-Facing Optics

We had one simple rule, Allie.
Not to be seen.
You need to come with me.
Where's Charlie?
Charlie's okay, but you have
to come with me right now.
- Where?
- To speak to the landlord.
- You must be Allie.
- Yeah.
Hey, you wanna come in?
- Sure.
- Apologies for the noise.
They're a local band.
Guillermo and I have known each
other since we were What?
Oof. Four years old?
You were four. I was your boss.
We live in land owned
by Guillermo's family.
I'm the landlord.
Yeah, sure. Yeah, I got that.
I protect Isela. Isela
protects her people.
But if the cartels were to find
that I'm providing
asylum for their enemies,
that could be
Well, it would be consequential for me.
And for the entire town.
Your boy could have led those poachers
directly to Casa Roja.
Do you have any idea of
the jeopardy you put me in?
All of us.
Well, it's not his fault.
No, of course not. He's a boy.
You're supposed to teach
him right and wrong.
The guys who saw him didn't follow him.
No, because I know them,
and they came to me.
We're all very lucky.
Yeah. No, I'm feeling pretty lucky.
Entonces, what do I do? Hmm?
Help me out here.
You broke the rules. Put me in jeopardy.
Do I expel you from Casa Roja?
Send you off to cultivate the
ground you were taken from?
Do I hurt you? Put a
bullet through your knee?
Because seriously, I hate that bullshit.
I don't like to hurt people.
So if you want to remain on
my land, prove you're worthy.
Do something for me. Make it right.
Let me explain the
situation to you, Allie.
They're tearing down our whole
jungle to build some tourist resort.
Hotels, a-a-a f a marina,
a fucking conference center.
Casa Roja will become a parking lot,
and everyone who lives
there, who has nothing,
will have no home to go to.
Including you and your family.
So go off on that boat of yours
that you sank and sail away.
- None of us want this, Allie.
- No.
So help us out.
How am I supposed to do that?
I need two men I can trust,
men from outside my world.
Finding someone from outside
my orbit that I can trust,
well, that's not gonna happen.
Someone from outside my orbit
that I can control is more likely.
Two men?
Come in.
Hey, Allie.
What a coincidence.
I know you and Mr. Lee
have a little history,
but he works for me
now, so it's all good.
Look, you want my help
with something, just ask.
It's a difficult time
for everyone, Allie.
What Charlie did, it s
spooked the hell out of Guillermo.
Sure. Yeah. No. He's your friend.
Oh, yeah. You're right. He is my friend.
And one I need much
more than I need you.
So, clean the slate. Help us out.
Save the only home you've got.
Shall we?
Oye, Allie. Final thought.
This is important.
As we discussed, none of
this can be traced back to me.
If you're caught and questioned,
believe me, you will tell those
guys exactly what they want to know.
And then they will chop you
up into tiny little pieces.
I can't afford to let that
happen. Neither can Isela.
And I'm sorry to say so,
but neither can your family.
So don't get caught.
You ready, honey bunch?
You mind fastening
your fucking seat belt?
Oh, that's what that was.
Thank you kindly.
All right.
Ready to go save some trees?
You're worried.
Not about this,
but about everything else
we need him to do for us.
The trick with a guy like Allie is
to remove all options.
Impose limits.
Don't worry.
It's going to be fine.
My guy is coming tomorrow
and will change everything.
I wish I had a fifth of your optimism.
Pessimism of the spirit.
Optimism of the will.
I'm okay. It was just a dream.
Don't shut me out, okay?
I'm here for you.
Seriously. I'm fine.
- Good morning.
- Hey.
Have you seen Dad?
Oh, God, I fell asleep while
he was still in the workshop.
- He's probably still there.
- Reinventing the world.
I'm gonna go see.
There's nothing to worry about.
Wherever he is, he's fine.
I know. I just just
wanna check. Make sure.
Is something wrong?
No. No, nothing.
Come on. No one's in trouble here.
Do you know something that I don't?
No, Mom, I I don't know what
you're talking about. I was just
I just wanted to go wash the
dishes, then go look. That's all.
Besitos. You wanna try?
Anytime you want to get to
the point, that's fine by me.
I don't see any reason to be rude.
Is there a reason that
I should be polite?
No, it's just easier is all.
And not for nothing. It makes
you feel better about yourself.
Your son, he pulled the trigger
on my friend, and now he's dead.
He was a good guy. Name of Isaias.
God rest his soul.
You pulled a gun on my
daughter, shot at her.
You tried to kill us.
Thank you.
Pretty pricey. Still, half
of what it would be back home.
Yeah? Killing people not
paying what it used to?
Supply and demand.
Hey. Excuse me.
Excuse me. I wasn't thinking.
Do you know where she is?
- Non.
- Non?
Is she with Allie?
No idea.
No sense of when she'll be back?
I expect she'll be on the
Magdalena when it docks.
If you see either of them before,
could you tell Allie
I'm looking for him?
No worries.
What do you think's going on?
I don't know.
Yeah, but something is, right? Dad
wouldn't just, like, go somewhere.
- Yeah, something's happening.
- You think he's okay?
Can look after himself, right?
Then we should go.
Grab Charlie and leave right now.
Dad and Isela are both out of the way.
Dina, just drop it.
Okay? What the fuck do
you think we're leaving on?
Or are we just bushwhacking our
way out of here? We're not prepared.
Mom, no.
Come on. You shift with the
wind. I push you. We're going.
Then we're not going.
Then we're going. Then not.
Where are you?
I'm here. I'm trapped. We all are.
Okay, we'll figure it out.
A little while longer here.
Maybe it's not so bad.
This is impossible.
It's the Magdalena.
Isela, I thought maybe
Allie was with you.
Uh, he was.
He just had to s-stay
behind for a little bit.
Stay behind where?
Uh, I asked him to take a
couple solar panels downriver.
All right, love?
A woman has died after an
explosion at a laboratory
in Bethesda late last night.
The victim has been identified as
32-year-old lab
assistant, Alison Caffrey.
The nature of the explosion
is still being investigated.
However, authorities are searching
for two persons of interest.
A man and woman were seen
Turn it off. I don't
want the kids to hear.
I never loved Richard.
It was never about that. I
believed in what we were doing.
Was he in love with you?
It doesn't matter now.
What do we do? Where do we go?
There's Isela.
A camp in the jungle? I
can't do that to the kids.
Okay. Okay.
You don't have to throw
everything away. Not for me.
Throw what away?
We go off the grid. We keep moving.
- We could call my parents.
- No. That's what gets us caught.
You okay?
I need to have a word.
You stay behind and
make yourselves useful.
Come on.
Hey, who was that guy?
I don't know. I've never seen him.
Yeah, that was weird.
Hey, kid, give me a
hand with these crates.
Go help. Go. Go.
What's he doing here?
- I invited him.
- Oh, yeah? Invited to what?
With all due respect,
that's none of your business.
- With all due respect, my kids live here.
- What are you trying to say?
Stay the fuck away
from my kids, you prick.
Jesus Christ.
Holy shit.
They don't know, do they?
- I'd prefer to keep it like that.
- You think I'm gonna tell them?
I wouldn't do that,
not in a million years.
- I love those kids.
- Don't.
No. Listen, it's important.
I wouldn't do anything to hurt them.
Why would I?
If this is about Allie then
It's got nothing to do with Allie.
I'm not some Disney
princess to be won over
by some fucking Prince Charming.
Queen fucking Guinevere
for Christ's sakes.
Jesus. Okay, clearly there's
some unresolved issues here.
No, Isela. A woman died.
We made a bomb, and a woman died.
Yes, I know. And it was terrible.
- You knew?
- Of course.
Jesus fucking Christ. Allie?
A long time ago when he thought
you would be living here.
He had no right.
He had no choice.
No one's judging you, Margot.
In our line of work, we
risk people getting hurt.
We risk things going wrong.
She didn't get hurt. She died.
And you two you two had a part in it.
And now you both are my guests.
What the hell is he doing here?
It's only gonna be for a while,
so please, will you learn
to deal with this as adults?
Dina? Dina!
Dina, please. Please just
give me a chance, please.
Sweetie please. Honey, I'm so
You're a liar. Why on
earth would I listen to you?
You let him take the blame.
How could you do that to us?
- I wanted to tell you so many times.
- Bullshit.
How many times did I bring it up,
and you just couldn't
quite work up the nerve?
It was a decision your father
and I made, and I was wrong.
I regret it. I I still regret it.
The only thing you
regret is getting caught.
What was her name anyways?
Funny thing is is I've
never actually said it out loud.
It was Alison.
Did you blame yourself?
Of course I did. I still do.
Then how did you manage to
just keep on living your life?
Well, if it's any help, for a
long time, yes, I wanted to die.
That it would be better for you guys
if I wasn't around to fuck things up.
So, yeah, I did think about ending it.
Do you still?
Then why don't you?
Because of you and Charlie.
And Dad?
I think. Maybe.
If none of it had happened and
you didn't do what you did
would you have gone back to him?
I don't know. Maybe. We were
in such a different place then.
Yeah, he was normal.
And he took the blame to protect you.
Your dad and I made a
deal to make things work.
That's what you do in a
marriage. Any marriage.
Nobody ends up where they wanna
be or where they thought they'd be.
And for the most part, it was good.
We were actually pretty happy, I think.
You made a deal that
we weren't a part of.
You robbed us of ten years of our lives.
I wish you had done it.
I wish you had slit your wrists.
I wish you had turned yourself in.
Let us live our lives
and just be normal.
Well, I didn't, and here we are.
Why are we even talking?
Hands off the jungle!
Hands off the jungle!
Hands off the jungle!
Please clear the walkway.
Make a path for conference guests.
Good evening. Buenas noches.
We'll have the 39-E's and
the disclosures available
at the end of the presentation.
But right up front, I wanna tell you
that this is the most exciting and
visionary project we've launched.
We have designed this project
- Your invitation, sir?
- from the bottom up, to present positive,
- front-facing optics in that regard.
- Thank you.
Now, this project features over
two million square feet of office space,
5,000 residential units, schools,
two five-star hotels, luxury shopping
Audiovisual room's on the second floor.
But the highlight, a five-acre
conservation of ancestral lands
currently being threatened
by illegal deforestation.
We call it simply
the Rainforest.
Now, access to this curated and
faithfully recreated ecosystem
- will be limited to guests and residents.
- Shit.
It's the Bautistas.
Who are they? Are they
gonna be a problem?
If they see us, yeah. So let's go.
Thank you so much.
Hey, Charlie.
How do you even know my name?
So, um how does this work?
You fill these with
water, then you wash them,
and the limestone on
the ground it, uh
it filters them 'cause there's
there's a high salt content, so
Wow, impressive. Have you tested it?
Just taste it.
Charlie, honey, I'll see you at home.
Okay. Like, right now?
Yeah, right now. Please.
- I tried telling you.
- I thought I'd never see you again.
And I was fine with that.
I waited that night. Where we agreed.
But you left with Allie.
You ran, Richard. You left me.
I know.
Why are you even here?
Oh, come on. Isn't it obvious?
This kind of experiential exclusivity
is highly marketable
to our target clientele.
- Move.
- Hey.
Against the wall.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- What's it look like?
Load that up, please.
No. No fucking way. No.
No witnesses. You step aside now.
He's a fucking kid.
He didn't do anything.
Kid's here, and that's enough.
No, sir. Please.
- What's your name? What's your name?
- Luis.
Luis, don't get out
of that fucking chair.
I'm not gonna ask you
again. Now step aside.
- Sir S-Sir,
please. - Shut up!
I won't say a word.
Allie, don't think I won't do this.
You won't.
Your new boss needs me
for something, right?
Or I got that vibe, didn't you?
'Cause I definitely got that vibe.
You want to do it, go ahead.
You're very lucky, Luis.
That man with a good
heart has saved your life.
So, on behalf of all of the
splendid and talented people
who helped me turn an idea on
the back of a napkin into this,
I'd like to leave you with some
ancient Native American wisdom
that has informed my life.
Treat the Earth well.
It was not given to you by your parents.
It was loaned to you by your children.
The clock's ticking as soon as
you press play. You got that?
Okay, it's done.
Let's get out of here.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
This will be our final warning.
No longer will we
allow you to ignore us.
No longer will we allow you
to rape and pillage the Earth.
That's my family, my kid!
She's my wife!
No longer will we stand by
as you line your pockets,
stealing from the children of tomorrow.
This will be our final warning.
I I am so sorry. Um, I'm gonna
get to the bottom of this right now.
Excuse me. One moment, please.
Your actions have pushed us
further into environmental collapse.
The effects of which will
be suffered not by you,
but by the future generations.
We are their representatives
here to enact their vengeance.
- This will be our final warning.
- Shut this shit down!
Get the fuck outta
here, and shut this down.
You think you are hidden
from the consequences of your actions,
- but you are not.
- Get it off the fucking screen.
- You think your families
- I'm so sorry. Um
- Please excuse me. Please stay seated.
- We have tried
to reason with you. And
we have tried to warn you.
But if violence is the
only language you know,
then violence is a
language we will speak.
This will be our final warning.
- If you proceed
- Lock this fucking place down, okay?
Nobody leaves. You
understand me? Nobody leaves.
All call signs.
Please, please. Full
lockdown, now. Full lockdown.
We are entering a temporary lockdown.
Please secure all exits.
I recognize that voice.
I don't give a shit.
They're gonna be locking this
place down soon. So we gotta go.
Excuse me, gentlemen, this area
is closed. So, please go back.
Thank you.
You remember what Guillermo
said about getting caught, right?
I think they got us pinched.
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