The Old Man (2022) s02e05 Episode Script


They've come for him.
The family, everyone there,
they're in danger.
And I'm going to get him back there.
We're taking him home?
Something happened… [BREATHES HEAVILY]
…between them.
[EMILY] There is no
Angela Adams anymore.
This is a family story.
Cheryl, you understand how this works.
Sometimes I have to do things
that I can't talk about with you.
When are we gonna see you again?
[EMILY] The army is gonna burn
this place to the ground.
- Em, you can't stay here.
- I have to stay.
[KHADIJA] My brother is gone.
As for the two Americans
you brought here.
They are in the United States now,
working on your orders
to defuse the threat we face.
You're gonna ask me to help them.
I sure am.
- You okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Whatever the two of you were after,
you got a lot closer
than Pavlovich liked.
The bigger problem
is that Emily's lifeline is
dead on the ground over there.
[EMILY] I am as a child.
And everything is new.
I hear the words spoken of you
in mourning…
but they have no meaning.
A language I feel I should know,
but do not yet understand.
I feel their reverence for you.
I feel their loyalty.
I feel their love.
But the words are just sounds.
The movement of air.
So I will say goodbye to you
in my own way.
The way I said goodbye to her.
I do not know you.
Which is to say,
I do not know the things about you
one might say
are important to defining you.
But maybe there's
a different way of knowing.
A much older way…
from when all we knew
was the deep, dark sea.
And senses long since forgotten.
To feel another pass by unseen
for an instant.
And know if it is something to fear…
something to fight…
or something more rare.
To know that thing in the dark
is something to hold on to…
for as long as you can.
I know that you are
all three of those things to me.
As fractured of an answer
as I am of a question.
But I'm grateful we passed each other
in the darkness.
Even if for just an instant.
So I will be here
until the pieces are assembled.
Wherever you are,
wherever you are going…
when you see her…
please be kind to her.
I think she was maybe
just as fractured as we are
and doing the best she could.
And tell her
I found my way home.
What did you say to him?
I told him that Tarik loves him
and will keep him safe…
but that he's going to be very scared.
And he's going to feel very alone.
And it's gonna hurt.
It's not good to lie to a kid.
Not when the truth is important.
And not when you anticipate them
becoming an adult
that you'd like to be able
to look in the eyes one day.
All of those things are true.
And Tarik will protect him.
He loves him.
I am hopeful…
on the other side of this,
that you will have a chance
to get to know him.
You are alike in so many ways.
- What?
[CHERYL] I am very much alone.
Look, I need a plumber.
You said he'd be here in 30 minutes,
and that was two and a half hours ago.
Yeah, I I tried that.
No, I tried that too.
Listen, I know you're trying to help,
but there are some things
I need an actual human being
to be physically present for.
[HARPER] Cheryl?
Oh, my God.
- Oh.
- Oh, my God.
- I'm sorry I didn't call ahead.
Who are you talking to?
Oh, Jesus. Hold on.
No, not you.
I-I gotta go,
but can you just get the plumber here?
- No, no, no, no, no. Wait.
- What?
Just tell him not to come.
I need to talk to you.
Um… [STAMMERS] … No, actually,
tell him we figured it out.
Yeah, have a good night.
What's happening?
Listen, I need to remind you
of something you already know.
Why would you need to
My second set of vows to you.
The ones I made right after our wedding.
I promised you
that I would leave my work at the door.
That it would never
interfere with our family. [EXHALES]
Some things happened outside that door
that I wouldn't be
able to tell you about.
[STAMMERS] That's about to get
more complicated than it's ever been.
Is Angela all right?
I believe so, yes. But…
I don't have her.
She's in Afghanistan.
She's in danger.
[STAMMERS] And right now, so am I.
I need you to grab the go bag
for you and Henry.
I wanna put you in a hotel
for a few days. [EXHALES]
[STAMMERS] The two of you will be
safe there.
I just need to be careful.
H-Harold, Henry isn't here.
What? It's It's late. Where is he?
Henry doesn't live here anymore.
- Who is it?
- [STAMMERS] It's It's okay.
- They're with me.
- With you? Who's with you?
What do you mean
Henry doesn't live here anymore?
- [CHASE] Harold!
You were gonna wait outside
until I explained it to her.
There's no service in your driveway.
I couldn't wait.
Oh, a dead spot.
[CHASE] It's hard enough to get to her,
I can't be sitting out there waiting.
- We need to warn her.
- No.
Yeah, you're right.
This is Angela's father.
Nice to meet you.
[STAMMERS] No, uh… No names.
It's better no names just now.
Keep trying her.
I need a minute, then we need to go.
I don't want that car sitting
in the driveway
any longer than it has to.
I still need something to change into.
Take what you want. Right upstairs.
First door on the right.
What time is it there?
[CHASE] Morning.
It's just hard to get through there.
It's so far away from anything.
We blew it.
She needs to get out of there.
What happens to him?
Him who?
To Morgan.
Uh, the staff will find him
in the morning,
by which point we shouldn't be
anywhere near here.
I know. I know. I know.
I barely knew him.
[ZOE SIGHS] How did this happen?
I don't know.
What do you think, then?
Uh… Oh, darn. I think, uh…
I think he was onto something.
I think Pavlovich really is trying to
get control of
Hamzad's mineral deposits.
Bote got too close.
Pavlovich needed him out of the way,
To take the old man out,
and do it on US soil.
The blowback from that, that's…
That's not a thing you do
to make money from mineral rights.
[SIGHS] There's something going on here
we don't understand yet.
What did that mean?
"Henry doesn't live here anymore."
Please don't tell me you sent him
He's with Curt and Lois.
Shit, Cheryl.
He will be staying there for a while.
It's what's best for him.
- Cheryl, he is not
- I'm sorry.
I asked you very directly,
"Are we seeing you again?"
I asked you very directly,
"Are you confident
we'd be seeing Angela again?"
And you didn't answer me.
I couldn't answer.
Look, I'm not blaming you.
I'm not litigating.
I agreed to play by these rules,
to live without answers.
I signed up for this.
I'm not going anywhere.
But Henry is just a little boy.
- He didn't sign up for this.
I just met Angela's father
for the first time,
and you don't want me to know his name?
Henry needs to be able to ask questions
and get answers.
And right now…
[SIGHS] And I love you, Harold,
and it kills me to say this,
but right now, we can't do that for him.
Curt and Lois are assholes.
To us. Not to him.
They're his grandparents too.
Used to be easier to pretend
that your work stopped at the door.
We let Angela in because…
Oh, I don't know why.
By the time we realized we'd made
an exception, she just fit with us.
And with Chip.
But now… [SIGHS]
…I'm trying really hard, Harold.
But I am drowning
in the absence of answers.
Angela Adams is a fiction.
Her father,
that man upstairs,
has been a whole series of fictions
ever since I knew him at the agency.
If you want me to stop,
tell me right now.
This is her?
[CHASE] What?
- This is Emily.
Did you know it was like this?
[CHASE] Mmm. Yeah, I knew.
We had to work on some risks of
exposure. You know, things not to say.
- But she told me
- No. I mean, like this.
- She's part of this family.
- Oh.
You were close with him once too, right?
Wasn't it hard?
To be on the outside of this?
Oh, cutting off contact with Harold,
that was part of the deal.
"The deal"?
Yeah, the deal that Abbey and I made.
- Clean break.
[SIGHS] He was the
last connection I had.
Once it was cut, we were free.
She and him
were all the connection I needed.
There's a difference between needing
and wanting.
[HARPER] Shit.
What the fuck?
Harold. What the fuck?
[HARPER] The fucking water heater
sprayed the box.
It shorted everything.
[CHASE] Come on. Every minute
we're in here is another minute that
that car is sitting out there.
- [EMILY] Dad?
- [HARPER] Give me a minute.
[EMILY] Dad?
[CHASE] Harold, get in here.
- [EMILY] Hello?
- Emily.
- [EMILY] Yeah. Hello.
- Yeah.
Stay where you are.
If I lose you, I might not get you back.
Okay. I can't make any promises,
but I can hear you.
Listen, Em. [INHALES]
Morgan Bote is dead.
We reached him, we pushed him,
we were not able to get him
to concede on first contact.
About an hour later,
he was assassinated.
[EMILY] What? By who?
[GROANS] It's a long story.
[EMILY] Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. Harold's fine.
I-I-I'm… I'm right here, kiddo.
But listen, Emily,
you've got to get out of there,
We both know what's on its way there.
I can't protect you now.
Dad, they're here.
Oh, shit. All right.
We have a guard unit
that's set up in the pass.
They're engaging right now.
How many men?
[EMILY] Which? The army or
No, your guys, the guard unit.
How many are down there?
[EMILY] I don't know. Twenty maybe.
That's not enough to hold them.
You've got to get out of there.
- [EMILY] I can't do that.
- Em, you really can.
[EMILY] No, I really can't.
And definitely not today.
Jesus Christ.
- [EMILY] He's dead, Dad.
Who's dead?
[EMILY] My father.
He died of his wounds last night,
and we buried him this morning.
- [SIGHS] Are you all right?
[EMILY] I'm fine.
Who have you been
able to evacuate so far?
Just some. But th-this happened fast.
[STAMMERS] Who's left? Families?
[EMILY] Yeah.
[EMILY] Yeah.
[EMILY] Okay, hold on a minute.
[SIGHS] All right.
They're through the pass.
They're on their way up here.
- We're moving.
- [STAMMERS] Don't hang up, Em.
[EMILY] No, I won't. I won't.
You just give me a minute.
I'm by the south well.
We're heading back up
to the compound to regroup.
I-I'll be back on once we're in, okay?
Just stand by.
Are we muted?
- [CHASE] Yeah.
- Uh, those tunnels
- you were talking about.
- Yeah.
Do they go far enough away
from the village
that they can get out that way?
That's what they're trying to find out.
- How do you know that for sure?
- I know, Harold. I know.
And they got kids with them.
I don't know how that's gonna work.
We-We gotta start making phone calls.
Who are you gonna call?
Well, there are people that we can call.
- That I can call.
- Who?
We lost her once.
We were at this park.
I turned around, she wasn't there.
[GROANS] Abbey thought I had her.
I thought Abbey had her.
She was…
She was little, you know?
She just wandered off.
Turned out it didn't take us long
to find her.
She didn't get that far.
But, Christ, that feeling.
I've fought in wars so dark,
no one had the stomach
to even give them a name.
And in my life, I've never experienced
anything like that feeling.
Swore to myself
I'd never let it happen again.
I don't remember saying it out loud,
but I remember this
look on Abbey's face,
so I must have said something.
And this little smile.
I wasn't sure if she
was laughing at me or
she just felt sorry for me.
For how surprised I'd be
when the day came for me
to finally figure it out.
[CHERYL] We used to lose Chip
all the time.
He would just turn up
at other houses in the neighborhood.
The joke on the street
was why wouldn't we
just put a bell on him
as a matter of courtesy. [CHUCKLES]
- He loved their dogs.
- [CHERYL] Yeah.
And we never had one.
But he loved those dogs.
[EMILY] Dad?
Yeah, I'm here. What's happening?
[EMILY] I'm only gonna have
a minute here. [BREATHES HEAVILY]
They're breaching.
I don't think they're far off.
What about the tunnels?
[EMILY] They're breaching
through the tunnels.
How could they do that? [SIGHS]
I don't know. We're trying
to barricade the doors, but…
[EMILY SIGHS] There's some things
that I wanna say.
Is Harold still there?
Yeah, I'm here, kiddo.
[STAMMERS] Cheryl's here too.
I'm sorry you're about
to go through this again.
Neither of you deserve that.
And I want you to know
that I don't blame you for what you did.
Can you take me off speaker?
[BREATHES SHAKILY] Yeah. I'm… I'm here.
[EMILY] I need you to
do something for me.
What is it?
[EMILY] I need you to accept this.
Why this is happening.
Why this happened.
I found something here.
This family is important to me.
That much is true.
And this is not a rejection of you,
or of Mom, that much is also true.
Promise me you're gonna find a way
to accept this.
I need to know you aren't
gonna spend the rest of your life
resenting this.
Resenting me for this.
Or resenting this family for this.
I am asking you to accept
that this is something that I wanted.
Can you do that for me?
- Shit. Shit. No, wait!
I should have stopped her.
How could you have?
From… From what you told me,
this was something
she felt she desperately needed.
I should have stopped her.
And what if you had?
- How could she trust you
I should have stopped her!
I… [INHALES] …I should have stopped her.
We gotta go.
N-Not yet.
You heard it too, didn't you?
I wanna know what just happened.
I want some answers.
I'd like to have them right now.
We're gonna go to the car.
We're gonna unload the trunk.
Would you mind taking my wife
in the kitchen
and keeping her distracted for a bit?
Of course.
What did you mean,
"Did you hear it too"?
What did you hear?
On the phone.
After those men came in shooting,
they weren't speaking Dari or Pashto.
They were speaking Russian.
What does that mean?
In your conversations with Morgan Bote,
did he ever mention Pavlovich
having access
to some kind of mercenary army?
So are you inside this thing or outside?
Beg pardon?
[CHERYL] The people inside know.
The people outside wonder
what the people inside know.
[CHERYL] I'm asking, which are you?
I don't exactly know, actually.
[CHERYL] Well,
then either you're inside,
and you don't have the heart to tell me,
or you're outside, and they
don't have the heart to tell you.
I think maybe I'm in
a transitional phase.
Hmm. Funny.
Thank you.
"I want you to know I don't blame you
for what you did."
Those are the last words
I will ever hear from someone
who spent every holiday for a decade
in my house.
And there's a very good chance
that I will never have any idea… [SIGHS]
…what she was talking about.
There are things you owe
in order to be a partner in a house.
You know, things you embrace,
things you accept,
things you suppress,
things you fight within yourself.
Always been fair fights in our house,
I think.
Harold demanded that of his profession,
demanded that it treat me fairly.
What a ridiculous thing
to hear myself say right now.
I was asked to distract you.
I know.
I just don't know from what.
Do you know…
Did you know Morgan Bote?
Yes. He was a friend of Harold's.
A Russian named Pavlovich
ordered his murder
to protect a business deal of his
in Afghanistan.
He also…
He may have ordered
mercenaries to Afghanistan
to further protect that deal.
The men that killed Emily were his men.
- He won't know anything.
I know you know that.
We're nowhere right now.
Anything he knows I
wanna get out of him.
This is what I do…
what I did for a living.
You know that, right?
Not like this.
I need to do this…
[SIGHS] …alone.
- [THUD]
[CHIP] I didn't imagine
you'd ever come in here.
Certainly not to visit
the rowing machine
I told you nobody would ever use.
Angela's gone.
[CHIP] Should probably get out
of the habit of calling her that.
Why shouldn't I call her that?
[CHIP] You're amazing.
Did you not just tell Mom
that name was a fiction?
How is it you can turn anything
into an argument with me?
Oh, I don't know.
[CHIP] This next part
is gonna be hard for you.
All of the fictions you've built
are coming apart all at once.
That you could keep your work
from ever following you
through the front door.
That by keeping us separate,
you could keep us safe.
That you could never resent us
for the effort it took.
Oh, that's not fair.
You know that's not true.
A fiction is a useful thing.
It's just that, sooner or later,
the truth has to come up for air.
There was always a part of you
that was left at that door.
A part I'm not sure I ever met.
A part that wants to come back now.
[HARPER] The best thing I ever wanted
to be was your dad.
The stuff I fucked up… [SIGHS]
…I fucked up.
But I tried. I really did try.
I know.
It would have been nice to be able to
tell you all that
when I had the chance.
To say goodbye seems
like a small thing to ask
in exchange for all the effort.
Some last words
to give a context to it all.
I didn't get it with you.
I didn't get it with her.
I didn't even get to do it with Henry.
Last words.
[ZOE] What is it?
You were in the room
when it happened at Bote's. Yes?
- [ZOE] Yes.
- Yeah.
Did he say anything
to you before he died?
No, it happened too fast.
Did he do anything?
Was he near his computer or
His phone.
He was holding his phone in his hand.
Maybe he was sending something.
What was it?
Something that he wanted
to make sure didn't die with him.
Something important to this puzzle
that he needed to get into the hands
of someone he trusted.
To who? To you?
No, no. Not to me.
But I have an idea
who he wanted to send it to.
What happened?
Uh, he didn't know anything about
or Afghanistan or any of that.
He was just a guy hired by a guy.
All he knew was that he was hired
for a job that he failed to complete.
Morgan Bote wasn't his only target.
Who was his other target?
- Me? Why me?
- [HARPER] Why her?
[CHASE] And me.
Uh, the Dixons.
Marcia and Henry.
[CHASE] Don't know.
Hamzad's lawyer,
she wanted to tell you something,
something she was afraid to say
over the phone.
Maybe she knows.
Something Pavlovich
doesn't want us to know.
[ZOE] Something that would hurt him
if it came out.
Then we're going to London.
Because fuck him.
I wanna hurt him.
Don't you?
[CHERYL] I understand now.
You know, what's happening,
what the stakes are.
Maybe not all of it, but enough.
But… [SIGHS]
But you…
I feel like I understand you less
than I maybe ever have.
I need to do this.
It's just a few days in the hotel
to be safe.
Those two are probably gonna ask you
to watch their fucking dogs.
But that's up to you.
Help me figure this out when I get back.
Help me find a better way
to make all this work together.
I-I'll try.
I really will try.
You should get going.
- You're not coming?
- No, no.
They'll get you to the hotel safely.
I'm just gonna make sure that
everything's cleaned up before I lock up.
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