The Traitors UK (2022) s02e05 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 5

This programme contains
some strong language
Previously on The Traitors,
22 players arrived
at this Scottish castle to play
the ultimate murder mystery game
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
As the deception continued
Diane is my mum.
You weren't brought up to be sneaky.
Yeah, I'm sneaky.
..and another Faithful fell
Brian, you have received
the most votes.I'm a Faithful.
Knew it. ..the Traitors had
an important decision to make
You will condemn four
people to the dungeon
and, tomorrow night,
murder one of them.
..they took a strategic risk.
Us two Yeah. ..Andrew, Meg.
You've got four people there.
I reckon one of them's a Traitor.
But an unexpected vote threw
the Traitors' plans into disarray.
You now have the power
to save one of them.Andrew.
Meg, you look worried.
Paul, you've got this
smirk on your face.
And for one of them,
it was almost the end
I voted for you, Ash. I think
you're behaving like a Traitor. Traitor Ash
was about to face her fate.
This is The Traitors.
Ash, you have received
the most votes.
Please come up here and join me.
# I close my eyes
# I close my eyes
# Only for a moment #
Ash, before you leave us forever,
please tell your fellow players,
are you're a Traitor or a Faithful?
I think that you're an absolutely
magnificent group of people.
I think that you're an absolutely
magnificent group of people.
I don't think I've belly-laughed
so much in a while.
So it's been an honour
and a privilege.
I am
..a Traitor.
Congratulations, Faithful.
You got one.
Not much comfort, though,
for Meg and for Paul.
One of you will be murdered tonight.
The rest of you,
I'll see you at breakfast.
Well done.
Well done, guys. Well done!
Being a Traitor is testing.
Like, and it's really tough.
It's probably the hardest thing
I've ever done, actually.
They might not like the way,
maybe, I go about things,
but hopefully people see,
in order to win this
game as a Traitor,
this is literally the
levels that you have to go to.
Sit down, let me make you some
cereal or get a bowl for you.
It feels electric!
I feel alive.
We caught one! Like, we're now
not on the back foot.
And I just had this
overwhelming feeling
that the Traitors
were laughing at us.
But they're not laughing any more.
Who's laughing now?
What a time to be alive, eh?
You know what Two seconds.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Because I thought
It's fine to be upset, right?
It's fine to be upset.
Shall we go for a little walk? Yeah.
Me and you, we'll
have a little chat.
I just got ready to
see my little boy.
Yeah, I know you did.
God, you're going to start me off.
I've had a very emotional day
over the family and stuff,
which are completely
genuine feelings.
But to be honest,
that was genuine emotion,
just reshaped in a different way
that I knew I would
benefit from it as well.
OK, I understand
these emotions are coming from you
missing the kids and that as well.
Yeah. Don't worry about
what you can't control.
Yeah. OK?
Fingers crossed for you tonight.
You know? And I genuinely
mean that because
Well, actually, I want you to
go so I'm the most popular.
I'm only playing. All right. OK.
Let's stay calm.
I genuinely think
Paul's 100% Faithful.
But they've shot themselves
in the foot if Paul is murdered,
because then it has to be Meg.
It has to be Meg. Meg, I was
I sort of thought yesterday.
I'm still convinced on Meg.
Maybe. And now I'm looking at Zack.
No, I think voting for Zack
is a waste. I think he's a Faithful.
I think Jonny. Jonny.
Jonny, maybe, as well.
I agree with you.
Nobody's looking at him.
He's a good guy. He is a good guy.
No, no, no, no, Ross is.
Yeah. Ross is looking at him.
I didn't think Jonny was a Traitor,
but mainly because he's
an amazing young man.
But when it comes to the
round table, his demeanour changes.
He's not just as free with his words
as he was when I first met him.
MUSIC: Vampire
by Olivia Rodrigo
Right. That's it.
I'm very proud of us. Absolutely!
I'm over the moon.
We got a Traitor,
and I can sleep tonight
knowing that I'm not
going to get murdered.
Oh, that'll be home time. Bedtime!
You know, it's 50-50
between me and Paul.
It's up to the Traitors
who they want to kill off tonight.
To be honest, the
feelings are everywhere
at the moment, everywhere.
I don't think I'm mentally ready
for the journey to be over yet.
# How's the castle built off people
you pretend to care about? #
You OK, yeah? Bittersweet, pal.
I'm drawing a line and we're done,
mate. I promise you. I promise you.
The Faithful have departed,
delighted that they
finally got one.
So, who will be murdered tonight?
Let's look at the condemned players.
Andrew - saved.
Ash - banished.
So, Paul was a Traitor.
There can only be one.
# sunk your teeth into me, oh
# Bloodsucker, dream crusher
# Bleeding me dry
like a damn vampire. #
Ahh! And then there were three.
Wow, wow, wow, wow.
It worked.
I'm not joking, today felt like
a proper mission accomplished bit,
I'm not joking, today felt like
a proper mission accomplished bit,
like, the whole strategy.
But to be fair, the dungeon -
Ash was terrible down there.
Was she? I think she just went
about it all the wrong way.
Yeah. I think a team is only
as strong as its weakest link.
If you're not performing
on a football pitch or in work,
you get pulled out.
And that's whyshe needed to go.
But we were aggressive.
I want to kind of hide now.
So I feel like we
go back into the cover.
Like, this now is definitely
the strongest team you can have.
I think we're in a really good spot.
Sadly, Meg has to go. I know.
For us, it makes our job easy,
but obviously, it could bring
heat to you potentially. Yeah.
Everyone's going to
be looking at me.
I'm going to have to
be a little bit clever
and use my skills in the right way
to convince the other guys
that I'm a Faithful.
I think we go into, like,
Traitors 2.0 team now.
Well done, fellas.
Traitors 2.0. Traitors 2.0.
MUSIC: Watch me
by The Phantoms
# Just watch me now
# Just watch me now. #
It's a new morning
and, for the Faithful,
they'll be wondering who,
out of the condemned,
made it through the night.
But as Paul and Meg are the
only two options remaining,
the Traitors have
been left with no choice.
Hello? Amazing.
We're the first!
Last night, I had such
a relaxing sleep, almost,
because we'd got a Traitor out
and we also knew we
weren't going to get murdered
because we weren't Paul and we
weren't Meg, so it was great.
And we were first in,
so we had first dibs.
So are you glad to have decent food
after being in the dungeon? Yeah.
It was like hell,
being in hell, the dungeon.
It was freezing cold and we got
fed cold, ice-cold porridge.
It was grim. It was very grim.
Hi! Hi!
Hi, guys, you OK?
How are you doing?
How are you? I got a lot
of sleep last night.
How are you doing? I'm good, thanks.
You OK? You all right?
ANTHONY:I slept like a log.
I mean, we finally got a Traitor,
and it was one that was
not really on my radar,
so I didn't quite see it coming.
So everybody's really just buzzing.
Guys, we got a Traitor!
We did, yeah.
I'm glad everybody actually
saw through it all.
All they do is look at us, laughing
and picking us off one by one.
Are we all thinking it
was Paul or Meg murdered?
What do you think?
I think it could be either.
I'm pretty confident
who the Traitor is,
so I think Yeah, Paul's
going to get murdered, yeah.
So you think Meg's?
Yeah. ..a Traitor? Yeah.
And Paul's so popular,
he's never going to be banished.
So if you're a Traitor, you're
going to have to murder him.
Well, what happens then if
Paul walks through the door?
Because then everyone's
going to look at Paul
and think he's a Traitor,
surely, would you not?
I'm anxious at breakfast
because obviously when Paul
comes through the door,
people are going to start thinking,
"Oh, is he safe because
he is a Traitor?"
He's kind of putting himself
in a little bit of a firing line.
Who does everyone think
is going to walk in?
Erm, I think Megan's going
to walk in.
Yeah, for sure.
Certainly. Which is gutting,
because that means we've lost Paul.
It's because he got voted popular.
They targeted him for that reason.
It's such a shame.
Everyone was so adamant
Paul would be murdered.
And we just sat there like,
"You lot don't know the half of it",
you know what I mean?
You just want to stand up
and be like, "All of you are wrong",
but it's like, you can't.
Are you OK? Yeah.
You look gorgeous in that pink.
Thank you!
Now it's crunch time.
So I think, if Paul comes in,
he's a Traitor, I think.
Do you? He's not.
I spent a lot of time with him.
I think everyone's
expecting Meg to come in.
I think Meg is a Traitor.
Paul was the most popular,
so I think he's the obvious choice
and I think Meg has got
some heat on her anyway,
so it makes most sense
to kill Paul off.
If they don't kill Paul off
..I won't understand it.
Oh, my God!
Paul walked in
and it was like,
mic drop. Everyone's jaws
were wide open. No-one expected
him to walk through the door.
Oh, my God! Good morning, folks.
Everyone was like, "What?"
Like, they just didn't
understand it. Hi!
Oh, my God! Hi, folks.
Hey, Paul! Oh, my God.
Wow. Wow.
Sorry, everybody's in shock,
but we're so glad to see you.
That is a shock.
Oh, poor Meg. I know. RIP Meg.
"RIP Meg"!
"Dear Meg, by order of the Traitors,
you have been murdered"!
Signed, the Traitors.
I did see it coming. Out of me
and Paul, I did see it was me
because I feel like because
I'm quite more observant,
I feel that would have
been the moment to be like,
"Oh, well, you know, Meg doesn't
chat much, is she observing more?"
"We'll off her, let's
get rid of her, bye."
The Faithfuls need to up their game,
otherwise there'll be none left.
Meg was a Faithful.
I thought 100% Traitor.
That's wild.
That's a shock. You OK?
Mate, your face was not the face
we thought we were going to see.
Yeah, that is a shock.
But we're glad it is. Yeah.
I think everyone had a theory
based on Meg coming
through the door.
Exactly. And now everyone's like
Now everyone's got no idea,
the other way round. Yeah.
There's so many people
really absolutely convinced
Paul's a Faithful.
But when he walked through the door,
I thought, "Hmm.
"You're a Traitor."
But I think I'm in
the minority there.
Oh, here she is. Morning, everybody.
Last night, you caught a Traitor.
Pat on the back, guys,
pat on the back. Ash was banished.
Paul, congratulations.
You were safe from murder.
Meg, not so lucky.
I can't believe it.
I thought she was a Traitor!
I know!
Meg has left.
Who's fired up for the next mission?
I'll see you outside soon.
"Fired up"?
What, what, what
What's going to be "fired up"?
In the missions,
I believe it's a really good time
to learn things about people,
because ultimately,
when people play games,
they can't really help
but be themselves
if you pay attention.
So today is just such a key day
to get rid of another Traitor.
You OK? Mate, yeah.
Do you want a drink?
Yeah, I'd like a coffee now.
Definitely need a coffee.
What the hell?
I was so convinced Come here.
I'm so happy. More than happy
that the lovely Paul
is still with us,
because he's bloody brilliant.
I love him and I trust him 100%.
So I'm just so chuffed
that he's still here.
Feels like some serious, like,
game Game of chess.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It feels gross, but anyway
Yeah, it's moves and countermoves,
isn't it, at the minute?
Sacrificing the old pawns.
But try not to overthink it.
No, I've just got
to just be myself, you know.
Hopefully, the people that
believe me, then great,
and if people are suspicious
and whatnot, then, you know
We're all bloody suspicious
in here of everything.
Yeah, exactly right.
That's the nature of the beast.
I played it as best
as I could as a Faithful.
So I am happy,
but I'm also really apprehensive
and why have I been brought back?
And interestingly enough, everyone
seems to believe that,
unless, you know, people
are maybe telling lies to me
and at the table later,
they actually think the opposite.
We'll have to just wait and see
how the round table pans out.
It's another night
of my name cropping up
and doing the thing again, and
then it'll either end in chaos
or someone else's
name might crop up,
because Zack was on my mind.
But I just don't know if it's
too obvious that it's Zack.
I don't know
if it's too obvious of a move.
I've been thinking it's
Zack for a long while. Really?
I was adamant from the start.
Well, I voted for him.
If people have got
their eyes on Paul,
I think I'm going to try my best
to see if I can steer them away
from him, because obviously,
he's a Traitor.
But at the same time,
I'm not going to go too hard
because if it looks like
I'm steering too hard
and he's the one stood up and he
announces that he's a Traitor,
I'll put myself
into the firing line.
Traitor chat.
Let's get real. Traitor chat.
Jonny has been doing
some weird behaviour,
like inconsistent behaviour,
I think, personally.
He's very jokey, laughy, loving,
all the rest of it,
And then as soon as any Traitor
chat gets put on the table,
or round table, he's just silent.
Paul's really worried now. Yeah.
I don't think it's Paul.
I don't think it's Paul,
but I can see why other people
would think it's Paul.
Yeah, but it's too obvious.
Do you think that's a double bluff?
I think it's just to shock people.
I think what would have
been a smarter choice
is for them to get rid of Paul,
because attention
was already on Meg.
Unless Paul is literally
and he is one and then
fair play to the lad
and I'd just sat get
the Oscar for him, now.
I don't know how
Paul's got away with it.
It is mad.
He's come back from the dungeon
and nobody is questioning him.
I don't understand.
The game's wide open now
Guys, I'm too hot, I'm sorry.
Right, what we just talked about,
Charlie, we keep to ourselves, yeah?
No, I'm not going to say anything.
I'm not, I'm not.
I can vouch for that, to be fair.
What's going on? I think I'm
going to be murdered tonight
because I'm going to tell
yous now that it's Paul.
I think he's a wicked actor.
I think he's a cool guy.
But if I go tomorrow,
I told you two that it's Paul.
That's a statement, Jaz.
It is a statement, man.
Paul's not even made eye
contact with me.
He's not even looking at me. Really?
I'm just thinking,
"You know I know you." I see.
But because he's so popular,
no-one's going to bring up his name.
And I'm not bringing
up his name again.
Well, no, but the thing is, though,
I think if you genuinely feel
like that, I think he's Faithful
but if you feel like that,
now is probably the time
Because everyone's throwing everyone
around. Now is the time to say.
Ross, man, it's too risky, man,
to bring it up.
Like, if his time comes, his time
will come. Yeah, bring it up
when the time comes, but don't put
your head on the chopping block.
There's no point, mate, because
he's too strong of a character.
I think you have to
play it quite carefully
if you know somebody's a Traitor.
If you go all guns blazing,
you end up being a target.
It's putting my head
on a chopping block.
Who's being dodgy?
I'll just come out, like,
I've said it to enough people -
I think Jonny 100%.
He's inconsistent.
I want to get rid of the
most strategic person.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, because I think
Jonny is the nucleus of it.
I think he's brilliant.
I think he's clever.
He's a clever, clever boy.
I think we're really onto them
and I think we have potential
to get two out in a row.
I'm a bit shook, to be honest,
because I don't want
to vote for Jonny.
Obviously being in the Army
and stuff, you're taught the values
and standards of being a soldier.
I feel like me and Jonny have
that brotherhood,
so I want to try and deflect it.
Like, I don't know, I'm not like
I don't have that gut feeling.
I feel like with me and him,
obviously, same backgrounds,
like, same
It's like we've got
such a connection.
Like, I understand
everyone's points,
but then imagine it's not him -
I'd feel even worse about myself.
I just couldn't live with myself.
But then it's a game, isn't it?
I love that guy, and I want him
to stay in the game.
The prize pot is
sitting at £32,300
..and the players have a chance
to add to it even further
in today's mission.
Hello, everybody. Are you ready
to have a proper Highland fling?
Today's mission is worth
£10,000 for the prize pot.
All you have to do is shoot
this golden cannonball
All you have to do is shoot
this golden cannonball
out of a catapult
from the ridge that is
all the way over there.
Here's the thing, though.
The catapult is not complete.
You have to finish building it.
You'll have a route and there'll
be pieces of the catapult as you go
that you have to pick up.
Along the way, you
will find a sledge.
Use the sledge, right, because some
of these pieces are really heavy.
Here is a shopping list
of everything you're going to need.
OK, so we're clear? What you do,
you gather the pieces,
construct the catapult,
and then fire this golden
cannonball into the valley.
You have 90 minutes to do it in.
That's a lot of minutes.
Thank you, Jasmine.
I like your positivity.
You'll be fine.
Here's where it gets interesting.
Along the route,
there are five of these.
These are shield cannonballs.
Anybody who crosses the line
holding one of these boxes
will then have the opportunity
to fire a shield cannonball.
will then have the opportunity
to fire a shield cannonball.
Whoever gets closest to
the bull's-eye has protection
from tonight's murder.
Is that clear?Yes.
This is an all-or-nothing mission.
If the catapult isn't built,
then there's no £10,000.
There's definitely no shield.
So, do you want to take
time out of the mission
to protect yourself?
I leave that with you.
OK. Let me hand this over,
it's quite heavy.
Who wants it?
Go on, Andrew.
Look at those arms.
Good boy!
90 minutes.
And one player has the opportunity
to win themselves a shield.
Enormous luck.
The mission starts in three
..two, go!Are we running?
Are we walking?
Of course we're running!
I'm really looking forward
to this mission.
Do we build the pot of money?
Do people go after shields?
The first thing we're looking
for is stabilisers.
Usually, we're broken up
into smaller teams,
but we're one large team.
How are we going to work
together as a collective?
Right, water! It's slippy here.
Yeah, guys, be careful over here.
The first obstacle in
the way was this river.
The river was freezing as well.
Like, you dip your toe
and you're like, "Ooh!"
Yeah, mind your step. I've got you.
We're all good. We're all good.
Andrew and Paul
both went, "Tracey,
We'll give you an arm each."
No rush, no rush.
I'll tell you what, that was great,
having two strong men
almost carry me across the river.
That was amazing.
You've got to take it
where you can nowadays at my age.
Part one!
We had to collect
all these different objects
to go for the catapult.
Let's go. Oh, shit.
The mission was so hard.
Are you OK there? Yeah,
are you all right? Yeah.
I'm struggling a little bit.
Part two here!
Part three is right up there.
About three years ago, I found out
that I am moderately deaf,
so I wear hearing aids.
I can hear without them -
but I lip-read, I eye-read,
I'm looking at faces.
Part four, guys.
I find it really difficult,
especially when there's lots
of hustle and bustle
going on. I feel like
I've not been doing too
well in the missions,
so I'm really trying
hard to contribute
because I think I don't want
to let the team down.
The sledge! A sledge. Sledge found!
We managed to find, like,
a sled, and we could put
all these bits on.
Does anyone want the shield?
Nah, fuck it off.
Team player!
Everyone was staring away
from the box
which allowed you the opportunity
to win a shield.
We stuck together.
We collectively did everything
as a team.
It was good.
Oh, my God, this hill is knackering!
Guys, you've had half your time.
45 minutes left.
More parts!
Good effort, guys!
# I'll keep pushing on #
Come on!
Go, go, go, go!
Guys, part ten over there.
It was a Herculean effort.
Guys, slack at the front.
Can we grab it?
People were putting in a shift,
then changing places
and looking after each other,
and it was really
a wonderful team effort.
We have a catapult sling!
Almost there!
Well done!
Guys, you might as well try and get
that there. Do you want to get it?
Grab it. It felt like I was at risk.
I was getting no sleep at night.
We could see the catapult.
I'm glad I waited until we were
nearly, you know, at the finish
to pick it up.
I wouldn't have been able
to take it the whole way.
Mollie has got the shield box.
I was so happy that
Mollie got the shield box.
Me and Mollie are really close.
We're both young,
dumb, and fun, innit?
Like, we're literally the babies
of the group. I'm not saying
everyone else is old,
but they're a lot older.
They've got, like, wives and stuff.
Tell us when you're ready
and we'll carry it in.
We got to a point where the track
was really difficult
and equipment that wasn't
as heavy at the start
suddenly feels ten times heavier.
Aaagh! Stop, stop.
And people were pretty adamant
they wanted to get the sledge
all the way to the top.
I just wanted to get
the catapult built.
Get the equipment and run it up!
That's the best idea.
We don't need the sled up there.
It's too heavy.
The changing point in my life was
when I joined the army at 17.
Everyone said
I was so different
when I came back from training.
I knew who I was at that point
and I came out of
my shell, basically.
I was 21 years old.
I felt invincible.
I felt I could take on the world,
and to suddenly be disabled
..I felt very, very weak.
Jonny works harder than
people in every challenge,
and he has his challenge already
before he's even stepped
foot on any mission.
He's literally lost his leg
fighting for our country.
And he's still smiling every day.
Well done.
You've still got half an hour.
That's yours, take it.
Well done.I've got it.
Well done.
Mollie has locked a shield box in.
What's left? More
shit on the sledge.
Well done!Thank you.
Go on, Harry!Go on, lad!
Last push. Let's go!
I knew Harry would do
very well on this task.
We've spoken a little bit
about the military, and I know
he's done things like
gun runs before.
If you find a veteran,
or someone that's serving,
If you find a veteran,
or someone that's serving,
you just naturally gel with them.
We have the same mindset,
the same values.
You have a brotherhood in the Army.
Fair play to him,
he did do really well.
What else is there?
Get the bag. Is that it? I think so.
Last bit. Let's go, then.
Right, so we've got 20 bags, one
catapult tray, six wheel chocks.
We've only got four wheel chocks.
Right, we'll start building.
What do we need first?
I actually went back with Ross
to go and try and
find the missing pieces.
Watch your footing.
Oh, there they are.
Hey! Come on, then.
Harry, do you want to
grab a shield? You do it.
You might as well. Ross, you do it.
You ain't had one, Ross.
ROSS:I didn't even see the box,
to be honest with you.
Then all of a sudden,
all three of them were going,
"Go on, Ross. Just grab it."
Because they've had a shield,
so they were being very,
very lovely to me. And, yeah, man,
that was nice.
Guys, you've got 15 minutes left.
Guys, guys, guys, guys, listen!
We need to have
attached the stabilisers,
either side, to the frame.
Yes. Here, look, there's a hook on
the end to that. It goes up here.
For some strange reason, everyone
feels like I'm the Mr Meccano
who knows how to put stuff together.
All right, one stabiliser this side.
I am the person who, you tell me
where I need to be, I do it.
But for some strange reason,
they keep nominating me
as this, like, leader.
Position wheel chocks
front and back.
Well done, Ross. Locked in.
So we're trying to assemble it,
and it's really tricky.
I've never done this.
This is not a skill that I know.
Lovely jubbly.
It was an incredible
team-building exercise.
We worked so hard as a unit.
Load sandbags into the bucket.
Guys, this is teamwork.
Look at you.
Get the ball in the bag!
OK, you've built it. Well done.
Who's going to fire it?
Charlie. Charlie!
Go on, Charlie, go on.
Everybody volunteered
me to do the catapult.
Charlie, you've got to fire
it in the time limit. Let's go.
This is my moment to shine.
All right, come on, then.
This is for Bristol!
Get in! I was so happy.
No matter what happens
to me in this game,
that was the proudest
moment of my life.
Everybody, huge congratulations.
£10,000 is added to the prize fund.
£10,000 is added to the prize fund.
So, there were shield boxes.
There were five.
And two were taken.
Mollie and Ross, congratulations.
Well done, guys.
Smashed it. Come here, girl.
That means one of you has the chance
to get a shield and be
protected from tonight's murder.
What you will do is take it in turns
to shoot your shield cannonball
out of the catapult.
Whoever gets closer to the
bull's-eye gets a shield
and is therefore
protected from murder.
Who wants to go first?
You go first. I'll go first, yeah?
Ross, please pick up
your shield cannonball
and take it to the catapult.
I reckon we're good. OK.
Good luck.All right, here we go,
here we go, here we go, here we go.
Hey, bring it in.
I play a lot of darts at home,
so it almost felt like that.
You know, you're trying
to hit the bull's-eye.
I'm hoping that I've done enough.
Mollie, please get
your shield cannonball.
Come on, Mollie!
Come on, Mols!
Enormous luck.
Here we go.
Oh! Come here.
Look, you're safe anyway,
don't worry.
Ross, congratulations.
You hit the bull's-eye the closest.
Please come and get this.
This is going to look good on me,
come on.
Here we go.
You are protected
from tonight's murder.
I did a cracking shot,
andit's the aim of the game.
I'm sorry, Moll.
You all did fantastically well.
Of course, nobody is
safe from banishment.
Go back to the castle,
get changed, and I'll see
you at the round table.
Well done on today.
Come on, guys. Bye!
Everyone did so well.
Yeah. And then when
we hit the catapult,
I've got to say, it was my moment.
I was so happy!
We're coming back ten grand richer.
Wahey! That felt good.
It's really nice to have you here.
I keep thinking
Thank you so much.
How are you going to vote tonight?
Well, I want to hear
what they've been saying
on the round table because
Yeah, man.
What are you thinking, bro?
Because there are one or
two things that, you know,
could be questionable.
I've given everybody a
fair crack of the whip.
I've given you a fair crack
of the whip. Not really, no.
Yeah, because you know what,
I voted for you one time
You said I was under observation,
and immediately put my name down.
No, but listen. Listen.
Everybody's under observation.
It's not so much
Hold on, hold on.
The way you spoke suggested
No, hold on, hold on, hold on,
hold on. Hold on a minute.
Hold on a minute, Zack, cos
Harry went for you as well.
Both myself and Harry went
for you on the same day,
so hold on a minute. I had long
chats with Harry. I'm just saying,
I'm just saying, both of us went
for you on the same day. Yes?
Harry and I talked about it
Are you going to let me finish?
Harry made it clear to me
Are you going to let me finish?
Are you going to let me finish?
Zack was always talking and very
good at asking you questions
and more questions
to get you talking,
and then piping in
at the right moment.
Very nervous character.
There's something very
shifty going on there.
But, yeah, Anthony, basically,
bro, I'm just interested in what,
like, who you're thinking, man.
You're a smart guy, and I want
you to No, but listen.
No, no, no, no. Hold on,
hold on, hold on, hold on.
The fact of the matter is this.
We had a Traitor gone yesterday
and a Faithful gone this morning.
Those are the facts of the matter.
What does that implicate?
Is there, you know,
a genuine thing there
or is it a double bluff?
It's about Paul. Exactly.
So that remains to be seen.
But you can't argue against the two
lines of thinking as a possibility.
But you can't argue against the two
lines of thinking as a possibility.
No, oOf course, yeah.
What we should be doing
is going after Paul
and finding out whether
this is the case or not,
because it's obvious,
it's right in front of our eyes,
but because of ties and bonds,
people don't want to do that.
So it's very interesting
to see all those people he's got
real key influence over.
If I was leading that against Paul,
I might, you know,
survive a round table,
but I wouldn't survive the night.
So again, it's a case of
when can you come to the fore?
That was strange in the kitchen.
Out of nowhere.
We were just chatting.
I think Anthony's just always
been on my radar, if I'm honest.
And, Jonny, I'm a bit suspicious
of you, if I'm honest.
We're quite suspicious of each
other, aren't we, I think?
Um, yeah. Yeah.
I just think that, like,
you're just
throwing out random names
and the reasons that you're saying
names are just like
People are asking why
and it's like, "I don't know".
Do you not think
everyone's being like that?
It's not just me. Not really.
I'm more vocal than others.
You're not really being vocal
Do you think? I've said names
Can you let me speak? No.
I'm joking. Well, let
me finish my sentence.
You can talk. Well
Stop interrupting me, then.
Um You're doing it again. OK.
Oh, I can't be bothered to speak.
All right.
Today I saw the
energy change in people,
which isn't a nice feeling.
But how can you convince
someone that you're a Faithful
when you have nothing to prove?
Because I'm just being me.
Time will tell.
And I am my true self.
I'm 100% Faithful.
You will see. You will see.
So am I. Good for you.
Everyone's on edge,
aren't they, a little bit?
There is a tension in
the air, definitely.
Everything about being in
this game is a lot of pressure
and it just gets on top of you.
I'm so nervous for the round table
because there's going to be drama.
The sun is setting on a
very tactical day here,
and the players are about to meet
again at the round table.
They got a Traitor yesterday.
Will they be so lucky again?
# I'm gonna fight till the end #
It's going to be a really
interesting round table.
I think my name
might be brought up,
so I'm really kind of, like,
nervous, apprehensive.
There's a few forerunners for me,
and I think it's just Jonny
or Anthony at the minute.
So I don't really know where
to go because obviously,
I have this great connection
with Jonny.
It's a tough one, 100%.
It's a tough one.
I think we might get another
deadlock situation because I feel
like some people feel one way,
some people feel another.
No-one's really certain of anything.
# Until the end
# I'm gonna fight till the end. #
Welcome back to the round table.
Congratulations on today's mission.
You added another
£10,000 to the pot.
So, the prize fund
currently stands at
It's a lot of money.
I imagine, Faithful, you don't want
to just hand it to the Traitors,
I imagine, Faithful, you don't want
to just hand it to the Traitors,
because, if there are any
Traitors left at the end,
they take it all.
So, I ask you this.
Who's playing an excellent game?
Who's changed?
Have you worked anything out?
Who would like to start?
Look, I think I'll go first.
I've kind of been
vocal about this person.
Jonny, it's yourself, mate.
Yeah. And, you know, I've not gone
off anyone else's bandwagon.
These are just three things
that I've seen in you
that, to me,
say Traitor-ish behaviour.
One being obviously,
we looked at Ash.
She was confident, funny,
outside of the round table.
But at the round table
and whenever we had Traitor chat,
she got into a bit of a shell,
didn't really say things.
And I'm seeing that
from you, mate, as well.
I'm not seeing you be vocal
around the round table.
Whenever we get into
discussions about Traitors,
you just close yourself in.
You don't You know,
you're not putting yourself
on the line, you know.
The other thing is that you
threw my name under the bus
on the first time.
You've thrown Jaz's name.
If I'm not being vocal, then why
I am I mentioning people's names?
You tell me that. It sounds like
you're trying to confuse the camp
and, you know, it sounds
like you're throwing names out
That's what it sounds like,
but it isn't. create a bit of something.
And I'm sorry, mate,
but I feel like your
personality has changed, dude.
And I feel like this has just ground
you down and cracks are showing.
And of course it has,
because I'm trying to figure out
who a Traitor is.
I feel like, you know,
I'm second-guessing every move.
I want to give people honest
answers and what I think,
but I don't want to accuse people.
I find it very hard.
I'm not the only
quiet one here, guys.
No, no, you're not.
But it's because you're so
loud outside of the round table
that it obviously highlights
it a lot more, you know?
I have kept cards close to
my chest because I'm worried
I'm going to present
myself as a target
cos I know I'm going against
the grain with certain people,
and now I'm vocalising it,
guess where I am.
I'm surprised you've all just gone,
"Yeah, it's Jonny today", because
I didn't see that coming
He's mentioned your
name for a long time.
I've been mentioning your name since
day two, mate. Since day two?
I've kept a watchful eye. I think
you're a Traitor. I do, I just do.
In my heart of hearts, that's just
what I feel. We'll see, won't we?
Has anybody any other names
they'd like to share?
I mean, Zack, I'm still at the
same place, really, with you
and it's not popular, so it
might be a wasted vote anyway,
but he's the only one
I feel I can get behind.
So I feel like I can only
back the thing I can back.
That's fair.
I want to come in on this now,
and I want to basically address
the elephant in the room.
From this morning, obviously,
we had the whole dungeon
situation sort itself out.
So, we got Ash last night.
Andrew got a shield. Yeah.
Meg got killed this morning. Uh-huh.
Paul, as everyone knows,
is one of the most popular people
who can obviously, you know,
influence a lot of people.
So that would be an ideal
opportunity for a Traitor to go,
"Do you know what?
Let's knock him out."
Yeah? But that never happened.
Obviously where
you're concerned, Paul,
two concrete things come up.
Either it's a wonderful
double bluff, yeah,
or actually, you know what,
you're a Faithful.
These are two lines
you must consider
because of what the evidence shows,
but it's something that
nobody's discussed.
Not to put you on the spot, Paul,
but do you have anything to say?
VOICEOVER:I do feel a little bit
under pressure since the dungeon.
I need to kind of
divert attention away
and deflect.
It's been playing on my mind,
and it's not nice to
walk into a room last
and have everyone stare at you
Oh, bless you.
..and go through that.
Given the few days that
I've been through,
if it is you, mate, that'll hurt.
So I hope
I don't think that's fair.
Well, yeah, OK
It won't hurt, because it's not me.
Anthony, I think you are a Traitor.
You just have this way of
tip-toeing around questions
and you speak for five, ten minutes
and you say lots of things,
but you never answer the question
that's directed to you. Really?
You sort of like
And then not only within that,
but then you also, within answering
the questions, redirect heavily.
So I just think you've just
got this incredibly roundabout
way of working,
which is quite deceitful at times.
Hold on, hold on.
I'm still making my point.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
You've got to let him speak.
Finish, finish, finish.
The last thing is that you've
never really furthered the cause
for helping find the Traitors.
Yeah, and I think when people
ask you who you think is a Traitor,
you've never drawn discussion on it,
because I think you may be playing
cards close to your hand
Isn't this exactly what's
happened with Jonny today?
This is exactly what's happened.
We've got 16 people around the table
and we're not all going to
Everyone else is behaving similarly.
Hold up, it's my turn now.
I can tell you, 100%, you will waste
your vote trying to vote for me
because really, deep down
in your heart, right,
people should know by now that -
100% Faithful, OK?
Regardless of my character or the
way that I might approach something,
you'd just be
completely wasting your vote.
Players, it's time to vote.
Please write the name of the
person you believe is a Traitor
Please write the name of the
person you believe is a Traitor
on your slate.
Harry, I'll start with you.
I knew that was coming.
Please tell me who you
believe is a Traitor and why.
This one's really hard for me,
because, like, this is deeper than
just, like, an emotional connection.
But at the end of the day,
it's a game.
Anyone here could be lying to me,
so I've sort of had to put that
back and do this for the team
so, Jonny, I have gone with you
and I really hope it is you
because otherwise,
it'll made me feel so bad.
I won't take it personally, dude.
Thank you.
VOICEOVER:It's hard because
I don't want to lose him,
but, at the same time,
I had to act Faithful
and I know sooner or later,
I'm going to have to get rid of him.
So I knew what needed to be done.
Zack, whose name is on your slate?
So I voted for Ant.
For the record, I think
it's Jonny as well.
But I also think it's you, Ant,
and I'm just more
convinced by that tonight.
Jonny, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I've gone for my first-ever
gut feeling
and my first ever question mark.
Ross, I hope
you can appreciate that.
Um, Jonny, I think
you're absolutely amazing.
So inspirational.
I just have this
feeling I can't shake.
I'm really sorry.
who have you voted for and why?
I've gone with my gut feeling,
which is you, Zack.
So, we have two for Jonny,
one for Anthony, one for Ross
and one for Zack.
who have you voted for and why?
I'm really sorry, Jonny.
I really, really like you.
It's not personal, but I haven't
heard enough to convince me
that you're not a Traitor.
I'm so sorry.
Andrew, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Jonny, I think this is totally
against the moral compass.
It's not easy.
It doesn't sit easy with you.
Jasmine, who have you voted for?
Um, it's nothing personal
because I think you are great,
but I do think you're a Traitor.
Ross, who have you voted for?
I think it's no surprise, mate.
It's just certain behavioural
tendencies and characteristics
that I think have shifted.
I've gone for Jonny tonight.
I've gone with the grain.
And time will tell.
I voted for you, Jonny.
I voted for Jonny.
This is really difficult,
but I am here to play a game.
Mate, I voted for you.
Charlie?Anthony, I voted for you.
I'm really sorry, Anthony.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong - but, yeah.
I'm sorry, Jonny.
For the final vote,
Diane, please.
Jonny, I'm voting for you.
I sort of don't want it to be you.
And I'm sorry.
Thank you. Jonny,
you have received the most votes.
Please come up and join me.
Jonny, before you leave
us forever, please reveal,
are you a Traitor
or are you a Faithful?
You may be wondering
why I'm smiling.
I'm smiling because I know
I can see my kids soon.
No hard feelings anyone, honestly.
I am
..a Faithful.
Thank you, Jonny.
Bye, Jonny. Sorry, Jonny.
Love you. Love you so much.
Goodbye, lovely.
Faithful, well done.
You've just banished
one of your own.
A really, really good player.
What's worse, one of you
will be murdered tonight.
This is just
I just don't even know
where to go with anything.
I was so sure.
Oh, God.
I'm, like, baffled.
I'm completely baffled.
Harry, he still loves you.
Don't get upset.
Oh, bless him.
It's all good, Harry,
you've got to go with your gut.
Honestly, please don't beat
yourself up, please. Please.
It's so hard to see.
Oh, please.
I think he knew what was coming,
and I think he'd almost
prepared himself to go.
And I felt like that.
I felt that it was
almost like he
The way that he was talking was
almost like he'd accepted defeat.
He's really took
that hard, hasn't he?
Don't know, man, that
that round table was hard.
Jonny was such a hero.
He's literally my idol.
We had a bond.
That's just outside
the game, you know,
you have that
brotherhood sort of thing.
I didn't like to have to betray him.
I was choked up, man.
Like, proper, because
I knew he wasn't lying.
I could see him shaking.
I was looking at him
and I was like, "I'm sort of causing
this" or "I'm jumping on on this."
But I just kept playing
over in my head, it's a game.
I hope he would have
done the same to me,
and that's what
I'm just going to tell myself.
I was more convinced of Jonny
that I was with Ash,
to be honest with you.
But he's a Faithful, so obviously
everything that I thought
I can say you're a shifter,
I can say this, but
That's why I was like,
"Where do we go from now?"
I was convinced!
Like, absolutely convinced.
I thought Jonny - bang -
is going to go, "Traitor."
And now
All I can say is,
thank God I've got the shield,
because I think my head
would be on the chopping block.
And I wouldn't blame anyone,
to be honest with you.
Doesn't look good for you,
do you not think?
Or not?
It's hard to think like that
because I could say that, like,
"It doesn't look good for me,"
you know what I mean?
Yeah, or Ross, or anyone.
I don't know what I
did in that situation then
to make it bad, you know.
Yeah, and then it
just begs the question,
like, no offence to Meg,
but, like, why were you saved?
It's just so confusing.
Like, it's just such clever play.
Harry, are you OK?
Harry, are you all right, mate?
That was a toughie. Are you OK?
It's just more pissed me off.
My head's scrambled.
I wish I could look at Jonny
and say, like,
"I'm really, really sorry."
It's just actually
just not nice, really.
It's really not nice,
and I feel really bad.
Clearly, I'm just shit at this game.
Bro, how has Paul come back
and nobody's asked why?
I'm making a list of good,
I'm making a list of maybes
and I'm making a list of bad.
Jonny was in my bad.
[HE MOUTHS] a bad guy, so please,
if I'm not here tomorrow,
remember this conversation.
Bro, he's acting different
and he's too popular to
be bringing his name up.
Too popular. He has too much clout.
I'm actually disappointed
in the rest of the team
because they're getting
absolutely played by Paul.
Genuinely think he's a Traitor.
As soon as he came back,
I was just thinking, "That is it.
"My time here is probably up."
I hope I'm not murdered tonight.
See you guys later.
The chimes of the castle clock
signal that the murder
hour is approaching.
And with everyone departed, it's
time for the Traitors to return.
And with everyone departed, it's
time for the Traitors to return.
Evening. Hi. What a day.
Paul, you're the man.
You, like, changed all suspicion,
literally like a
suspicion dodger. Yeah.
Like a ninja, mate.
Well done.
I've got some goss for everyone.
Go on.
So at the end, it was me
and Jaz in the kitchen.
Right. And Jaz was like, he really
thinks he's going to get murdered.
He was like, "If I get murdered,
you've got to go at Paul"
He was like, "..because it makes
no sense that he's here."
Jaz has got a right
bee in his bonnet.
So Jaz has got a real
thing with you. Yeah, yeah.
We've got one anomaly, in
Jaz, that just won't kind of
let his little personal
vendetta against me go.
But he's very contained at
the moment and has no following,
so I feel good.
I think everyone's starting
to look at different names now.
Today, I struggled massively.
With Jonny going?
But there was no way of
changing everyone's mind
without throwing
yourself under the bus.
I knew it was going to come
as well, and it's a game.
As long as you know I'm
strong enough to, like
That was my one, and I'm happy
it's sort of happened now.
Who can we kill?
It's a really hard one because this
is where we have to play smart.
I feel like, I don't think
we go for a big personality,
but then I don't think we go
for someone who's really quiet.
Diane would be a good death.
No-one would suspect any of us of
killing Diane off. Yeah, I love her,
and I feel like she's a good, strong
character for us. If we go Diane,
it's going to take the fire straight
to Anthony, I feel like.
But is that obvious? But at the same
time, she could be sat there
Isn't Tracey, then,
probably the better,
because it's not so direct?
Tracey just feels like,
no-one's called her out.
Everyone's going to be like,
"What is happening?"
You can't pin Tracey
back to you, you or me.
But Tracey is so smart.
If she's not against us,
Tracey's such a good team-mate
to have. Yeah, yeah.
Charlotte would be a good kill.
But I feel like Charlotte's ways
She looks guilty as well,
so she could be banished.
OK, it's between Diane
..and Tracey.
This murder's perfect.
It's a good move.
Let's do it. OK. I love this game.
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