The Unit s02e05 Episode Script

Force Majeure

In 1979, congress authorized the formation of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers who answered only to the president of the united states.
Their missions and their very existence are closely guarded secrets protected by the soldiers themselves and their wives who possess secrets of their own.
Previously on the unit whew.
You wanted to move.
That's right.
I'm staying for all of us.
What are you paying people who bring you recruits? Headhunters fee just went up.
Regular enlisted,4,000.
Unit member, 8.
Blackthorne will give you the opportunity to travel,see the world.
Are you recruiting for blackthorne,mrs.
Blane? Yes, I am.
You sure he's not one of the casualties? No, the man's not dead.
What's the name? John smith.
An african.
Liver transplant.
Family? No.
Just a fella I need to find.
We don't have a record of him being evacuated.
You sure? All hospital evacuations are processed here.
I see.
Thank you.
He's the admin from rfk.
Show me the bodies.
Sir, excuse me.
I can't get a damn signal anywhere.
I'm looking for a patient from rfk.
Hasn't been processed,and he's not here.
All the patients should be here.
John smith.
Liver transplant.
Room 312.
He was evacuated to icu at durham general.
No, he never arrived there.
We checked.
May I? He could be at county.
Hell, we were all lucky to get out of there alive.
The river's gonna surge.
Hospital's in the path.
Says he was supposed to be evacuated at 6:05 A.
What time did you leave the hospital? And who the hell are you? - Hey, chief, what time did you pull out? - 5:45 A.
You didn't wait for the ambulance to actually arrive at county.
So mr.
Smith is still at your hospital.
- How long you work at rfk? - 15 years.
Can you draw me a floor plan? Don't know what good it'll do you.
He's still at the hospital! - It's a 20-mile drive! - All right.
All right,Here's the mission.
We drive the general from the hospital to fort bragg.
And if his nation don't want him back? Ain't our problem.
Has the potential to drop 15 inches of rain on this city in a very short space of time.
Third floor.
In and out.
10 minutes.
You're with the truck.
Winds are more than Look! He's got guards.
State Department.
Diplomatic security.
We're here to get you out.
Agent white, kill the tv.
Welcome, my old friend.
General Togar, you can put on your uniform now.
You're going home.
It is our fate to meet again.
So it seems.
We were told all the doctors had been evacuated.
I thought I'd stay with my patient.
We have a military ambulance outside.
Can I offer you a ride? Just breathe.
Hammerhead,we're coming down.
All right.
Let's move.
Go, go, go! All right! Let's go! Hammerhead,snake doctor, over.
Hammerhead, we're on our way down.
River just surged.
Humvee's under water.
All roads are flooded.
our only way out is up.
Tell me there's a heliport.
The east parking lot.
On the river side.
Probably under water.
Check the roof.
Find me an hlz or build me one.
Clear it for landing.
Roof access is through that door.
If you were still in the air squadron, would you fly a chopper into a hurricane? If I was bored.
You think these boys are bored? Look, to these pilots,you're family.
For you, they'll fly gasoline into hell.
Let's make a call.
Check your assessment.
This is snake doctor.
Get me dog patch 0-6.
This is 0-6 romeo.
He needs ceftazidame.
He's got sepsis.
I gotta get to the pharmacy on the first floor.
First floor is about to flood.
Well, if he doesn't get antibiotics, then you won't be able to move him.
Agent black,escort the doctor.
Agent white.
Shunt the generators.
Get us some juice up here.
Take him with you.
I'm not leaving the general.
You want him to stay alive? Those machines run on electricity.
And these generators aren't going to run under water.
Snake doctor, you have dog patch 0-6 on the line.
Dog patch 0-6.
Snake doctor.
Ground option washed away.
I need a chopper.
Meds are in here.
You have a key? Key.
You have enough antibiotics? Enough to stabilize the general.
Take everything.
You know who the general is,what he's done to his people? Yeah.
Oh, what, why am i treating him anyway? I assume you're treating him anyway because you're a doctor.
That's right.
But why are you taking him back? I took an oath, too.
- You ok? - Yeah.
I'm ok.
The water's not going to stop on the first floor.
We're gonna lose the second in not too much longer.
What's on this floor? If we're evacuating your general on a chopper, he'll need oxygen.
The tanks are on this floor.
We'll need two.
We'll need three.
Show me where the tanks are.
- Wait.
- What's that? Someone else get left behind? Not that I know.
Why? It's morse code.
Someone's tapping S.
- Ok.
- Take out your knife.
You wanna stay alive? Step up there.
Go ahead.
It's safe.
Take a piece of that insulation there.
Wrap it around your knife handle.
Keep your left hand in your pocket.
Don't touch anything else.
Do what I do.
If it sparks,you mark it.
We need the power on to get lights for the chopper to land.
You cannot land a chopper during a hurricane.
That's why it's got to get here before the hurricane hits.
We're looking for live connections.
Popped your cherry, huh? We've got power here.
Give me your knife.
Mine just melted.
We have a high priority casualty evac from the hospital.
Diplomatic level one.
Head of state.
Snake doctor,you now have an hlz on the roof.
Copy that, hammerhead.
I have an hlz and 8 passengers.
I repeat, 8 passengers.
I understand.
We're all hat in hand here.
I don't think I have to tell you what hell we'll both be in if he doesn't make it.
Thank you, sir.
Now you can kick those tires and light your fires and let me know when you're In my country, my helicopter comes when I call.
I'm sure it does.
Does it depress you that I'm going back to my old job? It served your government's purpose to kidnap me from my palace last year.
Now it serves your purpose to put me back in power.
Your state department has learned what i have always known.
And what is that? Without me,islam rules west africa.
Well, you know,I'm not too interested in politics.
I'm interested in power.
You, too, are a child of africa.
A child of africa born in the U.
- What you looking at? - You.
I'm thinking how lucky I am to have you here all day.
I'm all yours.
- Until tonight.
- What's tonight? Lissy's school project,and you're in it.
What exactly did I agree to? I can't say too much.
Strictly on a need-to-know basis.
- Really? You won't be so much an actor as a prop.
A prop? She's so excited you're gonna be there.
Well, you know I'm excited, too.
- What? - I was babysitting little teddy yesterday.
You're a good friend.
- Well, I was thinking - I'm listening to you.
Maybe we should try and have our boy.
- Don't tell me you don't want one.
- Sure, I do.
Well, I want to have your son.
There's gotta be some special way to do it that gives us an improved chance.
you know, I believe in frequent and varied experimentation.
Come on, you guys.
Oh, stop that.
I'm not gonna leave.
Get up.
You have to help me.
How does she always know? - Hi, molly.
- Hey.
Blane's here.
- How are you, crystal? - Glad my baby's home.
Big money,big risks.
I know.
But he's my life.
You keep him safe.
I trust you.
What's up, mrs.
Blane? - See my new tatoo.
- Where'd you get that from, huh? Rio de janeiro.
How about that? Jeremy,I wanted to hand deliver this 6,000 for a month's work.
Good pay for a good job.
Your mission leader in brazil said that you were an excellent part of his team.
Yes, ma'am.
- How was it for you? - It was good for what it was.
Never knew what's around the next corner.
Never saw any serious action, but I believed I was ready.
Baby, I'm so proud of you.
We're gonna celebrate.
Don't spend it all in one place.
No, ma'am.
We aren't gonna spend it in much of any place at all.
Most of it's going into savings.
You know what for.
I know what my baby wants.
Blane, I'm ready for my next assignment.
Bar bouncers are getting hired to go to iraq.
I'm a trained soldier.
I can help.
And it'll prepare me for unit selection down the line in a couple of years.
I don't want you going somewhere dangerous.
That big show will be going on for a long, long time, jeremy.
- You'll have your chance.
- Well, you can do it for me now, right? Blackthorne's a big company.
There's got to be assignments open.
The sooner I go, the sooner I get back.
Do you want me to see what's available? - Yes, ma'am, I do.
- All right.
Thank you, mrs.
Thank you.
Ever since he got back,he thinks he's walking on air.
- I'm glad.
- But I'm not glad.
Because he isn't walking on air.
That's just what he thinks.
He thinks he's indestructible.
He thinks he wants to go where the shooting is.
Please, molly.
Don't send him there.
Hello? Is anybody here? For god's sakes,could you move any slower? Let me guess.
Army boy.
Snake doctor.
We've got a problem.
Who can walk? All right, we're gonna make our way to the third floor.
We've got a helicopter coming to get us.
Right here.
- What kind of bird we got? - The only one they had.
An old jolly green.
And she's burning oil.
No huey, no blackhawk? Nothing else available They're all inland.
That's a problem.
You piloted one? Yeah.
In this weather, she's got a maximum passenger capacity of 2,200 pounds.
That's about 14 people.
Any more than that, she's not gonna be able to lift off.
Well, we got Who left these patients behind? Dr.
There's no excuse.
It's criminal negligence.
Well, you didn't do it.
Anything else I should know? Oh, I've got the big three.
Hypertension, diabetes,and a lazy thyroid.
Right now,I'd kill for a soda.
Called for a back-up chopper.
- Any luck? - Storm's too far inland for any other chopper to take off.
The bird in the air is our only ticket out.
Look, I gotta do the math,but I guarantee you our total weight in this weather, it's over the chopper's max.
There's your scale.
Get these people weighed.
If you're right,we've got to start thinking who we're gonna leave behind.
- The oldest, the weakest,the sickest? - The most dangerous? Togar's the mission.
He's the only one with a guaranteed ticket.
Yes, I know.
Who are all these people? They got left behind.
- And now you've adopted them.
- That's right.
And how are you rescuing them all without endangering me? Well, we're trying to work that out.
- What are you doing? - Checking your weight.
Soldier to soldier,I'm your mission,is that correct? Just stay quiet and conserve your energy for the trip.
What are they planning? I'm going to check What is my costume? Dad, hold your arms out.
Mom, do the waist and inseam.
I've got to go.
He is 34.
Thanks, mom.
See you later before the thing.
Ok, sweetheart.
Bye, Liss.
You want a bite? You want to know the secret to having a boy? I'm all ears.
- I hope not.
- All right.
What's the secret to having a boy? Claire claims the secret to having a boy Well, that sounds like fun.
- You want to try it? - Yes, I do.
Oh, my god.
I am so sorry.
I should've knocked.
I should've I am so sorry.
Lissy must have left it open.
I'll just leave.
What do you need? - Morning, mack.
- Howdy.
Just came by to pick up the stuff for the thing tonight.
I hear you're gonna be there, right? The secret thing? Wouldn't miss it.
- Teddy, say hi to your uncle mack.
- Hey, teddy.
You are about, oh, my god.
As ugly as your daddy.
You see the way he's staring at me? That's respect.
No, no.
I think he's wondering where your boobs are.
I promised him a boy.
- Really? - Yeah.
- What, you know a secret? - No.
I was hoping you did.
You and bob do anything, you know,special to get teddy? might I induce you to tell me? Well, first he left his shoes outside the door.
Really? And when that didn't work,he wore his shoes to bed.
You're toying with my heart.
All right, the thing to remember is as in the adult form, the boy sperm is the more fragile of the sexes.
If the x chromosome and the y chromosome get to the egg at the same time, the x always wins out.
Every time.
It's a race.
The boy sperm swims faster,but the girl sperm is more resilient.
- Gosh, isn't that ironic? - Isn't it? Yeah.
So, you gotta handicap the race so the boys can win.
How do I do that? The helicopter is an h3-c modified, is that correct? It is.
Its maximum passenger load in this kind of storm 2,200 pounds.
Well, we've got some give there.
Get out of my way.
Who the hell do you think you are? Best if you keep yourself apart, general.
Best for your safety.
Coming through.
State brings him to the U.
Off the books,and he gets a liver transplant.
My aunt's been trying to get a liver for 2 years.
If your aunt were a homicidal dictator,she might have a chance.
- So who paid for the transplant? - You and me, brother.
If jeremy wants iraq,it's available.
Baghdad, fallujah,tikrit.
Driving supply trucks.
In fact, after his last job,he was on the recommend list.
You're worried about what happens if you send him out and he doesn't come back.
How different is that than waving goodbye to jonas every morning? I thought molly, you told me you were a headhunter.
One time only.
Your words.
Now if you want to be involved in ops and placement, that's not headhunter.
That's management.
Which puts you behind this desk.
I don't think so.
You're doing it anyway.
Might as well get paid for it.
I don't think so.
You're my first choice to run this office.
And that offer still stands.
Part-time work.
Full-time salary.
Try it on for size.
Give yourself a month.
I can run a lot from san diego.
But this would be your baby.
And jeremy? But if you take this job,let me make something clear.
We fill contracts.
Highly lucrative for everyone.
That's what they pay us for.
Jeremy's not ready.
At the end of the day,that's up to them.
And somebody's gonna go.
Sorry I'm late.
Put me to work.
We're going to need to pad pocahontas' bra.
- Did you speak to cynthia? - About? - Jeremy? - I did.
You're not gonna send him over there,are you? I believe he's a grown man.
He's just a kid.
Who do you think fights wars? Well done, mr.
Not what you think your weight is,what your actual weight is.
If you want me to take my clothes off,it'll cost 20 bucks.
- Just step on.
- Just for a little time.
Just step on the scale.
That's it.
It's time.
- Thank you.
- God, I lost 5 pounds.
Boss, we're officially 543 pounds overweight,and that's with blue skies and a slight breeze.
Not exactly what's in the forecast.
Charlie or I could make a break for inland right now.
Hector and I both could.
I am not sending you into the teeth of the storm.
You got no roads,no vehicles,and The hurricane hasn't even landed yet.
How much did togar and his 2 guards weigh? No, we can't do it, boss.
Tell me who, then? We're missing 3 patients.
Margaret, rose, and vince.
And we're light togar's guards.
Got you.
All of you, down on your knee.
Where's vince? He escaped.
Went downstairs to get his knife.
They didn't want us on the helicopter.
Second floor just flooded.
Jeez, vince.
You did me a scare.
I've been meaning to quit.
Looks like this will be my last one.
Right now, you and me,we've got to swim out of here.
You good for it? I landed at inchon.
Oh, just my luck.
A marine.
- You want to make something of it? - No.
Just grab my belt, ok? Come on.
All right? All right? Now we're gonna swim under the door.
And then we're gonna swim up the stairs.
Take a deep breath.
I only got one lung.
One's all you need.
Ok? Ok? We're going up.
All right.
Here we go.
I got you.
Thank you.
You're all right.
Nightcrawler,we are advised you are 10 minutes from the extraction.
Snake doctor, out.
- We've got 10 minutes to make it to the roof.
- We're still 220 pounds over.
- You know who weighs about 220 pounds? - Besides you, top? You keep bringing this up,I'm gonna think that you're serious.
His well being,I have been advised, is our only objective.
Who of these out here are not gonna make it? They can all be saved.
If you're asking me to do triage of these out here.
Who's at greatest risk? It's edna.
So, I double-checked.
We currently don't have any open assignments in iraq that fit your qualifications.
That'll change.
Until then,this assignment is open.
Protection detail.
In an oil pipeline in algeria driving the company's vice president.
- Algeria? - If that's unacceptable,another open contract is chicago.
Industrial protection.
I'm not gonna be a strike breaker.
Is that what that is? When would I start in algeria? Next week.
4 weeks in, 2 weeks out.
Pay you doorstep to doorstep.
Before he signs,there's a couple of things we should discuss.
- Such as? - Perks and fringe benefits.
Jeremy is being paid more than any soldier in the regular army.
What more are you thinking of? - Housing, transpo - hey, I don't mind.
I don't mind sleeping in the truck.
That's what unit does.
No truck.
You're driving a mercedes.
The oil company has a whole floor of luxury apartments just for security.
- Out in the desert? - That's right.
And a pool.
My baby loves pools.
There is a pool.
And a partridge in a pear tree.
- I take it we're done.
- Yes, ma'am.
His temp's 103.
Spiking fever,tea-colored urine.
These are signs of liver rejection.
He's rejecting the transplant? And to counter the liver rejection,he needs high-dose steroids which we don't have.
I need to talk to him.
Your guards are dead.
They were loyal to the end.
They made a dangerous and stupid move.
They paid with their lives.
They owed their lives to me.
And you owe your life to a liver your body can't keep.
- That's the pain you feel.
- My body is strong.
I'll be fine with the right medication.
I don't think so.
I think you're dying.
- You think I'm a monster.
- That's what the war crimes tribunal called you.
And yet your country has helped to shield me from the farce of a trial.
Come back with me to africa.
And stay with me.
You could train my army and lead them.
Africa needs men like you now.
You're tired.
I want to go home.
I have children.
You've killed many children.
- Is that what I did? - So it seems.
This hurricane was sent by my enemies.
They are afraid of me.
- Are you afraid? - Oh, yes.
I see, old man.
What is this thing? It's my "what if"history project.
Parent participation.
You and mom are going as george washington and betsy ross.
- All right.
- Really, you will? You're the best.
Appreciate the endorsement.
There's this little stage,and all you have to do is pose while I talk.
Hey, you putting me in a pair of wooden teeth? Mom, you tell him.
Tell me what? So my "what if" project is on history and gender.
Let's imagine just for a second if our first president,george washington,had been a woman.
She looks great.
In keeping with my"what if" view of history,what if betsy ross had been a man? Who's betsy ross? Would we have a different flag? Betsy ross, please.
And if john smith had been a woman,would america be different? Would we have had less wars or just different ones? He's in v-fib.
Pressure's dropping.
You've already done more than anyone could ask.
He needs me.
No pulse.
- You're a medic? - Yes.
Start compressions.
Delivering an amp of epi.
Charging 15.
Time to go, doc.
Not without my patient.
Hlz is clear.
Do you have a visual? Hammerhead,hlz visual confirmed.
I'm at the extraction point.
I cannot hover.
I must sit the bird down.
Roger that,nightcrawler.
Hammerhead, we need to clear out in 2.
This hurricane's 10 minutes behind us.
We'll move as fast as we can.
Say blackmail.
I was proud of you.
- Really? Yeah.
That took a lot of guts.
Nice presentation, kid.
You, too.
You know, I used to fall asleep during history class.
Not this one.
I kind of trapped you.
you had an objective.
You went after it.
Achieved it.
That's huge.
Did you ask molly? - Ask me what? - The secret to having a boy.
You're thinking about another baby? - We want to have a boy.
- You're sure.
Well, it will be fun to try.
In that case, this is what you have to do.
Hey, that's not fair.
There are children here,and I am a lady most of the time.
- Did you ever try it? - Oh, I've tried it all right.
But just for fun.
I always wanted a girl.
- Hi, lissy.
- Hi, mrs.
- You better be kidding, dude.
- I am, sir.
Come on, lissy.
They got snacks.
I think martha washington will forgive me for what I'm about to do.
Here? You promised, didn't you? I cannot tell a lie.
I need one of just the two of them.
Well, let's use your genetically obtained tracking skills to locate them.
They must have gone this way.
Let me get the camera ready.
Mom, dad, smile.
As tonight's lesson was history and not biology,let's see about getting you home.
He gonna make it? Right now, he's breathing.
Without a new liver,he could last the time it'll take to get him to a working hospital.
But he can make it.
we're still 150 pounds overweight.
What are we gonna do? I'm staying behind.
I'll ride out the storm.
What? Hurricane hits,this building's going down.
Chopper's not gonna wait.
We gotta get these people moving.
Get the general ready to move.
Passani, let's go.
They're gonna need your help.
Move! - Where's togar? - He didn't make it.
- It's over.
He's dead? - That he is.
- Are you sure? - I'm positive.
Then let's get out of dodge.
Let's go! Let's go!
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