Tiger King (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

Stark Raving Mad

[Eric Goode] What do you think, Tim,
is gonna happen to this
whole animal industry?
[Tim Stark] Yeah, it's done.
It's just It's over with.
[Eric] If you had to blame any one person
or organization, who would you blame?
[Tim] PETA. It's all PETA
and Carole Baskin and you.
[Eric] Why me?
[Tim] When you look at who's being sued,
whether it was Joe, me, Jeff,
who's the common denominator
in that, Eric?
- [Eric] Tim, I
- [Tim] Who's the common denominator?
If one negative thing comes out about me
from here on out,
whether it be in Tiger King 2
or any of this kind of shit,
I'll slice your fucking throat, bitch!
[Joe Exotic on phone] Right now,
I have nothing.
I don't have my zoo.
I don't have my animals.
I ain't even got my husband anymore.
Somebody else got that too.
The TMZ story was just "Meet Joe Exotic's
ex-husband's new boyfriend."
I mean, that's how I found out.
He didn't even have the guts to tell me.
It's been a wild ride.
I feel so happy now that I've
finally relieved myself of Joe.
I don't want to deal
with any Joe-fucking-Exotic drama anymore.
It's just a lot.
[Joe] You know,
Dillon said he wanted to move on, so
I might as well have fun with it.
This one's for all my single people.
Joe Exotic is back on the prowl,
and he's looking for love
while he's still in jail.
[Joe] So I'm doing "The Bachelor King."
[chuckling] We'll see how many
thousands of people apply.
["Pickin' Up Strangers"
by Johnny Lee playing]
Pickin' up strangers
Let me tell you 'bout the dangers ♪
[Joe] They're filling out applications
from all over the world
hoping to be my next husband.
When I walk out of here
It's not "if I walk out of here,"
I'm gonna walk out of here.
I think you're going to see
a whole different Joe Exotic.
Am I going to be as crazy
as I was before? That will never change.
That's me.
[John Phillips] There are
some things with Joe
that I just really
don't get involved with.
Joe's idle mind is uncontrollable.
Joe's going to Joe. That's just who he is.
But in the meantime,
I got too much work to do.
[Joe] It's about time
Jeff and I switch places.
When is somebody gonna stop him?
[reporter] Owner of the GW Zoo,
Jeff Lowe, still has until October
before Carole Baskin
takes over the property.
[Howard Baskin] Mr. Lowe announced
plans to move the animals
to a location in Thackerville, Oklahoma
that he has been constructing
and he claims will be a better facility.
[Roy Hardin] They're building
this zoo down here in Thackerville.
Time's running out.
Jeff's got about two or three weeks
till Carole Baskin gets Joe Exotic's zoo
and the animals
gotta be off that property.
It's gonna take a lot of manpower
to get enough tiger cages down there
to hold all the tigers
and to get everything finished out.
I don't see them getting it done.
They ain't enough people
working there now.
[Brittany Peet] Back at GW Zoo,
the conditions as of late
are deteriorating to a point
that I haven't seen.
Federal investigators now looking
into cases of neglect
after pictures and videos surfaced online.
[reporter] It is being dubbed
the "Zoo of Horrors."
PETA claims the animals are suffering
from flystrike.
That's a condition
where fly maggots eat away at their skin.
[Jeff] Yes, you are so pretty.
Flystrike is when the flies chew the fur
off the tips of the ear,
and it makes the ear bleed.
Joe had it.
It's been there for 20 years.
Every single season, you get it.
It's part of the animal business.
[reporter] Lowe responded
on Facebook today blaming the media.
You know what bothers the animals
more than flies on their ears?
The helicopters from the news stations
that are hovering the park
and scaring the animals.
[reporter] We asked Lowe
if he would consider
surrendering animals he couldn't care for.
Why would I do that?
Surrender them to another facility?
Surrender them
to another facility with money?
Who says I can't take care of it?
- [reporter] You were just
- We're done. You just [bleeped] it up.
[James Garretson] Jeff lost Joe's zoo
in a matter of, what, a year?
Just weird shit follows him, black clouds.
It's a fucking train wreck.
[soft country music playing]
[Tim] Hey, you wanna go to my weapon?
Fucking army tank.
These used to be the ones
that bulldozed shit out of your way
and went wherever the hell they wanted.
Goddamn, that would've been fun
to ride on, though. Good God.
[John Reinke] The Tim Stark saga is way
out of hand like the rest of this stuff.
You got the government,
PETA, and animal rights,
all them people all involved
trying to shut a facility down,
and to animal people,
that's the end of the world.
[Tim] Hey, chief!
[John] Tim Stark's
capable of just exploding.
I mean, he's just that kind of guy,
and it's gonna be like a
stick of dynamite when it goes off.
These animal rights activists,
their opinions do not make it the law.
So I will announce to the judge,
"Judge, you better tell them
not to even look my direction."
"Because when they look my direction,
that's gonna give me the opportunity
to put the crosshairs
right between their eyes literally."
I will shoot to kill. I will stand
my ground for what I believe in.
I don't miss my target.
I'm a trained sniper
by the United States Army.
It's just that simple.
I'm not gonna play no games with
these people anymore. I'm tired of it.
There were court orders
demanding that he doesn't have shows.
When you're here,
your goal is to have fun.
[Shay McAlister] Tim Stark has always said
that all of his money
came from donations at those shows.
So when he lost that license,
the state of Indiana said,
"You have said yourself you
can't support the animals without this."
And the judge said,
"Okay, the animals have to go."
[reporter] A judge has approved
the state of Indiana's plan
to remove animals from Wildlife in Need
starting tomorrow.
There is a concern
about the safety of the animals
that comes from something
Stark has said before,
a threat to kill the animals
before allowing anyone
to take them from his property.
You told them you would
shoot the animals in the head
before you would let anyone
take the animals.
Is that true?
Nobody's going to take my animals.
It's not going to be my animals
that's going to pay the price.
[rousing classical music playing]
[officer] Morning.
[phone ringing]
[Jim] Hey, Tim.
What's up, Jim?
[Jim] We're coming in
with a court order for you.
You know me.
We're gonna have some problems.
[epic classical music playing]
[Tim] So I've got to go
somewhere off this property
- Has to be one mile.
- [Tim]and to be hid.
[officer] A minimum of one mile.
[Tim] Sniper distance.
Now listen, I'll tell you right now,
if you start making comments like that
to a police officer,
we will not be waiting for it.
- [Tim] I understand. Won't be made again.
- Okay. Okay.
I've never threatened anybody,
never shot anybody, never stabbed anybody.
But sending them
out of fucking jurisdiction?
I can guarantee you,
he don't have that authority.
They don't rule. The judge does.
What's your concern?
Number one,
unless I get proof of insurance
from everybody,
I can't allow anybody on my property.
My insurance company just told me I can't.
[man] It's a so it's a court order.
- You're in violation
- Call the judge.
[man] You're in violation
of the court order right now.
- No, I'm not.
- It's past nine o'clock. You are.
You're supposed to be off the property,
a mile away from the property.
Tim, we could sit here all day
and argue this
Let's put it in simple terms.
Shut the fuck up.
I'll talk to the judge.
I don't have to talk to you.
[automated voice] Enter your attendee ID
or the numeric meeting password
followed by pound.
[Dreyer] Hello, this is Judge Dreyer.
Why is this temporary order
to have my animals removed?
Number one, why did you feel compelled
to even sign off on it?
Just so I'll know,
so maybe I'll quit being so damn angry.
Okay, we're going to cut this short.
We're talking about complying
with the court's order today.
That's what you're gonna do.
I'm not gonna answer any more questions.
I'm gonna hang up now,
and you're gonna follow that order.
Whatever, Your Honor.
- Fuck this. I'm done. Fuck this.
- Goodbye.
[Shay] There was no way to see
what was happening on that property.
His driveway is more than a mile long.
There was police blocking off
the edge of his driveway,
so we had no way to get any closer.
[tense music playing]
[Shay] Around 10:30, sure enough,
Tim Stark and his big black truck.
[dramatic music playing]
[Shay] Tim being Tim,
he didn't really take any questions.
You stupid fucking media people.
You misguide everybody.
You mislead everybody.
So it's a setup. I'm targeted,
just like Joe Exotic on Tiger King.
Where's bitch at?
Hey, Shay, your fat ass
around here somewhere?
- [Shay] Hi, Tim.
- There you are. How you doing, bitch?
Little animal rights activist.
- The truth's gonna prevail, bitch.
- [Shay] What's the truth, Tim?
The truth is that all of these allegations
that have been put forward
I spent two hours with you.
I told you about every single allegation.
You didn't deny any of them.
- [Tim] Didn't deny what?
- You didn't deny any of them.
The state of Indiana no longer
has any jurisdiction
- [siren whooping]
- [dramatic music continues]
[Tim] All of these greedy-ass people.
I've got hundreds of thousands
of dollars' worth of animals
that they're coming to steal.
Most of these animals,
I could walk in with,
pick them up, put them in a carrier.
And I was willing to do that
to make this less stressful for them.
Because they deserve it.
You know,
watching this is a bunch of shit.
[Shay] At least for us,
the interview was over.
We had to go on and we had a newscast
coming up in just a few minutes,
so we moved on.
[man] One, two, three, four, five, six.
- [reporter] You have a good day.
- You too, babe.
[Shay] But Tim wasn't really
ready to let go.
And in fact, he put his truck in reverse
and backed up.
[reporter] Legally,
Stark is supposed to be
[Tim] What is everybody
down here waiting on?
during this process, but as you can see,
Mr. Stark is still here.
[Shay] He wanted more questions.
He wanted more time.
He maybe just wanted a friend
to keep talking to him.
[somber music playing]
[Tim] Call Tyrone.
- [phone chimes]
- [automated voice] Calling Tyrone.
[line ringing]
- [Tyrone] Hello?
- [Tim] I told Kirby to tell you to
make sure you
keep a log of every animal they take.
- [Tyrone] The guy is here.
- [Tim] Is it a cop?
- Yeah, they want to go through the house.
- Why?
They're looking for an ocelot
and spider monkeys.
Fuck them.
I'll just be like,
"I don't know where they went."
Just play it off like,
"You know, they were here."
You know, play it off,
"Has anybody left with animals already?"
"'Cause maybe they took them.
Who took them?"
[reporter] New court records highlight
a myriad of issues with the removal.
Almost $120,000 worth
of animals were missing,
including birds, a wolf, spider monkeys,
and two cougars.
[Curtis Hill] Someone had noticed
a box truck
parked off the property
that looked suspicious,
and upon further examination,
found that there were a number
of these missing animals
located inside the box truck, in cages.
There was no ventilation.
There was no light.
There was no indication
that anyone was coming for the animals.
[Aimee Perry] Tim Stark thought
he was slick enough to get away with
trying to hide some of his
most valuable animals on a box truck.
[animals mewling]
He had to have loaded them
before 9:00 a.m. in 83-degree weather.
No ventilation, no water.
I raised half of those monkeys
that were on that truck.
I could give you
every single one of their names.
And if somebody
hadn't gone looking for them,
they would have died on that box truck.
And this is the third fucking time
that he's done something like this.
I hope he ends up
right next to Joe Exotic.
Because that's exactly
where he deserves to be.
New tonight, police are looking to arrest
Wildlife in Need's Tim Stark
after an Indianapolis judge issued
a ruling holding him in contempt of court.
[man] Is that Tim?
He's going like 100 miles an hour. Gun it.
Goddamn it.
How did we fucking lose him?
[angrily] How did we fucking lose him?
The biggest question of all,
where is Tim Stark right now?
State police or even local sheriffs
could be out looking for him.
He just had his entire livelihood
taken away from him.
When he goes on the run,
I mean, yeah, it makes you look bad.
But Tim Stark don't
think before he does it. He just does it.
I want his fucking mugshot on a T-shirt.
[Joe] You know, nobody ever believes Joe
when Joe says something,
but I've been saying they're gonna
go after every private zoo in America.
And Jeff is next.
- [suspenseful folk music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Jeff] Federal judge told us
that we had to move
all those animals off the property
by October 1st.
[man] At the base! At the base, brother!
[Jeff] We took everything
that we could get safely out of there
by ourselves.
- [man] Nice and easy.
- [indistinct chatter]
[Darcy Spears] I don't think that anything
Jeff Lowe does is smooth and orderly.
It seems to always be done in haste
without a whole lot
of thought and planning.
That was the case
when he departed the zoo.
[Lauren Lowe] Walking the park
in Wynnewood, Oklahoma
for the very last time.
So much shit has happened
the past few days, and I am so over it.
We're just loading up
our last few cats right now.
[cats growling]
[Carole] All of the cats were supposed to
be taken to Thackerville by October 1st.
And by October 3rd,
he was still moving animals,
and that was when we said,
"Enough is enough."
They went in and defaced the zoo.
They spray painted graffiti all over it.
You know, it was just kind of
our tribute to Carole.
Somebody sprayed "Carole Baskin
takes it up the ass by Donald Trump."
[laughing] Which is fabulous.
[reporter] Now,
she's getting rid of the property,
but she's putting it into the contract
that the new owner
can't house exotic animals.
[Joe on phone] It's not about the animals.
It was about shutting me down
and selling my zoo.
Right now, the GW Exotic Zoo
is quieter than it's been in years,
and new park owner Howard Baskin says
that's how it's going to stay.
["Lonesome Loser" by Little River Band
playing on radio]
He lost his head
And he gambled his heart away ♪
He still keeps searching
Though there's nothing left ♪
Time to take away the last vestiges,
last sign that there was a GW Zoo here.
["Lonesome Loser" continues playing]
Have you heard
About the lonesome loser? ♪
Beaten by
The queen of hearts every time ♪
Have you heard
About the lonesome loser? ♪
He's a loser
But he still keeps on trying ♪
- [song continues in background]
- [drill whirring]
The only people who are opposing us
are the people
who are currently doing things
like Tim Stark,
who ended up having
all of his animals seized.
[reporter] Tim Stark's animals were
removed from his property last month.
And the man who's now wanted by police
hasn't been seen since.
Hey, everybody. Can we see me?
I'm back.
They have absolutely no fucking proof
of anything that I've done illegal.
Who knows?
They may show up, try to arrest me.
Like I said, good luck with it.
[Curtis] Tim Stark was
making all sorts of social media rants
that certainly would suggest violence.
He's "not going down alone"
type of a mentality.
I am willing to die for what I believe in.
[Curtis] Even at some point, I think there
was a reference to having a grenade.
This is not a threat
against anybody physically,
other than myself.
[Shay] After three weeks on the run,
Wildlife in Need's Tim Stark
has been arrested in upstate New York.
According to officials, someone overheard
Stark talking about his animals,
looked him up online,
and then called police.
[reporter] Police had to
evacuate the place
once they heard Stark may have had
a live grenade with him.
It turned out to be a fake.
He said that, a couple weeks back,
a young kid gave it to him
and told him to be safe.
[Curtis] We see this oftentimes
when somebody has the big, bold bravado
of I'll do this, and I'll do that,
then they get apprehended and,
"Oh, poor, little me."
[Tim] None of it makes any sense.
None of it.
I'm done.
I know in my mind, in my heart, I'm done.
There's nothing left I can do
for the animals or for me.
[Joe] These animal rights people
just won't stop!
At this point right now,
I want nothing to do with any of it.
I'm getting completely away from all this.
And I've got plans of my own.
[country music playing]
[Joe] I have a boyfriend in Arkansas.
Drop-fucking-dead gorgeous. [chuckling]
I have never met Seth,
but we talk 15 times a day.
And we have a pretty strong connection.
[woman on phone]
No longer the Bachelor King?
[Joe] Nope.
We know that Joe likes
to engage in fantasy.
Joe is going to get out tomorrow
in Joe's mind.
But when you look at the reality,
what we need is actual evidence.
People like Allen Glover
have come forward, but we need others.
There's people other than Allen
with enough information to come forward.
I would love to see Jeff and Lauren
admit what fucking really happened.
[somber music playing]
[Darcy] Jeff Lowe moved these animals
to this new facility in Thackerville
that actually wasn't a facility.
Tigers are living in tiny makeshift cages.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [tiger growls]
What we have seen
at the Thackerville Tiger King Park
has been just horrendous conditions
for these cats.
We had a drone in the air.
We saw a lot of extremely thin,
ragged-looking animals.
[Jeff] Carole thinks she can come
in here and fly a drone over our property.
She's vindictive, and you know what?
This is why Joe just got
to the end of his rope with her.
That's why he's in prison. I think
that's what she's trying to do with us,
but I don't give a flying fuck
about Carole Baskin.
[Lauren] So these people here
are actually with Carole Baskin.
[Jeff laughs] Yeah!
You guys got it together!
[reporter] The federal government says
Lowe and his wife have repeatedly violated
the Endangered Species Act.
Jeff Lowe, he's now being sued by PETA
and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
We really expect
that very soon Jeff Lowe will fold.
[country music playing]
- [Lauren] Can I help you?
- [officer] Hi, good morning.
[Lauren] You tell me
if it's a good morning,
'cause I've got a guy here with a gun.
[officer] We're with
the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
We're going to do our search
for a few specific cats.
[Lauren] Why?
No one's doing anything wrong.
[Shay] Federal agents seized 68 big cats,
including lions, tigers, and a jaguar
from Jeff Lowe's Tiger King Park
in Thackerville.
[Lauren] Literally, you film me, fucker,
and I'm gonna punch you in the face.
[Shay] US Fish and Wildlife will now
make sure those animals get proper care.
[Jeff] There they go,
stealing our animals.
Have a great day, sir.
You can fucking roll over and die.
[Lauren] I'm fucking releasing everything
that the government hid on Joe's case.
- [Jeff] Yeah.
- [Lauren] I'm fucking releasing it all.
[reporter] Now, the owners here
staying incredibly tight-lipped
about this massive animal seizure.
Still no word on if either of the Lowes
will be facing criminal charges.
[Joe] The feds raided the Tiger King Zoo.
So, what's coming next?
Jeff Lowe's indictment.
But is Jeff gonna lay down and take this,
or is he going to help me
put a stop to the feds
of all the harassment and conspiracy?
[somber music playing]
- [indistinct police radio chatter]
- [siren whoops]
[officer] There'll be a white guy
in the middle of the street.
I think they're actually
from the Tiger King show.
How much have you had to drink tonight?
- Too much.
- [officer] Too much?
Do you think you should be
behind the wheel?
- Just stay there for me, okay?
- I'm good.
Jeff, you're currently under arrest for
driving under the influence of alcohol.
You don't have any idea
what I've had to deal with
the past couple of weeks.
[Jeff] The feds have put a tremendous
amount of pressure on Lauren and I.
At this point,
you either turn tail and run,
or you expose how crooked they are.
[host] Jeff and his wife Lauren
join us now.
[Jeff] From the days of the investigation
against Joe,
we were kind of instructed,
in no uncertain terms, to bury evidence.
We know that certain facts were left out.
[Sylvia Corkill] From the very beginning,
Jeff was screaming it
from the mountaintops.
"Joe is guilty. He should be put away."
And now he's saying,
"Well, no, he didn't do that."
"He's innocent. He shouldn't be locked up.
We're Team Joe."
But we heard a lot of evidence
in that courtroom that is hard to dispute.
I don't think that there was any doubt
that Joe committed crimes,
especially when you're talking about
all the animal charges.
We're all waiting
to see Jeff Lowe's evidence,
but we know that he is a con artist.
So, how much weight does it carry now?
[line ringing]
Jeff Lowe, John Phillips.
How are you doing?
Hey, John.
- When I do wrong, I admit it.
- Yeah.
I've done wrong many times in my life.
But I promise you,
we have evidence to help Joe.
I've saved everything.
So what else do I need to know?
What else can Jeff Lowe help me with?
Here's what we're going to do
[suspenseful music playing]
[Joe] I spent a good hour with John today.
Jeff is saying
he has recordings with the feds.
Joe needs this video.
His case needs it. I need it.
But there's a truce to be assembled.
[Jeff] Before the Department of Justice
can seize all my electronic devices,
and get the recordings,
and the text messages,
I'm going to try to work out a deal
with John Phillips.
- [Jeff] Hey, John.
- How you doin', buddy?
- [Lauren] Lauren.
- Good to meet you.
How are you, man?
Tell Joe I still hate his guts,
but he's been in there long enough.
Two and a half years
is a long fucking time to be in a cage.
[John] There's the old saying,
"The enemy of your enemy is your friend."
Well, both Joe and Jeff
have plenty of mutual enemies,
the federal government
being the main enemy.
- [Lauren] Wow.
- We got surprises for you guys.
You have no idea what's coming.
Can't wait.
[John] My agreement with Jeff is,
"Give me an affidavit,
a sworn statement saying you lied
about this murder-for-hire plot."
"I need unfettered access
to the recordings
and I'm going to look for evidence
to help your case as well."
"But if they indict you on charges
related to the treatment of animals,
you're looking at time in jail."
[Lauren] So, we're here to meet
with John Phillips.
We are signing affidavits
and we're Team Joe now.
[Joe on phone] I would love to
see you and Lauren
go through what I've been through
the last three years,
but we gotta put our differences aside,
dude, or we're gonna both die in here.
We're here.
We're doing everything we can do.
And I'm not going to say it's all for you.
It's also for self-preservation.
Joe, I'll say this.
You know, they've come to the table.
They've given me full access
to cell phones, multiple computers.
I think this is gonna shake up the world.
[Lauren] So, the affidavit of Jeff Lowe.
[John] Jeff said in the affidavit
the feds said to him,
"This is what we need
in order to prove murder for hire."
- [Lauren] State your name.
- Jeffery Lee Lowe.
All of these witnesses
who testified against Joe
have now essentially
recanted their statements.
They've now perjured themselves.
I think that you can't deny
that they're all looking
for some sort of personal gain.
So am I shocked? No.
It's been a couple days
- [Sylvia] Is it unusual? Yes.
- [Jeff] Secret weapon.
Secret weapon.
[upbeat country music playing]
[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
from the hit documentary Tiger King,
Jeff Lowe!
[crowd cheering and booing]
[Joe] You can hear the crowd is booing.
[chuckling] John has
got Jeff throwing out the first pitch
and making him a movie star.
I have a hard time kissing their asses.
But for now, I'll bury the hatchet,
and as soon as I walk out of here,
I never want to hear
about any of them ever again.
["For The Outlawz"
by Moonshine Bandits playing]
Big B, Moonshine Bandits
Suburban Noize Records, let's go! ♪
I'm an outlaw, give me two shots
We don't need a radio ♪
[James] We're at the Summer Bash.
Butts, Boobs & Boats.
- [all] Whoo!
- Vodka.
All right, girls. You ready?
I love Joe Exotic.
I mean,
he did do some evil shit to animals.
Oh, he did.
- [James] I watched him do it.
- He did evil shit to people.
But at one time,
he started out with good intentions.
[John] You've got James Garretson
telling people
he may have had a change of heart.
He may feel bad.
Um, a lot of people know
that I was one of the reasons
that Joe Exotic went to prison.
I thought I was doing the right thing,
but I think it's time to try
to get Joe Exotic out of jail.
[John] But the thing Joe needs now
is Garretson's affidavit.
In this industry, everybody changes sides
whenever they wanna change sides.
Trust me, Jeff cannot tell the truth.
We That's established.
The murder-for-hire
I think is all bullshit.
Why didn't the hit man take a charge?
That's why the whole
Glover thing surprised me.
You are going to go jeopardize
your own freedom
to kill a lady for $3,000.
I couldn't wrap my head around it.
We know Jeff and James got exchanges
of clemency or forgiveness
if they cooperated.
That's legal.
But what you have now
is James Garretson and Jeff Lowe saying,
"Look, in order to secure
the conviction of Joe Exotic,
the federal government
told us exactly what to get."
That's a huge statement.
But in respect to the individuals
that James and Jeff are,
as my mom would say,
"A liar's a liar, and a cheat's a cheat."
At what point
are they even telling the truth?
One of the key pieces of evidence
is this June 5, 2018 interview
where a federal agent and James Garretson
go to visit Jeff and Lauren Lowe.
[man on recording] James Garretson
meeting with Jeff Lowe.
[John] Now, this is seven months
after Allen Glover had left the park.
And at that point,
all Jeff Lowe was concerned about
was getting Joe arrested for something.
[Jeff on recording] I want him arrested
to where he's not coming back here.
[John] But the federal agent
has one focus, murder-for-hire.
[man] Is there any information that you
know of regarding this lady in Florida?
- What's her name?
- [Jeff] Carole Baskin.
[man] That Joe is
wanting to cause her harm?
- [Jeff] Absolutely. Abso-fucking-lutely.
- [Lauren] Yes. Yes.
And then we have Jeff Lowe's plan.
[Jeff] I brought Allen over here to work.
Joe gave him cash,
which had to come out of my park,
to go down and stalk her out. And he
[man] How can we
prove that he gave him money?
Because we need an overt act.
[Jeff] Because Allen
would squeal like a pig.
- I really
- [Lauren] Allen is very loyal to him.
[Jeff] Allen would jump
in front of a bullet for me.
[John] It's readily apparent
that Jeff Lowe wants to get rid of Joe
by any means necessary.
[Jeff] I could completely
fucking set him up.
I could do this. I could say,
"Where did you get $3,000
to pay Allen to go kill Carole Baskin?"
[man] If there is an
admission that he did that
and he says that,
that would be good information.
[Jeff] Okay.
[Lauren] Yeah, we can get that.
[John] This recording was produced
by the prosecutor's office
to Joe's public defenders.
The problem is
they never featured it at trial.
They never cross-examined witnesses
based upon the recordings.
And so we have to have a fresh look
for Joe to get justice.
[Allen] I was just trying to do
what Jeff Lowe wanted me to do.
But tomorrow will be a game changer
for everybody.
I sure don't look good.
But I'm willing to take what I got coming.
[man] All right, take care.
[indistinct chatter]
- [Allen] I'll get it.
- Okay.
- [Allen] I love you.
- Take care. Love you.
- [Allen] Be good.
- You too.
[man] Love you, brother. Bye.
[John] Please state your name
for the record.
Frank Allen Glover.
[John] Allen, we've presented you
with an affidavit. Please
I haven't slept much since Allen Glover
has sat down in our office,
and gotten interviewed for two days,
and has a shocking and surprising
affidavit that he has signed.
Allen said something to the effect of,
"It was bad."
"I wanted Joe's head on a spike."
I was gonna have
Joe's head cut the fuck off.
I was gonna fucking hook him up
with a piano fucking wire.
I was like, "What are you talking about?"
He's like,
"I was going to kill Joe Exotic."
"I hated him that much."
I said, "Who knew about this?"
He goes, "Jeff."
Nobody knows about
what me and Jeff had planned
but you now.
Was Jeff gonna pay you if Joe died?
I wouldn't have to work no more.
[Joe] Allen put in an affidavit
on video today that
they were gonna kill me
because Jeff was on my life insurance.
[Allen] We came up with a plan
to decapitate Joe's head to kill him
to clear him away from the property
so Jeff could take it over,
animals and everything.
[Joe on phone] They actually even
set a trap to decapitate me.
They strung a piece of barbed wire
across from tree to tree.
They were hoping
I'd be riding the four-wheeler fast enough
to hit that wire.
[Allen] It'll cut your head off.
Whether it hits you in your chest or what,
it's still gonna get through your neck.
This don't make me look good at all.
And just imagine
being me sitting at my table.
He's just admitted to a plot for murder
before the plot to kill Carole.
And it's even more significant
because it's the exact same fucking plot.
Carole was going to be riding a bicycle.
Joe was gonna be riding a four-wheeler.
Carole was gonna have her head cut off.
Joe was gonna have his head cut off.
You have tied up in a nice,
very ugly tiger-striped bow
exactly what happened here, and that was
individuals were going to do
whatever it took
to get rid of Joe.
[Allen] We're going to Oklahoma today
to retrieve something that I kind of hid
from the government.
I hid from everybody.
If Allen's telling the truth,
and this wire is there,
this is as significant as it gets.
[woman] Isn't a judge gonna say,
"There was wire everywhere on that park."
[woman] "Why would
finding a piece of wire be significant?"
Sure. And that's why we're taking cameras,
and we're going to see what we can find.
[John] Wynnewood.
A name I've heard so many times.
[Allen] God Almighty, I can't believe
these fucking animals are gone.
I miss this place so much.
[suspenseful music playing]
This is not gonna be easy on the nut sack.
Come on.
You're looking for some wire
right in here.
Where the fuck is this goddamn wire?
[Allen] Got it. Motherfucking got it.
- Here's your fucking wire, bubba.
- [John] You were exactly right.
- That'd fucking kill you.
- [Allen] Yeah, it'd cut your head off.
But directly right over there
where that light is,
it was gonna be tied to one end
of that motherfucking cable.
That right there,
he'd have never seen riding
35 fuckin' miles an hour down that path.
So when Joe left his house,
that was the end of his fucking demise.
[Joe on phone] Ain't that nuts?
I'm sitting in jail for murder-for-hire,
and I was the hit.
You know, I kept telling everybody
Jeff tried to get me killed in a cage.
They put perfume on my shoes.
[Joe on video] Goddamn you!
Get out of here, you bitch!
- [gun firing]
- [tiger growls]
[Jeff] Of course, it was,
"They sprayed perfume on my boots,
on my shoes just to get me killed."
He didn't want to admit
that he was just dumb
and shouldn't have been in there
not paying attention.
The $50 million question, as they say,
is what happens next?
What is the ripple effect
of these affidavits?
- [John] State your name.
- James Garretson.
[John] Certainly, Joe getting released
or Joe getting a new trial
is the first ripple,
and that's the one I want the most.
But what happens to Jeff Lowe?
Jeff and Allen Glover were co-conspirators
in bringing down Joe
on the murder-for-hire charges.
But Allen has admitted,
"No, I was never going to kill that lady."
[woman] "I never intended to
kill Carole Baskin."
"I was never going to kill Carole Baskin."
"I never engaged
in an overt act to kill Carole Baskin."
And so the plot is built on lies.
[dramatic music playing]
[John] The feds got the story of what was
convenient to get this conviction.
Nobody second-guessed
why Jeff Lowe wanted to set up Joe.
[Joe on speaker] Jeff, he lied to you,
he lied to me,
and now we both see
that he's just out for himself.
Yes, sir, I see that.
[Joe] Motherfucker.
I agree.
[Joe] I appreciate everything you're doing
to help me get the fuck out of here, man.
I am.
[Joe] All this is so wrong.
I know it is, sir.
[reporter] Joe Exotic is pouncing
on the US Attorney's office
from behind bars.
The new court filings
now allege government misconduct.
I did reach out to a spokesperson
for the US Attorney's office.
I was told they could not comment
on an active case.
Right now, John Phillips is alleging
malfeasance on the government's part.
That's a huge accusation.
If he is able to prove that
and pull this off,
it will be one heck
of a Hail Mary touchdown.
[John] There was
deception all over the place.
And so ultimately, the full story,
it's got to go in front of a jury.
[Joe on phone] We are going to have
one hell of a dramatic ending.
John has got a lot of evidence.
He thinks he's gonna have me out of here
any day now, so
all I can do is hope.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music fading]
[hopeful music playing]
We confiscated 22 big cats
from Tim Stark's roadside zoo
and several big cats from Jeff Lowe.
And it felt amazing to leave
those facilities with no animals there.
[Pat Craig] Currently to date,
we've rescued over 127 big cats
from Tim Stark, Jeff Lowe, and Joe Exotic.
These are a bunch of the cats
that came from Tim Stark's
and now are ready to be released
into the habitat.
[handler] It's all right.
It's the first time a lot of these cats
have ever run in their entire life.
They've been in a cage
since they were babies.
[hopeful music continues]
[Pat] But it doesn't matter
how big it gets or whatever you give them.
It's still not the same as the wild.
[Barney Long] There's no cage
big enough for a tiger.
They belong in the wild.
They really do require a whole landscape
in which to live in.
But there's actually
enough habitat out there
to triple or quadruple
the number of tigers in the wild.
So the common talking point you hear
in roadside zoos,
that there's no wild left for tigers,
that's simply not true.
In fact, there's no conservation value
to tigers in roadside zoos.
[Joe on phone]
After being lumped up for three years,
I know now how my animals felt.
[voice breaking] I'm ashamed of myself.
I hope I'll get a second chance
just like my tigers.
[hopeful music continues]
[dramatic music playing]
[Erik on recording] You guys ever
heard the baby tiger song? No?
The baby tiger song goes
[Erik singing] I'm a baby tiger
Short and stout ♪
This is my tail, and this is my mouth ♪
I'm gonna bite you
And it's gonna hurt ♪
So why will I bite you?
Because I'm a jerk ♪
That's it!
[people laughing]
[dramatic music continues]
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