Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

Barco da tentação

I really felt like I was in paradise.
[WG] There shouldn't be couples here.
I want the smuttiness to happen.
[Lana] Hello, people. 
-[girls screaming]
-It's Lana!
Heaven turned into hell.
[Lana] The dry season starts once again.
No physical interaction for the purpose
of sexual pleasure is allowed here.
Don't you want to find out
how much a kiss costs?
But is it worth it?
[WG] We spent 10 grand.
We spent 10 grand!
Man, it's tough.
[Lana] Nayara and Justen,
your time has come.
It'll be tough to hold back.
[Lana] They broke the most rules
my database has counted so far.
[Lana] You have taken
R$310,000 from the final prize.
Holy shit, man!
[Lana] Today I prepared
an outdoor activity,
but only some of you are invited.
[Lana] I want to propose a bet.
Double for double.
If they don't break any rules
while on the boat,
the final prize amount doubles.
-[register machine dings]
-Where do I sign?
[Lana] But…
The people from the house will be shocked!
[Lana] …if any rule is broken,
you'll be charged double its value.
-We're back!
-We're back, babies!
Yeah! The good son always comes back.
I'm Caio, how are you?
A boat with David, Thuany, and Caio.
They welcomed us warmly.
I thought I was in the wrong season.
[Bruna] Guys, I'm lost too!
Did I go back to season one?
Lana, help me!
[Lana] In order to test how committed
my guests are to the retreat,
I called my exes,
and David,
to this mission on the open sea.
[Bruna] But what's the mission?
[Lana] The mission is to entice them
to find out if they're capable
of following my rules outside the retreat.
You have to live in the moment, okay?
[Bruna] Even more than the money they bet,
is the amount of whining
I think is gonna happen.
I'll be pissed if they break the rules.
Honestly, I think it'll be very important
or them to be there, because
they will put
their feelings for you to the test.
I always hear people say,
"Alcohol goes in, truth comes out."
-Fucking let's drink!
[Bruna] If truth is the only thing
to come out, that's fine!
[chanting in Spanish]
Up, down, out and in!
Those three have been through this,
so I hope they have something to teach us.
[singing in Portuguese]
No bumping uglies ♪
No bumping uglies ♪
[Bruna] Yeah, bumping uglies!
What will happen?
We came back because
we learned so much last season
that we came to pass the lesson on
to the guys, right?
Reinforce it with Lana, right?
I'm upset because in this house,
everyone liked everything,
but I didn't like anything.
-Everybody had fun but me.
-We can change how we play the game.
I thought it was my opportunity to
shine outside this house and it wasn't.
I was upset.
[Bruna] Yes, honey, you're gonna shine.
You may just shine in the sun,
but you'll shine.
-[Khiara] I'm pissed!
-[Victoria] Wow…
[Justen] I thought we talked a lot
the past few days, you know?
-Everyone saw how I felt. You know?
-[WG] Yeah.
From the bottom of my heart,
I believe they'll behave.
Especially Kelvin,
who is so similar to me, you know?
But, because I talked so much to him,
and he saw how I felt
after acting out of emotion,
I think he learned, and he's not going
to do anything stupid. Everyone.
[WG] Exactly.
What happened to you
was a learning experience for all of us.
[Bruna] Did they really learn?
We each choose one person
to do a body shot, okay?
[Kelvin] I'm going to choose her,
I can't be…
[all laughing]
Body shots will always be
the best way to start a party.
[Bruna] Oh, invite me
to those parties, Kelvin!
Come here…
[Caio] Always going somewhere
it shouldn't be going.
[David] It should!
[all screaming]
In the middle of the sea,
on a boat with plenty of booze.
That's the recipe for chaos.
[Bruna] Chaos, a lost bet.
And me feeling jealous.
I wish I were there.
Look at that!
Caio, we have to do it too!
Lana, I'm always here for you.
[Caio] Holy shit!
I got goosebumps!
Lana, I'm here for whatever you need.
[Thuany] Go, Isa!
[all screaming]
Lana can call me whenever she wants.
I'll always be here, okay?
Netflix, sponsor me!
[Bruna] Call the narrator too, okay?
I can narrate with a bikini
up my ass, okay?
Hell breaking loose
-and tu-dum all around.
-Oh, shit!
[Isadora] My career as a slut already has
several stories. My resume sucks.
You told him! You told him!
[girls screaming]
-[Sandri] No, that's not cool.
-[Thay] All for your career!
[all screaming]
[Ivan] When I went on a date with San,
she made it clear
that she only wanted to be friends
and that she wanted to connect
with someone else.
I don't know. I think it'll be good
for her to connect with someone else.
-Oh, I'm so horny.
-[Caio] You're horny?
-If I could, if I could.
-What would you do?
-I don't know about you.
-I'm not going to kiss you now.
So you won't kiss me?
Can I get to know you better?
You can get to know me
as well as you want.
But why can't you kiss me?
I'm a good kisser.
Prove to me that
you don't care about the money.
David barely knows me
and he wants to kiss me already?
It's not like that.
Just prove it to me.
-Then I'll do whatever you want.
-Oh, yeah?
[Sandri] He surfs and skates.
And nobody wants to be with me
in the house anymore.
And he surfs and skates, damn it!
Does he wear skinny jeans?
Did you ask him?
Yeah, go ask.
If he does, it's over!
I know that if someone has style,
it's a trait that really attracts me.
Some things,
like skinny jeans, are turn-offs.
Hey, just one question.
Do you wear skinny jeans?
-Yeah, like tight pants.
He doesn't wear skinny jeans!
He doesn't wear skinny jeans!
[Bruna] What show is this?
"What Not to Wear?"
It's all about preferences.
[upbeat music playing]
[David] Do you like money that much?
Money is more important
to you than me? Is that it?
I just don't know
if you're leaving after this.
-Then what?
-How do you know?
You should know.
I was a little worried
about kissing David.
You have to try and live new experiences.
I know I'm a good kisser.
I don't know about you.
But at the same time,
I don't know what could happen.
I could lose someone
who might be a good match.
It's not about being a good kisser.
What is it about then?
It's about proving
you don't care about money.
Got it?
[Bruna] You know
that's a pickup line, right?
I was already saying
I wanted to meet someone new.
-Easy, I just got here.
-[Bruna] Go fucking do it.
Would you kiss anyone here?
Of course I would, but I'm thinking…
-Are you worried about the rules?
-We're afraid, you know?
[Thay] We lost a lot of money already,
we're thinking about the group.
Stop thinking about that!
We've been there.
Oh my God. The purpose, the purpose.
[Bruna] Lana's intention is to charge
loan shark rates on this boat.
Are you guys having a deep conversation?
We were extremely horny.
[Bruna] When someone says this,
is because what comes next is…
We're thinking about kissing everybody.
[Thay gasps and yells]
[Isadora] We're fucked!
We're fucked.
Hey Sandri, you jumped the gun, damn it!
I have no idea how many times
I kissed him. No idea.
[Bruna] Do you know who knows?
Lana. Lana knows.
She knows everything.
-[Thuany] Sandri, you are perfect!
-[Sandri] He surfs and skates.
Hey, Thuany, Thuany, come here.
[Thuany] Just a sec.
[Bruna] Sandri "The Good Kisser"
missed being the center of attention, huh?
Wow, it was so good. I'm like…
[Bruna] On fire, right?
I'm not hungry.
[Victoria] His plate is still full.
-Because I'm tense.
-[Bruna] Yeah, I know how it feels.
[breathing deeply]
[Sandri] Every day I asked
for a surfer or a skater, I swear.
I asked for a surfer or a skater.
He surfs and skates, you know?
[Thay] Hold on, let me say something.
I asked for it!
I've already detached myself from her.
I'm feeling bad for feeling
like I still want to be with
-a person who doesn't want to be with me.
-That's normal. We've all been there.
[Bruna] It's also normal
that Sandri has moved on…
-…onto others.
-[Sandri] Kiss!
-[Caio] Don't stop, don't stop.
-[David] Don't stop! Come on, Isa!
[Bruna] If they haven't lost
the prize money by now,
they should be pretty close.
I'm out of the house.
Lana's rules don't apply, right?
I'll enjoy myself.
[Bruna] Who said the rules don't apply?
This party is on you, guys.
Don't stop.
[Bruna] And on everyone at the house.
Sandri started and I finished.
They forgot everything!
They forgot about the purpose,
forgot about Lana, forgot about everyone.
[intriguing music playing]
WG, do you think they'll do body shots?
Body shots? Obviously.
Who do you think will do it?
If Ítalo kissed someone
or did a body shot, would you be pissed?
Depends on who.
If he kissed Thay, would you be pissed?
[Gabriel] What do you think about Thay?
Do you think she might do something?
[Ivan] I think Ítalo and Thay
won't do anything.
That's what I think.
If I know him like I think I do,
I think he won't kiss anyone
or do body shots.
[tense music playing]
Everyone was playing around.
I wasn't going to be the odd one out.
Ítalo is…
There's something about him, you know?
I'm not going to say
I wouldn't hook up with Ítalo.
If I were with someone here
and I went there,
and people started doing body shots,
I would probably do it.
Okay. Ítalo does body shots
on Thaynara's breasts…
-I know.
-…and I have to be like,
"Ha ha! Wow, cool! I love it!"
-I know, but seriously, if you--
-"Can you do it again?"
[Bruna] This we can do for you!
Holy fuck!
[Bruna] I'll say!
Is this female intuition
or nostalgia from previous lickings?
[Gabriel] It's something
that I wouldn't do to you.
And it would affect
my friendship with him.
Shit gets crazy when I drink.
Give me that.
[Victoria] We'll see.
Like I was telling Ivan,
hope for the best, expect the worst.
We trust them. We're all in.
I bet my ass they're doing stuff.
[Bruna] As my grandma would say,
"Never bet your ass."
Trust is a strong word, right?
But I think we're going to give them
a vote of confidence anyway.
No, but I'm confident.
Do I look confident?
[all laughing]
Oh yeah, you're the most confident
out of all of us.
I think it's good for us
to spend this time apart,
to see if we feel that longing.
I think they're feeling lots of things,
but longing…?
[sultry music playing]
We were in the heat of the moment.
It was delicious.
[Victoria] What if I'm here
doing my toenails
and he's doing body shots?
-That's so disproportionate!
-[Gabriel] Fuck!
But it might be bad for Victoria,
who can get really jealous, right?
She is very possessive.
But for me, I don't care.
It's their problem.
A little bit more.
[WG] There's a lot at stake today.
Relationships, friendships,
the house, the money, Vic's ass.
[all laughing]
Fuck you!
-It's all at stake.
-A lot at stake.
Let's swim naked!
-[Thay] Fuck! Delicious!
-[Kelvin] Fuck!
[girls laughing]
[Bruna] I've already taken my clothes off
here in the sound booth! I'm jumping!
What a nice ass!
I can't swim, so,
since I couldn't go in the ocean…
[Caio] Jump!
…I stayed onboard
checking their credentials.
-[Isadora] Micropenis.
-[Caio] It's micro.
[Isadora] I'm upset I didn't get naked.
It was phenomenal.
I needed a party like that.
[Bruna] After the boat…
-They'll have barely to buy a cookie.
[upbeat music playing]
I'm not with them.
They're here.
Hey, family!
Hey, family! Hey, team!
-[Ítalo] Hey!
-[WG] What's up, guys?
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Welcome back.
[Isadora, Sandri, Thay] Thank you, Lana.
My heart is like…
I was tense there on the couch.
I went from heaven to hell.
Everyone was looking at us.
I did a lot of shit.
I could tell from Kelvin's smile
that we had lost money.
[Gabriel] They're playing dumb.
All of them.
[tense music playing]
[Lana] To test your evolution,
I prepared a party on a boat
with the illustrious presence of my exes,
Caio, Thuany, and David.
-[WG] Really?
-[Isadora] It was so nice to meet them.
-You have no idea. It was awesome!
[Thay] Amazing, really cool.
[tense music continues]
[Lana] As soon as you left here,
your friends had to choose
whether or not to bet
on your loyalty
to the principles of the retreat.
I'm so nervous,
I want to crawl inside the couch.
As soon as you left,
we were put in check,
the whole family.
If we bet that
you wouldn't break any rules there,
we would go to 364,000.
You know? All you had to do,
was not break any rules
and we'd have the money.
But, if you broke a rule, that was it.
-It would be double.
-Double for double.
What did you bet?
-We bet on you because we trust you.
I never thought they would bet double,
that we weren't going to do anything.
Guys, you… Tell us!
-Tell us!
-I broke a rule.
[Sandri] I kissed.
I kissed Thuany.
I kissed David.
[tense music continues]
[Kelvin] It was so crazy
with all the drinking.
I thought the rules didn't apply
with people from outside the house.
But I thought they were
coming back here, you know?
[WG] Yes.
But did you do other stuff,
like body shots and all that?
We did all that.
-[Isadora] We did body shots.
-Everything we do at our parties.
The stuff we do at our parties.
Whoever wanted to make out, did that, too.
[Kelvin] Exactly.
[Thay] We thought it didn't count.
[Nayara] How? It makes no sense.
I'm sorry, I'm not one to talk, but…
Yeah, but they convinced us
that Lana wasn't there.
But no one thought about that.
No, we did, we held back at first.
But then you gave in.
[tense music rising]
[Lana] I'm sorry to inform you
that many rule breaks were detected.
-Many? I thought it was the two of you.
-[Victoria] Was there someone else?
-There was triple kissing.
-[Thay] Me, Sandri, that girl…
Guys, I kissed a lot.
I kissed a lot; it was really good.
I kissed,
Kelvin kissed, we kissed,
the guys did a body shot
on Thuany and stuff…
I kissed Thuany and
I jumped naked with her in the sea,
and I kissed her in the sea.
-[Sandri] Everyone did it, like…
-Everyone did body shots.
Isa did it on me, Thuany did it on me,
David did it on me,
Kelvin did it on me.
Whoever felt like hooking up just did it.
[Thay] Yeah.
Looks like they didn't learn shit.
[WG] Lana, give us the bill.
Fuck, it's going to be bad,
because it was double.
-Yeah, this is going to be bad.
-[Gabriel] Fuck.
[suspenseful music builds]
[Lana] The prize fund is now…
zero reais.
[Isadora] Zero?
[Bruna] Bye bye, prize.
[blows a kiss] Kisses!
Triple kiss, quadruple kiss, like,
10k, 10k, 10k, 40k. Doubled, 80, got it?
It's all doubled. It was the bet we made.
The game is risky.
I have nothing to say, you know?
It must have been awesome being there,
of course it was.
If you were there and saw
all those girls in bikinis, all the booze…
-I'm not judging you, bro.
-Everyone wears bikinis all the time here.
I sleep with a girl in lingerie
and I don't do anything.
I was asking: "Is Lana here?"
We were like, "Maybe this doesn't count."
-[Gabriel] No such thing!
-Yeah, but…
Were you out of the retreat?
I thought the rules applied here,
but not there with them.
-[Kelvin] They were coming on.
-[Gabriel] Lana would have told us.
All I can do is laugh. I don't…
Really, I have nothing else to say.
-[Nayara] Guys, it makes no sense.
-What makes no sense?
-You, thinking the rules didn't apply.
-That you could break the rules.
What makes sense then?
Think you're in a position
to say anything?
I can express my point of view.
[Victoria] Then I'm saying it.
Control your emotions.
I'm controlling my emotions.
I defended you last time.
Now see what you're doing.
I know, Kelvin,
but some things are hard to believe.
We had an opportunity to double the prize.
-It would have been nice…
-Did I know that?
That's not what I'm saying, bro.
I'm not saying that.
I'm not blaming any of you
for doing this stuff,
because you were the ones
who were there and that's fine.
But we all lost the money, that's all.
I lost control over my team.
The captain's lost.
We trusted you
and we didn't expect this to happen.
We had an opportunity to double it.
We said, "Bro, let's bet all we have,
because we're a team, a family."
That's all.
It was a unanimous decision.
"Do you bet?" "Yes, we do."
-You know?
[Lana] You've gone bankrupt.
[Khiara] It's zero reais.
It's tough.
A round of applause.
-We can't clap now.
-Why aren't you clapping?
[Sandri] We can't clap.
I'm laughing to keep from crying.
I'm desperate.
[Lana] This balance causes my system
to go into calamity mode,
which means my rules have been updated.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lana] In order to remain in my retreat,
and be able to recover part of the prize,
you must follow my directions to a T.
We knew that we were fucked.
Some people broke some rules.
[Lana] From now on,
it is forbidden to drink
off the skin of your colleagues.
Or, as you would say, no body shots.
Cool, now no one can do
body shots anymore.
I wonder how you would have behaved there.
But you won't know, will you?
You wouldn't hold back.
Are you in my head now?
I doubt you'd miss out on a body shot.
-But you can't speak for me.
-Miss out because…
You can't speak for me.
"Oh, this and that…" When you're there,
you're living in the moment.
[Victoria] Don't speak for me.
Okay, Vic, okay then.
Act like Mother Teresa now.
We are paying the price
for something that wasn't our fault.
[Lana] Licking any part
of the body is prohibited.
I'll also be on the lookout
for passionate hugs, caresses, humping,
brushing and sexual innuendo.
[WG] This will become a church.
The atmosphere is totally ruined.
[Lana] You have a unique opportunity
to develop and learn to connect.
Many would like to be in your place.
-Without a doubt.
[Lana] Don't take it for granted.
I'm pissed off!
[Nayara] I'm upset for you.
That girl is crazy.
She just might have lost her mind.
[Victoria] Oh, fuck her! My ass!
[Bruna] Didn't we have a bet on that?
That was crazy.
[Victoria] I won't cry, I won't cry.
Do you want to sit on my bed with Ju,
because maybe he…
No, this is my bed,
and he'll find another.
-[Gabriel] Take all the time you need.
[Gabriel] I don't even know
what I was going to say anymore.
I know I shouldn't have said anything.
I thought it was wrong to…
Nay, you're right.
They were wrong to think
Lana's party had no rules.
Did you see Italo's cynical face?
[Nayara] I saw that.
I feel like going into fuck-it mode,
but we could be eliminated.
I felt like slapping him.
I have no idea how things
are going to be like from now on, because…
the house is upside down.
And they were there, like, "fuck it".
Making out like crazy,
and we're all here thinking, like,
I did that and almost got me eliminated.
She might have been predicting something.
Women always know
when things will go to shit.
[crying] I always make the wrong choice!
No, you didn't…
I always make the wrong choice.
That's why I wanted to be a slut,
because If I don't get emotionally
involved with anyone, I won't get hurt.
Wanna talk now or later?
What's with the attitude?
Are you full of yourself?
I'm not full of myself, I wanna talk.
-[Victoria] Are you?
[Victoria] Man,
you didn't even talk to me…
[Ítalo] If you treat me like this,
I'm not going to talk to you.
-How do you think I should treat you?
-I want to talk to you.
-How do you think I should treat you?
-[Ítalo] Can we talk in private?
There's a lot of people here.
This is between you and me. Okay?
People, our return is a little tense.
Let's go, since you're embarrassed.
I'm not embarrassed.
You must be ashamed
to talk in front of everyone.
You don't even know what happened.
Families take care of
and forgive each other.
The family atmosphere is suspended.
[Ítalo] First of all,
I didn't kiss anyone, okay?
-No, just sucked some boobs.
-I didn't do either.
-You sucked on some ass.
-I didn't.
-So you didn't do body shots.
-I did a body shot like everyone else.
Everyone was playing around.
I think you would've done the same.
I know from the start that
I wasn't going to trade
a life for a moment.
I wouldn't do that.
I did a body shot.
-But I was playing around.
-Are you happy?
-About what?
-Are you happy?
-Not breaking a rule?
-No, with your whole wonderful day.
Are you happy?
Now I'm asking you. Is your heart happy?
The party was great.
Are you happy now? Are you happy now?
I'll be happy when we're okay.
Then you won't be happy.
You won't be happy.
-I won't be happy?
-Ítalo and I are no longer a couple.
You know?
I could have not talked to you.
But I'm here, damn it!
It should mean something.
It was just a body shot.
It's nothing compared to
what I'm trying to do.
-His approach was sort of…
-Aggressive, right?
If Ju talked to me like that,
I would never talk to him again.
-Everyone was playing this game.
That's the only reason I did it.
That's why, if I told you I was sorry,
I'd be lying to you.
Man, don't…
-Everyone has free will.
-I wanted to play like everyone else.
Admit that you wanted to do it.
Exactly. That's why I'm not apologizing.
It wasn't because of a game.
It was both!
It was because I wanted to,
because of the game.
Don't put the blame on the game.
Be a man and admit it.
I did admit it.
"I did it because I wanted to."
That's why I'm not apologizing.
I did it because everyone was doing it.
Everyone was doing it!
And you wanted to.
Exactly. Great.
And I'm positive you'd do the same
if you were there.
You're walking away.
Without a doubt, I think she would've done
the same in that situation.
A body shot on someone.
Fuck, just talk to me.
We'll leave when we're done.
-I'm done talking.
-Say what you wanna say.
I don't want to continue
connecting with him.
Don't you want to connect with me anymore?
-You're totally sure?
I think I'd rather be alone right now.
Can I go now?
What can I do?
If you don't want me anymore,
there's nothing I can do.
I'm going to give her
some time to calm down.
I didn't lie.
I told her who I did body shots with.
But as they say, it takes two to tango.
She doesn't want to be with me anymore.
She kept saying
she wouldn't have done anybody.
It was just a body shot.
What's the big deal?
I said she would do the same thing.
It was like a game.
Everyone was doing it.
She would have, too.
-She'd totally do the same without you.
-I said that!
She would. Of course she would.
[Ítalo] That's what I told her.
She would do it, just like I did.
That's it. It's easy to talk,
but it's different when you're there.
[Bruna] Seems like we lost a couple.
Are we gonna lose two?
Gabe, let's talk.
We have to.
[Thay] Sit here.
What happened there, I already…
I said everything upstairs.
There was nothing else.
We were talking earlier about you all
doing body shots like we do at parties.
I said I wouldn't do that.
One, out of respect for you.
and what we have.
And two, for the other couple.
I would've been a little upset, too.
But saying he wouldn't do it?
I'm not falling for that one.
It was nothing intentional, like,
"Oh, I'm so horny."
"I wanna do a body shot on him now."
-Yeah, but the thing is…
-It wasn't like that, baby.
It's not cool.
I'm not here to mold her,
clip her wings, or anything like that.
I am also a very free person
and I like to do what I feel like doing.
But when I heard the news with everybody,
we were all very emotional.
Today I realized
that I missed you, you know?
Maybe I'm wrong
but I felt it the moment we were apart.
But I didn't imagine
you would spend all that money.
And, like, I don't want to give you
any reason to feel unsure about me.
You know?
We are very honest with each other.
I know what I feel for you.
You know?
It's just that I can't hide
that I didn't like what you did.
Just like
you wouldn't like it if I did it.
But based on what's happening here,
I know it happens.
I'm not going to turn my back on you.
It's up to you if you want to turn
your back on me. It's your decision.
It's your choice.
I don't agree with Gabe's reaction.
He was being a dick.
Mainly because we've only known
each other a short time.
So this whole jealousy episode
was unnecessary.
-[WG] Fuck.
-[Vic] I'm starting to think I'm wrong.
-You're not!
-[Victoria] That I overreacted.
-No, honey.
-You can't think like this. You can't.
Honey, listen. Men are jerks.
They will make you think you're wrong
if they have the chance.
If Justen talked to me like that,
I could get sad but I wouldn't accept it.
No matter what, it was on him
to be more kind and polite.
He lost his argument
when he started speaking to me like that.
If he even had a valid argument.
It was an embarrassing situation,
because you know when you're right
about what's happening…
-[Ítalo] Uh huh.
-[Isadora] Because you really were right.
She was pissed, angry.
-You had to go talk to her.
-Yeah, so I asked her to come with me.
But it's just that the way
you were talking to her,
I felt embarrassed.
Oh, so you felt embarrassed.
I've never seen you
talk like that to Victoria or anyone.
Exactly, bro…
I think we're both grownups.
I've shown her my affection
and I've shown her that I like her.
So everything is very clear to her.
I'm not going to be flattering her.
[WG] He took a step back.
I never imagined he could be like that,
he was so rude.
-[Nayara] He was rude.
-He was so sweet, he was like a prince.
-[Nayara] I agree.
-You know?
It was ridiculous.
-It was crazy.
-[WG] Dude…
Dude, he's like my brother.
Ítalo is one I identified with the most.
I was even saying his slang from Bahia.
Wait a second.
Something to say?
No, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Oh, but this conversation
is between me and them.
F… [grunts and gasps]
Oh, so you're kicking me out?
No, if you're staying I can talk later.
Calm down.
I identified with him right away…
I wanna talk about this later.
That's ridiculous.
She's so jealous. So jealous!
For God's sake. Anyone can see it.
I don't feel comfortable
having a conversation
about my feelings with you here.
You can continue. I won't interrupt it.
-Don't you see it's personal?
-[Thay] Calm down, I'm leaving.
You can continue your therapy session.
Everything is fine.
-[Victoria] But can't you understand?
-Excuse me, Victoria. I can.
-[Thay] Continue your conversation.
-Are you mocking me?
Just keep going, it's fine.
[Victoria] Are you mocking me
or are you being understanding?
My God!
Everyone here is crazy!
[Bruna] With all this tension,
who is going to sleep with whom now?
[Khiara] Scooch.
-[Kelvin] What?
-[Khiara] Scooch.
[Bruna] Good morning!
What nice footage,.
Sun rising, an ant on a tree,
people waking up…
They're all broke.
What a shitty atmosphere.
[intriguing music playing]
-[Justen] Did you sleep with Vic?
-[Justen] Who then?
-We talked, but we…
With Ivan.
Isa slept with Victoria.
I went there and we talked a lot.
Yeah, Ju was asleep.
And so,
I talked to her again,
but you know, I'm not gonna…
There isn't much we can do.
We did what we did.
I'm not going to beg her to be with me.
I won't embarrass myself.
I can talk to her again,
to see if this is really what she wants.
But I'm not going to insist.
In the end,
she just doesn't want to accept it.
It's like she was just waiting
for a reason to explode.
I'm only going to try again
if he can actually win me over.
[Isadora] Then let him win you over.
I don't think he understands
that he really needs
to do the work to win me back.
So tell him.
This is exhausting.
My head is burning.
But like, I know I'm never going
to work things out with Khiara.
Like me and Thaynara…
Thayná, Thaynara. I don't know her name.
This is a mess.
We should wear bulletproof vests.
I think that you're a grown woman
and whether you want to or not,
you should work things out with her.
You could figure this out together.
I know these are little things,
and I understand what she said.
I am not going to talk to this girl.
If she wants to talk to me,
which she won't,
then I'll talk to her. But she won't.
I just want you
to understand that I love you,
and I also like talking to her.
I don't want you to think
that I'm two-faced.
I just want everything to be fine.
She even said I was
between a rock and a hard place.
I told her it's tough,
because I like you both a lot.
[Bruna] For breakfast,
the juice of discord. Who wants some?
Nothing is so bad that
it can't get a whole lot more sour!
-[Victoria] Cinelana?
-Oh, no!
[Isadora] Forget about it!
-[Justen] Today is the day!
-[Victoria]Will it be…
[Sandri] I'm clenching my butt.
-Not even Wi-Fi can pass.
Lana is up-to-date, huh?
My algorithms are not well calculated.
[Gabriel] When I saw the TV there,
I knew there would be trouble.
[Lana chimes]
-Oh, fuck!
-[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana!
[Lana] How are you?
-Broke and scared.
[Lana] Humans never cease to surprise me.
-Us too.
-Me too.
[Isadora] Us too.
[Lana] Especially you,
the people I brought to my retreat.
[Lana] From what I can see
from your behavior,
some forms of physical contact
can be more sexual
than those prohibited at the retreat.
[tense music playing]
[Lana] But it's better to show than tell.
That's what people like to see!
I knew it!
I have no problem
showing everything that happened.
Showing the thing I did, is fine by me.
But when it comes to the others,
I don't know.
[Lana] I want you to see yourselves
through my eyes
And understand
why I went into calamity mode.
Guys, oh my God.
What is she going to show?
[Thay] Is there popcorn?
[Lena] May the first session
of Cinelana begin.
All I know is that this cinema will,
for sure, shake some foundations here.
[Bruna] Now the house will fall apart.
-[WG] Oh, Jesus!
-[Isadora] Oh, God!
[all squealing and screaming]
I got tense,
I wanted to go to the bathroom.
I started sweating…
[girl screaming]
-[WG] Oh! Wow!
-[Kelvin] Fuck!
-[Caio] Fuck, I got goosebumps!
-[David] Shit, I can't look!
Oh, fuck! Holy shit!
If I were Gabe, I'd be really…
Nice make-out session.
Calm down, guys.
This is just the beginning.
Oh my God…
-Wow, man!
-[WG] Wow, San!
This Cinelana was perfect.
I never laughed so much in my life.
But it was very complicated for the house.
-[Caio] Don't stop!
-[WG] I'm starting to like this movie.
It's better than I thought!
Just a sec.
[all squealing]
[Isadora] Oh, look at her!
[Thay] Shit gets crazy when I drink.
[Justen] They painted the town red!
It was awful!
[Bruna] It wasn't that bad
for Ítalo, was it?
[WG] You do these things…
[tense music rising]
[Isadora] Looks like he's taking
a bite out of her hair.
I'm laughing because I'm nervous.
Cinelana was mean.
Lana was cruel.
Very cruel.
[Bruna] And you were innocent, right?
That's when you lost your underwear!
I lost it there.
[Sandri] I jumped with Thuany!
[Kelvin] Holding hands…
[Sandri] I wanted to see
what happened in the ocean.
-[Isadora] It's over.
-I got naked.
-I thought the movie was interesting.
-I love the movie, Lana.
-That's why we're poor.
-[Ivan] We went bankrupt.
At least it's a good story to tell.
[Bruna] It's worth more
than just money. Ma-oi!
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Did you have fun?
-No way.
-I have no doubts they did.
I think they had fun.
-No need to ask.
-Can you believe it?
I had fun.
I liked the party.
[Lana] I don't find it funny at all.
I'm laughing because I'm nervous, Lana.
-What can we do? Cry? We can't.
[Lana] Do you understand
why you went bankrupt?
-[Gabriel] Yes. Absolutely.
[Lana] Now is the time to think about
how you are going to move forward.
Do you think this behavior
is fair to the group?
Would anyone act differently?
Right while we were all still on the boat,
that's when it stopped making sense to me.
I realized that I would much rather
be here with them than be there.
I think I would have acted differently
if I knew how much
it would affect some people here.
But only for that reason.
That's the only reason.
I did what I used to and forgot about
everything that we're working on here.
I was living in the moment
and I forgot about the rest.
It was a little embarrassing for me.
But I didn't have to deal
with certain situations
because I'd sorted everything out.
We tried, at first, to…
help each other and everything,
so that it wouldn't turn
into a mess and blow money.
I'm not going to be a hypocrite
and say I wouldn't do it.
because it's obvious that I did.
I would maybe do it again.
If anyone wants to be mad at me,
that's fine.
[tense music plays]
[Lana] I really hope you try harder.
You still have zero reais.
That's all for today.
I didn't like seeing that.
-Just like--
Just like you wouldn't like
to see me doing that.
And that's fine.
That's it.
I just wanna know…
We already talked, I just asked you,
"Are you okay having seen it?"
That's all. "Okay, I didn't like it.
You wouldn't like it either."
That's fine, life goes on.
It's fine, life goes on.
I'm very honest with Gabe,
I told him everything that happened.
About everything that I remember.
There's some things I don't.
I'll be real with you.
For me, this kind of sincere,
genuine connection,
without a sense of ownership,
a real connection,
is much better
than a connection like that,
where the person thinks
they own the other.
I'm talking about Vic and Ítalo.
Dude, we don't own each other.
You don't own me and I don't own you.
We could be married,
you still wouldn't give me orders.
Forget about it.
If any man tries to tell me what to do,
goodbye, he can leave.
I'm not saying
I don't feel jealous about you.
There's no step forward or back.
We're letting it flow, getting along.
I don't love Thay.
But it's because
you were away for a whole day.
Are you into me?
[Bruna] Aww.
That's so cute!
Do you see this, Lana?
[Thay] I'm into you, too.
My jealous Superman.
[both chuckling softly]
Thay is a bombshell,
but I'm not below her.
-[Bruna] You get below me, I'll be on top.
On my side, behind me, me in front of me…
You are my daily bread, Gabriel!
Do you think Ítalo was hitting on her?
Once again, Victoria has to bring up
what happened on the boat.
Baby, are you frustrated?
For the love of God!
No, he wasn't hitting on me, Vic,
it's not like that.
-Then what was it like?
-I wasn't hitting on him.
He wasn't hitting on me.
-So fuck, be coherent!
-[Sandri] But…
Just say everything you think.
-[Thay] Everything you want.
-But you can tell me, too.
If you were hitting on him,
then I have a problem with that.
You think I hit on him?
For God's sake, Victoria, don't be silly!
No, I mean it.
Okay, keep believing men are so honest.
Men always talk their way out of things.
And the woman is the slut.
And the woman is the whore.
-But if you led him on…
-Fuck, everyone was drinking!
-Victoria, when you drink…
-You led him to believe you wanted him.
Oh, so you mean women can't drink?
[Thay] Can't women get drunk?
Can't women get excited?
You are being sexist.
Fuck, you're a woman. Look at you!
I'd rather not have
a relationship with Victoria,
because I know she's a jealous person,
and I don't want to be like that.
So I'd rather not be
around people who are like that.
-[Ítalo] I can't take this anymore.
-[WG] What?
[Ítalo] Fuck!
Every day something. Damn it.
-Fuck! I can't take it.
-You're the punching bag.
I can't take this.
Fuck her, man.
I wanna say fuck everything now.
It's like she likes to fight!
Fuck her, then.
She does this everyday, fuck!
Yeah, she likes it.
-[Ítalo] Fuck her.
-[Kelvin] I noticed it.
[WG] Look…
You know what I'm going to say?
I wanna say fuck it!
Do whatever you want to do.
Let's see if she'll stop it
and come back to me.
I have the patience of a saint
every fucking day.
I've been extremely patient with her.
I've been talking to her patiently,
showing how things happened.
Everyone here knows.
I'm very patient when I'm talking to her.
It's just that every day
she finds a reason to fight.
He did the right thing
to let off steam with the guys,
so he could talk to Vic
more calmly afterwards.
There's always something to…
Forget it, bro.
This is so fucking annoying.
No, it's annoying as fuck.
I'm done. I'm done.
I can't take it anymore, okay?
I'm going to say,
"Do whatever you want, bro, it's over."
"Do whatever the fuck you want."
I've run out of patience.
Every day there's something new.
[Bruna] I agree. My God!
And I'm just sitting here watching.
[Ítalo] Hey.
I wanna talk to you.
[Lana chimes]
Hello, Vic and Ítalo.
-Hi, Lana.
-Hi, Lana.
How are you?
Are you two okay?
As much as possible.
[Lana] Observing your last interactions
and also analyzing the way you talk,
I can, in fact, say,
that you are developing a connection.
A toxic one.
[tense music sting]
[Lana] One of the improvements
of my updated version
is precisely to work for you
to develop healthy relationships.
Emotional responsibility
should be on every couple's radar.
You have to be careful
with the way you talk to each other
and also about each other.
Isn't it time to forgive
and move forward together?
Or each go your own way?
I was talking and thinking there…
I'm emotionally exhausted.
I said that yesterday.
It might be misinterpreting it,
but I think you're enjoying
that every day there's a new conflict.
Some shit like that.
So I think it's better
that we end our connection here.
That unfortunately,
we won't be able to continue.
There are certain things
I don't agree with.
I don't want to start a toxic relationship
like she just mentioned.
I don't think that's a good thing.
If we're trying to build something
and we keep having these conflicts,
I think we're on the wrong path.
That's basically it.
[delicate music playing]
I really wish it had been different.
I was really enjoying connecting with you.
You were the person
I connected with the most here.
But there were moments
when we were toxic to each other.
And I don't think this is
how the band plays, you know?
I don't think this is
how it should be happening.
That's it. I think if we really wanted to,
we could make it work.
Are you going to…
try to have a friendlier dialogue
and see things from my perspective?
Put yourself in my shoes?
Listen, Ítalo, I've tried
to understand your side.
I swear, I've tried.
But it's too fresh, you know?
I understand.
-And we…
-I totally understand.
Let me finish talking, real quick.
Here, we're together 24/7.
and having to look at each other's faces.
Maybe outside of here,
I'd have some time to process things.
If I had some time alone
without other people,
actually alone
with no one else's opinions.
Some people made me think I was wrong.
What did I tell you?
Who am I with?
That's it. You have to talk to me.
As a partner.
But here it's inevitable.
-Okay, it's inevitable.
-People comment and give their opinion.
In the end, it's between you and me.
It's no one else's concern.
I came here today thinking
I was just going to talk to you.
I didn't know she was going to intervene.
I was willing to end everything.
And let it go completely,
because I couldn't do it anymore.
And it's like I've told you.
If I'm with you, I'm with you.
From the beginning.
-You don't have to be jealous.
-[Lana chimes]
[Lana] You've been having
this same argument for two days now.
Vic, are you or are you not willing
to get over what you've been through?
I'm willing.
What do you want to do from here on out?
If she's willing,
let's wrap this up
and continue what we've been having
since the beginning.
Trying to connect more.
and prove it's possible.
-No more getting on each other's nerves?
-No more.
-No more.
[Lana] Does this reconciliation
not include a hug?
[Victoria chuckles]
[Ítalo] More talking, less fighting.
[Victoria] More talking, fewer arguments.
No more gossiping
or getting into fights with other people.
[Victoria] The whole time,
I explained to Ítalo…
the two points that
were getting to me the most, you know?
What made me sad.
And I believe his justifications
aren't enough, you know?
I know I have to be understanding, too.
I'm trying to be understanding.
I'm trying really hard,
but I also need to respect my feelings.
[Bruna] Let's leave the bad vibration
and embark on the good connection.
Did you like that one, Lana?
[Lana] No.
[Bruna] I'm going to unplug you.
[Ítalo] I hope it's okay this time.
-[Lana chimes]
-There she is.
[Thay and Isadora] Here it comes.
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana,
Hi, Lana. Do we have another movie?
Do you want her to show yours?
-[all] Ooh!
-Do I?
[Gabriel] A closed mouth catches no flies.
[Lana] Here nothing goes
unnoticed by my sensors.
We know.
[Ivan] We know that very well.
[Lana] I see how you talk a lot
about finding a connection.
But I also see
that some do little about it.
Oh… Bam!
[Lana] Connecting is not necessarily
trying to be a couple,
but opening up to the process
and being aware that mistakes
are part of any learning process.
our mistakes are our best teachers.
[Lana] Getting it wrong is one thing.
Giving up on entering
the process is another.
And that can no longer
continue to happen here on my retreat.
[Lana] I detected from some of you
a lack of interest in new connections.
[tense music playing]
Oh, Jesus…
[Lana] This attitude, to me,
can be worse than a rule break.
[tense music rising]
[Lana] Therefore,
I need to continue my work here
without the presence of some people.
My friend…
Oh, guys…
[Lana] Two of you
must leave the retreat now.
Oh my God!
[tense music climaxing]
[Lana] One of you mocked my methods.
The second person I'm going to eliminate
tried to open up to the process, but…
their head and heart
seemed to be elsewhere.
[Lana] Your stay at the retreat ends here.
[closing theme music playing]
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