TrollsTopia (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

The Party Pooper - My Dinner with Dante

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
all by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more
fun to share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
- All different voices ♪
- Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah! We're
livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪

Guy, Meadow, this party needs you.
It just got so boring so fast.
Never fear, Poppy.
The Life of the Party is here.
- Both of us!
- Hero pose!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Lemme get this straight:
Guy Diamond
and Meadow Spriggs
are a party-savin' duo
called "The Life of The Party"?
It was a whole thing a while back.
Really? Dang!
How have I not heard 'bout this?
I mean, c'mon!
GUY: Hold
- and go!
- Huh! Punch plants! Go!

- Tiny Twinkle! Go!
- Yeah, daddy!
Bless up, Tiny out!
Nice work, Life of the Party.
You guys really are the best!
Which is why
we've never lost a party!
- Huh?
- Who did that?
[Party Pooper laughing evilly]
It was The Party Pooper!
How long I've waited to exact
my revenge upon all of you.
By pooping the parties
you hold so dear!
[laughs evilly]
Marshtato Mary!
What? Ya'll tellin' me
there's even more backstory?
Uh-huh, see,
that's Marshtato Mary.
Once we thought she was a fairy who
tried to ruin a beloved holiday,
but we stopped her with the power
of hugs and she vowed revenge.
Also, she's super adorable.
What? I'm not adorable!
Take that back or else!
- Aw!
- Enough! Hench-crabs!
Party poop away!

Guy, the party!
It's slipping away!
Use your ultimate
party-starting dance move!
On it! You there! Party Pooper!
Get a load of The Sparkle!
Ooh, ah, how about that now?
Oh! Mm-mm! Uh-huh!
- Aw!
- C'mon! You know you want to try it!
And you can't destroy a party,
once you've joined it!
That move!
Can't resist it!
Oh, wait.
Yes, I can.
Consider this party
[laughs evilly]
[Screams in slow motion]
[laughs evilly]
It-it can't be!
Let's go home, guys.
[Screaming with Auto-Tune]

Okay, I'm finished. Thank you
for letting me get that out.
You're welcome?
And now, we have to find The Party
Pooper before she strikes again.
- My thoughts exactly!
- Then, Life of the Party, go!
Uh, Guy?
Oops, sorry!
But it seems the moment I even
think about taking on the Pooper,
I'm seized with an uncontrollable
desire to run and hide.
It's weird, right?
It sounds like
you've lost your confidence.
Lost my confidence?
Hmm. I've never experienced that before.
I don't love it.
Well, the best way to combat
a loss of confidence
is to get back out there,
and try again, right?
Actually, I totally disagree!
- Oh.
- What if, instead,
we form an entire team
of party-savers to help us
take on the Pooper?
I mean, who needs
when you have other Trolls
you can count on?
A superhero team, huh?
Hey there.
Hey there. Hey there.
Okay, superhero auditions.
Let's see what you've got!

R-ruh! R-ruh!
The ability to control water,
this is promising.
But, do you have a
cool catchphrase?
[Water flushes]
Oh, is that mandatory?
How 'bout, um, um,
"Catch you on the flipper side?"
Or "Time to take
out the splash?"
Or "Sea you later!"
Y'know, like sea like the sea?
I have water powers!
We'll be in touch. Next!
Hyah! Hi-ya!
Hyah, huh! Take that, villain!
Hi-ya! Huh! Huh! Ah!
I think we've seen enough, Demo.
- Thank you so much for your audition!
- Audition?
Wow, so much talent!
Guy, Meadow, the hench-crabs are back
and they're pooping like never before!
And just to be clear,
I mean party pooping.
Then it's a good thing
we've selected our team.
All we need now is a name.

The Partyin' Guardians
The Partyin' Guardians, go! ♪
The Partyin' Guardians!
Who do you call
When the party's no fun ♪
Who do you
Know's gonna get the job done? ♪
Who! ♪
The Partyin' Guardians ♪
The Partyin' Guardians ♪
This party just got bubbly.
A team of party-saving heroes!
The Pooper was no match
for The Partyin' Guardians!
Hmm, I don't know.
It was too easy
to defeat those hench-crabs.
Maybe we're just
that good, y'all.
Yeah, or maybe
the Party Pooper
took one look at us and said:
"I'm outta here."
Yeah, or maybe
the Party Pooper
was just hanging back
before the real attack.
Yeah, or maybe
Wait, what?
[laughs evilly]
That's right!
You've played right into my
hands, Guardians!
Now, watch as your party
crumbles before the fury of
my Doomsday Critter!

- Aw!
- Ugh! Just marshtato them, Kitty!
[laughs evilly]
We'll have to eat our way out.
My-my, what a high stakes,
yet scrumptious dilemma!
Wait, where's Guy?
Oops, sorry! I ran away
in fear again, apparently.
Whoo, this losing your confidence
thing is a doozy, huh?
Guy, you're the only one who can
stop her! It's all up to you!
Up to me?
[laughs evilly]
I-I can't. I need the team!
The team needs you, Guy!
I know you're struggling right now,
but you'll never get your confidence
back if you don't get out there and try.
The disco ball
[screaming with Auto-Tune]
Please, Guy!
You can do it!
LOWNOTE: I believe in you, baby!
HOLLY: You've got the shine!

[laughs evilly]
[Marshtato Mary grunts]
It's time to dance!

Oh, please! You tried
that already, remember?
It doesn't work on me.
True, but I'm not doing it to
you. I'm doing it to her!
Here, Kitty, Kitty!
Ooh, yeah. Mm-mm.
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Ooh. A-ha.
How 'bout that now?
[Guy laughs]
Ugh! It doesn't matter, you can't
win me over with your dancing!
- MEADOW: Maybe he can't!
- But we can!
[screaming with Auto-Tune] Alright!
VAL: This is awesome!
No! No, it won't work!
What's happening?
Can't resist it!
Ah! You'll pay for this,
Partyin' Guardians!
I will be back
for revenge again!

Lookin' sharp, gang.
Dante's worked so hard
to open TrollsTopia's
first fine-dining restaurant,
so I'm glad to see you all
brought your elegance A-game!
Well, I had a very hard time
picking which top hat to wear so
I just wore them all!
DANTE: Ahem!
Fellow TrollsTopians,
welcome to an authentic
Classical culinary experience,
a fusion of my tribe's love of
fine food and even finer music.
I give you
Chez Dante.

Dang, ya'll!
Look at these napkin folds.
Dinner is served!
[Singing opera]
- Oh!
- Wow!
- Freshly grated chocolate, Poppy?
- Oh, most certainly!

Nice work, Dante, this Classical
dining is a total blast!
Mm, yes.
It does appear to have
[Dante chuckles]
Struck a chord!
Dope dinner, yo!
- I give it five hats!
- Well, this is great, ya'll.
Uh, Dante? Dante?
Dante, what's going on?
Are you okay?
Of course I'm not okay!
Holly Darlin' is not enjoying her meal!
What, what do you mean?
She just said this is great.
Yes, but she didn't woohoo.
Every time Holly likes
something, she shouts woohoo!
Eh, I don't know
about every time.

- Woohoo!
- Ah!
Okay, every time.
Sorry, Dante.
But why?
Is Chez Dante not woohoo-worthy?
Of course it is! In fact, I
was just about to say, woo
Spare me the insult of your pity woohoo.
Rest assured, I will win Holly over.
Dante Crescendo
still has some chicanery up
his blousy sleeve, as they say.
- Do they?
- Attention! Attention, everyone!
It is time we take
this dinner up an octave!

Come and savor ♪
Every flavor ♪
Every dish is so delicious ♪
Prepared just for you ♪
Artful plating ♪
Satiating ♪
All your senses ♪
So relentless ♪
On course 22 ♪
Dinner with Dante ♪
Excellante ♪
What you want, eh? ♪
Try the flambé ♪
Dinner with Dante! ♪
- So?
- Wow.
I'm sorry, Dante.
But you did get a wow.
That's woohoo-adjacent.
True. And do you know
what else is woohoo-adjacent?
Oh, hey, hey.
Okay, listen to me.
Who knows why Holly Darlin'
didn't woohoo tonight.
But one thing I do know,
Chez Dante brought a lot
of joy to everyone else.
Yes. Yes! I'm proud
of what I accomplished.
And it's high time
I focus less on the woohoo,
and learn to be satisfied
with the woo-me.
- Sure. That.
- Bravo, Poppy!
You knew exactly what I needed,
a generous serving
of level-headed perspective!
What did he do to Chez Dante?

Welcome to Dante's
A chili-torium?
Dante, what's going on?
Simple, Poppy.
To get a woohoo,
I need to appeal more to Holly's
Country Western tastes.
Therefore, 'tis
chili time, you all!
B-but what about
the level-headed perspective?
What about woo-me?
that lasted about six minutes.
Ugh! Dante, I really think
you've gotta stop worrying about
- Holly's approval and let this go.
- I can't!
I'm afraid,
one person not liking my dinner
has a much stronger effect on me than
all those who did like it combined.
Oh, here she comes!
Well, howdy, Holly!
Hey, Dante.
I got your invitation and
My Troll, what are you wearin'?
Ah! You are referring to the
pair of blued jeans I have donned.
Skin tight, as is
the style, hmm?
Yeah, I think they
might be a little too tight.
Aren't you uncomfortable?
I have no idea what you mean.

Uh! Well
That was exhilarating.
Right this way, right this way,
you all.
You're not a violin player,
you're a fiddle player.
Oh, yes.
Apologies, you all.

Sure is
different in here.
Yes, I was thinking
about the ambiance
and I said to myself: "Dante,
you know what these walls need?
Rusty corrugated sheet metal!"
[Dante chuckles]
Let's go over there now!
Now then, allow me to
rustle up some grub, sugah.
Might I recommend two bowls
of our glitterbean chili?
I can attest, it is as
rootin' as it is tootin'!
Well, all right.
Dante, this chili's ice-cold.
You do know chili's not supposed
to be chilly, right?
Well, of course! Because
that's not confusing at all.
Excuse me one moment, hmm? Uh!
- Dante, wait!
- Chili's not chilly. Pull it together, Crescendo!
Dante, you've gotta stop
pushing this. It's not working!
Not until I
have obtained my woohoo!
If anything I must
push it further!
It must be hotter! Hotter!
Oh, I don't like the sound of that.
[Bull moos]

Hot chili's up!
[Holly screams]
What in the name of my big,
beautiful hair are you doing?
Serving you chili
in the most Country Western
manner one can conceive!
Whilst riding the back
of a mechanical adora-bull!
- Dante, no, no, don't!
- Yee-haw!
[Alarm beeps]
Dante Crescendo,
you better start makin' sense
of all this right now!
The hat, the chili, them hip
huggers, this ain't you!
No, ow.
This ain't me.
But I did it because you
didn't like Chez Dante.
- Didn't like it?
- Yes, you didn't woohoo,
Oh, is that what this is about?
I am so sorry, Dante. I wasn't
really myself last night.
- You weren't?
- No, see, I had just spent all day
whippin' you up a congratulations
cupcake casserole.
I was about to leave when, well,
I got so excited thinkin' 'bout
your fancy new restaurant that
Oh! Oh!
After that, well, I'm afraid
I just wasn't in a woohoo mood.
So, what Poppy said was true.
It had nothing to do with you
not liking Chez Dante.
Of course it didn't.
I loved it.
And if I made you feel
otherwise, that's my mistake.
Nay, my dear friend. I'm the
one who has made the mistake.
I liked Chez Dante the way it was, and
that should have been enough for me.
I shall return Chez Dante to its
former fanciness, posthaste!
Atta' Troll!
But before you do that,
well, there's no sense in wastin'
all that good glitterbean chili.

- To Dante's!
- To Dante's!
To Dante's!
[Bull moos]
Hmm, woohoo!

The Partyin' Guardians ♪
The Partyin' Guardians ♪
Who do you call
When the party's no fun ♪
Who do you
Know's gonna get the job done? ♪
Who! ♪
The Partyin' Guardians ♪
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