Troppo (2022) s02e05 Episode Script

Toad Race Showdown

Why was Julian paying big bucks
to White Hat for a rundown shed?
I can't have you two
contaminating my crime scenes.
We are professionals.
- [hissing]
- [gasps]
Twist's back.
Who did this to my brother?
No idea.
I want him arrested!
Arson! Damage to property!
By failing to hold a public inquest,
the justice system has failed
Bart McQuillan.
[Ted] Written by our favourite journalist.
Well, Colin finally got an article out.
If you want the cops bearing down on you,
you're going the right way about it.
Tell me you got something on my dad.
They didn't just kill him.
They fucking torched him.
And that detective, she thinks it's me.
Who the hell's that?
You'll be able to pay me back
in no time now.
You do want to pay me back, right?
Peanut! Hey!
Solving the Park Jong Min case
would suggest
you are actually quite good
at your job.
What happened to 'stay away
from my investigation'?
I can compartmentalise.
So do I get my own
little compartment in there?
- [sirens]
- [intense music]
Anyone getting deja fucking vu?
We know why we're here.
Let's nail him for good.
[Ted] What the hell's going on?
[Crean] Warrant to search the premises.
[Ted] Are you fucking kidding me?
It's my daughter's birthday.
[grunting and groaning]
[Crean] Yeah. Do it the hard way.
[Crean] Good choice, Conkaffey.
Righto. Mark the bedroom.
Stay on the door for me.
His bedroom.
In case the sick fuck gave the bracelet
to the kids.
[Crean] Come on, people.
The tipoff is good. It's gotta be here.
You got a match?
I just wanted a birthday!
I know.
[Cop] Found something!
Keep looking.
[Lilly] It's not fair.
I promise you. It's never
gonna happen again, all right?
Never again.
[music continues]
[theme song playing]
[door creaking]
You get any sleep?
Still can't believe Twist's a father.
Takes more than
a few strands of DNA to be a
You reckon he knows?
I don't reckon he does.
But if Julian did and Twist found out,
that's motive.
Crime of passion,
kind of motive.
He's been cheated out of
knowing his own kid.
Ah, doesn't fit.
You said so yourself:
Reptiles don't commit crimes of passion.
Well, you know what it's like
to be away from Lilly.
Multiply that by, what, like 20 years?
I reckon even snakes' blood would boil.
Still a tiny logic problem.
Twist showed up after Julian was killed.
So he says.
His phone records must back that up.
Otherwise, Sweeney would be all over him.
He's got in your head,
you gotta get him out of there.
Stay open-minded.
I will. Once I prove he did it.
The tyre prints
from where he tossed Julian
the right rear tyre is missing
a chunk of tread off the right side.
According to the internet,
those tyres are found
on utes and four wheel drives.
Lucky for us there aren't
many of those around here.
Match the tread and the missing chunk
to Twist's ute,
and my head will be just fine.
There's a lesson
in all of this, Conkaffey.
In tunnel vision?
In getting unhealthy crap
out of our heads.
Maltese terrier, the white dog that was
seen on Claire Bingley's street.
The cops went nowhere with this.
Oh, the cops that charged you
and still make a regular event
of searching your home?
Those cops?
Family Tree. Let's go.
Let's play a game of Who's Your Daddy?
Can't mention any of this
to Raph or Twist.
I know.
Information like this,
it turns people's worlds upside-down.
The kid's got enough going on as it is.
But we do need to find out if they know.
It's motive.
But you don't always need
to go straight at a thing, horns first.
I'm efficient.
We're gonna ease in, okay?
We're gonna see what Raph knows
about the McQuillans' rezoning.
And to feel out whether he was dealing
that drug Nathan was on.
All right, that's better.
If Julian caught wind,
might have played into their altercation
they had that night.
Or maybe it was
a little paternity punch-up.
Come on, old man.
Paternity what?
[country music playing]
- Oh, hi.
- Hi.
I've come for my chariot.
- Oh, right.
- Yep.
And, um
I wanted to apologise.
I should've left the grilling
to Ted and those steaks.
Well, I think I spurred you on
just a little bit.
I'm back on his shit list,
though, aren't I?
He's got a lot on his mind.
Hey, this, um
this new intel you mentioned last night.
It's probably just some nutjob
trying to get their kicks.
You know, I've got
to admire your strength.
It's all about Lilly.
I just want her to have a future
that isn't bent out of shape
by all of this crap.
You know, I should be telling your story.
I mean, seriously.
The fallout for the family.
Fighting something intangible.
Attitude, gossip.
The social isolation.
The so-called friends who dodged you
at school pick-up
or deleted you from their contacts.
Now you're just depressing me.
Go on. You better go before
I throw myself to the crocs.
Okay, well, I'm serious.
You ever decide
you wanna talk on the record
It wouldn't matter what you wrote, Colin.
The only thing that's gonna make this stop
is if the police your tragic heroes
do their fucking job.
Are you expecting a sudden rush
of Irish backpackers?
Nah, Ted. The races.
What races?
The biggest event
in the Crimson Lake calendar.
If it's so big,
how come I never heard of it?
We like to keep the Crimson Cup
on the D.L.
so blow-ins like you don't ruin it.
Come on.
Let's investigate your boring clues.
You're hoping we run into him, aren't ya?
I mean, the fact that Twist is
staying at Family Tree
is just a delicious coincidence.
You're a goddamn broken record,
you know that?
So, the Innocent Ted website was right.
Cops reckon the Maltese Terrier
was used to lure Claire in.
- Yeah.
- Here's a list of breeders.
This is your half.
All right, come on.
If you want me to start riding shotgun,
can we get on the road before Christmas?
[vehicle starting]
You know what?
I'm really starting to miss your bike.
Looks like Tayla's here.
Maybe you should wait with the car.
What, in case I accidentally
blurt out the big secret?
If you see him, don't let him in.
Got it.
What are you doing?
Is he home?
How should I know?
Hey, Twist has a historical interest
in hallucinogenics.
You reckon he could've
sold those drugs to Nathan?
What's that got to do with Julian's death?
No stones unturned.
I don't like unturned stones.
Nathan was fired
before Ezra even rocked up.
And before you go there again,
Raph's clean.
Well, if it wasn't either of them,
maybe it was you.
Excuse me?
Come on.
There's no way those guys were
coffee traders back at your place.
Look, one of them's family, all right?
I don't know what he does,
and I don't want to know.
But what I do know is
he's never been anywhere near Family Tree.
So why didn't you tell us earlier?
Because I don't want you
harassing my family,
going on some
unturned stone rampage, okay?
That's not what I hired you for.
$10,000 in cash.
Yep. To clear Raph.
So please, go do the job I paid you for.
Devi just told me.
Police have released your father.
Did she tell you
that she's taken over his funeral?
She always wanted to get in his pants.
This is second prize.
What Devi wants isn't right.
It's not the real him.
You, uh you here to see her?
You, actually.
Did your dad ever mention the McQuillans
wanting to rezone their property?
From rural to industrial
so they could sell up and get out of here?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah. He wasn't a fan of the idea.
He was worried about the building works
ruining the peace and quiet.
Did he tell Max or Stella that?
They weren't exactly on speaking terms.
- Ah.
- You looking for something?
Yeah. All that love and light
from the brochures.
- Did you ask him?
- Now's not the time.
Funeral's tomorrow.
So I'm guessing you guys will
be there doing your thing.
If it's all right with you.
I should go find Devi.
See if I can figure a way
through this mess.
Good luck.
You know I hate funerals.
[Ted] Nobody actually likes funerals.
If you want to know whether
Raph or Twist knows the truth,
there'll be no better chance.
You reckon Tayla was Nathan's dealer?
That would explain
how she could afford to hire us.
So nothing on Twist's ute, then?
Can we take those blinders off now?
I reckon they know about the duboisia.
No. They're just asking questions.
Yeah, but if they work out
Brooke sold it to Nathan
and you sold it to Brooke
It has nothing to do with
your Dad's murder.
All right? The P.I.s will just rule it out
and move on.
And if the cops go down the same path?
Especially with what Ezra's doing now.
Yeah, well, tell him
to back off my Mum then.
I've tried!
He just keeps saying that
it's business and I'm family.
I wish you never started selling leaf.
Yeah, well, I'm sorry we don't all
have a Dad that's loaded.
How else did you think I was going to
be able to live with you, Raph?
I would've paid if I had known that!
I'm sorry.
I'm just trapped in this place.
And I'm sick of it.
Raph, once they find out
who killed your Dad
we can do whatever we want.
But the shit that your uncle
has put my Mum through?
You're not the one who's trapped, babe.
Well, you must have some set of balls
to have asked him that.
That or a death wish.
Notoriously common in my trade.
Just say it.
Why are you doing this?
You're literally working outside my house.
There are thousands of bars
on this planet,
and there are thousands of places
where no one fucking knows you.
Why are you doing this?
Same was said about you.
We're nothing alike.
You didn't want forgiveness?
You want forgiveness from me?
It's never gonna happen.
An entire conversation for you two.
Just because you read my file
doesn't mean you know me.
Is it possible for anyone
to truly know another person?
So tell me, who plays
with drugs in this town?
Besides your mate with the snakes.
Why don't we start with
the tyre track from the clifftop?
Drugs. Go.
All right, well, if you're
referring to Corkwood,
it's not illegal.
It's bush medicine
the Aboriginal people use.
Also turns up in travel sickness meds.
On the street, the refined product
is known as 'Devil's Breath.'
That's a catchy name.
As bad as it sounds?
That stunt Nathan pulled is nothing
compared to what people get up to
on Devil's Breath.
Go on. Fuck off.
[Elaine] You got something to say?
- Piss weak.
- [Amanda] I gotta go.
Fuck it.
The fuck you doing?!
Trent, don't touch me.
Get the fuck away from my car.
I'll break your nose.
I'll break yours, sticking it
where it don't belong, hey.
- I mean it.
- Trent!
[Trent grunts, groans]
Crazy fucking bitch!
I warned you.
You two finished?
Yeah. I'm good.
Want to make a formal complaint?
No. Let him go.
I wasn't talking to you.
Is she a protected species now, too, eh?
I don't need protecting.
No? Let's not test that theory, all right?
Try staying out of trouble.
See, the trouble with trouble is
it's just so fucking fun.
[ominous music playing]
You're not gonna find
any answers down there.
If you were banking on six feet,
I dug it deeper.
I wanted to be real sure.
I do love a captive audience, though.
There are so many things
we could talk about.
Like what were you looking for
in my ute?
Didn't find it, did ya?
Because I didn't kill my brother.
I keep telling you.
I'm just here to support my family.
So why aren't you with Raph?
Yeah, Raph.
He needs all the help he can get.
You think he's weak.
All I know is he's not like you and me.
Clear, decisive
Devi's thrown together a masterpiece.
If I had my way,
I'd skip all of this bullshit.
Just throw him
straight in the hole with you.
Yeah. Not today.
One day you'll need me, Amanda.
That much, I'm certain.
Might be the only thing I am certain of.
Yeah. Like I said, not today.
[ominous music continues]
If you're here to harass my nephew
I've come to pay my respects.
Unnecessary nor welcome.
It's in the best interests of the family
that I'm here.
Culprit could be one of the guests.
So it's not Raph anymore?
You got there eventually.
Good for you.
The last thing he needs is
your beady eyes on him today.
Go on.
Off you pop.
Oh, another ute.
Should I be jealous? [laughs]
He really has a soft spot for you.
Yeah. That's why he tried
to frame me for murder.
That's pretty much foreplay
for a sociopath.
- So here's the thing
- Here we go.
Please be my eyes and ears
at this funeral.
There's a drink in it for you.
I'm part owner of a bar.
You'll have to do better than that.
I'll think of something.
Would you like one?
- I would like to acknowledge
- What'd I miss?
the traditional owners of the land
on which we meet.
Today we come together as one
in nature
to celebrate the life of our dear Julian.
The truth is Julian is not gone.
His spirit lives on in his legacy,
Family Tree.
He was a man of vision and compassion.
And through tolerance, respect, and love,
he freed families.
He freed families
from the chains of addiction
and the prison of depression.
He was a truth-teller.
Was he, though?
Even when those truths were hard to hear.
We will all grieve in our own way.
[Devi continues speaking]
You wanna talk about it?
No. I wanna fucking hit something.
All these people, right,
they think he's so great at family.
You know what happened when my Mum died?
He fucking he shut me out.
Completely. All of a sudden,
he just hated me.
I'm sure that's not true.
Dad didn't care until I was shooting
whatever I could find up my arm.
But by then, he was all enlightened.
Right? And he swept in like a hero.
And then he uses me
to create his business.
Devi's going on like he's a saint.
I don't know, maybe now.
Right, maybe to them.
It wasn't like that for me.
you never know how much they love you.
We'll do anything for our kids, you know.
But they don't always see that.
You got the short end of the stick, pal.
No argument there.
Today's the day you can bury all that,
leave it all under that big tree, and
build a new life.
I think you're gonna want
to see this next bit.
[Devi] And so I invite all of you
to celebrate the life
of this extraordinary being.
Julian, we'll miss you.
I'll miss you.
That's enough of that, all right?
Well done, Devi.
You're getting into
whatever heaven you believe in.
Spectacular event, Devi.
A P.R. dream, huh?
No amount of pretty words or flowers
- Raph doesn't know
- can change the fact
- But Julian might have.
- that for those of us
who knew Julian
before he had his epiphany,
- to us, he was an arsehole.
- [gasping]
He wasn't a great dad.
He wasn't a great brother.
You wanna know the real man?
You wanna know the real Julian?
When we were younger,
I got myself in a little bit of trouble.
No surprise there.
And my brother, he could've helped me.
I mean, he could've really helped me.
Instead, he chose
he chose to dob me in to the cops.
He chose to put me behind bars
so that
basically, so that he could try
and fuck my girl.
[more gasps]
But I suppose, since he married her
and raised my nephew,
I suppose I can forgive him.
But that's the kind of bloke
you're all getting misty-eyed about.
That's the real Julian.
The real Saint Julian was
a backstabbing, manipulative
self-serving bastard.
we're all gathered here to celebrate
to celebrate one less
arsehole in the world.
And I get to bury him.
So long, you bastard.
All right. The show is over.
Come on. Off you go.
Off you go. Come on.
Time for small talks and chardonnays.
I can't tell.
[Twist] Come on. Up you get.
Come on. We bury our own in this family.
What are you doing?
I got a sudden hankering for fruit.
What, not enough fibre in your diet?
Hey. Fresh today. Going quick.
That's the best dragon fruit
in town, that is.
[Ted] That right?
They're in the market
for quality tyres, stupid. Read the room.
Well, mate, we're not
in a fucking room, you idiot.
Three hundred.
For a tyre?
Uh, for three tyres.
Selling them as a set.
If it's a set, shouldn't there be four?
See, I told you we should've got
the fucking other one, you idiot.
Nobody's gonna buy a munted tyre, dipshit.
Who gave you these tyres?
Found 'em.
There's no law against that, is there?
This fourth tyre where is it?
[dramatic music playing]
Moment of truth.
Ah, hang on.
Yes. It's the one.
Well, fuck, don't sound too happy.
It's like finding a finger
on our fingerprint.
But it's not attached to a hand.
Tyre's no good if we don't know
what vehicle it came from.
Well, it's a town full of screw-ups.
We just have to wait for whoever dumped it
to do just that.
Okay. Until then, what?
We're looking for a ute with no tyres.
Let's go.
Leave that.
You good? You all right?
You know, it always used to shit me that
I could never live up to his expectation.
And now?
I don't know.
I think I honestly just don't care.
That's good.
He's dead. Time to grow a pair.
Is there something on your mind?
I wanna leave this shithole.
But Tayla won't go while you got
her Mum tied up in business.
You should just let Ronnie pay you back
in her own time.
Ronnie knew what she was getting into.
Oh, come on. Do you really
think she knew?
Ronnie made a choice.
I made my choice.
Looks like Tayla's made hers.
It's your turn.
And if I don't want any part of it?
Then go.
I'm not gonna force you to do anything.
I'm not your Dad.
They say it's not until
you bury your parents that
you become an adult, anyway.
Make your own decisions,
live with the consequences.
What, and that's an adult decision, is it?
We always brought out
the worst in each other.
Too alike, then too different.
[sighs] He always won.
Always got the last word.
Until now. [chuckles]
- You are a fucking menace.
- [both laughing]
[peaceful music playing]
What are you doing?
Born again.
A new me.
Trying to be funny?
Yeah. Kind of.
Kind of serious, too.
You were right.
I'm not trapped.
I decide what happens next.
Sounds like you already have.
You've been here for me
through everything.
I wanna be here for you.
I love you, Tayla.
We're gonna find a way through this.
[phone ringing]
Ah, shit. Hi.
Oh, no. No, it's not too late.
Uh, yeah, I was wondering
I was wondering
if you sold any pups in June.
Of, um
three years ago that'd be 20
Always in December.
Just in time for Christmas, yeah.
Thanks anyway. Yeah.
[yawning] Was that Amanda?
No, peanut, that was work stuff.
Come on. Let's get you back to bed.
Come on.
Ted, I don't want a puppy for Christmas.
No? What do you want?
A crocodile. And maybe a goose.
- [music playing]
- [crowd murmuring]
[Wayne] Oh! Here we go!
Here it is
And we're racing!
They've all had a slow start
at the moment.
Purple Patch is leaping ahead.
And Mr Piston is setting a pace.
Oh, no, Optimus Slime's not even moving!
What's he doing? Having a cup of tea?
Having a snooze?
[Wayne continues indistinctly]
A juicy croc banger!
[Wayne continues]
[Wayne] And the winner Optimus Slime!
[cheering and applause]
You little ripper!
- Ah, sorry, bud.
- Yeah, thanks.
Hey folks, don't forget after the races,
we've got
the Boot Scootin' Boogie with Flo!
- [cheering]
- Yeah. Come on. Yeah, that's right.
Dad said it was like horse racing
but with cane toads.
Best kept secret, huh?
I sponsored one, and she's kicking ass.
Uh, Lilly!
She's winning!
Good choice.
Can I take Amanda
to see Princess Lilly, please?
I'm sure Amanda's got things
she'd rather be doing.
Sounds pretty important.
Show me, pipsqueak.
You want a glass of wine?
God, yes.
Okay. I'll find you.
The one with the pink is Princess Lilly.
Hey, I figured you'd be here.
Why's that?
Cane toads,
they're an invasive species, right?
I deserve that.
I was out of line.
That's Optimus.
He's the biggest threat, I reckon.
Well, he won the last race.
Yeah, but Princess Lilly's faster.
Hey, um, that's on your radar, yeah?
[Flo] Celebrate with a beverage, yes?
Looks like the sheriff's putting
a posse together.
Close enough. Those blokes
are the rest of the council.
They made the final decision on re-zoning
the McQuillan's farm yesterday.
Max lost the rezoning decision
and any chance he and Stella had
of leaving this place behind.
Poor bastard.
[country music playing]
Sit still, sit still.
All right, Lil,
let somebody else have a turn.
There you go.
[chuckling] You like that?
[giggling] Yes.
I'm scared to ask. What does
this croc burger even taste like?
Like crocodile, Mum.
[Wayne] Ladies and gentlemen,
it's almost time
It's starting! Quick!
- Hey, hey!
- Hey, Lil!
- [cheering]
- I can't hear you. Are you excited?!
[more cheering]
[Wayne continues indistinctly]
Death Croak at 2 to 1.
Oh Man, it's gonna be exciting!
- Are you ready for this?
- [cheering]
and get our mugs in the paper.
Any luck with our list of breeders?
Yeah, me neither
The pup could've come
from anywhere, I guess.
Puppy farm, backyard pet
Oi, Conkaffey. It's just a minor setback.
Just a tiny glitch. Yeah?
Try and have some fun.
- Are you all ready?
- [cheering]
- I can't hear you! Are you all ready?
- [more cheering]
[laughing] Good idea?
Why not, let's do it.
[Wayne] Who will be the winner?
Majestic victory by Princess Lilly?
[Wayne continues]
On your marks.
[Wayne] Get set.
Ted, come here!
- [balloon deflating]
- Oh!
- [Wayne] Go!
- [cheering]
[Wayne] And they're racing!
[Wayne continuing]
[Wayne continues]
Ms. Latham, I need a word.
Oh, please.
There's nothing more to say.
[screams, shrieks]
Oh, my God!
You bitch!
You're a madman!
[whimpering] Oh, God!
[Flo] Stop him! Someone stop him!
Max! Max!
You don't wanna do this, pal.
The council is supposed
to represent the people!
They're all crooked!
And you you too!
I had no idea, I swear!
And you
you're the worst fucking one of them!
Damn it, Max! Please!
You can't hurt Julian.
He's dead!
You're only hurting yourself!
Come on, man.
- [breathing heavily]
- Take it easy, pal.
[Ted] All right, all right.
[Ted] Take it easy on the guy, huh?
[woman] Just another one gone troppo.
Now, you told me, the night Julian died,
you were home with your wife.
Are you sticking with
that story Mr McQuillan?
[Stella] That detective,
she won't get anything out of him.
You seem pretty certain.
When you've been married
to a person for that long, yeah,
you learn their limits.
I think we all learned his limit today.
Stella, I'm so sorry.
I had no idea
what Julian was doing until
By the time I got the bank
to halt the payments,
the council had already voted.
It's the truth.
[sighing] Come on. Let's get you home.
[chucking] It's all right.
Through thick and thin, huh?
[Ted] So they say.
[Stella] Aw, come on.
See you in the car.
You really think Max killed Julian?
If I did, he wouldn't be going home.
So, anything to report from the funeral?
A hole was dug, a dead man went in,
and pinwheel sandwiches were eaten.
[chuckles] Your attention to detail
is amazing.
What's my prize?
Anytime you want to come collect
- [Ted] Come on, Pharrell.
- I'm coming! Fuck!
[pensive music playing]
Is this Ted trying to be romantic?
Hell no.
This is Ted succeeding at being romantic.
[both laughing]
Feeling swept off your feet?
How's Lil?
Oh, she went out like a light.
Seems like Princess Lilly's victory
really took it out of here.
She's not the only one.
Well, it might not be
the French Riviera, but
it's got its own charm.
Baah. Once you get past the heat
the humidity
- [mosquitoes buzzing]
- the mosquitoes
[Kelly laughs]
cassowaries, and the crocodiles
[Kelly sighs]
What is this about, Ted?
It's not our anniversary, is it?
To celebrate you coming to visit.
And, uh, kind of an apology.
The fight at the races,
all that attention
I didn't mean to put you and Lil
in the middle of it.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I got to see the old Ted.
I liked it.
I've missed him.
Old Ted and Kelly,
think they're still out there?
What do you think?
I hope so.
But, uh
I also really like the
right here, right now Kelly.
Oh, you do, do you?
I was kind of hoping
we could be
One more?
I called last drinks half an hour ago.
[scoffs] No, they don't pay me enough.
I tell you what
how about I buy you a drink, eh?
Come on. You deserve it
after serving half the town.
Let me guess, from your minibar?
Now you're talkin'.
Except I, uh,
I demolished that last night.
Housekeeping haven't had a chance
to replace it yet.
If only there were someone
who had access to some more
all our problems would be solved.
All but one: I'm sober.
[laughing] That's funny.
Six months.
Oh, you're serious.
I don't need you to be.
[Brooke giggling]
Sorry. I probably taste like rum.
Yeah. You do.
Oh, you like to play with fire, don't ya?
Just get nice and close to the flames
Shit. Your computer.
Oh, crap! Crap!
- Oh, my God!
- Sorry!
Ahh, it's everywhere.
[dramatic music playing]
[Colin] My whole life is on this thing,
but I think we are good.
[suspenseful music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[metal creaking]
[metal creaking]
[metal creaking]
What a tragedy for Bryce.
He only gets to see you like this,
through a pane of glass.
The fuck you want?
Not you
Yeah. This isn't
a joint custody situation.
I don't think you'd
be up for raising a kid.
- Really?
- No.
OK, listen, if you ain't here
for a P.I. or a tattoo,
this door stays shut.
[tattoo gun buzzing]
Better not be any
Japanese characters or runes.
You'll get what I give you.
You two super sleuths any closer
to working out who killed my brother?
We don't work for you.
[buzzing continues]
All done.
Guess what your super sleuths found out
[dramatic music playing]
You don't want some cream for that?
Let it bleed.
[dramatic music continues]
[door closes]
[car honking]
We've been missing someone.
Two someones, actually.
- [groaning]
- [knocking at door]
Get out of here.
Preferably not through the front door.
I wanna know what she's playing at.
Is she in there?
Do you think we could work
one case at a time?
Starting with the one
we're hired to solve.
It's all the same case!
It all leads back to Twist
every single fucking time!
Where's Lilly?
I'll take care of it.
[exciting music playing]
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