Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

The Lesson Will Now Begin

A new life in Rotsgard begins.
The long-awaited permit
to open a local store has been secured.
To his surprise,
Makoto Misumi received a notice
informing him of
his official employment as a lecturer.
The notice came so suddenly.
The registration time is this afternoon.
I can head there after lunch.
Mr. Kuzunoha, welcome.
Hey there, Luria.
We're just dropping by today.
Thank you for your frequent patronage.
Are you having a hotpot today, Mr. Shiki?
Chicken hotpot for me.
You two are a rare bunch.
People usually share one hotpot
instead of having one on their own.
Follow me to your table.
I can't wait to try it.
We've been coming here
for five days in a row.
Shiki is addicted
to this peculiar delicacy.
Cursed scums.
They keep visiting Luria.
You must be Master Ilumgand.
Don't worry.
I'm a fellow student at the academy.
I have matters to discuss with you.
Thank you for waiting.
Your hotpot is ready.
Shiki is in love with the creamy hotpot.
This flavor is utterly exhilarating!
Meat and vegetables
in a pot of super sweet cream
By the way,
are you going to teach
at the academy, Mr. Kuzunoha?
Yeah. I'll head there afterward.
You know, I know someone at the academy
Luria, give me a hand here.
Oh my, the restaurant is
crowded with customers.
I must go now. Enjoy your lunch.
Thank you.
Young Master.
Can I have another set?
Shiki, mind your blood sugar level!
These are the rules you must abide by.
As for your personal business,
as long as it doesn't involve
monetary transactions in school,
it won't be a problem.
Does that mean I can promote
my business in school?
There are currently hundreds of
lecturers in this school.
The wage is based on
the number of students they teach.
Each student will get you
ten silver coins.
The maximum number
of students per class
for part-time lecturers is 30.
Can you start the first lesson next week?
I'm thinking about starting
a class with less than ten students.
I can start anytime.
How unusual.
Other lecturers are very eager to take in
as many students as they can.
I want to focus on the teaching quality.
Do you have a moment?
Pardon me.
I am Blight, a full-time lecturer.
I see.
You want to focus on the practical skills.
The syllabus will be about magic.
I teach in a classroom.
I also teach combat techniques.
I can send around ten students
who are interested in it to your class.
Thank you.
The students this year are excellent.
Some could even use
levitation spells and telepathy.
Does that mean
they are considered excellent?
I was told how powerful you are.
I look forward to seeing it.
This must be the library.
How may I assist you?
My assistant is applying
for a facility usage permit.
I'm here to search
for some materials for my class.
I see.
I am the librarian here.
If you're looking for any books
in particular, I'm glad to help out.
Are there any books about magic spells?
Isn't that kind of stuff
way below your standard,
Mr. Kuzunoha?
Instant deployment of a magic shield.
It is like a magic show.
Who are you?
How do you know my name?
As the librarian,
it's my duty to know your name.
There are hundreds of lecturers here.
I find it hard to believe
you remember it so quickly.
I heard stories about you
while I was dining with the examiner.
That's how I knew.
Is that all?
Luria of the Five Irons is
my younger sister.
She told me about
a pair of weird customers
who always order two sets of hotpots.
I also know that
Mr. Shiki loves his creamy hotpot.
You know, I know someone at the academy
She wanted to tell me about her sister.
Yeah, I can see the resemblance.
Mr. Kuzunoha.
A man's eyes can always speak better
than his mouth.
Please mind your manners.
I-I'm sorry.
Oh my,
were you thinking about
something indecent?
I fell for it!
Just kidding.
I'm Eva.
I mostly work at the reception counter.
Nice to meet you.
I can sense something sinister
behind her sweet smile.
Speaking of that, she reminds me of Mio.
Barreta, can you show me
the step one more time?
I only work at the grocery store
because I'm on a warrior's journey
to becoming a culinary master.
Since the owner paid to have me teach you,
I guess I can't say no.
But please, don't swing
the knife in the kitchen again.
But that was
I only know
the eye-catching cutting methods.
First off, do this.
Using the tip of the knife
to dig out the buds!
I ended up losing the entire potato
when I was cutting it.
Let's start from the basics.
The radish is as thin as paper!
The owner learned
this technique in Laurel.
It's called the "katsuramuki technique".
Katsura? What does it mean?
I'm not exactly sure about that.
The katsuramuki technique
I feel like it can be applied
in areas beyond cooking.
What is that supposed to mean?
Hey, I heard the lecturer of
the next class uses brushtalk.
The lecturer has a personal assistant.
I'm a bit concerned.
Magic spells should be a practical class.
Well, we are instructed by Mr. Blight.
Simply attending the class will do.
I'm fine with anything
as long as I can become stronger.
However, I hate the incompetent.
Is the lecturer a demi-human?
They say he is human.
He's off the list if he's hideous.
Deactivating the Reception Realm.
They totally look down on me.
The number of students
will determine the wage.
It's only natural that schools are
in a weak position.
I think it's best
to let me be the mean face here.
They'd look down on me
if I were too kind to them.
I must do my best to be the mean teacher.
Excuse me.
Is this Mr. Kuzunoha's class?
I am Shiki, his assistant.
We are opening a shop in this town.
Please come by sometimes.
He is so handsome!
He seems friendly.
And this gentleman over here
I am Kuzunoha.
I am mainly a merchant.
I put together a company
at the wilderness at the end.
He looks like a kobold!
How miserable.
How pitiful.
I will provide a thorough lesson
with a focus on magic.
Stay alert.
But my main vocation is a swordsman.
Hey, the guy over there.
What are the elements you can command?
I have an affinity with wind magic.
What about the other elements?
Other elements?
I know some earth and fire magic.
What about you?
I can use fire magic and some wind magic.
How many of you can command multiple
elements with the same level of mastery?
I'll do what Tomoe did.
I have a good understanding
of your strengths.
Unfortunately for you,
you'll remain a bunch of third-rated brats
unless you improve.
That's too much.
We were accepted into this academy
because we are qualified.
I'm merely stating the fact.
When it comes to magic,
we should first choose an element
we're good at and master it.
That's common knowledge.
That's right.
It's common knowledge.
If the enemy sees through
your only element,
you will be torn apart on the battlefield.
You must at least master
three different elements
to even stand a chance.
That sounds very ideal and simple, but
Can you do that yourself?
Shiki and I will conduct a mock battle.
Watch and gauge our strength yourselves.
Hey, that staff
The power is immense.
It's filled with all kinds of elements.
In contrast,
I can't sense any magical power
coming from Mr. Kuzunoha.
Let's begin.
It's an honor, Master Kuzunoha.
Here I go.
He's fast! It's game over
It's not over yet!
A magic shield!
Shiki, even you have learned
how to move at high speed.
You could barely run
when we formed the pact.
I have Lady Tomoe and Lady Mio
to thank for the training.
We even had training
where we ran on water.
What are those two teaching you?
A quick cast of magic shield.
Not bad.
Thank you for the compliment.
This can't be happening
Mr. Kuzunoha saw through all of his moves!
Is this really a battle between two mages?
How about this?
Darn it. Another counter spell.
Splendid work, Shiki!
He used fire and water
right after casting earth magic.
The attack is so powerful,
even without any incantations.
It's all thanks to this staff.
The elder dwarves did
a great job crafting this.
We can't let this battle go on forever.
Let's finish it in the next move.
The light of the horizon
approaching the sun,
the extreme inferno
reflecting the sun rays,
-I summon you with the Wind Mirror!
-Void of Avarice, power over darkness!
They are chanting for the first time.
I thought Mr. Kuzunoha couldn't speak.
That's an ancient language.
If they are already this powerful
without an incantation,
does that mean the spells
I lost.
Oh It seems
everyone might quit this class.
That's all for today.
You can decide if you want
to attend the next lesson.
You are welcome
if you want to become stronger.
Shiki, a student was injured.
The girl with the ponytail.
Could you heal her?
I didn't land even a single hit.
Well done, everyone.
What did I just witness?
No way I can stay in this class!
It's terrible! This is insane!
Awesome! So cool!
The incantations they used weren't
the usual variant we use.
A noble variant, perhaps?
Or was it a glyph?
Could it be a rare variant?
That scared me speechless.
After all the boasts I made,
I couldn't even dodge flying debris.
Let me heal you.
Sorry, it must be very cold.
The wound is gone.
This ointment must have cost a fortune.
Not at all.
We have plenty of this in our shop.
I'm glad it healed you perfectly.
Mr. Blight.
It was you who introduced us
to this class.
I just can't
I just can't thank you enough!
This is the first time since I came here
that I've met someone
worthy of being my master!
I'm a bit concerned about our next lesson.
What do you think?
Half of them would probably stay.
More importantly,
I can't change my expression.
It's a good thing
to look smart and capable.
I shouldn't imitate Tomoe too much.
Were you in the battle?
The lake that formed
from that intense battle
is now called Star Lake, am I right?
This is punishment for our actions.
There is a war between
humans and the demons.
Someone couldn't tolerate that.
Who? The goddess?
The goddess has
always been merciful to humans.
In that case, who will punish us
when a human being goes astray?
The one charged with this duty was
a devil wearing blue and red.
It was why
he shot the arrow of punishment
that decimated everything.
The arrow of punishment?
Sorry, but I need to
peek into your memory.
Who would've thought?
A prank actually changed the terrain.
The Young Master never ceases to amuse me!
Now, how should I break it to him?
I'm surprised.
Five of them actually stayed.
I'm taking attendance.
Mithra Casper.
Born and raised in Rotsgard.
His parents are both clerics.
Great grades in academics.
Daena Severus.
You can call me Daena.
I took on my wife's family name.
I'm still getting used to it.
This kid is actually married.
His wife is currently on leave
because she's going into labor.
Even though we are
probably around the same age.
Abelia Hopleys.
Yes. Just "Abelia" will do.
I'd prefer not to get into trouble.
As I remember,
there is another Hopleys in this school.
He is a son
of a great aristocrat in Limia.
Izumo Kusakabe.
The boy wants to be a mage.
His name sounds Japanese.
Perhaps he is
from the Laurel Commonwealth.
Jin Rohan.
He wants to be a swordsman.
One of the top students
in practical tests.
But my class centers around magic.
Is he in the right place?
Mr. Kuzunoha,
you always communicate with brushtalk.
But you did chant
an incantation in the last lesson.
They misunderstood.
Let me be clear.
I can't speak the common language.
I can't understand a word.
Let's see
"I can't speak the common language."
Is that it?
Due to many reasons,
it's the only language I can't speak.
What kind of reasons?
Let the class begin.
What is the effect of
mana depletion on the human body?
When half of the mana is depleted,
there will be mental and physical fatigue.
When it's down to 20%,
the body will be unable to move.
When all mana is depleted, the person
will vomit, experience brain fog,
and pass out.
When it's depleted beyond
the person's limit, they could die.
We learned this in elementary school.
Why do you ask now?
I need to know your limits
through actual combat.
Be ready to have injuries.
Don't worry.
I have plenty of medicine
to replenish your mana
and stamina that I sell the surpluses.
Feel free to throw all you have at me.
I've never cast this many spells before.
Pierce through my enemy,
Flame Lance.
Abelia, that's enough for now.
I can still
Mr. Kuzunoha.
I know you're going easy on us,
but your attacks are still too powerful.
Healing magic?
I've run out of mana.
All the best.
Mithra, don't die on me!
Rather than buy more time with defense,
he chose to boost
an ally with combat strength.
A wise decision.
Darn it. I must at least land a hit!
You swung too hard. Don't attack rashly.
I'm still exhausted.
I failed to land even one hit on him.
Mr. Shiki saw me throw up.
We should've done it step-by-step instead.
Despite knowing you have limits,
it's meaningless
unless you've experienced it.
By the way,
be sure to reflect on your mistakes
and submit a written report.
-He's nasty!
-He's nasty!
That's enough.
The winner is Ilumgand Hopleys!
You've been doing great lately,
This is a magic potion
the institute is currently developing.
It can greatly boost your physical
and magical power.
Care to give it a try?
What is he doing here?
Is he a lecturer?
The students have
more potential than expected.
Yes, you are right.
Is this Izumo?
As expected from a mage,
he can use complex spells.
Daena, who married into his wife's family,
is smart and able to make good judgments.
He's the kind that thinks fast.
Abelia, the only girl in class.
Specialized in magic and physical attacks.
Mithra is the tall one.
He sacrificed himself
to assist his comrades.
And lastly, Jin.
He was the last one standing
who didn't run out of mana and stamina.
He also checks on others' movements
and statuses from time to time.
He can make a great leader.
Your observation is very astute.
I'm not made to become a teacher,
but I'll do my best.
Whatever it is,
once you've made up your mind,
you must follow through.
I didn't think
the Assassin Guild could be this sloppy.
Not only was he sent flying by the mage,
but his weapon was broken.
With all due respect,
he was strong enough
to snap a sword forged
from the reversed scale
of the great dragon.
Spare me your excuses.
Get rid of that part-time lecturer
as soon as possible.
The sixth night.
"Becoming A Three-Star Chef."
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