Welcome to Eden (2022) s02e05 Episode Script

El Nuevo Edén

Hi. May I?
- Thanks.
- You're welcome, Astrid.
This time, it's for real. I promise you.
- I thought you shut down the laboratory.
- I did it on my own.
I saved the coordinates right here.
I'll send them to you later.
Did you verify it?
Repeatedly. It's right on.
We found them, Astrid.
After all these years.
We've found the New Eden.
We found the New Eden.
But it'll take money.
Now we have to finance the project.
- We'll need a fortune.
- So where are you gonna get it?
Ask your husband for it.
- That's the reason you got married to him.
- Come on. No!
I'm kidding.
I don't wanna tell Erick
anything yet.
- He'll think I'm cuckoo.
- When has that ever bothered us?
If Erick loves you as much as I do,
I'm sure he'll follow you
to the end of this world.
And the beginning of the next one.
Grandpa, is it time yet?
Go get your telescope, okay?
Well if you'll excuse me,
I promised your son
that we'd go see some starts tonight.
Come on, Grandpa!
So, Isaac,
which one should we look for today?
- Orion.
- Again?
I think you already know that one.
Any others?
Here's an idea.
So how about I show you
what I discovered today?
What is it?
It's really far away,
but if you know where to look
No! No! No!
It's okay. Hold tight.
Grandpa, I'm scared.
No, Grandpa!
No, no!
Dad? Hey, Dad. Come on.
Here. I'm coming, Isaac.
Isaac! Right here. Come on.
Oh, Isaac. Come here.
Come on. I've got you.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Are you sure?
How did you get here?
- Tell us. Did Eloy take you?
- Isaac, answer me.
- Joel, take him home. Now.
- Okay.
- He's coming with us.
- Grab him!
No! Eloy!
- Hey!
- Let him go!
Let him go! Hey.
He didn't do anything!
Let him go. Hey. Let him go.
- Okay? I got it. Let me handle it. Joel.
- Keep your boyfriend under control.
Eloy! No! Don't worry!
Do you like it?
They're bringing all your things
from the crater now.
We can put them wherever you'd like.
All your rocks would be perfect
right along this area too.
What do you think?
Am I gonna live here?
It's a lot better, right?
And where will Nuria live?
That doesn't matter anymore.
- Are you mad at me?
- No.
Why would you go
and think something like that?
- Hmm?
- For escaping.
Oh, don't worry about that. Mm.
Look. Now that everyone knows about you,
it's safer if you stay closer to us.
- It's for your own good.
- Mm-hmm.
Why? Does someone
out there want to hurt me?
Oh no. No.
- But they do want to hurt us.
- Okay. No need to scare him.
They know you're the weak point
to what we've built.
I'm afraid they'll use you against us
if they can.
That's the reason why we hid you.
- Hey! No!
- Hey! No! No! Stop it! Please!
Stop, stop, stop!
No! No! No, no, no!
No! Please don't!
No! He's not a bad guy.
- Isaac, hold on.
- He's my friend.
Don't let them kill me.
Don't worry. You can't. He's my friend.
- Forget about him, Isaac. Okay?
- No. I'm telling you. Please!
Okay. Calm down.
He's gonna be fine. All right?
- Eloy.
- Please!
You're forgiven.
You can leave. See?
You can calm down.
- I wanna go with him.
- No, no, no.
You're staying right here.
Eloy can come see you anytime, okay?
- I wanna meet the others.
- And you will, Isaac.
You're going to travel
with them very soon.
You you're their guide.
Hey! Wait, wait, wait!
Please! Enough!
That's enough! That's enough!
I'm begging you.
Your one job
was to look after the kid.
Where are you going?
Isaac wasn't supposed to leave,
and you let that happen.
Does it hurt?
You're a fucking bitch.
Let's see if this helps you feel better.
Ibón, you need to calm down.
You're not doing Eloy any favors. Hmm?
Fun's over today.
Enjoy your evening.
See you bright
and early tomorrow.
You're okay? You are?
I'm okay.
Forgive me.
I treated you badly,
and I didn't take care of you
like I should have.
And you miss him too.
And I missed you a lot.
- Mm!
- Aw, yeah!
- Bravo!
- Yeah! Go, man!
They're so cute.
Aw, you guys.
I know there's someone else
who'd really like to see you. There.
You're still alive.
No thanks to you.
You made Eva turn me in.
No. Eva thought of it herself.
And you did nothing.
I'm alive thanks to that kid.
He saved me. Astrid and Erick's son.
You two are friends, right?
He told me everything. He's a good person.
He's not like them yet.
Not yet.
They were keeping him hidden
in the volcano crater.
They're training him
to be our leader or something.
- Is it for when we go on the trip?
- What trip?
So it's true?
They wanna take us to another planet?
Wait a minute. Explain.
Humans have been
destroying the planet, and it's dying.
Before it's too late, they're going to
take us to a place called "the New Eden."
You're serious?
I think it's time the Rebellion attacks.
The Rebellion? Now?
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- And we've made a plan to murder Astrid.
Ibón found some explosives.
You'll help?
Yeah, I'll help
in whatever way you guys need.
No. He's done enough.
No, no, no, no, no. I volunteered.
Who knows about the New Eden?
Just you for now.
- It's just us?
- Yeah. It's just us.
It's gonna take a big majority
to turn against Astrid.
And the more people who hate her,
the easier the rebellion will be.
And that way, fewer people
will turn against us when we murder her.
What do we do now?
Let's spread the rumor.
It's come time for everyone
to figure out what's happening here.
I found out what they're doing.
It's like a whole new universe to live in.
Okay. Keep moving. Let's go!
They're gonna send us
into outer space on a spaceship.
To a place they call the New Eden.
I'm just telling you what I heard
from a very credible source, okay?
I heard something
that should interest you.
Hold the pace, okay?
Come on! Let's go!
What's up?
All right. Let's go, everyone.
That's it! Good job! Come on!
I think it's been working.
All right, everyone.
Ready to go?
Let's get started.
- África.
- Yeah? What's up?
- Did you hear about what's going on?
- Yeah.
- And?
- And?
- Are you on their side?
- We're starting.
Well, I better go.
Come on, Africa.
- You buy their bullshit story?
- Get off my back.
After what they've done to Charly?
To Charly?
To Charly?
Do you have any idea
where I've been all this time?
Did you or your friends
even think to come find me?
Did you, for a goddamn second,
think of me?
I didn't know that you needed any help.
Don't pretend that you're my friend now.
'Cause I'm not buying it.
I can take care of myself. As always.
And you shouldn't be bad-mouthing
your superiors.
Be grateful I'm not reporting you.
Come on, guys. Please sit down.
Quiet, all of you. Quiet, please.
Continue, Som.
You were telling us about your father.
There's not much more to say about him.
I really love him.
- Hmm. Is he a good man?
- Yeah.
Are you sure?
It's just I sense there's more
going on inside of you.
Am I wrong?
I mean, mm, as people,
I think we're pretty different.
He's spent years trying
to get me to work at his company.
You know, continue the family tradition.
What's his company?
He manages a group
of oil extraction plants
that he builds all over the world.
Are you an only child?
- Mm-hmm.
- You're his heiress, then.
Every once in a while, a parent puts
too much pressure on their own child.
The thing is, I'm afraid
my dad doesn't have much longer to live.
His health is deteriorating.
My God. I'm sorry.
His death might just be
liberating for you.
Excuse me?
It sounds insensitive.
But when your father passes away,
then you'll be able to decide who you are.
Everyone here in Eden's taken that step.
We've all chosen who's in our family.
You'll be able to someday
choose for yourself.
Thank you, Som, for sharing.
Sure. I suppose.
Okay, everyone.
Let's get on our feet.
Okay, that'll be all for today.
- Thank you very much.
- You lied!
- Ibón, shut up.
- What did you say?
You've been tricking us
into staying here for too long.
- Liar!
- This has already gone too far!
- You lied to us!
- Stop!
- What are you doing?
- I won't be quiet.
- Liar!
- Been lying from the start.
- We're serious!
- I'm tired of this.
What the hell?
Take them away!
- Don't touch me.
- You're all lying!
Complete bullshit!
I'm sick of this.
What are we really doing here?
- Quiet down!
- This is getting way out of hand!
Get your hands off me, man!
- Do something.
- What? A mass shooting?
- Tell us the fucking truth!
- No. I won't be quiet!
- Take care of the new girls.
- I'm not their nanny.
No. You're my employee,
and you'll do as I say.
Move it.
- You've been lying to us.
- Okay, okay. We're done for today.
Som, this way, please.
Molly? Come on.
- Wanna get outta here? Yeah? Good.
- We're tired of secrets and lies.
Let's go!
- Whoo! Come on! Come on! Come on!
- Whoo!
Let's go! Whoo!
- Let's go! Let's go!
- Whoo!
Let's go!
- No!
- Oh snap!
You got it! You got it! You got it!
- Come on!
- Faster!
It's on!
I don't believe it.
- I loved it.
- Oh my God, that was great.
- Oh man.
- We got you when we came on the right.
Yeah, but we totally beat you,
though, didn't we?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Winners!
Charly. Astrid wants you
to seal the deal with Som tonight.
- Seal the deal?
- Mm-hmm.
- No, no, no. Tonight's too soon.
- Not for Som. I know she's into it.
In your room tonight.
Yeah, sure. With Molly right there?
Don't you worry.
I'll take good care of her.
- What are you planning?
- Hey, chill out. She's a kid.
Exactly. That's right.
Charly, just in case you're thinking
of tricking us or something like that,
don't try.
We'll know if you did it or not.
Yeah, how? Gonna record me?
Come on, guys. Race you.
Run, run, run, run!
- Whoa!
- Whoo!
- Be out in a sec.
- No rush.
- I better not look.
- You can if you want.
The bosses invited Molly again,
and I just don't understand
what they see in her.
- Well, she's a really good kid.
- And I'm not?
Not really.
I like that about you.
Well, since Molly's not here,
we could do something special, no?
What kind of special?
What's that?
This is the drink we make here.
You haven't tried it yet?
Yeah. But I'm not really thirsty now.
This should help us relax a little,
don't ya think?
Yes. Especially you.
Have some.
- Oh, well, I'll save it for later.
- I'll finish it.
Charly, are you okay?
Yeah. Just give me a sec.
What's the outfit?
They gave it to me.
You're invited to dinner again?
Yeah. What am I supposed to do?
- Just say you're tired.
- Of what? Of swimming at the beach?
They won't buy it, Zoa.
You love to spend time
in that fucking house.
No. But if I don't go,
it'll make them suspicious.
And Joel? Is he going?
Not sure. Why do you ask?
Oh, I just saw you two on the beach.
Yeah, well, I'm not sure
what you saw, but
Well, I saw a little girl flirting
with her captor.
- Little girl?
- Mm-hmm.
You're letting your guard down, Gabi.
I just came to tell you about the dinner.
Because you're supposed
to care about me, right?
'Course I do.
Then instead of giving me shit,
get us off this island.
You promised.
- I will.
- Oh sure. How, though?
- We're escaping?
- Not exactly.
But I need you
to keep your head on straight.
That's what I'm doing.
'Cause if I had to count on
your Rebellion
- Am I interrupting?
- It's not about you.
Sounded like it was.
So, what's up?
She's gonna go meet with them again?
They're taking her from me.
What do we do?
I have an idea.
What are you doing here?
I got something for you.
It might turn you on when you watch it.
- Ouch.
- Don't ever touch me again.
Astrid'll tell you what to do
with the film tomorrow.
Those are some damn good actors.
Especially the guy.
Charly, what's wrong?
Molly'll be here
when Astrid's back.
And I need you to behave tonight.
I'm getting really tired
of being your maid, you got that?
- I've had it.
- It's a temporary solution.
Temporary, okay?
I'm not here to have to clean
and pick up after you guys like this.
Why are you here?
Just for you.
Would you like
to start now, Astrid?
- Connect it.
- Okay.
It's connected.
- Do I need to watch the video?
- You already did.
It's in your eyes.
I can tell.
Good morning, Mr. Sisuk.
Astrid. I'd almost forgotten
what you looked like.
I wish I could say the same about you.
- Why are you calling?
- How are you doing?
Not too well, to be quite honest.
I need your full attention
when you watch this.
Is that?
- Som.
- My daughter?
She's mine now.
- God!
- Turn it off.
- You can't do this.
- Why would I turn it off?
Am I supposed to feel compassion
for the man who killed my father?
I didn't kill him.
But you hired someone to kill him.
It was just business.
- My daughter's not to blame.
- And I suppose my five-year-old son is?
What do you want? Revenge?
It's not revenge, Sisuk.
It's just business.
Som is going to stay here forever with me.
Your inheritance will come to me now.
Ironic, isn't it?
You tried to take
the New Eden project away from us.
And now you'll be our financier.
Over my dead body, Astrid.
You might be running out of time
to make us stop.
Rest in peace.
Astrid, don't!
The New Eden has an ecosystem
very similar to the earth's.
But it's way less polluted.
It's full of freshwater lakes
and crystal-clear rivers
that go on for miles.
Even though the moon
is nearly twice as big,
the tides behave in the same way.
The atmosphere is completely breathable.
And it gets its light from a star
that's very similar in size to our sun.
That means we can grow
the same crops as here.
We won't have any issues
with our food supply.
And the wine'll taste just as good.
Yeah, but how do you know this?
Are there photos or?
You don't believe me?
No, no. I was just curious.
My father told me before he died.
They'll take us there
so we can populate it,
and we'll be
the only human beings that'll survive.
My father spent
his entire life researching it.
The New Eden.
It'll be a haven of liberty and peace.
- Call Joel.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Stay behind me.
Astrid! Careful!
Who's there?
Who the hell is out there?
We found them, Astrid.
We've found the New Eden.
We found the New Eden.
The house is supposed to be under
your protection day and night.
Where exactly was your guard?
- Someone dropped the ball.
- Why?
Because people aren't too happy
with what's being said about you lately.
They think this is just a scam,
and we're killers?
I don't know.
What are you doing?
Shh. Not a word.
What's in there?
A lot of problems.
Sending signal
to outer space.
Sending signal
to outer space.
Waiting for response.
Sending signal
to outer space.
Waiting for response.
I'm aware that there are many
who don't trust our plans.
Believing in what you can't see
is very difficult.
It's called faith.
The same faith
you've always held in our beloved family.
Today that faith will be rewarded.
Because we've received
the message we've been waiting for.
A signal that's arrived
from beyond the stars.
It's them.
We've found them.
The New Eden.
Subtitle translation by: Meredith Cannella
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