Where's Wally (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

Norway Out

# Oh, way, oh
# Oh, way, oh
# Where do you go
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh, way, oh
# I searched the world
For you
# Take a trip
Around the world
# Take a trip
Around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
# Jump in
Discover something new
# Oh, way, oh
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
# Where do you go
Where do you go? #
Where's Wally?
OK, young Wanderers.
This is a very important mission.
And you must be prepared
to expect the unexpected.
And you must be prepared
to expect the unexpected.
We're ready, Wizard Whitebeard.
Very good, Wally.
Goggles down, everyone.
Now wash those doggies!
Now wash those doggies!
Ha! You weren't joking.
This is definitely
the hardest, "Mission".
This is definitely
the hardest, "Mission".
I'll say. (CHUCKLES)
And one of the wettest.
Looking good.
Make sure you get behind those ears.
Hold still there, Arf.
Hold still there, Arf.
You two are expert doggie washers.
Don't you think, Mr. Wumples?
(CHUCKLES) Good one, Wump!
(CHUCKLES) Good one, Wump!
OK, Woof and Arf.
It's time to rinse off.
Runaway puppies!
Hold onto your stripes, everyone.
I'm on it.
Hold onto your stripes, everyone.
I'm on it.
Uh. Woah.
Uh. Hold on. (GRUNTING)
(GRUNTS) Woah!
Beards away!
Never mind.
Just a squeaky clean hamster.
Never mind.
Just a squeaky clean hamster.
Got you both.
Great slide, Wenda!
You not only caught our sudsy pups,
you also cleaned the HQ floor!
You not only caught our sudsy pups,
you also cleaned the HQ floor!
Now that I have these two
under control,
let's get some towels
to dry them off, Wally.
let's get some towels
to dry them off, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Right here, everyone.
the Wally Doggie Dryanator.
the Wally Doggie Dryanator.
Cool invention, Wally. Thanks.
Why use a towel when you can use
a Doggie Dryanator?
Why use a towel when you can use
a Doggie Dryanator?
A WanderPost?
It's from a fellow Wanderer.
It looks like they spotted
It looks like they spotted
some yellow and black stripes
sneaking around.
And a very sneaky ferret.
It's Odlulu and Fritz!
It sure is.
It's Odlulu and Fritz!
It sure is.
where did this WanderPost come from?
Young Wanderers, let us ask,
tada The WanderGlobe!
By striped staff and white of beard.
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, oh magic globe to show,
Spin, oh magic globe to show,
where these Wanderers will go
The city of Oslo!
The city of Oslo!
Norway is a very beautiful country.
There's snow, and mountains
and even snowy mountains.
And these waterways
made by glaciers called fjords.
And these waterways
made by glaciers called fjords.
Ha ha. A fun word to say "Fjord."
Say it with me
ALL: "Fjord."
But why would Odlulu want
to go to Norway?
But why would Odlulu want
to go to Norway?
(GASPS) Wonders!
It must be the legendary Wind Key.
(BOTH) The Wind Key?
Yes. A magic key that has the power
to create and control the wind.
Yes. A magic key that has the power
to create and control the wind.
So, that's why Odlulu's in Norway.
She's after the Wind Key.
But she won't find it easily.
But she won't find it easily.
The Wind Key was hidden in Norway
by Viking Wanderers a long time ago.
They knew that if the key
were to fall into the wrong hands
They knew that if the key
were to fall into the wrong hands
it could cause a real problem!
But why would they hide
the Wind Key?
Isn't wind a good thing?
Yeah, we just used it
to dry Woof and Arf.
Yeah, we just used it
to dry Woof and Arf.
Very true, Wanderers.
Wind can be a good thing.
In fact, the people of Norway
have been using wind
for a very long time.
have been using wind
for a very long time.
To power their windmills
..and even to create electricity
for their cities.
..and even to create electricity
for their cities.
And Viking explorers also used wind
to help sail their boats.
Yes, wind has helped
many Norwegians.
Yes, wind has helped
many Norwegians.
But too much wind
can also become a problem!
We see what you mean.
We see what you mean.
We'd better get to that Wind Key
before Odlulu does.
Right you are, Wenda.
Luckily, the ice cave
where the key is hidden
is easily gotten to by sail boat.
is easily gotten to by sail boat.
Just one little problem,
Wizard Whitebeard.
We don't know how to sail.
You're in luck, young Wanderers,
because it happens that I do.
You're in luck, young Wanderers,
because it happens that I do.
BOTH: You can sail?
I have sailed every ocean
and all seven seas.
I have sailed every ocean
and all seven seas.
Even a lake or two.
Wow. Then let's get going.
We have a Wind Key to save.
Haha! Let me grab
my windbreaker jacket.
Haha! Let me grab
my windbreaker jacket.
ALL: Wander!
I have to find that Wind Key, Fritz.
My old hair dryer broke
and I need a new one.
My old hair dryer broke
and I need a new one.
And what better way to dry my hair
than with a magical Wind Key?
With a Wind Key
I can have any hairstyle,
any time I want it.
I can have any hairstyle,
any time I want it.
Just imagine it, Fritz.
(CHUCKLES) Poofy Odlulu hair.
I'm not sure
where the Wind Key is hidden,
so let's keep checking off
sights and landmarks
so let's keep checking off
sights and landmarks
in this travel guide
until we find it.
Say hello, or, "Hallo"
to Oslo, Norway.
Say hello, or, "Hallo"
to Oslo, Norway.
Hallo, Norway!
We better find ourselves a boat
so we can sail to the ice cave
We better find ourselves a boat
so we can sail to the ice cave
before Odlulu finds it.
The water is west,
so let's head this way.
The water is west,
so let's head this way.
To the harbour to find a boat!
A Viking museum!
That would be a great place
to hide a Wind Key.
Come on, Fritz.
Come on, Fritz.
Really, Fritz?
Food, at a time like this?
But, Odlulu, yummy!
I know skolebrod is yummy,
but we're here to get the Wind Key,
not custard buns.
but we're here to get the Wind Key,
not custard buns.
Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!
Fine. You can get some skolebrod,
Fine. You can get some skolebrod,
while I go into that museum
to look for the key.
Hey, hey.
Skolebrod! Skolebrod! Skolebrod!
Skolebrod! Skolebrod! Skolebrod!
Thank you!
Ah. Oh?
Ah. What?
Ah. What?
Don't feed the lemmings!
Hm. This is the harbour.
Hm. This is the harbour.
But I don't see any boats.
Do you, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here!
I found a boat.
I found a boat.
WENDA: Wow. A real Viking boat.
WENDA: Wow. A real Viking boat.
(CHUCKLES) Sort of.
My dad and I built it
a few years ago.
We lend it to people who want
to spend the day sailing the fjords
We lend it to people who want
to spend the day sailing the fjords
just like the Vikings did.
"Fjord." That is a fun word to say,
isn't it?
Say it with me, "Fjord."
ALL: Fjord.
Say it with me, "Fjord."
ALL: Fjord.
My name's Frida.
Nice to meet you, Frida.
I'm Wally and this is Wenda.
Nice to meet you, Frida.
I'm Wally and this is Wenda.
And that's Wizard Whitebeard.
And we'd like to borrow your boat.
That's wonderful!
And we'd like to borrow your boat.
That's wonderful!
Enjoy sailing through Norway,
just like the Vikings did!
You weren't kidding,
Wizard Whitebeard.
Wind is really powerful.
(Whitebeard) Yes, it is.
Wind is really powerful.
(Whitebeard) Yes, it is.
Now, to the Wind Key!
ODLULU: I've looked
all over this museum
ODLULU: I've looked
all over this museum
and I still can't find the Wind Key.
It has to be here somewhere.
Ha, a Viking! I bet he'll know!
Ha, a Viking! I bet he'll know!
Excuse me, Mr. Viking.
Do you know where
Er the private tours are?
Of course I do!
I am your viking tour guide.
Of course I do!
I am your viking tour guide.
Um, actually
I will show you
priceless Viking treasures!
Viking treasure. Like a magic key.
Viking treasure. Like a magic key.
Yes, er, er Perfect!
Then prepare for your journey
into the past! Follow me!
into the past! Follow me!
In this room we have
real Viking shields.
Nice. But I'm looking for
This way!
And in this room,
we have real Viking helmets.
And in this room,
we have real Viking helmets.
But what about
But what about
And in this room you will find
real Viking boots!
Boots. Really?
Boots. Really?
Where are all the treasures?
Uh, b-but these are treasures.
They are very old.
But where is the Wind Key?
But where is the Wind Key?
Oh, uh we don't have any keys.
Huh. Makes sense.
No key here.
No key here.
Moving on.
Er wait.
You're leaving before we've visited
the Spoon Room.
It has real Viking spoons.
You won't want to miss that!
It has real Viking spoons.
You won't want to miss that!
Viking spoon!
This is amazing.
I feel like a real Viking, Wenda.
Me, too.
I hope we get to the Wind Key
before Odlulu finds it.
I hope we get to the Wind Key
before Odlulu finds it.
I'm sure. You heard Whitebeard.
He's sailed every ocean
and all seven seas.
We're in great hands.
What is going on?
(BOTH) Wizard Whitebeard?
Wanderers, I might have forgotten
to mention something.
Wanderers, I might have forgotten
to mention something.
I might get a little seasick
on every ocean
and all seven seas.
Not to mention a couple of lakes.
And a few ponds.
Not to mention a couple of lakes.
And a few ponds.
I need to get my land legs back.
Or is it my sea legs?
I can't even see my legs
I can't even see my legs
Without Wizard Whitebeard
to sail the boat,
how are we going to get
to the Wind Key before Odlulu?
Easy. You two will sail the boat.
Easy. You two will sail the boat.
Uh, we're gonna do what now?
You're going to sail for me!
But we've never sailed before.
Well, you're about to learn.
But we've never sailed before.
Well, you're about to learn.
I may not be able to stand
but I can teach.
Left is port. Right is starboard.
Listen to me. Listen to the sea.
Listen to me. Listen to the sea.
And we'll get to that Wind Key
before Odlulu!
Oof. The water. So choppy.
Oh, I don't feel good. (THUD)
Oh, I don't feel good. (THUD)
You really think we can do it?
I know you can do it, Wally.
You're Wanderers.
Then let's get sailing!
Wenda, grab the steering oar
at the stern of the boat.
Wenda, grab the steering oar
at the stern of the boat.
That means the back.
Wally, grab the line
and tighten the sail!
Look. The Wander Compass
is pointing to the right.
Or, "Starboard"!
See. You're already learning!
See. You're already learning!
Maybe just rest on the deck,
Wizard Whitebeard,
until you feel better.
Yes. Right. Rest. Good idea.
Yes. Right. Rest. Good idea.
ODLULU: That museum wasn't it.
Maybe this next place might be
where the Wind Key is hidden
Maybe this next place might be
where the Wind Key is hidden
The Seven Sisters Waterfall.
What a magical looking waterfall!
The perfect place
to hide a magic key.
The perfect place
to hide a magic key.
Let's look around.
Not under here.
Not over here
Not over here
Look over there, over there!
Fritz, I could use an extra hand
or paw over here.
Ah. No! No more! Mine!
This is not what I meant
by lending a paw!
This is not what I meant
by lending a paw!
My hair is ruined.
Now I need that Wind Key
hair dryer more than ever.
And the key is definitely not here.
I'm running out of places, Fritz.
And the key is definitely not here.
I'm running out of places, Fritz.
Bergenhus Fortress!
That's gotta be it!
If you're gonna hide a magic key,
you'd probably hide it in a castle.
If you're gonna hide a magic key,
you'd probably hide it in a castle.
Come on, Fritz!
We have a Wind Key to find.
I'll keep us going straight, Wally.
You keep that sail tight.
I'll keep us going straight, Wally.
You keep that sail tight.
That might be a problem.
Because we're heading
for a bunch of rocks!
Run to the front
and be Wenda's eyes.
Run to the front
and be Wenda's eyes.
Guide us through this.
Left, or, port!
Right, or, starboard!
Right, or, starboard!
Isn't sailing great? Huh.
Wenda? We're coming up
on a tough one!
Wenda? We're coming up
on a tough one!
Slight turn to the port side.
And when I say starboard,
turn it to the right!
Got it.
Starboard! Now!
Starboard! Now!
We did it! We're through the rocks!
We did it! We're through the rocks!
Great job, Wanderers.
Can someone untangle me?
I feel like a shoelace.
don't even wear shoes!
don't even wear shoes!
Oh, come on.
No Wind Key here either?
Without that key, my hair
is never going to look right!
Without that key, my hair
is never going to look right!
This is a disaster!
Let's go, Fritz.
Fritz? Now where did that ferret go?
Fritz? Now where did that ferret go?
Wha Uh-oh.
Ah I'll just be going now.
Ah I'll just be going now.
FRITZ: Ah. Eh.
No. Stop. Ah!
Tickles. (LAUGHING)
Tickles. (LAUGHING)
Yummy skolebrod! Get it!
There you are.
There you are.
Did you make some friends?
You want me to set up a play date?
Good. Because we need
to pick up the pace
if we're ever going to find the Key.
Let's go, let's go!
if we're ever going to find the Key.
Let's go, let's go!
Look! There's a fork in the fjord.
Look! There's a fork in the fjord.
Ha. That was fun to say.
"Fork in the Fjord."
But which way do we go?
Keep heading east, Wanderers.
Which way is that?
Which way is that?
East is this way, Wally.
But the water looks different.
It's swirling.
It's a maelstrom!
A whatstrom?
It's a maelstrom!
A whatstrom?
It's a very strong whirlpool
of water.
Like water draining in a tub.
That's definitely not a tub.
Like water draining in a tub.
That's definitely not a tub.
We'll need some speed
to get around it.
It's time to trim in the sails!
Pull the sail tight
for maximum speed.
Steer around the whirlpool.
We don't want to get sucked into it!
Hold on, Wizard Whitebeard!
Hold on, Wizard Whitebeard!
(Whitebeard) Looking good
looking good
We made it through!
And look, Wenda.
The Wind Key must be in one of them!
Could we pull over here?
Could we pull over here?
I'll crawl the rest of the way
if you don't mind. (MOANING)
That's all of them, Fritz.
The last landmark in the book
and no Wind Key.
The last landmark in the book
and no Wind Key.
That means no magic hair dryer
and no different hairstyle.
Our quest is over.
Odlulu! Odlulu!
Wanderers! What are they doing here?
If there are Wanderers
If there are Wanderers
then there also has to be
magic keys.
Come, Fritz.
Maybe it's not over yet
(GRUNTING) Oh, beautiful brown dirt.
(GRUNTING) Oh, beautiful brown dirt.
How I've missed
your earthy goodness.
Uh how're you feeling,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Oh, ho, like I've been
in a washing machine all day.
Oh, ho, like I've been
in a washing machine all day.
On spin cycle.
But other than that, fantastic!
I wonder which cave
the Wind Key is in, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone!
I think the Wind Key
must be in here.
I think the Wind Key
must be in here.
See! A Viking symbol.
Let's go get it
before Odlulu shows up.
ODLULU: Too late.
That Wind Key is all mine!
Come on, Fritz!
That Wind Key is all mine!
Come on, Fritz!
Where are you, Wind Key?
Odlulu! Woah.
Odlulu! Woah.
That's it! Great eyes, Fritzy.
Ha. Uh-oh. (SCREAMING)
Good job, Fritzy!
Let's get out of here before
Why are they here?
No! The Key!
No! The Key!
WALLY: Oh, no.
Odlulu must have activated the key!
We have to turn off the key
or Norway will have too much wind.
We have to turn off the key
or Norway will have too much wind.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Woah, woah.
Flying lemmings!
That was the name
of my high school rock band.
That was the name
of my high school rock band.
Hold on to your stripes! I'm on it!
I can't hold on much longer.
More lemmings!
He's not a lemming he's a ferret!
BOTH: Odlulu!
BOTH: Odlulu!
They're heading
right for the maelstrom!
Hurry, Wanderers.
We need to help them!
Hurry, Wanderers.
We need to help them!
Time to raise the sail!
WENDA: Oh no. Our sail.
We do have another sail.
Introducing the Wally HatSailanator!
Introducing the Wally HatSailanator!
BOTH: Help!
Wally! Port! Now!
Wally! Port! Now!
WENDA: Got you both!
Thanks, Wanderers.
You're welcome.
Thanks, Wanderers.
You're welcome.
But it's not over yet.
We need to turn off that key.
Wizard Whitebeard!
Get behind me and push.
It's going to take all of us!
Come on. Almost there.
One last push.
I can't quite reach it.
Wizard Whitebeard!
Use your white beard!
Oh. Why didn't I think of that?
Beards away!
No wonder the Viking Wanderers
wanted to hide this key.
We better put it back
where it belongs.
We better put it back
where it belongs.
And done.
Thanks for your help, Od Woah.
Thanks for your help, Od Woah.
Sorry I turned on the Wind Key.
I didn't know it was so powerful.
No. Not that.
It's your hair.
It's your hair.
(GASPING) That's it! It's perfect!
I have the ultimate hair style!
Fritz, can you believe it?
Fritz, can you believe it?
Come on Fritzy, we have to go.
I have to show everyone in Norway
my great new hair style!
Why are you laughing?
Why are you laughing?
Poofy Odlulu hair.
Now that should keep
the Wind Key and Norway safe.
Now that should keep
the Wind Key and Norway safe.
If you two expert sailors
wouldn't mind returning the boat.
I could use a long walk
on the Earth.
I could use a long walk
on the Earth.
BOTH: Sail!
BOTH: Sail!
Oh, hi, lemmings.
Are you hungry?
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