XIII: The Series s02e05 Episode Script


2x05 - "Joust" - It's been awhile.
- Yeah.
You're still in over your head, I see.
Still wearing ridiculous ties, I see.
Ride in the other car.
Getting stranded on a Synequanon-owned island isn't the smartest thing you've ever done.
No? What was the smartest? Well that remains to be seen.
But I can tell you what the stupidest was.
- I didn't do it.
- You didn't? You must remember my wife and my daughter.
This picture used to sit on my desk.
I have a new picture now, would you like to see it? This is what they look like now.
I'm sorry.
Why did they have to pay? Whatever your reasons for coming after Synequanon, - or me, they were innocent.
- It wasn't me.
- Why did you do it? - I.
It! Is that clear enough for you? Stage Two.
Stage Two? What's Stage Two? This is Stage Two.
I was a secret agent, betrayed by my own people.
Robbed of my face, my memories, my history.
Hidden in my past is a secret that threatens all humanity.
I search for answers with nothing to hold onto but the tattoo that has become my name.
I am Thirteen.
- You all right? - Yeah thanks.
You didn't think we'd leave you with those corporate bastards, did you? I'm a little surprised, to be honest.
We wanted to get the two of you at the same time.
- You've militarized.
- The media calls us terrorists anyway.
Might as well take advantage of it.
Ah yeah, this is a nice place.
The Veil must have very deep pockets.
Shut up.
I like you.
You're witty.
You did the design work in here? So subtle.
- I'm sorry we left things the way we did.
- There's no need to apologize.
I understand what you were trying to achieve with the Synequanon bombing.
I can see why it was necessary.
Whoa, whoa.
I told you it wasn't me.
I was there when you planned it.
What should be our next move? Don't you think this has already gone too far? We haven't gone far enough.
Innocent people have died.
That man tied to a chair out there his wife and child were killed in the bombing.
His little girl! Whatever it is we're trying to achieve, it's not worth that.
Yes? Yes, sir.
They want to speak with you.
- They? - You know who.
Where are you, brother? Why is he calling me? Are you working with him? We are working with you.
What's so funny? How about one more? Just on this side.
I have a real thing for symmetry.
So nice of you to finally join my little party, XIII.
- I have a few questions now.
- You didn't answer any of my questions.
Why would I answer yours? I did.
You just didn't like the answers.
Turns out I found out a few answers.
It was you who was responsible for setting off that bomb.
Who were just talking to on the other line? Who was it that answered? How do you know about that? Why does that matter? Oh, it makes all the difference.
'Cause you know the person who answered that line - is the one who's responsible.
- How could that It was you who answered, XIII.
I'm gonna really enjoy hurting you.
You're not exactly in a position to make threats.
Aren't I? Betty, would you be a dear? Betty, what Why? - How did you do this? - Oh XIII, it gets so much better.
Stage Three.
We've just begun.
I tried the easy way.
Check his vitals.
- A little elevated, but - Are we good? - Yes.
- Then leave.
- That's not what we talked - Get out.
I'll call you when you're needed go.
Go! What is this? Where are Betty and Mozambique? You never escaped.
We took you from Ariella Island and brought you straight here.
What? There's information that we'd like to get from you so we manipulated you to make you think that you'd escaped.
- With friends.
- Betty and Mozambique weren't real? No, the human brain is an amazing canvas.
We put a few choice colours on your palette, and you painted the most vivid picture.
Thank you.
Now we know about Betty and Mozambique.
You had another hidden talent XIII, I bet you never knew quite how good an artist you were.
But you controlled them.
Well, I did guide the brush a little bit.
If you harm them.
Well that depends.
Why was Synequanon targeted? To hurt you and your family.
Is that what you want to hear? Don't patronize me! - What is the Veil planning next? - They've disbanded for all I know.
- What did you find on the island? - A lot of really good weed.
The truth is: "history is made by bold men.
" But even they need the help of others.
Men who will kill for them and disappear.
Even die.
I'm not that man anymore.
No shit.
You got in the way of your own mission.
At the best of times you were a liability and now you are a gigantic pain in my ass, nothing else.
So kill me.
No, the attack on Synequanon was the act of a bold man.
- And that is not you.
- Don't kid yourself.
- About what? - There's no noble cause here.
This is all about revenge for you.
Yes But then, everything is.
I find the smallest cut is often most unbearable for people.
The detail.
Open your mouth.
Less is more, as they say.
Is that what your wife used to say? We're ready for you now.
We're gonna administer a new neurostimulant.
You can think of it like a painkiller, only the reverse.
You're going to feel every second of what's about to come.
Oh, I need to ask.
What was The Veil hoping to accomplish, exactly? Were they hoping to force us to lower our emissions or stop sweatshop labour? - I guess they're sick of corporate greed.
- Corporate greed? You might as well be sick of Mexicans eating tacos.
Corporate greed is fiscal responsibility.
That's their point.
They want a new paradigm.
I mean, yes.
The Veil does want that but the truth is they're bigger patsies than Oswald.
There's someone else involved, isn't there? Someone tied to a corporation.
Because this is all too coincidental for our competitors.
The question is which one? I don't know, Google? I'm getting very sick of your quips.
I'll ask you one more time.
- I'll ask again.
- Son of a bitch.
Who are you working for? He's unstable he's my double He's looking for the Tesla letters.
If you're not involved how do you know about the letters? - I need to check him if he codes - Not yet.
The Tesla Letters that's what he wants - that's why he set me up.
- Set you up? Come on, XIII.
Can I take off a couple of fingers at one go? Am I still within parameters? Stype, an answer? We are so far beyond the parameters right now.
We are.
You see I lost everything.
And although that's a terrible feeling it's also a little bit liberating.
You know the real problem with Abu Ghraib? They took pictures.
This is your last chance.
So there's a double? Another XIII? It's true.
It's true.
Why? That can't be easy or cheap.
The facial grafts.
Two full surgeries.
And with the taxpayer's money.
You see, I wish I would've known what a disappointment you would be.
That's when I still believed in the power of government.
Now I believe only in the power of corporations.
Corporations are honest.
They only have one purpose to make more money.
And because of that singular purpose, they have great power.
Doesn't matter what I say.
You just wanna see me bleed.
This has nothing to do with want God! He's flatlining! He took your eye.
And then I stopped him, and stabilized you but I need to advise you he's not gonna give up.
Have you drugged me? Oh God, yes.
A lot.
What did he do to me? You're not feeling the full extent of the pain because you're in shock.
But That'll pass.
I've cleaned and dressed the eye.
But I need to cauterize that wound or, you're not gonna make it.
He's not going to let me walk out of here anyway.
You might wanna bite down on something.
Don't bother! There's no way out.
Come closer.
- I want you to see my resolve.
- Let her go.
You know, I should have known better.
All of that slicing we did.
The beatings, the shocks - It's gonna be okay, Betty.
- Don't lie to her.
It's fine.
Just stay still, okay? But I have to admit, you have the highest pain threshold of any man that I've ever met.
- I'm used to it.
- Life as a human punching bag.
But how much pain do you think she can take? - Don't - I've always been curious.
When Jones shot you in the chest How did you feel? Did you feel betrayed? - Or grateful? - I haven't forgotten your role in that.
You got her killed.
But that is the pattern, isn't it? Other people paying for your mistakes.
It's okay.
It's not okay.
Stop! Why? Because you love her? Love? Because she's beautiful? Innocent? Take a look around you, XIII.
My loved ones are here somewhere.
This is what becomes of innocence.
There is nothing I can do here that can compare to that.
She has nothing to do with this.
Then it's guilt by association.
I'm going to ask you one more time.
Who is responsible for this? And if I don't like the answer I am gonna open her pretty little French throat.
You know what go ahead.
- This isn't real.
- Oh, it's not real? I can still hear my saw cutting through your fingers.
No, we're still in a dream.
I'm asleep and she isn't even here.
Feel it.
The details are almost perfect, but What are you doing? I'm showing you that I know that this is not real.
Are you crazy? You're not dreaming, XIII! You woke up a long time ago.
If you kill her, she does not come back.
- I'm sorry Betty.
- Are you sure about this, XIII? You're willing to make another mistake? Lose this bet? Yes.
You killed her.
I had to do it.
And now I'm going to kill you.
Get me out of here now! You're out.
The vitals are dead on.
He's out of R.
Reboot him.
Run it again.
- It's not that simple.
- Then make it simple.
We escalated from physical coercion, up the chain to threatening the Barnowsky woman.
- Up the ante again.
- Wouldn't matter.
Why not? He's become a lucid dreamer.
There's no way to make him believe that what he sees is real.
You can't threaten him.
Proceed to Stage Four.
Stage Four is far too dangerous, and untested.
I don't care.
I want yes, yes! Say yes or I'll tie you to that goddamned machine and leave you there! Alright.
What? How? How long have we got? How does it work? - You confront him directly.
- Didn't I just do that? Yes, but you were on his ground.
This will draw him into yours.
- Go on.
- You control the environment.
You confront him with what he did.
How is that gonna help? Even if he doesn't wanna admit the bombing, it's not gonna matter.
The readings will give him away.
It's like Try not to think of an elephant.
- How long will it take? - Thirty minutes.
Great, you've got less than twenty, that call was from a friend at White House.
They know we have him.
It won't be long before this place is crawling with homeland security, I want him dead and cremated before that happens.
I can work with that.
Hold the image in your head.
Imagine the contours of the space.
Now, feel your way down the hallway Alright.
I'm imagining the day-care.
- I want you to see the children.
- I wasn't there.
But you've seen the security footage, have you not? A thousand times.
Then we can place you there.
You won't hear anything.
But you'll see it.
What do you see? I see cubbyholes for the children's coats.
And the shoes, lined up by the door.
Now, focus on the art on the walls the posters what color are the walls? That's excellent.
You're doing very well.
And I have a baseline we're good to go.
Now keep thinking about the space.
Just visualize it, just as you've been doing.
Just get on çith the damn thing.
I want you to count back from one-hundred, but between each number describe what you're seeing in your mind's eye.
I see Abigail drawing a picture.
She looks very happy.
Ninety-nine I see one of the teachers helping the child.
I can smell her perfume.
She has tremendous breasts.
Ninety-eight I see the sunlight coming in through the windows Ninety-seven I can see a little boy playing with a truck in the corner.
Ninety-six - Where are we? - You know very well.
- I've never been here before.
- This is where my wife and daughter died.
- This is where you killed them.
- I told you it wasn't me.
You don't get to leave.
How are you doing this? On her last birthday, she asked me for a smartphone.
I said no.
I thought she was growing up too fast.
Now she won't at all.
My little Abigail.
Her name means a father's joy.
I keep seeing that.
So, you weren't here? That's what I keep trying to tell you.
Your infamous doppelganger.
He worked for somebody.
I don't know who He's trying to frame me for this, to hurt us both.
What is this symbol? What does it mean? It's nothing.
Wait! Don't move.
- What a waste of time.
- He's seizing! He should've woken up with you when the bomb went off.
It didn't work.
It did work.
You recreated the environment.
- He didn't react.
- No, not in the way you wanted to.
Not with recognition.
That's that's significant.
- How? - The whole time there was no activity in the memory part of his brain.
There should have been a flicker of recognition.
The event, it never registered with him.
What does that mean? He's telling the truth.
- What's that spike? - That's the section of the brain that handles language and symbol processing.
It did mean something.
In the dream, was there a recurring motif or something? A letter, a numerical sequence, a symbol? - Heaven.
- I'm sorry? The Chinese symbol for Heaven.
Why isn't he awake? Wake him up.
- I can't.
- Why not? He's in too deep.
He's not dreaming per se, he's accessing his own memories.
But wow that's interesting.
They're not episodic, they're semantic.
What does that mean? The memories that he's accessing are not in the hippocampus, where most time-related memories are stored.
They're in the temporal neocortex, which is where memory of meanings, and concept-based knowledge is stored.
- Meaning what? - Whatever memory he's in, has something to do with what you showed him.
Put me back in.
Oh, no, no absolutely not.
It was dangerous enough the first time, the second time I'm not gonna ask you again.
Excuse me.
- You're early.
- So are you.
I was hoping to do some work in before you got here.
Really? What kind of work? - Oh, just planning future protests.
- Always the activist.
You can't be a part-time militant.
So Our newest member.
It's so good to have you aboard.
I just wanted to tell you a little about The Veil - What is this? - What we hope to accomplish You wanted answers, well, I'm getting them.
It's a little trip down memory lane.
Most organizations give a structure - It's not how this works.
- Woah.
Let's go back.
I keep seeing this symbol.
And it means something.
I saw it when I was captured too.
While he was bombing Synequanon.
- You're early.
- So are you.
I was hoping to do some work in before you got here.
Pong? The hell is he doing here? He still hasn't woken up.
I'll be in my office.
I have work to do Now, you're gonna tell me what that symbol means.
Or I am gonna ram this pen through your neck.
I was looking in the wrong place.
They knew it.
- Who knew it? - The man in the diner.
XU corporation's CEO.
What does that symbol mean? It means "Heaven.
" It's the Chinese character for "Heaven".
XU Corporation's idea of Heaven on Earth is global domination with HEARPE they're gonna get it.
And what does that gotta do with me? I don't know.
That's what we have to find out.
I saw this on a monitor.
There was a workstation where he the double tried to brainwash me.
It's true? The double, you being captured.
Every word.
I was wrong.
I can help you find him.
And why would you help me? 'Cause you and I have a common enemy now.
I was wondering when you call.
Nothing personal, I'm sure.
I know, I know, technically I tried to kill you, but then, brothers fight.
But the thing about brothers is they always forgive.
Where does it end? I think the better question is where did it begin? Though that may be the same place, now that I think about it.
We're both hunted, trapped in this face.
The apex predator is never hunted.
They hunt.
The thing about the apex predator by definition there's only one.
I knew you'd understand.
- That's why you bombed Synequanon.
- To prove you're the apex.
That was the despicable attack of a monster.
But I do hear that it caused some instability in the boardroom.
Is that what XU told you? I don't know what you're talking about.
Like hell.
Someone gave you my face.
Your face? It's not even your first.
I'd hardly call it your face.
Oh sorry, Real Housewives is about to start we're gonna have to continue this conversation later, brother.
Cia ciao.
So that's the man that killed my family.
He thinks he and I are somehow connected.
You are.
You're both pas in the XU Corporation scheme to control HEARPE.
They became interested in the Project when we tried to bring them on as partners.
Oh that went well.
You don't meet our enemies; you create them.
Yes? It seems we have a situation.
You're still wanted by the Government.
Clear! Unfortunately I can't just let you walk out of here.
It wouldn't look right.
Here make it believable.
Just don't break anything.
- Maybe I should just shoot you.
- Maybe you should.
Sorry to bother you again sir - The subject escaped? - Yes.
Then everything went as planned.
It did.
And how would you like to proceed? Stage Five.

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