Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s02e05 Episode Script


Although this story is inspired
by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
Today at 8:00 p.m. on Informe Especial,
dark revelations about intelligence
services and politics in Argentina.
A shocking investigation
by Leonardo Forrester.
Tonight on Informe Especial.
Well, here we are.
This is another story. It began
If any motherfucker thinks
that this will stop me,
he is quite mistaken.
Can you stay here until tonight?
Should we watch the report?
I can't.
I'm going to the airport
to pick someone up.
You'll be all right.
Let me get a shovel.
I'll have toast
and a tea with milk, please.
-A coffee for me, thank you.
-Coming right up.
So, how did you like the obstetrician?
What matters is that you like him.
-Yes, he assured me everything is fine.
-Did you hear about the epidural?
I was worried about that,
but I'm okay with it now.
What did they say at work?
I'm taking three months off.
Just three?
I'm training Haydée to cover for me
during the first months,
but I don't think it's necessary.
There are too many people coming
to the AMIA every day to ask for a job.
I can't and I don't want
to leave my position.
So I'll be back after three months
on maternity leave
Listen to me. Go outside now.
Get out, now.
A quarter past eleven in the morning
in Buenos Aires.
María is receiving
a message that is some sort of--
-Right, for a--
-A heavyweight.
Last time we met, you said
we would meet again on the weekend.
It's been five years.
What are you doing here?
I was curious.
I wanted to see
what these places were like.
It looks like a union hotel.
You're right, you know?
After the budget cuts we've been through,
the Armed Forces look like a union.
The drinks are good though.
It's just a place to relax
after traveling.
I arrived yesterday, I sleep here today,
and I'll go back
to Puerto Belgrano tomorrow.
What do you do for fun with no visitors?
Play cards?
Kind of. It saddens me that you are
disappointed with a naval officer's life.
I guess you have your own room.
Yes. That I do.
Keep going.
You're so beautiful.
You drive me crazy.
Keep going. Don't stop.
I'm coming.
Oh, my God.
Do you ever think of me?
Thanks to you, I know
marriage is not my thing.
-Honesty above all, right?
-Whenever possible.
Of course.
Tell me. Why are you here?
I'm after something big.
Only you can help me.
You didn't need to do all this.
You've never known what I needed.
What happened, baby boy?
You're never late.
I have been here for half an hour.
You don't like this, do you?
What do you mean?
It's the first time you're bringing me
information and not the other way around.
Does that turn you on?
Enrique Fontana. Former Air Force Officer.
Exonerated for serious breaches
of military honor.
He feels great resentment towards
his own Force and former comrades.
He's been in jail for three years
in unit 72 for fuel adulteration.
A marine providing information about
the Air Force smells like rotten meat.
Don't be mistaken, you're not my boss.
I'm bringing you fresh meat.
The data about the Condor is fragmented.
Between the Air Force, Intelligence,
Services, Chancellery and Defense.
And they all want it to continue this way.
Like lost pieces of a puzzle.
Fontana was there when the missile
was dismantled.
Only he knows where it is.
Then why didn't he negotiate his freedom?
Go find out.
-Who are you visiting?
-Marcelo García.
Come in.
-Who are you visiting?
-Daniel Borrás.
Come in.
-Who are you visiting?
-Mario Fernández.
Come in.
-Who are you visiting?
-Enrique Fontana.
Come in.
Who are you visiting?
-It's bad for you.
Who are you?
I'm a patriot like you.
You have won me over.
Now surprise me.
I'm looking for the Condor.
You're bold.
The Condor doesn't exist.
It's not certain whether it was tested
or not.
But there is proof that some prototypes
were made.
I understand that as an Air Force member,
you swore to protect that information.
I wonder if that oath expired
when you were dismissed.
Look, I know I'm an outcast now
but I'm not a traitor.
Me neither.
It's a national security issue.
You want to talk about national security?
There is a stand on Costanera Sur
where they make delicious Provençal fries.
We can discuss it there.
Only there, over some fries.
You can't get me out of here, can you?
Then don't waste my time.
But it's Sunday.
We're supposed to start on
the baby's room together.
I know, darling. But I can't.
There's a surprise audit tomorrow.
I have to be there.
I'll spend the whole day at the bank.
Don't wait for me for dinner.
All right. I'll start it myself.
See you later.
With this, the fries won't make you sick.
This is the death certificate.
I'm taking the body to the morgue.
Hurry up. We have two minutes
until he goes into actual cardiac arrest.
The Condor is an odd thing.
It's hard to believe
that it's been created here,
in this part of the world.
I am very aware of its value,
and I'm not giving it to you for free.
I don't care about that.
What worries me is getting you
out of jail for nothing.
I am the only person
who can help you find it.
I have to shuffle things around first.
How much?
Look. The Scud is a short-range missile
with low accuracy.
It was sold for three million dollars.
The Condor is highly accurate
and has a range of 1,200 kilometers.
It can handle a nuclear warhead.
Do the math. It's just the rule of three.
How much time do you need?
I'm in more of a hurry than you,
but we can fuck it up if we rush things.
Take this, so you're not hard up.
There is more.
I'll find you wherever you go.
There are two options if you let me down.
Killing you or putting you back in jail.
I'm going to Córdoba
where my family lives.
You know where to find me.
-Have you just arrived?
-Did something happen?
I'll take the day off on Friday
so we can have more time together.
How is the baby?
He missed you.
Me not so much.
Oh, my God.
There's Haydée.
She's taking over for me, remember?
-Good morning.
-How are you?
-I'm coming.
Don't let her sabotage you.
-I won't teach her any of my secrets.
-Very good.
-I love you.
-You too.
-Go ahead.
Good morning. How are you?
-I got it!
I have the companies' contact information
in this folder.
It includes order date,
entry date, and contact numbers.
Are you okay, Eli?
-I'm calling an ambulance.
-No, don't. Haydée, stop.
It's okay.
Are you sure?
-It was a huge kick.
-You should get it checked out.
I'll go with you.
No. It's okay.
It's all right.
Yesterday you were following me.
Today you have company.
Many red flags were raised.
You lack elegance, but you have guts.
You'll have me exposed if you follow me.
Let me work alone.
I know how to do my job. Thanks.
Stop checking over your shoulder.
We are always there.
The problem is that they gave you
too much freedom.
That's not happening with us.
Who is that guy you released?
He is leading us to the Condor.
Great. I want to talk to him
if he's so important.
He's not talking to you.
No matter how many fries you buy him.
I know these kinds of people well.
Air Force officials, Catholics, and
fundamentalists flying Israeli planes
They admire Israel for the Six-Day War,
but their love doesn't extend
to the entire Jewish people.
Let me do it. I'm not a sayan.
Ruben Textiles. We heard an explosion.
Two teams. One with Uri and one with me.
Uri, you go to the consulate.
We'll go to the ambassador's house.
Eli. Eli.
No! This way.
Where are you?
Haydée. Where is Eli?
I'm Yosi, her husband. Where is she?
Eli, my love.
-Are you okay?
Hi. Yes.
Yes, I'm okay.
I was just scared because Jonás
turned around.
Haydée brought me here.
-Are you all right?
-How is the baby?
-He's okay.
The doctor said I'll be under observation
for two hours, then I can leave.
I thought I lost you.
What is happening?
Yosi, what's going on?
Pasteur 600. The images of March 17,
1992 are being brought back to life.
A Jewish community has been attacked.
We can see the remains of the AMIA,
and the relentless work of firefighters
and doctors from all organizations.
We are watching the horrific destruction.
Really, we can't find
This was an act of God.
God sent us this child.
What would've happened without him?
Can you donate blood, sir?
Ambulances, siren sounds,
and distorted faces.
This is what we are witnessing
at exactly 9:54 in the morning.
Inform the whole community's
institutions network.
We need urgent support from Tel Aviv.
Anti-terrorism, explosives experts,
and Farsi translators,
we might intercept
some snippets of their conversations.
I'm calling for a state of alert
in every airport,
Ciudad del Este, Asunción,
Santiago, and São Paulo.
Rabin is anxiously expecting updates,
even if it's partial.
It's urgent.
I want to see him!
Where is he? I want to see him.
Where is he?
around Pasteur 600,
four bags containing human remains
The prosecutor stated that those bags
could contain four bodies or 44
to show that there hasn't
been a total study of the disaster.
Here, the work continues,
just like last Monday,
minutes after an unknown assailant
caused this tragedy in Buenos Aires.
They are apparently already working
on the sidewalk, as you can see.
In just one hour,
four dump trucks went in and out.
They went in empty and came out full.
Yosi, how is Eli?
-Fine. She's resting.
-I was worried.
Yes, we're all right.
Eli and the baby are fine.
Thank God. I've been thinking of Eli
and your son the whole afternoon.
Your baby is a blessing.
Thanks, Saúl.
I can't stop thinking that this
must have a meaning.
I wonder why God let me witness
so much horror.
Why does he keep me alive?
Do you need anything, Saúl?
Do you want me come to you?
No. You should stay with Eli.
-Take care of her.
It's not just an attack against
commendable work,
but a renewed wound
at the heart of the Jewish people.
There are many incoming messages
with news about effects of this attack.
In a signed statement by their leader,
Raúl Alfonsín,
the radical constituent block
expressed their condemnation
Blessed are you, Lord our God,
King of the Universe,
who has sanctified us
with his commandments.
I want you to know that a state court
is working on the investigation.
And, as assistants of justice,
we are monitoring it all.
We have established checkpoints
at airports and border crossings.
We are 100% focused on this.
It is a national priority.
Of course, you can trust us
and our methods.
If you encounter any difficulties
when following a lead,
don't hesitate to come to us.
We consider it an attack
on the whole country.
With solidarity towards
the people of Israel, of course.
Yes, but in two years
there have been two attacks,
and this last one has been
unusually cruel.
Of course.
This has affected everyone.
You should know that our institution
has always cared for the Jewish community.
Thanks. Good evening.
"Always cared for the Jewish community".
Cared, my ass.
Yes, sir. I got it.
The boss said he isn't coming today.
Do you have an envelope?
Give this to him.
Could you get me a towel
for the dressing room?
Yes, of course.
-Can you sit down?
-Of course.
Am I all right here?
Excuse me, can I check your mic?
This one's okay. Good to go.
I'm coming.
Jacket open or closed,
since I'm sitting down?
-Mr. Perales.
Nice to meet you.
We really appreciate having
a journalist like you.
It's my pleasure.
I'm happy to be working with the team.
We need independent and bold journalism
in our country.
That's what sets us apart.
Leonardo, it's time for you
to become a journalism icon,
and not just a columnist.
Would you like to have your own program?
That would be an honor.
I have so many ideas
We want to give you the opportunity.
If he approves.
What do you mean?
Sorry, I don't understand.
Who needs to approve this?
A friend who helped me out
when I needed a permit to buy the channel.
I'll let you talk to him.
What's up, Leito?
It's nice to see you at work.
I like it. You're relaxed and spontaneous.
I need to talk to you. Sit down, please.
Sit down.
Do you know what day it is?
No, I don't know.
Today is a turning point in your life.
Today you have the chance
to choose your future.
You can choose to finally become
the serious and respected journalism icon
you've always desired to be,
or to keep sucking up to Monica.
Monica is a great journalist
who's more than kind to me.
Yes, I bet.
Do you know how Monica's dogs end up?
Flight 1419 coming from Medellín
is arriving.
Good evening, I'm Leonardo Forrester
and this is the Informe Especial.
Tonight, for the first time
in Argentinian TV history,
we are exposing the dirty side
of the democracy, the politics
and the intelligence services
in Argentina.
We are revealing a person who
has always operated outside of the law.
Today, we are going to uncover
a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Someone who for years
has infiltrated his future victims.
José Pérez, also known as Yosi Peres,
member of the Federal Police
Intelligence Service.
He is suspected of giving out information
that could've caused
both of the bloodiest attacks
our democratic country has suffered.
I'm talking about
the attack on the Israeli embassy
and the one on the AMIA.
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