Your Honor (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

Part Fifteen

Previously on Your Honor
[MICHAEL] Jimmy Baxter.
He and I have a grandchild.
[GINA] Have you given any
more thought to the baptism?
Well, God is still dead, so
Little Man got away.
[BIG MO] You got to be
fucking shitting me.
When your guardian angel vanishes,
I'm gonna be the next thing you see.
[LITTLE MO] They cut it with fentanyl.
I ain't got shit to move.
[LITTLE MO] Let me make some calls.
- [EUGENE] Double latte for Maurice.
- It's been a minute.
My cousin looking to move
some product in the Boot.
Top-tier quality come top-tier price.
Yo, stay put, Little Man.
- Watch that.
- [BIG MO] Change of plans.
I need the cash back now.
Don't you understand what happens
if we piss this guy off?
Just get your ass on the road
and bring me my fucking money.
[LITTLE MO] I'm gonna need
you to guard that shit.
It's my life in there, Little Man.
Money's gone.
Bring his ass back to New Orleans.
Got a pretty good idea where it's at.
[JIMMY] I represent a group of investors
who were awarded the lease
to the 12 acres across the river.
And that lease still
needs city approval.
[MICHAEL] I need you to come
to a birthday party with me.
It's for Jimmy Baxter.
He's trying to get to me through you
- and you're letting him?
- [JIMMY] Mayor Figaro,
you might be the perfect candidate
to be baby Rocco's godfather.
[OLIVIA] I need you to
be my eyes at the party.
[MICHAEL] What is it you want to see?
[JIMMY] Meet Carmine
Conti, my father-in-law.
[CHARLIE] He's been living on some
island off the coast of Italy.
[MICHAEL] Why's he back here now?
[FIA] You are family.
Why do I keep seeing
you around my children?
[MICHAEL] Do it.
Never thought I'd see you again.
Certainly not in New Orleans
with a bag full of my money.
Little Mo said you needed
it, so now you got it.
Yeah, but how'd you get it?
Oh, don't get quiet now.
So, your miraculous escape
not so miraculous after all.
And then Little Mo hides
you out in Houston
with my sister, of all people.
Take brains to outsmart damn near
a whole city looking for you.
But you coming back now
now, that take balls.
I hope you ain't trade
one for the other.
[CARLO] We're about ready to leave.
Dessert in half an hour.
Happy birthday.
I had too much, uh, cake tonight.
This is tradition.
Where's Fia?
She left.
Of course she did.
After the spectacle you put on tonight,
I wouldn't want to celebrate you either.
- Gina
- How dare you suggest that man
be godfather of her child.
That is a sacred position,
and you are to treat it as such.
Now eat your fucking cannoli.
You were supposed to call me last night
- after you left that party.
- Oh,
did you lose track of me
when I flushed your listening device?
- That wasn't very nice of you.
- Oh.
And neither was tossing
this to the curb.
You should be more careful
with government property, Michael.
I need details.
Uh, people ate, people drank.
Gina threatened me.
I went to the bathroom,
discovered your bug,
flushed it down the toilet.
I think that's where your knowledge
of the evening ends,
so let's see.
Uh, Charlie arrived,
Jimmy gave a speech, there was cake,
Carmine Conti is back in town.
I was summoned to the basement,
where Jimmy put a gun to my head.
Are those the details you wanted?
Carmine Conti is back in town?
- That's your takeaway?
- Oh, my God.
Michael, bringing down
Baxter would be huge,
but bringing down Carmine Conti?
That's some Eliot Ness shit right there.
Do you really think that
I care about any of this?
Oh, come on.
That's the beauty of the RICO act.
'Cause, as you know,
whatever crime is committed by one
is committed by all.
Too bad Jimmy didn't
kill you last night.
Could have taken them
all down for murder.
I'm kidding.
Can you be honest with me, Michael?
When Baxter lowered that gun,
you felt relief, didn't you?
Late start for a workday.
[CARLO] You want something to eat, Dad?
We were just talking
about the waterfront deal.
We've got to secure this lease
before that mayor opens
it up to other bidders.
We were promised this land.
- I'm handling it.
- Are you?
Establishing a relationship
with our new mayor, hmm?
Uh, hearing him out, negotiating.
We should never beg.
I never do.
I have built a few
businesses in my time.
[CARMINE] All on your own, huh?
All those city contracts
you were awarded,
the unions that never caused trouble,
the peace and prosperity
that you've enjoyed
all of that was earned, but not by you.
The Baxter business was
built on the Conti name.
That's right. And we shouldn't
let something as silly
as a politician stand in our way.
What does that mean?
[GINA] It means if this
mayor is a problem,
there are ways to get a new one.
We have hunted bigger game than that.
[CHARLIE] Good morning, Jasmine.
[JASMINE] Good morning, Mr. Mayor.
[CHARLIE] Hey, hey.
So you went to the party?
You know I did.
Everyone knows you did.
Oh, that's just a photo.
We're a year in,
and we haven't delivered on
any of our big promises.
Where are the major initiatives
to support Black-owned businesses?
Being red-taped to
death by city council.
Look, I may be mayor,
but I'm not God.
What would you have me do?
Your constituents don't
care about red tape.
To them, it just means you
can't get the job done.
We need to demonstrate to our supporters
and to the city what it is we stand for.
Because this
doesn't scream "The People's Mayor."
[NANCY] What do you got, Connors?
Detective. We just picked this guy up
in the Lower Ninth driving a stolen car.
He's got a wild list of priors.
Then he told us a story.
Could just be bullshit,
but I think you're
gonna want to hear it.
You sure about making this statement?
Hey, Tony.
Morning, Michael.
Hey, give these guys a hand, would you?
Uh, actually, I I just wanted
to stop by to thank you.
For the job.
No two weeks' notice?
I doubt I've got two weeks left.
Look, uh, I'm shorthanded right now.
I can probably get
my brother to fill in,
but can you help me out today?
I appreciate y'all coming here.
You hitting us up for
contributions again already?
Election cycle starts
earlier and earlier.
Politicians are always
running for something,
but that's not why I asked you here.
My man Zeke here has a
interesting proposal.
The waterfront land in Algiers.
It's the perfect place for a
group like yours to invest.
Every mayor tries to develop that land.
That ground has never been broken
- and it never will be.
this is about to become
a major initiative
of my administration.
That land will be developed.
The only question is
will it be by Jimmy Baxter or by you?
We're not about to bid against him.
I'm not asking you to bid.
[ZEKE] We do a cooperative
endeavor agreement.
Bypass the RFP entirely.
[CHARLIE] A public-private partnership.
Your investment,
plus the government
kicks in some funding.
It's a win-win.
Hell, that's even a win for the people.
Oh, my God, I can't believe
that this place is yours.
I told you it'd be.
You say that like you always
get what you want.
What happens when you don't?
I don't know.
But it ain't happened yet.
- Come on.
You ready to go, Papa?
I don't know that I can go
to that cemetery now.
It was hard enough visiting Mama's grave
when she was alone, but
Rocco was just a boy.
A piece of me just
died that day, and
sometimes I worry there
just isn't enough left.
But you endure.
I never doubt it.
I just feel like everything is
just slipping through my fingers.
Then squeeze tighter.
Or just let go.
Of family?
Of Jimmy.
- Marriage is hard.
- Well,
it wasn't for you and for Mama.
Oh, sure. We had tough times.
Well, I don't remember that.
That's because we kept it from you.
That's the way it was back then.
But, um, we had our struggles.
He's a lot like her, you know.
I think that's what drew you to him.
Well, sometimes I I just
wish he was more like you.
There we go.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I asked Rocco what he
wanted to do today.
He said see his grandpa.
Uh, is now a bad time?
I can't see you anymore.
Is this about my dad?
Did he say something to you?
It's about me.
Look, I-I know this is a difficult time,
but believe me, having me in your life
won't make it any easier for you.
How can you say that to me?
How can you say that to him?
I'm sorry.
- Hey, Fia.
- Hey.
I'm so tired of our fucking family.
Well, I mean, yeah. What's new?
I think we should just kill
our parents, you know?
We'll split the inheritance.
A fresh start.
Which one of us would do it?
Rock, paper, scissors.
- Loser kills Mom?
- Yeah, obviously.
So, how would you do it?
- Okay.
- Yeah, hear me out.
You sharpen one a grape one
make a fine point, jab her in the neck.
Evidence melts away.
Perfect murder.
You've thought about this before, maybe?
Once or twice, yeah.
- Hmm.
You okay?
I'm just scared he'll
turn out like them.
No, he won't.
He's lucky. He'll end up like you.
How do you know that?
Because I'm like them.
Look at what you're doing, Fia.
You're stronger than all of us.
- Right.
- Hey.
What'd Dad always call you?
Fia the Lionhearted.
Ain't no telling what
I'm hiding in my glovebox ♪
He had the jelly, so I
ride with a gun cocked ♪
Yo, I got to take a piss.
So take a piss.
After all the time I looked after y'all?
You know what it is, bruh.
You know what she gonna do to me.
I know what she'll do
to us if we let you go.
- Man, she ain't got to know
that you let me go.
How many times you think
that one's gonna work?
Yo, give me a day to find the money.
Trey know where Roderick stay.
I can go get it, I just
The money home.
You're my only problem now.
You got what you needed.
[BIG MO] No thanks to you.
You fucked the cartel.
Nah. You fucked the cartel.
We got company.
[CHRIS] You lost?
Busted GPS. You know how it is.
Don't know how they
do it down in Houston,
but out here, we don't roll
up on other people's spots.
Especially not without a invitation.
That money was my invitation.
Oh, that money gone.
I hope that's not true, for your sake.
We had a verbal contract,
and that's binding.
We ain't have shit.
That what you want me to
bring back to my people?
I don't give a fuck what you
take back to your people.
Oh, yes, you do.
Me and you both know they're not
Well, I think an arrangement
can still be made.
Money you want, great,
but I'm gonna need product
to make that money.
So you want an advance?
[SCOFFS] That's not how things work.
Well, you can go home empty-handed,
find another way to offload your shit.
Or you can front me a key,
let me get that cash flowing again,
and we can make payment arrangements
to get you what you want.
So so you want an advance
and installments?
[SCOFFS] The balls on you.
Yeah, they're bigger than you know.
Promise you that.
Okay. I'm paid in full, plus 25% vig.
Ten percent.
Twenty. And you don't
get an ounce of my shit
- until I'm paid.
- See, I don't know if you know it,
but you ain't in a place
to negotiate, so
Look, you can kill me right now,
but then you have to deal with
my international associates,
and we both know they're
not too skilled in the
art of negotiation.
they'll be on standby.
Fifteen percent.
Vig starts now.
Or I send this up the chain.
You just keep your ass
out of New Orleans.
I'll be right with you.
Hello, Judge.
Might I have a moment of your time?
May I help you?
Um, I'm gonna need a minute.
I'm sorry, we're all out of
what you're looking for.
What's this, uh, cut over here?
Just leave now.
This concerns your friend Charlie.
I had an arrangement with
the previous administration,
but he's considering backing out of it.
I can't control that.
Could be very, very dangerous for him.
If I can't do this deal
the way I wanted to,
then other people are gonna
get involved, unfortunately.
People like my father-in-law,
which is the last thing
I would want, frankly.
I'm concerned for Charlie's safety.
So, uh
perhaps there's another option.
Just let him know, please.
You should've never
came back, Little Man.
She was gonna kill you
if you took the money.
And now she gonna kill you, too.
Maybe she won't, but
I had to try something.
You made the right call,
which is more than I can say about you.
Thanks to your overeager-ass drug deal,
I got cartel shit I got
to worry about now.
The deal was good.
How about you explain
to me how I got visited
by the Ghost of Christmas Past.
[LITTLE MO] Like you
said, Kofi was on me.
And with the rest of his family gone,
I had to do right by Little Man.
- I owed him.
- Nah, you owe me.
And that's a debt you
ain't never gonna repay.
As my right hand man,
how would you advise me
to deal with someone
who disobeyed my orders
and lied to my face?
As my nephew,
what the fuck I do with you now?
[JANELLE] Monique.
What are you doing?
You know who I am.
You know what I do.
And we agreed.
You don't ask, I won't tell.
He's your nephew.
He's not some corner boy you
took in from the streets.
- He is family.
- Mm. Yeah.
And family can fuck up, too.
And when they do, we got to handle it.
Handle it how?
That's my business.
No, that's your blood.
And if that's what
family means to you
I'm not sure what we're doing here.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So, what's up?
I have a habit of getting
too close to a case.
It's caused me to miss things,
sometimes things that are
right in front of my face.
Some new information came in today,
pointed me in a direction
I should have looked at a long time ago.
This is how we get to him.
Thank you, Jasmine.
Not bad, right?
- Mm.
I remember starting the first petition
to get you on the ballot
for city council.
Who'd have thought it
would have led to all this?
So, what's on your mind?
You should make that
deal with Jimmy Baxter.
What are you, his lobbyist?
I don't understand. Wh
What do you get out of helping him?
They want this deal,
and they will do everything
to make sure they get it.
I'm not gonna be intimidated.
Charlie, the last time I saw
someone get in his way,
Jimmy shot that man in the
head right in front of me.
And yet
here you are, doing his bidding?
What are you not telling me?
I am part of a federal investigation
into the Baxter organization.
That's why they let you out of prison?
And you just let me in on this now?
I was trying to protect you.
From the feds who could prosecute me
or the mobster who could kill me?
Why did you agree to cooperate?
Don't lie to me.
The night Adam died,
Nancy Costello came to the hospital.
I was overcome with grief.
And I confessed everything to her.
The hit-and-run, Carlo
Baxter's trial, all of it.
I told her that you got rid of the car.
Goddamn it, Michael.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I-I was I was in shock.
I wasn't thinking clearly.
I'm-I'm sorry.
To hell with your apology.
This keeps happening.
You ask me to disappear a car,
I'm covering up a killing.
You invite me to a party,
I'm mixed up with mobsters
who could murder me.
My greatest liability in life is you.
I'm trying to help.
You're the last person
whose help I'd ever want.
Get the fuck out of here.
Why do I have to be here for this?
I'm so tired of explaining
myself to you.
I'm tired of being treated like a child.
Then don't act like one.
Sit down.
Would you both cut her some slack?
Stay out of this.
Jimmy, your family's dysfunctional.
[JIMMY] You know,
I'm actually quite tired
of explaining myself as well.
How I run my family is my business.
Not when you leverage
the soul of my grandson.
I was trying to bring the
mayor into our world.
Well, you failed.
And you corrupted the
spirit of the baptism.
There isn't gonna be a baptism.
Then you have condemned your
child to hell for all eternity.
Save us a seat when you get there.
Okay, that is enough!
Your mother's faith is what
keeps this family whole.
When I have failed,
when I have faltered,
she has held us together.
You are both adults.
But you are our children. Always.
We have your best interests at heart,
just like you, Fia, have little Rocco's.
Now, there are things
we must do for ourselves
and there are things we
must do for our family.
We want our grandson baptized.
Then I want Carlo to be godfather.
I'm sorry.
It's not your fault, Little Man.
Were you and Kofi friends?
You can have friends or
you can have soldiers.
You can't have both.
You should have had a big
brother looking after you.
I'm sorry about that.
How Houston fit you?
It's all right, I guess.
You like my sister?
I mean, she took good care of you?
Yes, ma'am.
Yeah, she took care of me, too.
How was school?
Straight A's.
Before all this shit went
down with the money,
was you ever planning on
coming back to New Orleans?
There's nothing for me here anymore.
You gonna stay here tonight.
Tomorrow, your ass is
on a bus back to H-Town.
Wake up.
What's going on?
Take Little Man to the back.
[RUSSELL] Let's go.
[BIG MO] Hey.
You ain't fam.
Not to me.
Not no more.
Not to us.
You know what it is.
Blood in, blood out.
I appreciate the opportunity
to discuss this in private.
Seemed more appropriate
than at your birthday party.
Apologies if my, uh, calling you
down caught you off guard.
And it appears my suggestion that
you be godfather to my grandchild
was vetoed in favor of
my son doing the honors.
Let's stick to business.
I've revisited your proposal.
I'm pleased to hear it.
I can't make this deal.
Not without some changes.
Such as?
I want preferred contractors,
union workers,
and disadvantaged business enterprises
at 35% participation, minimum.
It's important to you
who builds this project.
It's important to the people
who put me here.
A project this size must include
Black-owned businesses
and livable wages.
As you wish.
You've also got to build more
than what was in your proposal.
The Baxter District needs
a school, a library,
a community center and
low-income housing.
Well, that's a very, very long list.
Sounds a bit more fitting for Santa.
The North Pole doesn't
run without the elves.
And I get the waterfront?
You get to lease the waterfront.
From the city.
Either this development
is a genuine partnership
or it's an empty plot of land.
[CHARLIE] The deal is done.
Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
What if she fails?
She'll either bring down the Baxters
or the Baxters will
build up the waterfront.
Either way, it's a win for us.
And I live to fight another day.
You had a hell of a day.
You deserve a hell of a night.
- Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
All right.
Good morning. Again.
Seems like you and I have
started quite the routine.
Coffee is a routine. You are a nuisance.
So, what did you say to Charlie?
I agreed to your scheme to protect him,
so that's what I did.
- Well, it worked.
- Good.
The city leased the waterfront
to Jimmy Baxter.
- Great, so we're done.
- Not quite.
I need your help on something else.
No. No, no, no. You are not gonna
keep moving the goalposts on me.
- Hear me out
- No, I am done playing your puppet.
Can we not do this again?
I was trying to help Charlie
and look what that did for him.
So, you can take me back to prison,
but we are through.
I will tell you when we are through.
You know, that is not how
this is gonna work out.
I am done.
He's all yours.
What? Uh
Sit down.
New evidence has come to light
that you lied to police
on your statement.
Where were you on the night
of your wife's murder?
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