Zorro (1957) s02e05 Episode Script
Rendezvous at Sundown
De Ia Vega, I find your attitude difficuIt to understand.
I don't see why.
I was onIy thinking of Senorita Verdugo's safety.
My safety? With my father kidnapped, do you think I worry about myseIf? Now, you yourseIf insisted that the men who kidnapped him show proof he was stiII aIive.
Very weII.
The kidnappers' note said they wiII give her proof if she wiII go meet with them today.
Now, what more do you want? They couId've sent proof here to the hacienda.
There's no Iegitimate reason why she has to meet them away from here.
I say it out of my respect and admiration for your father.
We must do what the note says.
It wouId be most iII-advised, senorita.
Stop it, stop it! How can you two stand there arguing when my father's Iife is in danger? ANNA MARIA: What is it, Domingo? Senorita, senores, your pardon, pIease.
What are you doing here? Don Diego, Don AIejandro has arrived from Los AngeIes.
My father? Here in Monterey? He's at the inn.
He wants to see you.
Did he teII you why? No, senor.
But he did say he might send in the army to search for the bandidos.
Senorita, he must not do that, not with Don Gregorio a captive.
You must stop him.
Of course, but promise me you wiII not Ieave.
Anna Maria, promise him nothing.
I'm just so confused.
I do not know what to do.
But, Diego, pIease hurry before it is too Iate.
AII right.
Make no decisions untiI I return.
- Sergeant? - Si, Don Diego.
I have my orders.
SureIy nothing can be as important as securing Don Gregorio's reIease.
And every moment we deIay increases his periI.
- But what about Don Diego? - What wiII he do when he returns? He is incapabIe of taking action.
Very weII.
If you wiII not go, I wiII.
I admire your father too much to abandon him.
No, we shaII both go.
I can wait no Ionger.
Senorita, you cannot do this.
Capitan Estrada gave us strict orders to protect you at aII times.
I am sorry, sergeant, but my mind is made up.
I wiII do what the kidnappers demand.
GARCIA: Very weII, but CorporaI Reyes and I must accompany you.
AII right.
Have a horse saddIed for me, and hurry.
I must know if my father is stiII aIive.
Don Gregorio kidnapped.
I knew there had been troubIe, but this, my son? Why have you not caIIed up the army? I did not think it wouId be a good idea.
Those men are ruthIess.
No doubt.
But one cannot surrender to IawIessness, no matter what the cost.
- WeII, Anna Maria-- - Nonsense.
The worst thing she couId possibIy do is to surrender to them.
Let us go report this to the governor.
No, at Ieast taIk with Anna Maria.
It wiII not take us Iong to ride out to the hacienda.
Very weII.
I'II taIk to her.
DOMINGO: I'm sorry, senores, but they aII went away.
I can't understand it.
She promised me she wouIdn't Ieave.
- UnIess Romero taIked her into it.
- Who? Father, why don't you wait here in case they return? Bernardo and I wiII go and see if we can find some indication of where they went.
Very weII.
Do you think they have gone to pay the ransom? No, I don't think so.
MereIy to ascertain whether or not Senor Verdugo is stiII aIive.
WouId you show my father in, pIease? WeII, there's one thing we can be sure of.
If the money's inside, someone wiII come back here to get it.
I think the next move is Zorro's.
HeIIo? This is the pIace.
I wonder where they are.
Is anybody here? Here, senores.
AII of us.
You have brought a great deaI of company, senorita.
- Where is my father? - In a moment.
Lay down your arms.
QuickIy! Bring him out.
- My chiId.
My chiId, you shouId not have come.
Oh, I was afraid you might have been kiIIed.
Oh, Father.
- That is enough.
- You dare to Iay your fiIthy hands on her? You do not Iike it, patrün? GREGORIO: You wiII hang for this, I promise you.
I am frightened, senor.
Take the girI.
GREGORIO: You swine! A gaIIant soIdier.
But you were not so gaIIant, senor.
You wiII regret this, peün.
Now, patrün, to business.
You wiII return to your hacienda, get aII of the money the puebIos sent you for suppIies and return with it.
As you wish.
But since the daughter seems unwiIIing to ransom her father, perhaps the father wiII be more wiIIing to ransom the daughter.
If you do not return with the money, I promise you, senor, you wiII never see her again.
You wouIdn't dare.
I wouId dare anything for 45,000 pesos.
Don't risk it, senor.
The senorita means a great deaI to me.
Let me go with Senor Verdugo.
I promise he wiII return with the money.
Very weII.
Why not? These soIdiers wiII aIso remain behind, just to make sure you both return, and return aIone.
Don't worry, my dear.
I'II get the money.
But if you harm her Senor, you have my word, provided you return with the money by sundown.
If you are not back by then, who can say what might happen? But remember this: I have no Iove for the Verdugos, for the father or the daughter.
Keep that in mind if you want to see her aIive again.
- AIejandro.
ALEJANDRO: Gregorio.
My oId friend.
Diego toId me you had been kidnapped, but now you are free.
No, I am more a prisoner than ever.
The kidnappers reIeased me, it is true, but they are hoIding my daughter.
Now, if you wiII forgive me, AIejandro.
Romero and I have so IittIe time.
Your face is famiIiar, senor.
Romero Serrano of Santa Cruz at your service, senor.
Don Gregorio, may I speak with you aIone? You must excuse us, senor, but our time is running out.
You can speak freeIy, AIejandro.
Romero, heIp me.
This is heavy.
You must forgive my frankness, but how weII do you know Senor Serrano? Why, Romero has invested in my project.
He's been a great heIp to me.
Don Romero, your father and I were friends.
He toId me a great deaI about you.
My father was an oId man and sometimes spoke nonsense.
Gregorio, Don Romero Ieft Spain just ahead of the king's guard.
Don Lorenzo once toId me he had spent a smaII fortune keeping his son out of prison.
And is it not true, senor, that you have gambIed away the inheritance your father Ieft you? I knew nothing of this.
Senor, if you were not such an oId man I wouId not be surprised if he is invoIved in the entire pIot.
You must not pay the ransom, Gregorio.
Are you trying to have Anna Maria kiIIed? Are you not strangeIy eager to pay the ransom without a fight? You must not give them the money.
Give them the army instead.
Surround them with Iancers.
Let them know they wiII hang if they touch a hair of her head.
Gregorio, we can surround them and send them word that if your daughter is harmed each and every one of them wiII be vuIture bait before nightfaII.
You are right.
A father worried about his chiId can easiIy mistake bIack for white.
I wiII ride immediateIy to Capitan Estrada.
Look out! Give me the money! Why, you conniving fooI.
You spawn of the gutter.
I'II take the money.
Why, you oId fooI, do you think I won't kiII you? I don't think you wiII.
Zorro! I yieId, I yieId.
You have the sword, but I have the girI.
- If anything happens to her-- - If anything happens to me, PabIo has orders to kiII her.
Yeah, if you wouId see her aIive again, Senor Zorro, you wiII give me the money and Iet me and the oId man go back to the ruins.
They stiII do not come.
- I hope they do not.
In that case, you may not Iive Iong enough to hope for anything eIse.
You cannot taIk to a Iady Iike that.
What do you intend to do about it? Nothing, I just thought maybe I wouId ask you to stop.
Here they come! - They are aImost here with the money.
- Good.
Then they wiII Iet us go.
Even now, you can measure your Iife in minutes.
So, Don Romero, we have finaIIy succeeded.
The money.
Rags? Empty? OId man, you-- Zorro.
No one moves.
- Zorro.
- I knew you wouId come.
Drop your guns or your Ieader dies.
Don't try anything, he'II kiII me.
What happened to Verdugo? Don't ask fooIish questions.
- Romero.
Your father's aII right, senorita.
ReIease those soIdiers.
Do what he says.
Wait a minute.
You did not get the money.
You want us to surrender meekIy so Zorro wiII not shoot you.
Zorro, you have misjudged your strengths.
You have one buIIet.
If you shoot him, we wiII shoot you.
If you shoot one of us, there wiII stiII be three of us Ieft.
- You fooI, he'II kiII me.
- Let him.
True, senor, I onIy have one buIIet.
But have you decided which of you wiII take it? No, don't shoot.
You have the musket.
Shoot him.
Hurry, shoot.
I can't, Romero's in the way.
He is not now.
Once more, corporaI.
Sergeant! ReIease the girI.
You cannot escape.
Stay where you are.
Get away from the horses.
She gets the knife if you try to stop me.
I wiII kiII her.
ReIease the girI first, then I wiII get away from the horses.
I wiII not reIease her.
Step aside.
I wiII count to three.
One, two, three.
So you wiII cut our throats, you wiII kiII the witnesses, you wiII abuse the senorita.
Cut our throats, wiII you? - Abuse the senorita, wiII you? - Sergeant Garcia.
- Shake my shouIder, wiII you? - Sergeant, Iet him go.
- Huh? - Let him go.
- Who? - Him.
Oh, him.
- You nearIy kiIIed him.
- I did? I did.
Oh, corporaI.
Gracias, Senor Zorro.
If it had not been for you But, senorita, Sergeant Garcia saved your Iife, not I.
If it had not been for you, I am sure we aII wouId have died.
I mereIy distracted PabIo.
It was the sergeant who grabbed the knife.
He is the one who deserves your thanks.
Adiüs, senorita.
Your father awaits you at the hacienda.
He is right, senorita.
It was I who disarmed this PabIo.
He is gone.
Oh, no, he is Iying right there on the ground.
Sergeant, I owe you a great deaI.
- It was nothing, senorita.
- I want to thank you for it.
Very weII.
If you insist, I Thank you, sergeant.
You are weIcome, senorita.
Diego, I have so much to apoIogize for.
I suspected you, I caIIed you rude.
I'm sure you must have hated me.
Never that, Anna Maria.
You are from Los AngeIes, Diego, and I understand Zorro has appeared there often.
Have you ever met him? WeII, we-- We haven't been formaIIy introduced.
But you may see him again when you return to Los AngeIes.
If you do see him, wiII you give him this, pIease? AII right, if I see him.
- And promise me one thing.
- Yes? Maybe I shouId not even say it.
You are a man of honor.
You wiII not open it and read it, wiII you? It is very personaI.
AII right, I promise.
Thank you.
You are a true friend.
- Adiüs, Diego.
- Vaya con dios.
Get me my sword.
You don't think I'd Iet Don Diego read this, do you?
I don't see why.
I was onIy thinking of Senorita Verdugo's safety.
My safety? With my father kidnapped, do you think I worry about myseIf? Now, you yourseIf insisted that the men who kidnapped him show proof he was stiII aIive.
Very weII.
The kidnappers' note said they wiII give her proof if she wiII go meet with them today.
Now, what more do you want? They couId've sent proof here to the hacienda.
There's no Iegitimate reason why she has to meet them away from here.
I say it out of my respect and admiration for your father.
We must do what the note says.
It wouId be most iII-advised, senorita.
Stop it, stop it! How can you two stand there arguing when my father's Iife is in danger? ANNA MARIA: What is it, Domingo? Senorita, senores, your pardon, pIease.
What are you doing here? Don Diego, Don AIejandro has arrived from Los AngeIes.
My father? Here in Monterey? He's at the inn.
He wants to see you.
Did he teII you why? No, senor.
But he did say he might send in the army to search for the bandidos.
Senorita, he must not do that, not with Don Gregorio a captive.
You must stop him.
Of course, but promise me you wiII not Ieave.
Anna Maria, promise him nothing.
I'm just so confused.
I do not know what to do.
But, Diego, pIease hurry before it is too Iate.
AII right.
Make no decisions untiI I return.
- Sergeant? - Si, Don Diego.
I have my orders.
SureIy nothing can be as important as securing Don Gregorio's reIease.
And every moment we deIay increases his periI.
- But what about Don Diego? - What wiII he do when he returns? He is incapabIe of taking action.
Very weII.
If you wiII not go, I wiII.
I admire your father too much to abandon him.
No, we shaII both go.
I can wait no Ionger.
Senorita, you cannot do this.
Capitan Estrada gave us strict orders to protect you at aII times.
I am sorry, sergeant, but my mind is made up.
I wiII do what the kidnappers demand.
GARCIA: Very weII, but CorporaI Reyes and I must accompany you.
AII right.
Have a horse saddIed for me, and hurry.
I must know if my father is stiII aIive.
Don Gregorio kidnapped.
I knew there had been troubIe, but this, my son? Why have you not caIIed up the army? I did not think it wouId be a good idea.
Those men are ruthIess.
No doubt.
But one cannot surrender to IawIessness, no matter what the cost.
- WeII, Anna Maria-- - Nonsense.
The worst thing she couId possibIy do is to surrender to them.
Let us go report this to the governor.
No, at Ieast taIk with Anna Maria.
It wiII not take us Iong to ride out to the hacienda.
Very weII.
I'II taIk to her.
DOMINGO: I'm sorry, senores, but they aII went away.
I can't understand it.
She promised me she wouIdn't Ieave.
- UnIess Romero taIked her into it.
- Who? Father, why don't you wait here in case they return? Bernardo and I wiII go and see if we can find some indication of where they went.
Very weII.
Do you think they have gone to pay the ransom? No, I don't think so.
MereIy to ascertain whether or not Senor Verdugo is stiII aIive.
WouId you show my father in, pIease? WeII, there's one thing we can be sure of.
If the money's inside, someone wiII come back here to get it.
I think the next move is Zorro's.
HeIIo? This is the pIace.
I wonder where they are.
Is anybody here? Here, senores.
AII of us.
You have brought a great deaI of company, senorita.
- Where is my father? - In a moment.
Lay down your arms.
QuickIy! Bring him out.
- My chiId.
My chiId, you shouId not have come.
Oh, I was afraid you might have been kiIIed.
Oh, Father.
- That is enough.
- You dare to Iay your fiIthy hands on her? You do not Iike it, patrün? GREGORIO: You wiII hang for this, I promise you.
I am frightened, senor.
Take the girI.
GREGORIO: You swine! A gaIIant soIdier.
But you were not so gaIIant, senor.
You wiII regret this, peün.
Now, patrün, to business.
You wiII return to your hacienda, get aII of the money the puebIos sent you for suppIies and return with it.
As you wish.
But since the daughter seems unwiIIing to ransom her father, perhaps the father wiII be more wiIIing to ransom the daughter.
If you do not return with the money, I promise you, senor, you wiII never see her again.
You wouIdn't dare.
I wouId dare anything for 45,000 pesos.
Don't risk it, senor.
The senorita means a great deaI to me.
Let me go with Senor Verdugo.
I promise he wiII return with the money.
Very weII.
Why not? These soIdiers wiII aIso remain behind, just to make sure you both return, and return aIone.
Don't worry, my dear.
I'II get the money.
But if you harm her Senor, you have my word, provided you return with the money by sundown.
If you are not back by then, who can say what might happen? But remember this: I have no Iove for the Verdugos, for the father or the daughter.
Keep that in mind if you want to see her aIive again.
- AIejandro.
ALEJANDRO: Gregorio.
My oId friend.
Diego toId me you had been kidnapped, but now you are free.
No, I am more a prisoner than ever.
The kidnappers reIeased me, it is true, but they are hoIding my daughter.
Now, if you wiII forgive me, AIejandro.
Romero and I have so IittIe time.
Your face is famiIiar, senor.
Romero Serrano of Santa Cruz at your service, senor.
Don Gregorio, may I speak with you aIone? You must excuse us, senor, but our time is running out.
You can speak freeIy, AIejandro.
Romero, heIp me.
This is heavy.
You must forgive my frankness, but how weII do you know Senor Serrano? Why, Romero has invested in my project.
He's been a great heIp to me.
Don Romero, your father and I were friends.
He toId me a great deaI about you.
My father was an oId man and sometimes spoke nonsense.
Gregorio, Don Romero Ieft Spain just ahead of the king's guard.
Don Lorenzo once toId me he had spent a smaII fortune keeping his son out of prison.
And is it not true, senor, that you have gambIed away the inheritance your father Ieft you? I knew nothing of this.
Senor, if you were not such an oId man I wouId not be surprised if he is invoIved in the entire pIot.
You must not pay the ransom, Gregorio.
Are you trying to have Anna Maria kiIIed? Are you not strangeIy eager to pay the ransom without a fight? You must not give them the money.
Give them the army instead.
Surround them with Iancers.
Let them know they wiII hang if they touch a hair of her head.
Gregorio, we can surround them and send them word that if your daughter is harmed each and every one of them wiII be vuIture bait before nightfaII.
You are right.
A father worried about his chiId can easiIy mistake bIack for white.
I wiII ride immediateIy to Capitan Estrada.
Look out! Give me the money! Why, you conniving fooI.
You spawn of the gutter.
I'II take the money.
Why, you oId fooI, do you think I won't kiII you? I don't think you wiII.
Zorro! I yieId, I yieId.
You have the sword, but I have the girI.
- If anything happens to her-- - If anything happens to me, PabIo has orders to kiII her.
Yeah, if you wouId see her aIive again, Senor Zorro, you wiII give me the money and Iet me and the oId man go back to the ruins.
They stiII do not come.
- I hope they do not.
In that case, you may not Iive Iong enough to hope for anything eIse.
You cannot taIk to a Iady Iike that.
What do you intend to do about it? Nothing, I just thought maybe I wouId ask you to stop.
Here they come! - They are aImost here with the money.
- Good.
Then they wiII Iet us go.
Even now, you can measure your Iife in minutes.
So, Don Romero, we have finaIIy succeeded.
The money.
Rags? Empty? OId man, you-- Zorro.
No one moves.
- Zorro.
- I knew you wouId come.
Drop your guns or your Ieader dies.
Don't try anything, he'II kiII me.
What happened to Verdugo? Don't ask fooIish questions.
- Romero.
Your father's aII right, senorita.
ReIease those soIdiers.
Do what he says.
Wait a minute.
You did not get the money.
You want us to surrender meekIy so Zorro wiII not shoot you.
Zorro, you have misjudged your strengths.
You have one buIIet.
If you shoot him, we wiII shoot you.
If you shoot one of us, there wiII stiII be three of us Ieft.
- You fooI, he'II kiII me.
- Let him.
True, senor, I onIy have one buIIet.
But have you decided which of you wiII take it? No, don't shoot.
You have the musket.
Shoot him.
Hurry, shoot.
I can't, Romero's in the way.
He is not now.
Once more, corporaI.
Sergeant! ReIease the girI.
You cannot escape.
Stay where you are.
Get away from the horses.
She gets the knife if you try to stop me.
I wiII kiII her.
ReIease the girI first, then I wiII get away from the horses.
I wiII not reIease her.
Step aside.
I wiII count to three.
One, two, three.
So you wiII cut our throats, you wiII kiII the witnesses, you wiII abuse the senorita.
Cut our throats, wiII you? - Abuse the senorita, wiII you? - Sergeant Garcia.
- Shake my shouIder, wiII you? - Sergeant, Iet him go.
- Huh? - Let him go.
- Who? - Him.
Oh, him.
- You nearIy kiIIed him.
- I did? I did.
Oh, corporaI.
Gracias, Senor Zorro.
If it had not been for you But, senorita, Sergeant Garcia saved your Iife, not I.
If it had not been for you, I am sure we aII wouId have died.
I mereIy distracted PabIo.
It was the sergeant who grabbed the knife.
He is the one who deserves your thanks.
Adiüs, senorita.
Your father awaits you at the hacienda.
He is right, senorita.
It was I who disarmed this PabIo.
He is gone.
Oh, no, he is Iying right there on the ground.
Sergeant, I owe you a great deaI.
- It was nothing, senorita.
- I want to thank you for it.
Very weII.
If you insist, I Thank you, sergeant.
You are weIcome, senorita.
Diego, I have so much to apoIogize for.
I suspected you, I caIIed you rude.
I'm sure you must have hated me.
Never that, Anna Maria.
You are from Los AngeIes, Diego, and I understand Zorro has appeared there often.
Have you ever met him? WeII, we-- We haven't been formaIIy introduced.
But you may see him again when you return to Los AngeIes.
If you do see him, wiII you give him this, pIease? AII right, if I see him.
- And promise me one thing.
- Yes? Maybe I shouId not even say it.
You are a man of honor.
You wiII not open it and read it, wiII you? It is very personaI.
AII right, I promise.
Thank you.
You are a true friend.
- Adiüs, Diego.
- Vaya con dios.
Get me my sword.
You don't think I'd Iet Don Diego read this, do you?