1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e06 Episode Script

There's Something About Jerry

Previously on
1000-lb Sisters.
So me and Michael
are going house hunting.
If it's button one,
it's for number one,
button two is for number two.
Our first goal is
we've gotta at least
get 100 pounds off of you.
I figured
that you were gonna be moving,
and want a bigger place.
I don't blame you.
Right now,
I'm seven months pregnant,
and I have
a doctor's appointment
with Dr. Procter coming up soon,
so I'm kind of nervous,
because he did tell me
to give up the cake,
the candy, the cookies.
But I'm in my last trimester,
and these pregnancy cravings
are the worst.
It's so spooky outside
right now.
Can you set this up
on that table?
Happy Halloween, everybody.
Um, throw it behind the TV,
but maybe around the edge?
Like this?
All right, bye.
Jerry and Tammy.
- Are you nervous?
- For what?
I want my family
and Jerry to get along.
My family means
everything to me.
Watch movies and chill.
Trick or treat, bitches.
Oh, my God, he's here, almost.
Like, it feels like a dream
that he's coming to Kentucky,
finally coming to Kentucky.
It's kind of a big deal
for Jerry to come to Kentucky.
Well, I'm not gonna tell you
what we be doin' over there.
Dr. Procter told me
I need to eat better,
and I am trying.
I fear that
Amy is using this pregnancy
as an excuse to move away
from her bariatric diet.
There he is.
What up, baby girl?
My name is Jerry,
and I'm 45 years old,
and I'm from North Carolina,
So, what's up?
Me being here with Tammy
is crazy.
'Cause I'm so used to talking
to her on the phone,
but not in person.
Oh, the trip was fine.
Whatever, man.
I met Tammy online.
It was a BBW group.
Uh, BBW is
"big, beautiful women."
And we started chatting
from that.
Tammy's personality
stuck out to me,
and her looks attracted me
to her.
- You happy to see me?
- Well, yeah.
All right.
Right, I ain't got no choice.
I spoke to Amy
on video chat, and now
I'm kinda nervous to meet her
in person now
because they real close.
What's up?
It's nice to finally
meet you in person.
Nice meeting y'all, too.
Oh, Lord.
- Six.
- Six kids?
Oh, my God.
What's wrong?
I've got five.
Five grandkids.
I like it.
Oh, just wanted to get out,
and it was
the perfect time to come.
I watch football.
Yeah, I love bowling.
I didn't realize that I was
gonna be interviewed today
by Amy.
I understand.
Oh, my God.
Okay, I understand.
I gotta have some candy.
I love candy, I'm sorry.
I love sweets, period.
I just wanna know what's the
big deal about some candy?
So, how long are you down for?
For a couple of days.
Tammy just got back
from the doctor's.
She has to meet her goal
of 25 pounds.
Seeing that candy
is not gonna help.
He can live years.
She's only got,
like, four years,
four or five years left.
That's all I can say.
It was amazing.
So, this how y'all
set up for YouTube?
- Sometimes.
- Yeah.
- This is just for the Halloween special.
- Oh, okay.
Shut Stop, man, damn.
That's what you look like.
Y'all act like two big kids.
You shut up, too.
These girls crazy,
but they havin' a sister moment.
- Why I gotta shut up?
- Listen,.
Yeah, I'm glad that I'm here
to be with Tammy,
'cause I'm learning more
about Tammy every day.
- Hey, y'all, it's Amy.
- And Tammy.
And today, we're doing
a Halloween special,
with the trick-or-treat wheel.
Pick it up later. Whoa.
Okay, trick time.
- Ta-tana!
- Ew. Ew.
- Your turn.
- No.
- Here, eat a marshmallow.
- Ugh!
Little bitch.
Oh, ooh, oh, look there.
So, this concludes
our little Halloween special.
We'll talk to you guys later.
Have a nice day.
Bye, YouTubees.
Hey, so, that was cool.
- You like it?
- Yeah, I like it.
- I see.
- Hey!
Meeting with Tammy,
it's been nice.
She makes me laugh.
Do I see myself staying
with Tammy long term?
Today, I got
a tele-health appointment
with Dr. Procter.
I'm worried because, last time,
it didn't go so well.
Dr. Procter told me
I need to eat better,
and I am trying.
It's just hard.
- Michael's here, too.
- Hey, Amy, how are you?
- Good, how are you?
- I'm wonderful.
So, Amy, how far along
are you now in your pregnancy?
I'm seven months along.
Seven months, okay.
How's everything going
so far, Amy?
I mean, there's been
bumpy roads.
I mean, I had to go to the ER.
And it was because I ate
Chinese food
for breakfast.
You ate Chinese food
for breakfast?
Okay. So
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Even though
Amy's pregnant,
Amy can continue
to lose some fat mass
as the baby grows larger
inside of her.
But this is really going to be
nutritionally related.
She needs to focus
on lean proteins
and vegetables,
but I fear that Amy
is using this pregnancy
as an excuse to move away
from her bariatric diet.
- Can you move it over here, baby?
- Yeah.
Is it handy? Can we just
do a quick weigh-in?
Two-ninety point eight.
- Yeah.
- What does your OB say about your weight?
- Are they happy with the way things are?
- Yeah, um
All right, um,
I'm happy that your weight
has stayed stable,
but let's plan
on getting back together
and sort of having a refresher
as soon as
you're home with the baby,
baby's safe, and you're kind
of back in the swing of things.
How does that sound to you?
- It's sounds good.
- Okay.
It's nice to hear
that Dr. Procter
thinks I'm doing better.
It just gives you
a peace of mind
knowing you're still doing
the right thing,
and you're taking care
of the baby, too.
How's your sister?
Uh, she's gained 50 pounds
since we came back.
- From seeing me last time?
- Yeah.
Well She's, she
No, not yet.
Jerry knows me
pretty well by now,
but there's one thing
I don't know how
I'll go about telling him.
How can I help you today?
Absolutely, this way.
Tammy's okay.
Oh, oh.
I'm leery of meeting online
and getting together like that.
Hey, look what I got.
Y'all have a good day,
and Happy Halloween.
Thank you. You too.
- Thank you.
- You, too.
How did you meet?
- It was a group chat.
- For big women.
I worry that Tammy's
gonna sabotage her diet
because Jerry does like
bigger women.
Are you behind
Tammy losing weight?
Are you ready for the hay ride?
I ain't never been
on no hay ride.
to get scared, Jerry?
No, I don't believe that.
I don't believe that.
I'm a little nervous
to meet Jerry.
Tammy's past relationships
have not been very good.
Some of the people she was with
didn't treat her very good.
I want to make sure, you know,
that he's the right guy.
What are you guys
supposed to be?
Hey, everyone.
So are you.
Jerry meeting Misty is,
it can go two ways,
she might not like him.
When you live in a big family
No, I don't.
Jerry, it's nice
to finally meet you,
and I'm glad we're getting
to hang out tonight,
and get to know each other
a little better.
First impression
of Jerry, he's too quiet.
I don't trust quiet people.
I get real anxious when
she's getting in and out of the vehicle,
'cause of the way, you know,
she has to
I don't know
what you call it,
but it just I don't know.
And then it seems
like it hurts her,
you know, when she's doing it.
I felt bad for her.
Do you need some help?
Ooh, chick.
Oh, my God.
You all right?
Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Okay, Jerry, tell me
about yourself.
I am being nice.
Oh What do you wanna know?
Your life story,
what your intentions are.
We're taking it easy.
Um, I'm just coming
to visit, that's all.
So, are you guys gonna be,
like, a permanent thing, or
I think Tammy needs
to slow down,
concentrate on her diet.
How did you meet?
The Internet.
- Okay.
- Yup.
Because Jerry does like
bigger women.
Are you behind
Tammy losing weight?
I think I need
to see them together
a little longer, you know,
get to know Jerry
a little better.
I do feel like I need
to stick up for
and watch out for Tammy.
I think she's way too trusting.
- Do you want her to get the surgery?
- Yeah.
- Amy.
- Jerry.
I'm not for sure
if Jerry is
being real supportive
in her diet.
But I also worry that Tammy's
gonna get it in her head
to sabotage her diet
Okay, ladies,
looks like you're up next.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
Yeah. Yeah.
- backwards?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
Okay, one more time,
count of three.
One, two, three.
- Yeah!
- Yup!
Hey there!
Someone got you.
A little bit.
Shut up.
That is Oh,!
'Cause they
- There's a guy behind
- Oh!
What the hell is
He laughed and he fell!
- There we go.
- It's that way.
Oh, I'm stepping
on your cloak, I'm sorry.
Right here's cool, thank you.
I ain't goin' over that
Yeah, I'm good.
No, I'm okay. Thank you.
- It was fun.
- It was nice.
- I liked it.
- That was great.
We don't.
Well, damn.
- Chili.
- You want chili?
Everybody wants chili?
- Chili.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, hon.
- Yes.
Out of the options she gave us,
chili, I think,
was the healthiest.
Yeah, it just sucks going
to like, something like this
and having to rely
on chili or something bad.
Yeah, yeah.
Did I?
I really want her
to get that surgery.
- Next time, on
- 1000-lb Sisters
Amanda says she come visit you
other day
and you had
a 32-ounce milkshake.
If he's being an enabler,
then what the are
we doing all this for?
Rip the Band-Aid off.
So, like, Jerry,
I got some stuff
that we need to talk about.
Jerry has been gone
for two three days.
What's the deal
with Tammy?
She was having a heck
of a time getting in the van.
I was thinking about doing
a meal delivery service.
She went through 32 meals
in two days.
We're pretty close
to the end of the rope.
Part of me died
that day he left.
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