Allegiance (2024) s02e06 Episode Script

Shine a Light

Previously, on Allegiance
[SABRINA] You were
just shaking his hand?
Well, we all have roles to play.
The son of a CFPC officer
tries to assassinate
the newly-exonerated
minister of public safety,
now that is some very
Shakespearean shit.
I'm not here
This isn't something that can happen.
Mrs. Bose!
[OPERATOR] 9-1-1. What's your emergency?
I need an ambulance!
Mrs. Bose!
I take it you don't have
Dad's name on a news alert?
No. Why?
Yeah, we knew he was
lining up a bid for
Are you kidding me?
[WHISPERING] First, the guy
tries to torpedo his career
by framing him for treason.
Now he's Dad's arm-candy
for re-election photo ops?
[SABRINA] This is bullshit.
I gotta go. I'll ask him tonight.
It's all yours.
Okay. Thank you very much.
[VINCE] Morning.
Postal worker called it in.
Do we have a name?
Yeah, her name is Devi
Bose. Critical condition.
Lots of blood loss from the head wound.
Signs of a struggle
Forensics thinks she may
have been pushed forward,
hit the side of her
head on the coffee table.
We found her face-up.
How long had she been lying there?
Paramedics think maybe a half-hour.
Mm. Forced entry?
No. No. She may have let the suspect in,
the back door was unlocked.
Gabby's talking to neighbours.
What are we thinking so far? B-and-E?
At first, we thought it was odd
that the thief would
leave a laptop behind
What about jewelry?
Wedding gold something more portable?
Then we checked the bedrooms and, yes
jewelry box was open and empty.
Has the husband been notified?
No. Not yet.
Uh, "Rishi Bose." I'll
call his workplace.
Neighbour said it's a family of five
parents, two kids, and a grandma.
Did they see or hear
anything this morning?
Sounds of a fight?
No. No. But he also
said he just woke up, so.
The neighbour did mention
that there's been three
robberies and break-ins
in the area in the last month.
We also learned the
husband isn't home much.
He's got a second job.
He's a janitor at a
seniors' longterm-care home.
Uh, Rishi's supervisor
at the meat plant said
he just punched out
from his overnight shift.
I'll get the address for his second job.
All right. Thanks, guys.
We'll take it from here.
All right. Here you go.
You good?
Yeah. I'm, uh
Seeing will after shift.
How is your boy doing?
He's got a mentor with
"Life After Hate," but
I don't think it's gonna take, man.
How's Helena?
She's all the way down in Arizona.
We're gonna miss our anniversary.
Hey, you know, if you
wanna go be with her,
you can always get me to cover for you.
[DISPATCH] B-and-E at South
Asian Community Centre
on 176th.
Possible burglary. Suspect at large.
That's four blocks from the Bose house.
Could be connected.
[VINCE] 6103 responding.
We're en route now.
The only place they
stole from was the office.
We checked everything else.
Nothing else missing.
So, you unlocked the doors as usual,
you get to the office,
and your camera and laptop
are missing? Anything else?
Cash box was empty.
Cash box?
Can you show me where
that's kept, please?
Command, this is 6103.
We'll need forensics here.
Okay. Hello.
Uh, can you tell me your names, please?
Basu Roy Chowdhury.
Could you, uh
Could you spell that for me?
I'm sorry. One more time.
Just slowly, please?
I am saying it slowly.
Then r-o-y.
Then c-h-o-w-d-h-u-r-y.
"Ranimala Basu Roy Chowdhury."
Her name is Mirabella Gupta.
You need my help to spell that, too?
No. I got that. Thank you.
Okay. So can you tell me what you saw?
We come to read
[TESTILY] We came today morning,
to read our prayer books together,
then frank tells us the
office has a break-in,
and someone stole all his things.
Frank is a bit of an idiot, though.
Oh, yeah? How so?
He hires druggies!
Barry Fanshaw?
He got fired last week. He has a temper.
Write his name!
He's always so rude to us.
Canada people so batthatameez.
No manners!
Uh, no CCTV.
They got in through the
window. It's a smash-and-grab.
- We'll have prints soon.
- How much longer that will take?
We have some colleagues coming to
check the scene for fingerprints.
So, it'll be a while before
we know what happened,
but we'll leave an officer
here in the meantime.
Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Um, let's, um, let's
t-track down Barry Fanshaw.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
"Fanshaw." F-a-n
Devi Bose just went into surgery.
I'll take lead on this one.
Excuse me?
Are you Rishi Bose?
I'm Detective Sohal.
This is Detective Kalaini.
Can we speak with you for a minute?
I'm sorry we have some bad news.
Your wife Devi,
she was assaulted in
your home earlier today.
What happened?
We're trying to determine that.
She suffered an impact
to the side of her head.
She lost a lot of blood.
Oh. No, no. Oh, God.
Right now, she's in surgery.
Rishi, I understand
this is very difficult.
Please, let me go see
her. Please. Please.
I just I need to be near her.
I'm so sorry.
Unfortunately, they're
not allowing visitors
until she's on the recovery floor.
I-I'll wait in the waiting area.
Please, just I need to see her.
I know it's hard not to be with her.
Rishi, the best thing
that you can do right now
is to come with us to your home
to help us find answers.
I'll do I'll do anything you need.
Let me help you gather your things.
You can ride with us.
[KARA] Okay, so you think
the cases are connected?
Well, there's been a recent
spike in B-and-E's in the area.
Yeah, but the community centre theft
looks like a smash-and-grab
targeting tech
no one was injured
Kalaini and Sohal's case
looks like a home invasion.
Violent assault of a female victim.
Gold was taken, but not tech.
But both happened in the last 12 hours,
within a four-block radius.
Okay. Let's track them both,
in case one tips to the other.
Okay. Constable Chen caught
up with Barry Fanshaw's alibi.
Barry's clear.
And the prints came back from
the community centre window
no matches in our system.
- Okay, so, back to square one.
- Goddamnit.
All right. Let's, uh,
let's update Sohal,
widen this out see if
there are any similar patterns
to the recent B-and-E's
in the neighbourhood.
- Right. Wanna call?
- I'll call in.
Yeah. Thanks.
That was Vince. Their
B-and-E suspect's cleared.
Devi's attacker is still out there.
Here is the list of the missing gold.
My wife's and my mother's.
I'm sorry, I don't know
the approximate value.
That's fine.
We just have a few more questions.
I'm sorry to ask
can you think of anyone
who would want to hurt Devi?
We moved here four years ago.
We don't know anyone. All we do is work.
And it's just the four
of you, and your mother?
Yes. Her name is Nima Bose.
She came here a year ago.
Oh, God.
She doesn't even have a phone.
How will she know?
Where is she right now?
With a friend,
on the way to the Vishnu
Temple in Abbotsford.
[SABRINA] We'll have
someone contact the temple
and let her know what's happened.
Your boys are at school now?
Uh, yes, kindergarten and grade five.
- A few blocks away.
[WOMAN] Is this Rishi Bose?
Mr. Bose, this is
Principal Anna calling.
Are Ravi and Avi at home right now?
Neither of them showed
up at school today.
What does this mean?
Mr. Bose, you may need
to call the police.
That was the school.
My children never showed up today.
[SABRINA] I'll call it in.
Hey, Command. Can you send a unit
to Joseph Alexander Elementary School?
We have a report of
two missing children.
Listen up!
We have an Amber alert
Ravi Bose and Avi Bose,
10 and 4 years of age.
Canvass the neighbourhood
and nearby parks,
as well as Joseph Andrew Elementary.
We may be dealing with an
abduction by a violent offender.
It's possible the boys took off and hid
when their mother was attacked,
or, if they witnessed it,
they may have been
abducted to keep them quiet.
We need all available units on this
so we can get these boys home safe!
Let's go, people! Let's move!
Oh, God.
Oh, my boys!
Oh, my boys
I-I can't
Rishi, we will find them.
- I can't breathe.
- Rishi, just step outside
- I can't breathe.
Let's just retrace their steps, okay?
I can't I can't breathe.
Who takes them to school every day?
They-they-they walk.
Three blocks away.
Many other kids, they walk
at the same time, so
is there anyone they play with
whose family you might
be concerned about?
No one. W why would someone do this?
Why would someone take my kids?
Rishi. Listen to me.
We need to establish a timeline
for your family for this morning.
What does your work day look like?
My first job is a night
shift at the meat plant
10 P.M. to 10 A.M.,
then, I walk to my second
job, where you found me.
And what are your hours there?
10:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
[ZAK] Okay, good. Good.
And what about Devi's schedule?
She works 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
We barely see each other.
The school's pulled the footage.
I'm sorry, Mr. Bose. We have to go.
Call me when my wife
gets out of surgery.
I need to be here in
case the boys come home.
I promise, you'll be the first to know
once Devi's out of surgery.
[SOBS] Please, find my children.
I cannot lose my family.
I understand.
Tracking a lead on some stolen tech,
if you could check local resale sites.
Yeah, what do you have?
Uh, okay, we got a JB laptop
with a half-peeled rainbow
sticker on the front.
A digital camera
brand name is "Raven."
We've also got wedding jewelry, gold,
but that's probably halfway
to a pawn shop by now.
Nine times out of ten,
they use swap and sell.
They could already be sold.
I'll set up an alert
and I'll keep looking.
Thanks, Gillian. We'll
check the pawn shops.
Why didn't the school call
in the absences earlier?
Call the parents if the child
doesn't come in by second period.
Was there anything unusual
in the security footage
from this morning?
Were any strangers
noticed in the vicinity?
Absolutely not. That would be flagged.
What can you tell us about the boys?
They're good kids.
Creative, outgoing, integrating well.
There was one incident.
What happened?
Three weeks ago, Avi, the younger boy,
hit a child.
It was very out of character for him.
We had to suspend him.
At pickup, their mom and
grandma were not happy.
They got into a serious argument,
but it was in Bengali,
so I'm not sure what they said.
Did you notice conflict between
the mother and grandmother
before three weeks?
- I don't think so.
I'm sorry. I'll be right back.
- Uh, sure.
Go ahead, Kara.
Devi Bose just got out of surgery.
She's stable, but
we're still monitoring.
The good news is, no brain bleed,
but, uh, her MRI results
show a broken rib and a bruised lung.
Her internal injuries are
about three weeks old,
and she's pregnant
First trimester.
Well, the school just said that
little Avi was unexpectedly violent
with a schoolmate three weeks ago.
If violence is happening at home,
Avi may have been mirroring it.
What's your read on Rishi?
Mm, he seems loving.
I mean, he's very concerned
about his wife, his children.
He has been desperate to
join Devi at the hospital.
Well, he could be caught in a
cycle of violence and remorse.
We need to interview him again.
I'll send a unit to bring him in,
and we'll station an
officer at the house,
in case the kids come back.
Any word on the grandmother?
No. The unit's still
en route to Abbotsford.
Hey! Hey, Vince. Gabby.
No camera yet,
but the JB laptop with
the rainbow sticker
just got posted on the resale site.
Seller's name is "Jessa."
That's great. Let's
place a purchase request.
Yeah, well, I'm already on it.
She wants cash and she can meet now.
Okay. Where are we going?
Here. She's got a green backpack.
Thanks, Gillian.
[GABBY] Stay right there.
Stay right there! Right there.
Hey, Jessa.
How you doing?
Mind if we take a look
inside your backpack?
"Jessa Jane Jacobs."
Search my name. Never been arrested.
Not even a parking
ticket or a library fine.
I don't care.
What do you know about
a laptop and camera
stolen from a community centre?
"Nothing"? We have your
IP address on record.
You agreed to meet, sell the tech.
No, I I didn't.
All right. Cut the shit.
You broke into the community centre,
and then, this morning,
you robbed and assaulted a
woman who is now in post-op,
so I'm gonna ask you one time
what have you done with her kids?
- What?
- Mother of two.
I-I would never do that.
You left her to bleed out
on her living room floor.
Hey! Look at me!
That woman could have
died because of you.
Where are her kids?
I don't have her kids! I didn't do that!
Look, I stole from the centre, okay?
And we did a couple places
last month, but that is it
Who's "we"? Who do you work with?
It's just me and my crew.
We work fast
we wipe devices and post
them for sale within 24 hours.
I swear, I'd never hurt anyone.
We're gonna want the names
of the people you work with.
Face him.
Hey! Kalaini.
So the prints from the laptop thief
match the prints from the
community centre window.
One case down.
There's no connection to the theft
or assault at the Bose household.
Has Rishi been processed?
Yes. He's waiting for you in room one.
Have a nice flight.
Wait. Where are you going?
I'm heading to Calgary.
What? Now?
Just some loose ends
at the Calgary CFPC.
Brambilla's gonna join
you on the Bose case.
You afraid you'll get behind?
Don't flatter yourself, Kalaini.
[ZAK] Hey.
All right, boss. What do you need?
What's up?
Zak, heading to Calgary all of a sudden.
Why wouldn't he tell me?
I guess something came up?
Right. Maybe.
I've got Devi's husband,
Rishi, in room one.
Turns out that she sustained
injuries three weeks ago.
We're concerned about
possible domestic violence.
Domestic violence?
Unrelated to this morning?
His alibi's solid.
His boss confirmed that
he was at the meat plant
- on shift at the time.
- You know what?
I'll get Gabby to double-check
his alibi in person.
Sometimes, you get a different answer
from your work buddies
than you do from the boss.
Okay, can you check on the unit
tracking down the grandma as well?
I want to get her
insight into the family.
I'll go talk to Rishi.
Yeah. Yeah. You got it.
Why am I here?
Where are my children?
We are doing everything we
can to find them, Mr. Bose.
Would you like to take a seat?
We're searching the area
with all available units.
When we find them, we will let you know.
Your wife she's out of surgery.
- Oh.
- She's recovering well
But the doctors are
concerned about some injuries
that appear to be a few weeks old
approximately the same time
that Avi was suspended from school.
Did something happen at
your home three weeks ago?
Sometimes, family changes
Can escalate stress.
Were things more difficult
since you learned
that Devi was pregnant?
[SOBS] What?
Oh, you didn't know?
Why wouldn't she tell me?
Oh, God, no.
[SABRINA] I don't know
The officers sent to the
Vishnu Temple in Abbotsford
haven't been able to
locate the grandmother yet.
Rishi, it's very important
that you tell the truth right now.
Don't know how to say this.
It's my mother
She hates living here.
She has never approved of my wife.
Thinks my wife is not
raising the children right.
She thinks the kids should be raised
how the kids are in India.
Is your wife another religion?
No. Caste.
She's a lower caste.
You're Indian, right?
You know how this can be.
Did something happen between
your wife and your
mother three weeks ago?
My mother and my wife
got into their worst fight.
What happened three weeks ago?
My mother pushed my Devi so
hard against the kitchen counter,
she broke her ribs.
And then, my mother went to slap her,
but Devi grabbed her wrists so hard,
I-I had to pull them apart.
I begged Devi to go to the hospital,
but she said no.
She said,
what if the doctor reported
that there was fighting in the family?
What if they thought we hit our kids?
The Canadian government
would take them away.
In Canada, people are batthatameez
no manners.
What was his mother's name again?
Nima Bose.
[RISHI] I need to protect my family.
Could "Ranimala" be
shortened to "Nima"
[SABRINA] Has anyone ever hurt the boys?
[VINCE] "Basu" to "Bose"?
[KARA] Yeah.
[RISHI] My boys. I
would not let that happen.
[SABRINA] You work two jobs.
[RISHI] Believe me
I would
Rishi, do you have a
photo of your mother?
Do you mind if I take a picture of this?
I know this woman.
Her full name is Ranimala
Basu Roy Chowdhury.
I met her at the community
centre this morning.
She never went to the temple.
"Nima" and "Ranimala"
are the same woman.
Where were you?
Come, come! Now we can go.
I want Mamma! I have to pee.
You said you would come check on us.
Don't push me.
Be quiet! We don't have time.
Go. Go. Go.
- My bunny bear!
- Go!
Amma, bunny bear got left behind!
Not now. Go. Move!
I want my bunny bear!
Move your hand.
What took you so long?
- We waited for you!
- Sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- Go! Drive!
[GILLIAN] Vince, change of plan.
They've left the community centre.
Surveillance footage
showed a grey Dodge Caravan
leaving with two small
children 10 minutes ago.
Is this making sense to you?
If she hated her daughter-in-law,
fought with her and left her for dead
and then abducted the grandchildren?
Didn't like living in Canada,
and she wanted to raise
the children right
She could be taking them to India.
Hey, Gillian, can you search
all outgoing flights to India,
including stopovers?
Check under both names
"Ranimala Basu Roy Chowdhury"
and "Nima Bose."
Checking all outbound
flights to India now.
There are three tickets under the names
"Ranimala Basu Roy Chowdhury,"
"Ravi Bose," and "Avi Bose,"
travelling to India today
7 P.M. flight.
[KARA] Update on the Amber alert
Ravi and Avi, 10 and 4,
possible family abduction
by their grandmother
South Asian, mid-50s
travelling in a
Grey 2020 Dodge Grand Caravan,
number two-whiskey-five, echo-golf-six.
Drive. Drive!
I have to pee, Amma!
Amma, I don't want to go anymore.
[GILLIAN] We have a
sighting of the minivan
heading west on 102.
I got wet!
Chup! We will clean it up later.
Pick up the speed. Faster!
Stay where you are!
[VINCE] Take the
driver! Take the driver!
- I said, stay back!
- Get the driver! Get the driver!
I have done nothing wrong!
Nima, we need to talk.
[VINCE] Are you boys okay?
Just follow me, okay?
- All right
- Don't touch me!
I'm not scared of you.
Good job, good job.
Let's go to go to the car here.
Ranimala, I need you to come with me.
Tell him not to take the kids.
[SABRINA] Get in the car!
How dare you are bringing
me to a police station?
Where are my grandchildren?
They are being well looked
after by Sergeant Brambilla.
You are suspec
you're suspected of
abducting Avi and Ravi Bose,
and assaulting Devi Bose.
I did it.
Well, you're stronger than you look.
Strong enough to have
thrown your daughter-in-law
down the basement stairs
and broken her arm this morning.
We were fighting.
She was not listening to my words.
I grew angry
and I threw her
down the basement stairs.
The thing is,
is Devi wasn't found at
the bottom of the stairs.
She was found in the
middle of the living room.
Bleeding from her head.
Her arm is fine.
You have no idea what
I'm talking about, do you?
[VINCE] Ooh yeah!
Hey, try this.
This Is my favourite flavour.
Go ahead.
I miss my mamma.
I have to tell her I lost
my bunny bear in the closet.
I promise, you'll be
able to see your mom
as soon as possible, okay?
And I'm gonna get someone
to go back and find bunny bear for you.
Is there a favourite thing
you like about Canada?
Drinking hot chocolate!
Oh, hot chocolate? Oh,
I love hot chocolate.
My wife and I drink
it with marshmallows.
You ever do that?
It's a lot sweeter that way.
Want to try it next time?
So you and your grandmother
were going away today?
We were going on a fun
adventure to fly home.
- Home?
- To India.
Without your mom and dad?
I know what I'm about
to say might sound scary,
but it's not
your mom is, um, is being taken care of
in a hospital because she got hurt.
She's she's okay,
and your grandmother and your father
are talking to the police
about something very important.
Is everything okay at home?
Do you both feel safe at home?
I'm gonna do everything I
can to take care of you both.
Is Amma okay?
Your grandmother
She's okay now.
Devi had a serious head injury
And someone left her there
To bleed out.
I had a chance to meet with Rishi
To speak with him in person.
Three weeks ago
Did your son hurt his wife?
Did he break her rib
and bruise her lung?
And you knew that she was pregnant,
but, at that moment,
you were helpless.
[BITTERLY] You're talking
to me like you know me.
You're right, Auntie-Ji
we don't know each other,
but what I know to be true
is that, in our community
We still put sons on a pedestal
not everyone, but many
and maybe you thought
that you would just
Bear with the way that he treated you.
Maybe Devi and you had
some sort of understanding,
but enough is enough
am I right?
That looks very painful.
Who did that to you?
- Auntie-Ji, I'm so sorry.
I'll be right back.
Rishi's alibi's fallen through.
When I pressed Rishi's
friend at the meat plant,
he told me sometimes they
punch in and out for each other.
Rishi's done it for him, when he wants
to get off early without
the boss knowing about it.
This morning,
he punched out Rishi's
time card at 10 A.M.,
but Rishi left at eight.
[KARA] And then you found him
at his second job a little after 10:30.
8 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. That's two
and a half hours unaccounted for.
Yeah, those kids aren't
scared of their grandmother
they're scared for her.
Okay. Let's get back in there.
Vince? Let's go. Thanks, Gabby.
[GABBY] Yeah.
[SABRINA] Auntie-Ji,
I have some bad news.
Your son lied to us about where he was,
and, right now, he's the main suspect
for the violent assault
against Devi this morning.
You can't protect your son
if he will not protect his family.
If you tell the truth
We can help the boys.
If I speak
Will they be taken away?
I will do everything in my power
to make sure that doesn't happen.
[RANIMALA] I do not know what happened
to my daughter-in-law today morning.
[SABRINA] Who gave you those
bruises on your wrists?
My son.
It started with him restricting food,
so I wasn't eating more than my share.
He was worried about money?
He took my pension money
coming in from India,
and, when I asked for
some money or more food,
he hit me.
But he was not like this before.
The longer he stayed here
The angrier he got.
What happened three weeks ago?
Avi saw Rishi hitting me.
Devi got between us,
then Rishi threw Devi across the room
cracked her ribs.
I knew she was pregnant.
I didn't help.
I-I'm so sorry.
[RANIMALA] That night,
she said, "enough."
"You either call the police
or we go to India."
That night
We made a plan to get away today.
Mirabella and I would hide
the kids at the centre,
until it was time for their flight.
Why wasn't Devi coming with you?
You're not allowed to
fly with broken ribs.
She was going to hide at
Mirabella's till she was ready.
But you needed visas.
Only Avi.
He's born in Canada.
And how did you get Rishi
to sign the visa forms?
I forged it.
His emergency visa did not
arrive till today morning.
Mirabella's son was late
to take us to the airport,
because he had to go to the
visa centre to pick up the visa.
We had to wait three hours.
[SABRINA] Auntie-Ji
You must have been so scared
when the police showed up
at the community centre.
[RANIMALA] I was fearful.
They could have taken the children away!
I would never see them
again. I was scared!
And now
Here I am.
Auntie-Ji, this is really hard.
My son did his best
Trying to earn money,
feeding his family,
keeping his home.
He even shortened all our names.
[SOBBING] My son lost himself
Trying to belong to this country!
Auntie-Ji, respectfully,
can I say something?
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Every time he laid a hand on you
He knew what he was doing.
Physical, emotional, financial
mental abuse
It's still abuse, Auntie,
no matter what the reason.
Can I see my son?
Yeah, I can set that up.
- Your alibi from this morning fell apart.
And your mother
gave you up for your past assaults.
Your mother, who you
tried to incriminate.
They were planning to escape from you
And take the kids to India.
They were going to leave me?
That's all you've got to say?
I didn't mean to.
I didn't mean to I-I swear to you.
I came home
and Devi hadn't left for work yet.
I knew she was hiding something.
She wouldn't tell me.
I Pushed her
And she fell.
I looked at her and I thought
"Oh, God
Oh, God, I killed her."
Okay? I panicked.
I didn't mean to. I swear to you.
Are my kids okay?
They are now.
Did you eat, my boy?
No, Ma.
I'm not hungry.
Make sure you eat. Don't
work on an empty stomach.
You will need money now,
to pay for all of this.
You want to sell the
gold from my wedding?
How did you become this man?
[RISHI] I don't know.
I never raised you like this.
Where did you lose your way?
I don't know.
It really hurts.
Why did you do it?
W-why did you hurt Devi?
I am sorry.
Tell me why.
I want to hear.
[CHOKES UP] I will always love you
but you are not
the boy that I raised.
From today onwards
you are not my boy.
Don't ever
come looking for us.
Don't ever come to see me.
Please don't leave me.
I have to.
Hey, boss.
Happy birthday.
What's this?
They're pignoli.
I made them Helena's recipe,
but they're never as good
as when she makes them.
This is delicious.
Mm. Thanks.
So Bolton gave me two weeks
to go down to Arizona to be with Helena.
You know
It's a lot harder than I thought
not being with her.
Well, give her my love.
Yeah. I will.
Hey, will you, um
Will you check in on those two boys?
I got something for little Avi.
Constable Chen found his "bunny bear."
Can you make sure he gets it?
Yeah. You got it.
The dad's looking at about
five years, no contact.
After that, domestic
violence intervention training
may allow for supervised
visitation with his kids.
Is there anything we
can do for the victims?
Well, unfortunately,
this is not the first
time that I've tracked
an elder abuse case
within the community.
Yeah, I'm not surprised.
But, thankfully, the
South Asian Legal Council
provides services for elders
who are navigating this
and don't know how to get out.
I volunteer my time there.
Can we connect them to Ranimala?
I'm gonna introduce her to a
social worker from the community.
Yeah. Yeah, I'll take care of it myself.
Hey, I don't suppose
you're, uh, free for a ?
I-I can't.
Dad always makes kheer for my birthday.
Maybe next week?
Also, there's a promise I have to keep.
So draw your lines upon my skin ♪
For the very final time ♪
And I will colour all them in ♪
And retrace them ♪
Until I ♪
Can't remember ♪
What it feels like ♪
Like ♪
I've been thinking
Especially today
how grateful I am,
for the men in my life.
How I feel safe
How I can trust
and then, we see on the news
[VOICE CRACKS] You've got
Assistant Commissioner Campbell
standing behind you,
supporting your campaign.
Pappa, what have you done?
Look, I needed to turn
things around, okay?
The assistant commissioner set
that treason charge in motion,
and the best way to
undercut the damage it did
was to have him by my
side, showing his support.
The whole point of him
sabotaging your career
was so that "someone like
you" wouldn't get elected.
Well, people don't know that, do they?
All they know is that
someone with his convictions,
his influence supports me,
which will turn others of
his persuasion to my side.
[SCOFFS] You made a deal with him.
I saw you shake his hand,
the day of Luke's memorial.
How did you get him to agree?
I told him I had proof of what he did.
You what?
But that I was willing to let it go,
for the stability of the country,
and for the sake of the CFPC
for the sake of your career,
you're making deals with a criminal?
For your own protection, we
can't bring him to justice,
Ishaan you get that part, right?
So I found a way to
keep the enemy close.
It's not ideal,
but it's a temporary,
pragmatic compromise,
until I cross the finish line.
Oh a-and then we flip
the "integrity" switch on?
Ishaan, it may not be that simple.
Are you seriously taking his side?
I am not taking anybody's side!
Yes, you are!
Everything I have done has
been to protect this family!
No. No. Stop.
I'm done.
Pappa, I understand
why you've made the choices you have.
I understand
But I do not agree with them.
I am not giving up
on bringing Campbell to justice,
and I will do that
Even if that means going
against your wishes.
Well, looks like my wish came true.
What'd you wish for?
The truth.
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