Cracked s02e06 Episode Script

Ghost Dance

All units be on the lookout for a red station wagon, wanted in connection to a hit and run Holy crap.
Oota nitayan.
Oota nitayan.
Suspect has a woman.
Looks like First Nations.
I need backup.
Don't approach.
Backup is en route.
Weechiwinan! Machie'is! Machie'is! Shots fired, request backup now! 3503 responding.
Three minutes.
Weechiwinan! Weepimatis! - Weechiwinan! - This guy's definitely on something.
Or he's just crazy.
I'm not getting out of the car till I've got backup.
- They're almost there.
- Weechiwinan! Wathawee! Weepimatis! Machimantoo! Wathawee! Ah!! Hey.
You were talking in your sleep.
Yeah? Did I say? Liz.
A few times.
- Rach - And you were fighting with your pillow.
I was worried you might take a shot at me.
Is it the 16th today? I've got to go.
I'm on early.
Hey, hey.
Rach Do it now! Drop that weapon! Originally Aired November 4, 2013 d I got out of bed today d Swear to God, couldn't see my face d d I got out of bed today d Staring at a ghost d Oh have you seen my ghost d Seen my ghost, seen my ghost d Oh have you seen my ghost d Staring at the ground d Na na na na na na na Vic's maybe early twenties.
She wasn't killed here.
Not enough blood.
She's cut up pretty bad.
Suspect is First Nations.
Possibly a trucker, given the site.
Possibly indigent.
No ID on him.
You shipped him over - to St.
Why? - He was speaking gibberish.
Collapsed on the tarmac, started convulsing, his eyes rolled back into his head.
Paramedic said it wasn't epilepsy.
It was weird.
Like a trance state.
A trance state? What do I know? Guy's acting crazy, girl's covered in wounds and wrapped in plastic.
So I sent him to the shrinks and called Psych Crimes.
And here I am.
Wait for forensics.
Nice ring.
- Do I know the guy? - Uh, no.
- How are things with Fenton? - Good.
- Good.
- So you handing off? I spoke to Caligra.
Psych Crimes is prime on the suspect.
She wants an evaluation.
We work joint on the case.
How solid are we on the assailant? Patrolman caught him in the act.
Dashboard camera has it.
- Apparently.
- What's that mean? Well, the suspect used his fists on the cruiser, damaged the data recording.
We have the end.
- We can try and restore the rest.
- What's it show? Suspect firing into those trees.
- Not at the cruiser? - Nope.
Meanwhile, the murder weapon looks to be that knife, not a gun.
What was he shooting at? Mati Kitachaak takeeweepatho.
Puskeepatheeta oota aski igwa nitayweechamik kitooteemuk.
Kawitha oota - moochoomipathi.
- Hi.
I'm Dr.
What's your name? I'm sorry.
I'll come back.
Good, you're here.
We have an ID on the victim.
Ellen Owens.
Body was found near the restaurant where she works.
She was moved, possibly from the woods nearby.
We've got dogs searching.
Our victim is First Nations.
And so is our suspect.
I spoke with the Coroner.
There are knife wounds all over her body.
- Are we sure this is the guy? - Looks like a slam dunk, yes.
His prints are all over the knife.
I want you to see if we can link this suspect to anyone else.
Who? There are too many dead girls on these highways.
We don't solve many.
- Do we even try? - That's not our job, normally.
But this may be a chance to close some.
I want you to look into the active unsolveds along the same highway.
Identify this guy's M.
, order up files on anything that you think might fit - So you're turning us into a task force? - And while you're at it, I want you to look at the relevant cold case files.
I'll have them sent over.
- That all? - Yes.
That's all.
I want this done right.
- You look a little rough there, buddy.
- I'm fine, Leo.
Alright, I'm headed over to St.
I want to see this guy.
You coming? Nah, I think I'm gonna work here.
I don't need to see this one.
- So who is he? - We don't know.
No identification, so no family or criminal history to reference.
They can't do the tests because he won't speak.
Tell me again how we know he did it? We caught him with the girl.
Basically in the act.
- Basically? - He was carrying the body.
His prints were on the knife that killed her.
He assaulted a police car.
And the officer on duty said he was psychotic.
- I want you to go in and see him.
- You said he won't talk.
Maybe he'll talk to you.
I had a reaction.
I was When I was a little girl I used to feel sometimes like I had been brushed by an angel's wing.
- So he's an angel now? - No.
Just go in and see him.
Of course.
You got a name? You got anything to say for yourself? Do it now! Drop that weapon! I don't think that man is a killer.
- No.
You think he's an angel.
- No.
I think I don't think.
I feel something.
- You felt it too.
I saw it.
- You talk to your colleagues like this? Never.
Am I wrong? I have a question.
- Shocking.
- When you started med school, did you know you were going to be a psychiatrist? - No.
- What changed your mind? The diseases are more complex.
Bigger challenge.
Cancer's a pretty big challenge, no? Yes, it is.
Someone you know have cancer? My mom.
She got it when I was fifteen.
Did she die? My mom believed that if her faith was strong enough, that God would save her from it.
He didn't.
So, I decided to go to med school.
- To fight cancer.
- Yeah, I thought so.
At first.
But really I wanted to fight evil.
Which is funny, because I wasn't raised to believe in evil.
And you sure as hell aren't trained to believe in it as a psychiatrist.
We don't even use that word.
But I have looked it in the eye.
Cancer doesn't know what the hell it's doing.
It just eats you.
People do.
Some of them.
- You want to face evil? - Yeah.
Something wrong with that? No.
Just not what I was expecting.
So he never fires at the cruiser.
He only fires into the trees.
She's moving.
- She's still alive.
- Why didn't the uniform call an ambulance? Poppy, check the radio transcription.
- Did he call for an ambulance? - Nope.
This is all wrong.
He's asking for help.
I agree.
He's not threatening the officer at all.
- Okay, now he is.
- Well, he's distraught.
He's got a girl dying in his arms.
He's just pleading for help.
The cause of death is multiple knife wounds.
The gun definitely wasn't used on the victim, - only the knife.
- Can I see that? We've got a problem.
- What? - Have you see this footage? The cop panicked.
I mean, his report doesn't mean anything, he's covering.
I know.
I already filed discipline charges.
I was as angry as you are right now.
- Well, you cover it better.
- Well, at least we have the killer.
Do we? I don't think we do.
Have you looked at this? It just came in.
This girl was tortured.
Whoever did this inflicted extreme suffering.
These wounds are elaborate.
Maybe it'll make it easier to connect him to another case.
These are the cases I want you to look at.
Highway body dumps.
All Aboriginal women.
See if you can link him to these.
- Clara, I want you to work up a profile.
- Absolutely.
You just going to ignore everything we just said about the suspect? Nothing on that video footage exonerates him, Aidan.
Find out who he is, link him to these.
- Link him? He didn't do it.
- Okay! Prove it.
- What do you think I want, Kaya? - How would I know? C'mon, you know.
What's going on? - Why don't you ask them? - How you doing, I'm Detective Brauer, this is Detective Wisnefski.
Waitress says you were here last night? Yeah, I had dinner.
Went to sleep in my truck.
- You see this guy around? - Sure.
Couple of times.
- You know his name? - Nope.
You remember this guy, right, Kaya? What's going on anyway? I guess you're not at liberty to say, being cops and all.
- What's your name? - Reginald Slaider.
Reg to my friends.
Thanks for your time.
All this baloney is interfering with me getting my breakfast.
I should file a complaint.
Where's Ellen? Last time I was through she had the early shift.
She doing okay? Just a minute, pretty thing That's another keeper.
Oh, I got you something.
I want you to keep this for me.
I don't want anyone's lips touching it unless they're yours.
How are things over in Homicide? The air better over there? They released a photo of the suspect.
- No one's come forward yet.
- You show it around the restaurant? Yeah.
Couple of people recognized him, no one knows his name.
- What do we know about her? - Not much.
The address on Ellen Owens' driver's license is out of date.
Homicide's having a hard time locating next of kin.
But, we did find these in a bag that she left at her work.
- Any idea what they are? - No idea.
Handwritten, symbols.
Native symbols? Okay, I'll do a web search.
Thanks, guys.
- Hey, Leo? - Yeah.
Aidan and I tried to talk to the suspect this morning.
No luck.
You want to give it a try? Why me? Why not? Hey there.
I'm Leo.
I work with the police.
Can you tell me what these are? Kay she na no.
Kay she Kay she na no? Kay she na no.
What's your name? Beckett.
Neetha Lazarus.
Lazarus Keefe.
Awa Ellen Owens.
My friend.
Friend He says his name is Lazarus Keefe.
- And that's about all the English he knows.
- So what does he speak? We don't know yet.
So I requested a linguist.
Is he in the system? Well, Poppy says no.
But the only Lazarus Keefe on record served in the first world war.
That's funny.
The gun used was a World War I issue.
M17 revolver.
Maybe his grandfather.
Great-grandfather? - Did he say anything else? - "Ellen Owens is my friend.
" That's it.
- She was important to him.
- Yeah.
This guy is no trucker.
He can barely speak English.
So who is he? I've got to get back.
Caligra wants my profile.
- Did you come up with anything? - Yeah.
I actually had a lot to work with.
My profile is based solely on the killer's M.
The morgue photos show the distinctive wound patterns on Ellen Owens' body.
This same pattern occurs on her stomach, chest and back.
Small cuts in radiating circles.
Shallow at the perimeter, and then gradually becoming deeper, with the central cut being the deepest.
Bruising of the victim's wrists and ankles indicate that she was restrained.
Consideration has gone into the alternating depths of the wounds so that the victim gradually bleeds to death.
That way the killer gets to spend time with her.
When he was ready to kill her, he punctured her liver.
Note that the cuts are not ragged.
He has executed his wounding with finesse.
He's done this before.
He will do it again.
Questions? This Lazarus Keefe, - the suspect, you interviewed him? - I have.
Actually, I have too.
Normally when you're in a room with a sadist, you can feel it.
And you just want to get the hell up out of there.
We call them feelings of visceral disturbance.
There's a predator/prey response that triggers.
- I didn't get that feeling.
- I didn't either.
This guy is 6'6, with a knife in his hand and a dead girl at his feet.
- C'mon, he did this.
- No.
I think he found her.
Where are we with his assessment? It's stalled.
We can't talk to him.
Well, you know my motto.
Let the lawyers figure it out.
- That's not good enough, Liz.
- Yes, it is, Aidan.
That's the job.
We don't have to like it.
We just collect the evidence.
That's what we're doing.
Alright, put the photos on the wires.
And run 'em on ViCLAS too.
You okay? Look, even if I find the right guy, Lazarus Keefe is all the reasonable doubt that he needs.
I mean, this case is a mess.
Is that what's bothering you? Yeah.
Anything? The linguist is working with Lazarus Keefe.
- No progress yet.
- We've got another hit.
- Where? - Parry Sound.
Three weeks ago.
Parry Sound, Toronto, Sault Ste.
Marie That's a truck route.
Can't we use any of this to clear Lazarus Keefe? Not yet, no.
- You know he didn't do it.
- He's a bird in hand, the department's not going to let him go.
Not with 3 bodies.
A trucker makes sense.
Little or no oversight.
Lots and lots of opportunity.
Get off my butt! Tamo'owin? Namootha kinistootatin keegway Kie'toowin.
Best I can tell, it's some kind of Cree dialect.
To be honest, I've never come across anything like it.
So you can't talk to him? Once a language dies I offer to buy you breakfast, and this this - is the place that you pick? Thank you.
- I'm a cheap date.
This isn't a date.
You're working.
What's the angle? Miss Kaya Grey knows more than she's saying.
What I don't get is why she won't talk.
We're cops.
She's Native.
That might have something to do with it.
Hey, you ever stop? We found links to some other cases before I left last night.
We think you've got the wrong guy.
- You mean Black does? - All of us do.
Aidan doesn't tell me what to think.
Good for you.
But you're still wrong about the guy.
I bet you he's her son.
I checked databases this morning.
There's a Native woman who went missing outside of Thunder Bay last night.
They found her car and her kids abandoned at a rest stop.
The timing fits.
It means nothing until there's a body.
It means nothing until you can link that body with this killer.
Her name's Lucie Mack.
Don't do that.
All we can do is work it properly.
I'm trying, Diane! But right now all we got is a First Nations guy with a knife and a body.
And we both know how that goes down.
If he is innocent, you will prove it.
- And what if I can't? - Aidan.
You been here all night.
You should go home.
Get some rest and clean yourself up.
That's an order.
Yes, ma'am.
Mother of God.
Hey These are all linked? Aidan turned them up overnight.
Most are ViCLAS hits.
Four provinces.
It's a trucker.
You guys still think we're wrong? I better check in.
I'll see you later.
I've got a few more questions about Ellen.
I don't have anything to say to you.
That's a pretty great drawing you've got there.
Can I see it close up? Is that your name? Elijah? Who's the beautiful angel? - That's Mommy.
- Mommy Ellen? Elijah! Finish your lunch.
He's Ellen Owens' son.
You don't think you should have told us that? - Why? So you can take him away? - Ellen's family needs to be informed.
It's their decision what happens to the boy I'm his family.
Ellen is my sister.
Leave us alone.
I can't do that.
Someone needs to claim Ellen's body.
Elijah? You get your things together, okay? Hi, it's Detective Sergeant Aidan Black, Metro Police.
I called earlier about a woman who's missing.
Lucie Mack.
Have you heard anything further? Alright, well, get back to me if there's anything anything at all.
Did you get any sleep? I'm fine.
Aidan Aidan? This is Elijah Owens.
Ellen's son.
I'm sorry.
This is Aidan's desk.
That's okay, that's okay.
What are you drawing? I don't know yet.
Why don't you try these? You can keep them if you like them.
Thank you.
Would you mind if I came in and talked to Kaya Grey with you? Yeah, sorry I'm a little off today.
I know.
It's the 16th today.
A year ago I got a kid killed.
Want to meet me in there? Yeah.
You treat me like I'm some kind of criminal! I'm sorry.
There's no other room available - Where is Elijah? - He's okay.
He's just next door.
Kaya, we'll arrange to have your sister's body moved to a funeral home.
You choose one.
I can help you if you want.
I want to talk to you about Lazarus Keefe.
How did Ellen know him? He was our friend.
He was always there for us.
He didn't kill Ellen.
No, I don't believe he did.
My partner doesn't believe so either.
Kaya, I need you to talk to him.
We need to find out what happened that night.
I can't talk to him.
- I don't speak his language.
- But you must know someone There's no one who speaks his language.
He's the last.
Lazarus lived with his great-great-grandfather.
The old man took him up north when he was a boy.
He didn't want him in school.
They lived there by themselves.
When he died, Lazarus was alone.
But Ellen was learning his language.
And Lazarus had someone to talk to.
But how does he live? Where does he live? Lazarus doesn't live.
He's a dead man.
Kaya believes that Lazarus moves between the worlds of the living and the dead.
She believes he communicates with spirits.
The assessment team have a different take.
- They think he has PTSD.
- It fits.
- He suffers from sleeplessness, anxiety.
- The nurses have recorded numerous moments when he seems to fall into a trance.
They've also observed sudden startling, as if he's hearing or seeing things.
- Hallucinations.
- There are two types of PTSD.
Yours, brought on by a sudden catastrophic event.
And his, cumulative strain trauma.
The sum total of his life experience, the loss of his great- great-grandfather, language barrier, the loneliness, the death of Ellen Owens And how many others? We got a report in from the Provincials.
Found a body.
- Identified as Lucie Mack.
- Was she tortured? Same pattern.
It's our guy.
Did they find anything? Locals forgot to tent the scene.
Rained last night.
There were tire tracks, but now they're gone.
We've got a body.
Lucie Mack.
Locals screwed up the crime scene, but it doesn't matter.
Lazarus Keefe is eliminated as a suspect.
- He could have an accomplice.
- Doesn't fit the profile.
It can't be a copycat, we've held back the wound pattern.
- Okay.
- He's innocent.
- And we nearly sent him down.
- No.
You just saved him from that.
What? I mean, they couldn't even tent the crime scene? We do what we can.
I will get Lazarus Keefe released.
Good work.
Excuse me.
Wasn't me you punched.
How long has it been since you slept? I can't sleep I'm on the bus again.
One year, you said? That's not a lot of time.
It doesn't go away.
You learn to live with it.
See? It's just a hole in the wall.
Listen, I gotta go.
Is he going to be okay? Thank you.
I want detailed written reports of your recent findings, and I will pass them on to the provincial authorities and the RCMP.
And then what? Homicide will continue their investigation into Ellen Owens' murder.
Pack it up, please.
What's going on? Psych Crimes has cleared the suspect.
We're handing off.
Handing off to who? - Good question.
- It's out of our hands, Leo.
The other cases are out of our jurisdiction.
The killer probably is too.
Come on, pack it up.
Alright, I'm going.
You too.
We'll finish this in the morning.
- I'm waiting for Brauer.
- Things good? Yeah.
Case is was getting in the way.
There'll be another one.
- This is Black.
Leave a message.
- Aidan, I just found a witness report on one of the linked cases.
It was misfiled.
Witness fingered a trucker last seen with the victim.
His name is Reginald Slaider.
He was at the restaurant the night Ellen was murdered.
I just checked with his employer, and his routes fit our pattern.
Guess who the witness was? Kaya Grey.
I'm headed to the restaurant now.
Yes, I made the report.
- Why didn't you tell us? - Nothing happened then.
- Why would it be any different now? - But it was followed up Sure it was.
Just like this time.
No, you didn't 'follow up.
' You had Lazarus.
You were all ready to hang it on him.
- Kaya - Go to hell.
This is Black.
Leave a message.
Get over to the truck stop right away, and bring backup.
Reg Slaider.
He's here.
Detective Aidan Black.
You Reginald Slaider? Yeah.
So? How'd you get such a stupid name? From your dad? No, you wouldn't know who your father is, would you? You, uh, you want something? There was a witness came forward a while back.
About a girl you gave a ride to.
A witness? Well, that is interesting.
Once upon a time, there was an Officer Joe Idiot asked me some questions.
You asking about the same girl, Officer A-hole? Her name was Chastity.
She wasn't.
I dropped her off.
Side of the road.
No one around for miles, but she wanted out.
- Was she alive? - Far as I recall.
Not for long, though.
According to the officer.
- What about Lucie Mack? - Indian chick.
Couple kids? That's right.
That was in the paper.
Maybe I saw her.
- Yeah, you were up that way? - I was.
But, she'd be like the rest of them.
Underwear that doesn't match.
Cheap perfume.
You like girls like that? They like me.
You ever kill anyone? Well, I bet that's something.
You feel their blood warm on your hands.
That wet metal smell of it.
Something to watch them suffer.
Hear them beg.
How'd that make you feel? Tell me.
'Cause, I'd like to know.
Come back and see me after you take your piss.
Yeah, I'm not going to the bathroom, Reg, I'm going to search your rig.
Warrant just arrived.
Keep an eye on him.
Watch the door.
I just picked up an empty trailer this morning.
Who's that witness they're talking about, Kaya? That you? I hear they got the guy that did it.
That puts your mind at rest.
I'll take the back.
Hey! Put it down, Reg, put it down.
- Drop it! Now! - Do it, Slaider.
Arrest her! Put the cuffs on her! Kitooteemuk.
Why didn't you tell us? I don't trust you.
I trust Lazarus.
You planned this.
You knew about Reg.
Lazarus came here to kill him.
You should've talked to us.
Would Reg be dead if I did? Would Ellen? Yes.
You people don't save Ellens.
What's going to happen to her? She'll get assault.
At least.
Reg Slaider tortured these people.
That should count for something.
Well, she'll get some sympathy, but Odds are he'll get the maximum.
He's done what he came for.
d I fought a careless way d Indicated d I bought the song d But it never got played d That's fading d But we're coming up d Strangers
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