Curses! (2023) s02e06 Episode Script

The Goodluck Bridle

Careful, everyone.
The briar just gave me a quick glimpse
but I can tell this artifact is powerful.
Could you walk a little faster?
In the last few weeks,
a puppet rode me to India,
and a gourd preyed
on our deepest insecurities.
I'm not taking any chances here.
This is it.
"The Goodluck Bridle, 1886."
Rotten egg stink.
I think it's brimstone.
The smell most commonly associated
with the underworld. Fantastic.
Here it goes. Look out!
The curse is that it sounds
like a rodeo and smells funky?
That's not too bad at all.
There we go!
Scent is rank, mate.
All the more reason to get to New Mexico
and get the curse off the bridle ASAP.
We can't all go.
We have somewhat
concrete evidence an intruder
The black ribbon.
The black ribbon has been
rummaging through this place.
If we all go on this trip, the Restricted
Wing will be completely unguarded.
Excuse you, sir.
I'll be here.
No. You mean we'll be here.
Me too. I'll stay behind.
Are you sure that's a good idea?
What about your blackouts?
After the last two trips,
it's safer for you if I stay home.
Plus, I wanna be here
to confront this intruder.
Love that intensity, fella.
I bet we can catch the black ribbon and
put an end to his malfeasance for good.
It is settled then.
The three of us will protect the manor.
And we'll head out to
the Wild Wild West with Mom.
We'll head over to the docks at noon.
I have to stop at work first.
Georgia wanted to see me.
Be honest, Sky.
Why are you looking up the Lapis Scarab?
How did you?
You've pulled everything we have
about it from the archives.
Why were you looking up the scarab
that was stolen from the museum?
- Stolen?
- Because we didn't tell anybody.
- Georgia, I
- And yet you have a keen interest in it.
I had no idea it was stolen, I swear.
I was planning ahead.
After the Babylonian exhibit,
I was hoping to move on to
the treasures of Egypt.
I've always appreciated your proactivity.
Have fun in New Mexico.
Sky Vanderhouven knows
more than she's letting on.
So, what do we got this time?
Did you soak it in sewer water?
A bridle.
I love horses.
They're the planes of the ground.
It belonged to a famous
cowboy named Omar "Big O" Goodluck.
He and his brothers started herding cattle
after the Emancipation Proclamation
ended their enslavement.
Hold up. No one in school ever mentioned
there were Black cowboys.
Well, historians say about
20% of cowboys were Black.
We even have a few in our family.
Right, Mom?
We certainly do.
My great, great granddad Bud was
quite the buckaroo back in his day.
Bud was cowboying in
the same era as the Goodlucks.
He passed down all sorts of stories about
how they'd move armies of cows
across dangerous terrain.
And at each stop,
they'd perform in the Wild West shows.
No wonder they were famous.
It was said they had the number 777
stitched on their jackets,
so everyone knew who they were.
All lucky sevens. Good luck.
Clever marketing.
This artifact is really spinning
my propellers.
I'm coming with you.
I don't know.
These missions are dangerous.
We are dealing with curses here.
Have I mentioned I live for danger?
Honestly, with Alex back, I've gotten
used to having two adults in the field.
Plus, we all know how capable Margie is.
Welcome aboard.
The black ribbon's a wriggly fish.
How are we gonna catch him?
I have a plan.
We'll use Russ's robot to move
some artifacts into the Hub,
then we're "leaving."
And while the black ribbon
examines the artifacts,
we shall emerge from
hiding and subdue him.
That's brilliant.
Your mind for underhanded tricks
almost rivals mine.
It really is beautiful out here.
Well, except for those
ominous black scorch marks.
We should come back for
a curse-free vacation sometime.
You won't have to convince Pandora.
This reminds me of my visits
to the family farm when I was young.
We'd cook dinner over the fire, practice
rope tricks from Granddad's rodeo days,
and right before bed,
he'd tell us stories about
our family's adventures in the West.
You ought to write that stuff down.
Dad's ancestors aren't the only side
of the family we should know about.
And you should pass on
your granddad's legacy
by teaching us some of
his cool rodeo tricks.
I might remember a thing or two.
Let me see that lasso.
We have a situation here.
The Goodluck Brothers.
- Russ!
- Let me go!
Take that, you beef-headed bullwhackers!
Get outta here.
No! Margie!
This is all my fault.
Margie got captured saving me and
Don't even think that.
The only ones responsible are
those cowboys.
We need to focus on saving Margie.
Mom's right. Come on.
We gotta move if we're gonna catch them.
Hang on, Margie.
You're making me dizzy.
If I hurl, it's going right in your lap.
Where did you get those?
I rented them from a nearby ranch.
If we're gonna chase down cowboys,
we might as well do it right.
That's the spirit.
The rancher told me
no one ever goes out this way.
Supposedly, the land has been cursed
for over a hundred years,
ever since six people
mysteriously went missing.
I asked him to explain, but he
really didn't want to talk about it.
Sounds like a job for us.
At least the Goodlucks
made it easy to follow them.
Eat my dust, greenhorns.
There. This ought to be enough to
entice our intruder into the open.
Great work. Let's get outta here.
That'll do, guys. Time for bed.
Stan! Alex! Where are you?
I'm over here.
The echoes make it difficult
to follow your voice.
Real tough guy,
picking us off in the dark.
Show yourself, coward.
What is the meaning of this?
Release me, villain.
Well, that had to be the black ribbon.
- Must've caught wind of our plan.
- Who are you?
What have you done with my friends?
Alex is in trouble.
Wow. Old courthouse.
Yep. That place obviously
means something to them.
Hopefully there's something
here that can help us find Margie.
Do you have some
super genius plan to crack it open?
I sure do.
"The Goodluck Brothers versus
the town of Litchfield, New Mexico."
Apparently, a white farmer accused
the Goodlucks of stealing from him.
The brothers professed their innocence,
but a very expensive bridle
owned by Omar Goodluck was cited
as proof they had illicit funds on hand.
That's ridiculous.
The Goodlucks were famous cowboys.
They didn't need to steal to make money.
The older brothers claimed
they pooled their wages
to buy the bridle for Omar.
It was a gift to welcome
him to the family business.
They bought it from
a white man named Ben Harwood,
but he refused to testify on their behalf
and didn't produce a record of the sale.
Incidentally, Harwood had his own
theft charges dropped after the trial.
How is that fair?
Maybe Ben Harwood stole from
the farmer and lied to save himself.
It's likely.
Frontier justice was rarely fair.
The brothers were convicted
and sentenced to leave town
through the desert on foot at sunrise.
There's no way they could've survived.
It was essentially a death sentence.
My guess is,
after the brothers perished in the desert,
they came back in their current form, cursed.
Their fury wouldn't allow them to rest.
They must have been livid
that their trial was a racist sham.
I know I would be.
Six people went missing.
Russ, how many people were on the jury?
Mr. Goodluck, sir, we come in peace.
We were sorry to hear about
what happened during your trial.
Okay, new plan.
Just you wait till I get free.
You're gonna be sorry, pal.
Oh, come on.
Of all the trinkets you have in there,
you have nothing that can help us?
Hey, you're not carrying
anything useful either, pal.
And where in blazes have you been?
We could've used your help
while we were getting attacked.
Quickly, to the Hub.
Alex could be injured.
Or worse.
What happened?
You don't remember?
Your encounter with the black ribbon
must have been more violent than I feared.
He ambushed us,
locked us up like common mongrels,
then he kicked the stuffing out of you.
What? It's true.
Did you get a good look at him?
No. I don't like this.
The black ribbon
is getting more dangerous.
You both need to
run through that doorframe.
I promise I have a plan.
One, that was awesome.
Two, what just happened?
Back in the Old West,
it was common to put horseshoes
over your doors to keep specters out.
Guess it works.
What have you done with Margie?
Where is she?
Let's try a gentler approach.
We know what happened to you,
and we wanna help lift your curse.
But we need to know our friend's okay.
He stole my horse.
Your gentle approach worked great, Russ.
Should we gently chase after him?
How are we gonna find him?
He's already long gone,
and the horse isn't leaving a trail.
Follow the brimstone smell.
Yep, he went this way. Let's ride.
More brimstone stink.
These are sulfur pots.
Are you all right?
No, not at all.
Six people. That must be the jury.
And they've been cursed too.
I guess they want us to go in there?
Why don't you go in yourself?
I think I know why. They can't.
The horseshoe's keeping them out.
There's something they need in there,
but we have to get it.
Well, we're not going anywhere
until you let Margie go.
What's happening to me?
No! Leave her alone!
She doesn't have a lot of time.
We need to move. Now.
Please don't crush me.
How are we gonna cross?
That's way too big
of a jump for any of us.
Wow. How did you do that?
You heard Mom. Cowboying's in our blood.
Swing over and send it back.
Oh, no. Sorry, Mom.
Just don't look down.
Oh, no!
Hurry! It's gonna blow!
- Are you okay?
- I'm good.
That was too close.
Not looking forward to
doing that again on the way out.
Stay close to me.
It's hard to see and we don't want any
Looks like someone planned
to stay here for a while.
Never a pleasant surprise.
Wait, there's something else here.
A sales ledger.
Proof the Goodluck Brothers
bought the bridle.
So this unlucky fellow
must be Ben Harwood.
I bet he came here
to hide the ledger and himself.
Looks like a rockslide got him first.
He must've been the one
who put up the horseshoe.
Once the Goodlucks took the jury,
he knew it was only a matter of time
until they came for him.
We can clear their names
and end their curse with this.
Hurry, before Margie's a ghost for good.
I have in my hands a sales ledger
owned by one Mr. Ben Harwood.
It contains a line item for one bridle,
paid for in two installments,
one from each of the
elder Goodluck Brothers.
The proof is clear.
The bridle was purchased legally.
It rightfully belongs to Omar Goodluck.
And since the bridle was
the only evidence against the brothers,
you've got nothing on them.
Please raise your hand if you'd like
to change your verdict to not guilty.
Don't get me wrong, I love riding horses,
but I think
I'll stick to flying next time.
Come on.
Risking your life by
messing with the supernatural gets
way easier after the first few times.
Look. The guy who was spying on us.
The black ribbon.
Who are you talking about?
Wha But he was just there, I swear.
What's going on here?
So after we broke the curse,
we took the sales ledger
to the state history museum,
and they took it to the governor.
The Goodlucks will be
officially pardoned next week.
Wow. Sounds like a pretty wild adventure,
even for this family.
things didn't go so great for us.
We were attacked by the black ribbon.
Oh, my gosh. Are you okay?
I'll be fine.
I'm just annoyed he knocked me out
before I could get a look at him.
Worse still, a news report stated
another artifact was stolen
from an auction house
in a nearby town that same evening.
I'm telling you,
it was the guy I saw at the docks.
The timing is too close
for it not to be him.
Maybe you're right.
Whoever he is, the black ribbon is
getting more aggressive and dangerous.
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