Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s02e06 Episode Script

Póker Face

Wait. What about your roomies?
They went to a Timbiriche concert.
Don't tell them I told you.
Hang on.
What's this?
To help Regina sleep.
- One second.
- What?
Don't go anywhere.
Did you miss me?
I like you.
I have to pick up Regina.
She's at my mom's.
I'm sorry. It's all part of being a mom.
Wait, I could drive you
and maybe meet Regina.
No. No, no, no.
So many noes.
All I meant is it's not necessary.
- I'll get a cab.
- You sure?
- All right.
- Well
I have to run.
Come here.
I also like you a lot.
All right, bye.
What do you mean "gap year"?
Are you crazy, Cecilia?
I just don't want to rush into college
without knowing what I want.
You got accepted into college.
I don't want you getting behind
when it's time for your master's.
I'm telling your dad,
maybe he'll talk sense into you.
Tell her what Dad said.
No. Better not tell me.
Relax, Mom.
I'm not the first or last teen
to backpack through Europe
before going to college.
Haven't you noticed
the state of the world lately?
There's crime, violence, even terrorists.
That's why Darío is going, to protect her.
Oh! Is that what this is about?
Going to Europe with your boyfriend?
Sorry, miss.
You're not ruining your future
over some guy.
I'll discuss this with your dad.
It's no big deal?
Your daughter wants to drop out
for a honeymoon with her boyfriend.
You also went on a trip before college.
I went to France for a summer
to learn French.
Not to follow some boy.
You and I need to be on the same page.
Am I playing the bad cop
to your good cop now?
- Okay, we're on the same page.
- Thanks.
You should talk to Ceci, then.
Why me?
So you learn not to be a pushover.
I have to go now.
Let me know once you talk to her.
Save it until you fall in love.
- I don't get why we're here.
- What?
We're working out, man.
It's the best thing for depression,
and it boosts testosterone levels.
Juanqui, we have to jump-start
your sex drive.
My sex drive is fine, thank you.
Yeah, right.
Why don't you pick a class?
It's packed with women.
Hitting the gym is step one
for any divorcee.
I'm not a divorcee yet.
Just do as I say, trust me.
Pick a class.
You don't get it. Look, zumba.
See? Zumba again.
We want to get to know
and connect with women.
We have developed a network
- Stop there.
- Now what?
A good pitch is short and concise.
You keep veering off topic.
You're too distracted.
You're thinking about a guy?
Are you going to tell me who he is?
Ferrán, the owner of the co-work.
I see.
I've run into him a few times.
I don't know, he's too flirty.
He flirts with everyone.
I hadn't noticed.
Of course you didn't,
you can't read people.
That is a vital skill
in the art of pitching.
You don't need to worry,
I'm sure Ferrán is pretty cool.
Cool isn't a good parameter
when reading people.
Why should I learn to pitch
when you're so good at it?
You're a partner.
You must be ready for everything.
I'm ready, don't worry.
Did I tell you I won
a national oratory award?
Back in elementary school.
Even you won an oratory award
back in elementary school.
He's such a douchebag, look.
Look at the way he stands.
I'll unmask him.
Guys like him are my specialty.
You'll see.
Ferrán, hi.
Hi, Ana. Looking beautiful.
Thanks, I haven't forgotten
we're due for a coffee.
How about tomorrow, 8:00 p.m.?
Sorry, I have an investor meeting.
It's going to run very long.
You know how it is.
- Hmm.
- How about Friday?
It's poker night at the co-work.
You should come.
Ferrán, they're waiting.
Shoot, that's right! So, are you coming?
- Yes.
- Yes?
- Nice seeing you.
- Yes.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Not a single word.
If you want to be beautiful,
you've got to work those bodies!
One, two, three, four!
One, two, three
Sorry! Sorry, sorry!
No worries, I'm fine.
Lift those arms! Show me your smiles.
Energy, come on!
And one
- Sorry!
- You know what?
Just forget about the steps
and have fun with it.
That's right.
There you go.
Tonight, my place?
I can't. I have Regina.
Why don't the three of us do something?
You, Regina, and me?
You seem so scared.
No, it's just that she hasn't been
feeling well lately.
In that case, I can help.
Anything you need.
Thanks, but I've got it.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm. Some other time.
- All right.
- Yeah, okay.
Let me guess.
Recently divorced with teenage kids.
- How did you know?
- Mmm. It's easy to tell around here.
The longer they've been divorced,
the better shape they're in.
Look. That guy there,
he's been divorced three years.
That guy back there, maybe five?
That girl behind you? Two or so.
We all come here to reinvent ourselves.
I guess you've been divorced
for many, many years.
- Nice to meet you. I'm Fernanda.
- Juan Carlos.
Working out isn't my thing,
I'm dying for some chilaquiles.
That's an easy fix.
Let's go get breakfast.
I mean, unless you
have to watch your kids.
- Speaking of the devil.
- Please, take it.
But next time we see each other,
you'll take me to dinner. Deal?
It'll be a pleasure.
See you around.
Ceci, what's up?
Yeah, your mom and I talked.
Didn't you say your dad was cool?
Well, yeah. But my mom got in his head.
She's obsessed with me
getting a PhD before I'm 25.
Is this about their permission
or their money?
You're not underage anymore.
If you pay for the trip,
they can't actually stop you.
I'm glad I caught you.
What's this about poker night?
- We do it once a month.
- What do I need to get in?
Pay the buy-in,
and show self-confidence
'cause you'll be up against Ferrán.
He's on a three-month winning streak.
We won't have any competition.
Clay treatments are great,
not just for the skin but also the soul.
- Where are we testing these?
- In Valle de Bravo.
I promise you'll love it.
All right. I trust you.
Cheers to a partner like no other.
Do you really trust me?
One hundred percent.
I think it's getting late.
Yeah, I should get going.
- Take care.
- See you.
- Call you tomorrow.
- Sorry.
No, it's fine.
I forgot I had Regina tonight.
Come in.
I'm sorry, I feel
Don't worry.
You look great in that
I better change into
something more appropriate.
My savings aren't enough.
No need to sell your clothes.
Invest in Surfcoin,
you'd triple it in a month.
What exactly is Surfcoin?
It's cryptocurrency.
Everyone is investing.
Even Dad and Uncle Víctor.
I just want to make sure
your date doesn't run off.
She's not "my date."
- We're just getting dinner.
- Ah.
I can always tell her to bring a friend.
You need a girlfriend.
Right, Matilde?
- That's right, sir.
- Thanks for that.
You know what?
You could use a fresh haircut.
You also need new clothes
and some cologne.
What's wrong with my cologne?
- Do I smell bad?
- No, sir. Your cologne smells fine.
- Thanks.
- Please, you smell like a baby.
Sex appeal begins with your scent.
- Isn't that right, Matilde?
- Yes, sir.
Told you.
I saw it and couldn't resist.
Don't you love it?
Regina is at a different stage.
We're giving her simpler toys
so she can focus better.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Maybe I can return it.
No, we can just save it
for when she's older.
Thank you so much.
I feel like I let you down.
I mixed up Regi's schedule again.
Seriously, don't worry.
I have to get back to the office.
Besides, Regis needs you.
Cynthia, I know this must be
difficult for you.
I get it if you want
to reconsider all of this.
Pablo, I don't
I'm sorry, I have to go.
No, don't do that.
Come on.
We almost kissed. It was so wrong.
I saw it coming miles away.
What's so bad about it?
It would ruin my business
and even worse,
my relationship with Mariana.
Mariana would understand.
She won't be pleased with me
dating Juan Carlos' brother.
You can't spend your life
trying to please others.
She's not just anyone. She's my kid.
I don't want to mess things up again.
I'm calling off the trip.
No, Teresa.
Look, darling, when you feel like
you can't hold back anymore,
just stick this in there
and you'll be golden.
What's this egg thing?
A self-control quartz.
It makes you less horny, so you can focus.
- No way, Mom.
- I'm speaking from experience.
Of course you are.
I'm all in.
Same here.
No, I fold.
Two pairs.
Show your cards.
I have nothing.
Me neither.
- You could've won.
- Yeah.
I was bluffing.
See? You need to learn to read people.
You're right. Now what?
- I signed us up for the tournament.
- No.
I'll teach you all I know
about reading people.
That way, you'll learn how to pitch,
and you'll see I was right about Ferrán.
He's my boss and I love him,
but Ana is right.
He's a shameless flirt.
Take notes and learn.
Lesson number one.
Human communication is 90% body language.
The rest doesn't matter.
Observation is key.
Did you know you frown a little
whenever you're worried?
You look very handsome.
Lesson number two.
There's no victory without strategy.
In order to defeat your enemy
prepare yourself and plan.
Lesson number three. Know your enemy.
Do your research
and figure out his strengths
and weaknesses to get an advantage.
That's my mom.
You don't look like her.
- Do you look more like your dad?
- I don't know. Never met him.
I see.
She's my partner.
Mixing love and business is like
adding milk to orange juice.
What do you think?
I should cancel the trip, right?
I'm not sure about that, sir.
Business is business.
If I were you, I'd set clear boundaries.
Here you go.
I added a splash of whiskey.
Think about it, Mr. Vic.
Don't screw up.
Thank you for watching her
on such short notice.
- Didn't you and Cynthia have plans?
- Not anymore.
I don't think it's going to work.
I know Cynthia
has been trying really hard, but
Listen, have you ever
Forget it.
Have I ever what?
Have you ever imagined
what it would be like
if Regina had come
at a different stage in our lives?
Many times, and to be honest,
it makes me feel like a terrible mom.
That makes two of us.
I think all parents feel this way.
Especially at our age.
You're right.
Come here.
It hasn't been easy for me
to start dating again either.
I'm scared of bringing
someone new into Regina's life.
I think the most important thing
in every new relationship
is to figure out how to set boundaries.
It's your size.
I'll trust you on this,
but it's not my style.
Speaking of style, how is Rorros going?
You haven't told me much.
Surfcoin just crashed.
Ceci, I had no idea
you're interested in crypto,
but it was obvious it would crash.
Okay, write this down.
Rule number one. Be a little late.
Be a bit late, make her think
you're not desperate.
This is very important.
You choose the wine.
It shows you're in control,
and you know what you want.
Don't talk about your ex.
- Avoid the subject completely.
- Mmm.
And most importantly, be self-confident.
I just lost everything!
- My trip is over because of you.
- I'm sorry, Ceci.
I didn't want you to leave.
Our family is a mess right now,
and I don't want to be alone.
I need you.
Breathe, focus, and most of all,
don't lose sight of him.
Show your cards.
Pair of aces wins.
Thank you so much.
That was so much fun.
I feel I know Ferrán a little better now.
Excuse me, I'd like
to congratulate my nemesis.
Is she blind, or what?
That douche got away with it.
Either he's a great liar,
or he's actually nice.
No, I don't think so.
Dora told me something.
It's not the first time
Ferrán's dated someone at the co-work
and then coincidentally
been offered a partnership.
That's interesting.
You should figure things out
and meet me there at some point.
- Thanks for being supportive, Darío.
- All right, Ceci, I'm sorry.
I was out of line.
I'm just mad our plans are ruined
because of your little brother's tantrum.
- You should go if you want to.
- The whole point was going together.
I swear, I hate my mom.
Why don't you talk to your dad?
You said he was on board at first, right?
Parents like it when you
talk to them face to face.
Hey, I'd like to apologize.
For winning at poker.
I feel I haven't been up-front
with the Regina stuff.
I don't know if you've noticed
You've been trying
to keep me from getting close to Regina.
I didn't really know
how to tell you,
but I'm a little scared of bringing
someone new into her life.
I'm sorry if I pressured you.
And I want you to know
that I'm okay with it.
I know, but I do want you to meet her.
As long as you accept my boundaries.
Yes, anything.
Let's start with you not buying her toys
without consulting me first.
I knew you didn't like that!
Okay, you got it.
So, date for three? Tomorrow?
I'm in.
- You didn't say it was for couples.
- I didn't know.
Oh, sorry.
Close your eyes.
Place your hand on your partner's chest.
Feel their heartbeat.
Don't worry.
Good, now take some clay.
Place it on your partner's chest.
Slowly spread the clay over their body.
Oh, shit.
Rule number one.
Be a little late.
Hi. Sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- My meeting ran long.
- It's fine. I just got here.
- Good afternoon. Welcome.
- Thanks.
Can I get you a drink?
This is very important.
You choose the wine.
May I?
We'd like a bottle of Insignia.
- Yes.
- Thank you.
What do you do, Juan Carlos?
I have a company
that sells precision screws.
- How about you?
- I'm an architect.
Sorry to be blunt,
but how long ago did you get divorced?
Don't talk about your ex.
Avoid the subject completely.
Why don't we order?
Marcela has a good impression of you.
- She tells me you'd make a good partner.
- Partner?
I'd like to give you another chance.
Tomorrow night, my place?
I'm busy tomorrow night.
You're a businessman.
Second chances don't come every day.
Take it or leave it.
I'll take it.
- Very well. I'll see you tomorrow, then.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'll text you the location.
- Okay.
I normally don't date guys from the gym.
You never know what's behind
those leggings or muscles.
But you're different.
The way you speak, the wine you like,
the clothes you wear,
your sense of humor.
You don't talk about your past,
which means you're over it.
your place or mine?
I'm sorry.
- It's my daughter.
- Oh.
- Ceci, what's up?
- Dad?
We need to talk, it's urgent.
- Is something wrong?
- No, I want to talk about my trip.
- Ceci, we already talked about it.
- I need to talk in person.
Okay, but not right now. I'm busy.
Whatever it is,
it can wait until tomorrow.
- No, but Dad!
- Ceci, tomorrow.
And most importantly,
be self-confident.
Your place.
Embrace your partner.
Melt into their body as if you were one.
Repeat after me.
"Thank you for the intimacy
we have just shared."
Thank you for the intimacy
we've just shared.
No, wait.
- What?
- I can't. I'm sorry.
Please, don't take this wrong,
you're a stunning woman.
I lied to you.
I'm not over my ex.
I'm not even divorced yet.
My brother forced me to wear this shirt.
The wine thing was true. I love wine.
I'm so sorry.
It's a shame, I like you a lot.
Thanks for being honest,
I guess.
I can't believe this.
You betrayed our trust, Ceci.
- It was just for emergencies.
- This is an emergency.
If I didn't buy the tickets,
they'd be more expensive later.
What was your plan?
To call us from the plane or what?
That's why I wanted to talk,
but you said you were busy.
- Did you forget we said no?
- Mom, I'm a legal adult.
That's wonderful, missy.
In that case, you don't need this.
You're paying for the tickets.
Where were you?
- Huh?
- She said you were busy. Doing what?
Uh, I was at the office.
Outside office hours?
Wait just a minute.
You want space from me,
but I owe you explanations?
When it comes to our kids, I think so.
- You were with someone.
- No.
Well, yeah.
Nothing happened.
I couldn't do it.
Not even with a pill?
That's not the point. I didn't dare.
We're not divorced yet
and you're already
Hang on.
You didn't seem upset when you
threw yourself at Ferrán or whatshisname.
Well, now we're even. Don't you think?
I think I should leave.
I'm sorry for canceling.
It's a last-minute thing.
Isn't there any way for you
to reschedule your meeting?
I had everything ready.
I tried, but you know how Ana is.
You have a meeting with Ana?
Mm-hmm. And Marcela.
They have a partnership proposal.
- Didn't she mention it?
- Yeah.
Yes, she told me about it.
It must've slipped my mind.
I have an idea.
Pablo, surprises make me really nervous.
Cynthia, I really care about you,
and I don't want to lose you.
I'll do everything I can
to make sure this works.
Are you ready?
Organization is key.
I promise, no more mix-ups like last time.
Last few times, actually.
There's a little issue there.
You can't drive Regina to daycare
while we're having breakfast.
I'm such a moron.
No. No.
Don't worry,
I have a master's in organization.
Look. Red is Pablo and Regina time.
Yellow is Pablo and Cynthia time.
And blue is for us three.
What time is it now?
How did it go?
- Uh, it went well It went bad.
- Uh-huh.
- We went back to her place.
- That's great!
But then I told her I wasn't over Ana.
- It was bad.
- Dude, I told you not to
Yeah, I know. It's just that
- I saw her.
- Who?
I saw Ana!
- What do you mean?
- I looked around and she was there.
Ana was there. I saw her!
I think you only get to love
one person in your life.
For me, that person is Ana.
She'll never forgive me.
Oh, brother.
You're an idiot.
Now you have to win Ana back
with all your dorkiness.
- What's up with you?
- Nothing.
- Did your business trip at Valle go wrong?
- So much mud I'll tell you later.
Right now, you should be
coming up with a dorky idea
because we're going
straight to Ana's house.
I have the perfect thing.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I hope it's not a problem
I invited myself.
Not at all, uh
I meant to invite you, actually.
- But I thought you had Regina.
- I see.
Please, come in.
- Thanks.
- Excuse me.
Please, have a seat.
- Would you like some wine?
- Yeah.
- Yes.
- Sure, thanks.
All right.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
- Is it me or is Ana acting weird?
- Really weird.
I don't think she's thrilled
about me being here.
I'll go talk to her, okay?
I'll wait outside.
All right. Yes.
Where's Ferrán?
First, you don't trust Ferrán,
and now he's a possible partner?
Well, I changed my mind.
What's your deal with Ferrán?
Okay, yes.
All I wanted is for you to realize
he's a douchebag.
He walks around the co-work
flirting with everyone,
and makes all women think
he's interested in them.
It's him.
He's the hot co-worker
you wanted to ask out. It's him, right?
At least I can say
I taught you how to read people.
So, you coached me to drive me away
from Ferrán and keep him to yourself?
No, no.
I won't deny it was nice to feel wanted.
I've been such a fool.
Hey, of course you haven't.
Wanting to live life is never foolish.
I just wanted to protect you
from heartbreak.
I believe you, and thanks.
But I can take care of myself, I promise.
Next time, just tell me.
We're friends. We don't need
to make things so complicated.
One more thing.
Find a better spot to hide your cameras.
This way, guys.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, we'll walk quietly to the house.
First song is "Sabor a Mí." Let's do it.
Hang on, who's that guy?
What is he doing here?
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