Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e06 Episode Script


A gunshot patient.
A gunshot victim from area 14.
Officer down.
A gunshot patient.
A gunshot victim from area 14.
Officer down.
Yes, Jung-bae. I'm right here.
Stay with me a little longer.
We're almost at Doldam Hospital.
Stay with me, kid. Okay?
Hey, Jung-bae.
Excuse me.
Can you hurry? Hurry up!
Move him!
Jung-bae, wake up!
Wake up, Jung-bae!
Get him in there!
-Over here!
Wake up, boss!
Move out of my way!
-Move it!
-Move over!
Darn you! Let me in!
-Let go!
-Let me in!
-Hey, Jung-bae!
Jung-bae, wake up!
Patient incoming!
Mom, I have to go. Okay?
Boss, wake up!
There's a gunshot patient!
His vitals?
Before transfer, a BP of 80 over 40
and a 130 bpm heart rate.
-Move to bed three.
-Got it.
Do the triage procedure
-and put a card up.
-Yes, ma'am.
The patient was stabbed in the chest!
-In the chest?
His BP is 90 over 40,
and heart rate is 130 bpm.
Did you remove the knife
when you found him?
The knife wasn't there then.
To the hybrid room.
Boss. Don't worry, boss!
This way.
Boss. Boss?
-Where's my boss?
Excuse me, stop.
-Where is he?
Where is he?
Where's our boss?
-Where is he?
Man, they're here again.
Mr. Gu, you need to hurry.
Where are you?
Come to my office immediately.
Hey, Mr. Jang.
I found these.
Later. We need to take care
of the emergency.
Where is he?
Establish both lines.
Drop two liters of warm saline.
I need a central venous catheter!
Bring five packs and five more RBCs.
-Yes, sir.
-Doctor Yoon!
Get his pulse back!
Yes, coming!
Scissors, please.
-And his central line?
-Warm saline till we get blood.
-Nurse Um, warm saline.
Bring lots of gauze!
EB! Bring a lot of EB! Hurry!
What's going on?
He's at 80 over 40, 130 bpm.
-Let's see his echocardiogram.
Bring the chest portable.
Establish both lines
and put him on warm saline.
Six liters of oxygen.
Got it.
What? Cardiac tamponade?
-Prep the central lines.
The gunshot wound patient got here.
There's the small bowel.
Resection from here to here.
And we'll do
an end-to-end anastomosis.
Yes, sir.
His vitals all right?
Bleeding's been treated,
so he's stabilizing.
You can wrap up the rest of the surgery.
-Yes, sir.
Bovie, please.
-What are they doing?
-What's happening?
Move aside.
Oh, gosh.
What are they doing?
-What are they placing?
What are we going to do?
What's his BP?
He's at 80 over 40.
-What is that?
What's she doing?
-What's she doing to him?
-What's she doing?
What's that brat doing to our boss?
She just pierced his chest
with a long metal skewer.
What is that?
Please move aside.
What is this little jerk…
You're disturbing his treatment.
Please move aside.
This way, sir.
-Oh, that way?
Why is there a bear at the hospital?
The chest portable.
I just asked,
where are your doctors?
As you can see, they're doing
their best to treat them inside.
Not those little kids!
I meant Doctor Kim! Where's Doctor Kim?
He's operating at the moment, Detective.
Our new recruit is
about to pass away from the gunshot wound!
Will you just bring Doctor Kim right now?
We can't let you do that.
Our boss is on the brink of death too.
You can't steal Doctor Kim like that.
There's a proper order for everything.
Move, you jerks.
There are times when we can move
and times when we can't.
I don't care right now.
All right.
I don't care about anything either.
Do you all want to die?
-Sir, calm down.
-Let go!
Hey, calm down.
Did you just hear that?
Let's all die here tonight
along with our big boss.
Yes, sir!
-I'll kill you.
-How dare you?
Get lost, you jerk.
-Don't touch him!
Lower your head!
You can't do this here! Please calm down.
-You jerk!
-How dare you!
What are you all doing?
Goodness. Doctor Kim.
What's all this ruckus?
Don't you know this is a hospital?
It's Jung-bae.
He was shot.
Was it Detective Shin
who was shot with a gun?
Our boss…
was stabbed…
He was stabbed in the chest.
Soo-chul was stabbed again?
Why do you never fight fairly
with just your bare hands?
Why in the world would you fight
with something that dangerous?
We're already busy as it is!
Exactly, Doctor Kim.
And it's Friday, our busiest day.
These jerks
got drunk and got into a gang fight!
No, I said it's not like that.
The Starfish Gang started the fight!
-What was that?
-It was them!
-What are you doing?
-Don't touch him!
Stop it, you two. Be quiet!
Shut it before I rip both of your mouths.
-Mr. Jang!
Get rid of all of them.
I'm sick and tired of all of you.
You heard him.
You can all calm down.
Those of you in this particular industry
can go to the waiting room in the lobby.
Detectives, you can go
to the ER waiting room.
Thank you very much.
Doctor Kim?
Goodness, those jerks.
How's the gunshot patient?
I got his pulse back.
We have him on warm saline.
It looks like the wound
is around his liver.
What about the exit wound?
Why? You didn't see any?
I checked his back too,
but I found no exit wound.
His heart rate's dropping, Doctor Kim.
He's in PEA. He's in PEA!
Give him epinephrine.
-And intubate him too.
-Doctor Kim.
I think he has
a penetrating injury in his heart.
-Is it cardiac?
I drew blood five times,
but it keeps seeping.
His vitals?
His initial systole was 80.
I did a pericardiocentesis,
so it went to 100.
But it's at 90 now.
Should we get to the OR?
Okay. Fix the 22 cm right here.
Take this out.
Nurse Um.
Can you call OR one and ask
how much longer they'll be?
Please hurry up and ask.
Yes, Doctor Kim.
What's going on?
An emergency operation?
Follow me.
Where's my husband?
Where is he?
Doctor Kim just went in.
He'll be fine.
Oh, no…
Let's check his rhythm.
His pulse came back. He has ROSC.
-Where's the blood?
-It's right here.
Set up the RIS and give him blood.
-And get the OR ready.
-Yes, sir.
Take the patient
to OR two right now.
Wait. Everyone, stop.
He a gunshot patient?
He was in arrest,
so he needs emergency surgery.
Does he have to be operated on?
"Does he have to be"?
What do you mean?
If he had arrest with a gunshot wound,
it means there is
severe damage to his major organs.
So what?
A doctor shouldn't continue
to work on a patient
whose condition is beyond our control.
You should look after
patients that you can save.
It looks like
that patient is in need of a CS.
Doctor Seo is wrapping up.
He'll finish in 15 minutes
and clean out the OR.
All right. Move the gunshot patient
to OR two right now.
Yes, sir.
Doctor Kim.
What about the penetration wound patient?
Open him up
and put staples on him for now.
Me? Right here?
Are you insane?
You're asking a kid
who can't perform surgery
because of nausea to do what?
And right here?
The bowel perforation case
in OR one is almost done,
so control his bleeding
just until we get him into the OR. Okay?
Doctor Bu Yong-ju.
You might lose both patients like that!
You're way too loud.
Someone told me that
the moment you give up,
you begin to look for excuses,
but when you think you can do it,
you'll find a way to do it.
If you're that worried,
you can work on the gunshot patient.
I thought you were an HPB specialist.
It's a great chance for you to show off.
Stop looking for excuses to run away.
-Hey, Runner.
Can you do it?
Yes, I can do it.
Let's go.
Make a wise decision.
If something goes wrong,
only you will be responsible for him.
Are you really going to do it?
Please prepare for sedation.
I'll be back soon.
We're done.
You can take the patient to the ICU.
Great work, Doctor Seo.
Then I'll go work on
the gunshot patient.
One second.
You shouldn't make such a mistake
after performing good surgery.
Nurse Park.
Please take the patient to the ICU.
Let's go, Doctor Seo.
Great work.
Doctor Cha Eun-jae?
You're the one…
who put that skewer into our boss's chest,
aren't you?
What's this about?
What is it?
If, out of a million chances,
anything happens to our boss,
then I will…
kill you and kill myself too.
Pull yourself together
and do your best.
Got it, Doctor?
Move aside.
The patient will be in danger if we delay.
Aren't you going to move?
Put all the blinds down!
If you can't do it, don't.
Don't strain yourself.
Doctor Kim told me to do it.
And if he told me to do it,
that means he believes I can do this.
Aren't you scared of Professor Park?
I am.
But at Doldam Hospital,
my boss is Doctor Kim.
His order is my priority.
That's how I can survive.
He's the boss of a gang.
If anything goes wrong, your life will be
like a "Bridge over Troubled Water."
Man, you're driving me insane.
I thought Mad Whale was
the only one who did open-heart in the ER.
What did I do so wrong in my past life
that I got involved with the two of them?
Give me the Betadine.
Drape, please.
Sternal saw.
Give it to me.
-What's that?
-What's she doing?
-What's that?
-What's going on?
Sternum retractor.
We're about to see a lot of blood.
Get a lot of gauze ready
and get the suction and a stapler too.
-Darn it.
Not yet?
Hey, not yet?
I found it. Right here.
Give me the stapler.
Stay calm, Eun-jae.
Are you done?
How are his vitals?
He's at 90 over 40
and 100 bpm.
We're done.
My gosh.
Doctor Cha, it's the OR.
What happened?
There was an open wound in the RV
about 1 cm long.
I stopped the bleeding with a stapler.
Get that patient to OR one right now.
Yes, sir.
Shouldn't you head over there too?
If there's an RV wound,
Doctor Cha can't do that herself.
Let's focus on finding the bullet first.
I can barely see anything
because of all the bleeding.
Hold this.
-Move aside.
-Coming through.
-What's going on?
-What happened?
-Move aside.
-What's going on?
What happened?
This is killing me.
Great work, Doctor Jung.
You did very well.
I think I'll die of a heart attack
before I die from overwork.
You should get some rest.
Starting now, I'll manage.
We have a patient!
This place is so chaotic.
There are no rules, principles,
or a manual.
Everything is a mess.
Anyway, where's Professor Park?
I thought you were an HPB specialist.
It's a great chance for you to show off.
Stop looking for excuses to run away.
Come out!
Long forceps.
His liver is more damaged than I expected.
The other patient went into OR one.
They asked if they can anesthetize him.
This is Park Min-gook.
How long are you going to
stand around and watch?
I took out the bullet and moved on
to segmentectomy of segment seven.
I did the Pringle maneuver
seven minutes ago,
and there's a CS patient
waiting for a doctor in OR one.
Are you asking me for a favor?
I'm telling you to fulfill your duty.
He just left. What do we do?
Tell OR one
to start anesthetizing him.
Yes, sir.
What about this surgery?
I'll do it.
It's too dangerous for a second year
to work on a liver.
I'm not looking down on you, Doctor Seo.
I'm saying you need more experience
to perform this surgery.
That's why I called the experienced guy.
He just left, Doctor Kim.
I'll just do it. Please let me do it.
I can do it.
We're changing hands.
Starting now,
Doctor Park Min-gook is the lead surgeon.
Save his life.
-How long has the Pringle been there?
-13 minutes.
Large tape.
Pringle off.
He's in the OR?
Professor Park?
I called just in case,
and I heard he went in.
That can't be right.
He went in by himself without calling me?
His first assistant is Doctor Seo.
Seo Woo-jin?
We need to find Glisson's capsule
to segment seven, cut it
to control the bleeding,
and get a clear view.
Bulldog clamp.
Segment seven seems to be changing colors.
We got the right part.
Since we found the Glisson's
to segment seven,
we'll clip it all at once.
I can see the veins.
Vascular stapler, please.
You've got some skills.
Yes, I guess.
Let's control the bleeding
and finish this.
Darn it.
It's not completely penetrated.
I think it's just stuck in the scapula.
Should we repair it in the ER?
Come on, it's an open fracture.
He needs to be in the OR.
We need to see
if there's any damage to his thigh area.
There's no OR available now, Doctor Bae.
Since his vitals are stable,
let's wait and go once an OR's ready.
Forget it.
Just take it out.
This isn't my first time
getting hit with a hatchet.
I'm sorry, sir.
It may be uncomfortable,
but give us a moment.
I have no time to sit around.
Take this out
or get me to another hospital.
-Come on.
we can't stop you from
going to another hospital.
But if that hatchet comes out
while you risk the journey,
you could have excessive bleeding,
which may even lead to death.
I'm telling you ahead of time.
Do you still want to leave?
Excuse me, sir.
It must hurt. You should lie down.
We'll take it out once we have an OR.
Be gentle.
Don't let the hatchet come out.
Please be careful.
I'll be gentle.
That's it. Good.
That's good.
Great job.
All right.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't protect him.
Gosh, darn it.
Staple remover, please.
There's no bleeding.
There's no contamination either.
Soo-chul. You're lucky.
Dr. Runner here performed
an excellent emergency treatment.
I'm pretty good
when I set my mind on something.
Are you nauseated?
And no hyperpnea?
No. I'm completely fine.
Suture, please.
My gosh, man.
Where in the world is that woman?
Mr. Jang.
What is this?
It was on the chair in the waiting room.
It looks like Mr. Yeo's hat.
Why is Mr. Yeo's hat here?
And this.
-Great job.
-Great work.
Great work.
-Great work.
-Great work.
How are his vitals?
Doctor Kim is overdoing it again.
I'm so glad Professor Park
switched with him in the middle.
And he's pretty talented too.
If we have a surgeon like him
here at Doldam Hospital,
it'll be less strain on Doctor Kim.
He still can't be the president.
Mr. Yeo is still going strong.
And even if he is to retire,
I believe Doctor Kim is
the only one who can replace him.
Did the surgery end well?
The patient is in the ICU.
That's good, then.
What were you going to do
if I hadn't come in?
What do you think?
I'd have jumped between the two ORs
and somehow finished both surgeries.
Have you always made
such dangerous
and risky decisions?
That's the thing about this hospital.
We get swarmed by patients
who need emergency operations,
and I must make a judgment call
depending on each situation.
At times,
I need to be ready to take a risk.
So how many patients have you killed?
there are many more patients
we have saved.
You are
a more dangerous man than I thought,
Doctor Bu Yong-ju.
That's why I told you
this isn't an elegant place
where you can operate
with classical music playing.
Don't get carried away.
You should stop now and go back.
I have a different opinion.
After seeing this situation,
I can see what this hospital needs.
I must straighten out this system
that rolls around spontaneously
without any set manual.
And, Doctor Bu, to do that…
I need to keep that wild behavior
of yours under control.
Doctor Kim.
That's what…
everyone calls me around here…
Doctor Park.
Professor Park Min-gook
has done a great job on his surgery.
That's him.
-Doctor, thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
We were really worried.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
What are you doing here?
Hey, Moon-jung.
-Do you have another surgery?
The patient with the hatchet wound.
It's an open fracture.
Gosh, this place is utter chaos.
I thought this small-town hospital
would be dead quiet.
I thought the same thing
when I applied for a position here.
I thought I'd have more time for hobbies.
But it's more chaotic
than most trauma centers.
You're right.
But being insanely busy comes with perks.
Your mind becomes less crowded.
No time for useless thoughts.
And who knew I'd fix my OR phobia here?
Any side effects? None?
Other than the sudden onset of hunger.
Let's grab a bite to drink sometime.
Hello, Moon-jung.
I recently joined the Bone Club.
People call me Delicate Phalanx,
but my name is Cha Eun-jae.
I have some questions about the bones
that I've been studying.
When you have some time,
can we grab a bite to drink?
-Grab a drink or a bite to eat?
Let me know when you decide.
Let me know when you decide.
What was that about?
Check his Hemovac often.
Sure, no problem.
My gosh.
He hasn't woken up from anesthesia yet.
He needs to rest until--
Yes, boss!
To Doctor Cha Eun-jae…
Doctor Cha Eun-jae!
Thank you!
Doctor Kim told me everything.
He said that you, Doctor Cha,
saved our big boss…
You saved our boss's life.
Well, I didn't exactly save his life.
I just performed an emergency procedure
and stopped the bleeding.
We will repay you
for the rest of our lives.
-Pardon me?
-From now on, you, Doctor Cha,
are the number two here,
with Doctor Kim being the number one.
If you ever have a problem
or any difficulties while you're here,
please don't hesitate
to get in touch with me.
Very well.
Rest up, Doctor Cha.
Rest up, Dr. Cha!
-You can pass.
-I'm going this way.
-I see. Go on, then.
The surgery went well.
We'll observe you for a day or two
and move you to the ward.
Why did you save me?
You should've…
You should've just left me to die.
So you'd suffer.
If you just die, you'll never realize
the weight of what you did.
A family suicide?
Don't fool yourself.
Your powerless children
were victims of your violence,
and you committed murder.
Don't blame it on your financial problems
or depression. You're…
You're just a weak, cruel man.
Do you understand?
Beat yourself up and suffer forever.
Live in pain.
Pay for it for the rest of your life.
Only then…
will it be fair for your dead child.
Aren't you hungry?
Everyone's gathered for some food.
Do you want to join?
No, I'm not hungry.
It's okay.
You'll get better.
Seo Woo-jin, that punk, wouldn't come out.
What should we do, boss?
Shall I go in and drag him out?
Just leave him be.
He'll do anything if he's willing to die.
I have no idea what's going on.
I tried calling him, but no answer.
What is he thinking?
Did President Yeo say anything to you?
Who else knows about this letter?
Right now, it's just you and me.
And Mr. Lee, who found the letter.
For now, don't tell anyone about this.
Everyone is already exhausted.
We'll break the news tomorrow.
Even Ms. Oh?
Yes, let's not tell her yet.
I'm really worried.
When she finds out,
she'll be more upset than anyone else.
The situation called for it.
-Still, you should've--
-Cut it out.
I don't want to hear it.
Come on.
Are you going to do it?
-Call Doctor Kim!
-Do it!
What are you doing here?
I'm just enjoying the laughter.
I must say,
it's nice to be young.
I thought they'd pass out from exhaustion.
Shall we have just one drink?
I'd love that.
I'll get ready to leave.
Are you an idiot?
-I'll be nice.
-Because you ate…
What should I do?
Do I have to go into town?
It's freezing.
I'm sorry! My gosh.
I didn't see it coming.
What is wrong with you?
Good morning.
Good morning, Ms. Oh.
Where's President Yeo?
He's not here yet.
He's slightly later than usual.
He should have days like this too.
He works way too hard.
Wait, what is that?
I thought he'd be rested
after his vacation,
but he still looks quite tired,
so I got him some vitamins.
Go on up.
All right.
Nurse Um.
Have you heard?
About what?
I heard we might have a new president.
Who said that?
That's a load of rubbish.
Mr. Lee from the admin office.
He heard it from someone.
Mr. Jang.
Mr. Jang!
Do you know
if something happened to President Yeo?
If something happened to him?
What do you mean?
I found this in his office just now.
Where is Doctor Kim?
Is he here now?
I think he slept in his office last night.
I went to President Yeo's office just now
and found this stuck on a flowerpot.
His desk and the entire office
were cleaned out,
as if he went somewhere far away.
Doctor Kim.
Doctor Kim! Do you know what's going on?
Leaving like this
was probably…
easier for him.
Take care, everyone.
Always keep the Doldam spirit in mind
and be yourselves.
He won't answer.
I tried calling him a few times.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Ms. Oh.
Please leave a message after--
Ms. Oh.
Still, this is just wrong!
Doctor Kim.
You see, President Yeo…
We cannot let him go like this.
Right, Doctor Kim?
Gosh, how…
how could he do this?
He left without a word,
without saying goodbye!
He just left us this letter!
Doctor Kim.
What's going on?
What happened to President Yeo?
Let's talk.
-I have nothing to say.
That man in the car earlier.
He's the guy
who came to see you yesterday, right?
Are you being threatened?
What do you mean?
I actually saw you that night.
You were with those men.
This looks like ten million won.
Is this a joke or what?
When will you pay off 70 million won?
Why is it 70 million won?
This ten million won
should bring it down to 40 million.
Hey, don't forget the interest.
Those men
are like loan sharks, right?
I said it's none of your business!
You should just call the police.
They show up late at night
and even come to your work to harass you.
I heard that's illegal.
Just report them to the police
so they can't harass you again.
Shall I call the police for you?
Hey, verbal threats are just as bad
as physical violence.
It's simply not acceptable.
It's considered a crime, okay?
What? Why? What is it?
Do you have a crush on me?
You lunatic. What the heck?
If that's not the case,
mind your own business.
I'll take care of it, so stay out of it.
Darn it.
Am I the only one who's angry?
It must've been a tough decision for him.
And it's hard for me
to accept his decision.
I'm trying to understand him,
but this is just wrong.
Nevertheless, he decided to do this,
and I'm sure he had his reasons.
President Yeo and Doctor Kim.
Are you saying…
Doctor Kim knew about it?
Knowing him, he wouldn't be so calm now
if he didn't know about it.
He would've grabbed
Do Yun-wan by the collar
or beaten him up already.
And I should point out
that neither President Yeo nor Doctor Kim
has made a decision…
that let us down.
And they've never made a decision
that we couldn't follow.
When the time comes…
they'll tell us why this decision
had to be made.
Let's be patient
and wait until then, okay?
Have you figured out a way…
to push out Bu Yong-ju?
That's an ambiguous answer.
At Doldam, it's nearly impossible to win
against that man.
we can disparage
what he believes is right.
How, exactly?
-You mean now?
-Yes, now.
They're emptying President Yeo's office.
Darn it.
No, this is…
What do we do, Nurse Um?
What Mr. Lee said must be true.
Gosh, this is crazy.
Nurse Park.
Did you know
that President Yeo was resigning?
No, I didn't know.
Must we keep it from everyone
even in this situation?
You promised that you would.
Nurse Um said he just left a letter
and nothing else.
Ms. Oh seems quite upset because of that.
Now that all of this has happened,
it's pointless to keep it a secret.
Wouldn't it be better
to just tell them the truth?
About what?
What are you talking about?
Nurse Park.
Who's there?
Is someone in there?
Are you in pain?
Where is he now?
That scumbag.
Wake up.
-What's going on?
-Did you hit your wife?
Mind your own business.
Just go do your work, okay?
Violence is simply unacceptable.
And exercising violence
against those who are weaker than you
is the worst.
You can't get lower than that!
Do you understand?
Goodness gracious.
Are you out of your mind?
Did you just push me?
Yes, I did.
Got a problem with that?
What will you do?
What can you do about it?
We have a disturbance by the ICU.
Please come quickly.
Does being a doctor give you the right?
Sir, please.
Let go. I said let go!
I don't get it.
Why stick your nose
in other people's business?
You hit your wife.
Did you not?
Whether I hit my wife or not
is none of your concern.
Who do you think you are?
-How dare you.
-Sir, please.
-Who are you to patronize me?
-You little…
-Calm down.
-Who do you think you are?
What now?
Ma'am, please don't.
Eun-jae. Cha Eun-jae!
Cha Eun-jae. Eun-jae!
-I need gauze. A lot of it.
-Yes, Doctor.
Eun-jae, stay with me.
Oh, dear.
Have you caught anything?
You know how winter fishing goes.
It's time you quit this.
It's bad for you.
You and I both know that worrying about it
is pointless.
Make sure you always take this on time.
How's the new president?
He and the staff
finally got acquainted yesterday.
I am Park Min-gook,
the new president of Doldam as of today.
During the past week,
I learned a lot about how much improvement
Doldam needs in terms of its facilities
and working environment.
And that is why
I was so deeply moved by your hard work
to save the lives
of your difficult-to-treat patients
despite your circumstances.
During my time here,
I can promise you this one thing.
Improvement in your working conditions.
First and foremost,
everyone will receive
a five percent raise.
Your overtime pay
will also be increased by five percent.
-My gosh!
-For real?
Five percent?
And that applies to all employees?
Yes, that's correct.
When I was offered this position,
my first condition of acceptance
was raising everyone's pay.
The board has already approved it,
so the raise will take effect this month.
All right.
As the president of Doldam Hospital…
I will continue to do my best
to further improve your working conditions
and to save the hospital
from being in the red.
All right. I hope we can all get along.
-Of course!
-Thank you!
Gosh, five percent?
Park Min-gook! Park Min-gook!
Park Min-gook! Park Min-gook!
Park Min-gook!
He's extremely clever.
So it seems.
He's also prudent.
And he seems to be a man of principle.
In a way,
he might be tougher than Do Yun-wan.
Will you be able to handle him?
Well, I guess we'll find out.
After all, you're the one who's willing
to take on this tough battle.
How about you replace the fellows first?
Seo Woo-jin, right?
Now everyone knows about your debt.
How embarrassing.
Leave, you scumbag!
-You could get fired.
-I'm prepared for that.
What if I refuse?
Then Doctor Cha will suffer.
That female doctor provoked me first.
Do you agree with your husband?
Stay with me, Eun-jae.
Eun-jae was trying to help, and you…
-Ms. Oh.
-We must avoid the possible risks.
-That's my principle as a doctor.
Give me a break.
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