Dudes (2023) s02e06 Episode Script

Fears and masks, Pt. 2

-Hi, Jacobo.
-Juli, how are you?
-I'm good. And you?
This is Jacobo.
-And this is Julián.
-Jacobo Paz.
The film-maker, right?
We're staying at Antonia's house.
Oh, so Mafe invited you over.
You came with Mafe?
Mafe introduced us.
You want a drink?
I'm gonna give him a drink, can I?
Okay, excuse me. I'll leave you two.
-Of course.
-Come, I'll show you.
The house is lovely.
Listen, make yourself at home.
There's some beer over there, and rum.
Okay? I'll be right back.
Come on, tell me. Who's that woman?
Oh, no, Daniel.
Don't be such a coward. Just tell me.
You've been acting so strange these days.
-What, you didn't get a hard-on?
-Of course I did. What's wrong with you?
It was a joke. Okay, relax.
-But you banged her, right?
No, I didn't bang her.
We were just about to
I called her Mafe,
she went nuts and then left.
Oh, I've also called
many other guys "Daniel".
you know, "Peter, John, Louis".
So are you gonna tell me
that you've never done that before?
Well, welcome to the club.
Hey, listen to me.
Last night I ate a chocolate shroom.
You didn't invite me.
Mafe, Mafe
I think that I'm
I don't know,
I think that I'm in love with you.
In love? You're attracted.
You're attracted to me.
-No, no.
-Oh, Dani.
-Seriously. I'm in love with you.
-Well, yeah.
-Say something, don't laugh.
-Daniel, it's just attraction.
-No, I'm not laugh
-How dare you do that?
Wait, Juli, I've been meaning
to talk to you since I got here,
-but I couldn't
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You introduced her to that moron.
You bring him here,
and rub him in my face.
-And you too.
-What did I do?
-You don't really get it.
-Lina is here and you didn't tell me?
-Just go to hell.
But you didn't even answer your phone.
-I'm just telling you
-Wait, wait. Let him go. Let him go!
-I don't care. Listen.
-Did you see that?
-It doesn't matter.
-I've been looking for him for
-Hey, Mafe.
-Why are you holding me like that?
-Listen to me for a second.
-What's the matter?
-Listen, all this time
that we've been having fun,
spending time together
and having a great time
What? So, nothing?
Did it, did it mean anything to you?
I got things mixed up, is that it?
-Tell me something, please.
-Listen, come on, say something.
-Hey, Dani.
-Say something, please.
-Let's talk when the mushrooms wear off.
-What mushrooms what?
-The mushrooms, okay?
-The mushrooms.
Mafe, forget about what I said!
Yes, I'm still high! I'm high.
So I really got this one when I was 20.
And these on my arms I got done
with an amazing dude in Spain.
You have no idea.
-What's this?
-Chocolate shrooms.
Mm, they're all traditional style.
But I have more.
Oh, yeah?
The problem is that they're
in a more secret place, you know?
But if you want, we can go up
to your bedroom and I'll show you.
Here you go.
This is sublime.
It feels so good.
Too good.
I'm levitating.
Yeah, me too.
This is delightful.
I feel that I'm melting.
Oh, yeah.
Wow, we merging together.
I love you, Tomás.
I love you too.
I love you, Eugenia.
I reacted like that, but I got
too carried away, obviously, yeah.
Because I don't like you that much
to react that way. No.
Thank you so much for your honesty.
Oh, definitely. Honesty above all.
Anyway, we're good.
-Of course.
I'm not gonna ruin my weekend.
Take a look around us.
Yeah, of course. You're so invited.
Look at this fantastic place.
You can stay here.
-Yeah, it's all good, all good.
-Yeah, right.
What's your name?
-I'm Jacobo.
-Nice to meet you.
Jacobo Paz, yeah.
Are you aware that you have
a lovely register?
The thing is I'm a movie director.
Have you ever thought
about becoming an actress?
I have considered it, but I never actually
ventured into it, you know?
But I'd be there to help you, of course.
I won't give you an answer now,
but I'm going to think about it.
Thinking about it works fine with me.
-Anyway, I'm not going anywhere.
-Sounds good. I'll let you know.
-Okay, okay, okay.
Come on, please, stop laughing.
-No, but I just
-Excuse me.
-What is it?
-Come, come.
-What, am I invited?
Oh, okay.
-What's wrong?
-Okay, so I just met Jacobo,
and he offered me
an acting role in one of his movies
-That color looks great on you.
-You're gorgeous.
And I adore your swimsuit!
Want some? Oh, got one.
Listen, I
-All good?
-All good.
-Forget that.
-I mean it.
-Mushrooms, you said.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, forget it.
Hey, come over here. Come, come, come.
So, what's up? Tell me,
what's your issue with that bitch?
Yeah, of course, you idiot,
you don't know!
You have no idea who she is, don't you?
Well, she's the girl
that was with Julián in Brazil.
Wow, the Brazilian chick?
Oh, and I was worrying about Jacobo.
That's a good idea.
No, no, stay here. Where are you going?
Want him to entertain you?
Huh? With his art and other things?
Don't tell me you don't wanna turn
the page with that bozo.
Guess who just arrived?
-Your favorite DJ.
Show me your tattoos.
What others do you have? Let me see them.
Want me to start from the back?
And what are those? Are they lips?
-You like them?
-I'd have to try them.
Do you have a favorite one?
I'm gonna check.
I do like it.
Yeah, I like it too.
Let me see this one.
-Your boyfriend's initials?
No? Are you a Junior fan?
-Oh, no, how come?
-No way.
Those are my dad's initials.
-Oh, yeah?
Jose Ramírez.
Oh, I have a
I had a friend with that name too.
-Oh, yeah?
Why isn't he here?
Well, that man is too old now.
'Cause you're a baby.
Well he was a friend of mine
from university.
Can you believe
that he got his girlfriend pregnant
so he had to drop out of university?
And his girlfriend was my girlfriend.
Oh, no.
-But I haven't seen him in a while.
-Poor thing.
Those things happen.
That happened to my dad, too.
Do you happen to have
your mom's initials too?
Yes, I do.
María Alvarado?
Oh, no, goddammit.
Is it them?
Man, I could be
that girl's father, Ricardo.
You got balls.
Damn, seriously?
I ate all this shit
and it's not doing anything.
Oh, wait.
It kicked in, man, it kicked in.
It's this thing.
Hi, Richie, how are you?
I'm just sending you this video
to tell you
that I really appreciate our friendship.
I love to have you in Lucas' life
and, mostly, the effect
your presence is having on him.
You won't believe when I show you
where Lucas asked me to bring him.
I'll have to show you because,
otherwise, you won't believe me.
You have to see it for yourself.
-Show him.
-Mom, come on, put that away.
So, what do you think?
He asked me to bring him
to a library to do some studying.
I got rid
of artificial intelligence, I swear.
-Don't touch me!
-What, you don't have enough room?
Hey, hey, hey!
-What, what, what?
-Oh, you're so manly. So manly.
Santi, Santi, dude. What's the matter?
-What's going on, Santi?
-What do you mean, leave it?
What's he doing here?
This dude shouldn't be here at all.
Okay, okay, okay. Mafe invited us,
but if it makes you that uncomfortable,
then we can go now.
-Yeah, we better go now.
-Let them solve this.
I can't do that. It's Marcel!
Oh, don't worry,
a neutered dog doesn't bite.
What did you say?
-Calm down, dude.
-What's wrong?
Wait, stop, peace and love.
Let's not queer the pitch
to the party-goers.
-Don't blow me a kiss!
-Oh, kisses.
Kisses are those you give me
when you take me out to clubs.
That's a lie! That's all bullshit!
Hey, relax, sweetie!
What did you say? What did you say?
Hey, hey, hey, you moron! Dude, calm down!
Cut the trauma
and stop fighting with me, please.
Come over here.
Enough! Enough!
Santi, Santi, Santi!
Are you gonna let that fairy stay here?
Santiago is gay, dude.
Bro, you're really losing it.
Just go, go and lie down.
Drink some water, relax and that's all.
Yeah, Santi.
Just go and calm down, man.
-It's okay.
-It's okay, just go, man.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Let's continue, let's continue.
No, what do you mean let's continue?
No, man, this is over. It's over.
Richie! Richie! Richie!
-What's wrong, Richie?
-Get him out!
Santi, come on. You should calm down.
No, I won't calm down. I won't calm down.
If I stay here, I'm gonna smack that homo.
Why the heck did Mafe
invite him here? I don't get it.
Anyway, it's not a big deal, you know?
What do you mean it's not a big deal?
He made me look like an idiot
in front of my friends.
Okay, well, I think that nowadays
it's normal for men to be bi.
In fact, that's something common
among married men.
Things with their wives aren't the same,
so they explore other things.
Yeah, but I don't. No, no, no.
In that you're making a mistake
'cause I'm not bi.
I'm interested in women.
You like them?
And how much?
Richie. Richie, Richie, Richie.
-My God.
-What happened?
We're right here, Richie.
-Are you okay?
-Is everything okay?
You, you guys really,
you guys are really brave.
Yeah, dude, we saved him.
Wait, Santi.
Sorry, sorry, come, come, come.
It's okay.
-Hey, Santi!
-Sorry, sorry, sorry. sorry.
Hey, calm down.
I can't. No, I can't do this.
I'm married.
Let's relax, okay? Relax.
Hey, look, look, look.
-Are you okay?
Antonia! Hey, uh, uh, I'm sorry.
That dude was drunk. He ruined the party.
-And I wanted to talk to you.
-Yeah, what a bummer.
-Yeah, well
-Well, I saw you were doing fine.
You looked happy. You didn't look too sad.
Hey, hey, hey.
Wanna get a coffee and talk?
Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, well, as friends, it's all cool.
Oh, yeah, friends,
That's what we are, right?
Marcel, my friend. I'm sorry.
Seriously, I mean it.
This dude was drunk
Juli, relax. It's not the first time that
I have to deal with a hetero-confused.
However, you behaved like a real prince.
They're leaving.
You won't say goodbye to her?
No. No. That wasn't going anywhere
and Mafe's my friend
and I don't wanna ruin the party.
I also thought
that I could have something with Juli.
Dude, the guy didn't even make
eye contact with me all day.
But something nice did happen.
I actually found out
that the toughest guy of all
also has a kind heart.
We're some piece of work, huh?
Who, you and I?
Of course,
we're the most miserable in the party.
So are you gonna wait
for, for Valen, your friend?
I have to,
but I don't wanna bother Juli anymore.
Do you think I can stay here?
Yeah, yeah. We both fit here.
But I know you. Careful not to
No, no, no, look,
there's a couch. Relax. No.
how do we do this? We don't fit.
Yeah, we'll cramp up in there,
but I don't think
Oh, I know! I know!
You're gonna walk there. Night exterior.
The perfect ending,
the one you want for your movie.
-The jungle.
-Come on.
-Marcel, look. Let's do this.
-Let's go.
I'll pick you up. Wait right here.
-Wait for me. I'll come back for you.
-Don't worry. It's all good.
I know how to get there.
-Thanks, okay.
-Let's go!
Hold on tight, Marcel,
'cause I really feel like pushing you
out of the car right now.
Bye, Juli! Talk to the moon!
Richie, what are you doing, man?
I read that milk
helped reduce the madness.
Yeah, but get a glass, moron.
-Think about it.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'll think about it.
I don't know,
I think I felt something similar.
-Oh, really?
-You did too?
-Good morning.
Hey, are you gonna have breakfast?
No, no. No, I'm just waiting for Vale.
-Want some coffee? A fruit maybe?
-I want coffee.
Anything else, sir?
A fruit.
-I think that's Vale. I know that horn.
Juli, uh
Wanna talk?
Hey, what are you doing here?
Why haven't you left yet?
Good morning.
I was making coffee.
I wanted to surprise you in bed.
Yeah, but that's something
that Miri takes care of.
And she'll be right up.
Look, Antonia is here
with all her friends.
I need you to leave, please.
How come? The day is beautiful,
a wonderful morning, we're together.
Besides, I still can't believe it.
What can't you believe?
Well, everything that happened yesterday.
Everything that we experienced.
These have been the best days of my life.
Yeah, we had a great time.
I love you.
Tomás, you understand
that, that what we said
was because we were high,
and that what we said
is not really what we felt, right?
Well, but I do love you.
Don't repeat that.
I have a terrible headache.
What's wrong with that? It's what I feel
and I'm not afraid to say it.
You're the nicest person
I've ever met in my whole life.
But for the time being,
I don't wanna be
in any kind of relationship.
Eugenia, don't worry,
I can still wait for you.
Oh, Tomás, you didn't understand a thing.
This is over.
Enough, let's leave it at that.
When we saw Naty and invited her over,
and she said she'd bring some friends,
I swear that she never mentioned Lina.
And I feel like an ass if I,
well, if I screwed things up with Antonia.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, yeah.
She left with Jacobo.
She was with him last night, man.
So, I have to accept it, right?
And now I'll focus on me
and in my happiness.
And in
in being happy.
That's the attitude.
Listen, keep this in mind,
a heartbreak won't kill anyone.
-Not you, not me, not anyone.
Got it?
Gimme a kiss.
You asshole.
What, do you think I'm Santiago?
Hey, boys
Santiago is going nuts.
He wants to go,
he wants to crash his car into something,
-I don't know
-No way.
-No, no, no!
-Wait, dude, wait!
-Wait, don't go, man.
-No, Santi, Santi, Santi.
-Wait, wait, wait, don't go.
-Hey, hey, man.
Why don't you guys get outta there?
And get that damn car out of my way
or I'll do it the hard way.
Hey, nobody is gonna make fun of you here.
Nobody will make fun
just because you almost banged Marcel.
Hey, hey, no, no, no.
-It's all good. Easy, man.
-Hey, hey, hey.
Careful with what you're saying
because I'm not a homo.
-All good.
of course you're not a homo, Santiago.
You couldn't be
more troglodyte, man. Relax, dude.
Yeah, man. Besides, Santi,
it was only a kiss.
It doesn't mean anything.
And Marcel is not that bad.
-He's got this beard.
-I think he's okay.
-He's got a good ass.
The Titanic flipped over,
why wouldn't you do the same?
Oh, you suckers. Can you just get
that damn car out of the way?
Hey, hey, hey, don't be a sissy.
Don't call him that, man.
I didn't mean "sissy"
as in neck whisperer or pillow biter.
-Sissy as in
That's right.
Calm down and let's talk, okay?
All right. Calm down, man.
Take a deep breath and take it easy.
We're right here with you.
What the hell is the matter?
The thing is
I don't get it. So, you don't care
about what we lived or felt yesterday?
What, you can't fall in love with me?
You don't like me? Is that it?
Yes, we had a great time.
We had really wonderful sex.
Tan, tan.
Tomás, you sound like
a 50-year-old man, you really do.
What do you want? You wanna play house,
get married and have kids?
My God. All I really want
is to have a good time.
I wish you all the best in life, Eugenia.
Tomás, look at me.
Leave quietly.
I really blew it last night.
With Marcel, yeah.
No, I cheated on Ana María.
Relax, and let yourself go, okay?
I feel like an ass, guys.
I wanna go talk to her.
No, man.
Way to go,
you were the only one that scored.
-That's my dog!
-Seriously, Daniel? No.
All right, if you will feel better
by talking to her
and being honest, do it.
Talk to her, man. That's best.
Right. Yes, it's a good idea.
Yeah, go tell her everything
like Julián did with Antonia
and you'll see how it goes.
It's true.
Santi, what's wrong?
It's not like this
is your first time cheating, right?
Yes, it was the first time.
Bro, look me in the eyes.
Come on, look me in the eyes.
Oh, don't be a moron. I'd rather not.
Okay, don't look at me.
Don't look, but feel my energy.
Feel it. It feels beautiful, you know?
-Oh, another one.
The energy!
Oh, I can feel it from here,
Richie, it's okay.
-Stop, stop, stop, man.
-Feel it, feel the energy.
-Feel it. Feel it.
-Okay, okay, okay.
We're right here.
Tell me, Santi.
Can you really say
that you're happily married, dude?
Otherwise, why exactly
would you make up affairs
every month, Santi, huh?
Do you feel fulfilled with Ana María?
Dammit, I don't know,
I don't know, I don't know.
Okay, so I already told you.
Now I wanna go.
I wanna go and talk to her.
Richie, please.
Fine, let's go.
-Let's go.
-Okay, I'll move the truck now.
I mean, life is life,
you know? Don't worry.
Coming, coming, coming.
-So, how did it go?
-Hi. Fine.
Is Jacobo coming for breakfast?
-Yes, I'm starving.
-No, hez ztill zleeping, ztill zleeping.
-Oh, hez zleeping?
-Oh, no, no, he already left.
What do you mean he left?
-So was the nookie really that bad?
I don't know. What a weird night, huh?
-Yeah, don't even mention it.
-No, no, no. Come on.
-Come on, tell me.
-Tell you what?
-Well, what happened!
-Oh, well, what do you think?
I was willing to go
all the way and I tried.
-Are you okay?
Well, I think that during the struggle
someone grabbed
my arm really hard and now it hurts.
Tsk. You shouldn't
have gotten involved in the fight.
Of course I had to.
They were gonna kill Marcel.
-I had no choice.
You can tell Marcel is pretty used to it.
He really enjoys pissing people off.
Oh, yeah. Wow, I'm tired.
God, I'm exhausted. Jacobo, go to sleep.
I tried, I swear I tried.
-I told you.
Bravo, I told you.
I warned you.
Mafe, let's show this fool here,
the Nazarene that she has lost.
Get ready to watch
the Passion of the Christ
and Dry Tears all on the same set.
No, please no more Dry Tears. Thank you.
-Show her.
-Are you ready to watch?
-Don't make fun.
It's adorable. It's adorable.
Ladies and gentlemen.
We have a winner that gave it his all.
Oh, yeah, he did.
We never imagined someone would
actually do this for two double tickets.
Oh, no.
In first place, the "golden knees"
-Goes to Mr. Julián Quintana.
-Why didn't you tell me.
I was there.
-You guys are too much. Why? Oh, no.
-Congratulations, Julián!
Drive safely!
Well, what do we do?
Want some beers and mushrooms to even out?
No, no, are you kidding me, man?
-Well, I do.
-No, no, no.
I'm gonna call Tomás, man, Tomás.
I mean, I'll have the beer, but
no more mushrooms, dude.
Why would you let me invite
Jacobo over to the country house?
-What's the matter with you?
-We told you.
That guy and me are not a good match!
-You were aroused.
-You were aroused.
Okay. I actually feel bad for him.
But Julián? Poor Julián.
How was I supposed to know?
-I love him.
-He went up
to Monserrate on his knees for me?
-I mean, is he crazy or something?
-He really is.
Honey, honey, tell me
if he doesn't deserve the miracle, huh?
Well, anyway,
he's over there with Lina, all happy.
-And we need to take that into account.
-Wait, seriously?
Oh, this is so galling.
Just leave that girl alone, Jesus.
-What do you mean? She was there.
-Excuse me?
-No, but I
Good morning.
-Good morning.
Good morning.
Excuse me?
No! Goddess of the Universe,
Guardian of the Olympus.
A woman as delicate as a seagull
and as strong as a lioness.
A wild, free woman. I love you!
Cheers to the sugar mommy!
Mom, was the little toy train Tomás?
-So do you guys all know Tomás?
Of course. Tommy is my partner at Billuka.
Do you remember that I was telling you
about the Billuka party?
If you're seeing Tomás, it's okay with me.
In fact, I love it, Mom.
I love that you're thinking of you
and doing what makes you happy,
without giving any explanations.
Oh! I love it!
She's my mom! She's my mom!
Yes, ma'am. I love you.
A baby Botox should be available to all.
Besides, Tomás is an amazing guy.
He's got a big heart.
I mean, he's the most gentlemanly guy
that I've ever met in my life.
And he's also very cute
because he's like a little boy,
but with an old soul.
-He's perfect.
-And the butt, too.
Anyway, he would've been perfect
at some other time,
but this relationship
went as far as it had to go.
-Excuse me?
-What happened?
No way, ma'am. Let bygones be bygones.
And now we're going to celebrate, Eugenia.
That's right. There's a lot to celebrate.
Congratulations. I feel so proud of you.
-I love having you as my mom.
-Okay, refill, refill over here.
Did the trip wear off?
Well, I don't know, man.
I saw so many things.
That crap is psycho-magical, dude.
I think I have to rethink
my life, brother.
If this is about the almost daughter
that you almost banged,
this stays between us.
Ana María, let me explain, okay?
Explain what?
That you're a homo?
I would've put up
with you cheating on me with a woman.
Those things happen.
But with a guy?
It's been 18 years of memories.
What memories, man?
There haven't been any.
Well, 18 years. It's been 18 years
of love, of waiting.
What did we say about coming unannounced?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just
it's just that I thought about it
and, and, and wait.
Where is it?
Oh, yeah, it's here, it's here.
Well, I thought about it and, well,
yes, Pau, I have always been a coward.
I'm a moron. I mean, I
What's wrong?
Can we talk outside?
I was there in the bathroom
with this person
and it was like, all of a sudden I
I'm sure it was
because of the drugs, okay?
Your suitcase is ready.
You may go.
-Ana María, come on, please.
-Get out of my house!
The thing is, Pau, is that it's been
18 years to be able to tell you this
and my hands are sweaty and I'm not
even sure what I'm about to do.
But Oh, no, wait a sec.
Gimme a second, gimme a second.
Hold this here, please, okay?
What, what are you doing?
Just wait a minute
'cause this is important, okay?
This, this part.
This is part is important, yes.
One second, one second,
I'm, I'm almost done,
almost done, almost done.
I'm done.
Uh, uh, okay so
Oh, no, no, wait, wait a minute.
Oh, no, no, dammit. No.
Okay, so, I wanted to know, well
Well, you know, will you marry me?
What, what are you doing here?
You offered me a coffee and I love it,
but it's late and we could get insomnia.
So I opted for this.
Are you in?
Yeah, of course.
Hey, wait a minute,
I'll help you, I'll help you.
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