Franklin and Bash (2011) s02e06 Episode Script

Voir Dire

Dude, could you eat a little faster? I could, if I wanted to ruin the whole experience.
What's your problem? We have a partners meeting at 9:30.
And? It's 9:45.
I don't like what this whole partnership thing is turning you into.
Oh, yeah? What's that? A total dick.
All right.
Less talk.
More eating.
Come on! You know, if I was on a desert island And could only have one food for the rest of my life, No-brainer -- chicken and waffles.
That's two, stupid.
I think at this point it's considered one.
What would you bring? Your mom.
Peter, it's a partners meeting.
We're partners.
They can't start without us! Relax! Any other business? Um, yes.
The summer associates shadow program starts this week, And -- again? Oh.
All right.
We have a strong crop of lawyers this year We'd like to stay on with us.
Impress them with your guile, intellect, and finesse.
But don't go crazy wooing them with wine and song.
Yes, let's keep it professional.
I nearly forgot this.
Mickey gotelli.
Uh, he's actually my auto mechanic.
I won't let anyone else touch my morgan supersport.
Beautiful car.
This is a charming story.
Well, his brother, The black sheep of the family, sal -- He needs our counsel.
Apparently he works in a chop shop downtown.
Now, sal has decided he wants to get out of the business -- Go straight, as it were.
So he discussed with his colleagues an exit strategy.
Exit strategy? Why? Now, the prosecution is claiming That it was premeditated and that he jumped them.
The evidence to counter this is, uh, rather thin.
So, uh, does peter and jared's new client Have a criminal record? A dazzling one, yes.
But who said it was their client? I haven't assigned it.
Anyone want it? Anyone? Yeah.
Didn't think so.
They should really come to the morning meeting.
I cracked their skulls open after they jumped me.
They outnumbered you, And so you fought off your attackers With the only weapons you could find.
Come on, sal.
We've been through this all day.
I know, I know.
These felons wanted you To stay and cut up stolen automobiles.
But you wanted a career change.
You wanted to make an honest buck.
They wouldn't let you.
And the repeated defensive blows to their heads Were to send a message -- "help me get into used-car sales.
" That's true.
I like working with people.
What's the matter? We're not sure we can put you on the stand.
This is my third strike.
I'd go away for 25 years.
Yes, sal, but if you testify, The jury gets to hear everything about your past.
I never fought any of those other beefs against me, Never pushed a case to trial.
Know why? Why? When I'm guilty, I take my penance like a man.
This time's different.
What I did I didn't have a choice.
d ooh, what a mixture d d such a vivid picture d d ooh, what a mixture d d if I must say so myself d Thanks.
All right, sal.
We'll see you in court this afternoon.
You got it.
Hey, sal.
Wear a tie.
You have to tie it for me! Where do we find 'em? Excuse me? This case found us.
Maybe next time we don't skip the partners meeting Because you just have to have chicken and waffles.
It is the perfect marriage of tastes.
You know that.
Yes, very aware of sweet and savory.
And guess which new client karp cherry-picked for himself at that meeting.
If you say medieval times, I'm gonna cry.
We could've been jousting right now, but, no.
I'm not going to apologize for being spontaneous.
I want to go to the batting cages right now.
See? I'd love to, but there's a jury pool with sal's name waiting for us.
We'll do it at the batting cages.
Hi, there.
Hi! Oh.
We met at the summer associates dinner.
I'm shadowing this week.
Fantastic! That's great! We're about to pick a jury, So this is kind of the perfect time.
Oh, actually, I'm looking for hanna linden.
I'm shadowing her.
Down the hall, to the left.
That's not fair.
See? That's not fair.
Absolutely not.
Jared? Peter? Hi.
I'm bonnie appel.
I'll be shadowing you all week.
That's great.
I-I won't get in the way, I promise.
I-I prefer to observe rather than ask questions.
But I do have one question, And it is that do you prefer me to ask questions or? Greta, greta, now's not a good week.
We're starting a trial.
We've got jury selection.
It's an extremely tense process.
We really have to be in the zone right now.
We don't have time to share the essence of Us.
I think it's mandatory.
Okay, first lesson -- you're gonna want to dial down that attitude.
Uh Signed by stanton.
welcome! Thanks.
I'll go get my stuff.
Okay! It's days like these.
Aren't you glad you had chicken and waffles? Yeah! You're glad you had chicken and waffles.
I actually am.
Trials are won and lost Before opening statements, bonnie.
It's all about picking the right jury.
Picking a jury is a deselection process.
You know what that means? You want to identify jurors you want to strike, Not jurors you want to pick.
Very good.
Yeah, you want to flag the jurors Who won't be receptive to your arguments Without drawing attention to the good jurors you want.
The case we're doing now, we want a juror Who is receptive to a self-defense argument.
What's your game plan? Self-defense.
Sal wanted out, but they pulled him back in.
Really? You're quoting "godfather iii"? 'cause it's the best one.
The facts support self-defense.
We anticipate they'll argue that it crossed the line From self-defense to extreme prejudice.
How's your jury shaping up? Too early to tell.
Find gun owners.
Self-defense is self-evident.
Women jurors are harder on women than they are on men.
And your client male.
Really? Hadn't noticed.
I'd pick mostly women.
They're sympathetic, Willing to forgive men more easily than men forgive women.
We're covered, but thanks.
Besides, we're all about the women.
Oh, I bet you think you are.
For instance, if we're better-looking than opposing counsel Which is almost always We stack the jury with attractive women who will dig us.
If opposing counsel is better-looking than us Which is almost never.
Then we throw on wedding rings And stock the pond with less-attractive citizens Who are threatened by handsome men.
That's just stupid.
Bonnie, meet karp, nepotism's poster child.
Nepotism doesn't have a poster child.
Your summer associate is like the dog Who gets the homeless guy as his master.
Who are the d.
S on your case? Palmer and shaw.
Oh? You better get those wedding rings.
There you go.
You look good.
Let's do it.
Oh, it's the guys you tuned up, sal.
"tuned up"? Okay, pesci.
They just came to intimidate you.
They failed.
Not with me! Oh, check it out! Hey, kids, the circus is back in town.
Are you guys ready? Where's palmer and shaw? Uh, reassigned.
By me.
It's good to be king.
Oh, brought out the big gun.
It's his only shot.
Thought you'd be too busy for a trial, Given that whole campaign of yours.
Unless, of course, you need this to up your profile.
Um I have not officially announced My candidacy for district attorney But am accepting donations.
I don't have any change.
I forgot my murse.
Ah, it's all right.
How 'bout we pick a jury, huh? Let's do that.
Be just like the old days at megget and towne, huh? Oh, yeah.
Here's hoping for a happier ending, though.
I don't think the ending coube any happier.
What are you guys talking about? Uh, the -- Nothing.
It's not a state secret that you were fired from megget and towne For sleeping with the boss's daughter.
Hewett was with mr.
Megget when they walked in on us At that christmas party -- he tipped the old man off.
You don't know that for sure.
I-- Is this 'cause he saw you naked? Please.
I streaked the '97 rose bowl.
It was cold.
In hindsight, regrettable.
And, may I remind you, Do not discuss this case with other members of the jury Or your families.
Do not engage in any conversation Sal, stop twitching.
With the lawyers on this case.
I'm itchy.
Now, I'm going to ask most of the questions, But occasionally I will accept Or let the lawyers ask their own.
Now, if you have a question, You may write it down or hand it to a bailiff.
Before we get started, your honor, May I say that this is the best collection of jurors I've ever seen assembled? No, you may not.
It is a jury all-star team here.
Your honor, that was highly inappropriate behavior From someone who has, well, written the book On highly inappropriate behavior.
Bash and mr.
Franklin, That was warning number one.
The next step is contempt.
You got it, your honor.
And, your honor, we apologize to d.
Hewett, Who was unfortunately correct In preventing us from praising the jury.
Let's get started.
I have anger issues with mexicans and italians.
Especially italians.
I guess I'm self-hating.
I see that you are a schoolteacher.
Your answer is now public record.
Your honor, the defense would ask the court To thank and excuse juror number 1.
I'm a butcher at podesto meats.
And, uh, how long have you been in business? Butcher's good.
We like him.
They're desensitized to violence, Which will help when they see the pictures Of what you did to those thugs.
And what do you do, sir? I'm a priest.
Your honor, the defense would ask the court To thank and excuse juror number 3.
He seems nice.
And I never miss mass.
I don't think he'd appreciate The nuances of your self-defense.
Look at hewett.
He hasn't challenged one juror.
What's that about? All right, so far, we and the prosecution Have agreed on eight jurors.
For a self-defense argument, I like who we have so far.
We got the sheep, but we need the shepherds.
Why, bonnie? The majority of jurors are followers.
They'll go wherever the alphas want to lead them.
Alphas who will shape opinion, Become a jury foreman or forewoman.
The last few jurors are the toughest to crack.
Wait, guys.
Who put the "jilfs" card up there? Really? Hostile environment for the summer associate.
I did, but not in a hostile way.
How many jurors have we knocked out? We've used seven peremptory challenges.
They've used two.
We've used eight? We've used 8 out of 10 peremptory challenges.
We dinged the rocket scientist.
Yeah, he was too left-brain, Wouldn't appreciate our creativity anyway.
Hewett's only used two challenges against us.
This is too easy.
You think he's up to something? There's an evidentiary hearing tomorrow.
Your honor, a boot belonging to the defendant, sal gotelli, Was discovered by the lapd in his locker at the gym.
It matches the bootprint taken from the back door, Which was kicked in at the body shop.
Also missing from mr.
Gotelli's toolbox Is a really big, heavy wrench -- Same kind of wrench That was found at the crime scene.
Gotelli was not practicing self-defense.
He stalked his victims with malicious intent.
Bailiff, mark the evidence As prosecution exhibits "e" and "f.
" Ahh.
" as in what we are now.
Totally f'ed.
This is breaking news, sal.
This is why hewett didn't challenge any of our jury choices.
He was letting us pick our jury based on self-defense.
Now that strategy is toast.
We need a new defense.
How many jury challenges do we have left? Two.
More would be better.
I was still defending somebody.
It just wasn't me.
Sure wasn't them.
They were defending themselves With limited success.
You're a total badass.
But in this case, "badass" is gonna get you 10 years.
Who were you defending? These guys started doing strong-arm work.
Not just boosting cars -- more up close and personal.
Carjacking, robbery.
I didn't want to be a part of that.
Okay, so your bosses aren't the "two-week notice" types.
They jacked a car, beat up the driver.
Word got out that someone in the neighborhood Might have seen it go down.
I heard them talking about "taking care" of her.
So I stepped in.
"her"? Her name's annabel.
She works at the gift shop near the garage.
They sell snow globes, Cards that sing when you open them.
We met, hit it off.
Go on.
I told them, "no one touches annabel.
" They disagreed, so I tried to persuade them otherwise.
Sal, why didn't you just tell us? Because if you or any cops started asking her questions, Annabel would be exposed to danger.
I tried to fix it myself By saying they were coming after me.
Were you in love with this woman? If love means you'd do anything To make sure no one would harm her Maybe.
Look at this guy -- Hands of stone capable of busting heads And a heart of something warm and soft, Capable of love.
Meatloaf? Maybe we can make this work.
d yes, I can, doubt that I leave dd d I'm runnin' with this plan d Ladies, want a refill? There you go, ladies.
You can make a party out of jury selection? Bonnie, if we impart anything of value to you Highly doubtful.
It's that you can make a party out of anything.
Hermano? Yes.
Hey! Okay.
New defense strategy.
It's all about love now.
he makes everything about love.
That's right, especially if you beat three people to a pulp And you have no other defense.
All right, carmen, we need you to go to the gift shop tomorrow.
Talk to annabel, see if she loves sal enough To testify about their relationship.
Do you think they sell helium balloons? She loves her helium voice.
I like the love defense.
But I like rom-coms more than action movies.
Maybe you're too soft for this gig.
That's what my father says.
He's a lawyer.
He says, "if you try a case with your heart, Be ready to try the appeal with your brain.
" There's room for both.
And you can make quite a good living If you wake up every morning Trying to prove your father wrong.
Care to share? You're my shadow, not my soul, bonnie.
So, chop-shop mechanic and little shopgirl -- That's our scenario? Beauty and the beast -- that's right.
AndWhat are we looking for in our jurors? Well, we start with people who have heart.
Why do you say the "t" like that? I don't know.
Is that wrong? Heart.
Uh, you are a junior-high-school p.
That's right.
"do they still do that thing Where you have to climb up the rope to the ceiling?" Yes, we do.
"if 'yes,' what do you do If a kid just can't make it to the top?" Well, if I sense a lack of effort, I make them run laps.
Tough class.
Your honor, the defense would ask the court To thank and excuse juror number 6.
Thank you for your service, juror number 6.
You may report back to the jury assembly room.
You wasted a challenge on him? We only have one left.
Trust me.
I'm playing a deeper game.
I'll show you a deeper game.
Your honor, may I ask a question? You may.
Juror number 2 How are you today? Fine.
How are you? Better now.
Defense has no further questions for juror number two.
Your honor, the prosecution would like to thank and excuse Prospective juror number 2.
Nice work.
Yeah, I got hewett to fire off another round.
He has four challenges left, we only have one, Because you were too big of a pussy To climb the rope in the seventh grade.
The gym teacher was a "guilty.
" The guy's a bully.
Our guy's not? Our guy has a marshmallow center.
Thanks, bonnie.
Can I help you? Yeah.
You guys sell helium balloons? Sorry.
We don't carry helium.
It's a finite resource That's being reduced by radioactive decay.
Buzzkill my birthday, why don't you? You're annabel brady, right? Yes.
Carmen phillips.
I'm an investigator for a law firm.
You should probably talk to my boss.
I just work here.
She'll be back in a few if you -- No, no.
Nobody's in trouble or anything.
Uh, we represent a friend of yours -- sal gotelli.
Who's she? Not sally.
I don't know anyone by that name.
I didn't know his name.
Really? No, but he comes in a lot, Buys a lot of little gifts for his niece.
He's very sweet, barely says a word.
Maybe the best uncle ever.
So you two aren't dating? Oh, no.
I-I mean, h-he's sweet, butNo way.
I never said she was in love with me.
It was "unrequitted.
" Unrequited.
I'll say.
Sal, she doesn't know your name.
Why did you even go talk to her? You put her in danger! Whoa.
Easy, sal.
You thought we'd take your word for it? I care for her.
That's the truth.
I don't know if it was love.
I've never been in love.
Maybe sh-- I should step out.
It's okay.
At least someone believes me.
All I know is I didn't want to see her hurt.
Well, if passion can be measured By the beatdown you put on the victims, You may be in love.
All right.
Let's stay the course.
We only need one more juror to fit our profile.
We argue that you loved annabel but she doesn't love you.
One-sided love is half a love, Which is twice as hard to prove.
Did you tell anybody about your feelings for annabel? No.
So we still need our jury To think with their heart, not with their heads.
Jury nullification.
What's jury nullification? It's what we argue when we're screwed, sal, which we are.
Good pep talk.
Bonnie? When the law and facts are against us, We appeal to the jury's emotions, Basically try to get them to acquit you Because they like you.
how do we do that? Convince a jury that a guilty verdict for you Is a rejection of the power of love.
No one wants to be the scrooge.
Works for me.
Go get ready, sal.
We need carmen to get annabel to testify as a character witness.
Yeah, at least annabel can say that sal's a big, sweet lug.
It's not gonna work.
I'm sorry.
I don't recall asking for your opinion.
You should be looking for jurors who feel Your client pounded three dirtbags who had it coming, Argue that sal gotelli should get a medal for what he did.
Heart of stone.
Remind me not to pick you as our love juror.
I hope you at least have some challenges left.
Or d-- ooh.
I'm done with you.
Where's your summer associate that's supposed to be shadowing you? Cleaning shows off my dvr.
If this is about love, then you want people love -- Newlyweds, young people who don't understand That love is an illusion, that it's all just chemistry.
Are you coming on to me? 'cause for a second there, I was getting real -- Really? That's your takeaway? no.
I didn't think she was coming on to you, either.
You know why they call them "shadows," right? I know I've said this before, but What you need is gun owners.
Did you miss the part Where we said we've moved to a love defense? They understand the whole idea Of protecting innocence against a violent world.
Got it.
Guns! I remember having a mauser zig-zag handgun.
My father gave it to me when I was 6 years old.
He took it from a german soldier in world war ii.
This -- this is helpful.
Gun owners love their guns.
Trust me on this one.
You got it.
- You work at crate & barrel? - Yes, sir.
Assistant manager.
Uh, your honor, I don't mean to make excuses, And I know I used up all my deferments, But I have a vacation planned.
The court gives you a new date with your deferment, So why didn't you plan your vacation around it? My husband was planning a surprise.
Uh, all I want to know is whether or not you think This trial's gonna be over by the end of the month? You feeling it? I'm feeling it.
Well, this trial better be over by then.
Thank you, your honor.
Don't tip hewett that we like her.
Your honor, may I ask why juror 9 needs to go on vacation? You may, mr.
It's our one-year anniversary.
My husband's planning a surprise trip.
I-I-I sense a bit of a southern accent.
Texas? Oklahoma.
Texas, oklahoma.
We consider them pretty different, actually.
Well, sorry.
I didn't mean to offend.
Bash, you have one challenge left.
Do you care to use it at this time? Yes, your honor.
Um, the defense would ask the court To thank and excuse juror 10.
Nice work.
Just enough of a dick.
Your honor, the prosecution would ask the court To thank and excuse juror number 5.
If hewett doesn't use any more challenges, This jury will work for us.
God, I hate this part.
I still don't get it.
It's a tv show that's also a cooking competition.
It's pretty straightforward.
And awesome.
Guys, we got a problem.
When don't we? So, I went to talk to annabel, our shopgirl, About being a character witness for sal.
And She's gone.
Left town.
The owner said that some big guy in a leather coat Came in to talk to her earlier today.
Annabel got upset, said she had to leave town, And that she would call to pick up her check When it was safe.
What the hell did you do?! I wanted to warn her about the guys at the shop.
Turns out, she hadn't even seen the carjacking, But I told her to leave town anyway.
Why?! Why? Because these guys Aren't gonna take any chances.
It's hard to prove defense of others When the "other" bails before we can put her on the stand! Annabel thought I was there to intimidate her.
She told me to leave, or she'd call the cops on me.
At least she's safe.
We're back to square one.
I hope annabel thanked you, sal, Because you saving her ass may have put yours in jail.
Looks like a regular garage.
What'd you think -- they'd have sign out front That says "chop shop"? Didn't you ever see "fast and the furious"? All except "tokyo drift.
" Yeah.
No diesel, no fun.
No, buddy.
You never saw "pitch black"? I saw "pitch black.
" Diesel at his best.
Diesel is amazing.
Diesel is good.
He's like our hamlet.
hi! Okay, you either need to show a warrant or get out.
Oh, we're just little, old lawyers, miss? Kiki.
Miss kiki.
Well, w-we were just hoping to take a look Where the alleged incident took place.
Wait a minute.
You're franklin and bash.
You've heard of us? Well, sure.
From my guy.
Your guy? Sal gotelli.
Sal gotelli Is your boyfriend? Well, off and on.
Mostly on.
Hey, are you gonna get sal off? He made this place so much better with those thugs gone.
Oh, I'm sure.
How long have you and sal been together, off and on? We hooked up a couple years ago when he first started here.
He brings me gifts all the time.
Oh, look at that.
It's so sweet.
Excuse me.
This is kiki.
No, he's at lunch.
There's no need to yell.
It's not my fault your car's on fire.
Not only is our guy a chop-shop auto mechanic And an attempted murderer He's also a serial womanizer.
I'm sick of the lying.
I'm not lying! I bought the gifts as an excuse to see annabel.
Throwing them away seemed like it was a bad idea, so I gave them to kiki.
Clearly she got the wrong idea.
You got to believe me! We hooked up a while ago, But kiki meant nothing to me in that way.
We believe you, sal.
Is there anybody who saw you and annabel together in the store? No.
I only went in if annabel was working alone.
what's going on there? I don't know.
Keep walking.
why would he do this?! We haven't even been married a whole year! Uh-oh.
Hang back.
Me? Yeah, you.
Just tie your shoe, Listen to your iphone, whatever.
Just something.
Just listen.
Isn't that jury tampering? No, it's -- it's tying your shoe.
I'm wearing flats.
You're lawyers.
Do you know where I can find The office for annulment of marriages? Uh I'm sorry, but we -- we really can't talk to you.
Of course.
You're men.
Seems upset.
Maybe her new husband found an old girlfriend.
Our romance juror is now a man-hater.
Yeah, and her opinion is gonna poison the jury.
She can't be on that jury.
We're out of challenges.
And we're out of options.
Yes, I had the same problem When I was on president clinton's search committee - For a supreme court justice in '93.
- Which is why we're here.
Yeah, well, the left were pressing, Of course, for a liberal.
- Clinton wanted a centrist.
- What'd you do? We used the republicans.
We leaked word that clinton was in love with laurence tribe.
Oh, the opposition said he was unconfirmable.
Which gave the president cover to push for ruth bader ginsburg.
Lovely lady.
Crushing handshake for her size, But very sexy when she wore her hair down.
Who are they? Oh.
they're shadowing me.
Twin sons of the indonesian foreign minister.
They're, uh, returning a favor.
So, we get hewett To ding our love juror turned man-hater.
How do we do that? good lord.
I mean, do you want me to chew your food for you? Figure it out.
What's your status? Melody's about to get on the elevator right now.
I think so.
Where's hewett? Standing right outside the courtroom right now.
Oh, well, don't let him go in.
Keep him in the hallway.
How? He's so big! Do something.
Throw up on him.
That's your go-to move.
Oh, hey, mr.
Hewett! How are you today? Fine.
Where are barnum & bailey? they're coming.
I just wanted to say how excited I am That you're running for the office of district attorney.
Between us bros, I think you'd really bring the heat.
Are you even a registered voter? That's racist.
Oh! Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I think -- I think you dropped this.
It might be your parking ticket.
Couple years -- it's a very difficult process.
She dropped her parking ticket.
I handed it back to her.
The two were engaged in conversation.
Oh, come on.
Jury tampering is a serious charge.
So is a lost parking ticket, your honor.
This woman came to do her civic duty, And mr.
Hewett here Would have us charge her $24 to drive home? Not only am I insulted, But so is my father, who raised me to be a gentleman! S-spare me your outrage.
There's not enough evidence here to support your accusation.
Your honor, you know how these two work.
This is clearly -- There are other means of recourse available to you.
Your honor, why don't you just give him the idea? Easy.
We're -- we're good.
I'm good.
Your honor, the prosecution would ask the court To thank and excuse juror number 9.
Thank you for your service, juror number 9.
Juror number 4.
Yes, your honor? Are you a gun owner, sir? Yes, sir.
Proud member of the nra.
Counselors, Unless there are any more questions or challenges, I'm ready to swear in this jury right after lunch.
To those of you chosen, report back here after lunch.
To those of you who weren't, thank you very much.
You're excused.
And thank you on behalf of the county of los angeles.
Court is in recess until 2:30.
Are we happy? With the jury, yes.
With your case, not yet.
I could really use a vacation.
And no men.
Sal, how many times a week did you go into annabel's store? Maybe once a week.
She ever go on vacation? She went to orlando in July.
I stayed away from the store.
Longest 30 days of my life.
You have any gift receipts? No, better yet, credit-card statements That show you didn't buy anything the whole month of July? Yeah, I charged them on my platinum amex.
It was 99-cent, "made in china" crap.
What? What are you guys thinking? Sal, why don't you go get something to eat? We'll text you in a little bit.
We got some work to do.
So, we get sal to testify That he was in that store every day buying a tchotchke As an excuse to see the woman he loved.
We don't have any gift receipts.
Yeah, and sal's record will make his credibility a little shaky.
Which leaves us with kiki.
But she can testify That the only time she didn't get a gift from sal Was when annabel was on vacation.
I don't think kiki's gonna want to help the "other woman.
" Remember when you said you wouldn't ask any questions? It wasn't a question.
It wasn't a question? It's not a question.
Okay, so, we slide past the "other woman" thing.
We let kiki feel that sal was just protecting an innocent girl.
She'll love him more.
That dirtbag! No, he likes you.
It's just -- Sal gave me gifts he bought from another woman he loves Just to be in her presence, And you want me to put my hands on a bible and save him?! Did we not say "please"? If it makes you feel any better, His feelings for annabel were unrequited.
She didn't even know his name.
Oh, great! I'm losing out to some bitch who sal doesn't even know.
What does that say about me? What it says, kiki, I-is that you are Too impressive for words.
W-what do you say we reset and try this again? Yeah.
I-if you love sal, Shouldn't you love him enough to let him go? Isn't that the ultimate expression of love? The ultimate expression of love is killing him! It's called a crime of passion.
Much easier to defend.
Be sure to leave your card.
There you go.
There you go.
There's only two people who can testify That sal was looking out for annabel.
But annabel's in the wind, and sal's Sal.
- So it's over?! - No.
The test of any great trial attorney Is whether he can master the art of the plea deal.
So sal gets his heart stomped on, And we're just gonna put him on an iceberg? Excuse me? I've been shadowing you guys for a week, And the lesson at the end of it is, "you can't save your client, so save some face"? You understand being a summer associate Doesn't guarantee you a job? I do.
Do you understand that it's a seller's market And you have to impress me more than I have to impress you? Okay.
So, what would you do? Put delusional kiki on the stand.
Bon-bon, we can't force kiki onto the stand.
She'll hurt us.
She'll hurt the prosecution more.
You get the prosecution to call kiki parker As a hostile witness.
They grow up so fast.
So you're suggesting a courtroom trojan horse? Classic franklin and bash.
You get hewett to call kiki to the stand To testify that sal was a lying dirtbag Who wasn't in love with annabel.
By the way, you guys do refer to yourselves in third person.
And after hewett calls kiki We cross-examine, get her to testify That sal wasn't buying her gifts when annabel was on vacation.
Uh, only one problem.
Hewett doesn't know about our love defense, So he has no reason to call kiki to the stand.
Hewett's the one who tipped off your boss To catch you with megget's daughter.
So now it's our turn to tip off hewett about our love defense.
Okay, that part seems hard.
Are you kidding? That part's fun.
I never understood -- who's the second person? First, second.
Well, who's the third? What do you mean? First, second.
Who's -- Franklin and bash.
Uh, your honor, the defense requests A private meeting with you in chambers.
Your honor, the prosecution has the right To hear the reason for this meeting.
The more, the merrier.
Your honor, we are having trouble locating a witness, So we would ask the court to delay the start of trial until Monday.
Why? We're not comfortable disclosing that reason In front of you-know-who.
You have to do it in front of mr.
We want to prove that our client was trying To protect a woman he loved from danger.
The three men mr.
Gotelli assaulted Had targeted the witness we're looking for.
Well, I suggest you find another witness.
We tried, your honor.
We spoke to co-workers of mr.
Gotelli, But they wouldn't help us.
Hey, hey.
No, no.
Okay, your honor.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We'll do that.
We'll do that.
You know, we're not above a plea bargain.
I am.
The hook has been set.
I believe you mean the hook has been baited.
We don't know if the prosecution has taken the bait yet For the hook to be set.
Really? Do a lot of fly-fishing? Technically, you don't use a bait when you're fly-fishing.
What you use is a -- Okay.
Guys, guys, guys.
Eye on the ball.
We're gonna argue that unrequited love Drove sal gotelli to protect a pretty shopgirl Named annabel brady Annabel.
From three thugs who wanted to hurt her.
Let's just hope the district attorney is basing their case On us arguing unrequited love.
What if he doesn't? Well, we picked our key jury members Based on this defense.
Yeah, let's put it this way, sal -- If the prosecution doesn't call your friend Kiki parker to the stand, you'll lose.
If they do, we'll win.
And you go free.
Really? Just like that? Trials are won and lost based on how you pick your jury.
And our jury is primed for love.
For better or worse.
Good luck today, counsel.
And to you, mr.
District attorney.
It's been like old times.
When this is all over, we'll be even For what you did to me at megget and towne.
are you presuming victory? No.
He's guaranteeing it.
Before we go in, I just want to say what an honor it's been To observe such a legendary trial team.
I feel the same way.
"good-luck hug" time.
No, we -- Oh.
A hug.
No! Hey, summer girl.
Yes, mr.
Franklin? your father would be proud.
We will now hear opening statements -- First, from the prosecution.
Hewett? Thank you, your honor.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, as I speak to you now, Three men, victims of a vicious beating Administered by the man sitting behind me, sal gotelli, Are still recovering from their injuries.
At one time, these men called sal gotelli a friend.
But what kind of friend jumps another friend And beats them over the head with a wrench? This friend.
Now, the defense will argue That sal gotelli is a good man A hardworking man.
The defense will also try to get you to believe That sal gotelli was a man in love.
They will argue that sal gotelli Loved a woman from afar named annabel brady And that he was just trying to protect her from the victims.
Well, not only will we disprove the notion That sal gotelli was a man in love With a shopgirl whom the defense can't even locate, But we will introduce the woman he really loved -- His real girlfriend Kiki parker.
And then, you, ladies and gentlemen You will decide Who is telling the truth.

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