Frog and Toad (2023) s02e06 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 6

The wilderness.
Are you having fun, Toad?
My backpack is heavy.
And I'm hungry. And my feet are tired.
But aside from that, no.
Well, tonight, when we reach
our camping spot,
we will sleep soundly in the peace
and quiet of the woods.
I much prefer my cozy,
warm bed to the cold, rocky ground.
Come on, Toad.
Very soon we're gonna find
the perfect spot to set up our tent.
What about under that tree?
Is that the perfect spot?
No. That tree is not quite right.
-What about near that rock?
-Or on that patch of grass?
Or by that funny-looking bush?
No. None of these spots are quite right.
You will see, Toad. I will know
the perfect spot when I see it.
The perfect spot!
No time for resting, Toad.
We must set up our tent.
No resting yet, Toad.
I do not want you to miss out
on all the fun of setting up our campfire.
You go gather stones for the ring,
and I will find us some firewood.
Toad, would you like to help me
get ready for dinner?
Dinner? Now, that is something
I do not mind helping with.
Oh, my. Wow, Toad,
you certainly came prepared.
How do you like our dinner?
These beans are marvelous.
Even better than usual.
Yes, dinner always tastes better
when you are camping.
I am ready for bed, Frog.
Me too, Toad.
You were right, Frog.
Camping is quite nice.
Just wait, Toad. There is nothing more
peaceful than sleeping out in the woods.
Good night, Frog.
Good night, Toad.
Frog, did you hear something?
Yes, it is Cricket outside our tent.
Frog, please tell Cricket to go to bed.
I cannot go to sleep
with that racket outside our tent.
All right, Toad.
Good evening, Cricket.
It is bedtime for Toad and me.
Would you mind being nice
and quiet so we can sleep?
So what did Cricket say?
He said, "chirp," but I think
that means he will be quiet now.
Sorry, Toad, chirping
is just what crickets do all night.
You are right. I do not think
those crickets will stop.
Perhaps we should take our tent
and move it to a quieter spot.
That is a brilliant idea, Frog.
Much better.
I cannot hear Cricket
and his cricket friends chirping anymore.
Good night.
Good night, Frog.
Good night.
Frog, I already said good night.
Oh, well, good night again.
Good night again.
Who said that?
-Who said that?
-Not me, Toad.
That was Mockingbird outside our tent.
Will Mockingbird make noise
all night long?
All night long?
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
This is not peaceful or quiet, Frog.
Maybe we should look
for a place far away from Mockingbird.
Yes, I think we must.
Yes, I think we must.
Good night, Mockingbird.
Good night, Mockingbird.
Thank you, Frog.
This is much better. Nice and quiet.
What is that?
Looks like Raccoon
is having a bedtime snack.
Do not worry, Toad.
I am certain we can find somewhere
quiet to camp.
What is that bright light?
Not you too, wind!
No bats squeaking, no fireflies glowing,
and no wind howling.
Now this is the perfect place to camp.
Yes, I think you will finally
be able to fall asleep.
What is making that dripping sound?
Water, can you please not drip?
I am trying to sleep.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Blah. Blah.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Will everyone please be quiet?
-Better, Toad?
-Much better.
Sweet dreams, Toad.
Sweet dreams, Frog.
How odd. It seems to be getting brighter.
Frog, what is it? More fireflies?
Even better. Quick, Toad, come with me.
Great hats! It is morning.
Thank you for taking me camping, Frog.
This is a spectacular sunrise.
You are welcome, Toad.
Well, now that it is morning,
what should we do?
The wind certainly is windy tonight.
Oh, yes, it is. Most windy indeed.
Frog, what should we do
while the wind is windy?
Do you like stories, Toad?
Oh, yes. I like stories very much.
Do you like stories
that give you the shivers?
What are the shivers?
The feeling when you hear a spooky story
and get all shivery and shaky.
Like that.
I've never heard a story like that before.
Well, then sit back, sip some tea,
and I will tell you a story
that will give you the shivers.
One night, I was walking home alone
through the deep, dark woods.
-Wait, Frog.
-Yes, Toad?
Well, I think you should be coming over
to my house, not going home.
Yes. Good point.
Let me start the story again.
I was walking over
to Toad's house one night.
Is that better, Toad?
Much better.
My mother and father
always warned me about walking
in the woods after dark.
They said I did not want to meet
the Large and Terrible Frog.
Who is the Large and Terrible Frog?
He is a very large and very terrible frog
that lives in the woods.
Frog, is this a real story?
Maybe it is. And maybe it isn't.
What happened next?
What is that noise?
Perhaps it is the Large and Terrible Frog.
Wait, it is only Mouse.
It is only Frog.
And-And why are you out
in the woods after dark?
Didn't your parents warn you
about being in the woods after dark?
Yes. Well, I am on way
to Toad's house for a cup of tea.
Don't go that way.
I saw something large and and-and-and
-Yes! That's it.
Something large and terrible.
And did I mention it was a frog?
I would go home right away
if I were you, Frog. Right away!
Frog, are you making this up?
Maybe yes. And maybe no.
Do you have the shivers yet?
I-I-I do not think so.
Very well. I will continue with the story.
Despite Mouse's warning,
I continued along the path
toward your house.
Nothing to the left. Nothing to the right.
Nothing here at all.
It was the Large and Terrible Frog!
Shoo, leaves.
And it was standing near me.
Great hats!
Frog, did this really happen?
Maybe it did. And maybe it didn't.
Would you like me
to continue with the story?
Yes, please.
Closer and closer stepped
the Large and Terrible Frog.
Did you say anything?
Why, yes, I did, Toad.
I like your cloak.
Why, thank you. I like it too.
Would you like to join me for dinner?
Actually, I am rather full at the moment.
I had a big lunch.
Oh, okay then.
Frog, I am sorry, but this story
may not give me the shivers after all.
We shall see, Toad.
You must hear what happened next.
The Large and Terrible Frog
took something out of his cloak.
A jump rope.
-A jump rope?
Frog, how is a jump rope supposed
to give me the shivers?
Good question.
Jumping rope is good exercise.
And I find that exercise makes me hungry.
Yes, exercise makes me hungry too.
Would you be so kind
as to turn the jump rope for me?
-Yes, Toad.
Turning a jump rope when asked
is a polite thing to do.
One, two, three, four.
This is lovely. You are good
at this rope-turning business.
Oh, why, thank you.
Frog, this story does not seem
so spooky after all.
I'm not even close to having the shivers.
I have never been steadier.
Would you like me
to stop telling the story now?
Oh, no. Please continue.
I must hear what happened next.
Eighteen, 19, 20.
I am starting to get hungry.
-Yes, Toad?
What do large and terrible
frogs eat when they are hungry?
That is a very good question.
Forty-eight, 49, 50.
I am getting hungrier.
I do not see any food nearby,
not even a sandwich or cookies.
Ninety-eight, 99, 100.
I am very hungry now.
I must eat something.
Eat something?
What did you do then?
What any brave frog would do.
I ran.
Hey! Wait a minute. Stop.
Just a moment.
Well, what?
-What happened next?
-Oh, right.
-I kept running around the tree.
Oh, okay.
And then what happened?
I ran some more.
And then what happened?
I realized I still had
the jump rope in my hand.
And the Large and Terrible Frog
was all wrapped up.
I'm all tied up.
I don't wanna be dinner!
I was just going to ask
if you had any snacks.
And then I ran back to my friend,
Toad's house
and sat by a warm fire and sipped tea.
The end.
Frog, was there really a large
and terrible frog?
Did that story really happen?
Maybe it did. And maybe it didn't.
Frog, look.
My hands are shaking
just thinking about your story.
Mine too. We did it, Toad.
My story gave us the shivers.
-It did indeed.
-How does it feel?
It is a good but funny feeling.
Frog, can you tell me
a new story that will stop the shivers?
That is an excellent idea.
One beautiful day,
we saw a rainbow in the sky.
I am feeling better already.
Me too, Toad.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish
On shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchard shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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