Gokusen (2002) s02e06 Episode Script

Think more about your parents' feelings!!

We did it!
My class, 3A's Oshima did this!
Chumei University's department
of law is very famous.
My class's students did well
in the exam too.
We're just waiting for the results.
My class's Hamada got a job offer
from Global Door!
That's a first-rate IT company!
Well done, Mr Kameyama.
Thank you!
This is amazing!
Congratulations! Amazing!
- Miss Yamaguchi.
- Yes?
I don't think you can afford to be
so carefree and clapping.
Do you know how your class is doing?
- What?
- They are going to graduate soon,
but most of the students in 3D have
not decided their future courses.
Not only that,
but the number of days
they've attended school
is not enough for them
to graduate!
The other students can come
to school once a week,
but those in 3D will have to
come in every day.
That way, you can keep watch on
your students as well.
Keep watch?
You never know what they will do
if you leave them alone.
Do you understand?
Yes, I do.
(Future courses after graduation)
Guys, you are going to
graduate soon.
Don't ask me what, I'm talking about
your future courses.
It's okay if you have decided,
but if you haven't, you really have
to make up your mind now.
What, is that why you look like
an angry demon?
Don't panic so much.
Things will work out.
Will you take it more seriously?
This is your own future.
I'm going to have an interview with
you about your futures now.
Don't complain.
It'll be a 15-minute session,
and we'll do it one at a time.
Future course?
I have thought about it carefully,
of course.
I am going to be Japan's most
Japan's most
freest freeter!
Company president sounds cool,
doesn't it?
Never mind how it sounds,
but what kind of company
do you want to work for?
I haven't thought about it.
Hey, you have to think about it.
Actually, we want
to be a comedy duo!
Yankumi, we'll now perform
a new routine for you!
The title is "Graduation"!
Thank you!
No, forget about your joke
A job?
I have found one already.
What? Really?
It pays well, and the treatment
is great too.
What job is it?
Kind of an apprentice at a bar.
I've worked part-time there before,
the boss said I was promising and
asked if I'd be a regular employee.
Wow, that's amazing!
I mean, I'm stupid,
so I'd been worrying about
what to do in the future,
but if the boss said so,
I thought, I would just do my best.
I see.
Your boss appreciates you.
Well, it's my own abilities.
So I'll let you know
after the job is official.
Look forward to it!
Sure! Good luck, Hyuga.
See you.
So, for now,
at least one of the boys
might be able to get a job.
Okay, next.
They've all left.
I was an idiot for thinking that
they would wait patiently outside.
Miss Yamaguchi, let's go
out for a drink tonight.
I would like to seek your advice.
On my romance.
Oh, you mean the man for you?
Oh, I am so jealous,
Who on earth is he?
Let's have a drink
and I'll tell you all about it.
But, to my embarrassment,
I have not been in so many
relationships with men
that I can give you proper advice.
Yeah? I guess I'll ask
Mr Kujo for advice then.
I'll go! If you don't mind how
little experience I have on romance.
I'll go with you.
If you want advice on love,
you can rest assured
that you can count on me!
Thanks for waiting!
It's over?
Finished it right away.
What? You guys skipped school?
But it was a nuisance
to do that interview.
She's the only one
who's enthusiastic about it.
Okay, where are we going now?
- Well
- Sorry!
I have to go to work now.
What? Go to work?
Well, it's a job at night.
Actually, a really nice place
asked me to work for them.
I think I might just make it
my regular job.
I have to think seriously
about my future too.
I can't stay this way forever.
See you!
What the heck?
Hyuga has found a job?
All right, let's go.
We sold a lot today, Big Bro.
Hey, Minoru, I'll treat you to
a drink to mark the occasion.
I'll take you to bars
with nice ladies.
Really, Big Bro?
Welcome back, Missy
Hey, I'm going out for a drink
tonight and I'll be home late,
will you tell Grandpa for me?
Who are you having a drink with?
A teacher from my school and
Momo Girls' Mr Kujo.
Okay, thank you!
Have fun!
Missy is in high spirits.
Minoru, we're not going to
any bars with nice ladies.
Go home without me.
Wow If you fell in love with him
at first sight,
he must be a very nice man.
Yes, he is.
What is he like?
He is tall,
has innocent eyes like a boy,
and his profile looked
sorrowful somehow.
But he was very cute when he smiled.
That's true.
The man for you is sometimes
surprisingly near you.
Don't you think so, Mr Kujo?
Yes, that's true.
I think so too.
Right, Miss Yamaguchi?
It's good.
Oh, come on, Mr Kujo!
Please try that one too.
A job, huh
What will you do after you graduate?
I haven't decided. And you?
I haven't either.
What's this?
This wallet looks weird.
I did bring my money!
Do I look like someone
who would eat and run?
Excuse me.
My wallet!
We found it out there.
You gave me back my wallet
so honestly! How kind of you!
Come, have a drink with me!
Hey, have a drink
We'll have octopus
We're students.
- We can't drink.
- Then just have food!
The food was nice!
Guys, thank you very much
for coming here with me.
You can call on us anytime.
We'll always come out for you.
Miss Yamaguchi!
The man for me is sitting
at the counter!
Don't look!
He is drinking alone.
What should I do?
What else? This is God's will.
You have to tell him of your love!
But I can't go alone!
Miss Yamaguchi, will you go with me?
- Please!
- What?
Excuse me, are you here alone?
No, I
You know each other?
No, we
He's the guy who sells Takoyaki
in my neighborhood.
Yes, I am.
Oh, from the other day?
Your name is Tetsu?
I am a teacher at Kurogin Gakuin,
my name is Hitomi Shiratori.
Thank you so much for saving me
the other day!
- You're welcome
- Wait
What the heck are you doing here?
Sorry, Missy, I wanted to
have a drink.
Where the heck are the innocent eyes
of a boy and the sorrowful profile?
It must be fate that
we met here!
Will you come have a drink with me?
Well I have to go now.
See you.
He seems busy.
I think he has to get ready
for tomorrow.
Sorry, guys.
How did we get roped into this?
He's heavy Where do you live?
- There.
- Where?
Oh, I've had too much to drink.
If Missy finds me here,
she will make a big fuss.
She is our fourth generation boss.
Fourth generation boss?
This could be dangerous
Our Missy is gorgeous,
she is good at fighting
and she is smart too.
We're not ashamed to let
anyone see her at all!
She is the Missy that
the Oedo Family is proud of!
The Oedo Family
Good lord! What the heck
were you doing there?
If they find out that I'm the
granddaughter of the Oedo Family,
I won't be able to work
at my school any more.
I am sorry, Missy.
I will be very careful next time.
Oh, this is Mr Tatsumi,
my boss at the bar I work at.
Hello, I am Tatsumi.
Hello, I am Hyuga's class teacher,
my name is Yamaguchi.
Please take good care of him.
I will.
You have a young, pretty teacher.
Oh, pretty is an exaggeration!
See you.
He seems pretty nice.
See you later.
That guy has a dangerous air
around him.
Look who's talking.
I'm home!
Look at yourself!
- Yes, dear Suga?
- Good grief
Sorry about him.
Thank you for bringing him home.
- It's okay.
- No worries.
- Hey, Sugawara.
- Young Boss?
Go and get a gift for them.
- Yes, Young Boss!
- No, it's okay.
Don't worry about it.
I think we should go now.
I will feel guilty about it.
Please stay.
- I'm home!
- Welcome home
Oh, you guys are here?
Don't be shy, come in!
What are you two doing here?
You are the "gorgeous" Missy?
- Idiot, this is your fault.
- Sorry, Big Bro.
You must be surprised to see
so many scary guys.
Well, they might look scary,
but they are all funny and nice.
The Oedo Family?
- We're a troupe.
- What
We tour around. Right?
From the end there
An actor in the
Oedo Troupe, Sugawara.
- I am Sugawara.
- And he is
our drag queen, Wakamatsu.
Oh, boys, my name is Wakamatsu.
Nice to meet you.
He's Minoru, he makes the props.
And our star, Tetsu.
Nice to meet you
Our leader
No! I can't make up
any more stories!
I can't take this any longer.
How long are you going to
continue this stupid charade?
Your students found out
who we were long ago.
You did?
You really cannot act at all.
Why are you hiding it?
Perhaps you don't understand,
young men,
but the public would make
a pretty big fuss about it.
If anyone finds out that
this is my family,
the school will fire me.
So I'm just hiding it
for now anyway.
Well, since you've found out,
there isn't much I can do about it.
But I don't think it matters.
I'm not interested in
my teacher's family.
We won't tell anyone.
That's how nice I expect
my students to be!
- They understand.
- You guys are so nice!
Look who's talking!
Okay, now we should have a drink!
Come on!
- Wakamatsu!
- Missy.
They are minors.
Yes, they are
I hope you guys
will be nice to Kumiko.
Thank you
This way, please.
- Here is our drink menu.
- Thanks.
He can do his job pretty well.
I'll have this, please.
- Buy me some cigarettes.
- Okay.
A box of Marlboro Light.
You can keep the change.
Thank you.
Good morning!
Guys, be quiet!
I've brought information
about the colleges
and vocational schools
you can still apply to
and some recruitment information
here for you today.
Check again what you
Where is Hyuga? Off sick?
I think he is working.
Even in the daytime too?
He seems to have gotten
quite a lot of money recently.
It seems that Hyuga hasn't been
going home either.
Is that true?
He said he works at night,
but we don't know what he does.
That guy has got
a dangerous air about him.
He couldn't have gotten involved
in some risky bidness, could he?
- Idiot.
- She is digging her own grave.
Let's get down to business
and study hard!
Kosuke Hyuga
Father lives apart from family
to work elsewhere,
and his mother is a housewife
Miss Yamaguchi.
Are you thinking about something
unnecessary again?
No, I am not.
I have repeated myself many times.
Do not poke your nose into the
business of Class 3D's students.
As long as they can graduate without
mishap, it will be enough.
And you are
- Baba!
- Hello.
Where is Miss Yamaguchi?
Miss Yamaguchi left.
- Yama Oh, Baba.
- Hello.
Hey, long time no see.
How are you?
Hey, what are you doing now?
What is that?
My boss said that
a person has to wear something
expensive to be more valuable.
You aren't coming to school,
so we're a bit worried.
I am pretty busy now.
I mean, your ability matters
if you work at a bar at night.
I can be promoted to manager
if I am interested.
I mean, the man who thinks
that I am promising
seems to be someone big
in the industry.
I won the confidence of someone like
him, of course I have to do my best.
This isn't a dangerous job, is it?
Whatwhat are you talking about?
You suddenly sound like Yankumi.
We are just worried about you.
I think you guys should
worry about yourselves instead.
You guys haven't found jobs, right?
You jerk! Say that again!
- Tsucchi!
- You have been so arrogant lately.
- Oh, stop it.
- How valuable is your job?
- Just stop it.
- Cut it out, jerk!
I'm busy, so I have to go.
It's on me today.
Darn you, jerk!
Dang, he's getting on my nerves!
What? He hasn't come home
for over a week?
Well, he did come home
to get a change of clothes,
but he wouldn't tell me
where he's been staying.
Has he called?
But he does answer his cell phone,
so I'll let him do this for now.
But his cell phone? That's
If I pester him too much,
he might not even answer his phone
and that's what I'm worried about.
I am very sorry that
I am so useless as his mother.
What are you doing here, Yankumi?
You have been acting weird lately,
so I just came to have
a talk with your mother.
It's not weird at all,
I'm just working.
You're working?
You didn't tell your mother?
I would have, after my employment
is made official.
Then I'll leave home and live alone.
Hyuga, let's take some time to talk
about it in detail with your mom.
You should tell your mom
about your actual job too.
- What a nuisance.
- Thank you, Mrs Hyuga.
I finished compulsory education
ages ago!
I'm over 18 and I'm an adult.
My parents don't matter!
- Yes, they do.
- They don't!
No, it's okay.
I won't force you to tell me
if you don't want to.
Sit here.
- We will talk to your mother.
- This is so annoying.
What annoying?
You should tell your mother
about this.
- Miss Yamaguchi
- I say it's annoying because it is!
Don't meddle in my life.
Sorry, I won't.
Mrs Hyuga, you dare call
yourself a mother?
Why are you trying to
please your son?
Even if he doesn't like
his home or his school,
parents should
make their children obey them,
even by force, if necessary.
When your children are led astray,
shouldn't you guide them back,
even if you have to slap
some sense into them?
You told me to decide
what I want to do.
I have found a job
and I'm trying to be independent,
so don't complain.
- I am sorry.
- It's okay.
Children grow up into adults
before you know it.
Until very recently,
he was still calling me Mom
and following me around.
Good lord! How could he say his mom
is annoying in front of her?
He's talking like he can
grow up on his own.
At this rate, even if
he has found a job,
I'll be worried that
he can't do it properly.
Is that so?
18 years old is on the line
between an adult and a child.
It's an age that is hard
to deal with.
I think your student is in
the middle of the process of
grasping what he can
and can't do on his own.
He will be leaving his parents
to work in society,
experience hardship because of
many adults, and fail.
Then little by little,
he will learn things.
This is how everyone finds what
they really want to do, I think.
Welcome. This way, please.
Don't worry about serving them.
This way, please.
- Takumi Hamaguchi.
- Present!
Kosuke Hyuga.
Hyuga is absent
Don't bother with him.
He isn't even worth worrying about.
Did something happen?
He gets on my nerves!
What actually happened?
We met Hyuga yesterday,
his attitude was like he was above
all of us, so Tsucchi got angry.
He only got a job, does that
make him better than us?
If his attitude wasn't like that,
we would be genuinely happy for him.
But somehow we just can't.
So he is not your friend any more?
Yes, perhaps Hyuga's attitude
made you guys angry,
but he can't see his future,
and he lacks confidence,
so maybe he was just desperately
looking for something he could do.
If someone who thinks that he is
promising appears at that time,
of course he'd get carried away.
I think, actually, Hyuga
is just as worried as you guys.
I have been worrying about
what happened yesterday.
Worrying about what?
Are you working now?
Have you been having
proper meals?
That's what you're worried about?
- I'm busy, so I'm hanging up now.
- Oh, Kosuke
And you dare call yourself a mother?
When your children are led astray,
shouldn't you guide them back,
even if you have to slap
some sense into them?
That hurts!
- I'm sorry.
- What are you looking at?
- I am sorry.
- Watch where you're going!
I am very sorry.
I'm sorry.
Is Hyuga
going to stop coming to school?
IndeedI understand
what Yankumi said.
- All right, fine.
- What?
He gets so self-absorbed right away.
Yeah, and he is a super bad loser.
But despite that, he forgets
many things straight away.
He said that he was still
an apprentice, didn't he?
But don't you think that he has a
lot of money for an apprentice?
Perhaps you get a higher hourly pay
if you work at night?
What's the matter?
I just somehow feel that
it's too good to be true.
So in the end, you guys
are worried about Hyuga.
Dang it Why do you always
appear so suddenly?
I feel a bit relieved after hearing
what you guys just said.
We don't want him to just
stop coming to school.
We have no other choice, right?
It's good.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
I have found Kosuke.
Miss Yamaguchi, what should I do?
I want to talk to him, so I've come
to take him home.
Where are you now?
I'm at a bar called Michael
on Sumire-dori Street.
Michael on Sumire-dori Street?
What's the matter?
You know the place?
- I think that bar is dangerous.
- What?
I have heard rumors before,
that people gamble there illegally.
Mrs Hyuga, I am coming now,
so please stay there. Okay?
These are Mr Tatsumi's cigarettes.
Where is Mr Tatsumi?
Don't be so frightened.
Our bar is a normal one
on the surface,
but that is our main business.
Well, I will let you work there
soon enough.
But isn't the business risky?
Illegal, you mean?
Yes, of course.
We can't earn enough money
doing normal business.
You're not thinking about quitting
now that you know, are you?
But I didn't know that the bar
ran this kind of business.
You mean you want to quit?
I won't tell anyone about this!
It is too late to say that now.
Don't be so naive.
Hey, come here!
Come here
Hey, don't try to run away!
Walk straight ahead!
- Come on, keep walking.
- Pull yourself together!
Darn you!
The world is not as simple
as you think.
- Teach him a lesson.
- No!
Please stop
His mom is here?
Asking Mommy for help?
How pathetic!
Get out of our way, old hag!
You're in my way. Get lost!
I won't!
Hey, Hyuga's mom,
I'll take care of you.
Don't touch my mother!
Shut up!
Get away from him!
Miss Yamaguchi?
My, my.
His pretty teacher.
What? His teacher?
Will you give me back
my precious student?
I am teaching this ignorant kid
what the real world is like.
I cannot just give him back to you.
Yes, he is still a kid.
But as a kid, he is thinking about
his life in his own way.
You have no right to
trample on his feelings.
Because there are people like you,
that's why the number of children
who go astray never decreases.
Shut up, you jerk!
Do you still want to fight?
- Kosuke!
- Hyuga
Are you okay?
You shouldn't have come here.
Don't do something
that makes you look stupid!
Look stupid?
You are the one who looks
the most stupid!
Who made your mother do this?
You have a mother who worries about
you, that's why you could grow up!
You don't understand this,
and you dare say
you will live independently?
It doesn't look like you could
grow up on your own!
All parents have to grope their way
when they raise their children.
They are their own children,
but sometimes they're
at a loss what to do.
But still, they raise their children
with all they've got
while worrying about it.
Perhaps later in your life,
you might make many mistakes.
But you only have to start over
again if you make a mistake.
You guys still have a lot of time
in your lives.
Mrs Hyuga,
please take him home with you.
You will do that, won't you?
You are his mother.
Let's go home, Kosuke.
Let's go home.
We'll see you at school tomorrow.
Don't be late.
Make sure you come.
We'll be waiting for you.
It's nice to have parents
(Staff and Customers of
An Illegal Casino Bar Arrested)
(By a tip off to the police
from a kind person)
(Suspect, Tatsumi)
- A casino in a bar?
- How frightening!
- But this "kind person"
- Who is it?
One of the customers, perhaps?
Must be an angry customer
who lost a lot of money.
I see.
Miss Yamaguchi.
Could this I don't think
it's likely, but
You have nothing to do with this,
do you?
What are you talking about?
Of course I don't.
- You don't, right?
- Yeah.
- I just worry too much, right?
- Yes.
In the end, the school
didn't find out that
Hyuga had worked at the bar, right?
Some things are best kept
a secret in this world too.
Like your own family?
You're not taking over
the family business?
And anyway, you were born
into that family,
why are you a teacher?
Yeah, you guys are right, but
Being a teacher
has always been my dream.
It was the job I wanted to do most
since I can remember.
My grandpa let me pursue my dream.
What are your dreams, guys?
Well, it's no use rushing it.
Take your time to look for it,
young men.
You're so stupid
Why are you so clumsy?
Everyone would've noticed.
You guys! The classroom isn't
a place for you to play ball games!
Hey! Are you listening?
- Idiot.
- Stupid kid.
No! Hey What the heck?
What the heck? Be quiet!
Let's do our best!
They will fail anyway.
Why did you eyeball him?
I don't want to be looked down.
Why does she do so much for us?
Hey, stop it, Hayato!
This is your own life, right?
You have to take your lives
more seriously!
- Let's do our
- Best!
Tetsu's Takoyaki stall.
- Missy
- Miss seeing you.
Gosh So close
- A, I, U, E
- O
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