Nailed It! (2018) s02e06 Episode Script

Out Of This World

I'm Nicole Byer, welcome to Nailed It,
the only baking show
with the fire department on speed dial.
Oh, my goodness, what are you doing?
Today, three home bakers will recreate
epic magical desserts
over two rounds of competition
for a chance at $10,000!
Hit her with the cash!
Let's meet our bakers!
My name is Rosie,
and I'm from Foothill Ranch, California.
I love baking.
One time I found this beautiful
unicorn cake that looked simple enough,
but it turned out
to be very inappropriate.
Nobody remembers what the cake
tasted like, just what it looked like.
And I just want to be able
to compile recipes
and give them to the world
without feeling guilty.
I'm Felicia,
and I am from Saugerties, New York.
I host a YouTube channel show
where I do a bunch of baking tutorials.
Sometimes it's really great,
and sometimes
First, I'm going to show you
how to make some sugar cookie
- Action!
- Now let's shake itOoh!
Sometimes maybe not so much.
My name is Ashley,
and I'm from Atlanta, Georgia.
The food I make is usually really
delicious, but it just looks so bad.
My mom had a cookie exchange
holiday party.
And when I made these cookies,
instead of them being cute little bears,
they just kind of melted out over the tray
and looked like little monsters.
So my goal here is maybe become better
at mypresentation.
Welcome, Rosie, Felicia, and Ashley.
You guys ready to get your bake on?
Today on Nailed It, we're really baking
some out of this world creations.
We're taking our taste buds
on a tour of the solar system,
and you're steering the ship.
With me, as always,
he is an intergalactic chocolate snob.
- Chef Jacques Torres.
- Thank you, Nicole. I am over the moon.
And today our special guest judge is
the star of YouTube's Man About Cake,
and he's an Earth resident,
Joshua John Russell.
Thank you, Nicole. I've actually made
quite a few cosmic cakes in my day,
so this is right in my universe.
All right, let's get into it.
There is a major prize for the winner
of this round.
Baker's Choice.
Have you ever looked up at the stars
and been like, "Huh,
I wonder what they taste like"?
Or like binge-watched The X-Files
while eating cupcakes?
Well, then this challenge is for you.
Behind door number one
are three extraterrestrial treats.
You guys get to choose
which one you want to nail.
People of Earth, you're about
to be invaded by these
cosmic cupcakes!
Oh, my God.
Each of you will have to choose between
three different double-stacked cupcakes.
A UFO, an alien, a rocket ship.
Make sure you stack them carefully,
and concentrate on your designs.
Otherwise, Houston, we got a problem!
Okay, it's Baker's Choice.
Go adopt your cupcakes, people!
Rosie, why did you choose
the cupcake you chose?
Well, I feel like it's probably
the hardest cupcake,
and I want a challenge,
because I want to live up
to my French mother-in-law.
- Oh, my God. A French mother-in-law?
- She's
Oh, my God!
So, you can both communicate
a little bit in French?
- Yes, a little bit.
- Ah, perfect.
- We'll say bad things about Nicole, right?
- Okay.
Yes, yes!
I said we'll just talk bad about you,
and you say, "Oui, oui"!
- Wow, Jacques, I thought we were friends.
- Yes, Nicole?
- We are, Nicole. We are, Nicole.
- Are we?
Especially today, Nicole.
Fair, all right.
Okay, we got one hour.
Get your bake on!
Do it!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Cupcake mix, milk, oil.
Okay, correct me if I'm wrong,
but I would go about these cupcakes by
- obviously
- Bake.
- baking them.
- First.
And then I would stack them
on top of each other,
put some buttercream,
then I would start my decorating
That's exactly everything
that I tell them. Bake them. Cool them.
During this time,
make all the decorations.
But a lot of times, they
Jacques, I'm so sorry,
but you're literally just repeating
everything I just said.
I'm sorry, Nicole.
- She's an expert.
- Nicole, I love to work with you
- because you teach us so much.
- Yes.
- You're right!
- I am the baking expert.
Yeah. And the drinking expert.
You're an expert!
I'm guessing it's this whole thing.
All right, this is definitely gonna be
a difficult challenge for me because
I've never made anything like that.
There is a lot going on.
I've learned the hard way
that I have to break these first
before I put them in the mixer.
Otherwise, I will definitely get eggshells
in this thing.
I love making cupcakes.
This one's definitely gonna be a challenge
because there's a lot
of structure involved.
But I'm pretty confident.
This mixer's really good.
So I think
you have to fill these up halfway,
so I'm going to try to not overfill them.
Okay, so I got four cupcakes,
just in case one doesn't turn out
I hope I didn't fill these too much.
In the oven that goes.
I really need to start making
the fondant.
I need white, red, and black.
Do I even have black?
So it looks like I'm just gonna do
mainly green for the frosting.
It's funny. When you see something,
you're like, "Oh, it looks easy to do."
And then it turns out,
no, it's actually quite hard.
Let's add some more.
Then I need red.
I'm going to grab extra red
in case I mess something up.
Okay, so I've never
even used fondant before,
and it looks like this thing
is just coated in fondant, so
It might not have been the best idea
to grab a fondant-covered cupcake but
I really wanted to make the spaceship.
I think I'm doing okay.
I'm getting there on the frosting.
My concern is just making sure
I have enough time
to assemble this thing,
because I think it's a little
more daunting than I anticipated.
This UFO cupcake,
it didn't seem too complex.
A cookie on top of a cupcake?
Are you kidding me?
Then I realized
that this cupcake included a cookie.
This cookie needs to fit
in between two cupcakes
to form a saucer.
I hate making cookies.
Such an extra process!
Don't underestimate this cute face
right here, all right?
I am a former beauty queen.
I was the very first Miss Sullivan County
in 2009.
But I have never stopped
being a beauty queen.
So I am competitive.
And when there's a cash prize?
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna win.
I'm gonna take that home.
Twenty-two minutes left, guys!
Oh, my gosh, it's time
for the cupcakes to come out of the oven!
Look at these guys!
I put way too much batter in these.
Ashley took her cupcakes out of the oven
and they're very big.
She's gonna need to level them before
she stacks them on top of each other.
Now I'm ready.
I'm gonna take this out.
Yes! Okay.
It looks like a gigantic cupcake.
I'm probably gonna try doing
three cupcakes, just to be safe.
Okay, so I'm gonna cut this so I can
put another cupcake on top of it.
Being a video game developer,
the only thing I love more than baking
is video games.
I love how you start with nothing
and, in the end,
you're powered up, leveled up,
and you save the world.
I think that's what's going on there.
Baking is kind of similar.
You start with nothing,
you have just random ingredients.
And then, by the end
of your baking experience,
you have something you can give to people,
show off, something people can love.
I'm gonna freeze these together.
I don't know if that's even right,
but we're gonna try that.
Ashley's not using buttercream.
She's just using freeze spray
to try to stick things together.
- I'm not really sure what she's doing.
- Oh, my God.
So this is gonna be like inedible.
It's just gonna be a sponge
and fondant.
- Yeah, we need some buttercream.
- How do people do this?
I'm gonna try to re-roll this
and try putting it on a different way.
Those cookies spread quite a bit!
Did you see how big they got?
She's making the Starship Enterprise.
I might be able to work with that one
in the middle. Okay.
Under 15 minutes, people!
A little bit of frosting on there,
so it sticks.
I feel like, with frosting, more is more.
So I'm really gonna pile it on.
I made a little artist's palette
right here with my fondant.
I'm just gonna start painting.
Five minutes remain!
Oh, no, I got to move!
These are my little U.S.A. pieces.
This kind of reminds me
of my unicorn cake.
Okay. Got to do my antenna.
I never thought I would need tools
to bake,
but apparently, I need wire cutters
which is not my forte.
Oh, my gosh!
I feel like if I had unlimited
amount of time, I can nail this cupcake.
But right now it's gonna be
kind of a disaster.
One minute left.
Not looking the way I wanted it to look.
Okay, I'm gonna make the legs.
There's, like, marshmallows, but I'm just
afraid it's really gonna weigh it down.
- I'm gonna just stick these on.
- This little guy is the last thing to do.
It's gonna be an interesting-looking UFO.
Five, four,
three, two,
one, you're done!
Wheel me your cosmic cupcakes!
Rosie, this is the amazing alien cupcake
you were trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it!
I'd say this is pretty impressive.
I like his teeth. I think they're fun.
I like the sprinkles,
that was a fun touch.
But why didn't you do the marshmallow?
- I was worried it was gonna weigh it down.
- Rosie
Marshmallows are basicallyair.
They're very, very light!
Let's taste it.
You know, sometimes, on the cupcake,
you take a little bit of the cake out
and you fill it with buttercream,
so when you eat the cupcake,
it has a little bit more flavor.
I'm from the South
so I like really, really moist cakes,
but it was a little
on the dry side for me.
I did like your buttercream.
It had a really nice mouthfeel.
We're all about mouthfeels.
Let's see what your competition did.
All right, Felicia, this is the amazing
UFO cupcake you were trying to recreate.
Let's see what you did!
Nailed it.
I think it looks like
it's from out of this world.
I think that the top
of the antenna is perfect.
Then, when we look down,
things get a little bit different here.
I like your antenna.
I'm a little bummed that you didn't get
the actual UFO
to be the same color as this UFO.
- Like, they're very, very different.
- Right.
I applaud your fondant use.
That is not easy material to work with,
especially if you're new to it.
I like the color on the top,
it looks like you airbrushed a bit.
- I did.
- I don't mind that you changed the color.
- I think it's putting your own spin on it.
- Okay.
From the glitter stuff up,
it's a pretty good job.
Let's taste it.
So let me take that.
I like the flavor of the sugar cookies.
I like the buttercream.
For me, when I ate the part with a little
bit of the frosting and the cookie,
it all sort of moistened
as it went down.
You would have to eat it all together
for it to be completely moist.
I really liked your cookie.
I might eatanother cookie!
And I was actually worried
about the cookies, so
Thank you, Felicia.
Thank you, Felicia.
Okay, Ashley.
This is the amazing rocket ship cupcake
you were trying to make.
Let's see what you made!
Nailed it!
All right.
As you can see, my cupcake had
a bit of a rough re-entry.
This is like the rocket ship
that Sandra Bullock was on in Gravity
when she shoots back down to Earth.
Whatever. Let's taste this.
Thank God this is Nailed It
and this isn't some show
where I'm supposed to be good at baking.
Ashley, I think
your cake is good.
Thank you.
But imagine this cake
with good flavored buttercream.
- Did you make any buttercream at all?
- No.
Oh, okay.
A cupcake without buttercream
is just a muffin, right?
Bakers, please scooch down.
- Jacques, will you please do the honors?
- Of course.
A lot of these were pretty stellar, but
we can only have one winner.
And the winner is
I don't remember the winner!
- Felicia.
- Oh, really?
Your cupcake looked the most
like the original
and the cookie had great flavors.
- Congratulations, Felicia!
- Thank you.
Joshua, tell her what she's won!
You've won a brand-new stand mixer!
Now you can take your baking up a notch
with this stylish and sophisticated
addition to your kitchen.
- And be super profesh.
- Awesome!
This is good. Look at that.
And you're the one to watch,
and everyone's gonna know it
because, competing in round two,
you'll be wearing
headwear that you can see from space!
The fabulous Nailed It baker's cap.
I love it!
I mean, that was pretty much
meant for her.
Unfortunately, Ashley, your cupcake
didn't quite make it off the ground.
But don't worry, we're gonna give you
a little extra help in round two,
which is over here behind door number two!
Let's go!
Forget about that last round. Everybody
starts from scratch in round two.
The $10,000 grand prize goes to the winner
of this final challenge,
which we call Nail It or Fail It!
Ladies and gentlemen, aliens of all ages,
I present you with
No way!
That's right, the Earth cake!
And its surrounding solar system
cake pops.
Oh, my God.
Your task is to recreate
all nine planets:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and little Pluto.
Our home planet, Earth, will sit
in the delicious center of the universe.
Okay, I know this cake and pop system
looks otherworldly,
but don't worry.
We're gonna give you some help this round.
Each of you now have a panic button
on your counter.
If you run into trouble,
hit your button
and one of our expert judges will
come to the rescue for three minutes.
Ashley, since you had some trouble
in the last round,
we're gonna give you an extra helping hand
to even the playing field.
At any point during the round,
you hit your "Nicole Nags" button
Watch out!
..and I go to your opponents' workstations
and I nag them!
I annoy them!
And I'm very annoying!
And I do it for 90 seconds apiece.
Okay! Here we go!
Two and a half hours on the clock!
$10,000 on the line!
We've given you the recipe.
The rest is up to you.
Go! Bake!
Two and a half hours.
All right.
So I need eight eggs.
Oh, my gosh. Eight eggs?
All right, let's get real.
Jacques, there are so many
moving parts to this solar system cake.
How would you even start?
They need to make their cake batter first.
Then they have to make
their gelatin-based mirror glaze
to cover the board and create
the shiny experience of outer space.
Then they'll make the cake pops
of various sizes
out of rice cereal treats covered in cake.
Then they need to stack and carve
their cake into a globe shape,
frost it with buttercream,
and then assemble and decorate
the rest of the solar system.
- That's it. Easy. Easy-peasy.
- Sold.
It's a lot to do,
so they just need to focus on the recipe
and keep an eye on the finer detail.
I understand the judges,
they really take the visuals seriously.
So I'm really gonna try to attempt
all of the planets,
make them look as much like that one
as possible.
I have never madea cake
in the shape of a sphere,
so this is going to be very interesting!
So this time I'm definitely gonna make
some buttercream frosting.
I'm not gonna skip that step.
I want to add a little vanilla
to this cake,
because taste does matter here.
Get these babies in the oven.
There's one.
This is gonna be very interesting.
What is mirror glaze?
It's a mixture of gelatin,
and sugar, white chocolate
Has white chocolate, yes.
Yeah. It's difficult to work with
if you don't know what you're doing.
Okay, this is, like, looking really weird.
Now, where's my glitter?
I'm just sticking these in just so that
the stuff doesn't go into the holes
and clog it up so I'm screwed later.
Oh, my God. This is a hot mess.
It's like a train wreck.
I don't know. I'm kind of like
figuring stuff out as I go along.
She's pouring that directly onto the board
but didn't plug her holes with anything,
so they're gonna fill up with glaze.
And when she goes
to put her pops in there, it's gonna
Wash my hands.
If she doesn't know where the hole is
- Yeah.
- Story of my life.
Just under an hour and a half,
you guys!
Cakes are coming out already.
I think it needs more time.
Since I have time
while I'm waiting for my cakes to cool,
I'm gonna start making some bases
for the cake pops.
So this one
is probably the size of Jupiter.
If I make one a little bigger,
I can make one for the sun.
How do you make a cake pop that big
without it sliding down the stick
or falling over?
You have to build a core out of a really
packed, condensed rice cereal treat.
Then pack the cake around that.
But it looks like only Rosie
is covering the rice cereal in cake.
Felicia and Ashley just have balls
of rice cereal.
I need to start melting
candy melts
in order to put the melted chocolate
on my cake pops.
And I have no idea how to go about it.
I need some help.
Oh! Ashley hit the panic button!
- Uh-oh! It's a panic! It's a panic!
- It's a panic!
- We are in a panic!
- Panic! Panic!
- I got it.
- What a dream!
Now I have you all to myself.
Hey, Shorty, what's your name? ♪
I wanna get to know you ♪
Don't be so mean♪
Don't be so mean♪
- Got a panic.
- Hi, Joshua.
- What do we need?
- I have a bunch of these candy melts.
- Okay.
- Um, so, I don't know.
Should I have separate saucepans
or should I try to use the microwave?
Um, for time, I would do the microwave.
- Microwave?
- Yeah, just knock it out, yes.
Thirty-second shots.
- And stir each time.
- Okay.
Thirty seconds left in the panic!
You have them on the stick.
You're gonna pull it off the stick,
dip it in chocolate, put it back in there.
- Oh, okay.
- Thats gonna keep it on the stick.
Panic's over!
- Thank you so much.
- Good luck.
Seems done.
I wonder if Rosie's cakes
are going to be dry.
- She left them in too long.
- Done.
It's starting to fall apart.
I've got this freeze blaster.
I think it's working pretty well.
I'm gonna make this nice and thick
so it doesn't break.
This could make rings, possibly.
Thirty minutes left, guys!
Jacques, have you ever been to France?
- Yes, Nicole.
- Will you take me?
If you like, Nicole, of course.
Will you fly me first class?
- Yes, Nicole.
- 'Cause you have 100 jobs,
and I believe that you have
tons and tons of money.
I love that you're legit making fun
of Jacques Torres right now.
Do you know who this man is?
This man is a legend!
When I was in culinary school,
who do you want to be when you grow up?
- Jacques Torres.
- Oh, really?
I think I need to make my Earth.
So I'm trying to sculpt a sphere, but
it's not quite going in my favor.
She's cutting and cutting,
and the world is becoming
smaller and smaller.
I think making half the Earth,
that's easy. You don't think so?
One of the hardest shapes to make
is an egg, just a plain egg.
- Ooh, yeah. Both sides, yes.
- It is the hardest shape to make.
So I think that's what it is
with the dome.
- They can cheat it with a bowl.
- They could.
- With a ball?
- A bowl.
- Oh, a bowl!
- They could pack it all into a bowl.
- Oh, yeah!
- And then flip it.
Oh, that's good!
I don't really do much cake carving.
That's like cutting a wig.
- Like cutting a wig!
- It's not gonna grow back.
Ashley is actually the only one
adding enough frosting
between the cake layers.
Always put frosting
between the cake layers,
and you will be able to nail it,
just like me, Jacques Torres.
Looking at Rosie
and looking at Felicia,
and they both look really focused
so it seems like a good time.
- Watch out! Watch out!
- I decided it was time.
All right, let me get annoying.
All right.
Oh, no! It's a nag! What are you doing?
What are you doing?
All I want to know is what are you doing.
Tell me.
Sorry, guys!
Oh, I really like your hat.
Your hat is so nice. I like it so much.
Do you want to go to Chili's? It's
my favorite restaurant. I like it so much.
This one's too big, this one's too small.
This one's medium. Change this one.
Oh, no.
This is why I'm kind of holding off
on having kids.
Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie,
Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie!
Am I in your way?
I'm so sorry. It looks too hot.
Don't you think it looks too hot?
Is it too cold? You're just
Oh, there we go.
Why did she put it on top?
I don't think I'd put it there.
Okay, you didn't listen.
She didn't even carve it!
She didn't even carve it!
- Oh, my God.
- Whip, whip, whip.
Oh, no, I put too much green in.
You're distracting me!
What kind of conditioner do you use
in your hair? Is it French?
- It's
- What is it?
- It's like anti-aging for your hair.
- It never grows old?
- It does.
- Rosie, how does hair grow old?
I don't know.
- Okay. Rosie hated that.
And now my frosting is like a weird color.
I think I'm just making up
my own continents right now.
Rosie's Earth looks a little bit
like a beehive.
You see? It's kind of that shape.
Instead of round.
I don't know why she didn't carve it.
I don't think she has time
to carve it, girl.
So, these huge, huge cake pops are
justtilting like crazy.
I like Felicia's Saturn because it looks
like a sassy lady wearing a hat.
- It does!
- It looks like Lady Gaga.
Ooh, we're coming
on ten minutes left, girls!
Now my Sun is starting to fall down.
- Where are they?
- This is a very sad planet.
Okay, what else can I improvise with?
I wish I hadn't covered these up.
Wasn't very smart.
Where are you?
It's so much harder than it looks.
Oh! One minute left!
I might just put the cakes on the galaxy
at this point.
Twenty seconds.
Ten, nine,
eight, seven,
six, five,
four, three, two,
one, you're done!
Okay, Rosie, you were trying to recreate
an amazing, tasty solar system.
Let's see if you pulled it off.
Nailed it!
All right!
Okay. Tell me about the solar system.
It's definitely the hardest thing
I've ever had to do
aside from give birth to my son.
I've got a lot of stuff on the platform.
We've got one planet
that's just a lollipop. Is that Pluto?
Yeah, that's some really happy planet
I decided to add on.
That's the one I want to live on.
- In all of this, I'm living there!
- Cool.
The Earthis not round in your world.
You didn't shape the cake into a sphere.
And then you didn't really
fill in the continents.
The middle onekind of looks like
the female reproductive system.
- I know! I figured you would like it.
- Thank you.
Now that the cake is finished,
it's presented,
what do you think your mother-in-law
is going to say about it?
I fee like she's gonna tell me
what she thinks in French,
and I'm just gonna pretend
to not understand.
What? I don't
No. Oui, oui.
Okay, Felicia.
- You look good in that hat. All right.
- Thank you.
Let's see what you did!
- Nailed it.
- Wow.
All right.
We were watching you shape Earth,
and it just kept getting smaller.
You keep cutting and cutting
and cutting and cutting.
We're like, "Oh, my God!"
Overall, I think your piece
is the cleanest.
It has the least on it,
but it is very clean.
You have your planets, they're standing,
except for Saturn.
Saturn is like a lady who's like,
"I'm going to Easter church service.
I'm gonna put my hat on.
I'm tired, I'm going to sleep."
- In Atlanta, Georgia.
- Yes.
- Felicia, thank you so much.
- Thank you.
We have one more solar system to visit.
Okay, Ashley, let's see what you did!
Nailed it!
- Okay.
- Wow!
Wow, wow, wow!
My solar system
has lots of sparkles.
I took a look at Felicia's hat
and I realized that glitter
was the way to go.
I like your mirror goop glaze.
I think that's, like, my favorite one.
But then I like that you improvised
and just put the planets
right on the board.
After the mirror glaze was on,
I couldn't find the holes
for the sticks anymore.
- And I probably spent 15 minutes
- We watched you trying to poke holes.
No, I think you're right.
Improvisation was good.
And, you know, sometimes when you bake,
you have to improvise.
I'm glad
that you dropped Saturn down,
but I wish you had cut it in half, right?
But high-five on the panic button.
You've got a really large planet
that's standing strong up there.
- And it's because you got help.
- Thank you very much.
The three of you did
really awesome solar systems.
Like, I'm very proud of all three of you.
You guys did a really great job,
and I cannot wait to taste them!
- You forgot to tell them to cut it.
- Oh.
Please bring us a slice of your Earth cake
and your solar system cake pops.
All right, let's start with Rosie.
It's heavy, huh?
So, Rosie, the cake is dry.
So, what you do to fix it, instead of just
putting buttercream on top,
you cut the cake in half,
you put some buttercream in the middle,
so now your buttercream
is better distributed,
so, when you eat it, it's not as dry.
But, you know what? I love the pop.
Yeah, I liked your cake pop too.
The combination of the rice cereal
and the cake on the outside
was pretty genius.
This one wasn't super goop.
This one was, like, little goop.
And I like a little goop.
All right, let's taste Felicia's cake.
- Is the pop just rice cereal?
- Yes.
Did any of your planets
have cake pop in them?
- Yes.
- Why didn't you plate that?
To be honest, I forgot which ones.
- Your cakeon the first round was dry.
- Yes.
- So this is better.
- Okay.
I love that you learned something.
I try.
You could have used more buttercream
in between the layers of cake.
But I liked it.
- Good job, all in all.
- Okay, thank you.
All right. Let's do Ashley's.
- Is it only Rice Krispies also?
- Yes.
Yes, huh?
So I think the cake
is the most moist of the three.
But, unfortunately, your pop
doesn't have any cake.
And I would love to see some of that.
I also thought your cake was
the most moist out of the three.
Overall, I liked it.
- Thank you.
- The cake was very good.
Because the cake is moist, you have
enough buttercream,
it's just enough sweetness.
Only one of you can win the $10,000
and the beautiful, majestic,
soon to be collectible Nailed It trophy,
which is
Wes, truly, where is the trophy?
This was a very, very tough decision.
The winner of the $10,000 is
the baker with the most moist
and out of this world cake is
Ashley, you're the winner!
- Congratulations!
- Wow.
You win the Nailed It trophy!
I can't believe I won!
I didn't win. Losing sucks.
Everyone, Nicole, where are you?
That's it for Nailed It,
now streaming out into the universe.
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