Reasonable Doubt (2022) s02e06 Episode Script

This Can't Be Life

Previously on Reasonable Doubt
- [TONI HOLLEY] Lewis.
- So, who was she? Someone I know?
- No.
Well, Mama Lu gave it to me.
It was from her new boyfriend.
Are you related to Jeremiah Cash?
- He's my father.
- He's a legend, you know?
Son of a bitch tells me
every chance he gets to.
Nevada Department of Corrections.
I'm calling to get
the status of Peter Thompson.
- [OFFICER] Still incarcerated.
- Right.
You're a brilliant lawyer, but I am too.
[JAX STEWART] We can't be letting these
white folks get between us,
- so let's start rootin' for
- Everybody Black.
Well, you never burned your son
with your cigarette on his right thigh?
- How dare you accuse me of
- Objection.
You know Toni? JT knocked her up.
- Did you get a paternity test?
- No.
Then how do you know it's not mine?
I don't, but it doesn't matter.
[JAX] The bank cameras revealed
that she is with Adrian.
We think they ran away together.
went to see Shanelle?
Shanelle's lawyer came to see me.
Do whatever you need to do
to make sure she keeps
her fuckin' mouth shut.
Adrian? Okay, I'll be there in an hour.
If you don't hear from me
every six minutes, call the police.
What's up, Adrian?
[ADRIAN] There's something
you need to know.
[JAX] What did you wanna talk about?
Adrian, you can talk to me.
- I wanna help you.
- No, it's too late for all of that.
It's not, I promise.
It's [GASPS]
- Sit down.
[AUTHORITATIVELY] Jax, sit down.
- Yo, hey, I wouldn't do that.
Give me your phone.
Your phone, Jax. G-Give me the phone.
Sit down.
You should know that my PI
is waiting for me outside
and if he does not hear from me
every six minutes,
I've instructed him to call the police.
You got four minutes left.
How deep are you in this gambling ring?
What do you know about that?
I know a lot more than you think.
You do, and that's
my fuckin' problem, Jax!
You know too much.
I don't like that,
Evan certainly doesn't like that.
What about Shanelle, hm?
Isn't that who you doin' all this for?
Shanelle hates me right now.
Evan got in her head,
told her a bunch of shit
I-I didn't ever want her to know.
Like what?
Jax, I need you to stop looking into me,
looking into Evan
and whatever else you think you know.
If that is what you need,
then I will call off my investigation,
shut my mouth, and move the fuck on.
What else?
I need, I need immunity.
- Protection.
- From what?
Until I feel safe and protected,
I'm not telling you shit.
I will keep you safe from Evan for real.
I just, I
I need you to give me the gun.
You are not safe until I'm safe.
Daniel, you can come in, I'm-I'm safe.
From La Brea to Slauson ♪
It's all us ♪
The Sun, Central Ave Jazz ♪
It's all us ♪
Where we at? ♪
Hit the Maverick Flats ♪
Leimert and right back to the ark ♪
It's all us ♪
We coastin' on the west
between sets and wealth ♪
We toast the sunset in the Dons ♪
Take flight into the night
under Cali stars ♪
In a world on wheels ♪
It's all us ♪
It's the world we feel ♪
It's all us ♪
From the hills to Hollywood ♪
It's all us ♪
No doubt we all we got ♪
Hold it down, black and brown ♪
In a city of dreams ♪
It's all us ♪
[JAX] Hm.
- Hey, baby.
- [LEWIS] Hey, baby.
How was your day?
[JAX] Terrible.
- Yeah?
- [JAX] Mm-hm.
Wait, wait, wait. What-What happened?
Um, today I was a bad bitch
so I came home
took two shots, and now
I wanna put your dick in my mouth.
You okay?
I wanna make your day better.
[JAX] Mm.
Mm, whatever you say, baby.
[DANIEL KIM] Last night
when I took Adrian to the safe house,
Adrian said that J
was scared and nervous
that the, uh, gambling ring
would trace back to them,
so he created an account
under Shanelle's name
and told her it was
for some trust for the kids,
and then, uh, had her sign.
Damn, he cold for that.
[COREY] Well, I hate to be
the bearer of bad news,
but Lucy sent over
her updated witness list
and guess who's been added?
Adrian, of course.
No surprise after that
runaway escapade with Shanelle.
So, she didn't know anything about this?
No, I don't think Adrian's
told anyone about this.
Yeah, but if Lucy's been digging around,
then she might be able to get Adrian
to admit all of this on the stand.
Maybe, but it doesn't help her case.
What Lucy needs Adrian for
is to prove
that Shanelle knew about that money
and to confirm
that he was having an affair
with Shanelle before JT's murder.
Right, right, and her bringing up Evan
or even implying
that Adrian was a ringleader
of some type of gambling ring
only garners sympathy for Shanelle.
Lucy wants to keep the focus
on Shanelle being some type
of cold-blooded first-degree murderer.
Okay, so then why don't we
force Adrian to confess
in court, under oath that he killed JT?
Okay, Jax, even if he did kill JT,
why would he confess now?
Because he wants to win Shanelle back
and he'll do whatever it takes
to make things right.
- Jax, it's
- I mean, C-Corey, listen.
Look, I know you think
this is a stretch, okay?
And if you don't agree,
then it's all good, I'll let it go,
but please, just hear me out.
Okay, so, on cross,
I'll still get Adrian to admit
that Shanelle didn't
know about the money.
Then I'll have him confirm
how bad the abuse was for her
and all of this helps our case,
but what if this could all be over?
What if we could win this case
and prove to the world that what
they think about Shanelle was wrong,
that she's not some cold-blooded,
selfish, money-hungry trophy wife
who exaggerated the domestic violence
she experienced,
and, in fact,
she is a woman who suffered
so much trauma over years and years
that she now believes that
she is at fault for a crime
she actually did not commit,
so much so,
that she's endured incarceration
and arduous trial because why?
She thinks that's what she deserves,
so I say fuck Evan.
We still try taking him down,
we get Adrian to feel safe,
so he confesses and we bring
Shanelle home once and for all.
I think, uh Okay. Never mind.
No, you know what?
Did you hear that? Jax, Jax Stewart.
Okay. It was good.
- [DANIEL] Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
- Yeah.
- [DANIEL] Jax Stewart! That was
- Okay, okay.
I will go look into Evan
a little bit more discreetly.
Hey, um, um, I c
I can help with that too.
Okay, Krystal,
let's Batman and Robin this thang.
No, uh-uh, uh-uh, never say "thang."
[DANIEL] Alright, that was weird.
[COREY] So, yeah, no,
that-that was, uh, that was good.
The, uh, the speech sold it.
Ahh. Well, I mean, look,
I have to step my game up for you.
I see that and I appreciate it.
As you should.
"What was Mrs. Tucker's
stated budget, Mrs. Jones?"
No. No, no, no, no, no.
Can you set the alarm, sweetie?
We're late.
Yes, and for the record, I was ready.
Hold on.
It's flat.
[SIGHS] What am I gonna do?
It's alright, Mom, I'll call a Lyft.
[LUCY WARGO] Thank you.
Least the Black people aren't late.
Judge Roth, I am so sorry.
Flat tire. Won't happen again.
Let's hope not, Miss Wargo.
Bailiff, please bring the jury in.
Ma'am, you just testified
that Mrs. Tucker seemed aloof
and subdued in her 911 call.
I'll play a clip now.
[911 OPERATOR] Shanelle, how do you
know your husband is dead?
He's not breathing.
There's blood.
Blood from where? Did he fall?
Shanelle, are you with me?
[SHANELLE] This is
Please, just send someone!
I just I can't look at him anymore.
Besides her tone,
did anything else
strike you as suspicious?
Genuine callers focus
on the needs of the victim.
Suspicious callers
focus on their own needs,
like how she begged us to get him
because she couldn't
keep looking at him.
Objection, sounds like an expert opinion
from someone who is not an expert.
- Motion to strike.
How long have you been a 911 dispatcher?
About three years.
So, you've spoken to many callers
who reported a lifeless body,
is that correct?
Yes, at least once a week.
Do any of these callers
appear to be overwhelmed
or, or desperate for help for
someone to intervene and relieve 'em?
Yes, usually they're a bit frantic.
And do any of these callers
ever get convicted
of first-degree murder?
- Objection, speculation.
- [JUDGE ROTH] Sustained.
Would you say that a caller's tone is,
without a doubt,
a reliable indicator
of what's happening at the scene?
No, I, I wouldn't.
Thank you.
[LUCY] Mrs.
Jones, what's your profession?
I'm a real estate agent.
Do you know Mrs. Tucker?
Yes, I showed her some homes
for lease a few months ago.
What was the average price
of the homes you were looking at?
Around three million dollars.
And was anyone with Mrs. Tucker
when you were showing her these homes?
Once, Adrian Hunter.
I assumed he was her husband
when I saw how close
they were with each other.
Objection, motion to strike.
[JUDGE ROTH] Stricken.
Did Mrs. Tucker appear
interested in the house
that you showed her and Mr. Hunter?
Yes, uh, I drew up an offer,
but she never responded.
I figured something had changed.
And indeed something had changed.
No further questions, Your Honor.
Mrs. Tucker's current home is in Encino.
Do you know the estimated value
of that home?
[ELISE JONES] Not exactly.
I assume around eight million or so.
[COREY] According to Redfin,
Mrs. Tucker's home
was worth $8.7 million,
yet Mrs. Tucker was looking for houses
less than half the value
of her current home, is that correct?
That's correct.
It would've been quite the downgrade.
Not exactly the move for someone
looking to kill for money.
- Your Honor.
- I withdraw that comment.
Did Mrs. Tucker ever talk to you
about her daughters?
Every showing.
We only looked at places they would like
and the younger one swims,
so a pool was a priority.
Okay, so her focus was on the comfort
and the security of her children,
is that correct?
- It seemed that way to me.
- [COREY] Me too.
Thank you.
Ayy, ayy, what it is, ho? ♪
What's up, what's up? ♪
I'm a thot, get me lit, I'm a slut ♪
Just let me get a shot of
whatever is in your cup ♪
Keep shakin' your butt
and I'ma throw some more bucks ♪
Baby, give me your number ♪
And I'll send a text,
late night, out west ♪
What are you doin'?
You know Mom and Dad are gonna kill you
if you post that, right?
And who gonna tell 'em?
Do it then.
Then I'ma tell 'em
about your secret drawer.
I don't know what you talking about.
It's giving you do. [SCOFFS SOFTLY]
[LEWIS] Kids, time for dinner.
Okay, Daddy.
Did you get a good read on the jury
during that Elise Jones testimony?
No, actually, but it was helpful
that Elise likes Shanelle,
so it's an accidental character witness
in our favor.
Yeah, but it still fits
into Lucy's narrative
that Shanelle may have
planned the whole thing.
And you are absolutely right.
Corey, I owe you an apology.
[COREY] For what?
I was wrong to push back
on your instincts.
I always knew you were a good lawyer,
but the truth is, you're a
great lawyer and a great leader.
Thank you.
It's very kind of you.
Oh, thank you.
Happy you're here.
Yeah. Glad to be here.
We make a great team.
We do.
And honestly if I were
doing this by myself
I don't know if I'd
be able to handle it.
What's up, baby? ♪
I'm so glad I got you here ♪
Now that you're here ♪
I got something to say, baby ♪
I think that you should know ♪
You're doin' the most, sugar ♪
So don't worry 'bout the situation ♪
I'd never let you go ♪
Can you handle it ♪
If I go there, baby, with you? ♪
I can handle it ♪
I can go there, baby, with you ♪
Oh, I hear you talkin', babe ♪
I ask myself ♪
Can you handle it?
Should I go there? ♪
Should I do it? ♪
Yeah! ♪
So, has the medicine been helpful?
It has.
Yeah, and it, it's also been helpful
that Lewis and I are making
great progress in couples therapy.
- [DR. LENNON] That's great.
- Yeah, it's It feels good.
And how's work?
Corey and I are finding
our stride as a team.
It's encouraging.
- It's a welcome change.
- Mm-hm.
What about Damon?
Are you still having nightmares?
[JAX] Um, well,
it's been over four months now.
You know, I feel like I'm
feel like I'm getting some distance.
- That's some real progress, Jax.
- Yeah.
So, why did you wanna meet?
I can't shake this feeling that
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You know, like, everything is
it's just too good to be true.
You know, I mean, is that crazy?
after the trauma you've been through,
it's normal to be hypervigilant,
even skeptical,
but I wanna challenge you
because you're in a sweet spot.
Instead of dreading its end,
savor it while you can.
Just be present.
The truth is, you're gonna
hit bumps in the road
whether you're looking for them or not,
so if life is good right now,
it's okay to enjoy that.
[TONI] Bye.
Lewis, I already told you.
Look, I'm-I'm sorry,
it's not gonna work for me.
Well, it's my choice.
- [LEWIS] Actually, it's not.
I looked into it and have
a right to demand paternity.
After the baby's born, yes,
but I'm not willing
to take that risk beforehand.
It's not safe.
Ten years ago, that might've been true,
but there are definitely ways to ensure
that the baby won't be harmed.
- Oh.
- Yeah, I've even talked to my doctor.
He said we could come in later today.
Get it over with.
Today, Lewis? I can't even, I, I, I
Why are you doing this to me?
despite what you might think, Toni,
I'm not trying to upset you,
but this kid could be mine
and I'm not some nigga
that's just okay with his kid
out here being in the world.
- Well, you
- I am a father
and I'm not gonna pretend I can't be.
I'm available later today.
Thank you.
I'll text you when I
confirm the details.
Yo, yo. Been doing some digging
on Adrian's boy, Evan.
It turns out that the whole
gambling ring is just the smoke
that leads to a bigass fire.
Evan hires "companions"
for his gamblers when they're in town.
What kinda companions?
Let's just say that they
should be in homeroom
and not meeting men
in the Hilltop Country Club.
- Oh, shit.
- [DANIEL] Yeah.
[COREY] Good morning.
Daniel was just telling me
that Evan Gerrard
is basically Jeffrey Epstein.
Oh, wow. Well, that's sad,
but not surprising.
Child sex trafficking runs rampant
at major sporting events,
and if he's into that
Then this is a bigger takedown
than we thought.
Alright, good work, Dan.
- Why, thank you, Cash.
- Yeah.
- Bye, Daniel.
- [DANIEL] You're welcome.
- Feeling good?
- Come again?
I mean, um, a-about what? What,
what should I be feeling good about?
Um, Coach Powell,
the prosecution's witness today?
Oh, right, yeah, oh, yeah,
definitely, definitely.
I'm ready to go, I'm, uh, I'm
- [DR. JEREMIAH CASH] Oh, look.
- Oh, damn.
It's my son,
the famous lawyer I've been seeing on TV
for the last few months.
Thought we were meeting
later on tonight for dinner.
Oh, we can have dinner at any time.
You know, I, I wanted to see that
so-called "stellar Cash defense"
in person.
- And who's this?
- [COREY] This is Jax Stewart.
- She's my co-counsel on the case.
- [DR. CASH] Oh.
Dr. Cash, it is an honor
to finally meet you in person.
Call me Jeremiah.
You know, I can't wait to see
the both of you in action today.
[JAX] Ha!
- That's your dad.
- That's my father.
That's him.
The night of November 8, 2022,
what do you remember?
That was our Bye Week team dinner.
Coaching staff, players,
and their plus ones were all invited.
Uh, JT brought Shanelle.
Did you see anything happen
between the defendant and Mr. Tucker?
Yes, I heard Shanelle scream,
"Fuck you, Jamarion."
You could tell that she knew
exactly which buttons to press
to make him more and more angry,
almost like flipping a switch.
Oh. So, she had the ability
to incite violence within him
whenever it was, I don't know,
convenient, would you say?
Objection, speculation.
- Sustained.
- [LUCY] Okay.
She cursed at him, then what?
And she started screaming at him
and beating on his chest,
scratching at his face.
Then she smacked him hard.
I was horrified.
Next day he showed up
with a huge scratch on his face.
I told him to divorce her.
Maybe if he'd have listened to me,
we wouldn't be here right now.
Objection, motion to strike.
[JUDGE ROTH] Stricken from the record.
The jury is instructed to disregard.
So, Coach Powell,
you cannot definitively tell
the difference between
a scratch from a woman's nails
versus, maybe,
I don't know, a man's tackle
during football practice, correct?
Uh, yes, I suppose that's correct.
You testified at the Keion Wray trial,
didn't you?
- I did.
- [COREY] Uh-huh.
And while you were on the stand,
you said,
and, and I quote,
"Keion wouldn't hurt a fly," right?
That's right.
It's interesting
because Mr. Wray was found guilty
of murdering his wife, correct?
Objection, relevance.
Your Honor, bias is always relevant.
Overruled, the witness may answer.
Was Mr. Wray found guilty
of murdering his wife?
So, tell me, do you have regrets
defending a murderer?
Objection. Your Honor?
I withdraw my question.
Well, felt like a win.
Shanelle was much calmer
when we said goodbye today.
Yeah, we must be doing something right.
- [DR. CASH] Corey.
- Absolutely.
Let me take you two to lunch.
And, Jax, let me regale you
with my old war stories.
We actually have a lot of work
we gotta do. We gotta prep.
Well, yeah, but, I mean, Corey, come on.
How often do I get to sit down
with a legal legend?
I'm in.
How'd it go with Mrs. Stewart?
Fine. She's good.
We're good.
What made her shut the fuck up?
Well, she actually cares about Shanelle.
I made it clear that you don't.
Accurate and succinct.
Nice work.
One more thing.
I've been subpoenaed for the prosecution
'cause of the whole
Shanelle trying to flee
and us getting caught BS.
They wanna confirm she knew
about the money.
So, you're not gonna tell 'em
what really happened?
Why the fuck would I do that?
Just making sure you're not
thinking about growing balls
that I'll eventually have to cut off.
I did what you wanted. We done?
Good luck in court.
Well, he's come a long way
because now he's a fantastic lawyer.
- Thank you, Jax.
- Oh, um, maybe now.
- Yeah, but when he was
with that corporate firm
I need to get this call right on time.
Excuse me.
- Ah, yes, he still embarrasses easily.
- [LAUGHING] Oh, my God.
But when you get to
be in your seventies,
you stop censoring yourself so much.
Wow, you look fantastic, Jeremiah.
- Well, thank you.
- [JAX] Mm-hm.
Try to keep myself in shape.
Have you ever dated an older man?
My husband, if three years counts.
Oh, no, it does not.
I meant someone seasoned
with decades of practice.
No, but I am all set.
No worries, had to try.
Did you, though?
What's the saying, um,
"Ask for forgiveness, not permission"?
Isn't that what rapists say?
So, has my public roast ended yet?
I just remembered I have an appointment,
so I should head out.
Thank you for lunch, Dr. Cash.
Corey, I'll see you back at court.
What happened?
I don't know.
Girl, you will not believe
what just happened.
Jax, it's-it's your mom.
She's in the hospital.
- What?
- [KRYSTAL] Yeah.
A nurse just called the office.
Okay, okay, um, uh, send me the address.
I'm on my way.
I don't see how Beyoncé
could drink lemon pepper juice
for a month and do Homecoming,
and intermittent fasting
puts me in the hospital.
I hate to spell this out for you, Mom,
but you are not Beyoncé.
I know.
I was trying to lose
a little weight for the R&B cruise
Kevin wants to go on next month.
Okay, look [CLEARS THROAT]
if Kevin can't accept you for you,
then he doesn't deserve you.
No, he accepts me.
It's me.
I think I'm nervous.
I haven't been happy like this
for a long time.
Okay, I understand that,
but no man is worth all of this, Mom.
Well, that's easy for you to say.
You have Lewis.
The rest of us are out here
trying to catch a fish.
Alright, Mom.
Well, I am gonna call out
for the rest of the day
and I'm staying right here.
Oh, Jacqueline, you-you don't have to.
No, I'm not asking, Mom.
You scared me.
Oh, baby.
I love you.
[MAMA LU] Thank you.
[DANIEL] Well, that wasn't helpful.
Yeah, not at all and kinda racist.
[DANIEL] Okay, yeah,
I thought it was just me.
She wouldn't even validate my parking.
Yeah. Don't worry,
I will give you validated rate.
[DANIEL] Oh, thank you.
Anything for my, uh,
East African sister.
I'm from Eritrea.
- Uh
- What about you?
Oh, no, no, no, no. No, I'm not.
Let me just talk to you for a second.
- [KRYSTAL] What?
- Yeah.
- Sorry, one second.
- What are you doing?
No, um he likes you.
So? Everybody likes me.
He likes you likes you.
Yeah. So, you need to flirt with him
and get some more info on Evan, okay?
Valet guys like this,
they see and they hear everything.
I am married. To a woman.
- But you get all giggly around Cash.
- So do you.
But Yeah.
Um, it's not about the way Cash looks,
it's about the way
he makes you feel, alright?
But this guy, this guy right there,
yeah, he doesn't know that
you're married to a woman,
so you just need to give him
a little something
to think about, alright?
If you crack this case,
you will be a hero to Jax,
to Corey, the entire firm.
They might even make a movie about you.
Like Erin Brockovich.
Hey, there.
- Um, it's, uh, Senai, right?
- Oh.
- Yes, I like the pronunciation.
- [KRYSTAL] Yeah?
Oh, thank you.
So, where are you from again?
- Eritrea.
Get it, girl.
[COREY] Hey, how's your mom?
She's good, thanks for asking.
Listen, I hope my, uh, my dad
didn't offend you in any way.
You know, when you left
to take your call, he hit on me.
What? No, no, that's not okay.
No, I'm not saying it's okay,
but I'm okay.
Maybe you're not.
Does he know how you feel?
He's argued in front
of the Supreme Court.
I can't win an argument against him,
so I stopped trying.
[JAX] Oh, he may not change,
but that doesn't mean
you need to hold all that in.
It only hurts you, not him.
And plus, I'm learning
that honest, direct communication is key
to maintaining healthy
relationships and
Let me call you right back.
[LEWIS ON VOICEMAIL] You've reached
the voicemail box of Lewis Stewart.
I'm not available
Hey. What you up to?
Uh, just, just tied up at work.
Oh, you're still at work?
Yeah. Yep.
Uh, is-is everything okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I was just sayin' hi.
[LEWIS] Okay, okay.
Uh, can I call you later?
Yeah. Yeah. Love you.
[LEWIS] Love you too.
I can't believe this.
I lost my son
and I have to hear him being crucified
in front of the whole world?
How do you think that makes me feel?
I know it's difficult.
[MAVIS] You know what else is difficult?
Getting reelected after losing a case
with national attention.
You're absolutely right.
I will speak to Miss Wargo.
Thank you, Henry.
[LUCY] And what was that about?
A grieving mother wants
the focus back on her son
as the strong, all-American stud
we knew and loved.
She's making demands.
After that surprise
family abuse testimony.
Alas, she is the victim's mother.
Also, showing up late to court?
Well, it turns out my tire was slashed.
Despite that
and the anonymous death threats,
I am busting my ass on this case,
which lost another jury member today.
That's the third one.
Worst part, she was only making comments
that swayed our way.
Mavis is right, we need to drum up
some positive press for JT.
For the case or for your campaign?
Consider them equal, for your sake.
[LEWIS] We need to talk.
A secret account?
Why did you guys go through my phone?
First off, it's cute
that you think it's your phone
when we're the ones paying for it.
Second, no more social media for you.
What? It's not even a big deal.
Literally everybody has two accounts.
So, you do what everyone else does?
We did not raise you that way.
And we certainly
didn't raise you to keep secrets.
Okay, fine, I'll delete it, like
You know what?
Your phone is ours for a week.
And next time, don't lie.
Lewis, are you okay?
Yeah, just tired.
[SIGHS] Long day.
Just tryin' to be real with myself

Good night.
Just let it be ♪
I couldn't take it no more ♪
Let me free, I'll close the door ♪
It was killing me ♪
How you feeling about the trial?
Well, you know, every day is different.
[AUTUMN] Uh-huh.
But that's how it is
with court cases, you know?
You're up one day and down the other.
And Adrian's testifying today, right?
You still believe that Adrian killed JT?
If he really loved Shanelle
and if he knew what was happening
in those photos, then, yes,
- I think he did.
- Wow.
That would certainly be
a surprising turn of events.
Speaking of surprises
I saw Lewis at the hospital
when I went to go see my mom
[AUTUMN] Mm-hm.
and so I called him
to be like, "Hey, I see you."
He saw me calling
and he rejected the call.
- Was he busy talking to someone?
- No, he was alone.
So, I called him back.
This time he answered
and when I asked him where he was,
he lied and said he was at work.
- That's weird, right?
- No, that is weird.
How's your trust level with each other?
It's good. I mean, before this it was
So, you know I've been doing
fertility treatments, right?
Right, how's it going?
Uh, fine, fine,
but my point in bringing it up
is that the other day
I had some spotting.
I went to call Kendall,
then I thought, what if it's nothing?
Why worry her?
I'll see the doctor,
if it's something, then I'll tell her.
And turns out, it was nothing,
so I didn't tell her.
You said you saw him at the hospital.
What if he's going through something
he's not ready to talk about?
I mean, yeah, but
He did have a hard time
getting it up the other day.
Yeah, he tried to play it off,
but I knew.
Things have been crazy
at work for him, you know,
so, I don't know, maybe it's stress,
high blood pressure.
Maybe. Either way, I'd give him
the benefit of the doubt.
His reasons might not be
as dubious as you think.
Another lap?
[COREY] You know, Dad, I know
we talked before about my desire
to get clemency
for my client, Isabella Torres?
And you said that you'd consider
helping me out with that
if I could raise my national profile.
Well, yes, but that hasn't happened yet.
I-I know, but it will happen
once I win this case.
Okay, if you win, we'll discuss it.
Look, Dad, isn't this,
this whole game getting old?
It's not like either one of us
had bootstraps.
You stood on Grandpa's shoulders, right?
And what's the point of even having
a family legacy if not to use it?
The point is to build on it.
[COREY] I've been trying to build on it,
but it's difficult when my father
keeps dismissing me.
I'm not the same person
that I was back in Chicago.
I care about this case.
I care about what happens to Shanelle.
I see Jax's been rubbing off on ya.
Oh, Dad, please.
By the way, she told me you hit on her.
She's an attractive woman.
What was I supposed to do?
I don't know, how about not hit on her?
- She's a married woman.
- Of course, she's married.
And the question is, why aren't you?
You know I was engaged to Shanice,
remember that, right?
That was 10 years ago.
Yeah, and I've been focused
on my career ever since.
This DV work is very important to me,
but for some reason,
you just can't seem to get that,
can you?
My first national case was a lot.
Taking on the Chicago Police Department.
- That was
- Yes, I know, I know.
You were a star.
In the end, yes, but my first day, man,
I was literally scared shitless.
I had nerves coming outta all holes
in the court bathroom.
Your mom rushed in.
She got me cleaned up and focused
and the rest is history.
So, she was the hero, not me.
You see men like us,
we can't get to the next level alone.
We need a partner,
a foundation, a guide,
or else our dicks
will lead us right off the cliff.
And I don't dismiss you, Corey.
I'm just an old man
that don't do rules or feelings
or whatever the new generation
goes on about,
but if it means that much to you,
then I'll try to do better.
Thanks, Dad.
Krystal got some good intel
from the valet guy.
Apparently, everybody
at the country club hates Evan.
They've all just been
waiting to take him down.
- That's great.
- Yay-yeah.
I just gotta gather some statements
and then send them over to the FBI.
Well, I may have a better idea.
Let's see how today goes.
What up, Cash?
You ready to go in?
I'm ready for this to be over. Let's go.
Mr. Hunter, could you tell us
about your relationship
with the defendant?
Yeah, so we met through JT,
became friends,
and fell in love.
And was she still married to Mr. Tucker
at the time that you
fell in love with her?
Yeah, she was.
And, uh, was Mr. Tucker aware
of this as far as you know?
No, he didn't, he didn't know.
And how long was this affair?
Three months.
Your Honor, may I approach the witness?
Yes, you may.
Mr. Hunter,
I am showing you what is marked
for identification purposes only
as the People's Exhibit 30.
Do you know what these are?
Yes, these are letters
written to me from Shanelle.
[LUCY] And in these letters,
did the defendant mention anything
about a life without Mr. Tucker?
And did she ask you for your help
in creating this life
without Mr. Tucker?
Yeah, she did.
Wow. And did you also
run away with the defendant
after she was booked and charged
for the murder of Mr. Tucker?
Yes, I did. I wanted to give her a
chance to get away from all this.
I love her.
[LUCY] Nothing further, Your Honor.
Mr. Hunter, why was Mrs. Tucker
sending you handwritten letters
versus texts or emails?
Well, JT was tracking everything.
If he knew we were communicating,
he would've hurt her for sure.
Objection, speculation.
- Sustained.
- [JAX] So, you were protecting her?
- Yes.
Did you ever see the deceased
physically abuse Mrs. Tucker?
Yes, once, he grabbed her
arm hard, it was too hard.
Did you confront Mr. Tucker about it?
No, I didn't because
Shanelle said that he was drunk,
but I swear I wanted to, I wanted to
Kill him?
Objection. Your Honor?
- [JUDGE ROTH] Overruled.
Please answer the question, Mr. Hunter.
- So, did you?
- Did I what?
- Did you kill him?
- [LUCY] Your Honor?
[SCOFFING] W-What is
I'm asking the witness if he was the one
who killed Jamarion Tucker.
- What is she doing?
- Hold on.
What? No, I didn't, I didn't kill JT.
- [JUDGE ROTH] Quiet everyone, please.
Adrian Hunter,
did you kill Jamarion Tucker
- to protect the defendant?
- No.
- The woman you love from a man you hated?
- [ADRIAN] No!
- Objection, Your Honor.
- No, but I fuckin' wish
I would've killed him!
Shanelle didn't know
anything about the money.
I did.
I lied to her and I said it was mine
and that we could have it
if she would just leave JT,
but it wasn't mine.
The money belonged to an illegal
gambling company named Willgoose,
which was started by J
and a man named Evan Gerrard.
The only plan Shanelle had
was to take her kids
and leave JT forever.
And all I wanted was to be
a part of that life, the new one.
So, yeah,
I wish I would've killed him
because then she wouldn't
be here right now
and after everything
that she has been through
she doesn't deserve any of this.
Nothing further, Your Honor.
Mr. Hunter, you are dismissed.
Evan is a dangerous man.
Why would you make him say all that?
Because he wanted me to.
[HENRY] Where did you get this from?
- Associates of Evan's.
- It's legit.
Why didn't you give this to the FBI?
This is clearly gonna be a federal case.
Going to be, yes,
but right now it belongs to you.
What do you want for it?
Immunity and witness protection
for Adrian Hunter.
And why would I do that?
Because Evan Gerrard
is a very dangerous man
and Adrian risked his life
testifying for this case.
He also has information
that corroborates what's in that file,
but he will not give up anything
until he knows he's safe.
But if you don't wanna
hand this over to the feds yourself
and take all the credit
for a big case like this,
I will gladly do it.
No, no, it's fine.
I will make sure
Adrian Hunter is protected
despite the fact
that he didn't end up helping us much.
[JAX] Thank you.
And make sure you enjoy this win.
It's the last one
you'll be gettin' from me.
[REPORTER] [ON TV] Breaking news,
Evan Gerrard, financial advisor
and alleged sex trafficking ringleader,
was arrested moments ago
outside his country club
in Los Angeles.
District Attorney Henry Quan
had this to say on the topic.
Mr. Gerrard used colored bracelets
as a kind of code indicating
how many men the young girls
were expected to sleep with per session.
That's disgusting.
Hope he rots in prison
for the rest of his life.
Me too.
And I'm happy Adrian is safe now.
And, uh, I'm happy that you're safe.
Hey, any calls?
Eh, just some nosy tabloid reporter
regarding Adrian's testimony.
This just came in for you.
Oh, looks like
my desktop scanner has arrived.
Come on, Same-Day Prime.
- Girl! [LAUGHS]
Oh, it looks like TZT just got a picture
of Toni's ass at the hospital
getting a DNA test.
Jesus! You can't make this shit up.
Girl, some lab tech sold that photo
and then quit her job.
They are killin' Toni in them comments,
but I admit I am here
for all the shenanigans.
Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
minutes until we go live.
Damn, damn ♪
Thank you.
James ♪
Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
- Corey.
- [COREY] Jax.
[JOHN] So, this is the new look
they're making you have, huh?
[LUCY] Yep.
[JOHN] You know, Mom,
if you get those crazy fake eyelashes,
I do not know you anymore.
[LUCY] Wait a minute,
I have those crazy fake eyelashes.
What are you saying? [LAUGHS]
I'm gonna take it as a compliment,
Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
Damn ♪
Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
Damn ♪
Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
Damn ♪
- Damn, damn, damn, James ♪
Hey, Terrence look,
I can't keep it from her anymore.
I'm gonna tell Jax tonight.
Damn, damn, damn ♪
I, um
There's somethin' I need to tell you.
Is it about Toni?
It's your baby, isn't it?
[LEWIS] Jax, I can explain.
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