School Spirits (2023) s02e06 Episode Script

Ghost Pointe Blank

on School Spirits.
- Mr. Anderson?
- Maddie?
If he's in here, and Mr. Martin's not
Holy shit!
So Wally's class reunion,
would you want to go with me?
What if we make her
think that this place
isn't scary anymore?
[CLAIRE] You should let us
sneak you into the school.
- We could do it tonight.
- I don't know about that.
Dawn, you OK?
Dawn crossed over. You can too.
[MADDIE] Where are they?
No dinner lasts this long.
Maybe Janet chews slowly.
My grandma could make a box of
raisins last a month, she'd
Wait, OK, so where is Mr. Anderson now?
Right? I mean, is he really
all right with someone
just stealing his body?
[WALLY] Oh, he's more than alright.
He just took a bucket of
golf balls to the library.
- Someone's here.
It's gotta be them.
[CHARLEY] Did Simon trade in
his beater for a murder van?
[RHONDA] Make that several murder vans.
Oh, no, these are for Wally's reunion.
How could you throw a
party at a time like this?
It's not my party. I
just went to the school.
But it really does look like
they're bringing in
the big bucks this year.
Last reunion, it was just
a bunch of cold cuts and sweaty cheese.
Where the hell is Janet, dammit?
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm long gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Sorry. I know that it's early.
I just didn't know where else to go.
I don't think that Maddie
slept in her bed last night.
And she isn't in the house,
and I don't know where she is,
and none of her friends
are answering their phones.
I think that she's gone, Derek. Again.
You don't know that.
Seeing her friends last night
may have been overwhelming.
She may have just
needed some alone time.
Do you think I should call the police?
I wouldn't. I wouldn't just yet.
At this point, they
see Maddie as a runaway,
and if they chase after her,
it might stop her from coming back.
Hey, hey, hey, it's gonna be fine.
Go home and be there for
her in case she returns.
In the meantime,
message me places you
think she may have gone,
and I'll look for her.
Oh, you're bleeding.
That hasn't happened in years.
We'll take the tape off. Just
no more screaming, please.
There's no one around
to hear you anyway.
There's no one around,
period. Simon, where are we?
It's the cabin that blew
up Maddie and Sandra.
She spent her college funds on this.
[NICOLE] I thought you
said she was selling it.
She is. That's why we
knew it would be empty.
And you thought having a ghost
hogtied here would help the sale?
Does that come after "stunning sunset"?
You're the one with the gloves,
rope, and pink taser in your trunk.
Guys, can we stop?
We had to bring her here,
we had no other choice.
I still think we should
have taken her out at school.
We tried, Claire.
She was screaming bloody murder
in front of 20 cater waiters.
And it wasn't because
she doesn't like shrimp.
I can speak for myself.
And I'd sooner die again
than set foot in that school.
I am not spending eternity there.
You don't have to.
Didn't Simon tell you
that Dawn crossed over?
How do you even know who
Dawn is? Or Mr. Martin?
Because of Maddie.
I can see and hear her.
In certain places. I can't tell you why,
but I can tell you a lot's changed
at Split River since you left.
And you expect me to believe
that Dawn figured out
something I couldn't?
I spent decades researching,
hypothesizing, conducting experiments.
Dawn talked to her Slinky.
What if I can bring you
proof? Proof Dawn crossed over.
Looking good, brother! Amazing.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no.
You cannot put Kayla Ladner
and Ted Lambert together.
Absolutely not. Their
breakup, it was ugly.
I'm switching them,
it's for your own good.
You're welcome. Boom.
And they reset.
All right, you win.
But it's their funeral.
Wait, you're going back there?
How do we know Maddie has proof?
We don't. Yet.
Nicole, can I borrow your car?
- And your phone?
- No.
- Where's yours?
- She boiled it, remember?
- Here. But if my mother calls
- I won't answer.
You have to answer.
If she gets voicemail,
she'll think I'm ghosting her.
Xavier, just give me yours.
You can share with Nicole.
What? No, we're not sharing anything.
OK, can you just come with me?
We can stop by Nicole's place,
keep her mom from wigging out.
Why me?
Because Nicole was out all
night. If she goes back there,
her mom will lock her in
her room till Christmas.
- OK.
- Oh, wait, hold it.
You're just gonna leave us here
with her? What if she flips out?
Nicole, the girl's been burned alive,
stuck in high school for 70 years,
held captive in a bomb shelter.
Compared to that, being
tied to a chair's Coachella.
I don't know, feed and water her.
- Should we go inside?
- I'm fine here.
Do you know this song?
I'm not ready to go ♪
No. No, I don't think so.
Really? Do you like it?
Not really into that kind of stuff.
What stuff? Sad stuff?
What's wrong with it?
Nothing. It's fine, it's fine.
You did what?
The dinner wasn't working,
we had to improvise.
Improvise? You're not Scarface.
Janet is a real human being
who's been through some serious shit.
You can't just throw her
in the back of a trunk.
Well, we did.
And you took her to the
cabin. Of all places.
I also promised that real human being
I'd give her some real
proof that Dawn crossed over.
What? How?
Well, if you want
Janet back here, Maddie,
you're gonna have to dig up something.
[MADDIE] Well, we've
got another problem.
Mr. Anderson.
- Mr. Martin stole his body.
- Why didn't you lead with that?
Wait. This is not good.
Mr. Anderson
Martin was creeping
around your house last night.
He is friends with your mom, Maddie.
He went over there
after she kicked us out.
If he was lurking around my house,
he's not after my mom. He's after Janet.
You have to make sure he
doesn't get to her, Simon.
I'm serious.
That's a long way to dive when
you don't know how to swim ♪
Oh, my God.
Why are you waterboarding
me with this damn song?
Does it annoy you? I
thought you loved it.
Or is that only when you're ShredHead99?
What are you
- Why would you know
- No, stop.
The question is, did you
know I was AnswrSeeker?
Did you?
Did you know it was me all along?
And what? You were just
chuckling every time
I shared something personal?
Throw in a few dark family secrets?
Did that tickle your twisted funny bone?
No, no. I did not know it was you.
Why would I do that, Nicole?
I shared private stuff, too.
Maybe you knew it was me, hmm?
Why would I share
I just realized it was you last night.
[XAVIER] Obviously I didn't
know it was you, Nicole.
I actually wanted to meet you.
Oh. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint.
How Why is this my fault?
- Nicole, where are you going?
- Anywhere that's away from you!
Oh, Billy Idol. Good to see you.
Ooh! Duran. Duran. I missed you both.
- Great to see you.
- They missed you, too, Wally.
Hey. Hey. I was going through
a bunch of Janet stuff.
I was just researching.
I thought maybe if we found,
like, sound triggers from her
Wally? Relax. OK?
Maddie's a modern woman.
She does not need your attention 24-7.
Plus, she knows you only get to
see these people every 10 years.
True, but I still wish
I could be there for her.
Have her help you pick out some clothes.
Or maybe she could help you
tone down that 1984 blowout.
OK, what are you wearing for your date?
Are we going classy or sassy?
[CHARLEY] Mm, yeah. I
was thinking I would maybe
just take a nap and then
wake up next Thursday.
Wow. You are really nervous, huh?
Petrified, would be the
word. Yeah. I just
I haven't been out with
anyone since Emilio,
and we never even went on real dates.
Charley, it's OK. I'm gonna be
there with you the whole time,
and I will wingman you,
all right? We got this.
Saturdays are usually dull,
but today we've got options.
The return of the body snatcher
or the senior citizen mosh pit.
Rhonda, you're technically,
like, 20 years older
than everyone that's
gonna be here tonight,
so why don't you just
tighten your girdle, girl?
Oh, shit! No way. David Bowie.
Y'all, we are so back. It's time.
Wally came up with this.
Makes us do it at every reunion.
Let's dance ♪
- Are you gonna?
- No.
Let's dance ♪
Let's dance ♪
Put on your red shoes
and dance the blues ♪
Let's dance ♪
To the song they're
playing on the radio ♪
Let's sway ♪
While color lights up your face ♪
Let's sway ♪
Sway through the crowd
to an empty space ♪
If you say run, I'll run with you ♪
And if you say hide, we'll hide ♪
Because my love for you
would break my heart in two ♪
If you should fall into my arms ♪
Tremble like a flower ♪
Let's dance ♪
Let's dance ♪
Let's dance, let's dance ♪
Let's dance, let's dance! ♪
Let's dance ♪
Let's dance ♪
Can I have a glass of water?
Thank you.
I heard what Nicole said.
I don't think you're twisted.
I don't want to talk about that.
Look, everyone makes mistakes.
I'm sure you didn't want to hurt anyone.
You seem to be a genuinely good person.
- I just kidnapped you.
- But I bet you didn't want to.
I mean, your friends
left you here to watch me,
do their dirty work.
That's not right.
That's not who you are.
Can you please just
stop talking, please?
These ropes are digging into me.
Could you at least loosen them?
I can't. I'm sorry.
But I think one of
my wrists is bleeding.
Do you really want to give
back Maddie a bruised body?
What are we doing if and when
he comes out of the house?
We follow him. See if
he's following Janet.
- OK.
- Is that Sandra?
- Oh, it's Nicole.
[CLAIRE] Hey, how are you
calling me from there?
I've been wandering through
The Blair Witch Project
trying to get service.
When are you coming
back? You stole my car!
Oh Christ, Nicole, this isn't
the time for forest bathing.
You need to stay with Xavier, OK?
- You're partners.
- We are not partners, OK?
Whatever you do, just do
not tell Sandra anything.
[NICOLE] Why not? Why can't
we just tell her the truth
and stop speaking in code?
Hello? Are you still there?
Uh, we gotta go. He saw us.
[SIMON] Go back and help Xavier, Nicole!
Wait, wait! Claire!
- Whoa.
- What? Did you find something?
Did Dawn stash anything up there?
How long do Milk Duds stay fresh?
Shouldn't we be looking
for a 1972 light bulb?
Yeah, there's a good chance
that was left in her
scar when Dawn split.
And besides, what you're holding
when you croak isn't always your key.
Like, Charley's isn't a French fry.
What does Maddie expect us to find?
[RHONDA] Any kind of proof
that Dawn actually knew
how to get out of this place,
like, a notebook, a poem,
a clue she may have
carved into her hairbrush?
Hopefully Maddie's having
better luck than we are.
Need more time
What's up, Keith? Keith Pastones.
You silver fox, you. Wow, looking good.
Oh, Joyce, I remember you.
MT. Best lab partners ever.
Who are you? Mullin? OK.
- Yo! Where's Yuri?
- Grabbing us drinks.
Oh. Well, aren't you just
glowing like a lava lamp?
I do look good, don't I? You
look pretty sharp yourself.
- Give us a spin, yeah, yeah
- I try.
Can everyone hear me?
First of all, thank
you so much for coming
- to the 1984 class reunion
- Woo! Class of '84!
- 40 years, can you believe that?
Uh, yeah, I can.
And now, before we get too tipsy,
I'd like to take a moment to honor those
who couldn't be here with us today.
So which table are you sitting at?
Or are you just working the room?
These are my boys right
over here. That's my team!
Wow, OK, so that used
to be a table of champs?
And now, a moment of silence
for our 1983 homecoming king,
Wally Clark, a shining star
taken from us way too soon.
Too soon for who?
How many of these have you had?
Sorry, but that kid was an
asshole. The whole team was.
Can we do this in the Uber home?
They threw me in a dumpster
because they said I carried
my books like a girl.
They sat on the lid
and laughed for hours.
And Captain Homecoming never did
anything to try and stop them.
Can't imagine what they would've done
if I had actually come out.
Guess not everyone's a fan, huh?
Charley, you gotta understand,
that was a really long time ago,
and things were way different back then.
Wally, Wally, we know.
You are an 80s jock.
I get it. Product of your time.
OK, I'm glad you understand,
because, you know,
it's just like a team building thing.
- Wally, seriously, it's fine.
Where were those bacon wrap thingies
that you were bragging about?
- Follow me.
- All right.
All right. I'll
What? Hello?
What? What?
What is happening here? Why
is she picking her own lock?
She's been tied up for hours, Nicole.
I figure how much damage
can she do with one arm?
I don't know. Burn another
house down? Run you over again?
The running over part was an
accident, just for the record.
She was in pain, all right?
And if that's Maddie's wrist,
I don't want to be responsible
Oh, so you're back to being a nice guy
whose favorite movie is
Dirty Dancing. Hm.
I said it was top five, which it is.
- It's basically a perfect film.
- Where's the rope?
- Get the rope!
- Getting the rope.
Hey, Nicole, did you call your brother?
- What? Why?
- Your brother's here.
[NICOLE] Fuck!
[CLAIRE] Why did he come here?
It was where Janet was
squatting last month.
He's definitely looking for her.
Who are you calling?
Claire! Who are you
Hi, this is Claire Zomer. Can
I speak with Sheriff Baxter?
No, no. What are you doing?
[CLAIRE] Hi, my stepdad asked
me to check on his properties,
and there's a really creepy guy here.
I don't feel safe going inside.
Yes, 457 Del Monte.
Same area where his son was hit.
OK, great. Thanks.
Cops are on the way.
[QUINN] So if you could
climb out of Janet's scar
and pop out in Rhonda's
Maybe they're all connected.
Could be how Mr. Martin disappeared
for such long stretches.
- Maybe he was hiding in them.
- And hiding other stuff, too.
But wait, why would they be connected?
Maybe because we've
been sharing our shit
in support group for decades.
There's a bond between us, a connection.
Or maybe Mr. Martin was always
on to something much bigger.
Give me a pencil.
I have markers. What
color would you like?
Something that writes.
I thought this was a football
play on Wally's journal, but
Here. Look.
- It's a path.
- Would you look at that?
Guys, forget Dawn's key. Here it is.
This is the way into her scar.
Looking to relocate?
Or just breaking and entering?
I was just taking a walk.
I thought I saw something in there.
You walk your car here?
That's it parked out front, isn't it?
You know, my son almost
got killed around here
a couple weeks back.
Still haven't found who stole
his truck and plowed into him.
I'm assuming handcuffs
won't be necessary.
Remind me to never get on your bad side.
Watch your head.
Hey! What are you How'd
you even know I was here?
"Find My Friends" Your last
known location was nearby.
You gotta be smarter
if you wanna get away
with this kind of stuff.
Well, I appreciate you checking on me,
but you should just go back.
What are you doing out here?
Whose place is this, anyways?
Um Hey.
Oh ! I get it.
You do. He does. What does he get?
Uh, Diego, just go home.
Hey, man, if you're into my
sister, that's cool, but, uh
Weren't you and Maddie once a thing?
I'd be careful how
y'all break it to her.
Uh, we will. We will. Yeah,
she's fine with it, so
She is?
Mm, yeah, she hasn't said much
since we all got here, but
We? Is Maddie here?
What? No. No. I mean, she
was. But she's gone now.
And she just left you in the
middle of nowhere without a car?
- Yeah.
- We sort of walked.
It was, uh, it was
kind of like a retreat.
- Yeah.
What was that?
- Hm? What was What was what?
- That sound inside the house?
I didn't hear anything.
Did you hear something?
No, no.
Guys, I think your friend Maddie's back.
Forget this. I don't want
to dance on a full stomach.
Do you want to dance at all?
Yeah. Yeah, of course. I just, um
When they play the right song.
You sat in a circle with
Wally for decades, right?
Can you really be bugged out
by being reminded of who he was?
I'm fine. Wally is
How about this song?
- Is this OK?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, confession.
This is my first high school dance.
No shit.
I'd always get to the parking lot,
I'd sit in my wheels for
a minute, and then split.
I was anxious about being anxious.
And my parents didn't help.
All I can remember is them
convinced that every roller coaster,
every skating rink, every bouncy house
could trigger an asthma attack.
They thought I'd suffocate if
I ate my ice cream too fast.
So, trust me, I get it. If
this is all too heavy, I
Look, I'm not anxious.
I'm not. OK? I'm just
I'm just a little warm,
and I don't like all
these people looking at us.
What people? They can't
see us. We're dead.
OK, Yuri, you know what I mean. Just
- Charlie, I
- Please, just don't lay
your 70s fortune cookie
insights on me, OK?
I don't need them. I just
What I need is just some space.
Run away, turn away, run
away, turn away, run away ♪
You leave in the mornin'
with everything you own ♪
In a little black case ♪
Mother will never understand ♪
Why you have to leave ♪
But the love that you seek ♪
Will never be found at home ♪
The love that you need ♪
Will never be found at home ♪
Mrs. Johns?
What are these doing here?
[NICOLE] We came up here last minute.
We wanted to have a little
welcome home party for Maddie.
And this is how you all party?
No wonder you ran away.
How have you been?
Good, Maddie, thanks for asking.
Yeah, I'm sorry I missed you at
the college blowout last week,
but heard you made quite the impression.
So is this shindig almost
over? Because you've been gone
since Friday morning
and mom is losing it.
She is now having dad dust the
dust on top of the dust, so.
- I can't leave yet.
- You shouldn't leave either.
Say, Xavier, can you get him some water?
Ice or no ice?
I'm supposed to go back to Janet
with some mind-bending
Dream Warriors shit
about connected scars, and
light bulbs and flowers?
Did she leave anything behind
that proved she moved on?
Maddie, theories aren't
going to save you.
The girl is brilliant
and she's stubborn.
I'm going to need
something more concrete.
This is what I have,
Simon. Make it work. Hurry.
Can I get some pizza?
To go. No table service. To go only.
Simon, I don't want to
leave another message,
but I'm really
I need to hear from someone.
I need to know that she's OK.
Oh god
Officer Hanlon says he
saw you leaving the church
the night of my son's accident.
If you had an AA meeting, why
didn't you just say something?
That's a roomful of alibis.
Because it's supposed to be anonymous.
That still doesn't explain
why you were trespassing
in broad daylight when you're
already on with such thin ice.
Your plea deal just went through.
You nearly went to prison, Derek.
Did you forget about that or something?
Here. Sign that, then you can go.
You spelled your name wrong.
Sandra? Excuse me.
- Uh, can I help you?
- I don't know where Maddie is.
And I can't get any of her
friends to call me back.
Well, it is Saturday and
there are no students here.
We're actually hosting a 40th reunion.
Who is Eugene Bergstrom?
- Who?
- He's a student here.
Oh, uh I don't recognize that name.
Why is my daughter so set
on not coming back to this school?
What happened here that made her leave?
Sandra, this isn't an ideal time.
She won't talk about it.
Something happened here,
and nobody is giving me any answers.
Sandra, please.
Look, I understand
your frustrations. I do.
The investigation is ongoing,
however, and um, well,
I'd be happy to discuss it with
you further on Monday morning.
Right now, I, uh
I think you should leave.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
Yuri is, too.
No, he's not.
Will you just listen to
me before you shut me out?
Wally, you don't have to apologize
about something you did 40 years ago.
Just please hear me out.
If we were alive at the same time,
I probably wouldn't have helped you.
I probably wouldn't have thought twice
about what was happening to you.
That guy in there was right.
I was an asshole.
And I know it's too late
to make up for the shit
I did in high school,
but I swear to God,
I would flatten anyone
who tried to hurt you now.
So you're a better person
dead than you were alive.
I was a bully.
You know, I used to
go to bed every night,
just praying that I would
wake up as somebody else.
I spent my whole life
hating myself and just
just wishing that
So I cracked the bitchy jokes.
Made myself the punchline
so other people couldn't.
People like me?
Wally, anything you could
have called me back then,
I've already called
myself thousands of times.
And there are still moments
that I believe all of it.
Like I can't even just accept
that someone would actually
want to ever be with me.
Charlie. Dude. Yuri's into you.
Not anymore.
Look at me.
You're like the hottest get
in the afterlife, OK? Trust me.
Scary Potter wants to see you again.
You know I love you.
Yeah, of course.
I love you, too.
[DIEGO] So let me get this straight.
Y'all came all the
way out here to party,
but all you brought were
ice cubes and a rope?
I mean, I don't want
to kink shame, but
He's right. I'm getting hungry.
We should get some food and drinks.
Diego, can I borrow your car?
Uh, no! No, you can't
leave here, because
Right. Because we're only doing water.
Are y'all doing some sort
of group cleanse? I mean
Hey! Diego's here! And Maddie is
Standing up.
Pizza! Yes! OK,
Maddie's party can start.
We need drinks. And we should get beer.
Diego, why don't you take Claire
and go buy some stuff we legally can't?
I'll come with you.
Uh, please, Maddie.
You're the honored guest.
Diego and I need time to catch up.
- Ready?
- Yup.
I have proof.
The heat of the night
is growing so cold ♪
The heat of the night,
yeah, is growing so cold ♪
I remember those hot
nights you held me tenderly ♪
Hi. Can I get a vodka soda?
Sandra, I thought you left.
Make it a double.
Sandra, don't do this.
Can I get another?
Sandra, can I perhaps suggest
you come back on Monday?
Here, allow me to escort you out.
- Get away from me!
What? Huh? You all think
this place is so great?
Why don't you tell that to my kid?
Whose blood was smeared
on the boiler room walls.
You're telling us there was
nothing in there but flowers?
[SANDRA] The fuck away from me.
All right, I'm going. I'm going.
You know, all I wanted was some answers.
- And I deserve them, goddammit.
- Sandra, please.
All right. Fuck you.
We sure we want to leave
him in there with her?
He asked us to. He
knows what he's doing.
Can I ask you something?
Did you really see ghosts
when you were in the hospital?
That's why I went on that
thread in the first place.
You could have just told Simon.
I tried.
But with all this Maddie stuff going on,
it was like saying to Iron Man,
"Hey, check me out. I can
turn into a rock sometimes."
You were right, you know?
I'm not the person that
I said I was in our chats.
Maybe that's who I want to be.
If I was going to be that honest,
I'm glad it was you.
So how many times have you
seen Dirty Dancing?
You take that to your
grave, I swear to god.
- That's not proof.
- It was just a closet.
A closet with flowers
growing out of the walls.
What kind of flowers?
Dawn talked about them.
Janet, I know you think
things can't change.
But they have.
In your 70 years as a ghost,
the dead and the living
couldn't talk to each other.
Maddie and I can.
You are a scientist, Janet.
If one crazy new thing
can happen, can't another?
Dawn crossed over. You can, too.
I'm sorry you had to see that.
For the record, she's been doing
really well the past few weeks.
Joke's on me, huh?
I've been working so
hard to get my body back,
and that's what I'm returning to.
Maddie, your mom was going to meetings,
I know, because we went together.
It's really hard to see
someone you love backslide.
And it can be difficult to
remember that there are
many more sides to someone
than just their illness.
And sometimes
Sometimes the only way out is through.
Dawn may have crossed
over, but I got out
in this body.
And now I have a chance at
the life I always wanted.
Going to college,
a career.
Things I couldn't do in 1958.
How can you ask me to give that up?
Because none of that's
going to make you happy
if you're trapped in
someone else's body.
You left an innocent person
trapped in the school.
Hey, where are you
going? Hey? Janet, hey!
- I don't care if she's trapped.
- I don't believe you don't care.
And if it's true, it's because
you don't know Maddie like I do.
I know you feel cheated.
You were.
But based on what Maddie told me,
you have a conscience.
And a heart
as big as your brain.
I hope you do the right thing.
Can I have a moment alone?
Before we leave?
Breathing feels
different when you're alive.
[CLAIRE] Come on
- Everything OK?
- Yeah.
Any reason to slash that guy's tires?
Just drive. Please. We'll
talk on the way back.
Way back to where?
The sheriff's station?
- I mean, what the hell is going on, Claire?
- Can we please drive?
We can park anywhere else,
and I'll tell you everything,
just not here.
Excuse me, sir?
OK if I come in?
You know, uh what
you did was really brave.
finally made it out of this room and
changed your clothes and
pretended you wanted to dance
with people who are
older than our parents.
And I just ditched you.
I just walked out on
you when you were trying
to tell me about things
that are hard to talk about.
- It's OK.
- It's not.
And I'm sorry. And I want to hear more.
You were telling me about
how you were in a bubble?
Yeah. And I still am.
But at least this bubble's mine.
I've got everything I need.
Is there room for two?
For what I am, for what I am ♪
Yes, just wait to see ♪
Take me ♪
Ooh, baby, baby ♪
For what I am ♪
Oh yeah ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
Love is the power ♪
Oh yeah ♪
It will be here today, yes ♪
And it will be here tomorrow ♪
So girl, can't you see ♪
That you and I was just meant to be ♪
In love ♪
Eternally ♪
Yeah, oh yeah, baby ♪
Take me ♪
Take me, darling ♪
For what I am ♪
For what I am ♪
Yeah, yeah, darling ♪
Take me, take me ♪
The only way out is through.
- Where is she?
- Out on the dock.
- She wanted a moment to think.
- What?
- It's OK.
- What do you mean it's OK?
She's going back to the
school. Because she wants to.
And she knows she needs to.
We'll give her a few
last moments to be alive.
She didn't get that many
her first time around.
Found ya.
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