Severance (2022) s02e06 Episode Script


There was [STAMMERS] this
gray hall, but then [STAMMERS]
everything was, like, so white.
We're making progress.
It's not just waking up on a table.
It's human interaction.
This didn't feel human,
this felt like a nightmare.
I mean, why is she
rattling off a bunch of facts?
[STAMMERS] What are they doing to her?
All I know is she's essential.
She didn't even recognize me.
The Gemma you know is still in there.
And when you get her out, it will be
the two of you out here together.
You know what that is?
What do you mean?
Well, it's one of the stages.
You think about all the things you'd do,
and all the ways you'd change
to get that person back.
You'd drink less. You'd listen more.
It's dumb, but you do it anyway.
[REGHABI] It's normal.
But for me, it might actually happen.
[DYLAN] It was a sketch
of a black hallway,
with a black elevator
that only goes down.
So there's a floor beneath us.
That must be where they're keeping her.
There were directions on the back.
Well, let's see it.
I left it there, behind the poster.
Why didn't you just take it?
I just didn't, okay?
I don't wanna get in trouble right now.
Okay. Well, I don't give a shit
about that, so I'll go get it.
You said it's behind the poster
of you actually being brave?
Okay, yeah. Fuck you.
You don't know everything.
Then tell us.
It's okay.
Okay. Well,
I still have a hall pass,
so I can go to the break room now,
- and then we can start after lunch.
- Yeah. Maybe.
Did everyone sever their balls
in the elevator this morning?
I'm starving.
[HELLY] Mark?
Are you okay?
Have a seat.
I had my performance review yesterday.
How did it go?
Many valid concerns were raised,
which I look forward to addressing.
I'm glad for you.
I feel I should remind you,
you cannot graduate from this fellowship
until I have deemed you
Wintertide material.
This will mean using your time well,
focusing on your own duties,
and eradicating
from your essence childish folly.
I understand, sir.
I shall be busy for the rest of the day.
I trust you can steward
the floor in my stead?
- Of course.
- Good.
You may sit at your regular desk.
Thank you, Mr. Milchick.
- [HELLY] He threatened you?
- [MARK] As I was leaving.
In the elevator.
They're trying to intimidate us.
- Divide us.
- And also
It's so that we won't work together,
because they know what will happen
if we do. I'm gonna go get that map.
Helly, we shared vessels.
What's that?
Well, we
we had, uh, sex.
Y-You and [CHUCKLES] Like
Like, in a Wellness session?
No. Not [STAMMERS] Ms. Casey.
It was, uh, at the retreat.
[STAMMERS] In your tent.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
You mean
I mean, obviously, you know,
I thought it was you.
Uh, 'cause, you know,
I've been having those feelings since,
like, before the OTC.
So when she [STAMMERS]
I just I I had no idea, okay?
- Uh-huh.
- I'm I'm sorry, Helly.
I, uh She tricked me.
I mean, I [STAMMERS]
you know, wanted to, but she
she tricked b-both of us.
It's probably another tactic.
Something to drive a wedge between us.
- Like
- Helly
I'm gonna go for a walk.
[MARK] Helly, I'm sorry.
I thought it was you.
[HELLY] But it wasn't me.
Yeah, I'm just gonna go walk around.
[DYLAN] First date, let me guess.
- Scuba.
- [GRETCHEN] Thai food.
[DYLAN] Nice.
[GRETCHEN] Though you did take
scuba lessons last year.
[DYLAN] Yeah? Which sea?
[GRETCHEN] It It was in a pool.
[DYLAN] Okay. Cool.
- [GRETCHEN] It was a little expensive.
- [DYLAN] Oh.
You've had a lot of phases.
Scuba diving, woodworking.
Wow. So, my outie's really diverse.
Garage beer-making.
Maybe I'm trying to find something
I excel in up there,
like I do down here.
I sometimes wonder
if you're just not happy.
I'm sure it's not that.
'Cause, like, you know I mean,
here, with you, I'm super happy.
I just, like, wanna hear
about all my offspring
and stare at your face.
- Sorry. That was weird.
It was really sweet.
I like it.
I like this.
I wish we could really be together.
Like, all the time.
I mean, we are.
Aren't we?
You and him are.
But I'm not.
Is it okay if we try the hug again?
I kind of like the hugging.
Oh, hey. I was coming to find you.
Look, I am so sorry.
I can't even imagine
what it must be like to
You thought it was me.
Hundred percent.
Which means you wanted to.
With me.
What sucks is that she got
to have that, and I didn't.
That she used me to trick my friends.
Used my body to get close to you.
That she dresses me in
the morning like I'm a baby.
That she controls me,
and this company, and all of us.
It's disgusting.
Hey, do you do you want me to,
like, describe
[STAMMERS] what happened?
Like, I feel like you
have every right to know.
No, no, no. I don't want her memory.
I want my own.
[STAMMERS] Would you like that?
Yeah, I'd like that.
But how?
Ta-da. A tent.
I'm nervous.
Me too.
- You too.
- It's okay.
- Okay.
[MARK] Oh, wait.
You must eradicate from
your essence childish folly.
You must eradicate from
yourself childish folly.
You must abandon childish things.
You must grow up.
You must grow up.
Grow up.
Grow up.
Grow up.
Was it different with me?
Oh, no, you're bleeding.
No, you are.
You have two minutes left.
Humidity on the severed floor
is maintained at a consistent 45%.
It must be something else.
Did you punch him?
[STAMMERS] Uh, I mean, not today.
What were you doing
when the nosebleed occurred?
We were refining s something.
Do you have a deviated septum?
Well, I don't know what that is.
Would you like me to put
petroleum jelly in your nostrils?
[SIGHS] Uh, no, thanks.
Any other symptoms?
Any auras or hallucinations?
No. I think it stopped. I feel better.
I'm going to take your blood pressure.
[REGHABI] Where are you?
I'm at Lumon.
- What?
- What?
- Fuck. I was just
- [MISS HUANG] Mark?
Were you just at Lumon?
What time is it?
Are you at Lumon
or in your basement with me?
I I I don't know.
Do you remember a hallway?
A black hallway?
I remember, uh
[STAMMERS] I remember Okay.
I remember a desk.
[STAMMERS] I remember a desk.
I remember I remember
I remember Shit.
That was another crossover memory.
A recent one. That's good.
You'll feel gaps in time
until it all comes back together.
when the fuck is that gonna happen?
We need to enhance.
Speed up the process.
Is that safe?
There's a slight chance of hemorrhage.
Okay. So, me bleeding to death.
[REGHABI] Not necessarily.
We'll flood the chip itself.
[MARK] Flood the chip?
- [REGHABI] Through the hole in your head.
- Jesus Christ.
- [REGHABI] That you've already got.
- Okay
You know what?
Get the fuck off me.
- I am not doing this, okay?
- We're close. It's happening.
- Get this shit off right now! Please.
- We need to push!
Get it off
- [SIGHS] God. I'm fu I'm starving.
That's also from reintegration.
Okay, you know what?
I'm gonna go eat.
[IRVING] Hello.
Who the hell are you?
- [CHUCKLES] It's a joke.
- Oh.
- Come on in. Hey.
- Oh. Okay.
- What the heck?
Fields is tending the ham.
I hope you like a cumin glaze.
Oh. Ye Yes, of course.
- Do you not?
- No, I do.
[FIELDS] Attila.
Yes, Attila?
[FIELDS] Did you just
ask about the glaze?
- [BURT] I did.
- [FIELDS] Well, don't.
I've already put it on.
I was gonna say w we also have corn.
Oh, yes.
We could feed him
a pile of loose corn. [CHUCKLES]
What your innie ever saw
in this Philistine
is beyond me.
Fields, I presume.
- Irving.
- Irving.
Welcome back to our home.
Yes. I'm sorry about the last time.
I'm sure that felt quite invasive.
What's mine's yours.
And you've brought wine.
Irving, no one's ever thrown blood
on you on your way into work?
- No.
- It wasn't blood. It was paint.
[BURT] Meant to evoke blood.
Not what you said.
The Whole Mind people
are off the deep end, is my point.
And, Burt, how di how did
you come to be at the company?
- [BURT] Me?
- [IRVING] Yes, I'm very curious.
Well, as a matter of fact,
I was guided to Lumon's door by Jesus.
Jesus Christ?
That's the one. [LAUGHS]
You should just leave it at that,
let him wonder what the hell you meant.
No, we'd been attending
the Lutheran church for some years.
And I should mention that I'd been
what you might call a scoundrel
- in my younger days.
To put it mildly. [CHUCKLES]
So, one Sunday at breakfast,
Fields asked me point blank,
do I think I'm going to heaven?
Hmm. As one asks at breakfast.
I pretend to think about it,
but I know the answer is no.
To which I replied,
"What am I supposed to
do up there for eternity all by myself?"
- I see.
- So we hop on the train to church,
and it so happens the sermon that day
is about severance
- [FIELDS] Uh. Yeah.
- which was still very new at the time.
And the pastor says
As if he'd been listening
to our conversation,
he said the church's stance
is that innies are, you know,
complete individuals, with souls
that can be judged
separately from their outie.
So, an innie can go to heaven.
Whilst the outie burns.
[FIELDS] We're not zealots, I swear.
But we
we figured that if it were true,
it may be a way for part of Burt to
Oh, you know
- He's looking for the exit. [CHUCKLES]
- No, it's it's just, uh
So, the hope was for Burt's
innie to go to heaven.
Yes. With me.
[DYLAN] Gretch,
it's the end of the month.
Those salesmen are just dying to hit
their numbers
and get cars off the lot.
They'll basically be giving me money.
[SIGHS] Okay. Fine.
Just test drive only.
I won't commit to anything.
- [BABBLING] No. No.
- Thank you.
You didn't tell me how'd it go.
You went back to Lumon, right?
- Oh. [SIGHS] Um
- That good?
They canceled it.
I didn't see him you.
- Happy plate. Happy plate.
- Happy plate.
Go play with your sister.
- Canceled it? What happened?
[CLICKS TONGUE] They didn't say.
Guess you got too busy.
- Hey. Buddy. Try it. No. Okay.
- Oh. Mm-mmm. No.
Thank you.
Mark Scout.
Thought that was you.
I'm Helena Eagan. I work at Lumon.
Yeah. No, I I I
I know who you are.
Well, it's nice to officially meet you.
Have you had enough to eat?
Uh, yeah, quite possibly.
I hope they're feeding you at work.
May I?
[CHUCKLES] It's really great
to run into you.
I've heard nothing but good things
about your work, by the way.
Thank you. I've heard nothing at all
about my work, so
- Severance humor. That's so clever.
- Hmm.
And so easy.
Look, I'm sorry for the systemic error
from the other night.
The systemic error?
You mean the the overtime thing?
- Oh.
It never should have happened,
and it and it never will again.
We take pride as a company to be better
than that,
and we will be better.
- Well, that's nice to hear. Thanks.
- Of course.
So, you know all about it then.
Yes, I know all about it.
I'm, like,
the head of the company, Mark.
Right. [STAMMERS] Dumb. Sorry.
Yeah, you should be sorry.
- Really? Okay.
- I'm kidding.
You're clearly not dumb.
I don't know. You
You're the one who invented
a revolutionary medical procedure.
Hey, now, that was that was not me.
That was my father.
You should meet him sometime.
Your father?
Sure. Why not?
You wanna take me home to Dad already?
Yeah, I think it's finally time.
Okay. Sure. Let's do it.
You'd be the first.
- Oh. So, no pressure.
- Yeah. None whatsoever.
But seriously, I'd love to hear
about your experiences sometime.
Okay. Yeah.
About severance?
I I meant the overtime con
I meant the other night.
I mean, I can't imagine how confusing
that must have been.
Traumatic, even.
And I know you've already been through
so much
with losing your wife and all.
Right. Gemma. Sorry.
It was a car accident, right?
That's right.
Yeah, such a shame.
She was so young.
Thank you.
Are you all right?
I'm fine. I'm just about finished here.
Okay. Right.
Well, it was nice to meet you, Helena.
Yeah. You too, Mark.
What is it?
Good night.
We used to call each other hon,
then about ten years ago
that became Attila.
- Because Do you know history?
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- He knows history.
And it wasn't ten years ago. It was 20.
- No. No.
- Yes. Yes!
Because I remember we were having drinks
with your Lumon partner.
Quite startled him.
Didn't the first severed office
open 12 years ago?
- [BURT] Yes, it did.
- Yeah.
that's enough of that, hmm?
You know the
the corn is very special.
Do you think you two
ever made love at work?
Fields, Jesus.
Can we not just be
pragmatic adults about this?
There is a nonzero chance that
the two of you had unprotected sex.
And so, I felt the right to ask.
Are you done humiliating our guest?
[FIELDS] Sounds like I'm mad,
but I'm not.
Cards on the table.
I've been talking to
Pastor Gale about this,
and I I believe that
innies deserve to experience love.
I mean it.
And I hope it was beautiful.
Sorry for being a dick.
Let's do it.
[PANTS] Tonight.
[SIGHS] There.
How long will it take?
It'll be fast.
Fast. How fast?
[HELLY] I'm nervous.
[GASPS] What the fuck?
- Don't move like that.
- You have to keep your head still.
Ignore it.
Tell me
- [DEVON] Mark?
My car's in the driveway.
She knows I'm here.
- [DEVON] Mark.
- Yeah?
Dude, I left you, like, five messages.
Are you better?
No, I'm still sick.
Well, you can't not pick up when
we're doing corporate espionage shit.
The floodlight thing was a bust, right?
Because I have had an idea
that is a little dumber.
Okay, Devon
Do you remember
the rich lady from baby camp?
The one I, like, kind of had a crush on?
- I was thinking
- Yeah. Look, uh,
I'm already trying something else.
Okay. What are you trying?
Just don't worry about it.
- What the fuck does that mean?
- I'm doing it myself.
[STAMMERS] F-Fuck that.
Why are you trying
to cut me out of this?
[GASPS] Shit.
I'm really not, Devon.
- You You literally are. [CHUCKLES]
- Okay, fine.
I am, but I didn't ask for your help!
Fuck you, officially.
And what is that smell?
[DEVON] What smell?
Oh, my God.
- Mark.
[REGHABI] Don't touch him.
[DEVON] Who the fuck are you?
[DEVON] It's okay.
It's okay, buddy. It's okay.
It's okay.
Thank you for the spare ham.
Is Fields
He's fine.
He'll be embarrassed tomorrow.
You know, he he gets fuzzy.
Like saying I worked
at Lumon 20 years ago,
which is, of course,
before severance even existed.
Of course.
- Sorry.
- No, this this was fun.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. Yeah.
So, we should do it again sometime.
You, me, Fields? Or you, me?
[STAMMERS] No, I meant with Fields.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Yeah. But, you know, it's either way.
- Good. [CHUCKLES]
- Good night, Burt.
- Good night.
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