Sight Unseen (2024) s02e06 Episode Script
Lost in Translation
The person who paid to have me killed
is still out there.
Kye, I was sleepwalking.
Can we just look at
your security cameras?
What's it like being
in my sister's head?
opened up my world.
- She helps people.
- Sometimes.
Jake's getting transferred
to some mystery temporary assignment.
He's gonna be leaving.
Maybe for good.
So, what do you want me to do about it?
[SUNNY] Tess, he's
asking you what you think.
what's your emergency?
I-I I need help.
Please, I'm trapped.
What is your address, sir?
I don't know
I can't get out. I can't see.
What's your name, sir?
What's your name?
There's something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] I've counted at least
half a dozen people entering
as residents were leaving.
If our concierge isn't
at the front desk,
then security is abysmal.
I need another coffee.
Have you been staring at
those screens all night?
- No.
- You need to unplug that computer.
Are you kidding me? Thank
God, I'm seeing this.
How does Kye feel about you seeing that?
What's important
is the risk assessment that I am doing.
Did you steal his password?
Rigby's murder is solved.
You don't need to be afraid anymore.
Avery, I want you on a 911 call.
We have a male victim
bleeding from a head wound,
and from what we can tell,
he's locked inside a sealed oil drum.
And I thought I felt trapped.
[BENNETT] Let's walk.
My guess is the perpetrator
thought the victim was dead,
smashed his cellphone,
and threw it in with him.
We need to figure out where
this man is before he dies.
Why not just geo the phone,
pinpoint his location?
They're having trouble
triangulating the call.
There's issues with false connections,
and it's damaged.
One more thing
he's a John Doe.
The caller has no memory of who he is.
When's the last time you had a day off?
What are you, a cop?
Turn off your screens
and get some sleep.
No! What about the fish in the barrel?
It's a phone call,
there's nothing to "see".
Look, I can help you.
- I-I
- Sunny, I got this
and you are taking a break.
[SIGHS] Bloody hell.
Brunette. 5'10".
Three bad of groceries, huh?
[MAN, ON PHONE] You've
got to get me out of here.
We're going to do everything we can
to help you, sir.
My name is Tess Avery,
I'm a consultant with the Metro PD.
[MAN] It's hard to breathe.
I understand.
How much battery life
is left on your phone?
It says 40%.
And when you open recent calls,
can you tell me the numbers
of the last calls going in or out?
It's empty.
There are no calls.
[TESS] What about your contacts list?
Anybody in there?
No. Nothing.
- Okay.
- That's weird.
Maybe we can do a video call.
The camera's broken.
[TESS] Tell me about your injury.
There's blood everywhere.
Sounds like he might have been shot.
What? Who's that?
[TESS] It's Detective Leo Li, sir.
Rae's on the way to
access his condition.
Oh, God, I'm gonna die in here.
Sir, whatever happened
to you, you have survived,
so I need you to focus right now
and help me get you out of there, okay?
Can you describe yourself to me?
I have a shaved head,
I'm a big guy,
I'm White.
What about your clothes?
What are you wearing?
construction boots,
a jacket.
What can you tell me
about your surroundings?
Can you hear anything?
I hear a loud vibration.
And heavy machinery moving.
Can you remember anything at all
even the smallest detail
from right before this happened?
I'm sorry
Hey, Tess.
Sir, we have our doctor
here, Dr. Rae Brampton.
She's going to ask you a
few questions now, okay?
Hi, sir, I just want to
get a better understanding
of your condition.
Do you recall taking any medications?
I don't know.
Do you feel nauseous?
Yeah, I feel sick.
Can you take two fingers
and place them on the
inside of your wrist
and find your pulse?
Oh, it's racing.
When I tell you, I want you to start
counting the beats out loud, okay?
Ready go.
[TESS] So you think
it's a gunshot wound?
Well, someone stuffed him inside a drum.
You can bet he got a bullet
to the brain beforehand.
Well, regardless of
the cause of the injury,
the head can pose any
number of problems
seizures, loss of consciousness,
internal bleeding
[TESS] How long do you think he has?
By the sounds of it, he
should be dead already.
It's anyone's guess.
- [LEO] Thanks, Rae.
- I'm here if you need me.
What do you figure?
Well, he hears a loud vibration,
heavy equipment,
he's got construction boots on.
He's got to be on a construction site.
Yeah, or in a warehouse,
or a shipping yard.
Nothing yet from Missing Persons?
No one with his description
has been reported in the past 48 hours.
His phone's empty.
Sounds like a burner.
[SUNNY] That's my upstairs neighbour.
What are you doing?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
[MAN] I'm so dizzy.
You're not going to
fall asleep on us, okay?
It's the fumes,
they're getting to me.
What fumes?
The oil.
I think it's in the sand.
There's sand inside the drum?
Yeah, at my feet.
Can you sift through it?
I want to make sure there's
nothing buried in there,
maybe your wallet.
There's nothing but sand
Hold on
I feel something!
It's cold.
It's a gun.
Run your hand along the side,
you'll find a serial
number imprinted there.
We need that number.
- [MATT] Hey.
- [TESS] Hey.
You still use your
phone for gaming, right?
- What's up?
- I got this emergency caller,
he's got 40% battery left on his phone.
Reception is bad.
How long do you think
he has on that phone?
Four to five hours,
depending on the phone,
and if it's constantly
searching for a signal,
- it could be less.
- And I guess even worse
if he's trapped inside a metal drum.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, not this guy's best day.
Where is he?
I don't know yet.
The CO2 level's what you
need to be concerned about.
We monitor it in the classrooms.
If there isn't enough airflow,
then the carbon dioxide
that he's exhaling,
it could cause an issue
with increased heart rate,
nausea, he could pass out.
I found a match.
I gotta go. Thanks.
Registered gun owner is one Mike Nolan.
Caucasian, 5'10", 185 pounds.
He's 38 and co-owner
of VQH Construction.
- That sounds like our guy.
- I called his business,
and Mike's partner confirmed
he didn't show for work.
That company has a
project at 12th and Spruce.
It's a 12-storey high-rise,
but no sign of him showing there either.
I asked his partner to come in.
Does he know Mike's alive?
No, only that he's missing.
Good. Whoever did this, if
they know we're talking to Mike,
then we run the risk of them
going back to finish the job.
And if we don't find him soon,
he'll be dead from a lack of oxygen.
Does the name Mike Nolan
mean anything to you?
Then allow me introduce you to yourself.
You are Mike Nolan.
You own a construction company
with your business
partner, Thomas Armento,
and your girlfriend is named Ruby.
I've never heard of these people.
What matters is that they know you.
I'm so tired.
Mike! I just need you to
stay awake for me, okay?
It's very important.
[SUNNY] Yes, and we're in.
[TESS] We have reason to believe
your business partner,
Mike, might be in danger.
Do you have any idea where he might be?
No. What kind of danger?
Did you notice anything unusual
about his behaviour lately?
Why? What's going on?
Mr. Armento,
I can tell you that
we're trying to find him
and we need your help now.
What happened to your eye, Ezra?
I cut myself shaving.
How did you get the shiner?
Got into it at the bar last night.
Where'd you go afterward?
I grabbed a cab home.
- Alone?
- Why am I here?
Can you tell me a little bit
more about your business together?
Our company's struggling.
We made our business
in single-family homes,
but Mike got us into
this high-rise project
and cashflow has been a problem.
He's had trouble with the financing.
How'd you guys handle that?
Did you maybe get an unsecured loan?
Somebody got impatient about it?
I'm hands-off with the money.
- I look after the construction.
- I can imagine that extra money stress
didn't make things easy for you.
It would take more than
that to come between us.
Mike's my oldest friend.
We grew up on job sites together.
Both our fathers worked in construction.
If it weren't for Mike,
we'd still be building treehouses.
When's the last time you saw him?
at the site.
He was arguing with
our electrician, Ezra.
Par for the course with that guy.
We have a witness
who saw you arguing with
Mike Nolan yesterday.
You brought me in for that?
He's my cousin.
We had some words,
that was it.
About what?
Thomas threatened to
fire me for being late.
I was pissed.
has an attitude problem.
He comes to work hungover,
starts fights with other trades.
I tried to fire him,
but Mike
always steps in.
Look, if you know where Mike is,
now's the time to share it.
[EZRA] If I knew, I'd tell you.
Have you talked to his girl, Ruby?
[SUNNY] What are you doing now?
Is that blood?
Hey, Kye, I
[GASPING] Okay. It's okay, it's okay.
Mike's been stressed lately.
He started carrying a gun
and a burner.
Said the company owed a lot of money.
[TESS] Who'd he owe money to?
He wouldn't say, but
I didn't like the gun.
I have a sense that he didn't want
Thomas to know about the money.
And what would happen
if Thomas found out?
I think it was about
pride more than anything.
Mike didn't want anyone to
know how bad things really were.
When's the last time you saw Mike?
A week ago.
How are things between you two?
On again, off again.
Right now we're just sleeping together,
it's complicated.
Yeah, that sounds like
a lot to figure out.
It's been five years,
Honestly, I don't know why
I put up with it anymore.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
Mike's been very generous
to me and my daughter,
it's the cheating that's difficult.
I wish I could offer more help.
I think it's a mistake to let them talk.
I don't see her shoving
this guy in a barrel.
She may know who did.
Look, she knows him intimately.
his life is hanging by a thread,
she could help jog his memory.
Ruby. Come on in.
Take a seat.
Hi, Ruby.
[LEO] You're on.
[TESS] Okay, Mike. I
have someone here for you.
Babe, it's Ruby.
- Are you okay?
- I don't know who that is.
[RUBY] It's him! It's Mike.
Everybody's working
really hard to find you.
You know who I am, right?
try sharing a memory.
remember that trip to Osoyoos?
That winery we stayed at?
And then we swam in
that freezing-cold lake.
Remember that?
The lake?
I think I remember that
It was so cold, I was clinging to you.
I remember the sound
of geese flying south.
- Geese?
- And the dock
it had a slide at the end.
No. No, there was
there was
no dock.
It was a beach.
What about the black and
white party last summer?
We stayed up all night
listening to your records.
Our life sounds real nice.
What do you mean sounds?
I'm sorry.
I have no idea who you are.
[TESS] Oh, Ruby.
I'm not someone you just forget!
- Okay? And don't think I don't know that
- [TESS] Let's cut this short.
And don't think I don't know about
that girl that Binky saw you with, okay?
I hope you rot in that tin
can forever, you little prick.
So I heard screams,
and then I heard a body drop,
and then half an hour later,
he was dragging two big
garbage bags like a madman.
You're going to have
to check those bins.
Sunny, have you been sleepwalking again?
No, I was awake.
This was 30 minutes ago.
So you left the apartment?
Because that would be good.
The rest of this is not good.
I saw him.
On the security cameras.
- What do you mean?
- It doesn't matter.
We can discuss this later.
Right now I really need your help.
But how did you gain access to the
You lifted my password.
- Not exactly
- When I logged in on your computer,
you stole my password?
How could you do that?
Kye, a crime is unfolding
- Oh!
- As we speak.
Kye, don't walk away from me!
Kye, I'm sorry.
I can't take anymore of this.
- I understand.
- No, you don't understand.
I'm in the dark here.
I've gotta get out of here.
I've gotta get out.
Okay, Mike, listen to me.
I need you to stay calm, okay?
[TESS] Mike
What's going on?
[TESS] Mike!
Talk to me. Are you all right?
I can't breathe.
Okay. I know.
Just tell me what just happened.
I knocked this thing over.
I can't breathe.
He's suffocating in there.
He needs to calm down.
He needs to fire that gun.
It's the only way to
get air inside the drum,
otherwise he's going to pass out.
And if the bullet ricochets, then what?
- You got a better plan?
- It's a good idea,
but I'll get Ballistics to weigh in
before I make that decision.
We don't have time for this.
If he passes out, this is over.
This guy can barely talk,
let alone shoot straight.
This is his only option.
You're either going to save him
or kill him.
[SUNNY] It's not like
I robbed a bank or I murdered someone.
You listened to me.
You believed me.
Thank you, Kye.
No. No. No, no, no, no!
Oh, my God.
Why would you go in there?
[LEO] You're on.
You don't squeeze the trigger,
it's a steady pull, okay?
Fire the gun when you're ready.
[TESS] Mike, are you okay?
[MIKE] There's air.
I can feel the air.
[TESS] That's really good.
Okay, what do you see outside?
There's a concrete wall
and drums.
They're marked for disposal.
Any other signage?
Is there anything else that
identifies the building?
Concrete. [COUGHS]
I'm exhausted.
I just need a little sleep.
You mentioned the lake
and the dock when you
were talking to Ruby.
What was that? Was that a memory?
It's all hazy.
Okay, think back for
me, what else do you see?
There are other kids.
Okay, do you think that's
something from your childhood?
It's it's a camp.
And there's a bugle horn sounding
They're calling us for lunch.
A bugle horn for lunch.
I think your memory
might be coming back.
[LEO] Yes, and get me
those as soon as you can.
Not one oil drum on
that construction site.
We're interviewing their trades.
I submitted a warrant
for their bank activity,
but then I found this.
There was a work-related
death on their jobsite
- six months ago.
- Who was the victim?
A 20-year-old kid named Josh Ritter
Ezra's apprentice.
Thomas never mentioned that.
Yeah. Ezra never mentioned it either.
Thomas had no problem
throwing shade on Ezra.
Could be a motive there.
All right, we've got
half a dozen uniforms
to search working sites
throughout the city.
Come on, that's not enough.
We don't have the resources.
And the streets are tied up with
the Cycle for Diabetes event.
We need to find
something more substantive
for the Chief to authorize
a citywide Easter egg hunt.
Sir, there is a man's
life at stake here.
And we have no idea where he is.
There are 50 permitted
work sites right now.
He could be in a disposal yard
or a warehouse for all we know.
Where are we with suspects?
I checked the girlfriend's alibi.
- It's solid.
- All right, let's find out
more on this deceased kid.
We can hold your people for 24 hours.
And we're lucky if Mike lasts one.
How did Mike react
to his worker's death?
He was devastated.
And the family of the victim?
Did they threaten to sue?
Maybe blamed Mike?
Everyone knew it was an accident.
Well, it must have created tension
between the two partners?
Those two are like brothers,
but I know Mike was worried.
About what exactly?
He didn't say, but he blamed
Ezra for what happened.
Why didn't you tell us
about Josh Ritter's death?
It's not something I'm proud of.
Oh, yeah?
You were more than happy
to talk about wanting to fire Ezra,
and Josh was his apprentice,
he was his responsibility.
Mike wouldn't let me fire Ezra
and the incident was ruled an accident.
Oh, come on.
[LEO] Josh Ritter
that's a real tragedy.
What happened?
He was a good kid.
[LEO] How did he die?
What's this have to do with Mike?
Last thing a builder needs
is a death on their jobsite.
Something like that,
you can't sweep it under the rug.
It festers.
Is that what came between you two?
Do I need a lawyer?
Are you guilty of something?
The Accidental Death Report.
Worker at fault.
I just don't see how you go back to work
like nothing happened.
You're saying Mike and
Thomas didn't blame you?
What about the kid's family?
A young man died, Ezra.
Okay! The site was unsafe.
That's not on me.
There's no mention here
of the site being unsafe.
You want to be on the
right side of this.
You have a family,
don't make things difficult for them.
If you have information
about where Mike is,
you need to tell me.
It wasn't the kid's fault.
The electrical room was a mess.
It had a revolving door of trades,
people cutting through walls,
rerouting wires,
not knowing what the
hell they were doing.
You're saying Josh
stepped into a death trap?
Mike thought it would
destroy the company
if they were found at fault.
He begged me to lie.
So we pinned the work on my apprentice.
He was dead anyway, right?
Come on, Kye,
what's going on in there?
Tess was right, I should have unplugged.
[LEO] We're talking about a cover-up,
corporate criminal liability.
It has to be the reason
why Mike's in that drum.
Yeah, but why would Ezra
keep quiet about all this?
He doesn't have a stake in the company.
[LEO] Well, he's Mike's cousin.
That's a lot to ask of anybody.
What if it was made worth his while?
We're losing Mike, I
can hear it in his voice.
We can't let him die in there.
I thought I was going to
die alone in the dark once.
A few years ago,
I pull into a gas station
to use the restroom,
and while I'm doing my
business, the light goes out.
It's on one of those timers.
I'm completely in the dark.
So I do up my pants,
and I reach for the wall to
guide me back to the door
and then I hear "Shh!"
beside me.
Someone else was in there.
So I jumped backwards,
start swinging.
I can't see a thing,
I think I'm done for.
I finally make my way back to
the light switch, turn it on.
And no one's there.
And then I hear it
from the soap dispenser.
Look, I know this is a lot,
but we're getting close.
Let's lean into the partner.
I'm gonna talk to Mike.
Goddamnit, it's blocked.
Where are you, Kye?
It is blood.
Why aren't you updating me?
What's going on?
[TESS] We're close, Mike,
we're really close to finding you.
You're lying to me.
I'm going to die in here, aren't I?
No, you are not.
What about that lake
from your childhood?
- The camp?
You said the dock had a slide?
I I had a friend with me.
You remember someone?
We were joined at the hip.
Was it your cousin? Was his name Ezra?
I don't know.
Where are you right now?
I'm in an interview room.
Describe it to me.
Take my mind somewhere else.
It smells in here.
Like they haven't changed
the air filter in a while.
I can hear the ceiling
vent humming above me.
There's a light breeze
going down my back.
I'm sitting in an armchair.
It's cold, like the room.
It's nice having someone in my ear.
I know the feeling.
What else do you see?
I don't.
At least not much.
I'm clinically blind.
And you're a cop?
Police consultant.
How does that work?
Well, solving cases isn't
always about what you see.
Is that why they put you with me?
No, it's because I'm good at my job.
I can't stop thinking
that you might be the
last person I ever talk to.
Not if I have anything to do with it.
Can you believe I'm afraid of the dark?
I've never shared that.
Tell me something
you've never told anyone.
I should stick to the task at hand.
Whatever you say I'm
gonna forget in an hour.
You're not going to give
a dying man his last wish?
I left home when I was 15.
Lived on the street.
When my mom died, I came back
and tried to take my
little brother with me.
We couch surfed for a while,
but eventually,
Child Services caught up with us,
stuck him in foster care.
Truth is, I was glad
they took him away
because every day I
thought I was failing him.
And when he was gone, I could
pretend he was okay
pretend I didn't care.
My phone's going into low-power mode.
We need to hang up.
You've got to save your battery.
What if I can't reach you again?
You will, Mike.
I promise.
Call from Matt Alleyne.
[MATT] How did you make
out with your caller?
It's still active.
He's still trapped?
Yeah. We think he's
at a construction site.
Have you contacted the Trades Union?
If they're anything like the Teachers',
they're a brotherhood.
We could reach out and get them
to do a search of their sites.
- We?
- Yeah, I got some free time.
We're not even 100% sure
he's at a jobsite.
It's worth a try.
You said you're running
out of time, right?
- Where's Sunny?
- She was up all night.
I told her to relax.
what's your emergency?
Yes, hi. I called 15 minutes ago,
and my concierge is inside
a tenant's apartment, and
Ma'am Ma'am, we received your call.
The police are on the way.
Well, where are they?
The police have been dispatched, Ma'am.
Um, look,
I have footage of my
neighbour covered in blood!
Ma'am, it shouldn't be long.
Screw it.
One foot in front of the other.
[SUNNY] Oh, no!
We know about the
cover-up of Josh's death.
He wasn't at fault,
your jobsite was unsafe,
and you and Mike worried
that news of his death
would ruin your business.
The question is,
what went so wrong
that someone would want Mike dead?
Ezra was blackmailing us.
Mike paid him 50K to shut him up.
I told Mike to stop paying him,
and that didn't sit well with Ezra.
Okay, okay,
I know I look like an
[MUTED] for accepting it
but I couldn't give Josh his life back,
so, yeah, I took the money.
And when Mike stopped paying you
that's when you took
matters into your own hands.
I got paid.
Thomas said Mike turned the tap off.
Thomas didn't know about the money.
Mike was adamant I keep our
deal between the two of us.
He didn't want Thomas to find out.
I am so sorry, Kye.
Are you sure you're okay?
I should be the one to apologize
for the nuisance I've caused.
It's the one-year anniversary
of my wife's death,
and it's been a difficult week.
Pete was moving out
some of her belongings
and painting the apartment.
He had two garbage bags
full of paint stuff,
some of her clothes,
that he was taking to the garbage room.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
- I shouldn't have
- Yeah.
I'm so sorry I was
wrong about all of this.
I really am.
this is work, I really
have to take this.
[MATT] I've got some
traction with the union.
They've agreed to
contact their membership,
they just need a formal
request from the police first.
- Done.
- [SUNNY] We should coordinate a work stoppage
so that everyone can search at once.
It's asking a lot for them
to shut down construction.
[SUNNY] Well, one horn
blast is all it would take.
Like a camp bugle horn.
Sunny, that's it.
[SUNNY] What did I say?
[TESS] We don't need
to stop work everywhere.
We just need to blast
a horn on every site.
We can schedule it in time slots,
so that when Mike hears it,
we can match the time and locate him.
- That might work.
- [SUNNY] Tess, I might have something.
I was on the union's socials
and ran a reverse image
search for Josh Ritter.
He's tagged in a bunch of pics
with high-ranking union organizers.
Okay, so he was pro-union?
Mike's construction company
runs a non-union site.
Well, that would explain why they
got away with so many safety hazards.
It doesn't make sense for Josh to
be working at a non-union company.
Unless he was trying
to unionize the workers.
[SUNNY] What if Josh's
death wasn't an accident?
Josh Ritter was on that
jobsite specifically to unionize.
Did anyone find out?
[SUNNY] I'm betting Thomas did.
I have a list of the
workers he signed up.
Are you suggesting
that the electrocution of this young man
was deliberate?
[SUNNY] It raises the question.
Yeah, it's possible.
That's why I put you on this call.
Finding the perpetrator
will have to wait.
Right now the priority is finding Mike.
Do you hear any horns? Anything?
Even the faintest sound?
[TESS] Okay.
[LEO] Three jobsites left.
This is stressing me out.
- Mike?
[TESS] Did you hear it?
I heard it.
All right, let's get his
location and move out.
[MAN] Come on, faster. Come on. Quickly.
Check everything, check everything,
and look around on the
other side, all right?
Back and forth. Look behind it.
[MAN] I'll check both spots.
- He's here!
- Come on!
He's over here! Help me!
Get him out!
[TESS] We found Mike.
They've taken him to the hospital.
Thought you might want to know.
I'd like to see him.
[TESS] Oh, that's not
possible right now.
You know what, though,
something strange did come up.
The site manager, where we found Mike,
he told us that you rented
one of their excavators.
Said he even gave you a
key to visit after hours.
I guess you thought
Mike would be long gone
before we found out
about that visit, huh?
[SUNNY] He's scared.
We also know you discovered
Josh Ritter was trying
to unionize your workers.
That little stunt with
the electrical panel
that wasn't an accident, was it?
What I want to know is
why not just fire him,
you know?
I mean, were you trying to
send a signal to the union?
You have no proof.
I have Josh's recruitment list.
And you fired everyone on it.
[SUNNY] He doesn't know about
Mike's memory loss, Tess.
[TESS] I also have Mike's testimony.
[SUNNY] He believes you.
[TESS] Oh, yeah. He told me all about
that camp you went to as kids,
how you were friends for life.
My guess that loyalty
didn't go so far as murder,
though, did it?
The kid was going to ruin our business.
Yeah, and you were willing
to protect that at any cost.
I thought Mike was
stealing from the company.
I confronted him
when we met to look at the excavator.
When I found out it was hush money,
I was relieved.
I thought he'd understand
what I had done.
I only wanted to injure
the kid. It was an accident.
[SUNNY] There it is.
Mike didn't accept that, though, did he?
He pulled a gun,
he said he was going to call the cops.
I tried to stop it.
Josh's death was an accident.
What about shooting
your friend in the head?
Leaving him to die in a barrel?
Was that an accident, too?
[LEO] Thomas Armento,
you are under arrest
for the attempted murder of Mike Nolan.
Hey, Kye.
Before you say anything,
I just want you to know
that I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have copied your password.
I mean, it was wrong,
and I am not going to log in
to your security cameras again.
I promise.
Oh, okay, well,
I did change my password, so.
Good, that's good.
Sunny, I like you.
I like you, too.
And I had hoped that, at
some point in the future,
that maybe we could
have gone out on a date
out into the world
you know, into the real world.
it just feels like you're
As your friend, I think
you could use some help.
this is the Upper West Side,
and 25% of our tenants are therapists
of some sort or another,
and I know that they would love
to help a neighbour in need,
maybe you could call one.
[TESS] So tell me everything.
You don't want to hear
crap about my wedding.
I do.
Look, as your Best Woman,
I demand to know how
the hell it's going.
it's going pretty great, actually.
We just picked out a photographer today.
She's awesome.
Lucas, that's great.
I'm pumped.
Family photos aren't
something we have a lot of.
Yeah, I guess I wouldn't
call Mom sentimental.
She was a touch expressive.
You remember that day she got so mad,
she threw a plate
and it went straight through the window?
Oh, Mom.
You know, she'd be really
proud of you right now.
She always told me to take care of you.
I'm sorry I didn't do a better job.
Are you joking?
You were a kid, just like me.
Plus, look at us now.
Planning my own wedding.
Poor Craig.
What? No, no, no, no.
Drink up.
There something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There something in the shadows ♪
The person who paid to have me killed
is still out there.
Kye, I was sleepwalking.
Can we just look at
your security cameras?
What's it like being
in my sister's head?
opened up my world.
- She helps people.
- Sometimes.
Jake's getting transferred
to some mystery temporary assignment.
He's gonna be leaving.
Maybe for good.
So, what do you want me to do about it?
[SUNNY] Tess, he's
asking you what you think.
what's your emergency?
I-I I need help.
Please, I'm trapped.
What is your address, sir?
I don't know
I can't get out. I can't see.
What's your name, sir?
What's your name?
There's something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] I've counted at least
half a dozen people entering
as residents were leaving.
If our concierge isn't
at the front desk,
then security is abysmal.
I need another coffee.
Have you been staring at
those screens all night?
- No.
- You need to unplug that computer.
Are you kidding me? Thank
God, I'm seeing this.
How does Kye feel about you seeing that?
What's important
is the risk assessment that I am doing.
Did you steal his password?
Rigby's murder is solved.
You don't need to be afraid anymore.
Avery, I want you on a 911 call.
We have a male victim
bleeding from a head wound,
and from what we can tell,
he's locked inside a sealed oil drum.
And I thought I felt trapped.
[BENNETT] Let's walk.
My guess is the perpetrator
thought the victim was dead,
smashed his cellphone,
and threw it in with him.
We need to figure out where
this man is before he dies.
Why not just geo the phone,
pinpoint his location?
They're having trouble
triangulating the call.
There's issues with false connections,
and it's damaged.
One more thing
he's a John Doe.
The caller has no memory of who he is.
When's the last time you had a day off?
What are you, a cop?
Turn off your screens
and get some sleep.
No! What about the fish in the barrel?
It's a phone call,
there's nothing to "see".
Look, I can help you.
- I-I
- Sunny, I got this
and you are taking a break.
[SIGHS] Bloody hell.
Brunette. 5'10".
Three bad of groceries, huh?
[MAN, ON PHONE] You've
got to get me out of here.
We're going to do everything we can
to help you, sir.
My name is Tess Avery,
I'm a consultant with the Metro PD.
[MAN] It's hard to breathe.
I understand.
How much battery life
is left on your phone?
It says 40%.
And when you open recent calls,
can you tell me the numbers
of the last calls going in or out?
It's empty.
There are no calls.
[TESS] What about your contacts list?
Anybody in there?
No. Nothing.
- Okay.
- That's weird.
Maybe we can do a video call.
The camera's broken.
[TESS] Tell me about your injury.
There's blood everywhere.
Sounds like he might have been shot.
What? Who's that?
[TESS] It's Detective Leo Li, sir.
Rae's on the way to
access his condition.
Oh, God, I'm gonna die in here.
Sir, whatever happened
to you, you have survived,
so I need you to focus right now
and help me get you out of there, okay?
Can you describe yourself to me?
I have a shaved head,
I'm a big guy,
I'm White.
What about your clothes?
What are you wearing?
construction boots,
a jacket.
What can you tell me
about your surroundings?
Can you hear anything?
I hear a loud vibration.
And heavy machinery moving.
Can you remember anything at all
even the smallest detail
from right before this happened?
I'm sorry
Hey, Tess.
Sir, we have our doctor
here, Dr. Rae Brampton.
She's going to ask you a
few questions now, okay?
Hi, sir, I just want to
get a better understanding
of your condition.
Do you recall taking any medications?
I don't know.
Do you feel nauseous?
Yeah, I feel sick.
Can you take two fingers
and place them on the
inside of your wrist
and find your pulse?
Oh, it's racing.
When I tell you, I want you to start
counting the beats out loud, okay?
Ready go.
[TESS] So you think
it's a gunshot wound?
Well, someone stuffed him inside a drum.
You can bet he got a bullet
to the brain beforehand.
Well, regardless of
the cause of the injury,
the head can pose any
number of problems
seizures, loss of consciousness,
internal bleeding
[TESS] How long do you think he has?
By the sounds of it, he
should be dead already.
It's anyone's guess.
- [LEO] Thanks, Rae.
- I'm here if you need me.
What do you figure?
Well, he hears a loud vibration,
heavy equipment,
he's got construction boots on.
He's got to be on a construction site.
Yeah, or in a warehouse,
or a shipping yard.
Nothing yet from Missing Persons?
No one with his description
has been reported in the past 48 hours.
His phone's empty.
Sounds like a burner.
[SUNNY] That's my upstairs neighbour.
What are you doing?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
[MAN] I'm so dizzy.
You're not going to
fall asleep on us, okay?
It's the fumes,
they're getting to me.
What fumes?
The oil.
I think it's in the sand.
There's sand inside the drum?
Yeah, at my feet.
Can you sift through it?
I want to make sure there's
nothing buried in there,
maybe your wallet.
There's nothing but sand
Hold on
I feel something!
It's cold.
It's a gun.
Run your hand along the side,
you'll find a serial
number imprinted there.
We need that number.
- [MATT] Hey.
- [TESS] Hey.
You still use your
phone for gaming, right?
- What's up?
- I got this emergency caller,
he's got 40% battery left on his phone.
Reception is bad.
How long do you think
he has on that phone?
Four to five hours,
depending on the phone,
and if it's constantly
searching for a signal,
- it could be less.
- And I guess even worse
if he's trapped inside a metal drum.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, not this guy's best day.
Where is he?
I don't know yet.
The CO2 level's what you
need to be concerned about.
We monitor it in the classrooms.
If there isn't enough airflow,
then the carbon dioxide
that he's exhaling,
it could cause an issue
with increased heart rate,
nausea, he could pass out.
I found a match.
I gotta go. Thanks.
Registered gun owner is one Mike Nolan.
Caucasian, 5'10", 185 pounds.
He's 38 and co-owner
of VQH Construction.
- That sounds like our guy.
- I called his business,
and Mike's partner confirmed
he didn't show for work.
That company has a
project at 12th and Spruce.
It's a 12-storey high-rise,
but no sign of him showing there either.
I asked his partner to come in.
Does he know Mike's alive?
No, only that he's missing.
Good. Whoever did this, if
they know we're talking to Mike,
then we run the risk of them
going back to finish the job.
And if we don't find him soon,
he'll be dead from a lack of oxygen.
Does the name Mike Nolan
mean anything to you?
Then allow me introduce you to yourself.
You are Mike Nolan.
You own a construction company
with your business
partner, Thomas Armento,
and your girlfriend is named Ruby.
I've never heard of these people.
What matters is that they know you.
I'm so tired.
Mike! I just need you to
stay awake for me, okay?
It's very important.
[SUNNY] Yes, and we're in.
[TESS] We have reason to believe
your business partner,
Mike, might be in danger.
Do you have any idea where he might be?
No. What kind of danger?
Did you notice anything unusual
about his behaviour lately?
Why? What's going on?
Mr. Armento,
I can tell you that
we're trying to find him
and we need your help now.
What happened to your eye, Ezra?
I cut myself shaving.
How did you get the shiner?
Got into it at the bar last night.
Where'd you go afterward?
I grabbed a cab home.
- Alone?
- Why am I here?
Can you tell me a little bit
more about your business together?
Our company's struggling.
We made our business
in single-family homes,
but Mike got us into
this high-rise project
and cashflow has been a problem.
He's had trouble with the financing.
How'd you guys handle that?
Did you maybe get an unsecured loan?
Somebody got impatient about it?
I'm hands-off with the money.
- I look after the construction.
- I can imagine that extra money stress
didn't make things easy for you.
It would take more than
that to come between us.
Mike's my oldest friend.
We grew up on job sites together.
Both our fathers worked in construction.
If it weren't for Mike,
we'd still be building treehouses.
When's the last time you saw him?
at the site.
He was arguing with
our electrician, Ezra.
Par for the course with that guy.
We have a witness
who saw you arguing with
Mike Nolan yesterday.
You brought me in for that?
He's my cousin.
We had some words,
that was it.
About what?
Thomas threatened to
fire me for being late.
I was pissed.
has an attitude problem.
He comes to work hungover,
starts fights with other trades.
I tried to fire him,
but Mike
always steps in.
Look, if you know where Mike is,
now's the time to share it.
[EZRA] If I knew, I'd tell you.
Have you talked to his girl, Ruby?
[SUNNY] What are you doing now?
Is that blood?
Hey, Kye, I
[GASPING] Okay. It's okay, it's okay.
Mike's been stressed lately.
He started carrying a gun
and a burner.
Said the company owed a lot of money.
[TESS] Who'd he owe money to?
He wouldn't say, but
I didn't like the gun.
I have a sense that he didn't want
Thomas to know about the money.
And what would happen
if Thomas found out?
I think it was about
pride more than anything.
Mike didn't want anyone to
know how bad things really were.
When's the last time you saw Mike?
A week ago.
How are things between you two?
On again, off again.
Right now we're just sleeping together,
it's complicated.
Yeah, that sounds like
a lot to figure out.
It's been five years,
Honestly, I don't know why
I put up with it anymore.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
Mike's been very generous
to me and my daughter,
it's the cheating that's difficult.
I wish I could offer more help.
I think it's a mistake to let them talk.
I don't see her shoving
this guy in a barrel.
She may know who did.
Look, she knows him intimately.
his life is hanging by a thread,
she could help jog his memory.
Ruby. Come on in.
Take a seat.
Hi, Ruby.
[LEO] You're on.
[TESS] Okay, Mike. I
have someone here for you.
Babe, it's Ruby.
- Are you okay?
- I don't know who that is.
[RUBY] It's him! It's Mike.
Everybody's working
really hard to find you.
You know who I am, right?
try sharing a memory.
remember that trip to Osoyoos?
That winery we stayed at?
And then we swam in
that freezing-cold lake.
Remember that?
The lake?
I think I remember that
It was so cold, I was clinging to you.
I remember the sound
of geese flying south.
- Geese?
- And the dock
it had a slide at the end.
No. No, there was
there was
no dock.
It was a beach.
What about the black and
white party last summer?
We stayed up all night
listening to your records.
Our life sounds real nice.
What do you mean sounds?
I'm sorry.
I have no idea who you are.
[TESS] Oh, Ruby.
I'm not someone you just forget!
- Okay? And don't think I don't know that
- [TESS] Let's cut this short.
And don't think I don't know about
that girl that Binky saw you with, okay?
I hope you rot in that tin
can forever, you little prick.
So I heard screams,
and then I heard a body drop,
and then half an hour later,
he was dragging two big
garbage bags like a madman.
You're going to have
to check those bins.
Sunny, have you been sleepwalking again?
No, I was awake.
This was 30 minutes ago.
So you left the apartment?
Because that would be good.
The rest of this is not good.
I saw him.
On the security cameras.
- What do you mean?
- It doesn't matter.
We can discuss this later.
Right now I really need your help.
But how did you gain access to the
You lifted my password.
- Not exactly
- When I logged in on your computer,
you stole my password?
How could you do that?
Kye, a crime is unfolding
- Oh!
- As we speak.
Kye, don't walk away from me!
Kye, I'm sorry.
I can't take anymore of this.
- I understand.
- No, you don't understand.
I'm in the dark here.
I've gotta get out of here.
I've gotta get out.
Okay, Mike, listen to me.
I need you to stay calm, okay?
[TESS] Mike
What's going on?
[TESS] Mike!
Talk to me. Are you all right?
I can't breathe.
Okay. I know.
Just tell me what just happened.
I knocked this thing over.
I can't breathe.
He's suffocating in there.
He needs to calm down.
He needs to fire that gun.
It's the only way to
get air inside the drum,
otherwise he's going to pass out.
And if the bullet ricochets, then what?
- You got a better plan?
- It's a good idea,
but I'll get Ballistics to weigh in
before I make that decision.
We don't have time for this.
If he passes out, this is over.
This guy can barely talk,
let alone shoot straight.
This is his only option.
You're either going to save him
or kill him.
[SUNNY] It's not like
I robbed a bank or I murdered someone.
You listened to me.
You believed me.
Thank you, Kye.
No. No. No, no, no, no!
Oh, my God.
Why would you go in there?
[LEO] You're on.
You don't squeeze the trigger,
it's a steady pull, okay?
Fire the gun when you're ready.
[TESS] Mike, are you okay?
[MIKE] There's air.
I can feel the air.
[TESS] That's really good.
Okay, what do you see outside?
There's a concrete wall
and drums.
They're marked for disposal.
Any other signage?
Is there anything else that
identifies the building?
Concrete. [COUGHS]
I'm exhausted.
I just need a little sleep.
You mentioned the lake
and the dock when you
were talking to Ruby.
What was that? Was that a memory?
It's all hazy.
Okay, think back for
me, what else do you see?
There are other kids.
Okay, do you think that's
something from your childhood?
It's it's a camp.
And there's a bugle horn sounding
They're calling us for lunch.
A bugle horn for lunch.
I think your memory
might be coming back.
[LEO] Yes, and get me
those as soon as you can.
Not one oil drum on
that construction site.
We're interviewing their trades.
I submitted a warrant
for their bank activity,
but then I found this.
There was a work-related
death on their jobsite
- six months ago.
- Who was the victim?
A 20-year-old kid named Josh Ritter
Ezra's apprentice.
Thomas never mentioned that.
Yeah. Ezra never mentioned it either.
Thomas had no problem
throwing shade on Ezra.
Could be a motive there.
All right, we've got
half a dozen uniforms
to search working sites
throughout the city.
Come on, that's not enough.
We don't have the resources.
And the streets are tied up with
the Cycle for Diabetes event.
We need to find
something more substantive
for the Chief to authorize
a citywide Easter egg hunt.
Sir, there is a man's
life at stake here.
And we have no idea where he is.
There are 50 permitted
work sites right now.
He could be in a disposal yard
or a warehouse for all we know.
Where are we with suspects?
I checked the girlfriend's alibi.
- It's solid.
- All right, let's find out
more on this deceased kid.
We can hold your people for 24 hours.
And we're lucky if Mike lasts one.
How did Mike react
to his worker's death?
He was devastated.
And the family of the victim?
Did they threaten to sue?
Maybe blamed Mike?
Everyone knew it was an accident.
Well, it must have created tension
between the two partners?
Those two are like brothers,
but I know Mike was worried.
About what exactly?
He didn't say, but he blamed
Ezra for what happened.
Why didn't you tell us
about Josh Ritter's death?
It's not something I'm proud of.
Oh, yeah?
You were more than happy
to talk about wanting to fire Ezra,
and Josh was his apprentice,
he was his responsibility.
Mike wouldn't let me fire Ezra
and the incident was ruled an accident.
Oh, come on.
[LEO] Josh Ritter
that's a real tragedy.
What happened?
He was a good kid.
[LEO] How did he die?
What's this have to do with Mike?
Last thing a builder needs
is a death on their jobsite.
Something like that,
you can't sweep it under the rug.
It festers.
Is that what came between you two?
Do I need a lawyer?
Are you guilty of something?
The Accidental Death Report.
Worker at fault.
I just don't see how you go back to work
like nothing happened.
You're saying Mike and
Thomas didn't blame you?
What about the kid's family?
A young man died, Ezra.
Okay! The site was unsafe.
That's not on me.
There's no mention here
of the site being unsafe.
You want to be on the
right side of this.
You have a family,
don't make things difficult for them.
If you have information
about where Mike is,
you need to tell me.
It wasn't the kid's fault.
The electrical room was a mess.
It had a revolving door of trades,
people cutting through walls,
rerouting wires,
not knowing what the
hell they were doing.
You're saying Josh
stepped into a death trap?
Mike thought it would
destroy the company
if they were found at fault.
He begged me to lie.
So we pinned the work on my apprentice.
He was dead anyway, right?
Come on, Kye,
what's going on in there?
Tess was right, I should have unplugged.
[LEO] We're talking about a cover-up,
corporate criminal liability.
It has to be the reason
why Mike's in that drum.
Yeah, but why would Ezra
keep quiet about all this?
He doesn't have a stake in the company.
[LEO] Well, he's Mike's cousin.
That's a lot to ask of anybody.
What if it was made worth his while?
We're losing Mike, I
can hear it in his voice.
We can't let him die in there.
I thought I was going to
die alone in the dark once.
A few years ago,
I pull into a gas station
to use the restroom,
and while I'm doing my
business, the light goes out.
It's on one of those timers.
I'm completely in the dark.
So I do up my pants,
and I reach for the wall to
guide me back to the door
and then I hear "Shh!"
beside me.
Someone else was in there.
So I jumped backwards,
start swinging.
I can't see a thing,
I think I'm done for.
I finally make my way back to
the light switch, turn it on.
And no one's there.
And then I hear it
from the soap dispenser.
Look, I know this is a lot,
but we're getting close.
Let's lean into the partner.
I'm gonna talk to Mike.
Goddamnit, it's blocked.
Where are you, Kye?
It is blood.
Why aren't you updating me?
What's going on?
[TESS] We're close, Mike,
we're really close to finding you.
You're lying to me.
I'm going to die in here, aren't I?
No, you are not.
What about that lake
from your childhood?
- The camp?
You said the dock had a slide?
I I had a friend with me.
You remember someone?
We were joined at the hip.
Was it your cousin? Was his name Ezra?
I don't know.
Where are you right now?
I'm in an interview room.
Describe it to me.
Take my mind somewhere else.
It smells in here.
Like they haven't changed
the air filter in a while.
I can hear the ceiling
vent humming above me.
There's a light breeze
going down my back.
I'm sitting in an armchair.
It's cold, like the room.
It's nice having someone in my ear.
I know the feeling.
What else do you see?
I don't.
At least not much.
I'm clinically blind.
And you're a cop?
Police consultant.
How does that work?
Well, solving cases isn't
always about what you see.
Is that why they put you with me?
No, it's because I'm good at my job.
I can't stop thinking
that you might be the
last person I ever talk to.
Not if I have anything to do with it.
Can you believe I'm afraid of the dark?
I've never shared that.
Tell me something
you've never told anyone.
I should stick to the task at hand.
Whatever you say I'm
gonna forget in an hour.
You're not going to give
a dying man his last wish?
I left home when I was 15.
Lived on the street.
When my mom died, I came back
and tried to take my
little brother with me.
We couch surfed for a while,
but eventually,
Child Services caught up with us,
stuck him in foster care.
Truth is, I was glad
they took him away
because every day I
thought I was failing him.
And when he was gone, I could
pretend he was okay
pretend I didn't care.
My phone's going into low-power mode.
We need to hang up.
You've got to save your battery.
What if I can't reach you again?
You will, Mike.
I promise.
Call from Matt Alleyne.
[MATT] How did you make
out with your caller?
It's still active.
He's still trapped?
Yeah. We think he's
at a construction site.
Have you contacted the Trades Union?
If they're anything like the Teachers',
they're a brotherhood.
We could reach out and get them
to do a search of their sites.
- We?
- Yeah, I got some free time.
We're not even 100% sure
he's at a jobsite.
It's worth a try.
You said you're running
out of time, right?
- Where's Sunny?
- She was up all night.
I told her to relax.
what's your emergency?
Yes, hi. I called 15 minutes ago,
and my concierge is inside
a tenant's apartment, and
Ma'am Ma'am, we received your call.
The police are on the way.
Well, where are they?
The police have been dispatched, Ma'am.
Um, look,
I have footage of my
neighbour covered in blood!
Ma'am, it shouldn't be long.
Screw it.
One foot in front of the other.
[SUNNY] Oh, no!
We know about the
cover-up of Josh's death.
He wasn't at fault,
your jobsite was unsafe,
and you and Mike worried
that news of his death
would ruin your business.
The question is,
what went so wrong
that someone would want Mike dead?
Ezra was blackmailing us.
Mike paid him 50K to shut him up.
I told Mike to stop paying him,
and that didn't sit well with Ezra.
Okay, okay,
I know I look like an
[MUTED] for accepting it
but I couldn't give Josh his life back,
so, yeah, I took the money.
And when Mike stopped paying you
that's when you took
matters into your own hands.
I got paid.
Thomas said Mike turned the tap off.
Thomas didn't know about the money.
Mike was adamant I keep our
deal between the two of us.
He didn't want Thomas to find out.
I am so sorry, Kye.
Are you sure you're okay?
I should be the one to apologize
for the nuisance I've caused.
It's the one-year anniversary
of my wife's death,
and it's been a difficult week.
Pete was moving out
some of her belongings
and painting the apartment.
He had two garbage bags
full of paint stuff,
some of her clothes,
that he was taking to the garbage room.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
- I shouldn't have
- Yeah.
I'm so sorry I was
wrong about all of this.
I really am.
this is work, I really
have to take this.
[MATT] I've got some
traction with the union.
They've agreed to
contact their membership,
they just need a formal
request from the police first.
- Done.
- [SUNNY] We should coordinate a work stoppage
so that everyone can search at once.
It's asking a lot for them
to shut down construction.
[SUNNY] Well, one horn
blast is all it would take.
Like a camp bugle horn.
Sunny, that's it.
[SUNNY] What did I say?
[TESS] We don't need
to stop work everywhere.
We just need to blast
a horn on every site.
We can schedule it in time slots,
so that when Mike hears it,
we can match the time and locate him.
- That might work.
- [SUNNY] Tess, I might have something.
I was on the union's socials
and ran a reverse image
search for Josh Ritter.
He's tagged in a bunch of pics
with high-ranking union organizers.
Okay, so he was pro-union?
Mike's construction company
runs a non-union site.
Well, that would explain why they
got away with so many safety hazards.
It doesn't make sense for Josh to
be working at a non-union company.
Unless he was trying
to unionize the workers.
[SUNNY] What if Josh's
death wasn't an accident?
Josh Ritter was on that
jobsite specifically to unionize.
Did anyone find out?
[SUNNY] I'm betting Thomas did.
I have a list of the
workers he signed up.
Are you suggesting
that the electrocution of this young man
was deliberate?
[SUNNY] It raises the question.
Yeah, it's possible.
That's why I put you on this call.
Finding the perpetrator
will have to wait.
Right now the priority is finding Mike.
Do you hear any horns? Anything?
Even the faintest sound?
[TESS] Okay.
[LEO] Three jobsites left.
This is stressing me out.
- Mike?
[TESS] Did you hear it?
I heard it.
All right, let's get his
location and move out.
[MAN] Come on, faster. Come on. Quickly.
Check everything, check everything,
and look around on the
other side, all right?
Back and forth. Look behind it.
[MAN] I'll check both spots.
- He's here!
- Come on!
He's over here! Help me!
Get him out!
[TESS] We found Mike.
They've taken him to the hospital.
Thought you might want to know.
I'd like to see him.
[TESS] Oh, that's not
possible right now.
You know what, though,
something strange did come up.
The site manager, where we found Mike,
he told us that you rented
one of their excavators.
Said he even gave you a
key to visit after hours.
I guess you thought
Mike would be long gone
before we found out
about that visit, huh?
[SUNNY] He's scared.
We also know you discovered
Josh Ritter was trying
to unionize your workers.
That little stunt with
the electrical panel
that wasn't an accident, was it?
What I want to know is
why not just fire him,
you know?
I mean, were you trying to
send a signal to the union?
You have no proof.
I have Josh's recruitment list.
And you fired everyone on it.
[SUNNY] He doesn't know about
Mike's memory loss, Tess.
[TESS] I also have Mike's testimony.
[SUNNY] He believes you.
[TESS] Oh, yeah. He told me all about
that camp you went to as kids,
how you were friends for life.
My guess that loyalty
didn't go so far as murder,
though, did it?
The kid was going to ruin our business.
Yeah, and you were willing
to protect that at any cost.
I thought Mike was
stealing from the company.
I confronted him
when we met to look at the excavator.
When I found out it was hush money,
I was relieved.
I thought he'd understand
what I had done.
I only wanted to injure
the kid. It was an accident.
[SUNNY] There it is.
Mike didn't accept that, though, did he?
He pulled a gun,
he said he was going to call the cops.
I tried to stop it.
Josh's death was an accident.
What about shooting
your friend in the head?
Leaving him to die in a barrel?
Was that an accident, too?
[LEO] Thomas Armento,
you are under arrest
for the attempted murder of Mike Nolan.
Hey, Kye.
Before you say anything,
I just want you to know
that I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have copied your password.
I mean, it was wrong,
and I am not going to log in
to your security cameras again.
I promise.
Oh, okay, well,
I did change my password, so.
Good, that's good.
Sunny, I like you.
I like you, too.
And I had hoped that, at
some point in the future,
that maybe we could
have gone out on a date
out into the world
you know, into the real world.
it just feels like you're
As your friend, I think
you could use some help.
this is the Upper West Side,
and 25% of our tenants are therapists
of some sort or another,
and I know that they would love
to help a neighbour in need,
maybe you could call one.
[TESS] So tell me everything.
You don't want to hear
crap about my wedding.
I do.
Look, as your Best Woman,
I demand to know how
the hell it's going.
it's going pretty great, actually.
We just picked out a photographer today.
She's awesome.
Lucas, that's great.
I'm pumped.
Family photos aren't
something we have a lot of.
Yeah, I guess I wouldn't
call Mom sentimental.
She was a touch expressive.
You remember that day she got so mad,
she threw a plate
and it went straight through the window?
Oh, Mom.
You know, she'd be really
proud of you right now.
She always told me to take care of you.
I'm sorry I didn't do a better job.
Are you joking?
You were a kid, just like me.
Plus, look at us now.
Planning my own wedding.
Poor Craig.
What? No, no, no, no.
Drink up.
There something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There something in the shadows ♪