Sky Rojo (2021) s02e06 Episode Script

Lobster for Death Row Inmates

["Black Betty" by Ram Jam playing]
[engine slows then halts]
Hey. We're gonna stay another night.
You should've told me that
before checking out.
- How many people?
- [Wendy] Only three today.
- Am I charging the same card?
- We'll give you cash.
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing and vibrating]
- Gonna get that?
- Hmm?
[phone ringing]
You wanna get that?
[phone ringing]
Yes, we're not on call,
so we really don't wanna answer.
[engine starts]
Whoa, Black Betty ♪
Whoa, Black Betty ♪
Black Betty had a child ♪
The damn thing gone wild ♪
She said, "I'm worrying outta mind" ♪
The damn thing gone blind ♪
I said oh, Black Betty ♪
Whoa, Black Betty ♪
Whoa, Black Betty ♪
Whoa, Black Betty ♪
She really gets me high ♪
- Get in here.
- [Fermín] No.
[Wendy] Sit down.
- [coughs]
- [phone ringing]
[phone ringing louder]
Is that my mother?
Everyone out! Now!
[song swells then fades]
What the fuck, Wendy?
You blew a hole in the hand of a guy
that we need to help us.
What are we supposed to do
with a terrified guy bleeding to death?
- She did it on purpose.
- No, no, no. That's not true. No.
Wendy, we said we'd scare him,
not fucking shoot the guy.
I thought he was reaching to grab it.
It was self-defense, I swear.
So now what do we do? Hmm?
That was our last bullet.
We have no more ammo.
Sorry. Fuck. Sorry.
We can't rob a van without any weapons.
You know that.
Then we We won't rob it, then.
Look, we can find money somewhere else,
or we can get a regular job.
Let me think, OK?
[lighter clicks]
[Coral] We were so scared about going back
to normal life and not being able to cope,
about seeing how it was going
to spit us out like a spin-dryer,
that we would rather
rob a van full of pimps.
It wasn't because we wanted
to buy yachts and jewels.
It was sheer panic.
Girls, I might know
where we can get some weapons.
Finally, some good news.
- But it's kinda weird.
- Weird how?
[chuckles] Like a hunters' lodge?
A cemetery.
You get to stay here with the DIY guy
since you shot him. Hmm?
[Coral] Back then,
I thought everything was possible.
Mainly because I thought
Moisés and Christian were far away.
And that Romeo would send
two rookies with no experience
to get the money from his club,
and it'd be easy to take them by surprise.
I was wrong.
Isn't it great
to have us all together again?
I'm glad you're back.
And to prove I'm not gonna
hold anything against you,
I'm gonna make a gesture of my trust.
Tomorrow, you'll be transporting
the earnings from the clubs in the van.
So as usual? To Madeira?
No. Not as usual.
Beefcake and Xuan will go with you.
Double escorts.
I wasn't planning to involve
anyone outside the family,
but I have to train
new generations now, boys.
Just in case you decide
to up and leave me again.
Listen, we're here a hundred percent.
But let me tell you two things, Romeo.
One, this guy here, he's my brother.
You're just the boss.
And two, my brother and me
have done all sorts of shit for you.
So the way I see it, now you owe us.
It ain't the other way.
[ominous music playing]
The bullet came out clean,
not a single tendon harmed.
I read you're fine
if you can pinch your fingers.
- [grunts]
- Can you do that?
Can you do it?
[grunting and breathing heavily]
[phone ringing and vibrating]
That's my mom, right?
If I don't answer, she'll call the police.
[keypad beeps]
- [Fermín] Mom?
- Fermín! Where have you been all day?
Sorry, Mama. I just forgot to call you.
What do you mean you forgot?
It's 10:00 p.m.
And you left for a coffee at 10:00 a.m.
I'm out with those friends,
the ones who came to the store.
And then, we went for a drink,
uh, a few drinks
and then lost track of time.
- Mama?
- Are you with them?
- Are they with you right now?
- Yes, they are.
Well, just one.
Which one?
Uh, the blonde one.
But I'm staying over at her house,
so don't wait up for me.
I I'm not coming home tonight.
- Let me speak to her.
- No, no, no. Mom, no. You can't do that.
Why not? You've never introduced me
to a single girl in your life.
Good evening.
Hello. What's your name?
Wendy, hey, excuse me
for calling so many times.
I just got worried about him.
Fermín doesn't usually go out.
Well, he doesn't go out like that.
[chuckles] I mean, without saying
where he's going and for so long.
It's not that I control him.
No. He goes out with his friends,
and sometimes he does come back late.
Do you like rice?
On Sundays I make paella.
You could come, be my guest.
Sure. I would love that.
So sorry, but we've gotta go.
The waiter's waving at us,
our table's ready.
- I love you, Mommy.
- Bye, son
[knock at the door]
[knock at the door]
[ominous music playing]
Good evening.
What's up?
I forgot to mention we didn't get a chance
to change your sheets or towels
because you left the sign out.
[chuckles] Silly us.
Forgot to take it down.
I'll leave you a bottle of water,
and here's a snack, too.
If you want,
I can send someone to clean it.
We're good.
[Coral] Not all men
who solicit prostitutes
do it for the same reasons.
In that respect,
as in everything, there are clichés.
If you think about it, 100-200 guys
pass through Romeo's club every day.
And it'd be untrue to paint
every last one of them as bastards.
[suspenseful music playing]
Some are gentle.
Some feel guilty.
- Others just wanna talk.
- Know what I mean?
And some who just wanna watch.
Some who don't have anyone
to have sex with. Or simply don't want to.
There are ones fleeing from romance,
girlfriends, wives
There are abusers, too.
[metal crashes]
["El Novio de la Muerte" by Fuerza Nueva
playing in Spanish]
[Coral] There's one thing
they all have in common.
They all come to the club to escape.
It's bizarre that they go to a place
which for us is a prison
in order to feel free
and to hide from their lives.
Or, in Colonel Espinosa's case,
to hide from death.
I am a man whom fate ♪
Wounded with the claw of a beast ♪
Bienvenido, Colonel.
Tonight, all the brides belong to you.
In here, we make love.
And if you order it, we make war.
[laughs] Thanks.
[Coral] The Colonel was a retired soldier
with three passions.
- The Army
- ¡Viva España!
- [all] ¡Viva!
- [Coral] Spain,
and Gina.
[magical music playing]
When he was informed
his chemotherapy hadn't worked,
his friends organized
a farewell party for him in style.
- [music stops]
- No, Gina.
I'm not afraid to die.
When I got my retirement,
that was like a living hell.
Having to be at home with my wife,
getting the groceries
That's why I'm here and not with her.
I bought two dogs.
The garden
I signed up with the gastronomic society.
And I've managed
to collect a good number of weapons.
And are those weapons real?
- Of course. I still have my gun license.
- Hmm.
I've spent a chunk of my savings on them.
Each one is a collector's item.
- From World War II.
- Ooh.
And is that what you're leaving
your kids in the will?
To a real estate agent
and a building engineer? No.
They wouldn't appreciate them.
Come on now. Stop it.
Your friends got
the whole club just for you.
You know, even when a condemned prisoner
gets asked what he wants to eat,
even if they gave him lobster,
he'd still choke on it.
Even though it's a delicacy,
it's not what he fancies.
Well then, what do you fancy?
How about a handy?
Would you walk with me on the beach?
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Romeo] Christian,
I want you to come with me.
To where?
It's a surprise.
To welcome you back.
[ominous music playing]
[Romeo clears his throat]
Why don't you sit in the front?
We don't want Beefcake
to feel like a cabdriver.
[suspenseful music playing]
[engine starts]
[engine revs]
[suspenseful music builds then fades]
[effort grunts]
- Are you scared of dying, Coral?
- No.
You're only scared about dying
when there's someone who cares, Gina.
Family, a child, a lover
I'm not scared.
[concrete grinds]
My family back in Cuba
wouldn't shed too many tears if I died.
And this child inside me
is too little to miss me.
[concrete grinds]
And Moisés?
It's just you sounded kinda weird
when you said goodbye to him, so
[melancholic music playing]
Did you fall for him?
Fall for a guy who kidnaps women
and takes money to let us get raped?
No way, Gina.
[concrete grinds]
In fact, he told me
we would never meet again.
And you know what I said?
If only.
That's a shitty farewell, huh?
One last push?
[concrete grinds, crashes]
- [Coral grunts]
- [Gina] Watch out.
There aren't any weapons.
He said he was gonna be buried
with his weapons. That was his last wish.
Want a potato chip?
I've never been good at talking to girls.
But it's different with hookers.
[melancholic music playing]
You don't need to be friendly,
special, witty
Everything is easy.
That's why when you refused me
Well, when you looked at me with disgust
I went crazy.
I was hurt.
[music stops]
Did it hurt?
[sighs] How could I be so blind?
Sorry, Fermín. It just didn't occur to me
that since I work in a club,
I don't get a say.
- No. That's not what I meant.
- It is.
Yes, it is.
[melancholic music playing]
I got to forget myself for a while,
and I got a drink,
and I got to dance with my friends,
leave it all in the dust.
And that's when you showed up
to remind me
that I'd never be able to forget.
[melancholic music playing]
[music swells then fades]
[engine revs]
[menacing music playing]
[lighter clicks]
[menacing music builds]
[Moi] Get rid of the body.
I'll clean in here.
["Lo que te Mereces" by Viva Suecia
playing in Spanish]
It seems that nobody died today ♪
The balance is still intact ♪
All the urgent things ♪
Will be urgent if you're there ♪
I read it on a mug ♪
I'm aware of the danger ♪
The good things are what happen to us ♪
Anything else is not living ♪
- [thud]
- [song ends suddenly]
[breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music swells]
[yells inaudibly]
[suspenseful music continues]
[tires screech]
[dramatic beat]
Where are we going?
[dramatic beat fades]
[Romeo breathes heavily]
[ominous music playing]
That's your father's grave.
It's more than 20 years ago.
It was raining, and it was
the first illegal thing I did in my life.
I did it for your brother and for you.
[melancholic music playing]
- Moisés, here!
- Come help me!
[thunder rumbles]
[thunder rumbles]
I have your mother. I could things
the nasty way, but I don't want to.
I brought you here
to remind you who you are.
To tell you that I became who I am
the same moment I buried your father.
I just really wanna have
a normal life, Romeo.
I would've also loved having
a life that's normal.
But I don't get a say.
It'd be unfair for you to have that choice
and not me, don't you think?
[footsteps approaching]
Stay right there.
Hold on.
once we tie up all these loose ends,
we all leave.
But not now.
We can't jump off the ship like rats.
Tell me you understand me, please.
[melancholic music playing]
[cries] How fucking dare you say
that we're not family?
[music swells then fades]
This coffin is weird, Gina.
It's too deep.
- [Gina] What are you doing?
- [grunts]
Help me.
[dramatic beat playing]
[beat echoes]
[rock music playing]
[rock music continues]
[door opens]
[rock music stops]
Had you come to visit before?
See Papa's grave?
[ominous music playing]
We'll stick it out a little bit longer.
The three of us, like always.
The "three of us" are done.
I've got a plan to get rid of Romeo.
What plan?
We're gonna rob the van
and steal his money.
[suspenseful music builds then stops]
[funky instrumental music playing]
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