Sleeper Cell s02e06 Episode Script


Previously, on Sleeper Cell Now anytime, you'd like to learn more about Islam, I'm always here.
Something about being stalked by a psychotic you-know-whatorist, stresses me out.
Your boyfriend thinks he can do whatever he wants, but he can't.
You want me to go behind his back? No fucking way! Don't you ever think about what you're doing? How you make it up to God? I had no idea you were-- a Bible thumper.
I'm not a Bible thumper.
I need new papers and a way out of Canada.
Sarajevo! Different world, brother.
Before I kill you because you're a Muslim, you kill me for being Serb.
Not anymore.
My lawyer says we could probably win if we petition the court for custody of Marcus.
What if I spy on him.
Watch Darwyn for you.
Would you make her stop then ? Welcome my brother.
You are truly back from the dead.
We must strike first, we must be heard.
Orders are to pick-up the shipment Wednesday night, port of L.
- Think it's a nuclear payload? - That's where my money is.
My name is Kader Bachir Al-Abadi.
I am the shipment you've been waiting for.
Son of a bitch! Where is the nuclear shit? Situation's changed.
Because of that, I am prepared to take you up on your offer.
- Do we have a deal? - Yeah.
Yeah, we have a deal.
Transcript $ synchro: Anyone/Unet/Sixe (V.
90) Episode 6 - School Private first class, Mario Ortiz.
I'm impressed.
Everything seems to have gone smoothly in preparation for our day of martyrdom.
Of course, this should be credited to your leader, brother Darwyn Al-Hakim.
Yet, things must change as they always do in life.
You will no longer be taking order from brother Al-Hakim.
Because from now on, you'll be taking them from me.
By the way, brother Farik says "Hello".
My courier has brought your emails from Ryad.
What's wrong? Our faithless dog Aziz.
He's demanding 10 million dollars to complete the nuclear transfer.
I should have kill him and his all family.
What is the problem? He wants the cash wired in the next 48 hours! Well, that is definitely a concern.
What Aziz is asking is impossible.
With Allah, all things are possible.
My cousin across the border in Yemen, has been complaining about a problem in his home town.
So? So his problem, may be our solution.
Salim and our new boss have been in there for ever, man.
Any idea what so? He's probably getting instructions, for the attack.
Or he fucked up and Karrah's slowly torturing him.
What the hell is up with the reception? Sorry, it's the best we can do.
The radiation shieldings interfere with the microwave.
That makes it almost impossible to transmit out.
Then the walls are too damn thick to drill to install a hardline.
Sister Mina, please join me.
So How will you enjoy my cousin's hospitality ? His hospitality knows no bound.
And his home is an oasis and everywhere Not exactly a typical school in the mountains of Yemen! It is an abomination.
You don't see value in offering the children exposure to modern technology, western science, philosophy? What has been taught in our madrasas for centuries, has been more than enough for the believers.
I'm so happy we're here.
With a brother who is finally taking this threat seriously.
I trust you will plant this sting off our land.
Yuseer, my friend! Suheil ! Salaam aleikum.
Aleikum salaam.
As I promised, Nahif Al-Falasi.
It's truly an honor.
Your family is well-respected in the peninsula.
Nah, the honor is mine.
And I must say, I am very impressed by your remarkable work for the children of Yemen.
It is all very exciting.
Look at our most recent additions to our curriculum: interactive CDroms dealing with the great philosophers: Aristotle, Socrates This one is on Plato.
Where is the one on Osama? I'm just joking, of course.
Sadly, that's all the West knows of our intellectual heritage.
Great muslim philosophers, such as Ibn Al-Rachid even Sinaa, are virtually unknown in America and Europe.
But not here! We examine the teachings of all the great muslim scholars: the mysticism of Al-Kazhaali, the historical methodology of Ibn Khaldun Our western curriculum does not supplant the traditional studies, it complements it.
That is why we have come to meet your business partner.
Of course, yes of course.
Tyler is anxious to meet with you as well.
Excuse the mess.
There's always some mess on the construction of a facility.
This is just the plumbing, but we can do without it for the time being.
Brother Benito? I never thanked you for what you did for me.
With Mr.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, thank you anyway.
You're my brother, and I'll always love you as my brother.
Everything's all right, brother Darwyn? Yeah, sure.
Please, come with me.
Right this way.
Grainger, good afternoon.
Oh, call me Tyler.
My pleasure.
- Please - May I? Yes, sorry.
So, huh How can I help you? Well, it's more like how I can help you.
Okay, well I'm all ears.
Well you can expan your educational endeavors into the kingdom.
Now, those lots in Nianbeh, won't they primarily stated for commercial interest? Why would you want to develop them into a non-profit schools? My family's become very successful due to the opportunity provided by a patron in the Saudi royal family.
We feel it is our duty to give back to society.
I share your philosophy.
No I don't believe in handouts ? but I do believe in spending my money building schools and libraries.
L'éducation permet de combattre la pauvreté.
Tyler is a muslim at heart.
The prophet Mohammad, peace be upon Him, has made it very clear on one of his hadith.
Seek knowledge, even if you must go to China.
What a coincidence Made in China.
With your permission, I would like to speak to my father and begin discussions on using those lots, potential sights for more of your schools.
Of course.
The more schools I can build, the better.
But assure your father that I need his contacts, not his cash.
I have enough money to finance a thousand schools in Arabia.
I wouldn't say that too loudly, Tyler.
Yemen is famous for two things: his coffee and its bandits.
How did she manage this? I can't disclose up.
I sign away any future type of custody, you take five years off my son's sentence.
That's not something a manucurist can just do.
You're asking me to choose between my son's future and my grandson's.
You do me a favor.
You tell them.
Bitchy daughter in law of mine I hope she chokes on that black cock she's been sucking.
Hey, Mina! What are you doing here? Thought I'd come by, say hello.
Maybe set a playday with the kids I take care of.
You know what? That's really nice but he's very young, so I'm six and three quarters! We really should be going.
Gayle I know I can be very direct sometimes, but please don't be mad at me.
I'm not mad at you.
No, are you sure? You'd tell me if you were, right? We don't know each other very well and I'd like you to be honest with me.
Of course! Always be honest.
Isn't it right, Marcus? Honesty is the best policy! We hate liars! So, what do you want, Mina? And don't say "no" until I'm finished.
But there are other women just like you.
They come together in a group, to discuss things, exploring the Qu'ran for answers to their problems.
Well, my boyfriend isn't asking me to convert Islam.
Well, neither am I.
I'm just asking you to listen, and bring an open mind.
Well I don't know Mina.
Let me see if maybe I can get a sitter for Marcus.
Bye! - Bye Marcus! - Bye! Come on baby, let's hurry up.
Pull over here, Darwyn.
Nice view.
How does it connect to our attack operation? Listen.
You need to start levelling with me about the plan.
I have been running this cell for weeks.
And we've accomplished everything that the basis asked for, man, everything! You're marching here and talk to my people behind my back, you keep me out of the loop.
How am I supposed to help you when you don't tell me what's going on ? You can not do this alone.
I was one of brother Farik's loyal soldiers, he trusted me.
You're right, Darwyn.
You have proved your loyalty to the cause.
I can't tell you everything.
But I can tell you that we're getting radioactive material we need from San Onofre power plant.
We have a contact there, who will be smuggling out in the next 48 hours.
And then, we shall begin the final phase of our operation.
Now, no more question.
We have an errand to run.
Hey Lorenzo! How's it hanging, bro? Benny V.
! What's up man? Haven't seen you in a while.
You're still boosting cars on Boyle Heights? Shit.
That's old news.
I moved up, little man.
Making some serious con these days.
More serious shit, in another country.
Problem is, there was a little glitch in the system.
I got this special suitcase, needs to make its destination on time or a whole lot of serious motherfuckers don't get paid.
Now I can pass some serious money on to you, my man if you can help me, put that suitcase on the flight it needs to go on.
I don't know Benny, I mean Security is extra tight these days.
Lorenzo I'm not asking you to smuggle a bomb in a bottle of Gatorade.
That's just some drugs in the suitcase, bro.
Serious money? Just how serious? Go back to the hospital and wait for me.
Ilija? Ready! Aim! Fire! I give this condoleances Mrs Ortiz, and thanks from the grateful nation.
I need more background on Karrah.
Nothing, fucker's highly trained.
He's running professional countersurveillance patterns all over.
In other words, you lost him.
It's fucking great, Russell.
Whenever you want to help us out, give us a little more intel on what's going on, that would be great.
Shut up and listen.
That's exactly what I'm about to do.
The nuclear materials are coming out from San Onofre.
- The power plant? - That's right.
Karrah's got a man in the inside.
He'll be smuggling something out sometimes within the next 48 hours.
I'm guessing, fuel rods, or enriched uranium of some kind.
You just set up all over that plan, man.
Lock him up tight, wait for Karrah to make his move.
I'm on it.
Something else Make sure your surveillance operation guys keep an eye on Mina and they don't need to watch like a fucking hawk.
She said goodbye to me today.
She said it like it was for good.
Who can tell me what rights the first amendement to the US constitution guarantees? Sumarajam? Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the press, and freedom to assemble peaceably and petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Yes you have a question, Sauf? Now The Holy Qu'ran says there should be no compulsion in religion.
Think about that.
Muslims believed in the freedom of religion the US constitution was even written.
Only people who have weak faith are afraid to learn about other people's conscious and religion.
And when you learn more about others, you discover that they are not as different as you first believed.
I would like cheddar cheese on my hamburger.
I would like Cheddar cheese On my Hijab! I would like Private lessons with professor Voyslav! In English! Mladic eats ass! You see something you like? I heard you rent special interest vehicles, here.
Shopping for a ride, huh? Can you be a little more specific about that special interest thing? Do you want this ambulance or this Galerade? It's not necessary.
I just I want to rent the one you have out back.
Excuse me for asking, but Are you persian? Look I know that coming out of the closet is really hard for you Iranian guys.
But you're among friends, here.
Look, you've got the wrong idea about me.
I just want to rent the vehicle, is that alright? Suit yourself.
I just need a valid driver's license and a credit card.
Mina came to visit me again.
At Marcus' camp.
What happened? Nothing new.
She still wants to be friends.
Look, Gayle, I'm sorry To put you and Marcus through all of this.
I never wanted this to happen.
In truth I don't know when I'm gonna be able to take that teaching job at Quantico.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that that answer is probably never.
I kind of figured.
You know, I don't know how you do it.
Being keeping it all to yourself.
I just had a taste of what you go through every day, and I can barely stand it.
You must be so alone! Who can you talk to? Who can understand what you're going through? And you have to hang around almost every day with a bunch of psychopaths who're fucking up your religion.
I know that they must say and do all sorts of shit that makes you angry.
But you can't tell anyone.
You just have to keep it all bottled up inside.
I don't have a choice.
Hey, you do.
You can talk to me.
I mean, not every single thing you do can be top secret.
I guess not.
So tell me how you spent your day.
I I took a drive to an overlook.
On the Westside.
Great view of the city.
How hard it was then? It'd be nice if we wake up tomorrow and the whole world would just change.
You know? Yeah.
Jesus Christ! Who are you? Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman? No, I'm sorry.
It's just Fuck, you know that makes me uncomfortable.
Let's talk about it.
Dinner tonight.
I know this great thai restaurant in Largemount.
For Christ's sake, man! Everything's fine as long as we're fucking.
That's it, huh? Nothing else? You can't be seen with me in public, afraid your your buddies from the the mosk would catch us and report you to Allah? You don't know anything about it, okay? About my religion, about me! Don't you ever take God's name in vain in front of me again.
Now if you know, it's good for you.
How can I know anything more about you? You won't let me! That's what I'm trying to change.
It's not like that, Jason okay? It can't be.
Not with me.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Listen, I got to go.
Because you're pissed off at me.
No, it's just I have to attend a funeral, that's all.
Jasuf, it's late man.
What's the problem? Tyler Listen.
I've been kidnapped.
What? They want you to transfer If you don't do this, they say that I will be killed.
Are you fucking kidding me? Is this some sort of joke? Tyler, don't do it.
Don't give them any mone I would advise you to ignore your friend.
Unless you've complied with our request, we will kill him.
Who the hell is this? I have a bank routing number and an account number.
Unless you want to look for a permanent substitute teacher, I suggest you write them down.
Get in.
So What did you get out of our boy? Not much.
He told me he went driving and stopped to some overlook.
Saw some view of the city.
Scouting possible targets? Just I don't know! Gayle, next time, you get details.
What part or parts of LA where they looking at specifically, who was he with.
Okay, yeah.
I just come out with a: "Hey honey, "the FBI got me spying on you, so you'd better tell me everything or else" What are you asking to yourselves? I mean, you guys are supposed to be working together, remember? You're right! You're right.
That's good advice.
That's what I'll do.
Meanwhile, mmm, we've got a female undercover to watch your back tonight at that islamic sisterhood meeting with Mina.
You got to be kidding me? Anything that keeps Mina distracted from Darwyn is good for him, and you, if you want to keep custody of your child.
Of course, in the end, Wendy let them fly away together.
Her last glimpse of her shows her all the window, watching them receding into the sky, until they were as small as stars.
- Just one more story, please, Mina.
- No, no.
Brush your teeth, get in to bed.
If your mum gets home and you two are still up, I'm in trouble.
Hey guys? Come here.
You both know I'm very fond of you, right? We love you, Mina.
Sure we do, you're like, totally cool.
Go and clean up for bed.
And Cody? Put toothpaste on your brush tonight, I'm gonna smell your breath afterwards, mister.
Who are you? Answer me! Are you CIA? Nothing yet.
Just have to be patient.
What are we doing here, man? What happened to San Onofre? I fucking hate cemetaries, man.
What's hadiths said about how sinners are tormented in the graves, scare the shit out of me.
Angels will copper nails scratch their faces, pull the rise up for eternity while the walls in the graves are closed.
Stay focused! We have an important job to do.
The contents of this grave will have a great value to us.
You fucking lied to me, didn't you? I'm sorry Darwyn, but I was only maintaining operational security.
The same as you've been doing all this time.
Where's Mina? Why isn't she here? She has her own mission.
Disturbing the dead is haram.
He ain't gonna complain.
This is alpha station to alpha remote.
Do you have eyes on the asset and the target? Check.
Come on in honey, we're muslims, not aliens.
Oh, I I was just surprised to see that not all of you are wearing the headscarf.
Hi, Gayle.
The hijab is only when we are out with a stranger man.
As we muslims women are too sexy for our own good.
Okay, then.
Asalaam aleikum, sisters.
I wanna welcome a new participant to our gathering.
Gayle ? Hi.
I regret to inform you that you are now trapped with the muslim fanatics.
There's no way out.
Just a little islamophobia here, my honey.
I got a million of'em.
But tonight, we are going to discuss something serious.
Patience, for the americam muslim women.
Now, sister, you wrote the email that prompted tonight's discussion topic.
Please share.
After 9/11, people would look at me and stare.
Sometimes I want to stop wearing my hijab when I go out, but I feel like I'd be betraying my faith.
What does it say in the holy Qu'ran about patience? Only should ask! "O ye who believe, seek out with patience, perseverance and prayer "for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.
" Yasuf.
Yasuf, are you alright? Yes, yes, thank you.
Oh my God! I thought you supported our school! I do support this school, Mr.
But if you're gonna teach school in the desert, you're gonna have to do it our way.
I'll have you know that I am a friend of the chief of the criminal investigation department of the Yemeni national police.
And I plan on reporting this crime to him, personally! As your new business partner, I would strongly advise against doing that.
Spare you school stands gathering dust and it becomes dust.
Are you threatening me? There are no threats in Arabia, Tyler.
Just promises.
Think of your donation as an act of philanthropy.
Maybe your accountant can use it as a tax raider.
Wait a minute! A cemetary? What the fuck are you talking about? Private Mario Ortiz went to Iraq seeking glory, But we he found was an IED guided by God's hand.
Just a foot soldier following orders.
In another life, I could have been him.
Then thank Allah that your book of Destiny was different.
Will we get this shit done? Get the fuck outta here? Please? The town's people are staying away.
They must have heard that the brotherhood is against us.
I still say we should have blown that damn school up.
We took 10 million dollars of his money.
Push a man just far enough, and you can get what you need and declare victory.
Push him too far and your arrogance will turn that victory into defeat.
Did you get the money hardwired? Good.
Now how do I get into Disneyland? I'm not here, leave a message.
Darwyn, where the hell are you? Russell made me go to this meeting with Mina and I've been stuck with the psycho for hours.
This self-righteous bitch tried to lecture me on morality, can you believe it? Call me, as soon as you get this, okay? I love you.
Where is God's paradise? Paradise is in the shadows of the swords.
How is my english now, professor Voyslav? Your brother has been looking for you.
Ilija Korjenic.
What the hell are you talking about? My brother is dead, my whole family is dead.
Your brother is still alive.
And we are your family.
I missed you my brother.
The Cause has missed you.
They said you were dead.
You should know by now, my brother.
A martyr never dies.
That kid wasn't old enough to vote.
But he was old enough to kill muslims in Iraq! And old enough to die there.
This, my brothers is the next September 11.

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