Sullivan's Crossing (2023) s02e06 Episode Script



You called her?

Ah, don't mind him.
He's, uh he's got a lot on his mind.
Phoebe, didn't expect to see you again.
FRANK: We should go inside
and leave these two to it.
Happy to.
It's been too long, Phoebe.
Oh, it's okay.
I wasn't exactly
expecting a warm welcome.
Well, I'm glad you're here.
Oh. Me too, sweetheart.
Me too.
Let's, uh let's
head over to the house,
get you settled.
Got a lot to talk about.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Is this as good as it's gonna get? ♪
I've given all I can give ♪
But the rivers still
get wider, wider ♪
We've been here all along ♪
Through the valleys, we carry on ♪
The journey takes us higher, higher ♪
This could be your home,
if we try to build it ♪
This could be your life
that's one in a million ♪
All the hard times,
yeah, they were worth it ♪
Time and time and time again ♪
Time and time and time again ♪
You know, it's bad enough
the whole town knows
I screwed up! Now, Walter does, too!
I don't think it's
good idea for you to get
this worked up, Sully.
He's got a point.
You're still recovering.
Phoebe is rubbing my
nose in it. I know it,
and Walter's always thought
he was better than me.
And I'm not going to prove him
right by taking their handout,
especially when I have other options.
I need some air.

PHOEBE: I cannot believe that
everything looks exactly the same.
Hey. Is it okay that I came?
Uh, it's just, I was worried about you.
You sounded so upset
the last time we spoke,
but I'm not trying to overstep.
No. I'm glad you're here.
- You are?
- We haven't had a chance to sit down
and just talk since Boston.
PHOEBE: How could
your father not replace
those god-awful curtains
and matching cushions?
I mean, well, not that I'm surprised.
He was never one for change.
Okay. Um, I'm going to
go check the guest rooms,
make sure you've got
everything you need.
- Then I will put on some tea.
And we can talk about what's going on.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Sounds like a plan.

How am I going to tell her, Andrew?

I just don't understand
why she came back now.
Suppose she knows how much
this place means to Maggie.
She took my little girl.
Couldn't wait to get this place and me
in the rear-view mirror.
(GRUNTING) Oh, if I just
hadn't gotten into the truck that day,
maybe things could have been different.
I don't know.
You have to
talk to Lola soon.
I'm not that good at
keeping secrets from Edna.
I'm working on it, Frank.
Hope I'm not interrupting.
FRANK: I suppose I
should check in on Edna.
How are you holding up?
- I'm okay.
- Mm-hmm.
I went to see that lawyer that's
been helping me with Roy's estate.
You finally getting things sorted?
No. It's still a big mess,
but I went because I
wanted to find a way
to sell Roy's place so
that I could help you
pay off your debts.
Listen. Listen. This is my mistake,
and and I'll clean it up, okay?
No. You wouldn't have
been in this situation
if it weren't for me.
What what are you talking about?
- You took care of me, Sully.
You paid for my rent, my tuition,
and I never would have
accepted any of it,
if I knew that you were
having this much trouble.
Okay. It's not your fault.
I'm I'm going to figure it out,
so you don't have to worry.
Besides, like, you know,
I've got all this help now.
Maggie's, uh, called in the cavalry.
- What do you mean?
- Phoebe and Andrew
- showed up this morning.
- Oh.
So you can focus on going back to school
and getting Roy's estate sorted, okay?
- Okay, Sully.
- All right.

ROB: Let me know if you need anything.
Where's Clover?
Had to do something with her boyfriend.
- Seriously?
- What can I say? I know how to pick them.
- I need a favour.
- What's up?
I need to, uh, move my
stuff back into your place,
at least until I figure out
where I'm staying in New York.
Yeah. Sure.
I talked to Rafe today.
He's really upset about your leaving.
He's a good guy, Syd.
I know. I know.
Okay. Then why don't
you give him a chance?
Because I can't, Rob,
not if I'm moving to New York.
That wouldn't be fair to him. Or me.
Is that what this is really about?
What do you mean?
I don't know what happened
between you and that manager
you were dating over there,
but whatever it is, it must
have really messed you up.
You've been avoiding
relationships ever since.
You done?
I'm worried about you, Syd.
I want you to be happy.
Then I need you to
support my decisions, Rob.
Okay. I will.
Listen. I still need to find a way
to tell Finn that I'm leaving.
I was thinking maybe I could
take him somewhere later?
He'd love that.
He's out back, if you want to say hi.

Hey, Sull.
Oh, hey.
Look. I just wanted
to come by and tell you
how sorry I am about
everything that's going on.
Yeah. I heard you went
to see a lawyer with Lola.
Yeah. Yeah. We, uh
You know, we were hoping
to delay the auction,
but it didn't work out.
Uh, Maggie told me.
Look. I want you to know
I'm still looking into things
- for you.
- Appreciate it, Cal,
especially since I've got my hands full
with my ex-wife being here.
Phoebe's here?
Maggie didn't tell you?
Nah. She's
she's not really talking
to me much at the moment.
What's going on?
Every time I think we're getting closer,
she pushes me away.
Well, if you want my advice,
I'd say don't make
the same mistake I did.
Keep fighting for her.
Appreciate that, Sully.
SULLY: And Cal?
Here's a heads up.
Maggie's ass-hat
ex-boyfriend is in town, too.

WOMAN: I'm really glad
you decided to come in.
We can start by covering up this grey.
Have you ever thought
about letting the curl out?
It would frame your face so nicely.
I I've always worn it straight.
Why is that?
I don't know. I I guess
Tom liked it that way.
- Tom?
- My ex-husband.
Ah. Well, now the grey
is starting to make sense.
(LAUGHING) How's that?
Girl meets boy,
falls hopelessly in love,
gets married, loses
herself in the process.
Does that sound about right?
Everything except for the
"falls hopelessly in love" part.
What do you mean?
I don't think I was
ever in love with Tom.
Then why'd you marry him?
Seemed like the right thing to do?
That sounds familiar.
So, what are you thinking?
How about you surprise me?
- That sounds good.
Looks like I'm going to need
a lot more hangers. (LAUGHING)
I'll pick some up for you later.
- Thank you.
- Uh, is Andrew coming down?
I just I asked him
to give us a minute.
Thank you.
I wasn't sure that you and
Walter would agree to help,
so thank you.
And I don't want you to worry.
I'll start paying you back
as soon as I get back to work.
I need to tell you something, Maggie.
I didn't come here to, um
help Sully with the Crossing.
I thought that you of all
people would understand
how much this place means to me.
I do, and and I would
do anything for you, Maggie.
- I would.
- Well, then why won't you help?
Because I don't have the money.
What are you talking about?
Walter's been arrested for fraud.
They froze all our bank accounts.
I don't understand.
Bob already confessed
to the billing fraud at our practice.
I know. I know.
But the FBI is saying
that Walter was the one
behind the whole thing.
So that's what Bob
was trying to tell me.
You told her.
Mags, baby, I'm so sorry.
You knew and you didn't say anything?
No. Where you going?
- I'm going for a run.
- Mags, wait.
Andrew, just give her a minute.
- Hey, Rob.
- Hey. What can I get you?
Uh, just a coffee.
I don't have much of an appetite today.
Take it you and Maggie
haven't worked things out yet?
No, and Andrew's back in town.
I didn't think I'd see that
guy's face in here again,
not after he sucker-punched
you at the bar.
Yeah. I think he's here with Phoebe,
trying to help Sully.
So Sully still hasn't sorted
things out with the bank?
No, and the auction's
in less than two weeks.
Hey, you know, a couple years ago,
Search and Rescue needed some new gear.
Yeah. Lola and Jackson,
they started this
crowdfunding site thing.
Maybe that's something you could try.
I'll mention it to Lola. Yeah.
And you know, if it
makes you feel any better,
you're not the only one
dealing with women trouble.
What do you mean?
Sydney's getting back into modelling.
She's moving to New York.
CAL: Ah, okay.
Rafe's got to be crushed.
ROB: He is.
We both are, really.
You know, there's a new bar
that just opened up in town.
I think it'd be the perfect spot
for us to let off some steam.
I'm in.
Good man.
When the dust settles ♪
When it all comes out ♪
We could be all better ♪
We could come around ♪
It's the only way to know ♪
Only way to know ♪
Oh. Here. Uh, just,
uh, give me a minute.
It's my daughter.
Only way to know ♪
Hey, Maggie.
Is it true?
Were you really behind everything?
Okay, Maggie. I can explain. Now
MAGGIE: How could you do that?
I thought you cared about me.
I thought you cared about Mom.
- I thought (SOBBING)
- Maggie
You destroyed everything
that I I ever worked for.
I can explain, alright?
I can't believe I spent my
entire life looking up to you!
It's the only way to know ♪
The only way to know ♪
The only way to know ♪
If we start again ♪
If we started over ♪
Frank. I sure have missed you.
Been a long time, Edna.
FRANK: I'm going to, uh,
find out what Sully's up to.
Can we at least talk?
What's there to say?
Can we try and put the past behind us?
I thought we were friends, Phoebe.
We were.
You didn't even warn me
you were taking Maggie away.
We had to go. You know that.
You could have come to me or Frank.
We could've helped.
But instead, you decided
to cut us out of your life
like we meant nothing to you.
And all these years, you
didn't think to send one photo?
Sully was the love of my life, Edna.
Leaving him was the hardest
thing I've ever had to do,
but I needed to make a clean break,
or I wouldn't have been
able to go through with it.
Well, Sully's heart wasn't the
only one you broke that day.
And now, you come here with your money,
thinking that'll make everything right?
No. That's not what I'm trying to do.
Then why come back, Phoebe?
Because Walter's been arrested,
and I have nowhere else to go.
I realise now that was a big mistake.

- Hey.
- Hey, Cal.
I just wanted to check on you.
I know how disappointed you were
when our trip to the lawyer's
office didn't work out.
You okay?
Roy's probate's still a huge mess,
and Sully told me he
doesn't need my help anymore,
so I think I'm just feeling
a little bit useless lately.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't let this get to me.
I'm just not as strong as Maggie.
CAL: Hey, Lola.
You and Maggie are different
people with different strengths.
That's the point, though.
I don't have any strengths.
CAL: That's not true. You
are so generous and kind.
And you are one heck of a cook.
Thank you.
I just wish I knew how
to be there for Sully.
You know, Rob mentioned
a crowdfunding campaign
that you and Jackson
worked on a few years ago.
What about setting up
something like that for Sully?
That's a great idea, Cal. Thank you.
I'm glad I could help.
Do you want to come in?
I would, but I got a
few more errands to run.
I just wanted to check on you.
LOLA: Sure. Okay. Bye.
CAL: See you.
What do you think?
It's amazing how a new hairstyle
can just make you
feel like a new person.
Well, I'm just sorry
nobody else is going
to be able to see it.
ALYSA: You know what?
A friend and I are
going for drinks tonight.
Why don't you come with?
I I don't know.
Go home. Change.
I'll text you the address.
It'll be fun.

ANDREW: There you are.
I was starting to get worried about you.
Hey, Mags.
I called Walter.
I thought he'd deny it
that it couldn't be true, but it is.
Wish I could do something
to make it better.
How long have you known?
Only a few days.
Your mother made me promise her
that I'd let her tell
you in person herself.
He was the one person
I could always count on.
He was always there for me. I just
I don't know who to trust anymore.
You can trust me.
No matter what, I want you to know
that you can count on me.
Andrew I have to
tell you something first.
I know. I know. I
made a lot of mistakes.
I was just trying to make you happy.
I love you.
I want to be here for you.

- Uh
- I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have done that.
Uh, no. It it's okay.
It's okay.
What do you mean my
card's been declined?
I'm just trying to book
a one-way ticket home!
Could you try it again, please?
Never mind.
What's going on, Phoebe?
Well, it looks like
Walter was the one
behind the billing fraud
at Maggie's practice.
The FBI came to the
house and confiscated
the computers, the cellphones.
Froze all our bank accounts.
Turns out he was billing
insurance companies
for procedures that never happened.
How could you let him do this to Maggie?
Do you honestly think that
if I knew what was going on,
I would have allowed it to happen?
I told you not to trust this man,
and you wouldn't
listen to me, would you?
All these years,
he's been there for me and Maggie.
I How could I have
known he would do this?
I'm sorry, Phoebe.
Don't do that.
- Do what?
- Don't pretend you care.
I know how happy this must make you.
I don't like Walter. That's true,
but I would never wish
this on you or Maggie!

Guess we both got the rug
pulled out from under us.
Listen. You can stay here. Okay?
Don't expect me to roll
out the red carpet for you.
PHOEBE: Thank you.

Hey, Finn?
I need to talk to you about something.
Do you remember when I said
that grown-ups can be scared too?
Well, these past few years,
living with you and your dad,
it's meant a lot to me,
and it's really helped
me figure some things out.
So I'm thinking of
moving back to New York
to try modelling again.
But you promised that
you wouldn't go anywhere.
I know. I know, and when I said that,
I I wasn't thinking about leaving.
I get how hard this is for you,
because it's even harder for me.
This is something I really need to do,
but but I won't do it unless
you're going to be okay with it,
because I love you
and I would never want to
do anything to hurt you.
Can I come visit you in New York?
We could go to Central
Park and Coney Island.
And the Eiffel Tower, too?
I think you mean the Statue of Liberty,
but yeah.
Let's go get some food.

You're going to love Times Square.
PHOEBE: Do you know, I can't
find anything in this place.
Where do you keep your salad plates?
- Ah.
- SULLY: Here you go.
Of course. Thank you.
Looks like you two are getting along.
Your mother and I have decided
to call a truce for now.
Glad to hear it.
I'm, uh, going to go take a shower.
Dinner will be ready soon.
Need a hand?
Thanks, but, uh, making a
salad is a one-person job.
So, what are we having?
Frozen lasagna.
Hope it meets your expectations, Angelo.
It's still Andrew,
although Maggie did tell me
that you were having some memory issues.
Uh didn't you two break up
last time you were here?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I've been working on
myself a lot since then.
- How's that working out for you?
- Pretty good, actually.
I'm hoping it will give me
a second chance with Maggie.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
You know opening up to someone else
was was really helpful for me.
- Maybe you should try it.
Although what am I saying?
You probably do it all the time
in your support meetings.
I think we've shared
enough for today, don't you?
Whoever thought of this
concept was a genius.
Yeah. Think this is
my new favourite spot.
Yeah. I heard about these
places when I was in New York.
Never actually been to one, though.
You're up, Cal.
Show them what you got.

Sure you haven't done this before?
No. I know my way
around an axe, I guess.
Here you go, Rafe.
Thank you.
Where's Finn tonight?
Hanging with Syd.
She wants to spend as much
time with him as she can
before she goes to New York.
Ooh. Sorry, buddy.
Yeah. It's okay.
Finally going to ask Jane out or what?
Ugh. Not sure I know
how to do that anymore.
Think I'm a little out of practice.
Maybe you should bring her here.
Nothing manlier than a guy with an axe.
There you go.
Alright. Alright.
Like I said, I just need
a little more practice.
Dinner's ready.
I'll be right down.
Do you have any Tylenol?
My my head is killing me.
Yeah. Um, it's just in my purse.
Are you good?
You're pregnant.
When were you going to tell me?
I thought it would be
better to do it in person.
Are you telling me that I'm the father?
Course you are.
I'm going to be a dad.
- I'm going to be a dad?
- (LAUGHING) Okay. Shh.
I haven't told my parents yet.
I want I want you to know, Maggie,
I will be here for you and
our baby if you'll let me.

Ah, hey, you came!
I brought my friend
Lola. I hope that's okay.
- Of course.
- It's so nice to meet you.
I heard you're the one
who did Connie's hair,
and she looks beautiful.
Oh, well, thank you. I wish
I could take the credit,
but that part is all Connie.
Oh, you're too modest.
This is Mac.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Connie is the one who helped
me through the hurricane.
LOLA: This place is so cool.
It's such a good idea.
I know. There's nothing more
badass than a woman with an axe.
I'm going to get us a round of drinks
while we wait for our lane.
- Sounds good.
- LOLA: Thanks.
What is keeping them?
Ah. Finally.
Now, we can eat.
- SULLY: Well, let's eat.
- PHOEBE: Okay.
Actually, um, Maggie and I
we have an announcement to make.
Your parents could use a little
good news right now, don't you think?

What's going on?
- We're
- We're pregnant.
PHOEBE: That is wonderful news!
We're going to be grandparents, Sully!
- Oh, my. (LAUGHING)
Sweetheart, I'm so happy for you.
- And Andrew.
- You happy?
- Yeah.
- Oh, Maggie.
PHOEBE: This is such great news.
Going to have another
Sullivan in the family, huh?
Actually, it's a Mathews,
not a Sullivan.

I guess you and I are going to be seeing
a lot more of each other there, Grandpa.
That's that's wonderful.

Oh, hey. Looks like
our guys are here, too.
Oh, I guess we're not the only ones
that heard about this place.
Come on, Mac. I'll introduce you.
Pretty good-looking guys.
Are you sure you don't want
- to go over, too?
- Mm.
Uh (LAUGHING) that
that baby-faced one over there
is like a little brother to me.
I I moved in with his family
my senior year of high school.
Really? How come?
My parents have
this really cut and
dry view of the world,
and I disagreed with that.
And and we don't get along, so
How about you?
I was lucky. My parents were
always really supportive.
Do you think that's why you
joined the fire department?
What do you mean?
Well, it's kind of like
another family, right?
Yeah. I guess so.
I never thought of it that way.
Yeah. That and the
uniform's really hot, too.
So I've been told. (LAUGHING)
Oh, our lane's ready.
Ah. Okay. Thank you.
- Got all your stuff?
- Yeah.
Uh, just wanted to, um, take a moment.
clear the air between us,
seeing how now we're
we're going to be family.
Obviously, I've done something
or I've said something that's
has upset you in some way,
and whatever that is, I I'm sorry.
Listen, Andrew.
I appreciate the apology.
I I really do,
but you're going to need
to understand something.
You and me, we are
never going to be family.
Excuse me?
I'm sure you're a nice enough guy.
You're just not the
right guy for my daughter.


You know, Maggie and I,
we were really happy
before she came back here.
And I plan on being in her
life for a very long time,
so you might want to get used to that.

What's wrong?
Ask your father.
- Where are you going?
- I just I need a drink.

What did you say to him?

- Oof.
- ROB: Yeah.
Whoa. Don't look now. Don't look now.
Isn't that Jane?
Huh? Where?
Over there, next to the
girl in the red jacket.
Think I should go over?
What have you got to lose?
Okay. You're right.
She's never going to know how
I feel if I don't tell her.

Hey, Jane.
- JANE: Hey!
Hey. Just wanted to check in,
make sure you're okay.
PHOEBE: Come sit.
I know today was a very
emotional day for everyone.
I just can't believe you're
going to be a mother, Maggie.
Ah. I still remember
you running around here
catching frogs all the time.
We were happy then, weren't we?
We were.
Well, for a while, at least.
What changed?
Sully and I just didn't
want the same things anymore.
And he started drinking.
Do you ever regret leaving?
I did what I thought was best for you.
Was that what you wanted?
I made my decision, and I have to deal
with the consequences.
What about Walter?
Are you are you
going to leave him or
(SIGHING) The lawyers have
advised me to file for divorce.
Said it's the quickest way out of this,
but I, um I haven't
decided what I want to do yet.
I wish there was something
I could do to help.
Ah, don't you worry about me.
I still have some personal
accounts that I can live off of,
and besides, you need to
focus on your own life now,
and the baby's.
MAGGIE: All right.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

- Rob, uh, Emily. Emily
- Hey.
Our sons play baseball together.
I should probably get our bill.
This is the last place
I'd expect to find you.
Really? Why's that?
I don't know. I guess I didn't take you
for the axe-throwing type.
I'm not sure my ex-husband would
agree with you, but alright.
I guess there's a lot
about you I don't know yet.
Where's Finn tonight?
He's home with my sister.
Mine's, uh, with his dad.
We could go to my place,
get to know each other a
little better over a nightcap?
- ALYSA: Awesome!
Thank you for inviting me.
I didn't realise how
much I needed to get out.
This is the most fun
I've had in a long time.
Ah, me too.
We should do it again sometime.
- CONNIE: Whoo!
- Yes!
- Awesome!
LOLA: Great shot.
I'll be right back.
Well, I guess you're up.
Oh, no. You go ahead.
You're really good at this,
and I haven't really
got the hang of it yet.
But I can grab us some more drinks.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Aren't you Tom Canaday's wife?
Ex-wife. Why?
Looks like you're up to
your old tricks again.
Heard you started playing
for the other team.
Let me know when you
change your mind again.

I I'm not, um I'm feeling well.
I I think I'm going to head home.
Can you can you tell
Alysa I said I'm sorry?
- I'll come with you.
- No. I
No point in ruining both our nights.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Um, I'll I'll be fine.
Hey, Cal. Going to head out.
You going to be okay?
Oh, yeah. I just just wanted
to get some fresh air is all.
Okay. All right.

reached Maggie Sullivan.
Hey, Maggie. It's Cal.
Look. I know what you said before,
but I can't lose you.
You mean too much to me.
Just please give me a chance
to explain what I meant
when I said I didn't
want to be a father.
I didn't expect to find you here.
Listen. I know I was a jerk
the last time we saw each other,
and I I don't want to make excuses,
but I was kind of working
through some things
with my divorce and, um
Anyway, I feel badly about
how we left things, and I'm sorry.
All good.
Who are you here with?
Uh, he's
Rob and uh, and Rafe.
Probably owe them an apology,
too. I'll come in with you,
and I'll I'll buy everyone a round.
Sure. Come on.
Good luck.
Hey, uh, we're going to
go for a slice of pizza.
- Do you guys want to come?
- Uh, actually,
I think I'm okay. Thanks.
ALYSA: Okay.
Hey, um, will you tell Connie
that I hope she's feeling better?
I will.
- Thanks.
- LOLA: Bye.

Look who I found.
Before you say anything,
I just I want to apologise
for how I behaved the
last time that I was here.
I wasn't at my best, all right?
I'm sorry.
What do you say? A round of their
finest single-malt whiskey on me?

SULLY: Hungry, huh?
Nothing like, uh, caramel crunch
to help drown your sorrows.
Huh. You always did have a sweet tooth.
I keep thinking about what I
could have done differently.
I know what you mean.
You know, it feels like only yesterday
we were bringing Maggie
home from the hospital.
Hope I'm a better grandfather
than I was a father.
You weren't a bad father.
Ah. Just a bad husband.
I thought you were happy.
What changed?
Why wasn't the Crossing
good enough for you?
I guess I just wanted more for Maggie.
That wasn't going to happen here.
I would have walked through
fire for you, Phoebe,
and you took my little girl away.
Broke my heart.
I'm sorry, Sully.

It's late. I'm going to get some sleep.

Thank you.
RAFE: Well, to old
friends and new friends.
Thank you.
Actually, this is as good
a time as any, I guess,
to tell you all my big news.
What's your big news?
Maggie and I are having a baby.
LOLA: Oh, wow.
Congratulations, Andrew.
- ANDREW: Thank you very much.
- That's great. Cheers.
I don't want to forget you at all ♪
Ooh ♪
Should I move on ♪
Ooh ♪
I move on ♪
Ooh ♪
Ooh ♪
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