Taxi Driver (2021) s02e06 Episode Script

The Evil Uncle

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
(This episode
features child actors.)
(We put their safety
and welfare first,)
(and filmed with guardians present.)
(We thank the child actors
for doing so well despite the cold.)
(Episode 6)
Hold on.
You guys aren't married, are you?
Is it easier to buy a home
if we're not married?
Just say the word.
We can always get divorced to
What do you think, sweetie?
You're such an amusing couple.
Thanks for the great show.
Did something just go wrong?
Yes. I think he caught on.
Shoot. What do we do now?
We kneel and beg.
Mr. Kang.
Mr. Kang.
I'm sorry. As you said,
we're not really married.
We're colleagues
and we wanted a home so badly.
I'm really sorry
to have deceived you.
You tried hard.
A bit too hard.
I'd have fallen for it
if I hadn't come by.
When I look at you,
you look like
you're so much in love.
I'm really sorry.
So you two,
just so you could buy a home,
you got married on paper
when you didn't want to?
I'm so sorry.
Mr. Kim.
Do you remember what I said?
Do you remember
the kind of people I said I help?
People who don't own a home.
No. People who are desperate.
I can't stand that you lied to me,
but I love your desperation.
I got to see your reality.
Shall we see your future?
Our future?
It's not bad, is it?
Isn't that the royal floor?
- It looks amazing.
- Gosh.
Come in.
Mr. Kang.
This is amazing.
This apartment. It's incredible.
You're that excited about a set?
What's your blood type, Mr. Kim?
Type A.
- And you?
- Type B.
A and B.
You two have
the perfect combination.
Whose name will you put on the deed?
What do you mean?
It doesn't hurt
to decide that in advance.
Oh, well
Does that mean
you chose us?
We did it!
Why don't we get married for real?
No way. Shall we?
I'm pleased to see you're pleased.
Thank you.
You'll hear from us.
Look after your wife's health.
Her health?
You didn't know?
Your wife's pregnant.
I'm not pregnant.
You are if I say you are.
Let's say I'm a magician of sorts.
"In the dark sky,"
"a little light sprung up."
"The rabbits danced about"
"and went back home."
"Captain Granny"
"fell into a sweet, deep sleep."
"Good night, everyone."
The end.
- Was that fun?
- Yes.
What shall we do next?
Can I draw the rabbit from the book?
The rabbit?
Let's see. Where was the rabbit?
Here it is. Do you mean this rabbit?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Hang on.
Won't the drawing
look much better on this?
If you draw with these?
Can I draw on this?
Of course, you can.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'm looking for
Seo Yeon's adoption papers,
but it's not easy.
I'm looking as well,
but there's nothing at all.
Lots of places
still keep handwritten files.
That won't show up online.
Any adoption process requires
a legal representative,
an adoption expert.
That can't be omitted.
How about
we start looking into that?
There seems to be
another problem with Seo Yeon.
Another problem?
Kids playing in a rainy playground?
The rain looks weird.
It's not rain.
Those are steel bars.
She's not playing in a playground.
She's watching them.
From behind bars.
(My mom)
Seo Yeon.
You're awake, So Mang?
Seo Yeon. I miss my mom.
When can I see her?
So Mang.
Shall we play tag in the playground?
Play or lose, rock-paper-scissors.
Stop where you are
I lost.
I came down the slide
to run after you.
Hey. Get up.
Get up!
Uncle's here.
At least pretend to be happy to see him.
How are you, kids?
Uncle's here.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Will you clean up?
There's nowhere to sit.
I told the kids to clean up.
Gather around.
Sit down.
You little monsters.
Here you go.
Jingle. No, not yet.
Eat slow but quickly.
There's dust everywhere.
So Mang. You're So Mang, aren't you?
How old are you?
So Mang is four years old.
(Dreamland Orphanage List, 2022)
Let's see.
(Mr. Kang)
Hello, Mr. Kang.
I was waiting for your call.
Mr. Kim.
Are you ready to be a dad?
I'll text you a map.
Bring your wife.
Do you have any questions?
No, I don't.
We're prepared to do anything.
You people are so lucky.
Thank you, Mr. Kang. Good
- He hung up.
- What did he say?
He wants me to bring Go Eun.
I guess he'll mention adoption.
he might take you
to where the kids are.
Where on earth are these kids from?
Shall I enter the US market?
Shall I?
(Director Park, Dreamland)
Darn it.
What do you want?
How are things with Seo Yeon?
Have you found her yet?
We're looking for her.
She's school age, so she's
no good to us even if we find her.
Why do you ask
when you don't even care?
Is Seo Yeon eight already?
Pay attention to them.
Don't get shut down again.
Mr. Director of Dreamland.
I got a new sign put up last week.
We're called Dream Butterfly now.
(Dream Butterfly Orphanage)
I called to say that
this month's payment hasn't come in.
Can you wire the money soon,
Mr. Kang?
The alcoholic moron.
Darn him.
(Parking for Visitors Only)
(Naram Women's Hospital)
(OB-GYN, Overnight delivery)
(Naram Women's Hospital)
(Naram Women's Hospital)
(Naram Women's Hospital)
Mr. Kang's waiting inside.
(Naram Women's Hospital)
They're here.
(Doctor's Office)
- Mr. Kang.
- Take a seat.
- You first.
- Thank you.
You act like a real couple.
It's business.
Do you have a name for the baby?
You're not ready at all to be a dad.
Are you usually this slow?
No, I'm quick-witted.
You want us to adopt, don't you?
Gosh, no.
Adoption is a good way to increase
your shot at winning an apartment,
but a lot of due diligence
goes into that.
That's too much work.
It's just that
you two are incredibly lucky.
(Faith, hope, charity)
Your desperate plea
reached the heavens.
No. It reached me.
What are you talking about?
(Delivery Room)
Mr. Im's here.
(Registration of Birth)
A baby will be born here.
Register the baby as yours.
Then you can skip the due diligence.
It's your baby.
Authorities will have
no reason to evaluate you.
We must register a baby as ours?
Are you afraid
you'll have to raise it?
Don't worry about that.
We'll collect the kid
when the time's right.
Later on, when everything's
taken care of,
you just have to
report the kid missing.
(Registration of Birth)
Excuse me.
Why call from next door?
Come in.
What? Okay.
I'll be right back. Fill this in.
Your wife
looks upset.
She's having trouble
thinking of a name.
It's not like you'll keep the kid.
Pick one of those words.
Faith, hope, charity.
Oh, not So Mang.
We have a kid with that name.
Let's go.
(Faith, hope, charity)
Seo Yeon and So Mang.
This is how
they've been taking the kids.
This is it.
This chair has a nice cushion.
Not so hard or she'll miscarry.
Will you do it?
I'm sorry.
I can't do it.
Why you
My gosh.
You clueless, immature little girl.
Don't get scared
or you'll lose the baby.
You're an unwed mom
and we found you
a couple
and we rented this hospital.
That cost a fortune.
If you back out,
can you pay us back?
I'll work and pay you back.
You'll work?
That won't work.
- Is it money you need?
- I don't need money.
I just want to keep the baby.
This won't do.
Please spare me.
Please don't hurt my baby.
I beg of you.
Let me go.
Did I say I'd kill your baby?
Don't even say that.
Hand it over.
- Please let us
- Don't you dare touch me.
What's that noise?
It sounds like there's a fire.
How could there be a fire
when it's just us here?
My gosh.
Let's go.
I guess today's not the day.
Let's do this some other time.
Childbirth takes a while,
with all the labor and hard work.
Mr. Kang!
The unwed mom
She ran away.
So what?
Go after her.
Yes, sir.
Excuse us.
Where the heck did she go?
She messed things up.
There she is.
She put me through all that
only to get this far?
She got me in so much trouble.
Look at her run. She won't stop.
Should I break a limb?
That would work.
What's to stop me?
What the
Are you kidding me?
You're all right.
They won't follow you anymore.
You're safe now.
It's all right.
You're all right.
I was terrified.
He said he'd take care of my child.
And I believed him.
(The House for Single Mothers
Is Always Open.)
(The House for Single Mothers)
I got a call from Mr. Jang
of the Blue Foundation.
- Thank you.
- This way.
He took the children
from single mothers
and had other couples
register their birth.
That means it'll be impossible
to locate the children
through an adoption agency.
What do we do, then?
You said that Kang Pil Seung
had over 30 apartment units.
He even has buildings.
It's a long list.
Can you mark all of them on a map?
Of course.
(Ownership of Real Estate)
They're all in the big city.
Which one of them
has the lowest investment value?
The lowest investment value?
Just a second.
Why do you want to know?
A property
that has a low investment value
owned by a master
in the real estate business?
A property he owns
not for its monetary value?
It's this one.
He owns a store
in an old commercial building.
It's being run as a photo studio.
This place
is near where we first met Seo Yeon.
(Baekryeon Photo Studio)
The equipment is being used
even though the store is closed.
The photo studio
hasn't reported any sales.
So they take photos like these
for free?
That's a photo of Seo Yeon's family.
But the parents
aren't the ones we know.
I now get why
Seo Yeon's foster parents
didn't recognize her.
(ID Photos and Passport Photos)
We'll frame the photo
you take today,
so hang it up in your house
where it can be seen.
I learned that
nothing's more effective
than this for evaluation.
- Sure thing.
- Thank you, Mr. Kang.
Go and stand by your parents.
Are you my mom?
What do you think you're doing?
What's wrong?
- Well, she
- What has gotten into you?
Hey, orphan.
You don't have a mom.
I told you what would happen
if you disobey me.
I'm sorry.
I won't do that again.
Gosh. No, don't cry.
Let me see a smile. Peekaboo.
Sir, can you smile bigger?
Say, "Apartment."
- Sure.
- In 1, 2, 3.
Seo Yeon has had
four sets of parents in total.
I hope it all goes well.
We're putting our trust in you.
A unit of 83 square meters
would be more than enough.
- Right.
- A unit of 83 square meters.
- We hope it goes well.
- Sure.
- Don't worry.
- Have a good day.
I hope it all works out.
I can see how desperate you two are.
- I hope it goes well.
- Sure.
I can't believe it.
How could he do this
to a young child?
So Mang!
I'm off to see my mom and dad.
Let's go.
Uncle, let me go in her place.
I see you're enjoying this now.
You have somewhere else to be,
so get back inside.
Get back inside.
- So Mang!
- Get back inside.
(Dream Butterfly Orphanage)
- So Mang.
- Go.
Seo Yeon?
Was it a nightmare?
I need to find So Mang.
She must be really scared by now.
That's why you said
you needed to give her a hug.
Because you know she'd be scared.
You poor thing.
They'll soon be here,
- so set things up.
- Got it.
Get over there.
You're only going to take photos,
so quietly sit over there.
Don't you dare talk to the adults.
Got it?
Sit on that chair.
- Who are you?
- Anyway
Hold on.
I didn't hear about
you taking a photo today.
Are you my dad?
On behalf of the adults,
I apologize.
What do you think you're doing?
What's going on? Who did that?
You will turn around
and loudly count to ten.
- What
- Take that.
Don't you dare.
Close your eyes, cover your ears,
and don't turn around.
Hey, roll this back up.
Who do you think you are?
- Let me take your photos.
- What?
Strike that.
You all need a beating.
One, two
Darn you!
Darn it!
A little bit more.
- We're filming an action movie.
- That's right.
- We're filming an action movie.
- You can keep going.
We're filming.
Where are the other kids?
Please spare me.
Cut the nonsense.
Where are they?
It was loud, wasn't it?
You did well counting the numbers.
Good job.
The child was taken to Mr. Jang.
Kang Pil Seung had the couples
he selected to adopt the children
so that they could
obtain apartment units.
they took the children back
and had other families adopt them.
How could he do such a thing?
And for what reason?
He has 30 apartment units
under his name.
How could he have managed that?
(Republic of Korea
Territorial Management)
(Best Consultant,
Feel Consulting's Kang Pil Seung)
Korea Consumer Satisfaction Awards.
(Best Consultant,
Feel Consulting's Kang Pil Seung)
The ownership has been transferred.
Good. I love hearing that.
Okay, good.
(Real Estate
Purchase and Sale Agreement)
Hand it over.
(Real Estate
Purchase and Sale Agreement)
(Dogye River View Apartment,
Unit 2104)
(Buyer: Kang Pil Seung)
I love the smell of ink
coming from contracts.
(Real Estate
Purchase and Sale Agreement)
Mr. Choi, isn't it about time
you moved to a bigger place?
- Thank you for your concern.
- We're family, aren't we?
Mr. Kang!
Mr. Kang.
- You can't barge in here.
- It's all right. Let them through.
Don't come near me.
You can talk from there.
Mr. Kang, how could you
do this to us?
We did as you asked.
We registered the birth
of a kid that we didn't know
and adopted another child
because you told us to.
What are we supposed to do
now that you have stolen our house?
Gosh, be careful with
those harsh words.
What did I steal?
You won the house in your name,
and I collected the children.
And let me get this straight.
I did all the heavy lifting.
I loaned you the money
and even collected the kids.
What exactly did you guys do?
You told us to pay back
the loan so soon.
How's that any different
from taking all we have?
What's wrong with me
recovering my investment?
You don't have any money
which is why I took
your house instead.
What's so wrong with that?
I'll report you to the police!
Go ahead. Call the police.
You illegally adopted a child,
so you will have
to give up your apartment anyway.
You'll then be arrested
for committing a crime.
On top of that,
you'll still have a debt to pay.
My gosh.
Will you be able to handle it all?
It's like I said before.
That desperation of yours?
Gosh, I respect that.
Keep having that level
of desperation.
I'll wish you luck
in getting your own home.
- Now, get lost.
- Mr. Kang.
- Leave.
- I won't let this slide.
- You won't get away with this.
- How lame.
What now?
Who's this punk?
What's wrong?
My men.
- Get the car!
- Yes, sir.
Step on it.
Are you here to sightsee?
Step on it!
(Dream Butterfly Orphanage)
(Authorized Personnel Only,
Dream Butterfly Orphanage)
- I told you!
- Stand right here.
Mr. Choi.
Mr. Choi! Do I have to do
all the work around here?
Darn it.
Who might you be? The police?
That's not right.
You're a taxi driver.
You must be one of the fathers.
What's your kid's name?
Haven't you ever felt guilty
about what you've been doing?
You gave them hope
that they'll get to have parents
but only to crush them.
Then, you kept on repeating it.
Was there never
a pang of guilt?
I asked for your child's name.
What nonsense are you talking about?
You should tell me
who your kid is
so that I can pass the word.
"Your dad's dead."
Gosh, that's toasty.
Who do you think you are?
Get in. Hurry up.
(Old Bachelor's Fresh Fruits)
- The building's on fire.
- What?
- Hurry.
- Yes, sir.
- Hurry.
- Get in!
- Get in!
- We're running out of time.
Kyung Gu, they're loading the kids
into the van.
Where's Mr. Kim?
Mr. Kim, are you all right?
We're on our way to you.
No, don't come to me
and track Kang Pil Seung.
The kids come first.
Don't be ridiculous.
You're in danger.
Do as I say!
Don't lose him and stay on his tail.
I'll be right behind you.
Mr. Kim comes first.
But he told us
to tail Kang Pil Seung.
But Mr. Kim will die!
Kyung Gu,
what are we supposed to do?
We'll do what we always do.
Mr. Kim is in charge
of the planning.
Let us go after Kang Pil Seung.
(Old Bachelor's Fresh Fruits)
Are you all right?
I'm going to cover you with this.
I know it will be hard to breathe.
But can you stay strong for me?
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
Thank you for being so strong.
Let's go.
You didn't lose him, right?
- Mr. Kim.
- See? I told you he would be fine.
I'll catch up quickly.
(Mr. Im)
Mr. Im isn't answering his phone.
I should move.
Be quiet.
I told you to be quiet.
(Mr. Jang)
Seo Yeon had a bump on her head.
Her doctors said
she must have been hit constantly
before the wound had time to heal.
It will leave a scar.
Please find So Mang.
(Old Bachelor's Fresh Fruits)
(Feel Consulting)
This is a problem.
- What? Come on.
- Wait.
Hey, forget it.
You should get off here first.
- The kids aren't with him.
- Where are the kids?
They're gone.
I bet he hid them here.
Let's look for them now.
- Okay.
- Okay.
What is it this time?
Go check on that!
Who's causing trouble here? Darn it.
(CEO Kang Pil Seung)
Mr. Kang!
What's going on?
You Who on earth are you?
Where are the kids?
Get lost, you jerk.
Where are the kids?
(Feel Consulting)
Did you find them?
Darn it. Where did he hide the kids?
Tell me.
If you kill me,
the kids will die.
(CEO Kang Pil Seung)
Kill me. Go ahead.
Kill me.
Do it.
You ought to be careful around me
if you want to save the kids.
This is more like it.
The kids will only survive then.
Gosh. This is why I love kids.
I protect the kids.
And the kids protect me.
This is what's called
a win-win situation.
Have you heard of that?
You know what?
If you let me kill you here,
I'll let the kids go.
But if you dodge it,
every single one of them will die.
Mr. Kim, I found the kids.
Did you stop me? Let go of my arm.
Did you stop me?
Gosh. You're one crazy guy.
Do you want the kids to die?
Don't tell me. Did you find them?
What? Where am I?
Where on earth
This is disgusting!
What do you think?
Do you like this place?
I tried to think
of a fitting house for you.
And this was the best place for you.
Search thoroughly
if you need something.
You can probably find
everything here.
Okay. I'll give you a house. Okay?
It's close to the subway station,
has a view of the Han River,
and is on the best floor.
You know it's not easy to get
a house like that in Korea.
Look. Mr. Driver.
You live in Korea, after all.
I'm sure you want to own a house.
I'll give you one
of my best apartment units.
So release me. Okay?
I doubt that
you have a house like that.
What are you talking about?
I have a lot of houses.
Let me go.
- Gosh.
- Goodness.
Oh, my. And this.
Gosh. He organized them so nicely.
It's easy to take everything.
Take his seal too.
Here's my last chance for you.
If you answer
my question truthfully,
I'll let you go.
- Really?
- I promise.
Okay. I'll answer it truthfully.
Have you ever
felt sorry for those kids even once?
Why on earth
do you want to know about that now?
Answer it truthfully.
Those kids were abandoned anyway.
It'd be nice to pick up those kids
and put them to good use.
I fed them
and gave them a place to sleep.
That was the most economical way
to increase the points.
Each kid on the application
brought a lot of points.
People could easily get a house
when they listed the kids
on the application.
Wouldn't you do the same?
Wouldn't you use the kids?
What about the pain
you caused these kids?
Who cares?
They won't even remember that.
I really answered
your question truthfully.
So let me go now.
- No.
- What?
You'll never be able to get out of here.
Not even a step.
What are you talking about?
You promised to let me go.
Did you keep your promise?
You promised the kids
countless times
that you would bring them
to their parents.
Have you ever kept that promise
even once?
Gosh. Sir.
What's the point?
You won't remember a thing after today.
Why does that matter?
What do you mean
I won't remember it?
That's nonsense.
(Golden Ticket)
Congratulations. This is your house.
What? Stop it.
Stop it!
Don't leave.
Don't go.
Don't go.
Where are you going?
No. Stop that.
Hey, stop that!
Stop it. Don't do it!
(Old Bachelor's Fresh Fruits)
- Gosh.
- Oh, my.
That's my favorite.
The zucchini juice.
There's zucchini juice?
You made it for me.
I see.
Mr. Kim, you're done for the day. Right?
Then before you do that,
should we get a divorce first?
That's a shame.
But we should, right?
Sure. Our divorce just went through.
Signed, sealed, and delivered.
(Sign-in and Sign-out Card)
Do Ki.
(Drive safely,
follow traffic regulations)
You're here early.
Or no?
Are you just getting off work?
I'm getting off now.
I'm jealous.
I just started my shift.
Taxi 5678 beginning service.
Sure. Drive safely.
Rest up.
Take the elevator, not the stairs
Take about seven customers today.
Yes, sir.
(Park Jin Eon,
An Go Eun, Choi Kyung Gu)
(Kim Do Ki)
A while ago, we covered the news
about the apprehension
of an illegal organization
that helped people adopt kids
and terminate adoptions.
But today, we have
heartwarming news to share.
Generous donations
have been made anonymously
to 33 child welfare centers
all over the country.
The news of these generous donations
has garnered all the attention.
- Hey.
- Without revealing the identity
Did you donate all of the money?
Including our fees?
They're growing kids.
They need to eat well.
Supporting them until
they become of age costs a fortune.
Thanks for making the long trip.
I love this neighborhood.
Gosh, Seo Yeon. Have you been well?
I missed you, Grandpa.
I missed you too.
Happy birthday.
So Mang, say hello to Grandpa.
Goodness, you're So Mang.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
We didn't light the candles.
We waited for you.
Is that so?
Then should we rush over
and celebrate your birthday?
All right. Let's go. So cute.
(So Mang, Seo Yeon)
(East Gate: The EST)
Why are we here?
You're looking for a house.
Jin Eon and I worked really hard
to find this place.
But it's my house.
Why did you two do that?
The guy in the commercial
is really famous.
Famous? Who?
This guy is only slightly
more handsome than me.
I see. The guy who's only slightly
more handsome than you?
It'll be nice to live
in a place like this.
But I can't afford
to buy this place.
Hey, Go Eun.
A house is not to be bought,
but to be lived in.
Let's go. I'm hungry.
You can't be hungry. Let's go.
But this does look
like a nice place.
What are we going to do?
We lost our house!
- Come on. Be quiet.
- You're not going to do anything?
Darn it.
Who is it at this house?
Who are you?
Seo Yeon has two wounds
that can't be healed.
You will have to explain to me
why she has such wounds.
What's this? Hey.
I have 33 houses!
Mr. Choi! Take care of him!
How dare you treat me
like I'm some homeless man?
Mr. Choi!
How dare you treat me
I didn't do it.
I can explain everything to him.
That guy, the taxi driver,
took everything!
The taxi driver?
Can you
tell me what happened in detail?
(Taxi Driver 2)
(You'll have to explain why the kids
have wounds that can't heal.)
(Call 112 to report child abuse.
Call 182 for missing children.)
There are priests
in Catholic churches.
And in Sunbaek Church,
there's the Father.
No! That's not it!
You cannot go to hospitals.
- Over here!
- You cannot enter.
You're calling yourself her family,
but you're stalking her.
Please help my sister.
Are you in pain?
I will not give up!
It's obvious that this is a cult.
Mr. Park,
can you punch me five times?
Beware of what's up above.
You're fated to die young.
You managed to stay alive.
What on earth are you doing there?
- Is that some kind of a silly game?
- A silly game?
They could already be watching us.
They might be much closer
than we think.
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