The A List (2018) s02e06 Episode Script

Because of Who I Am

[Jenna] This is for you, Midge.
A small tribute to say,
"We're so sorry you're gone,
but your memory lives on."
Everyone's here.
They've all come
to say goodbye to you, Midge.
Isn't filming a funeral a bit
weird? [scoffs]
[Jenna] I'd want someone to do
a tribute video for me.
But we don't really know her.
[Jenna] Just
say something nice about her.
Okay. Um
[exhales] Midge,
I'm really sorry about
what happened to you.
I'm glad we met you, and I wish
we got the chance to know you better.
Well, I I
I don't know, uh, what to say.
[Jenna] Mia, record a tribute for Midge.
Midge, I didn't know you very well,
but you were always your own person
- [Jenna] Who wears white to a funeral?
- [static buzzing]
It's okay.
You won't remember any of this.
I can take your pain away.
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[Amber] Were you going to stake me
like a vampire?
I thought about it,
but I couldn't do it.
Not even to you.
I was right all those weeks ago.
You do see the good in people.
I don't see any good in you, Amber.
I helped you because you were hurt,
that's all.
Not because of who you are,
but because of who I am.
- Where are you going?
- To find Mia.
Midge did something to me.
I feel like I'm changing.
It's not gonna work, Amber.
I'm giving you a chance.
If you're smart, you'll go now,
and never see any of us again.
[Petal] Midge,
I didn't know you very well,
- but you were always your own person
- [Jenna] Who wears white to a funeral?
- [Amber] It's okay.
- That's when it happened.
You won't remember any of this.
[Alex] Midge's funeral.
That's when Amber wiped our memories.
Jenna filmed it all.
Have you been up all night?
I guess so. But it's all here.
Amber making us forget,
and how Dr. Shaw brought us back to camp.
She told our parents
we were suffering from collective amnesia.
"The only way they can heal
is by returning to Peregrine Island
and confronting
their suppressed memories."
So our parents were just like,
"Let's start packing again"?
So that means
my new boots were really a year old!
She faked her own daughter's funeral,
all to keep Amber and her powers a secret.
We have to stop her.
[sinister music playing]
- [girls gasp]
- Oh, sorry. Sorry
[both exhale]
We just came to tell you
we searched the whole building last night.
We didn't find the others.
That's not all. Midge left this morning,
had a bag with her.
I think she's heading for
the boat without us.
Mia said not to trust her.
[Midge] Sorry it's so early,
but I couldn't stay another minute.
[Sam] That's okay.
The early bird catches the boat.
[Midge chuckles]
Can I tell you something
uncool about myself?
I really like early mornings.
- Me too.
- Really?
- The promise of a new day.
- I like it.
So, there's only one place small enough
for a boat to land without being seen,
and we use it when we go fishing.
Dad, why don't you come with us?
You go on. I'll wait here.
- He never comes. You ask him every year.
- And I'll ask him next year too.
Okay, forget the boat.
I found evacuation codes.
We can call a helicopter
and tell the whole world about this.
Oh, we are so having a press conference.
[inhales] There's something else.
- [computer beeps]
- Zac, I think you should see this.
All right, uh, I hope someone sees this.
My name My name's Brendan Walsh.
I escaped from this place
called Peregrine Island.
It's supposed to be a holiday camp,
but it's this crazy sort of
mind-control experiment going on.
I know I wouldn't believe it
if I hadn't been there,
but you look it up.
It's called Peregrine Island.
Peregrine Island.
They won't let anyone leave!
They won't let anyone go there.
It's quarantined right now.
Okay. My friend is still there.
My friend Zac Young is still there.
They're transferring kids in comas to it.
It doesn't make any sense.
I managed to escape because I swam away,
and I found these random people
that had a fishing boat,
but they wouldn't believe
anything I had to say.
They wouldn't believe
what happened to me,
wouldn't believe
what I had to tell them.
What I'm telling you right now
is that this is the truth.
And this is the only message I can send
because I'm going somewhere
where they can't find me
because I can't afford to go back there.
And Zac, if you ever get the chance
to listen to this, bro,
just understand I had to go.
But I'm doing my best to help you, bro.
I'm doing my best to save you, how I can.
I love you, bro.
Guys, please, just help me save my friend.
He didn't forget about me.
Brendan got away, but the report says
everything he posted was deleted.
[inhales sharply] That's okay.
I'm going to get out
of this place and shut it down.
Then I'm gonna go and find him.
Oh, good, you're awake.
Okay, I've figured out what I'm gonna do.
I am done wallowing in self-hatred.
Last night, I hit rock bottom.
- Thanks.
- I've realized I need to face my past.
I need to go back to the dollhouse,
back to mine and Midge's childhood,
and figure out some way
of making things right.
I mean, you said you'd do anything
to change what happened to your friend.
Well, maybe, I still can.
I can't go there. It makes me feel like
my brain's being torn apart.
- Yeah, that's why I said I'm going.
- Mia.
- Last night?
- It was just a kiss. We're good.
Oh, here, in case you get hungry
when I'm gone.
I'm lost. Please help me.
[man on phone] First part of code?
Zero Bravo November
Seven Seven Five Four Twenty-One.
- Second part?
- Aquamarine Piper Earl.
- Name and clearance?
- Dr. Shaw. Clearance 6.
- Authorized.
- Okay.
- [hang up dial tone]
- [girls chuckle]
Best takeout order ever.
- [chuckles]
- [Zac] Hang on.
[bracelet rattling]
- So that Shaw can't track us.
- [chuckles]
[tracker beeping]
- [exhales]
- [beeping intensifying]
[sinister music playing]
[distorted lullaby playing]
- [approaching footsteps]
- [panting]
[muffled female voices yelling] Help!
Let us out! Guys! Hello! Is anyone there?
Guys! Let us out!
[breathing heavily]
[chuckles]This is your cabin,
isn't it, Midge?
Where you hid that first year.
You've changed it,
but it's still the same place,
just like you're changing
the whole island.
[breathing heavily]
No more ghosts. You're not here.
You're not real. You're dead.
Hello, Luka.
[Amber] I feel so stupid.
I came here with some
friends for a party and I got lost.
[girl] They just left you behind?
We had two boats. They must have thought
I was in the other one.
Lucky they weren't spotted.
You know this island's quarantined?
- [Amber] We sailed at night. No engines.
- [girl sniffs]
We shouldn't really be here either.
[Amber] I'm glad you are.
Or I don't know how I'd get back.
- My name is Amber, by the way.
- Iris.
- So, how did you get here?
- My dad's fishing boat.
Is that what you do?
Are you a fisherman? Fisherwoman?
Me and Cullen help out sometimes,
but fishing's more my dad's thing.
I wonder if the fish knows
what's happening to it.
- Does it hurt?
- We don't really think about it.
- I know it sounds kind of "eurgh"
- [chuckles]
but you get used to it.
You can get used to anything.
[Midge] We're really doing this.
We really are.
- Get out of my way, Mother.
- Stop. Please listen to me.
No, you listen. All my life,
I was never good enough for you,
never clever enough, never someone
you were interested in, until I got hurt.
That's not fair.
Even then,
the one you really cared about was Amber.
She's the daughter
that you spent time with.
But now I've found someone
who likes me for me,
and we're leaving.
Sam? Sam!
You said you're not normal,
and you're right.
The animosine that is keeping you alive
is taking over.
It's making your body unstable,
destroying it.
You're lying. It's a trick to get me back.
We have a day. Maybe only a few hours.
I already lost you once,
and if I can't reverse what's happening,
then I'll lose you forever.
You already lost me, Mother.
A long time ago.
- [Amber] What's he doing?
- [Iris] It's kind of a ritual.
A game we played
with our big brother when we were little.
He throws rocks, I pick flowers.
It's cheap symbolism.
Symbol of what?
How short and beautiful life is.
Today's a difficult one.
Anniversary of a bad thing.
I can help you, Iris.
I can take all your pain away.
But I don't want my pain taken away.
That's the price of memories.
I wouldn't want to lose them,
even if they did make me sad.
Why would anyone want that?
When I feel those things,
when I see your pain, it hurts.
This life is full of fear and sadness.
But also hope.
And love.
And joy.
That's how feelings work.
You can't be happy if you're never sad.
[cawing loudly]
by Hugo Race & The True Spirit playing]
Get used to the prison ♪
Until it starts to please ♪
Don't take away my poison ♪
It's my green dream anti-freeze ♪
You don’t miss your petrol ♪
Until the pump runs dry ♪
You don’t miss your guns ♪
Are you okay?
Until the bullets fly ♪
Thought I heard something.
Maybe my friends came back.
- I'm just gonna go and check.
- Don't miss your money ♪
When you know how to steal ♪
But if you don’t miss the love ♪
It means you’re too dead to feel ♪
You’re too dead to feel ♪
[music stops]
- [clatters]
- [gasps]
[creaking continues]
- [girl] That's my doll.
- [gasps]
But I don't want it anymore. I'm scared.
It's okay. The doll can't hurt you.
Amber's not in the doll anymore.
Where is she?
She's coming to get me.
She says only one of us can live.
She wants her powers back.
She wants to stop feeling sad.
Don't worry.
I won't let anything happen to you.
I promise.
[lullaby plays]
[breathing heavily]
Hey, buddy.
Long time no see.
[breathing heavily] You're really here.
I can't believe it.
All this time I thought you were dead.
I blamed myself.
You should.
The only reason I'm alive is
someone saw the crash,
and called an ambulance.
You were my best friend.
You left me for dead.
- If I'd known you were alive
- You'd what?
You'd have stayed? Gone to prison?
- [breathes shakily]
- 'Cause that's where you're going now.
I'm I'm sorry. I was scared,
but there wasn't a day
that I didn't think about you.
Me too.
Three months, two weeks
and three days sitting in hospital.
Sixty-seven stitches and two metal pins.
You know what kept me going
through all of that?
The thought of finding you,
and making you pay.
They're coming.
- Behind you!
- [chuckles]
Seriously? You're gonna have to do
a better job than
What do you want?
Who are you? [breathing heavily]
I know jujitsu.
[sinister whispering]
- [electricity buzzes]
- [grunts]
[lullaby playing]
I'm going to leave Mia a note
in case she comes back.
- The evac point is on the cliffs.
- Was there a helipad or something?
Mm, it's just a field,
but they used it to airlift patients
back when this was a hospital,
and before that, it was a hotel,
and before this place was built,
there was a sanitorium.
I bet it was a spa once too.
[scoffs] I wish it still was.
But everything they opened here
always shut down, what with, you know,
forest ghosts and people disappearing.
That's really impressive knowledge, Jenna.
How did you find all that out?
[scoffs] I didn't. Harry did.
It's all in his
His research! [gasps]
- Jenna!
- I'll catch you up!
Shame I won't get a ride
on the fishing boat.
I should've known
my friends would come back for me.
That's our brother's grave.
He loved this island.
So we come every year,
remember him
cry, and go home.
And that's the memory you want to keep?
And you will
'cause that's who you are.
But I could never make that choice.
Because of who I am.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
And, um, maybe we'll get that boat ride
another time.
["School" by The Seagulls playing]
I went to school ♪
And I shut my eyes ♪
I went to sleep ♪
Luka! We need to go back to the Institute.
Amber's gonna kill Midge.
Never change, Luka.
They´re still stuck here ♪
By my side ♪
As I awoke ♪
Above the sky ♪
I'm sorry. I had to.
Amber's coming for you.
- Mia.
- [gasps]
You came.
Told you she would.
[song continues]
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