The Ark (2023) s02e06 Episode Script

Pretty Big Deal

- Previously on "The Ark"
- What is the Juno Project?
TRUST: It's a map of every
crewmember's perfect genetic match.
GARNET: We were clones born
in a classified government lab.
- What's wrong with being a clone?
- The constant reproduction
from the same original
caused a degradation.
You could snap at any
moment and kill someone.
It's the Eastern Federation.
They're not gonna be happy to see us.
EVA: This is my brother.
If we were to disengage
our entire bow section,
we should be to replace
it with the front of Ark 3.
ALICIA: The frontal
section is free-floating.
GARNET: Bojan, what are you doing?
I'm sorry. I have to get back.
Damaged sleeper pod bay disengaged.
Brice, you're good to go.
Bring over Ark 3's A-3 fuselage.
BRICE: Copy that. Although I
do wish we'd used our shuttle.
This EF one handles a little sluggish.
We can always use a spare
shuttle, even if it is Eastern Fed.
And don't tell me you're not
happy to have a new toy, Brice.
It is pretty sweet.
Sleeper Pod Bay successfully attached.
Attachment team reports all clear.
BRICE: shuttle complete.
I'm docking now with this
new EF piece of crap.
Garnet to Felix, you and your team
are clear to inspect
the new storage bay.
Find out what's in there.
STRICKLAND: Copy that, Captain.
Ark 1 is finally back in one piece.
About that. Are we still
Ark 1 or are we Ark 3?
Technically more of the
ship is Ark 1, but
But the sign says Ark 3?
Don't worry. Lane's taking care of that.
How's it looking out there, Spence?
LANE: She's looking beautiful.
Absolutely gorgeous.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we are fully operational.
We found some very useful
items in the Ark 3 storage pod,
like spare parts,
additional food rations,
more EVA equipment, medical supplies.
And then I found this.
"Remember Earth?"
This wasn't on Ark 3's manifest.
- Well, did you look inside?
- Not yet.
Open it.
- Uh-huh.
It's just stuff.
Quality of life stuff.
Oh, wow. Dibs on this beauty.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
This could be the last
guitar in the universe.
- I know.
- Shouldn't we be trying
to preserve some of this
stuff for, you know, history?
The last few months have
shown us life's too short.
Everyone should get to
enjoy these things now. Hmm?
Ooh. Yes.
FELIX: The crew seem in high spirits.
Tensions with the 15ers
are finally calming.
Good. We've more than
earned our place here.
Agreed. I couldn't have repaired
Ark 1 without your people.
Speaking of our new friends from Ark 15,
Dr. Marsh, I invited you
to this council meeting
to ask you about the status
of the incendiary inside of Kelly.
The status is unchanged.
The plasti-gel remains deactivated.
But there is still an explosive
buried inside the girl's skull, right?
- How safe is that for Kelly?
- It's as safe as her other neural implants
- as long as it's not activated.
- In which case, it goes off?
- It won't go off, right?
- Honestly, I can't guarantee that.
Can you and Dr. Kabir remove it safely?
Well, it's brain surgery.
It's a pretty big deal.
That's why I wanted to wait until
we finally had a moment to breathe.
- It's time.
- Yeah, the last thing we want to do
is to arrive at Trappist and
discover Maddox had a change of heart.
Yeah, or the whole thing just goes boom.
- It can be done.
- Without blowing up Ark 1?
Or harming Kelly?
- I feel confident we can do it safely.
- Good.
Then do it soon as you can.
And now for our last piece of business.
I'm sure you all noticed
that our new foresection
has 24 private cabins.
Yeah, and we also did notice
that you've already
given Lane one to himself.
Well, he's number two now, and
you don't have to worry, James.
I've decided all council
members and senior staff
will now have their own private room.
- Whoo!
- Yes.
- FTL is charged.
Then what are we waiting for?
Brice, set a course for Trappist-1D.
It has been laid in all day.
Just waiting for your word.
- The word is
- Wait. We have a problem.
The captain hasn't taken her chair yet.
- That's not necessary.
- Oh, it definitely is.
Go on.
Go on.
Let's go to our new home.
Ark 1's lucky we joined them.
I had no idea that their
own EF investigators
were killed in their sleep pods.
Yeah, who knows how many EF
operatives have slipped by.
It doesn't look like many so far.
Most of the bridge crew's clear.
Not Brice. He's Eastern
Federation. I know it.
Don't worry. If he is, we'll get him.
We should look into his girlfriend, too.
I overheard her arguing with
her brother about the EF.
I really hope Markovic isn't EF.
I'd hate to lose the chief engineer.
Can I do something to help?
Nope. Almost done. There.
Now we let the decryption
algorithm do its thing.
Thanks for keeping me company.
I was worried that you'd be too busy.
The 15ers have things under
control in the bio shelter.
- They don't really need me.
- I don't believe that.
They made some good improvements
while I was recovering.
Maybe, but they're only
incremental improvements
on your genius work.
Your algorithm worked fast.
Are you surprised?
What are we looking for?
Captain Garnet wants to
know the state of Earth
before Ark 3 launched.
Oh, this is interesting.
Two more trillionaires created
their own space programs
and some independent countries
launched some ships before Ark 3 left.
Looks like hundreds of ships launched
- or preparing to launch.
- Great!
Maybe more people got off Earth.
No, look.
The Eastern Federation
launched two ships before Ark 3.
It says their ships were
the only ones heavily armed.
Maybe they're going
to a different planet?
You know, far away from us.
Yeah. Uh, let's hope so.
Careful with this.
Give it to Mr. Strickland to eject.
Okay. The incision is
closed. The hard part is over.
Kelly could still have a
difficult recovery ahead of her.
We should keep her here for observation.
- There's a chance of infection, inflammation.
- I'm not concerned.
Kelly's nanites will take care of that.
Oh. Your tech is amazing.
- Hey.
- You said you needed to see me?
Yes, because you have actually never
heard me play the guitar before.
- So I just thought
- I don't have time.
Well, maybe you should make time.
Look, you haven't had a break since
Well, since we attached the foresection.
Because half of our
ship is another ship.
I need to make sure there
are no faulty interfaces,
- create redundancy failsafes
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You don't have to do all that.
You can delegate.
You got the 15ers now.
Look, Eva, you are
burying yourself in work.
- What else can I do?
- I don't know.
Take some time, you know? Relax.
Enjoy having a private cabin.
That's what this is about?
You called me for sex?
Eva, I just I want
you to talk to me, okay?
I am trying really
hard to be here for you,
and after what happened to Bojan
I don't want to talk about Bojan!
You have to talk to somebody.
Your reflexes are intact.
Your baselines are normal.
- So you got it out?
- Yes.
So that means you could
take out my other implants.
Why would you want me to do that?
Because I don't want them.
Because I'm tired of being a freak.
- You're not a freak.
- You know what I mean.
- I can't remove them, Kelly.
- Can't or won't?
The augmentations that
heighten your hearing
are directly grafted to your cochlea.
If I sever them, you lose your hearing.
- Fine. What about
- What?
Would you like me to
amputate your right arm?
Because most of those
bones have been altered.
You have artificial lungs.
How am I supposed to replace those?
Should I go on?
Kelly, you need to accept the fact
that your augmentations
are a permanent part of you.
- Oh, come on. Just a little peek.
- We already discussed this.
It is not a good idea to
check our Juno Project matches.
No, I agree entirely.
But that doesn't mean
we can't look at other people's matches.
- No, Lane.
- Sharon, look me in the eye
and tell me you've never
been tempted to peek.
You looked.
We had a pact, and you betrayed it.
That's it. I can never trust you again.
- I think you'll find a way.
- No. Not unless you show me what's in the
BRICE: Captain to the bridge.
Oh, come on.
You dropped us out of FTL?
We might have to change course.
What's happened?
We received a distress call from Ark 8.
We have crashed I repeat,
this is Ark help us.
We have crashed and requi
Time stamp says this was
recorded two weeks ago.
Any survivors could be dead already.
What do we know about
where they crashed?
There are some coordinates for a
planet encoded into the message.
I found it in the Ark 3 database.
Uh, there.
Discovered a year after we launched.
It has Earth-like
atmosphere and gravity.
They must have diverted toward it
when they knew they were in trouble.
- Can it support life?
- Well, only for a while.
Radiation levels are too high
for humans to last more than a week.
Then we're on the clock.
Let's set a course and get there
before these people die
of radiation poisoning.
If they haven't died already.
- Mind if I join you?
- Sure.
How are you doing?
I know we don't know
each other very well,
but I wanted to offer my sympathies.
About your brother.
I lost family to the Eastern Federation.
- Not that it's the same thing, but
- No, it's not the same thing.
I'm sorry. I just meant if
you need someone to talk to
What I need is for
everyone to leave me alone.
LANE: This is GSA ship Ark 1
trying to contact any
survivors from Ark 8.
- Please respond.
I repeat, this is Lieutenant
Spencer Lane of Ark 1
trying to reach any survivors on Ark 8.
We may be too late.
No one could last long down there.
ALICIA: Or there are still survivors,
but their comms are damaged.
I'm getting an energy signature
from this northern hemisphere.
It looks like it's
coming from an FTL drive.
It's a good bet that's the crash site.
Form an away team, and
we'll do it by numbers.
Land a half klick out, take security,
and do our best to save
some lives. I'll take lead.
Oh, no. No, captain
should stay on the ship.
- I'll take lead.
- I may be able to handle
the conditions on the planet
better than the rest of you.
I'm going.
BRICE: Hitting upper
atmosphere in three, two
Atmosphere is too thick for a visual.
My scope says 987
kilometers to the surface.
All right, everybody
better strap in back there.
Gonna be hitting some pockets
of turbulence all the way down.
Copy that, Lieutenant.
So I've been meaning to ask,
I, uh, think you knew a friend of mine.
She trained under you at the GSA.
Oh, yeah? Who's that then?
Maurisa Yi.
- Never heard of her.
- You sure?
She was a hell of pilot.
Yeah, well, a lot of good
pilots come out of that place.
- Your paths must've crossed at some point.
- Look, I, uh
I don't know every pilot who
comes out of the GSA, right?
Kind of like you don't
know every security wonk
who comes out of your
rent-a-cop academy.
Careful. You don't wanna crash.
I thought this planet had
a breathable atmosphere.
It does, but we
shouldn't expose ourselves
to whatever's in these winds.
Huh, looks like Ark 8
must have broken apart
when it entered the atmosphere.
Guys, hold up.
I know we have to keep
moving and everything,
but can we just take a moment?
We're on another frickin' planet.
STRICKLAND: It is kind of amazing.
Yes, it is.
Let's hope the people
who are technically
the first ones here are still alive.
Keep moving.
No one could've lived through this.
Someone had to. They
sent a distress call.
The survivors could've
come down in that shuttle.
I doubt they stayed here.
- This area is too exposed.
- Then where did they go?
There. That could provide shelter.
No one could have
survived long in there.
Let's hope we're in time.
The air particulates in
here are at a safe level.
This was Engineering.
- Still fresh. Weapons hot.
- Everyone together.
- Hey!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Stop! Stay right there!
Easy. We're from Ark 1.
We're answering your distress call.
Leave it. Leave it!
Look at this one.
- What did you do?
- The hell if I know.
I thought you were dead.
What are you talking about?
Spence, hold it together. Right?
Please? sy, easy. You good?
- Get away from me.
I'm a doctor. Let me look.
Come here.
- Spence, have you got a clone?
- I think the answer's obvious.
Not to me. What the hell is going on?
Wait, you really didn't
know you were a clone?
- I'm not a clone!
- See, in our facility,
there was always four
sets of every clone,
but it was only ever three of us.
- I'm not a clone.
- Yeah, they told us our brother died
when he was a baby,
but yet here you are.
- It's mad.
- Wait. Are you all clones?
Oh, I see you're the smart one.
I'm Captain Sharon Garnet
of Ark 1 and a clone myself.
The hell you are.
- We'd know you.
- She's telling the truth.
Multiple organizations bred clones
in different ways for
different purposes.
I was raised in a lab
where we were created
to withstand the rigors of space travel
and harsher conditions on new planets.
Then we have a lot to
talk about, Captain.
Including why you ambushed us.
Well, we thought you
were the other survivors
- who've been attacking us.
- They clones, too?
There's no way GSA crewed
Ark 8 entirely with clones.
Of course not. We were bred in a
research facility in old London.
Yeah, when the Earth
collapsed, we were abandoned,
left to die in our cells like animals.
But we escaped, eh?
How did you operate an Ark?
We joined up with some other
clones from another facility
who could work on GSA ships.
- Like I was.
- Yeah, they taught the rest of us.
I mean, it wasn't ideal,
but we made it work.
- So you stole Ark 8.
- Ark 8 wasn't crewed yet.
You really expect us to believe that?
Look, you weren't there
at the end. The GSA fell.
The governments lost all authority.
People were fighting
each other for survival.
It was anarchy.
I mean, come on. You can't
leave us here. Please!
- We can't trust GSA, Ian.
- You can trust me.
Look, you can't stay here.
This planet's radiation
will eventually kill you.
Hold on. What generation clones are you?
- What's it matter?
- Generation 3 clones suffer psychotic breaks.
Yeah, we're all Gen-2s.
But there were Gen-3s on board.
They were normal when we launched,
and then one by one,
they became violent.
- Yeah.
- Insane.
They caused us to crash.
That's who's been attacking us.
Gen-3s will make this rescue difficult.
Sharon, we cannot bring
Gen-3s onboard Ark 1.
- He is right.
- They're still people.
- Not anymore. They attack everyone they see.
- It's not a debate.
- Brice, Lane, go prep the shuttle.
- BRICE: Come on, mate.
GARNET: We'll take
these people up first,
- then figure out a way to help the Gen-3s
- Let's go.
once we're back on Ark 1.
Come on.
Everyone here, be ready to go in ten.
You set the water pressure too high.
- No, I didn't.
- The soil is practically mud.
The problem isn't the irrigation.
Look, I set up a water
reclamation system
to catch excess drainage and
distribute it to other crops.
The nozzles just got clogged.
- I should've seen that.
- Yeah, you should have.
That's why we need you here, boss,
now that you're fully recovered.
Well, I'm here now.
So let's get started.
First things first, you
planted too many potatoes.
Not if we want to make more vodka.
- I'm sorry. I was just
- It is unexpected.
- What do you need?
- Ark 8's FTL appears functional.
Should we bring Eva
down to dismantle it?
It's not a bad idea to have a spare.
Oh, no, you can't take that.
Trust me, I used to work in engineering.
It's rigged with an anti-tamper
self-destruct device.
Oh, we have the codes to disarm it.
No power. And even if there was,
where are you going to type them in?
You were very quiet on the hike back.
Everything all right?
- Got a lot on my mind.
- Oh, really? Like what?
Look, um, I'm here if you need to talk.
It was just the way
he was looking at me.
You know? It was like he was happy.
Well, he considers you guys brothers.
- Yeah, well, we're not.
- You're damn straight you're not.
You've already got a brother.
A taller, better-looking,
Scottish brother.
- LANE: Huh. That's weird.
There's a faulty connection on
the port engine's power manifold.
It was fine when we landed.
That doesn't make any sense.
It's probably something or
nothing. I'll check it out.
Who the hell are you?
Hey! Get off me!
Get off me!
They sabotaged us.
GARNET: Brice, have the
engines hot and ready to go.
We've got a large group of
Gen-3s closing in on us,
and they look angry.
Easier said than done.
They've sabotaged our engines.
Brice is making repairs
as fast as he can.
Sharon, we're grounded
until I can fix this.
Well, be ready for us.
We're coming in hard.
- ETA two minutes.
- How's it looking?
Look, don't worry. I can fix this.
Okay, I'm a little worried.
- Mmm.
I've tasted worse.
Oh, like you've tasted any.
You're practically a kid.
Hey, I had a life before Ark 1, okay?
- I did things.
- Mm-hmm.
Yet it never occurred to
you to make alcohol here?
Lieutenant Lane did ask me
to grow barley for scotch,
but it was never a priority,
what with us nearly, uh
dying all the time.
How are people supposed to have
any fun without a little alcohol?
I mean, not me, mind
you, but a lot of people
need it to grease the wheels
before a little casual sex,
a top priority, in my opinion.
Yeah, agreed. Yeah. Yes, same.
There's been plenty
of sex. Brice and Eva.
Uh, before them, Brice and Griff.
- Uh, Brice and Cogner.
- So just
- BOTH: Brice.
- Yeah.
Wait, no. Before before
Brice, Eva was with Harris,
her boyfriend from Earth.
But he died when we came out of cryo.
What about you and Alicia?
What? What do you what do you mean?
Come on. Oh, I have eyes.
It's obvious you have it bad for her.
- Yeah, she's amazing.
- So? What's the problem?
I'm just waiting for the
right moment, you know?
I've been trying to combine rose genuses
to create a multi-colored bouquet,
but I can't get the graft to take.
That's sweet, but you don't need
an elaborate bouquet to woo Alicia.
I've seen it.
She looks at you the
same way you look at her.
All you need are two things.
- Wait, I aww.
- That's one.
- Mm.
- And two?
A kick in the ass.
Come on, move! Move!
Faster! Come on, let's go!
- Let's go! Let's go!
STRICKLAND: Hurry up. Come on, come on.
Felix, once everyone's in,
get that hatch sealed, okay?
Kimi, go help Lane in the
cockpit. Brice, how's it looking?
- They've done a number on it.
- You're the last one. Hurry up.
- Come on. Let's get ready to move.
- They're closing in fast.
Oh, that's not good.
- Brice!
- The glass is strong. It'll hold.
It's not indestructible. One
crack and it won't be safe
to leave the atmosphere.
- Come on, Brice! Let's move!
- Hurry it up, Brice!
Well, I was gonna take a break,
but if you want me to
keep working through
- Thanks, Spence! Sorry!
- It's Ian!
It's confusing!
Ah, come on.
Shuttle hatch secure!
Everyone, buckle up.
All right, go, go, go!
Whew. That was fun.
- Can we please just not?
- None of my business.
- It's like you found long lost family.
- It really isn't.
We invited Ian here to help us
figure out a way to help the Gen-3s.
- They can't be helped.
- We can't abandon them.
Yeah, that's what we thought.
That's why we brought them aboard Ark 8.
They all seemed perfectly sane.
Yeah, well, we saw how that turned out.
Well, exactly.
Yeah, once their psychosis kicked in,
they nearly killed us all.
There was over a hundred
of us before we crashed.
I still don't understand.
Why do they suffer psychotic breaks?
Well, the Gen-3s' template
cells came from existing clones.
Basically, creating clones from clones
caused genetic anomalies
which made them unstable.
I found research on why this
happens in the Ark 3 database.
So the Gen-3s' GABA
receptor genes degrade.
Well, that's great news. Knowing
the problem means we can fix it.
Maybe, but that type of gene therapy
could take months to
implement, longer to perfect.
They won't survive
that long on the planet,
and it's too dangerous to keep them
on Ark 1 in their current state.
But everyone deserves
a chance to be saved.
Eva, I know this is hard,
but it's not like it was with Bojan.
I never said this was about Bojan.
I can convert the new storage
dome into a secure quarantine.
- We can lock them in.
- How many are there?
Well, 12 died on the shuttle.
At last count, about 30?
- Plenty of room.
- No, it's too dangerous. It would be a powder keg.
How would you get them up here?
I mean, you can't just politely
ask them to come peacefully.
Perhaps we don't need to.
If Dr. Kabir could
provide us a sedative,
I could take a security detail
down and tranquilize them.
It would take a few
trips, but it could work.
It's a great plan. I'll
go draft an away team.
Uh, no. Brice can lead the mission.
You and Ian have a lot to talk about.
Well, this was fun.
Stop. We have to talk this out.
- Okay. Go.
- What do you mean "go?"
Well, go. Start. I mean, you're the one
who's unhappy with this situation.
Oh, and you're happy with all of this?
Me? I grew up in a lab.
I escaped to a ship that was
overrun by murderous psychopaths.
Then we crash landed onto a planet
that didn't have food or water.
So, this right here? Yeah,
it's the highpoint of my life.
Yeah, well, it's not mine.
Look, as far as I'm concerned,
you and I don't have a problem.
I mean, I get why you're angry, but
- I sincerely doubt that.
- Well, you hate clones,
and you just learned that you are one.
But, you see, that's a you
problem, not a me problem.
It's just how can I be a clone?
I had parents, a family.
Yeah, I had a family, too.
I mean, they looked
just like you actually.
Look, there is an easy way
to settle this, you know?
- Take off your boot.
- Why?
Every clone in the facility
had a tattoo on their left heel.
They branded us to tell us apart.
And I bet you have one, too.
I do not have a tattoo on my left heel
or anywhere else on my body.
Sure you don't.
So Brice claims he never met Maurisa Yi.
LATI: That's Maurisa Yi?
She was Brice's protégé at the academy.
You know what I think?
I think Brice and
Markovic are both EF spies.
Why? You found something?
Have you heard what this
ship has been through?
Nuclear meltdowns, malfunctioning
solar sails, poisoned water?
You have to wonder if she
had a hand in any of it.
It's a little circumstantial.
I'm not done.
Harris Beckner. Engineering tech.
Died soon after everyone
came out of cryo.
- I don't get it.
- Beckner was Markovic's lover.
He was also Eastern Federation.
So Markovic has a type.
Tall, dark, and Eastern Federation?
And look at this.
Eva's record? We checked
it already. It's clean.
Not just clean. Spotless.
- What are you getting at?
- Look at her uniform.
Before Ark 1 launched,
all personnel photos
were taken back on Earth
in training uniforms.
But Eva is wearing mission
uniform in this picture.
So Eva must have hacked
in to cover up her past.
We should move on her now.
- No, not yet.
- Why not?
Wait until we have more
hard evidence on Brice,
otherwise we'll tip him off.
Patience, Lati.
Come on! Work, damn it!
Could you please keep it down?
They deigned to give me
one of the books they find,
and it's the first mental
stimulation I've had in weeks.
- Moriarty was tragically misunderstood.
- Come on!
You shouldn't have stolen it
if you didn't know how to use it.
I didn't steal it.
Catrina gave it to me.
Is that the device that
controls your implants?
It's supposed to be.
But I need to figure out how to do more
than just turn it on and off.
Let me see if I can decipher it.
I don't think you can. It's
from the other universe.
Catrina and I were
partners in that reality.
I can figure it out.
You're not that guy.
For one, I heard you
were a saint over there.
You think that makes a difference?
Genius isn't good or bad.
It's what you do with it that matters.
Not the image I was expecting
when I opened the door.
Ian told me about the tattoo.
I have a scar on my foot
where it would've been.
My dad told me I cut my foot as a kid.
But I don't actually
remember it ever happening.
I just don't know who I am anymore.
You're the same man you were yesterday.
Spencer Lane.
An incredible lieutenant and my friend.
Wait. You think my dad knew?
Be prepared to defend yourselves,
but remember, we're
using non-lethal force.
These are civilians who are
not in their right minds.
Get ready.
- The storms have died down.
- Clear visuals across the board.
What the hell was that?
Bridge, are you seeing this?
Eva, tell me that's
not what I think it is!
It's an explosion centered
at the Ark 8 wreckage.
- How?
- Unclear.
But the blast took out everything
in a hundred mile radius.
- That means
- All Gen-3s are dead.
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