The Baxters (2024) s02e06 Episode Script


Hi, Tim.
God gave me a new purpose,
and I have to grab onto it.
I have to let go now.
I would love it
if you'd come
and you'd meet my family
before you head back
to the city.
Name the time and place.
How about where
Reagan and I first met?
My family's church.
I gotta call you back.
[Kari] You said
you missed home,
so I thought I'd bring
a piece of home here.
Surprised to see you here.
I came to apologize.
I hope that
you can forgive me.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[John] Uh, Mom
asked me to get a box
full of toys for the nursery.
That looks pretty good to me.
What do you think?
[Luke] Yeah, looks good to me.
[John] Yeah.
-Yeah, too old.
So, you and Reagan
have been spending
a lot of time together lately.
[Luke] Uh-huh.
You've been crashing
at her place a bit.
Mom and I noticed.
Where is this going, Dad?
I just want to make sure that
you're being safe
and thoughtful about
both your futures.
We are.
Even though
it isn't always easy.
Believe me, I get it.
I am really trying.
I mean, we do want to wait.
Listen, son.
As a doctor
and a human being,
I can say that
it is frustrating
to wait.
There's no shame
in the act itself,
but as a man of faith,
I believe
that marriage is about giving
everything you are to one
special person.
What you're experiencing
right now
is normal.
I trust that you will
continue to make
the right choice.
Yes, we will.
Well, one day, you and Reagan
will thank yourselves
for being patient.
Trust me.
So, can we please just
talk about pretty much
anything else?
Yeah, we can talk about
you putting it
on the car for me.
[Luke] All right.
Hey, you know what else?
Let's talk about me
when I used to talk you down
on the court.
Remember that?
Perfect. Thank you.
New arrivals day
is my favorite.
Agreed, and these chairs.
[sighs happily]
They're a work of art.
Oh, hey,
how's your father doing?
He's great.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing
how you can live
hundreds of miles
away from home
and one person
has the ability to just
make you feel like
you never left.
I get that.
Plus, Luke survived
meeting him, so
So, what's next?
The mom test?
Yes, except that is going to
involve some travel,
considering she hasn't
left California
in, like, a decade.
Oh, and speaking of travel,
I heard you had
a little impromptu vacay.
-Crazy, right?
-Crazy romantic.
I really sensed a connection
between the two of you
in the peer circle, Kari.
So, what are you
gonna do next?
Honestly, I have no idea.
[doorbell ringing]
[door opens]
[Landon] Oh, hi.
Accidentally ordered
two bacon, egg, and cheese
on a sesame bagel
this morning.
Yeah, I was craving one,
and then I remembered
how we used to get them
every morning before school,
and so I got two.
And then no use in wasting
a perfectly good
bacon, egg, and cheese
on a sesame bagel, right?
Let me see that.
Wow! You remembered.
Yeah. Of course, I did.
We ate so many growing up,
I'm surprised
you can still stomach them.
Well Okay, I'm gonna go.
Um, gotta be at work early,
which apparently is on time.
Hey, Ash.
Thank you.
This was really thoughtful.
You know, I was thinking,
if your parents are cool
with watching Cole,
maybe you could come over
for dinner?
I'm making pasta a la Landon.
Yeah. I'll ask them.
[Pastor Mark] Hey, John.
Hey, Mark!
You here to give
ballroom dancing
lessons again
-[Pastor Mark chuckles]
-or are you
visiting someone?
Just stopping in on
some of our church family.
Oh, I know they love it.
Hey, do you have the time
for coffee, or
Mark, are you okay?
Uh, just trying to think of
a way to tell you that this
will be my last week
as pastor at New Grace.
Wow. I knew you were serious,
but this seems so soon.
It's time
for the next generation.
Besides, it feels right.
I'll have more time
for my family,
finally start working
on that garden
I've been putting off.
-[John chuckles]
she's more than qualified.
Yeah, Elizabeth mentioned
how wonderful she was.
Hmm. This is
a good thing, John.
Better be a heck of a garden.
Oh, it will be.
You can count on that.
[both laughing]
Well, I'm looking forward to
the next chapter in your life.
So will I, my friend.
So will I.
-God bless.
-Talk to you.
[indistinct announcement on PA]
[door opens]
Hello, Kari.
Are you
looking for your mother?
You just missed her.
Actually, I came
to talk to you.
Do you have a minute?
Of course.
Is everything okay?
Honestly [sighs]
The past few months
have been really hard.
Some days, the baby is
the only thing
getting me out of bed.
What you're going through,
it's a lot for you to
try to navigate on your own.
That's what I wanted to
talk to you about.
Everything that happened
to me, to Tim,
it's been a lot to process,
but it also gave me
a new purpose.
A chance to help others.
In all things,
God works for the good
of those who love him.
Tell me what you have in mind.
A while ago,
before everything happened,
I talked to Pastor Mark
about starting a ministry
for women here in the church
who are also struggling
in their marriages.
I still think
it's a good idea.
I think that's wonderful,
but are you sure
you're ready?
Back then,
when I first thought of it,
I wasn't.
I used to think Tim and I
had it all figured out.
But now I know
what it means to struggle,
to feel hopeless,
to trust that God will
show me the way.
I'm proud of you, Kari.
Let me think about how
we can let women
in the community know.
Sounds great.
[Ashley] The longer
you let it simmer,
the stronger the flavor.
Well, it's a lot more work
than opening
a jar of sauce, but
[Ashley] Good things come
to those who wait.
Let's just see if it tastes
as good as it smells.
Oh, wow.
-That's incredible.
-[Landon chuckles]
It's better than
chicken nuggets a la Ashley.
A la Ashley? [chuckles]
No, I shouldn't have
done that. I'm sorry.
I thought we agreed to
just be friends.
No, you're right. We did.
-This isn't what friends do.
-I'm sorry. I
Can we just forget that
that happened?
Mmm-hmm. For sure.
Cool. Yeah.
-I'm gonna set the table.
Do that.
[Luke and Reagan laughing]
Gosh, how is this game
so close?
I don't know. It's nuts.
Babe, we finished the pizza.
Do you want any wings?
-I have some.
-Uh, no, I'm good.
Thank you, though.
Aren't you a good host.
I am a good host.
And what about me, huh?
Am I a good guest?
No complaints here.
Uh, I'm sorry, I
-I got carried away.
Me too. Sorry.
It's the game.
It's very exciting.
It's the game.
We should watch it. [chuckles]
No more of this.
Yeah, not that
this isn't wonderful.
It is wonderful.
But the game.
I should probably watch it.
I gotta have
something to talk to
your dad about tomorrow.
This is true. [sighs]
Oh, here. Let's put that
right there.
[commentator on TV]
Well, all right, fans.
Nothing like a kiss cam
to break the tension
in a game like this.
[Landon] Did we enjoy
your store-bought ice cream
a lot more than
my two-hour pasta sauce?
[chuckles] That two-hour
pasta sauce was amazing.
-[Landon chuckles]
-I even helped myself
to seconds.
But be honest,
would you make it again?
Well, I'll make
a 20-minute version of it.
Thanks for tonight.
Sorry. I keep
making things weird.
Was that awkward?
It's okay.
I just I'm trying to
figure out how this works.
It's just the same way
it's always worked.
Easy for you to say.
I'm really glad that
we did this tonight.
Me too.
Good. Because I
plan on getting
a whole lot more
Landon time in
before you leave for Cali.
I'm looking forward to that.
Good night.
Drive safe.
Was that close,
or was that close?
Phew! Way too close.
Well, I should probably
go home.
I'm I'm sorry, we
We can't.
I mean, we shouldn't.
No, you're right. Um
I'm sorry.
You're totally right.
I am, yeah. Right?
I think so. Maybe.
Maybe because, you know,
we love each other?
-We definitely
love each other.
I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.
-Yeah, of course.
You're not just saying that?
Are you kidding me?
Reagan, you're literally
the best thing
that's ever happened to me.
I mean, I have to stop myself
from smiling 24/7
just so I don't look like
a total doofus.
So, then
maybe it's okay if
If we keep kissing.
Do you wanna keep kissing?
I think so.
'Cause if you're not sure,
then I understand
No, I'm sure.
[cell phone vibrating]
Oh, my gosh. What time is it?
[sighs] I don't know,
but that's my dad.
Oh, my gosh.
He's probably calling
to tell me that
he's on his way to get me.
-Okay, well, don't answer it.
-No, I can't not answer.
Reagan, if he comes over here
right now,
he's going to see us together
this early.
That's a huge red flag.
Not to mention, I'm about to
be in the exact same clothes
as yesterday.
Yeah, well, if I don't
tell him something,
he's just going to show up.
[cell phone stops vibrating]
Okay, just call him back,
tell him to meet you
at church.
Yeah, but then he's going to
get there so much earlier
than everybody.
That's fine.
What other option
do we have?
-Hey, Dad.
-Hey, I've been calling you
all morning.
Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
I was in the shower.
I don't know how I overslept.
That's okay.
I am coming to you now.
What? No, not now.
That makes no sense.
I don't mind waiting, honey.
Yeah, but I still need to
blow-dry my hair
and get dressed.
It would just be
so much quicker
if no one else was here.
I guess I could just
head to the church.
Is it even open yet?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, you won't be that early.
All right, I'll take
the scenic route.
Okay, thanks, Daddy.
I'll see you soon.
Love you, sweetheart.
That was That was
the first time that I ever
Lied to your dad?
That I didn't say
"I love you" back.
It's all gonna work out,
all right?
It's all gonna be all right,
but not if I don't get to
my parents' house
in the next ten minutes.
What are you gonna tell
your parents?
I don't know,
but don't worry about me.
I'll come up with something.
Luke, did we screw up?
No. Of course not.
We just got lost
in the moment.
I don't like lying to my dad.
I know.
All right, we can talk about
all of this later, okay?
It's all going to all right,
Reagan, I promise.
I'll see you there.
[exhales shakily]
[Ashley] We're here!
Sorry we're late.
Bud, are you gonna go play
with Grandma?
-Okay, go get her.
-Are you coming with us?
-Just Cole.
You know, you could just come
for Cole.
What about Jessie?
She still get a free pass?
Jessie's a baby.
Besides, I've been
dropping her off
at Mrs. Kissling's.
Unless you're available
to watch her.
Mmm, maybe next time.
-How was New York?
Just long enough
to get jet-lagged.
Is everything still good with
the Kari and Ryan fairy tale?
I don't know
how many fairy tales
involve long-distance, but
But no big surprises
or secrets?
Secrets? What secrets?
No, it was just a question.
You're acting weird.
I just don't understand
why you and Ryan
aren't together already.
That's all.
I could say the same thing
about you and Landon.
Landon's just a friend.
Just a friend?
-We'll see about that.
Yeah, we'll see.
Cole, come give Mommy
a kiss goodbye.
Hey, Luke.
Luke! Let's go.
We're gonna be late.
I'm coming!
[sighs] Okay, I guess
I'm gonna have to
leave without you.
And that means we're gonna
meet Reagan's dad without you.
-I'm coming. One second.
-Good. Come on. Let's go.
-You stay at her place
last night?
-Oh, just asking.
Got a carload of people
waiting for you.
We'll fix your tie in the car.
Come on.
[Pastor Mark] Yes.
Today is the day.
Really going to
miss this place,
with all my heart.
All right. Come on, Cole.
Come on. Let's go, let's go.
-Walk with Grandma.
-Come on, come on, come on.
Don't want to miss
the last sermon. Come on.
[indistinct chatter]
[Elizabeth] What's
Reagan's dad's name again?
-[Luke] Tom.
-[John] Tom.
Can't wait to meet him.
[John] Hey, let's take Tom
to breakfast afterwards.
What do you say?
-[Kari] That'd be nice.
-[John] Yeah.
[Kari chuckles] It'll be fine.
[Luke and Elizabeth] Whee!
-[Kari laughing]
-Hey, one more. Come on.
[indistinct conversations]
-[people screaming]
[man 1] Run!
[woman] Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
[man 2] Go, go, go, go, go!
-[indistinct shouting]
-[screaming continues]
[man 3] Come on. Go!
[John] Come on.
Okay, we gotta call 911.
-[Kari] I got it.
Hey, Reagan.
Reagan and her dad.
[John] Hey.
[Kari] I'm at
New Grace Community Church.
There's been a shooting.
-Hang on.
-[Kari] Okay.
I don't hear
any more gunshots.
John, what are you thinking?
Somebody might be hurt
in there. I've got
to go in there.
-[Luke] I'm coming with you.
-No, you're not.
[Luke] I'm coming!
Get as far away from here
as you can. Now!
-Where are they going?
Cole. [gasps]
[sirens wailing]
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
There's been an incident.
It seems to be a shooting.
A what?
[Reagan] I don't understand
why nobody knows
what's going on.
Okay, why doesn't
anybody know?
This is my church,
and my husband is a doctor.
He's helping victims in there.
I don't even know
if my friends are alive.
Where's Dad and Luke?
Dad's inside. He's helping.
[Kari] Luke's with Reagan.
I think her dad
was inside the church.
[Erin] I came
as fast as I could.
We thought you were
on a flight to Dallas.
[Erin] I need to be here
with you guys.
We should have never
slept together, Luke.
We sinned!
[theme music playing]
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